#hopefully this works !!!!
spocksgotemotions · 4 months
have I mentioned lately that I love Worf?
[Video Description: it is a video made up of clips of Worf from Star Trek set to the song “Love Is in Control (Finger on the Trigger)” by Donna Summer. End Description]
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nevermoor-batty · 5 months
Ms Muir please I have to know what it was like on that ship
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bloodsaw · 7 months
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Halloween was yesterday but Tumblr hates my image quality :(
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hazbinhotelie · 1 month
There’s like no content for this ship I think has a lot of potential! And I really like your writing so—
Just them being sweet partners together. Cuddling or being affectionate, or Rosie and Alastor being all “glaring at someone from behind Charlie as she talks to someone that’s insulting her or just looking at her wrong.
Anything you can think of honestly. I just really want some content with these three being all fluffy and romantic together!
Even if you don’t, thanks for reading all of this ahah it got a bit rambly— But have a good day!
“Al,” Charlie said, tugging on his sleeve. “Al!”
“Yes, my dear?” He asked, turning to her with his usual smile. He was walking with Rosie, their arms linked together. “I thought you were at the hotel still.”
“I wanted to head out and walk around town,” Charlie said with a shrug. She looked at him, then Rosie- she gave her a small smile and wave- then his cane, then him again. She walked over to Rosie and held her hand, so Alastor could keep his arm linked with Rosie and hold his cane. “Did you get new lipgloss?” Charlie asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Yes, actually, Alastor got it for me,” she said with a grin. “Do you want to try it on?”
“Yes!” Charlie said immediately. Alastor chuckled to himself and the three stopped walking for a moment. Charlie had expected Rosie to go through her purse or something, but she didn’t. She cupped Charlie’s face in her hands. “What are you-”
She was cut off with a kiss from Rosie. She paused, then kissed her back. When Rosie finally pulled away, Charlie was blushing blood red and Alastor was stifling his laughter.
“I think I may have broken her,” Rosie joked, looking at Al.
“In that case, she might just need me to fix it,” he said, walking over. Charlie was still trying to compose herself. “Smile, my dear,” he said, placing his hand under her chin. She made incomprehensible noises, even more flustered now. Alastor laughed and pressed his lips to hers for a moment- a quick kiss- and pulled away. It did the trick. Charlie was beyond saving now, an absolute disaster.
“I- you-” she struggled to say something. “I like your kisses!” She blurted. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted to say, nor how she would’ve wanted to say it, but it was something. It sent both Rosie and Alastor into a laughing fit.
“Ah- thank you darling,” Rosie said between laughs.
“I love you,” Charlie said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “And I love you,” she said to Alastor, giving him one too.
“I know, my dear,” he said with a grin. “I love you too.”
“And I love you both!” Rosie said, pulling them all in for a hug.
(I have no idea what I’m doing here or how their dynamic would work, but I tried!)
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mythical-amusing · 11 months
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I’m officially opening commissions! (I’m saving up more for school etc) I have 3 openings and my prices will be listed below
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sketch $5-$20 (based on complexity) ($2+ for color) line art $10-$25 (based on complexity) line art with color $20-$60 (based on complexity) ($4+ for complex shading) painted $100-$200 (based on complexity) backgrounds are $5-$40 based on complexity 3 changes/adjustments allowed during art process background with color $5-$40 based on complexity
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mikkokomori · 2 years
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.. .-- .. .-.. .-.. .-- .- .. - ..-. --- .-. -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-
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zaddyazula · 4 months
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if this doesn’t work i’m killing myself
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blackjackkent · 7 months
OK so. I'm doing some research and it does seem like I might indeed have bugged out Karlach's romance by not recruiting her in time to fix her heart the first time in Act I. (Reddit poster indicates that only getting the option to hug and not kiss her when she gets the second upgrade means that you're SOL.)
This sucks.
As I see it, I have a couple options here:
Replay Hector's entire game and get the romance scenes in Act I.
Finish the game with no romance.
Hack the game with console commands.
#1 would be a bummer because I have enjoyed writing Hector's slow-burn interest developing and I feel like it makes a lot more sense for him to be properly falling for her now. And I don't want to undo all the writing I've already done.
#2 is also a bummer for obvious reasons.
#3, however, is intriguing. The aforementioned Reddit poster went on to say this:
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This seems promising! I'm going to give this a try. It would entail rewriting that one particular scene (or just skipping it and pretending the kiss at that point didn't happen) but otherwise doesn't really have to change anything, I think, and would fit solidly with Hector's existing story.
Wish me luck! Diving into the console world. [puts on hacker glasses]
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silly-lil-scribbles · 19 days
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kulemii · 11 months
"His Most Prized Possession"- Nishiki takes his partner with him to wash his car together for the first time and he's kinda giddy about it. (dork)
"How to Warm Up Your Koi"- Someone left the A/C on overnight and now the room is freezing. Aizawa has an idea on how his lover can keep him warm. 😏
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t-z-dnd · 2 years
I lied. I didn't color him. However I did do this.
[click for better quality]
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This is only the third time I've ever tried hatch shading please be gentle-
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dumpsterdivingdiva · 10 months
@astralexpresscrew Elio's script has chosen Jing Yuan
The time of recovery after the initial battle with Phantylia gave Stelle time to observe the General of the Luofu. To someone who was still trying to figure out how to be human in the first place, the man who led this portion of the Xianzhou was even more an enigma.
And it was to that end that found Stelle simply staring at Jing Yuan with her usual blank gaze, unaware as to how intense the examination actually was.
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death-in-shift · 1 year
Lets try it likes this?
Lillie smiled at the kiss. When he asked for the repair of the mask, she immediately got interested. "Oh sure I can try. Do you have the broken mask? I want to know what it looks like. I could try to improve it as well so it wont break again." She mentioned.
"Thank you, mia cara." The spider demon looked at the girl with a shy smile. "What currency did you mostly use? I can convert the currency I use to the amount.. Or does it not matter?"
While Jae was occupied with the conversation, their older twin's clone crawled onto the bed and tied their hair into two pig tails. Some strands fell down; Jae wasn't used to their hair being away from their face.
"Circle around clones!" Omar quietly cheered as a couple more clones flew around in a circle.
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sheinthatfandom · 2 years
So for the nonnie who asked for me to share the video of after dynamite with the BCC with Claudio in his new merch because the link to twitter wouldn’t let them watch, tumblr for whatever reason is not allowing me to add that video to your message so I’m gonna do it this way and hope you still see it. Twitter link
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k3yreviewer25 · 3 months
just started watching that show manifest and i'm already crying, this is so awesome
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