nartothelar · 2 years
Man, i was reading through the twin dragons au, and i had to wonder what it was like raising dragon ingo and emmet. I mean, they were kids who enjoy hanging out with other kids, but are also technically everyones twin god pokemon. They knew what they were and had access to their powers at a young age, but they are both also nerds who like trains. Like, even after nimbasa adjusted to the news, I still feel like who ever raised ingo and emmett had to deal with a lot of mischief from these two. (probably emmett in particular XD)
Skskks it was a lot of work for sure! Drayden was up for the challenge too. It helps that he had the funds to pay for all the power outages and house fires the boys caused when they got particularly carried away.
But nothing will ever prepare a person for the intricate pranks a kid can cause then they can fly and have decades of knowledge they will use exclusively to carry out said mischief
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international police: have you seen anything unusual lately?
random nimbasan: unusual for normal cities or unusual for Nimbasa?
international police:
random nimbasan:
international police: did you see a legendary dragon or not
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he doesn’t remember he’s zekrom! he just thinks it’s normal for some humans to be resistant to lightning strikes and to have glowing eyes
also sneasler not only gained a warden who is incredibly kind and capable but also a sick as a dragon that she can dote on to the other nobels lol
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So Terras race is Half-Witch but Trace doesn’t have a race listed? Is it just gijinkas and witches?
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Terra: "I mean, you don't act like a witch at all.. but why keep that lantern around?"
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Trace: "I feel like no matter what I say, you're going to be disappointed with the answer!"
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Terra: "That's so ominous! You're only making me want to ask MORE..."
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Callisto: " Mmmm... Well, If you nyask me~ I bet he probably stole it."
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frolis-maneuver · 3 years
Hey how hard is it to make a site with weebly? Like, do I need to know any coding because even html is beyond me except for like, making things italics or bold. I just want to sell my art and I figure having a site like yours that’s literally just art might be a good idea
it's literally SO so easy you don't need to know shit about coding because I sure as hell don't and even I managed to set up a site!
it's almost like customizing a tumblr blog but even easier and significantly less janky. You pick a site layout and then you making pages, adding links, and filling stuff out is as easy as drag-n-dropping pre-made features like a contact page, button links, images, etc. etc.
it's really quick and easy to use and set up!
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swingsetindecember · 4 years
hornyspacesnakes reblogged your post:i never understand when an action hero meets their...
But they would also try to kick you in the knee and then you’re both down
no, they would be going for my left ankle, that makes a creaking sound ever since that one basketball game went south 
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An ask blog needs asks to generate content but can't do that without asks... so how would a new (or recently revived) ask blog get the people's attention?
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Oh, oh, yes! Advice time! :D I’ve been in the ask community for a little while now, so here are some things I’ve gathered over time for when you’re getting started (I’ll be assuming yours is a Pokémon ask blog, since you’re asking this to one).
Keep in mind this is long af and a bit detailed (though it’s only the first part that is long). If you’re interested in a in-detail guide, click ‘read more’ (which I would be very thankful for, I wrote all this shit for you after all, fam).
Here’s a little summarized version as a TL;DR for everyone else:
#1: keep your blog clean. If it’s about Pokémon, it’s about Pokémon; if it’s about Sonic, it’s about Sonic; if it’s about trees, it’s about goddamn trees, so no rebloging random puppy pictures or funny videos here, leave that for your personal blog, not your ask blog. Also try to keep all the out of character crap to a minimum.
#2: Have reference pages for your characters available. That’s actually a minimum requirement. An ask hints page would be useful too, but that’s optional.
#3: Have a tagging system to make everything easier to navigate.
#4 [OPTIONAL]: Give your blog a theme. Make it pretty, make it yours, and for the love of God, deactivate the god damn infinite scrolling.
#5: Tags are your friends. Tag your first post with “signal boost”, “first post”, and/or “intro post”. Tag every Pokémon that appears in your posts, including that one barely visible Caterpie in the background. Tag all your posts as “Pokémon ask blog” or “Pokeaskblog”. Tag. Tag everything. Tags are your friends if you want to be seen. Tags. Tags are. Your. Friends.
#6: Interact with other blogs. Like crazy. You are sure to be noticed when you’re freaking everywhere. Don’t forget to be nice tho. And don’t bully or harass people, for fuck’s sake.
#7: Take a chair, sit over there, get comfortable and be Patient. Like really freaking patient. Wait for months if necessary, but asks will come eventually.
#8: Have fun. That’s the whole point. Talk to people, make some shitposts, engage in silliness, and draw those magical pocket monsters that can shoot lasers out of their asses and we all love. It’s fun.
And that’s it. There’s not much else I can say, so I hope this is helpful! :D
Here’s the detailed thing:
Step #1: Organize your blog
It doesn’t seem like something that important, but believe me, it really is. Nothing turns me away from a blog faster than it being messy af and full of random, unrelated stuff. In order to keep your blog all tidy and pretty you can:
a) Refrain from reblogging anything unrelated. (If your blog is a sideblog, skip this one): You can reblog that video of that one adorable otter in your personal blog, but if your ask blog is about, say, Pokémon, don’t reblog anything that isn’t Pokémon related. If you want to go even further than that, only reblog things that are directly related to your blog, like mentions, fanart, or rp responses, instead of some random Squirtle GIF.
b) Have info pages/references of your characters available: By this I mean having specific pages containing information about your characters, including a visual reference, if possible. Reference pages are very important, since they allow people to quickly get to know a character and make interaction easier. They can contain information as simple and basic as their name, species, moves, etc. to more elaborated things, like occupation (if they have one), personality, or a brief summary of their past story/origin (unless you want that to be revealed as the story progresses in your blog or through an ask).
If you don’t know how to make a page, >here’s an easy tutorial.
      b.2) Having an “ask hints” helps a lot when trying to receive asks, since it’ll help people who want to interact but aren’t sure of what they should ask. You can have general hints or individual hints for all the characters.
c) Have a tagging system: Having your posts clearly labeled makes it a lot easier for anyone who wanters through your blog to find the specific content they’re looking for. Here are three basic tags that make your blog easier to look through:
#OOC: “out of character”, for everything happening, well, out of character. Maybe an announcement, a shitpost, a question directed a the mod, etc. Try to keep ooc things to a minimum.
#IC: “In character”, exactly what it says on the tin. Use this for answered asks towards the characters, plot posts, rp interactions and responses, ect.
#[Character’ name]: Tag the characters that appear in a post, for anyone who wants to look through asks with one specific character in them.
Tags help a lot for getting your blog noticed. We will talk more about this ahead.
d) [OPTIONAL] Have a nice theme: This isn’t obligatory, but giving your blog a theme will make it look better and more ‘professional’. Here are some blogs that give really good, free themes/codes for Tumblr:
These are just some, but there are many, many others out there. Look for a theme that fits your tastes or your blog’s atmosphere, and customize it! You can even use this blog’s theme! However, make sure to not use overly saturated colors that make it painful to look at, it- kind of defeats the point. You can Google ‘color palletes’ if you need help with that.
NOTE: If you don’t know how to install a Tumblr theme, >here’s a simple tutorial
NOTE#2: Sometimes Tumblr might not let you install a specific theme and shows you an error message that says that it can’t be installed because it is “making a reference to non- https directions” or something like that, which didn’t use to happen before. >Here’s a tutorial on how to fix it, it’s quite simple, actually.
NOTE#3: For an ask/rp blog, I recommend a theme with one column, and that shows tags and captions, like the one in this blog.
If you’ve got any question about installing or customizing a theme, you can ask me, and I’ll see how I can help!
Step #2: Tags help you to be found
Be sure to use tags in your favor. Here are some things that have helped me a lot:
a) If you’re starting a Pokémon blog, tag every Pokémon that appears in your posts; that way, people looking through the tag of that specific Pokémon will be able to see your posts.
b) Again, if it’s a Pokémon blog, tag your posts as “Pokémon ask blog” or “Pokeaskblog” (or both), people looking for pokeaskblogs to follow usually look though these tags regularly.
c) Tag your first post/posts or intro as “Signal boost” and “First post”. There are blogs in the Pokémon community that look for posts tagged like this and reblog them to give them a ‘boost’, which helps a lot when you want to be seen. I’m not sure how many of these are still active, though, but you won’t lose anything from trying.
Step #3: Interact with other blogs like a madman
Send lots of asks! Interact with other blogs! Follow even more blogs! Send fanart and nice messages! Reblog/Like those posts of people looking for new blogs to follow! Some people will find you through someone else’s answered ask, some people will notice you’re following and will check you out, some people will see you in a like or a reblog, and overall there are higher chances of being seen when you are everywhere and interact with everyone (also, it’s really fun to just interact with other nice people over here).
Just make sure to be nice.
Step #4: Be patient. P a t i e n t. I’m serious.
If you think you’ll get lots of followers in a matter of a couple days then start forgetting about it. It took me two weeks to get my first ask at asktheweirdpichu, and a week and a half to get one here. And they were both spam. I cried. Two years later (holy heck has it really been that long?) I’ve got so many asks accumulated that I’m starting to think I should just fake my death and end my suffering (I’m joking, I love every single ask I get and get excited every time I get a new one).
It will take a while, but you’ll see that after enough time you’ll get noticed more and more, so don’t give up, you’ll get there.
Step #5: Don’t forget to have fun.
Make some friends, have some silly interactions, make some shitposts at 3 am, draw someone’s character and watch them shoot effusive love at you, enjoy your favorite blogs. That’s what all this is about.
And that is all! I hope it was useful! :D
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basalt-dnd · 5 years
How would I homebrew a three headed zombie dragon? The extra heads were stitched on after death, there's no actual three headed dragon. Bonus points if the heads are all different colors
I would say to take the hydra statblock (close to a dragon), edit things as needed (fly speed, give it breath weapons instead of a ton of bites, take off the hydra’s regenerating head stuff), and then slap a zombie template over it. Then it’s just finishing touches to make it more well-put together.
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asmodeusbrews · 6 years
I'm creating my own world. I feel like I should start with the gods since they're the foundation, but I don't want to get lost in the process or make them too OP, which I'm worried about doing on accident since I'm so new to dnd mechanics. Because I'm so new though I also think I should start with something much simpler like magic items.... idk, I think I just need some guides or something, but something in particular I'm trying to do rn is make my own warlock patron. Tips? I've got the (1/2)
The patrons character and motivation down, I'm just trying to figure out mechanics. She's an evil nature goddess basically (2/2)
Hey there! Haven’t been on this account in ages haha, sorry about that! If you’ve got any further inquiries, if you’ve got twitter, I would shoot me a DM @hexlix! 
What I personally do is look at the actual warlock paths from the PHB and use those numbers as a guide, or if it’s more of a soft skill as opposed to damage, subtract damage from the equation or place limiters on your base skills for higher levels, like I did with my Muse Patron.
Secondly, whenever you can, I heavily recommend playtesting your patron and make tweaks here and there based on what might be too strong or too weak. If you’re new to making paths like this, I would suggest making one based in soft skills as opposed to damage, ones that can apply status effects and function outside of combat better because then you don’t have to deal with. Y’know, nuking enemies and making your DM cry over the boss battle they spent ages prepping.
If damage is what you want, though, I’m not sure. I’ve never been good with numbers, just try and follow the numbers on the spells you can take, I suppose!
Hope that helps!
[ @hornyspacesnakes ]
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warriorsochelp · 6 years
hey, uh. how far back do you think i have to go to figure out a family tree for three different clans? i mean. i dont want a COMPLETE family tree, because. yikes. but, enough to make sure there's not too much inbreeding. also my clans have a tradition of arranged mating because they have a basic knowledge of what inbreeding does so i suppose some of that early on would be fine??? for worldbuilding reasons???
A given clan will probably have three or four generations of cats in it at once, depending how lucky and long-lived the elders have been. Assuming you want to have every cat’s parents figured out, going back five generations would definitely be safe. I’m not entirely clear what you mean by how far you need to go back, but I hope this answers your question? You don’t have to make an intense family tree if you don’t want to, but it can be useful to make sure the genetics line up.
As for inbreeding, it’s up to you. In real life, cats don’t care at all about inbreeding, so that’s part of anthropomorphizing them to fit our cultural tastes. Choose to include as much or as little as you and your readers are comfortable with.
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cloverly-ponies · 7 years
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The town of Cloverly wishes Sea Musing safe voyages and hopes they visit often from @island-ponies! (Hope you like the tribute piece @hornyspacesnakes ♥)
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pokemon-n-aliens · 7 years
For alien pokemon to exist but be so few in numbers that aliens don't realize what pokemon are as a whole, I feel that all those alien pokemon would have to have developed in the earths solar system at least. Maybe early in the solar systems development, deoxys formed in a now non existent gas giant or something and they're mostly solitary except when mated but they got so numerous that their planet couldn't support them so they spread out into space. Clefairy just started out on the moon (c)
[…]But the moon lost most of its of its appeal as a liveable area so most of them came to earth but a few still live under the moons surface. Elgyem started out on the farthest reaches of solar system and some of them came our way while others headed outward. I might be forgetting a few alien mons but for aliens to be so inept on pokemons version of Earth, I really think the alien pokemon would developed relatively close to us (f)
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ymedronart · 7 years
im going to be making an IRL bestiary for an art project... any ideas how to get that old timey aesthetic with a pen? i bought a calligraphy pen just for this and i think im good with the actual words, but im so used to drawing with pencil that the art style just isn't translating
Sorry tumblr didnt alert me at all... Hrm. Pulling lines is one thing as ye olden dip pens dont like it if you push them. Get refs of what style you want, look at how they draw various things. Medieval europeans drew almost anything looking like a mangled dog because they usually hadn't even seen the animals they were drawing.The biggest thing i think is hashing out the key stylistic features and using those consistently. ie always drawing the eyes staring into space or using curly lines or stiff posing, stuff like that.
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putris-et-mulier · 7 years
Is wade chaotic good or chaotic neutral, very important question because I'm thinking of doing a no powers fic and he and some other characters are playing dnd. He's gonna be a rogue obviously.
I don't think I'm good at these things but I would say good
Intentions count for something, right?
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edgy-fluffball · 4 years
Jaskier Fucked A God - Chapter One || Geraskier
Thank you, @hornyspacesnakes for letting me work off your wonderful idea! I’ll probably post the prepared chapters on this one until I can return to writing new stuff for other works...
read it on ao3
Jaskier is still grieving the loss of the exceptional lover who recently tipped his world upside down when new developments change everything he ever knew...
Jaskier (unknowingly) slept with a god and got D&D-style bard magic out of it. Geralt does not trust his new abilities and the pair set out to find the reason for the chaos newly interwoven in Jaskier's words and music. Along the way, they find more than they bargained for and make some discoveries.
He was used to being woken up with varying degrees of violence and showers of insults first thing in the morning. He had been subjected to cuckolded spouses brandishing their blades at him, wives coming at him with brooms and rolling pins, parents screaming blue murder and friends attempting to pay him off like a common whore before throwing him out of the house. There had been hey stacks, inns, ditches, state beds, lakes and humble bedrooms.
Over the years, he had made his way up North and South again, had seen the East and tried to go West, beyond what he knew to expect. He had met many people and fallen in love with most of them for a while. He had gotten used to sleeping under the stars and never forget how comfortable a bed near a fire could be. He had worn down countless pairs of shoes and bought trinkets and gifts for people he would never see again. His senses grew keener and yet, he never saw the trouble coming for him before it struck.
Jaskier felt himself being tugged and torn into all four cardinal directions when he stayed in one place for too long. When he had been a child, he had not known how to identify the urge to dodge the nursemaid his parents employed to keep him out of trouble, run away and leave Lettenhove behind to find his way in a world not equipped for a nipper like him. He had not known why he did not feel at home in the warm, loving embrace of his mother who cuddled and coddled, why he felt like his father could not teach him what he craved to know, why he felt like he was free when he got the opportunity to run free into the direction he felt like going to.
His parents had allowed him to leave, go to see the world for himself, eventually. He had gotten as far as Oxenfurt before he got stuck for a bit, still fighting the urge to follow the tug to wherever it felt he should be without knowing why he would be supposed to leave. There was no name for it and despite all the time he spent on studying the seven liberal arts, no concept of destiny and providence felt big enough to cover the way he felt whenever he thought about it. He learned how to direct his awareness towards that point behind his ribs where his heart beat against the cage he had constructed around it, containing his wanderlust, and tried to channel it into his creative inspiration.
Even the position offered to him as one of the youngest professors at the esteemed academy could not hold him there for long. He had needed to move, wander and see the world again. He had made his way east, met a Witcher and experienced real adventures for once. Given the nature of Geralt’s path and the constant travelling beyond the boundaries of all the lands Jaskier had seen, it felt only right for him to join his new friend on his travels.
Still, he felt the tug drawing him away again every once in a while, away from Geralt who did not question his departures, taking off without a good-bye more often than not himself. It grew stronger, sometimes, as if there was some urgency to it but by the time Jaskier found a place to stay and willing company to distract himself with, the feeling subsided, let him have his peace for a night before he was woken up again by angry spouses and inn keepers demanding the night’s bill be covered immediately.
When he travelled with Geralt, he tried to listen to the way his heart beat, whether it demanded he take off again or let him stay and relinquish the futile wandering. More often than not, he got to follow Geralt for weeks before it got stronger, hungry and demanding.
He had no explanation for it but it made a great subject of songs speaking of the lost, wandering bard, damned and cursed to leave every place he grew to love behind, breaking hearts where he planned to take root and ended up leaving again on the first gust of wind blowing him away. The songs were popular and he sang them whenever he got the chance, they were soft and melancholy, tormented by fate and destiny, made men weep and women want to warm his heart, believing it cold and lonely.
It worked; the songs made sure he did not have to sleep by himself or on the side of the road all too often when he was on his own, did not have to dream of the horrors he could not place when awake, did not see the darkness swallow the light and song in his life, night after night, again and again. Company in his bed and by his side helped him get up in the morning with a smile in his eyes and a song on his lips as he climbed out of windows and ran along muddy streets to escape the looming punishment he was to receive, were he to stick around. His songs made his feet fall easier on the road, allowed him to skip over brooks and rocks, dance under the sun and thread through raindrops. They provided shelter and coin for him, sometimes more than just that. Sometimes, they procured a first smile that lay the foundation for the night ahead.
He knew his songs were catchy, he had written them to be. People knew them already before he performed them at inns and taverns, they had been carried through the continent by many bards sharing his work and firmly taken root in their ears and mind by the time he took his lute out of her case. Once they realised he was the creator, the true poet behind the sweet tunes and that he was with them, in their home, he got his fair share of patrons buying drinks for him, asking questions, seeking council.
Jaskier had met young women close to despair of their fiancés, young men desperate to find out whether they could dare to approach the girl of their dreams, women in tears about their husbands and what they felt was missing in their lives. They came to him, the wordsmith, seeking a remedy, a way to right the wrongs they perceived. He listened patiently, consoled and soothed them, with a hand to the shoulder or a kind word, gave advice where he felt it was needed and played match-maker by stepping into someone’s way, forcing them into a tumble to be caught by their favoured. The words he could give were his medicine for the world, his way to give back.
He took pride in his success rate and shared his experience and secret knowledge with those in need of a revival of their love life. He took pride in the number of happy couples promising him an invitation to their weddings, the amount of times he was asked to sing as they danced as husband and wife for the first time. He tried to be there, be part of the reasons making their big day memorable.
He tried.
The invisible hook, the tugging siren’s call of his life that dragged him across the continent without warning him of where he would end up, the shard of destiny he could not explain, locked in place behind his ribs, not always allowed him the pleasure of seeing where his efforts led. Sometimes, he found himself back on the road long before the wedding ceremony even began. Sometimes, he forced himself to stay but weddings were something connected to bad memories and the taste of storms and ashes on his tongue. It felt like fleeing, whenever he had the time to think about what it made him move again. He had learned not to question it. The real trouble arose only when he chose to fight it.
keep reading on ao3
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rainbowrocky248 · 4 years
Yo guys ya boi was tagged on something! By @majormeilani thank you <3
🌿 Favorite comfort food: When I’m sick my immediate go to is ginger tea and anything spicy and warm to eat
🌼 Favorite alcoholic drink: Camomile tea all the way, or a soy chai latte
🌷 Favorite relaxing activity: For me the real most relaxing activity is straight up meditation, but what I actually do is chill out in bed and listen to music or ASMR because meditation takes too much work lol
🌸 Favorite fluffy/feel good fic: Déjà Vu by MooseKababs ((How dare you make me sort through all my bookmarked fics to find the answer XD))
🌻 Favorite calming scent: Lavender and other soft herbal and floral smells like it
🌺 Favorite relaxing/uplifting song: Fave relaxing song is def Bible Belt by Otep ((don’t @ me I know that’s a really weird song to find relaxing)), and favorite uplifting song is Eye of the Tiger by Survivor or The Touch by Stan Bush ((you just can’t be sad at those songs when they come on, it’s impossible))
🌵 Favorite white noise: Cars driving by. My childhood home had a really busy street right behind it and I’m so used to the sound now that I can easily fall asleep on a road trip.
🍄 Favorite book to get lost in: Honestly I don’t really reread books, but give me a well written fanfic on my current OTP any day and I’m checked out of reality
💐 Favorite chill TV show: The only TV series I really rewatch to feel good are Transformers Prime and Avatar: The Last Airbender, classics from my youth
🌹 The best advice you’ve ever had: Uhh idk honestly. I think about what my aunt said to me once a lot. She told me if I really have a passion for art I should pursue it and not waste my life away living in regret at an office job. I don’t know her that well, but it really sounded like she was speaking from experience. I had never been told that I could actually pursue art as a career before then, and since then I’ve been like “huh, I could actually do it.”
I tag @summersunsetwolf21 @primusesgiantmetalballbearings @eldritch-glitter @hornyspacesnakes (only if y’all want to ofc) and anyone else who wants to try!
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anakinfruit · 7 years
Rules: tag nine people that you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by @mattystrome​ thanks!!
Name: Alia
Star Sign: Aquarius
Average hours of sleep: 8 i guess,,
Last thing I googled: imparfait endings (for french class)
Favorite fictional character: idk i like to many characters to name (sorry im indecisive af)
what are you wearing right now?: I have a shirsey hoodie for my own team, and weirdly patterened leggings
when did you start this blog?: it will have been 3 years ago next march
do i run anymore blogs?: yes i do! i have a photo blog @omgphotos​ and an art blog @summerdoodles​ please go follow them! (i’ll try to keep them updated)
do i get a lot of asks?: occasionally ‘ll get 1 or 2 when i repblog ask memes, but that it
I tag: @claudeiloux​ @weve-never-been-alive​ @thecoolestgay​ @iicraft505​ @ember--dawn @hornyspacesnakes @ironicbuttsex @itsyourboykent @bitch-marner
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snoozelocke · 7 years
Sorry this got a bit long
hornyspacesnakes asked:
How do you justify a gijinka wearing clothes that matches what it is? What’s stopping a charizard from wearing a bright pink dress or a gengar from wearing a red skirt and a white tank with a cherry print?
I just really love gijinkas but I want to be more flexible with my characters and their personalities, and clothes are often a reflection of personality and I just don’t see how every gijinka in the world would just accept only ever being able to wear certain colors and patterns the rest of their lives.
I also don’t like going with the default sort of designs you know? Like, you can have a hundred different pikachu gijinka from a hundred different artists that all look really good and unique within the color and pattern parameters, but they’re all going to either be Super Cute or ‘feisty anime protagonist’ and I just want to think out of the box a bit but still make it clear with minimal thought that ‘this character is this pokemon’ without resorting to adding animal ears/wings/tails you know?
Hmmmmm well the Actual Reason is because design-wise, I prefer using clothing to help in making the character’s pokemon species immediately recognizable. And because designing clothing and outfits that both reflect the pokemon’s canon design but also match the character’s personal style is fun and challenging for me!
In-comic, I justify it with “traditions.” Part of the history of Kalos is that in the old, old days, it was much more common for gijinka to stick more closely with their native species and associated species with very little mixing (like pidgey gijinka would live and work with other pidey, pidgeotto, and pidgeot, grass types would be more likely to live in villages with other grass types, pansage gijinkas would be more likely to start families with pansear and panpour gijinka, etc.). So dressing to reflect your species was a strict cultural thing to display your affiliations and also show pride in your species.
In modern Kalos, these strict divides don’t exist much anymore, but the idea of dressing to reflect your species still exists as a holdover from those earlier times. (Although there are a few pockets of gijinka communities on the fringes of Kalos society that still follow the old traditions more intentionally. Ulrich comes from a Farfetch’d commune just outside of Santalune that’s like this.)
So, there isn’t really anything //stopping// a charizard from wearing a pink dress or anything, it’s just something that doesn’t happen often because of the culture.
But that’s my rationalization for it within my universe, and I don’t think it’s wrong to not want to limit your characters’ outfits based on the canon pokemon design. However, I do think it will make it a lot harder for you to design immediately recognizable gijinka, especially if you also don’t want to use animal features. I’d try focusing a lot on trying to incorporate the important shapes/patterns/colors into things like hair, face, body shape, and try to make the clothes at least mimic the pokemon’s important shapes (like Ulrich’s cloak mimicing the wings, edie’s hair mimicing the shape of ivysaur’s bulb, etc.)
………..anyway wow this got really long really fast lmao. but that’s all I got. I hope this was helpful?? tbh I’m not great at giving advice for this because I like to rely heavily on outfit designs for my gijinka, but good luck in with your designs! I’d love to see what you come up with!
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