spikedru · 1 year
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spbabygirl · 1 year
goodmorning 😏
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 1 year
well uhh hm, i- hmmm well...how do i say this...uhh Hmm! Hmmphmmp hmp hmp? hmppp hmpp hmpp hmmp hmm hmrp? (Pyro! i hope i am saying this correctly? What are your thoughts on fairy bread?)
-A fellow pyro from a distant team
Pyro: [claps and runs off to come back with pencils and paper, quickly scribbling down a picture of Sniper sharing some with them, and the another of them hugging a giant piece of fairy bread with hearts all over]
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wendy-dundee-dandies · 8 months
Talk of HMRP on Reddit makes me really wanna rp again 😭
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I bet u look funny in Jekyll’s house, since it is set up for his bigness, and you are very smoll
I beg your pardon!! I am not small!! I am travel-sized! Hmrp.
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eleganteonline · 7 months
Búzios restaura visões com sucesso pelo SUS
A Prefeitura de Búzios mantém o passo firme em direção à saúde ocular no município. No último sábado (23), foi realizada, por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, no Hospital Municipal Rodolpho Perissé (HMRP), 29 cirurgias de opacificação do cristalino, conhecida como catarata. Desde abril do ano passado, a fila de espera para essas cirurgias foi eliminada, e hoje, a comunidade pode contar com…
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vedichcare · 1 year
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Maintain you healthy hair with vedich care #haircare #hair #beauty #skincare #hairstyle #hairstyles #hairgoals #haircut #haircolor #healthyhair #naturalhair #hairstylist #hairgrowth #hairdresser #makeup #shampoo #hairsalon #longhair #hairtreatment #curlyhair #natural #hairtransformation #hairlove #haircareproducts #vedichcare #instahair #balayage #hairproducts #fashion #haircareroutine https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq5BNE-hmrP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fctogo · 1 year
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『U14合同TR 1.22』  本日は愛知県立天白高校サッカー部との合同トレーニングでした⚽️  U16選手達とのトレーニングはダイヤモンドを意識したビルドアップとゴール前のフィニッシュという感じでした。東郷でも意識していることなので選手達もやり易いかなと思いましたが、やってみると理解不足が露呈されたので反省材料でした💦この日も前日同様にもっともっとコミュニケーションを取りながらプレーできるようにしないといけないなと感じたのでジュニア年代からもっと意識させていきたいなと思います🤝  本日は以前まで刈谷高校にて指揮をとっていた佐野先生とお話しする時間もいただきありがとうございました😊今のFC東郷ジュニアユースは人数も少なくなかなか高校へ選手を送り出すことが難しくなっていますが、来ていただけたら責任を持って個々に寄り添って高校年代までの準備をさせていただき、その後も高校の指導者と連携を取りながらサポートしていきます👍  今回はOBと会うことができませんでしたが、1人頑張って続けていてくれるようです😊  2023年度ジュニアユースチーム、ジュニアチーム選手募集中です‼️各学年定員18〜20名(FP16〜18名、GK2名)になり次第締切⚽️原則、試合時は全員出場の育成重視のクラブチームです👍  マイクロバスを保有しているため、遠方での試合は送迎のお手伝いをさせていただきます🚌  無料体験受付中‼️無料体験は3回あります。ご興味のある方はぜひお気軽にお問い合わせください😊  小中学年代で身に付けておくべき個人技術(蹴る、止める、運ぶ)と攻撃および守備の個人戦術、グループ戦術を年間を通してテーマごとに学び、週末の試合に向けてトレーニングを積み重ねていきます。 #天白高校サッカー部 #FC東郷 #無料体験受付中 #選手募集中 #中学生サッカー #小学生サッカー #愛知県サッカー #東郷町サッカー #日進市サッカー #みよし市サッカー #豊明市サッカー #名古屋市サッカー #豊田市サッカー #刈谷市サッカー #ジュニアサッカーチーム #ジュニアユースサッカーチーム #サッカークラブ #賛助会員募集中 #スポンサー募集 #サッカーコーチ募集 #サッカー審判員募集 #ボランティア募集 公式HP http://www.fctogo.jp 公式Instagram @fctogo2003 公式YouTubeチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/user/fctogo2003 公式LINE https://lin.ee/47np89glG 公式Twitter @fctogoaichi https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8Mim-hMRp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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worawuth1979 · 2 years
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ซ่อมได้… Nike Magista Obra II Elite FG - White/Metallic Cool Grey/Light Crimson #NIKE #MAGISTA https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOFL4-hmrp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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silverfalls-au-blog · 5 years
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Welcome to Silver Falls, a small city surrounded by lush forest and a long, long history behind its foundation. While city life around here may seem like any other urban metropolis, there are things that lurk in the darkness of night that may surprise any humans residing in town... 
This is an alternate universe roleplaying community for the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory/Story of Seasons/Stardew Valley community! Please check out our pages on Rules and our Masterlist to see how to reserve a character, as who is already taken! If you have any questions, our ask box is open! 
We are now accepting reservations!
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spbabygirl · 2 years
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these are the only proper ones i could get
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harvestacademy-blog · 6 years
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Welcome to Harvest Academy, a private school dedicated to providing an excellent education for the next generation. While tuition may be high, it is possible to come to the school on a scholarship, and part-time jobs on campus are available! Here, you can expect to find a great learning atmosphere and a fun community to foster that learning. Will you come as a teacher or a student? The choice is all yours! We accept characters from Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Story of Seasons, and Stardew Valley.Check out our page today and see if this group is right for you. 
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Enroll at Seasons University, a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory/Stardew Valley roleplaying group set in a college alternate universe. You can choose your character’s major, their part-time jobs, their living situations, and so forth. Your character will get to have the time of their lives in college, pursuing their dreams of higher education. Will they meet the love of their life? Will they manage to get the grades they want? It’s all up to you! Check us out today and see if Seasons University is the AU for you!
Rules | Masterlist | Other Information
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asktheallygal · 5 years
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One of the challenges on Haunted Mansion Roleplay Amino was to draw one of the mansion’s residents in a Tim Burton style. I ended up choosing the Werecat Lady! You can find me on HMRP Amino as Sally and Melanie!
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shadowlorddemon · 4 years
Dragon Knight vs Dragon Witch
(I love this idea. I really do. But... what If Virgil’s animal form’s size is just his default size? What if he can change his size if he want to. He can change to from mouse size to airplane size.
Sudden an idea came to me. What if when the Light Sides(plus a dark side) decided to have an adventure in Roman’s world.
What if the Dragon Witch did challenge, not just to Roman but to his companies, for a fight. Roman is unsure if they want to be involved. The two sides agreed to help him out(to Logan’s reclusiveness) But Virgil refused.
He’s just too anxious to fight right now. His reaction to this situation was to run. Three light sides understood that he doesn’t want to fight. Ensues in the middle of battle, the light sides shifts into their animal forms to give them an advantage since Dragon Witch is in her dragon form.
But unknowingly to the sides, the Witch cheats. Now we’re at the point where three sides are injured badly. Virgil watches with growing horror. He realized that the Witch will kill them.(not really but...) Virgil cannot allows this to happens.
As the Witch was about to deliver a final blow when a shrilly roar interrupted her. The Witch and three sides looks and saw what was once in Virgil’s place is a massive purple dragon. And is it just me or does the dragon looks very angry?) (ooc ensued in the story) there’s a hint of Prinxiety if you look closely.
“You want to what?” Logan said monotonously. Roman nods excitedly. “Yeah! I want you guys to join me for my adventure!” Logan blinks softly as Patton grins in excitement and Virgil stares at him with unreadable expression.
“I’m not sure, Ro... I mean...” Virgil said nervously as the memories of Roman threatens him in Roman’s world came back to him. Roman’s face faltered for a moment as he is aware that what Virgil was talking about before jumping back to his expression. “I can just show you my garden! Come on, guys, I want to spend time with four of us.” Patton is basically bouncing in his seat. “I would like to go on an adventure with you guys too!” Patton exclaims.
Logan sighs softly. “Fine. I guess I could use a time away from work.” Virgil gulps, his guts screaming at him that something bad would happens. Virgil lets out a shakily breath. “...okay, let’s go.” Virgil finally said.
Roman pumps up to the air. “Great! You guys won’t be disappointed! I promise!” Virgil lets out a soft groan under his breath. Virgil is going to spend half of his time worrying about the possible dangers in future, isn’t he?
“Wow! Your garden is so beautiful!” Patton lets out a squeal when he examined the rose bushes in various of colors. Roman grins proudly. “Thanks! I’m actually proud of this garden.” Logan hums. Virgil scans over the garden. He can see marigolds, daisies, tulips, roses, violets, dandelions and various of flowers he doesn’t know names.
He paused when he saw the flowers that he was fond of; Rain Lilies. He slowly walks toward the bundles of rain lilies. The lilies are varied from white to yellow to pink.
He bends down to get a close look to lilies. He reaches out to touch the petals. Virgil makes a small smile as he glazed over the lilies.
“Virgil?” Virgil jump a little before he turn around. “Yea?” He said. Roman stares at him before shifting his glance to the lilies. “You like rain lilies?” Roman said quietly. Virgil hum softly as he turn back. “Yes, I’m actually very fond of them.”
Roman gulps nervously. “Anyway, anyway, I want to show you and other something so won’t you please follow me?” Virgil stays there for a moment before stand up. He turns around to Roman. “Okay. Lend a way, Princey.”
“Just little more, guys! Let push it on!” Roman said with excitement laced his voice. Patton skips his way toward Roman since Roman walks little too fast. Logan lets out a groan. “Not all of us can walk fast as you do, Roman.” Virgil smirks.
“YOU!” A roar. The sides stop abruptly and looks at where the roar came from. Roman’s eye hardened when he saw his swore enemy. “Dragon Witch.” He says coldly. A large black dragon lets out a growl. “Roman, the prince of this land and my swore enemy, how dare you to strut into my territory.” Roman rolled his eyes. “Seriously? This isn’t your territory. I walk wherever I want to walk.” Roman’s words clearly upsets the Witch. She snarls softly. “Very well, Prince Roman. I challenge you and your companions to a fight!”
Roman’s breath catches up in his throat. Patton blinks. Logan and Virgil looks at each other.
“...guys...” Roman began as he slowly turns to his family. “You don’t have to stay and fight beside me.” Patton lets out a sigh. “You know... you did tell us about your tales of your battles with dragon witch.” Patton speaks with caution. “I...” Logan drew a breath. “I wouldn’t be mind to fight by your side...” Logan grinds his teeth as Roman beams at Patton. “...I will fight with you, Roman.” Roman and Patton looks at Logan, surprised. “Just... don’t make me regret my decision.” Logan adds firmly. Roman nods.
Virgil shuffles his feet. “I don’t know if I want to. I mean-!” “Virgil.” Virgil looks up at Roman. “Like I said before, you don’t have to do this.” Virgil gulps. Virgil can feel regret and anxiety seeping though his core. He is a protector. He should be protecting them. He glance up at three sides, which already engages into the battle of the Witch.
This isn’t good. Patton and Roman are in their animal form and Logan seems desperate to help out but the Witch overpowered them. Virgil can feel familiar feeling of cold grip of anxiety. He doesn’t know why he hadn’t stepped in. Damn his anxiety. Not only it sometimes hold Thomas back, it holds Virgil back as well. Virgil only can watch from distance. He can see the injures of his family suffering from. Patton have couples of scratches, few are deep and require stitches. Logan only gets three or four scratches. But Roman is worser than other, clearly the Witch is forced on him solemnly. Virgil still doesn’t understand why cannot he step in. Oh, ya. His anxiety. Of fucking course. He is a fucking coward. How else wouldn’t he step in-
Virgil’s thought train is interrupted by the sound that Virgil never ever want to hear. He looks at Roman, saw a deep gash on his left side. He can see Roman’s blood on the witch’s clawed paw.
Blood. Red. Red. He only can see red. How she dare do this. How. Dare. She.
“Any last words, Prince?!” The dragon roared. Roman lets out a shakily breath. He unconsciously flex his claws, probably from sheer pain on his left side. Roman can see Patton yelping at him, Logan rushes toward Patton and Virgil... Wait, where’s Virgil?
A roar. The roar isn’t coming from the Witch. The Witch paused, raises her head around to find the source of the roar. Roman, Patton and Logan does same. Soon enough, they finds the source. They didn’t except to find another dragon.
“What the...?” The Witch said with pure confusion.
The dragon looks familiar to the sides. Patton gasps softly. “Virgil...?” He spoke softly. Roman can’t believe his eyes. The purple dragon. When Virgil transformed front of them for first time, he was almost a dog-size like Patton. But Virgil, he is not a dog-sized this time. In fact, he is about big as an airplane. The purple scales shone under sunlight. The large wings are spending out, an attempt to intimidate the witch. The Witch is intimidated, very much so. The eyes with silted pupils glared at the witch, held so much rage.
“W-wh-Who are y-yo-you?!” Huh, the Witch stutters. She is really scared of Virgil but refused to back down. Virgil lifts head up. He exhaled deep black smoke. Whoa, he’s really angry.
“You. You dare to hurt my friends. My family. They’re my family. And you hurt them.” Virgil snarled. Roman can actually see the witch flinched by his tone.
“A-and?! T-th-they are the o-one who d-da-dare to-!”
“SILENCE!” Virgil roars, silenced the witch.
Roman never thought to see his swore enemy trembling.
“I-I am s-so so-so-Sorry. I-I w-wi-will le-lea-leaves you a-al-alone.”
Virgil scowled at her. “You’re willingly to back down from your challenge?” His voice rumbles with anger. The Witch let out a small eep before nods feverishly.
Virgil lets out a hmrp. “...leave.” He said with such force that the Witch didn’t waste any seconds. Virgil scoffs. “That’s what you get for messing with my family.” He grumbled as he turns his attention to the sides. “Roman? Patton? Logan? Are you okay?” He said, his voice went from rough and loud to gentle and quiet. Roman winced from the pain. “Yeah... We might need stitches for our deep injuries but we’re okay now.” Virgil stares at them before sighs softly, black smoke escape from his mouth.
He carefully walks toward the sides and lying down. “Roman,” Virgil whispers. “Whatever you want to show us, I think it have to wait.” Roman stares at him. “Yeah...I guess you’re right.” He said as he looks down. Virgil nods.
“Um. Virgil?” Virgil turns his head to look at Logan. “You... you can change your size?” He said, still stunned by Virgil’s size. Virgil smiles softly at Logan. “Yes. I can change my size.”
(I feel I should clarify that Dragon Witch is only size of two-stories house. Virgil is much bigger than her, making him very intimidating)
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catsandcataclysms · 4 years
Tss oa M wdw jkc osiqavp, tr xdp osiqavp T ieje psadz'x ilwi ip riaw eebp (qzay flkfsl ee psad)? U'q wdwmjr rsn naqbzdx E vzss tf'w llflaeug wyp mjogpcpzx wyp qkcq sbeqr psmr jzf mp oaioy'f japx wwqq fqe U'q wdwmjr dmcsf rkh, U gwy'f EOV nyp T'y eovurc T'y wwo mrz amxdpfmy lzh jpqhu lzh,. Wdwmjr fsk xggd qdsi daqazzi ssa fwcqpu smw ayaycs fs cthi ntslp yaa Dzi ei T eylaawao fs xp m gwcqkegqv htwi psuw, dzi ei T eylaawao fs dpxt wyksjp ilay U'q oz xss zz ijpdku lzh zpyejourc da qqnt jnzy xdzei wcayjo yi? E hmrp daqamahu ea lkwp qa lzh ppxp ip ux'o ramjr fs xp aowj mrz T ieje ux bcaq ozyixzpc ssa aky'f qwvq qa qqih wuoa l peqrtxac, ilk har'p xmoa xq japx pevq e ysupz T ieje fs bpqp olri wyp pkgqh wyp M'i dugg lzh ccuirtzk wyp wpcqwopp sqe rsn da qwyk heqrinpzx npmwkye, mjnxyztzk psq jwnf xdlf M'i mqmjr rsnnqh pz fegp oenp aj ijeihq Mrz T psj'e wrkh tss ea rwgukweq xdte mj l ieu etep oaioy'f qwvq fket twcfmad gtopf ejo tiha zs kyq M slzx pz mwg qav dpxt xff M slzx pz diyzsrekq adpz xdzei E waza ldi wwdiwok twdf xdpuv htympd Mrz T psj'e wrkh ilacq xdp ymzoxi ccayjo uw E oar'p hmrp ea fa lxsjp
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