#homeless not hopeless
jeff-davis · 2 years
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HOMELESS NOT HOPELESS "Just A Thought" airs five times a week. If your station doesn't air it, let them know you want it. In some cases, it is offered as a free service. If you would like to be on Jeff's mailing list, send him your email address. Please let Jeff know which part of the world you live in— and thanks!
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words--like--violence · 2 months
All I Ever Needed
I've always felt alone. Not feeling loved was such a constant daily torture I almost killed myself several times. I desperately surrounded myself with friends as if my life depended on it, and maybe it did, but being around friends was painful, because friendship always felt like a superficial tease, a band-aid on a gushing wound. Friendship is not love. So it wasn't hard to cut all the people out of my life who didn't make me feel loved. Then there was nobody left.
But when I was actually finally as alone as I had always felt, I stopped feeling lonely, because I got to know myself better and made my peace with myself. I was utterly alone and finally at peace, so I embraced the possibility that I would be alone until the day I died, and it felt right, because it's who I am. I am alone.
I walked away from my friends, I walked away from my family, I walked away from everything that never helped fill the void in my heart. I renounced the world and walked away from my life with nothing but a backpack, and I kept on walking. When I reached the beach I threw my last possessions into a trash can, walked into the sand, walked into the ocean, stripped naked, let all the air out of my lungs, sank to the bottom, and rested in peace, alone with nothing.
Then I grabbed my shorts because I wasn't trying to kill myself or get arrested, let's not be overly dramatic. I stepped back onti the earth with nothing in the world but a pair of shorts and an overwhelming sense of freedom, knowing I don't need anything from this world. Anything. All I ever needed was my self-respect.
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englishlotusflower · 2 years
Elrond in today's update is everything to me. Like, I love him in general, he's basically impossible to not love, but specifically after Aragorn and Arwen get engaged. (Not just when Aragorn comes to Imladris and Elrond raises him like his own, not just when Aragorn falls in love with Arwen. I am specifically talking about when they got engaged without even asking him)
He could have gotten angry, could have put Aragorn squarely in the 'distant nephew' zone, could have done literally anything and would have been justified.
But this guy. This absolute angel. This perfect being. Is just like...i still love you, I'm sad that Arwen is going to die now but I still love you. And you know what, just so that everyone can benefit from this, you two should become king and queen of the Dunedain, because I love you both.
And then just like...doesn't bring it up again. He gives them his blessing, sets a goal, and then proceeds to treat aragorn exactly the same way he always has.
Throughout the conversation he's affirming his love for Aragorn. He literally starts off calling him his son.
He admits that Arwen's choice is going to cause him pain, but he doesn't try to break them up or set an impossible quest like a certain ancestor of his did. All he does is say that Aragorn needs to do right by Arwen and claim his birthright - which is neither unreasonable nor unachievable.
And then he continues to love Aragorn and to treat him as his own son, even when Aragorn and Arwen have dealt him this awful blow.
This is peak Elrond, as far as I'm concerned. Kind as summer, sacrificing his own happiness and wholeness willingly for those he loves, using his grief and pain to help others, and above all being so loving and open-hearted.
Something something, Elrond could have closed himself off from the world but he didn't something something the sheer love he shows in today's extract
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 8 months
Mei Mei will never die because she’s a terrible person in a terrible system. Sis cracked the code fr
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madigoround · 1 year
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lover-official · 1 year
Ngl it's really hard as a long time fan who couldn't get tix and who's too poor to afford 2 $500+ tickets (even for nosebleeds)(plus let's not forget travel fees since she isn't coming where I live) not to get kindof bitter seeing so many people going to 3, 4, 5+ dates... like I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but like. It's just really hard not to feel like the message is that this fandom is only for rich fans.
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aceteling · 2 years
I hate the approach towards cats that's so dismissive about their well-being, I hate the 'cats are fine outside' way of thinking, I hate the 'but it's natural for them to be out and about' approach, I hate it so much
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Hi friends, I am at an unbearable point in my life, and wanted to try everything I could...
I have supported my disabled mother and developmentally disabled sister for the last decade.
For the last 3 years, they have been homeless in South Jersey, living in a single motel room with our three pets.
Between room rent, food, medicine, and transportation via Lyft/Uber, it has been unsustainable. I'm at a breaking point...bank account going negative every week. Pulling from checks I don't even have yet.
And recently, I was diagnosed with tendonitis in both hands and put on light duty. I'm still working full time, but even that is not enough...
Anything given is appreciated more than anyone knows
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
i am this 🤏 close to a complete fucking mental breakdown how are we doing today
#they are snipping my benefits if i dont find a cheaper apartment. they have changed the game on me about this again#it wasnt like this last month. theres no available cheaper apartments in this city but they dont accept that as an explanation anymore#i cant find a fucking job and im pretty sure the gallery ghosted me and/or im not getting it and im so fucking out of options i dont#know what to do anymore. nothing fucking works out and ive just been sitting here crying for like two hours now#i have people trying to walk me through this and rationalize this but its so fucking useless when nothing i try works out#and then the fucking government throws more wrenches into my already fucking miserable existence and i just#im just so done. i just want to lay on the floor and rot like i get it im useless and you dont want to support me gg this country sucks ass#fuck the mentally ill fuck the poor fuck the jobless how about we try to make you homeless as well like#if i have tried to avoid wanting to feel like dying lately wow this surely set me back like two months worth of progress on that. fun#im just. out of options. i cant even fill this fucking apartment application without feeling shitty and hopeless about it#moving is the last thing i wanna do and theres no places here but what the fuck can i do. i dont know#sorry im just. i dont know. everything just fucking sucks. i just want to stay here and have a steady job and just#i just wanna live. but they are making it so fucking impossible i dont... i dont know#i dont fucking know#night is an absolute mess on main
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grimmsoddities · 2 months
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This mother fucker thinking I'm reporting Craigslist sex pests to the actual police, and not to Craigslist.
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jazzzhd · 2 months
Rant in tags with suicide mention
#im struggling a lot today#i just keep thinking about my grandma and how she refused to help me in this hopeless situation#she has a huge house with three open bedrooms and a whole basement and she refused to let us stay with her#because she wants her new fucking boyfriend to move in with her#and now im out over $2000 for staying a month in this shitty fucking hotel room#when that money could have went towards permanent housing if only she had let us stay a month or two and figure it out#i already cut contact with her when she said she wouldnt let us stay with her#but all day today i cant stop thinking about it. i thought she fucking cared about me but apparently she cares more about a guy#that shes known for maybe 2 years?#combined with the suicidal thiughts i have#i just cant stop thinking about committing and what i would say to her before doing so#i cant stop thinking that if i did commit if we become homeless that she could have easily prevented it#i just want to hurt her as much as she has hurt me#and i hate that. but im in the worst situation ive ever been in my life and she cant even help me by giving us money even#when all the rest of my family is doing everything they can#becuase weve wasted all our savings were going to have to stay here at least another month#but possibly even 2-3 more months#when we could have just taken a month or two at max to get things figured out and get permanent housing#i cant rationalize why she would not help us unless she doesnt give a shit about me#so honestly FUCK her. i told her she should never expect to hear from me again and i stand by that.
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tchistorygal · 3 months
Y3 Story Chat #12: "Home Ship Home" by Amanda Forestwood
Welcome to March Story Chat Y3 #12. Story Chat is a unique blogging program in which a different author bravely shares their short story with Always Write readers once or twice a month. Amanda Forestwood, like several of our authors this year, is new to Story Chat as an author, but not to the field of writing. Join us each month as new and old friends come together for a week to chat about the…
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gnc-tits · 3 months
i have no problem with striking and whatnot and of course i donate when i can but so so much of usamerican political action (aside from the heroes who do direct action but lets be real, not everyone is the person to do that) is like. follow the strike. call your reps. which is important! its super important to do that! but this country is so so divided from state to state like i really did not feel it until spending some time away from home but we all live so so differently and it sucks in different ways thats vaguely united but. to give a personal example: i have no idea what its like to be a trans person in a red state. i just have no idea. i imagine its pretty fucking bad, and where i live isnt even that great but a 16 year old got killed IN SCHOOL in oklahoma the other day like the sheer difference in how we live is insane. i only know what it’s like to be a trans person in this state. and thats just one of the ways we’re divided! and soooo much usamerican political action is this broad fucking country wide thing we’re all supposed to be doing and it does matter, it is important, but more and more people in gaza are dying and we need a ceasefire now. we’re divided as fuck and on all different ends of the working class spectrum and something like a strike (which, again, cannot stress this enough, does matter) i genuinely believe isnt going to get to a ceasefire fast enough
yknow what we can do though? organize with our local community. like i cant speak for more rural areas unfortunately but cmon if you live in a city you have to know at least someone who is generally progressive and doesnt have to worry as much about being killed for it. there are people out there who want a better world, you just have to find them and yall! if you organize and enough people get together and put a fire under politicians asses you CAN call for a ceasefire in your city it IS possible it is so possible and even if it doesnt pass you can still get together and make noise. and if you take that energy and apply it to other cities in your state and connect with them and influence them then like. its a lot fuckin harder to ignore! as of right now around 70 us cities have called for a ceasefire and it is largely divided and there are like. none in red states where we need them to be. and lets be real none of the blue ones are lookin that great either. but if you get like, i dont know, as many as possible but even like, 10 is still significant, if you get that many cities in one state calling for a ceasefire then its a lot harder for your state reps to ignore you. and absolutely keep calling and emailing but. i dunno. 5 months of genocide and theyre still largely ignoring us, so maybe we need to do something a little bit more that’s actually feasible for the way we’re living
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rainbowofthenight · 4 months
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Over 2 months after signing the lease and paying the security deposit and I'm still fucking couch surfing (aka homeless). I was supposed to have had the keys to this place by 12/9/2023...here it is 1/27/2024 and no keys or end to homelessness in sight. Then add in the fact that my section 8 caseworker is on vacation again for the third time in a month and wtf? Contacted a local housing discrimination law firm that does pro Bono work and haven't heard back. Each week that goes by without stable housing brings me slightly closer to giving in completely.
#hopeless #
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maxdermonk88 · 5 months
Und manchmal da muss man umziehen um ein neues Zuhause finden zu können…..
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norever · 5 months
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if only you knew how much you mean to me... language does it no justice
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