#historic starter
tessastormrp · 1 year
[Open] Singing a Song [Sihtric]
"Þat mælti mín móðir,1 at mér skyldi kaupa fley ok fagrar árar, fara á brott með víkingum, standa upp í stafni, stýra dýrum knerri, halda svá til hafnar."
The Dane was slightly in his cups. He didn't sing when fully sober. He had consumed one and a half cup of strong mulled wine and felt pleasantly warm, relaxed enough to sing and like it did not matter people were looking at him.
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notmorbid · 3 months
even as we breathe.
dialogue prompts from even as we breathe: a novel by annette saunooke clapsaddle.
my plan didn't quite work the way i thought it would.
you sure have a way with words.
should i be afraid?
empathy is fossilized in our bones.
if you keep your mouth shut and your ears open, you might just learn a thing or two.
there's rumors about this place, you know.
sometimes i poke fun when i'm on edge.
i want to be respected, not respectable.
just ignore me. heck, everyone else does.
have you ever felt like everybody was staring at you?
your demeanor is distinctly unwelcoming.
humility has its place.
don't do anything to get yourself fired.
nothing scary about nothingness. it's the something you should be afraid of.
you didn't play games going up?
i never feel like people are telling me the whole truth.
everyone has their own take, their own theory.
biblical references aren't exactly my forte.
but how will i know when i'm done?
you don't need to lie to make me feel better.
it's just how i was raised.
tell me about your family.
i'm surprised you don't already know all my business. everybody else sure does.
you speak of the dead so easily.
thought i might have to wake you for dinner.
is this your hiding place?
i'm not scared. i'm mad.
you make odysseus look like a joyrider.
not all love is made of equal parts.
what's wrong with you today?
everything okay back home?
it's not forever. just try to remember that.
just trying to stay out of trouble.
you can't prepare yourself for things like this.
you knew and you didn't tell me.
it's too early in the morning for ghost stories.
you were always my soft place to land.
i need you to see me.
i thought i was protecting you.
i do care about you. you're my best friend.
something about war buddies ties people together forever.
there's always at least an ounce of truth in storytelling.
sometimes i think you've seen more than you've told me.
i can't imagine leaving without you.
you truly can be such a raincloud.
i got used to it. i didn't know anything else.
i don't mean to lay a bunch of heavy stuff on you.
sometimes the answers are not the ones you want to hear.
sometimes you have to decide if you want truth or peace.
i can't believe we're having a conversation about this.
what's happening to me?
i'm not sure i'd be able to teach you, but i can try.
i don't mind listening. listening is easy.
i'm sure you'll find the right home, in the end.
sometimes not knowing your own story is the most damaging thing of all.
i once had to be quiet to survive.
i thought i told you i didn't want to see you again.
you sure can't catch a break, can you?
i never knew how to ask.
you're too mean to let anything keep you down for too long.
nobody deserves to die alone.
you've used me up.
do you think i love ____ more than i love you?
i do love you. i always will. but we have to accept the hands we're dealt.
when i was young, i wanted nothing more than to get as far away from here as i could get.
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Are you feeling better, dearest? ”
“   You do not seem pleased. Whatever is wrong? ”
“   I knew there was something between you! ”
“   Well, tell me. Tell me everything! ”
“   You do not need to tell me anything. ”
“   You are getting what you always wanted. ”
“   It will be the grandest wedding of the year. ”
“   Has something happened? ”
“   I believe you will know what love feels like soon enough. ”
“   You think I am to follow in your footsteps? ”
“   Can there be a more dreadful fate? ”
“   The only thing I am grateful for is that I am not you, nor will I ever be. ”
“   I thought we shared an understanding with our discussions of the future. ”
“   My goodness! If anything, I am the one forcing him. ”
“   Love is surely the greatest force of all. ”
“   Nothing can stand between us. ”
“   It was a pleasure to know you. ”
“   I look forward to counting you as part of our family. ”
“   She does not owe me anything. ”
“   Have you not done enough? ”
“   I applaud you. I bring you flowers on each of my visits, and yet you still react with admirable surprise every time. ”
“   I shall need to bring you something unexpected. ”
“   Her happiness is your greatest concern. ”
“   I promise you will not be disappointed. ”
“   Oh, I do hope your wedding dress will be ready in time. ”
“   While you may be content to accept defeat, it is certainly not how I approach things. ”
“   I take that duty with the utmost seriousness. ”
“   You have always been a terrible shit. ”
“   Surely we must be able to do something? ”
“   Now, where is the dinner I was promised? ”
“   Please, come in. Make yourself at home. ”
“   Apologies. Have we met? ”
“   I see my reputation precedes me. ”
“   Feelings are irrelevant. Indeed, they're responsible for this mess. ”
“   You will seduce him? ”
“   He is not so little anymore. ”
“   After your meal, perhaps we could take a walk, like we used to do. ”
“   It is quite late for you to be up, too, is it not? ”
“   If you're nervous about the wedding, you need not worry. ”
“   I am not quite sure what you believe I am to do about it. ”
“   It was not love at first sight for either of us. ”
“   We found something far greater. We found friendship. ”
“   Her laughter brings me joy. ”
“   To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart. ”
“   I want her to be my wife. ”
“   Do you wish to marry this man? ”
“   I suppose congratulations are in order ”
“   I do hope you will remember my kindness in keeping secrets and repay me someday. ”
“   You can choose anyone but him. ”
“   Perhaps you would find it acceptable for me to live my life with a man who treats me like a mere beast? ”
“   I am beginning to feel a bit faint. ”
“   We should not be alone in here. ”
“   I know we have only known each other a short while, but… well, would you want to marry me? ”
“   You deserve a grand wedding. ”
“   I must say, I am honored and most grateful for your presence. ”
“   I hope you made the right choice. ”
“   You certainly enjoy spreading secrets, do you not? ”
“   Dear child, have you lost your wits? ”
“   I am flattered by your accusation, but it is simply not true. ”
“   What evidence have you gathered? ”
“   Tell me what you know. ”
“   What happened the other night? ”
“   I suppose I have put this conversation off for as long as I can. ”
“   Well, what do you recommend? ”
“   I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet. ”
“   I am going to miss all of you terribly. ”
“   I have a present for you. ”
“   I know we could not be any more different, but there is one thing we do share. ”
“   We need to rest before continuing on in the morning. ”
“   We should go down to dinner. ”
“   You have avoided my presence. ”
“   You have said all but a few words to me. ”
“   I could not bear witness to the misery I have caused you. ”
“   I cannot stop thinking of you. ”
“   From the mornings you ease, to the evenings you quiet, to the dreams you inhabit… my thoughts of you never end. ”
“   I am yours. I have always been yours. ”
“   You look angry and bothered. ”
“   It is you I cannot sacrifice. ”
“   I burn for you. ”
“   It has been so long since we have been blessed with your presence. ”
“   I am looking forward to making your acquaintance. ”
“   I'm no good at those things. I'll only make a fool of myself. ”
“   May I have everyone's attention? ”
“   Do you think this is a joke? ”
“   You are an ass. Do you know that? ”
“   I must make a good impression. ”
“   I am certain there is much left to see. ”
“   I found myself in continual awe of their beauty. ”
“   I knew you were flirting with her, but you flirt with plenty of young ladies. ”
“   I am not sure I have ever seen you so solemn and serious. ”
“   I was not prepared to let another of you fly the nest so soon. ”
“   It pains me you should think every compliment a mockery. ”
“   You think so little of me, I cannot bear it. ”
“   Please do not tell me you regret it. ”
“   I cannot condone your actions. ”
“   I am afraid that is not possible. ”
“   You have such a unique accent, and yet I have never asked where you're from. ”
“   I am not fooled by your little act. ”
“   I am sure we can find a solution to these difficulties, and I thank you for bringing them to our attention. ”
“   Oh, there, there, there, child. No need to cry. ”
“   I did not realize my absence would be felt this way. ”
“   You know, oddly enough, when I am actually in the presence of children, I forget all about my own concerns. They are the easiest company in the world. ”
“   I have all that I want just here. ”
“   I am very sorry. But this plan of yours, I find it wanting. ”
“   What were your favorite pastimes in the country? ”
“   Oh dear, what can the matter be? ”
“   You really are very good. You know that? ”
“   My own father does not want me. ”
“   Fool that I am, I truly thought that with your family, I might finally find acceptance. ”
“   We shall make our own family, you and me. ”
“   It is all I want. It is all I want in the world. ”
“   I wish we could be married this very minute. ”
“   We just have to make it to the border. ”
“   Are you missing home? ”
“   I will ensure everything is in order. I will ensure everything is done properly. ”
“   Should I have worn a different dress? ”
“   Perhaps I might ask your opinion on something? ”
“   I know I am new to the role, but I cannot imagine what I have done wrong so soon. ”
“   I will correct my mistake at once. I…I had no idea. ”
“   I am so very grateful for your guidance. ”
“   His childhood was not always easy. ”
“   Everyone talked as though it was her fault. ”
“   I thought you loved him. ”
“   Your love is an unrequited fantasy. ”
“   I should not have stayed away so long. ”
“   I'm at the end of the world with you ”
“   I trusted you more than anyone in this world, and you took advantage. ”
“   "Cannot" and "will not" are two entirely different things. ”
“   You chose this for yourself. ”
“   I thought you were prepared. ”
“   You took my future from me, the one thing I wanted more than anything. ”
“   I would have died for you! ”
“   Do you know — I even felt pity for you? ”
“   The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. ”
“   What thing is more fragile than the human heart? ”
“   I have learned that a grave fraud is afoot. ”
“   Should I really deliver the message? ”
“   You cannot believe I shall welcome you back into my bed after your lies and deception? ”
“   I would never dream of concealing the truth of such important matters. ”
“   I must return to my family immediately. ”
“   I will not let you out of my sight. ”
“   Hush, child, all will be well. ”
“   We are in just as perilous a position. ”
“   Perhaps if she can destroy a reputation… she can restore one too. ”
“   This is an emergency. ”
“   We do not require your assistance. ”
“   This may be the answer to all of our problems. ”
“   Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. ”
“   I know you must think me a fool, but my heart pays no heed to mere logic. ”
“   When I think of her, I only want to be near her, to be with her… despite all reason otherwise. ”
“   Perhaps I can arrange a rendezvous. ”
“   It follows no reason or sense, does it? ”
“   Where have you been all night? ”
“   Do you understand me? That we no longer trust each other? ”
“   Thank you for joining us. ”
“   I did not come here to be shamed by you, nor anyone else. ”
“   You may think me a villain, but I did what I thought I must. ”
“   No one ever truly helped me, or guided me in a different direction. ”
“   You wish to know the cruelest part of your deception? ”
“   I see now that was all a lie. ”
“   We should tempt scandal more often. ”
“   Your duplicity comes so naturally. ”
“   Improvement is all a matter of practice. ”
“   How are you faring? ”
“   You have not heard what people have been saying. ”
“   All will be well again, I promise you. ”
“   I am sure you wish to avoid any further unpleasantness. ”
“   Judge not, lest we too be judged. ”
“   Something troubles you. ”
“   I know you are a grown woman now, but I am still your mother, and you can come to me when you need advice. ”
“   Well, then, share your thoughts. ”
“   I am merely trying to be of help. ”
“   For what it is worth, I am sorry. ”
“   I came here to apologize to you. ”
“   I wish it had not happened this way. ”
“   Why should he be the one to choose your future? ”
“   Do you really want to be alone? ”
“   I am quite capable of doing more than you think. ”
“   I have defeated the best, and I'm confident I shall continue to do so. ”
“   I think you would be wise to leave. ”
“   We shall teach you the rules. ”
“   Seems I have been blessed with some beginner's luck. ”
“   Would you just get to the point? ”
“   Do you not ever get tired of pretending to be so perfect? ”
“   We may not be perfect, but at least we keep our promises. ”
“   I'm trying to be a man of my word. ”
“   Well, you certainly make it look difficult. ”
“   Tell me why you are so adamant. ”
“   Your help is greatly appreciated, but there is nothing more you can do. ”
“   I’m not exactly in the mood for music and finery this evening. ”
“   I may have been a trifle harsh with you. And I'm sorry. ”
“   So you admit it now? You were acting a fool? ”
“   You may hurt now, but the pain will pass. ”
“   We live under constant threat of danger. ”
“   I risk my life every day for love. ”
“   It takes courage to live outside the traditional expectations of society. ”
“   I'm not bound by the rules of society. ”
“   You know not the future that awaits. ”
“   Don't you touch me. Stay away! Just leave me alone! ”
“   This time next week, our ruse will be well and truly over. ”
“   I shall begin practicing straightaway! ”
“   I would have expected this from anyone but you. ”
“   I am sorry for everything I have done and said. ”
“   I know I do not always say the right things, and then the things I do say, well… They are not always what you wish to hear. ”
“   However difficult forgiving someone may be, it is necessary to move forward. ”
“   However are we supposed to move forward from there? ”
“   I have come bearing grim news today. ”
“   I thought him a villain, but he was not. ”
“   We do not need to have this conversation. ”
“   You may not understand this now, but I am doing this for your own good. ”
“   You will be better off without me. ”
“   I cannot fight forever. ”
“   I merely showed him what he was capable of all along. ”
“   You still managed to put on quite a performance. “
“   What ever could be more honorable besides taking care of one's family? ”
“   You’re angry, but not with me. ”
“   What is this? And more importantly, how did you get it? ”
“   I believe I need a doctor. ”
“   This is preposterous and fantastical. ”
“   I want you there by my side. ”
“   For someone who hates ballgowns… you look exquisite in one. ”
“   I am merely glad you came. ”
“   I suppose I should thank you. ”
“   We did not expect to see you here. ”
“   Are you enjoying your evening? ”
“   I did not see it at first, but I know you were only trying to prevent me from heartache. ”
“   I wish to tell you something. ”
“   It was actually you who inspired me. ”
“   Oh, um… What was it you wished to say? ”
“   I need you to take me somewhere. ”
“   My imagination was the furthest I could allow myself to go. ”
“   I am looking out for myself. ”
“   What I know is that you are lost, and I cannot allow you to set me adrift as well. ”
“   It is a choice, dearest, one that is never too late to make. ”
“   I cannot tell you how much peace and comfort that brings to me. ”
“   There is nothing you cannot do. ”
“   I know that this is not what you had envisioned for the evening. ”
“   Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love. ”
“   He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong. ”
“   I am tired of pretending. ”
“   I cannot continue acting as if I… as if I do not love you. ”
“   I love all of you, even the parts that you believe are too dark and too shameful. ”
“   You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy, but you can choose differently. You can choose to love me as much as I love you. ”
“   I do not want to be alone. ”
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oneinnocentprincess · 5 months
open to: m / f / nb possible connections: criminal, staff/servant/maid, knight, royal, etc.
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The princess had settled in for the night after a long bath in her grand tub. Her maids had advised her to be more cautious when roaming her room unclothed, but she found no harm in it whatsoever. After all, who could see her from such a high of a view? Just like any other night, she left her window cracked open, welcoming in the cool breeze of the night. She wore her standard undergarments and a pastel pink nightgown that night. It did not take long for her to fall asleep in her luxurious bed…however later in the night, she heard a strange noise in her room. What could it possibly be?
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empirexsin · 5 months
open starter | historical rp | open to all (mutuals and non-mutuals)
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" they said i would find you here, " returning from his campaign. several moons have passed since he has seen the other. he has suffered the cold winter in a blizzard of snow, not like the heat of the roman sun. the roman men, unprepared for such a cold climate that some had died within the first few weeks. he looks different. hair is longer, curled. and face, stubbled.
he has seen droplets of blood, garnishing the ground and seeming even brighter as they lay against each snowflake that had settled upon the ground. he has butchered men. he has burned villages in his conquering of land. and yet, on his return, such celebrations of barbaric behavior had not been cheered on by the other. instead, they were nowhere to be found in the crowd of faces. hiding, it seems, in the palace, among the hall of faces where marble busts of great caesars before he, reside. " why are you hiding? "
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memestockpile · 1 month
brother orchid from the 1940 film. feel free to change.
this is murder. just plain murder.
a lot of people are funny like that.
why wasn't i in on the know beforehand?
lay off, will you.
you don't know what you're saying.
you're always in good taste.
i kind of like to get away by myself for a little while.
oh, baby, now how can you talk this way?
when you say that, it's like sticking a knife in me. when you look like you mean it, it's like breaking the handle off.
you and me have been going together for [number] years now.
you're swell, kid. you know, you deserve the best.
i'm gonna take care of you.
you're a sight for sore eyes.
relax, you ain't scaring nobody.
you might as well get this through your nut right now.
you can stay around as long as you want to.
i'm gonna blast you right off the earth.
where do you think you're going?
you don't know how i've missed you.
you ain't kissed me yet.
that's a nice boy.
okay, i'll bite.
listen, you leave everything to me, see?
you'll do no such thing.
honey, it's nice to have you back.
you're jealous and you don't have to be.
you'll meet the right girl someday.
now, button your lip and listen, will you?
i don't like this whole setup, boss.
shut up. i'll do the talking.
sometimes the littlest items make the biggest funerals.
it just makes me sick way down inside to see you so worried.
did you ever smell alfalfa?
before i say a word, you gotta promise me something.
it's no good you two being enemies.
so long, kid.
i'm taking you someplace for protection.
i still don't like the idea of you going in there alone.
if you think i'm coming to get you, you're crazy.
you're hiding something.
this is a good time for you and me to have a little talk.
don't excite yourself, son. you've been badly hurt.
if i'm not in heaven, where am i?
until you're well and strong again.
i got no friends.
i think i'm gonna like this place.
i'm sure you'll be comfortable here.
say, don't you never get tired?
in doing things for others, it is we ourselves who reap the richest reward.
you mustn't waste your strength.
i wanted to make certain that your decision came from your heart.
you ought not to go barefooted.
come, my boy.
getting this honor makes me feel a little dizzy.
we're very proud of you.
what i am about to say pains me very deeply.
why, you little muzzler.
there are times when we appreciate your witticisms. this is not such a time.
you have hurt and shamed everyone in this room.
i worked hard over them flowers.
we're going to forget everything that happened. tomorrow morning, this will be a closed incident.
i think you've earned a trip to the city.
it feels like a guy's jumping rope in my stomach.
if the coppers ask any questions, keep your mouth shut.
please don't be mad at me.
if you ain't a screwball, there never was one.
what did you do, join a convent?
i gotta get something off my chest and i only hope you won't be sore.
the last six months of my life were the happiest i've ever known.
i won't be able to stay with you.
don't you know it's past time for you to be in your bed?
we were just talking about you.
i've come to realize you must have a powerful wrong impression of me.
those guys outside, are they your pals?
you're headed for trouble. and i'm scared.
what kind of malarkey is this?
i'll be back before you know it.
i want you to carry this with you.
love is like a scratch on the back.
that'd be a pretty cheap thing to do.
if it's a question of money, maybe i can help out.
now, go on before i change my mind.
i thought class came in dough and nice clothes and society. well, i was wrong.
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cursedvessels · 4 months
open to all!! ↳ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ; ꜱʜɪᴍɪ ☼ relationship: could be a friend who took him to the party, could be a complete stranger, literally anyone, any gender...also totally down for this being a historical thread because let's face it who doesn't love writing a drunk babe at a lavish ball plot: basically he wandered off from the main ballroom HOURS ago and your muse has just found him totally sloshed in one of the less-crowded rooms
"I've been having a marvelous time! This might be the best party I've ever been! Least in this century, no doubt..."
Shimi's voice came out practically in song, beaming at the other who had just entered the room and settled upon the lounge chair. He had splayed himself cross the chair, letting his upper body fall into their lap as he stared up at them, a wild grin on his wobbly features. One hand held a glass of champagne, his tie hanging loosely around his neck, his other arm craddling his suit coat. It was well into the evening by now, perhaps so much so as to be considered approaching morning. Yet, the festivities continued with the select stragglers who had drunk so much wine they were likely to stay until morn anyhow.
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"Stay with me, won't you? Ohh! Or perhaps fetch us another bottle of sherry? So long as you promise to come back!"
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feverish-desires · 5 months
open to: f muse: Guy of Gisborne plot:  Guy is the King’s trusted advisor, so when the Queen reveals that she and the King are unable to produce a child and she fears what the King will do with her, he is more than happy to lend his advice… and possibly his assistance.
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“Just because you haven’t been able to get with child doesn’t mean that you’re barren, my lady,” Guy pointed out sympathetically, casting a conspiratorial glance around the study before he continued, ensuring that they were alone. “I know it’s treason to say as much, but it is possible that the King is the problem.” He lowered his voice as he met the Queen’s gaze, pinning her with his stare. He knew as well as she did that the King would never admit the possibility, but the current Queen was not his first wife that hadn’t been able to produce an heir for him, and Guy understood why she would fear being discarded for the same reason. “But even if that is the case, I’m afraid the only solution would be to… take another man to bed, my lady.”
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sindirimba · 3 months
i don't care what people say, the fact that there is still an active fandom for TOG, even though it is quieter, is impressive. and even more impressive is that the BoNers continue to live 😘
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loveaffairxc · 2 months
Open to: f
Muse: Andrew Smith (28, bomber pilot in the United States Navy)
Connections: wife, lover, bestfriend, platonic rship ...
wishlist: a thread where each reply is a letter, signed and dated and everything. it could either be really long ones written over a long period or short telegrams. @indiestarter
April 11th, 1943
Well we have had a time today, the General is coming tomorrow to give us an inspection and we have been washing windows…. We have to form here at the huts and march about 4 hours until the General inspects each man. Boy who ever heard of such a mess in a combat zone, what a war. What a place. Go out one day and risk your tail and come back and have inspection to see if all your buttons are buttoned.
But there was a moment today that I won't soon forget. We had a brief respite from the madness, and for a moment, it felt like the weight of the world had lifted off our shoulders. We gathered in the makeshift courtyard, and then, out of nowhere, this scruffy little mutt appeared, tail wagging and tongue lolling, as if he knew exactly what we needed. He bounded over to us, his presence bringing a much-needed spark of joy to our weary souls. We named him Keller, after the famous service dog who's been making headlines back home. I couldn't help but laugh as Keller darted between us, his antics bringing smiles to faces that hadn't seen much to smile about lately. And then, before I knew it, he was at my feet, looking up at me with those soulful eyes as if to say, "Come on, soldier, let's dance!" So there we were, Keller and I, twirling around in the dusty courtyard, the strains of laughter filling the air. It had been so long since I've heard that sound.
I wish you could have been there to witness it. I miss your laugh too. More than anything in the world. Please, do tell me about your day. I yearn to know every detail, every fleeting moment that fills your time.
With all my love,
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intoxfolklorex · 7 months
Open to males 30+ (historical au. please don’t like my starters)
In the weeks since their son had been born Belle had found herself staying in their tent more and more, just watching the small child. It felt so strange to her that there was a war going on and she could be so happy with her husband and her child, her little prince. The rightful prince. Hearing someone walked in Belle looked up, expecting to see another wetnurse trying to take her baby from her (how they managed to still have those in their camp she didn’t know) but instead Belle caught the eye of her husband. “I’m watching him sleep again.” Not that he needed to hear that, it was obvious what Belle was doing. “He’s just so perfect. We made something so perfect.” Soon enough she would have to come out, to rule properly but she needed time.
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tessastormrp · 1 year
[Open] Such Dad [Sihtric]
"What did those two now." He sighed, knowing that whatever Cynlaef and Aethelstan had done couldn't have been much good. He was already preparing a good scolding for his adoptive sons.
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notmorbid · 5 months
crime and punishment, pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky.
nothing could induce me to leave you now.
tomorrow all this nonsense will be over.
the drink makes me swear. don't mind it.
even running away is impossible now.
i'm not drunk. i'm never drunk.
do you trust me, or not?
you understand me because you are an angel.
you seem to have fallen from heaven.
i've sworn never to argue.
through error, you come to the truth.
you never reach any truth without making fourteen mistakes, very likely a hundred and fourteen.
we can't even make mistakes on our own account.
talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and i'll kiss you for it.
to go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's.
lock your door, and don't let anybody in.
what an ass you are sometimes.
i sometimes speak too much from the heart.
your complete recovery depends solely on yourself.
i never go to bed before two at home.
a normal man hardly exists.
why, are you afraid of me?
that's all in another world, and so long ago.
why are you laughing again?
why do you demand of me a heroism you do not have?
if i ruin anyone, it is only myself.
to act sensibly, intelligence is not enough.
people will write anything.
how did you find me, by the way?
if only you knew how you interest me.
pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart.
the really great man must, i think, have great sadness on earth.
be angry with me, if you like.
i knew you were pretending to be asleep.
reason is the slave of passion, you know.
there's something wrong with you.
i rarely lie.
in the past, have you ever seen ghosts before?
i know i'm not well, but i don't know what's wrong.
i don't believe in a future life.
there's something about you like me.
if only you knew what you're asking.
i knew you were lying.
forget me altogether. it's better.
if you love me, give me up.
i knew you would run after me.
aren't you sorry?
you're not saving anyone from anything.
what does god do for you?
don't ask. you don't deserve.
children can't remain children here.
you are like a child asking for matches.
don't play with me. don't dare.
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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   “   Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?   ”
   “   If I ever hear the word "Atlantis" again, I'll step in front of a bus!   ”
   “   You have a lot of potential.   ”
   “   Who... who are you? How did you get in here?   ”
   “   I'm acting on behalf of my employer, who has a most intriguing proposition for you.   ”
   “   Relax. He doesn’t bite … often.   ”
   “   Did you really know my grandfather?   ”
   “   We stayed close friends ‘till the end of his days.   ”
   “   He spoke of you often.   ”
   “   I've spent my whole life studying dead languages.   ”
   “   I will stake everything I own, everything that I believe in... that this is the genuine Shepherd's Journal.   ”
   “   I'll show them! I will make them believe.   ”
   “   For years your granddad bent my ear with stories about that old book.   ”
   “   Your grandpa was a great man. You probably don't realize how great.   ”
   “   Don't let her age fool you.   ”
   “   Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children.   ”
   “   Atlantis is waiting. What do you say?   ”
   “   Boy, I’m so excited, l-l-l-I can't even hold it in.   ”
   “   Excuse me? I need to, uh, report in?   ”
   “   Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you.   ”
   “   If you're lookin' for the pony rides, they're back there.   ”
   “   You can’t put a price on the pursuit of knowledge.   ”
   “   This should be enriching for all of us.   ”
   “   Now tell me your story, my little friend.   ”
   “   This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out, out, out, out, out!   ”
   “   Now, what have I told you about playing nice with the other kids?   ”
   “   Back to the pit from which you came!   ”
   “   OK, everybody. I want you to give Mr. Thatch your undivided attention.  ”
   “   Cartographer, linguist, plumber. Hard to believe he's still single.   ”
   “   Captain, you'd better come look at this, sir.   ”
   “   Do you want to do my job? Be my guest.   ”
   “   How much time do we have?   ”
   “   I don't think he's comin' back.   ”
   “   Move it, people! Sometime today would be nice!   ”
   “   I won't sugar-coat it, gentlemen. We have a crisis on our hands.   ”
   “   Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you, Mr. Thatch.   ”
   “   We’re all gonna die.   ”
   “   Looks like we have a little roadblock.   ”
   “   That thing is going to keep me up all night, I know it.   ”
   “   You know, we've been pretty tough on the kid. What do you say we cut him some slack?   ”
   “   Hey, Milo! Why don't you come sit with us?   ”
   “   Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book?   ”
   “   I know, I know. Sometimes I get a little carried away.   ”
   “   You know, that's what this is all about, right? I mean – discovery, teamwork, adventure. Unless, maybe, you're just in it for the money.   ”
   “   Hey, how’d you learn how to do that?   ”
   “   I never got to meet your grandfather. What was he like?   ”
   “   He was like a father to me, really.   ”
   “   My parents died when I was a little kid, and he took me in.   ”
   “   That is so cute!   ”
   “   Uh, no... no offense.. but how does a teenager become the chief mechanic of a multimillion dollar expedition?   ”
   “   So, what... what happened to your sister?   ”
   “   I just like to blow things up.   ”
   “   All right, who's not dead? Sound off.   ”
   “   Maybe that's our ticket outta here.   ”
   “   I gotta hand it to you. You really came through.   ”
   “   They can smell fear just by looking at ya.   ”
   “   We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace.   ”
   “   Come. You must speak with my father now.   ”
   “   Someone's having a good time.   ”
   “   Commander, there were not supposed to be people down here. This changes everything.   ”
   “   This changes nothing.   ”
   “   You presume much to think that you would be welcome here.   ”
   “   I know what you seek and you will not find it here.   ”
   “   Your journey has been in vain.   ”
   “   May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir?   ”
   “   Your heart has softened, Kida.   ”
   “   A thousand years ago, you would have slain them on sight.   ”
   “   We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins.   ”
   “   The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen.   ”
   “   Our way of life is dying.   ”
   “   When you take the throne, you will understand.   ”
   “   Well, the King and his daughter don't exactly see eye to eye.   ”
   “   Well, if he's hiding something, I want to know what it is.   ”
   “   Look, I have some questions for you, and I'm not leaving this city until they're answered!   ”
   “   Oh, there is so much to ask about your world.   ”
   “   You are a scholar, are you not?   ”
   “   I got a few questions for you, too. So let's do this, OK? You ask one, then I'll ask one, then you, then me, then...well, you get it.   ”
   “   how did you get here? Well, I mean, not you personally... but your... your culture. I mean, how did all of this end up down here?   ”
   “   Wh... what... what … are you telling me… that you remember what happened because you were there? No, that... that's impossible...   ”
   “   How was my accent?   ”
   “   You know, you deserve credit for even... even gettin' this far.   ”
   “   By the way, we were never properly introduced. My name's Milo.   ”
   “   Uh, hey, you got a nickname?   ”
   “   You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories about this place as far back as I can remember.   ”
   “   I just wish that he could be standing here with me.   ”
   “   We are not thriving. True, our people live. but our culture is dying.   ”
  “   I wish there was something I could do.   ”
   “   Why don't you lead the way, because I have no idea where we're going.   ”
   “   This is amazing! A complete history of Atlantis!   ”
   “   I am such an idiot.   ”
   “   This is just another treasure hunt for you.   ”
   “   I would've told you sooner, but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis.   ”
   “   Welcome to the club, son.   ”
   “   Mercenary? I prefer the term "adventure capitalist."   ”
   “   You don't know what you're tampering with, Rourke.   ”
   “   Academics. You never want to get your hands dirty.   ”
   “   I got to admit, I'm disappointed.   ”
   “   You're an idealist, just like your grandfather.   ”
   “   For once, do the smart thing.   ”
   “   I really hate it when negotiations go sour.   ”
   “   Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us.   ”
   “   You've got to listen to me. You don't have the slightest idea what this power is capable of.   ”
   “   Let’s get this over with. I don’t like this place.  
   “   Doesn’t anything surprise you?   ”
   “   Talk to me, Thatch. What's happening?   ”
   “   So I guess this is how it ends, huh?   ”
   “   You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. We're just helping it along.   ”
   “   Be serious. This is wrong, and you know it.   ”
   “    You pick now of all times to grow a conscience?   ”
   “   She has been chosen... like her mother before her.   ”
   “   I followed you in, and I'll follow you out.   ”
   “   it's been my experience that when you hit bottom, the only place left to go is up.   ”
   “   What do you think that you are doing?   ”
   “   We're going to save Atlantis, or we're going to die trying.   ”
   “   Well, I have to hand it to you. You're a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible.   ”
   “   Tired? Aw, that's a darn shame, because I'm just getting warmed up.   ”
   “   There's a hero's welcome waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis.   ”
   “   I don't think the world needs another hero.   ”
   “   I'm going to miss that boy. At least he's in a better place now.   ”
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biiscione · 7 days
The capofamiglia had loomed in the shadow of the doorway for quite some time, quiet and observant as he ever was. Black hues watch his spouse intently, the softness in which they spoke to their child and how happily the young boy beamed back at them. It is a glimpse of a quaint life; a façade he has so meticulously fostered, all with the help of the other. His intentions were to keep the relationship transactional his wealth is theirs, as long as they do not question its origins nor his business, and he gets a proper public face simple, right?
Ah, but the young boy stood at the sound of Raphael's voice, ran to him terribly unexpectedly, and the man couldn't deny the well-behaved and excited little boy in a surprising but warm embrace.
"Quite studious we are!" Raphael teases the boy on his hip, watching him beam up at him from down his nose before turning his attention to his play-spouse. "Keeping busy, I see."
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open to: all genders ('historical accuracy' be damned)
plot/connection/backstory: roaring 20s. raphael is, for a lack of a better phrase, in the mafia but keeps a wholesome public face. desperate for security, your muse accepts his proposal: a marriage, on paper, for a somewhat normal life. they keep their distances from each other in their agreement of 'don't ask, don't tell', but that doesn't mean their relationship doesn't get a bit more complicated than that.
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memestockpile · 5 months
the holdovers from the 2023 film. feel free to change as needed.
these are for you.
they're your mother's panties. tell her thanks for the good times!
you stole my fucking cigarettes.
i resent that baseless accusation.
cut the shit.
i don't indulge in pornography. i get enough of the real thing.
this shit's premium weed, all right?
i can't believe you got out of it.
we don't talk about those things.
there's a nice little bonus in it for you.
that boy is too dumb to pour piss out of a boot.
at least pretend to be a human being.
are you fucking kidding me?
tone it down. jesus can hear you.
you know how lonely i've been.
fresh air will do you good.
adversity builds character.
this is the most bullshit ever.
don't be such a pussy.
civil disobedience, man.
your mind's a cesspool and a shallow one at that.
rich and dumb. popular combination around here.
you homesick?
that's why you grind everybody. deep down, you know you're an asshole.
life is like a henhouse ladder: shitty and short.
you don't know the newlywed game? what planet have you been living on?
everybody should be with their people on christmas.
sharp kid. insightful.
that's what you get for ratting me out!
i had a nightmare.
friends are overrated.
this is not exactly a face forged for romance.
i like being alone. i've always found myself drawn to the aesthetic.
if you could go anywhere on earth, where would you go?
you can't even dream a whole dream, can you?
it is absolutely my business. i'm looking after you.
i don't know what you're playing at, but you are courting disaster!
without exercise, the body devours itself.
you said you washed your hands of me.
i meant it metaphorically.
you're gonna get me fired.
the good news is nothing's broken, but you did dislocate your shoulder pretty badly.
this all remains entre nous.
do not try to leverage me.
they've got miller high life. the champagne of beers.
listen, you hormonal vulgarian, that woman deserves your respect, not your erotic speculation.
thanks for fucking up my mojo.
hey, sport, my eyes are up here.
you smell. like fish.
you're out of your mind.
okay, maybe it's fine for you to sit around here and read books all day, but i'm losing my goddamn mind.
watch your mouth, young man.
if you're too chickenshit to go to this party, then just say that.
every child is an artist. the problem is remaining an artist when we grow up.
who put you in charge of the music?
i'm not gonna do this if you're not gonna take it seriously.
the world doesn't make sense anymore.
you're a very sweet person.
do you think i want to be babysitting you?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
it's like the bible, the quran, and the bhagavad gita all rolled up into one.
i'll go pack.
you've never had sex, have you?
the details would curl your toes.
there's nothing new in human experience. each generation thinks it invented debauchery or suffering or rebellion.
history is not simply the study of the past, it is an explanation of the present.
what i say during a private conversation is none of your goddamn business.
just trying to keep you on your toes.
get up, kid. it's daylight.
is that rye toast? how'd you know i like rye toast?
you're a pretty good teacher, kid.
you conniving little shit.
...hello, sweetheart!
i don't have any friends. real friends.
i lie. i steal. i piss people off.
no one is his own father.
your history does not dictate your destiny.
i find the world a bitter and complicated place, and it seems to feel the same way about me. i think you and i have this in common.
you're just a kid. you're just beginning. and you're smart. you've got time to turn things around.
let's get you a slice of cake or some other age appropriate dessert.
christ on a crutch.
where do you stand on indoor fireworks?
that's too much paprika.
you did this to yourself, [name], not me.
you are and always have been penis cancer in human form.
i missed you at breakfast.
so, did you decide where you're going to?
i'm not like you. i like having a job.
we could grab a burger and a beer.
keep your head up, all right?
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