#holly bourne
mschocolateworld · 2 years
To wyglądało jak miłość. Smakowało miłością. Lecz miłością nie było.
Holly Bourne - “Miejsca, w których płakałam”
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dailyquotes6563 · 15 days
You can be difficult, and yet someone will find it so easy to love you.
Holly Bourne, How Do You Like Me Now?
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shxpeshifterr · 7 months
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bea-like-me · 11 months
Listening to Dear John whilst reading The Places I've Cried In Public is truly a wild experience. 10/10 would recommend.
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spvilers · 10 months
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AM I NORMAL YET? (the spinster club #1)
'You. Evelyn. You're always like, 'I wish I could be like this' or 'I wish I could be more like so-and-so'. You're obsessed with being normal, but that's well boring, and you're extraordinary, Evie. Promise me you'll stop trying to stop stop being you'
- Holly Bourne, Am I Normal Yet?
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Holly Bourne, Pretending
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Title: Soulmates
Author: Holly Bourne
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2013
Genres: fiction, romance, fantasy, contemporary, science fiction
Blurb: Every so often, two people are born who are the perfect matches for each other: soulmates. But while the odds of this happening are about as likely as being struck by lightning, when these people do meet and fall in love...thunderstorms, lightning strikes, and lashings of rain are only the beginning of their problems. Enter Poppy, the 17-year-old cynic with a serious addiction to banana milk, and Noah, the heartthrob guitarist; residents of mediocre Middletown, sometimes students...and soulmates. After a chance meeting at a local band night, Poppy and Noah find themselves swept up in a whirlwind romance unlike anything they've ever experienced before...but with a secret international agency preparing to separate them, a trail of destruction rumbling in their wake, and a looming psychology coursework deadline, they are left with an impossible choice between the end of the world or a life without love.
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sarahjaneshearer-blog · 8 months
My Top Ten Authors!!!
Hey, how are you???
Who is your favourite authors???
Jaqueline Wilson!!!
Beth reekles
Sarah J Mass
Anna Todd
Zoe Sugg
Holly Bourne
Nicola Yoon
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You never know if happy memories are going to become sad ones. They glow and shine in the vast realms of our subconscious, making that part of our brain feel like it’s filled with glitter. We pick them up and cradle them like expensive cats, or wriggle into them like they are jumpers we’ve left to warm on a radiator. Until the day when, for one reason or another, life can suddenly make this happy memory into a sad memory instead. Good memories exist in the naivety of not knowing any better. I guess a happy memory is only logged and labelled accordingly if you can live in a moment without fear of it going wrong. In the moments when true happiness is so overwhelming that you forget to be scared of it ending. But, in time, those moments can easily become bittersweet.
The Places I've Cried in Public by Holly Bourne
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itsmyuniverse-ok · 9 months
It only happens in the movies - Holly Bourne
Hace mucho no escribo una review completa de un libro, pero siente que este lo merece y yo necesito compartir mi opinión sobre este libro.
La historia de este libro es en si para resumirla muy sencilla, Audrey, nombrada así por la actriz de "Breakfast at Tiffanys" Audrey Hepburn, es una estudiante de secundario que esta en su ultimo año y dejo drama, la única clase que le gustaba porque un chico la dejo y ella se sentía avergonzada. Su situación en casa no es la mejor, sus padres están divorciados y la madre no es el mejor ejemplo a seguir y ella al querer salir de la casa consigue un trabajo en un cine donde conoce a Harry.
Harry es un chico a penas mayor que ella por uno o dos años, obsesionado con las películas de zombies, de hecho esta trabajando en una, y un completo fuck-boy.
Todos los que ella conoce le advierten sobre él, y a pesar de empezar el libro bastante confiada de que ella no iba a caer (o al menos no fácilmente) no tendriamos historia si ella no lo hace.
El libro se va separando solo en los clichés o como suelen ser las películas románticas, con el encuentro accidental, el montaje de escenas de amor, con el sexo incluso.
Acá epieza la parte de spoilers así que si seguis leyendo es por tu gusto y responsabiidad.
Y acá llega el momento de la película como dice nuestra protagonista en que uno de los dos lideres románicos comete un error. En nuestro caso, Harry dejo que su amiga Rosie, la cual le daba mucha inseguridad a Audrey, se la chupara, él estaba en la cuarta luna de Plutón con las drogas, pero sin embargo pasó, su amiga estuvo con él.
Audrey se entera de esto porque Rosie se lo dice, POR MENSAJE .
Harry intenta disculpase, incluso tiene el "gran gesto" pero Audrey no o puede perdonar y... simplemente terminan.
Momento de reflexión, me gustó el libro, realmente lo disfrute y me encantó la forma de escribir de Holly B. me gusto que no haya terminado como todos los libros y películas románticas con la protagonista perdonando al chico y viviendo felices hasta vaya uno a saber cuando, pero por otro lado, yo leo estos libros para no tener que ver o leer historias reales de que el amor se acaba y pasan cosas malas.
Por otro lado, siento que lo de Harry se podría haber perdonado si el admitía que se equivoco, que Rosie si esta intentando estar con él y dejaba de hablarle, porque yo realmente lo sentí como que él no dio su consentimiento estar con ella y eso es abuso, y no podes dejar a alguien porque o abusaron.
Sacano esas dos cosas, fue un buen libro, una historia fácil de seguir, divertida y real.
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melissabreen · 2 years
One week left in our readathon! Still time to donate to MS Ireland, an amazing group of people and one of the only places people with MS can turn. We're blown away by the support so far, thank you to anyone who's donated! We never thought we'd get FOUR TIMES our goal. You're all class. Much love. Donate here:
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I'm on book 11, here's what I've read so far:
The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue
Blood to Poison by Mary Watson
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang
Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne
The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen
It Only Happens in the Movies by Holly Bourne
The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
Strange Beasts of China by Yan Ge
Lot: Stories by Bryan Washington
If It Bleefs by Stephen King
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dailyquotes6563 · 1 month
Kindness isn't a reward for good behaviour, Amelie. It should be a given.
Holly Bourne, The Places I've Cried In Public
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shxpeshifterr · 5 months
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Review: Girl Friends by Holly Bourne
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Despite the fact that she has written many books and she is pretty popular, certainly in the UK, I think this is my first Holly Bourne book. I own a couple of her others but her latest Girl Friends is the first one I’ve tried. This is one of her adult works, so I’m intrigued to try some of her better known YA titles next.
Fern and Jessica were inseparable best friends in their teens but when Jessica crosses an unforgiveable line, they drift apart and don’t see each other for a decade. Then Jessica turns up at Fern’s work event and wants to reconnect. So much has changed for both of them but can their new selves be as good friends as their old selves were?
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Mental illness and suicide are strong themes in this book, so some readers should be aware of that before reading. Fern has a history of self-harm and attempted suicide as a teen. She is now working as a mental health writer and training to be a counsellor. So, there are certainly lots of references to mental health problems. These things are dealt with very sensitively and Bourne has clearly done her homework in this area, which I really appreciated.
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The intensity of teenage female friendship is portrayed so authentically in this book. This was particularly true in the early chapters that looked back at Fern and Jessica’s history. At 14, friendships are everything, especially if you’re largely ignored by your crushes like Fern is. I had no doubt that Bourne has been through similar things to Fern as a young teen because I think they could only come from someone who has been that shy, awkward girl.
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Bourne does an amazing job of showing teens as they really are. The idea that girls are only their real selves around their closest friends is so true but it’s a truth that I think can only be seen in hindsight with a wiser, more mature gaze. The party scene that this quote is from was so vividly built and I can still picture every hazy, sticky corner of it. We’ve all been to these parties and we all turned a blind eye to the horrors that almost certainly happened at them.
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Anyone who was a teen in the early to mid 2000s will recognise a lot of the attitudes and references within the teen chapters. The lack of language to describe sexuality and gender differences was still very prominent, which makes it seem like such a long time in the past. Realising how much has changed since then reminded me that the time being described was 20 years ago. A terrifying thought for someone who still feels 18 but is very much 32!
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I really didn’t like Jessica and I tried so hard to get on board with her redemption at the end. However, I just couldn’t and therefore, I was really disappointed with the last part of the book. While I completely understand the messages that Bourne was trying to get across with regard to lack of real consent and slut shaming, there was something about Jessica that meant that I couldn’t make these things fit with her actions. Throughout the book, I’d seen her sideline Fern for male attention and disregard her supposed best friend’s feelings with very little protestation. I just couldn’t convert that to seeing her as a victim. Maybe that’s some kind of internalised misogyny on my part that I don’t know about but I honestly did try to see why Bourne made that decision and I’m afraid I couldn’t.
Girl Friends is a nostalgic, realistic depiction of female friendship at both its best and its worst. Themes of obsession and self-discovery meet acceptance and compassion in this raw exploration of what being a desirable girl really means. I just wish it had ended differently!
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spvilers · 10 months
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HOW HARD CAN LOVE BE? (the spinster club #2)
“Life doesn't always have to be about changing the world. Sometimes it's about living your life for you. Trying to find some happiness, completely selfishly, but just for you.”
- Holly Bourne, How Hard Can Love Be?
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liz-not-bennet · 2 years
We watched no films where couples yelled at each other in the kitchen.
- It Only Happens in the Movies, Holly Bourne
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