#highest quality portraits
piersphoto · 6 months
Exploring Piers Photography: Your Go-To for Unforgettable Moments
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Have you ever wondered how a single photograph can freeze the essence of a moment forever? At Piers Photography, the professionals don't just capture images. They beautifully portray your thoughts in a frame. Read this article now!
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alicenpai · 6 months
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two lonely rabbits, two hearts beating as one 🐇🖤🤍 (animated gif) now on inprnt !
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old sketch from march I decided to finish <3 usually when one of my sketches (intending to become a completed drawing) gets put on the backburner, it never surfaces. I usually have to prioritize other drawings and then months or years pass and once I have time, I lose interest and start other drawings in their place... but I'm glad I mustered up the energy to finish this one, ESPECIALLY since I strongly felt I needed more gothic pieces in my gallery hehe
the relationships between characters in this series are so interesting, because there are so many character parallels. I actually had to change the personality of white alice from the sketch to the final, since I .. think I misinterpreted her story! (so I think it turned out less gothic horror than desired but you know what I'll take this <3) I first read this story when I was 14 and I 1000% BET I'll still be finding nuances and new details in the writing years into the future...
I had a lot of fun with the animation albeit just being a blink animation 😩👍 but blinks can be animated in a variety of ways! in terms of my animation skills, I do consider myself on the weaker side. so if i can integrate more animation frames into my illustrations, it'll help me become more familiar and comfortable with the medium. I especially like the difference in how many frames it takes for dark Alice vs white Alice to blink. I think the blinks came out fluidly and I'm quite satisfied with how this drawing came out!
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Unknown artist Lady Pamela FitzGerald (d.1831), and her Daughter, 19th century National Gallery of Ireland
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okkennymay · 5 months
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One of the commissions I received last year introduced me to the utterly amazing game, Control, which I cannot recommend enough! In that game I fell in love with Dr.Darling, who you get to know through various recorded videos and text, and ugH I CAN'T GET HIM OUT OF MY MIND (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I'm just utterly obsessed! Ooooh god if we don't get more of him in Control 2 I'm going to rIOT- Speaking of said commission, I've just finished one part of it! A whole sketch page of Dr.Darling and Jesse~ which i'm about to post! (Another wonderful client who waited an age and a half 9w9") The 2nd part is a NSFW sketch page, which will eventually be posted onto my patreon~
Then there will be more because oh my god I haven't been able to stop thinking about this amazing game, it's world and the remedy-verse as a whole!
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A statue of Joan of Arc in a local church, Durfort, France
Photographed by me
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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thedudeabidesphotography: L. S. Dunes • Birmingham • January 2023
[January 31, 2023]
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upload-media-services · 11 months
Floor Plan
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Are you selling a property in Sydney? Floor plans are a great way to give potential buyers a clear and concise overview of the layout of your property. Upload Media Service can help you create high-quality floor plans that will help you sell your property faster.
Our floor plans are accurate, detailed, and easy to understand. We use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that your floor plans are of the highest quality. We also offer a variety of customization options, so you can create floor plans that perfectly match your property.
So what are you waiting for?
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romaneisk · 1 year
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Portrait of a woman. A metaphysical accident.
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larkingame · 2 months
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hello all! been a moment since we last discussed some things, so I'm coming online to discuss the progress of Larkin's development and make a few announcements :)
over the last ten months, larkin has gone through a lot of changes, some of which I've documented here--but most of it I've kept pretty private. I realized that over the few short years I've been developing the game, I sort of grew an unhealthy dependence on my presence within the 'interactive fiction' community that I really, really needed to take a step back from and break, all in order to ensure that I could enjoy working on what originally started out as a passion project for me.
since july of last year, I've completely reshaped and rewritten how larkin exists as a project, shifted it's genre and started collaborating with a few others to ensure it can be of the highest quality it can possibly be. uptop, i'd like to mention @tapeworrmart who's taken on the immense task of putting together most of the game art for me, @khiita and @ann1a-1 who have both taken on the roles of my editors (and also sounding boards for when I am being absolutely insane) and my production manager phillip, who without his assistance, larkin would barely exist. with that, let's do a progress report. the intended demo of larkin, or what i've taken to calling 'episode one' (yes, i said, 'episode,' more on that in a minute) has stretched to just over 200k words worth of content. it stretches all the way from the earliest versions of larkin's original prologue, to the end of the original chapter two. so far, we've completed 3 out of the intended 20 character portraits, as well as some more art that's slowly been in development.
now, on to the announcements. probably the biggest, and the one I am most ashamed of is--due to the fact that I've been slammed with graduate school work and some other external factors, Larkin as it currently exists is not the best that I think it can be. I'm deeply sorry for this, but I want to ensure that you all are getting the highest quality game you could get from me--and right now, I know it's just not that. Which is why I am unfortunately, pushing the release of the demo back until Friday, June 14th, 2024. Patrons will be granted access to the most recent edit of the demo two weeks earlier on Friday, May 31st 2024. In the meantime, I will be working day and night (quite literally) to get what I'm dropping on you up to par and something that I'm happy with.
To make up for this disappointment, I'm planning on repopulating the blog with a lot of content over the coming months, rewriting new versions of old asks, posting art and short stories.
Next on the agenda and also an equally important announcement. I'm changing the rating of Larkin to Mature or 18+ As I've been writing these past few months, working through a lot of themes and figuring out the story I want to tell, I've found that I think the change in rating is entirely necessary. While I don't think I've ever had that big of a minor fanbase--I think that this is just what I am most comfortable doing. There has consistently grown a little bit more of gore, and trauma exploration, which is the main reason for this change in rating, but, this does allow for the inclusion of something that I've been toying with since the intial release of the game. There is going to be explicit sex scenes in this new version of Larkin--all of which, you the player are able to opt out of, or completely avoid if that's something you want--but I just thought a little announcement would be warranted. This does not mean however, I am comfortable with answering thoroughly explicit asks or getting unsolicited sexual messages. The goal is to keep this game blog mainly tame.
Please respect this boundary of mine.
Third thing to be announced. I've also changed the format in which Larkin will be released. Rather than around the twenty-five chapters in one of a series of 'Books'/'Games', Larkin will be released episodically over four 'seasons' with eight-ten episodes of around 200k-250k words each (though, this is just an early estimate--they could grow longer, as I'm basing this purely off the demo/Episode One)
Finally and a little bit of a fun note: there are now twelve romance options throughout larkin, five male, three female, one non-binary and three gender-selectable. With those upcoming asks, you'll hear more about each in the coming days :)
With all that being said, I wanted to lastly thank all of you for supporting me over the years and putting faith and your interest in this project. truly, the support of all of you means the world to me and I can't wait to share more of larkin with you all.
thank you 💖
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tzaraat · 6 months
i'm broke and have hospital bills to pay. in better news, i'm selling art!
sketches and small drawings on paper, size ranging from 5x5 cm to an A4 sheet. various mediums. price ranging from $10 to $30 US.
example pieces:
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[image ID: six drawings in pen, oils, pencil and watercolours, three in each image. they are all relatively realistic. /.End ID]
disclaimer: being sketches, many of these pieces have miscellaneous text on the backside and/or were not painted on the highest quality paper. these sorts of issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
illustrations from my new skin for the old ceremony project, each the size of an A4 sheet. various mediums. price ranging from $35 to $50 US.
example pieces:
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[image ID: four drawings in pen and oils, two in each image. each piece contains an illustration and sone handwritten text - the lyrics to the songs from new skin for the old ceremony. /.End ID]
larger paintings. oil on glass (approx. 70x100 cm), oil & watercolour on paper (100x140 cm), oil on embossed metal plate (approx. 55cm diameter). prices in the $200-$250 US range.
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[image ID: an oil painting of two grappling figures, painted on a window. /.End ID]
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[image ID: a watercolour and oil painting of two bare Chested figures, one lying down and the other kneeling. /.End ID]
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[image ID: an oil portrait of Jon Moxley, painted on an embossed metal plate. /.End ID]
if you are interested in any of the above, feel free to contact me through tumblr DMs, email at [email protected], or discord at tzaraat. i'll show you which pieces are available, and provide all necessary information.
disclaimer: much of my work is done on medium-low quality substrates (i don't like dropping entire paychecks on supplies, and i am no longer in school) or on found objects (like the window and plate). in addition, i often work on improperly primed or entirely unprimed substrates, or experiment with paint chemistry and the likes. as such, i can't really guarantee archivability. if any painting seems to me particularly fragile, i will disclose it and we can discuss what should be done with it.
i'm open to negotiation re: pricing and the like. feel free to contact me even if you can't afford it right now, and would like me to reserve a piece for a later date.
i also have a ko-fi:
thank you all ♡
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aismoker · 1 month
How to Bing?
Part 1: The basics
I received several questions about how I create the images I post. So, here are some of the answers. I am no expert and I have not a clue how the algorithms work. There are probably plenty of other ways to make images, but this is the way how I make them. If you have tips or tricks, share them below.
As I have stated before, I use the Image Creator of Bing, powered by DALL-E 3. It is "free", as in: you don't have to pay for it, but it probably collects tons of data, but let's not get into that. I have tried other creators, but at the moment, I think that Bing produces the highest quality images, with the smallest amounts of flaws, although it still happens quite often that too many arms or legs appear in the images. Of course, this field develops so quickly that by the time you read this, there can be thirty other, better creators out there. One of the cons of the creator is that it sometimes blocks your prompts to eagerly. As a rule, just stay away from full-body nudity, sex, celebrities, violence and weapons. In some cases you can work around it, for example, if you create a soldier, often a gun appears in the image. There are other image creators that allow that kind of stuff. Feel free to use those.
Below I explain the steps that I usually go through when I make an image. I put examples along with it. Those are just examples to highlight the point I am trying to make. It is not a process you have to follow step-by-step to create your own images, you can do that in your head.
STEP #1: Composition
Generally speaking, the first things you put in your prompt are usually considered to be the most important, so start with what the focus of the images should be. Do you want the focus to be on a person, than write that down first. Do you want a more overview-like image (for example of a large room, a field, etc.) then start with that.
As you can see below, I created several different images of a man in an office. The prompts that I used are below them.
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"A man sits in an office"
"An office with a man sitting in it"
"Portrait of a man sitting in an office"
"A coffee cup in an office. A man sits behind it."
Do you see the difference between the first and second image? In the first, the focus is on the man, in the second more on the surrounding. In the third image, the focus is even more on the man. In the fourth image the focus is on something else and the man is just a background prop.
STEP #2: Specify
With such basic short prompts you usually get decent images, but there is a huge problem: You don't have any control on what the image looks like. In the example above, the men look completely different as do the offices in which they are sitting. If you let the prompts run again, you get completely different men and offices. It is therefore needed to specify your prompts. You can do that by changing the words in the prompt that you already have, or to add stuff.
STEP # 2.1: Change what you already have
By exchanging the words in your prompt, you can specify what you have. I have used the prompt above and have changed the word "man" into different occupations. The differences are striking.
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"A general sits in his office."
"A bouncer sits in his office."
"A baker sits in his office."
"A farmer sits in his office."
I have also changed "an office" into "his office", just to make sure that the main figure remains a man. In the case of "general" and "bouncer" the chances that a woman appears are not so big, although it does occur. With occupations like farmer, baker, teacher, etc. the chances that you get a woman are bigger. This is because the generator works on the basis of prejudice, bias, stereotypes or whatever you want to call it. This is logical as the generator has been "fed" images of, for example, generals, who have been traditionally more often men than women. That is also the reason why for example in images of bakers a lot of breads, cookies and other pastries appear, simply because the generator has been taught that that is the essence of being a baker. You can see this as a problem, but it is what it is. Besides, you can always subvert expectations.
Just use your imagination and you might get surprised what works for you. There are, however, some occupations that you should try to avoid if you don't want your prompts to get blocked. For example, I tried "butcher" instead of "baker". In the first attempt I got the images below, but all later attempts got blocked. Based on the images I did get, I think that the generator basically equates "butcher" with "serial killer".
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I didn't try words like "murderer", "psychopath" or "male prostitute", but I guess they are also blocked.
Some of the words I like to use to describe men are: "bouncer", "biker", "scally" and "security guard". This very often gives a masculine, bad boy vibe to the image.
STEP #2.2: Add stuff
Changing the things you have can change the images significantly, but with a short prompt like "A man sits in an office." you leave a lot of space for the generator to fill in the blanks. It is therefore important to fill in those blanks. It is, however, important to know, that you cannot control everything. First of all, you only have 380 characters to describe what you want to get. I found out that you can make longer descriptions with the chat feature, but I never used that. Secondly, the longer you make your descriptions, the harder it is for the generator to understand what you mean and it can mess things up. For example, if you describe multiple people seperately, it will happen that the features of one will be copied to the other one, or that they will morph into some creature. Especially if you want to create an image like 1.2 ("An office with a man sitting in it.") with multiple people in it, you just have to accept that the image will probably not turn out how you hoped it would be.
The easiest way to make the images more to your liking is to add specifications to the nouns. You can, for example add age of the people in your images and add more qualities:
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"A 30 yo man sits in an office."
"A 60 yo man sits in an office."
"A sinister man sits in an office."
"A muscled man sits in an office."
"A 30 yo sinister man sits in an office."
"A 30 yo muscled man sits in an office"
Adjectives I like to use to describe people are: "muscled", "charismatic", "sinister", "brutal", "athletic", "brutish", "rough" and "rugged". Note, however, that some of these words tend to have some strange consequences. I noticed, for example, that "rough" tends to create men with wounds or scars on their faces, "rugged" gives the men often a fur collar and "muscled" and "athletic" very often leaves the men without shirt or sleeves. Not necessarily bad, but just keep it in mind.
You can add multiple adjectives after each other and it is quite fun to try strange or unlogical combinations, like "charismatic" and "brutal". The generator often comes up with inventive and quite good images! The system has its limits, however, so try to keep it simple. In my experience up to four specifications seem to work okay.
The same goes for the space in which the person is.
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"A man sits in a dark office."
"A man sits in a bright office."
"A man sits in a bright smoke-filled office."
"A man sits in a creepy smoke-filled office."
Of course, you can also put specifications after the nouns. I usually use this to describe the spaces (like: "at night", "at dawn", "in a big city", etc.) For people, however, I have the feeling that it not always works.
The images you create with these methods are nice, but not exactly what we want. In order to get there, we have to add more stuff to specify it further. Things I put in here are usually descriptions of clothing, specific features of people and movements.
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"A 30 yo man sits in an office. He smokes a cigarette."
"A 30 yo man sits in an office. He wears a shiny leather suit."
"A 30 yo man sits in an office. He talks on the phone."
"A 30 yo man sits in an office. He has shaved his head bald."
You can let your fantasy go loose here and you can add as much as fits in the prompt. Think, however, about what you put in this part and what you put in as adjective. For example, "a bald man... He has shaved his head bald." is double, so remove one of those. I have the feeling that "He has shaved his head bald." gives better results, so I would keep that and remove "bald", but this is all up to you. And if you have not enough space, try to put things in as adjectives instead of descriptions. Don't be afraid to put in this part also adjectives. Just play around with it. There are indefinite possibilities in indefinite combinations.
A few examples:
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"A brutal 30 yo bouncer sits in a smoke-filled office at sunset. He wears a leather jacket. He has a black mohawk. He fills out a form. He smokes a cigarette."
"A charismatic 45 yo business man sits in a steampunk office. He wears a biker suit. He has polished his nails green. He pets a cat."
"A handsome brutal 30 yo man sits in an office. He wears a shiny black police uniform. He smokes a cigar. He stares at his phone. The phone glows red."
"A bald 23 yo scally lad sits in a futuristic high-tech office. He has a bushy blonde beard. He wears a shiny black tracksuit. He drinks a beer and smokes a cigarette."
What you should not do is to tell a story to the generator like "A man sits in his office. He is on the phone with his colleague, complaining about his boss, while he writes a report with graphs in it." This will usually confuse the generator. Keep the sentences short and describe what you want to see. The story behind it should be made in your head.
STEP 3: Add a style
One of the last things I add is a certain style. This is not necessary, but it can add a bit of finesse to the image. I either put it in at the end or in the beginning. I am still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.
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"Sepia photo. A 30 yo man sits in a n office."
"A 30 yo man sits in an office. The scene is sinister."
"A 30 yo man sits in an office. Manga style."
"A 30 yo man sits in an office. Low-angle perspective."
STEP 4: Be patient and practice makes perfect
One of the most important things to keep in mind while making AI-images is to be patient. You can have written the most fantastic prompt, but still the images can look like shit. Don't despair and try it again with the same prompt. If, after a few attempts it doesn't work, try to change a few words. Most of the images I have created are the result of multiple attempts and rewrites. Also, save you prompts in between. A prompt that gets blocked disappears and you will have to start your prompt from scratch.
After some practice you will start to get a feeling of what will get a prompt blocked and how you can circumvent this. For example, I noticed that "police man" has a higher block-ratio than "bouncer" or "man" + "He wears a police uniform". Also, if you want images of men getting towards a climax, use something that might look similar to that, for example "He has his eyes closed in pain".
That's all for now. I hope this helps some of you guys out in making some nice images. Don't forget to share them!
In the next part, I will get deeper into more complex images, with multiple people in them.
To go to part 2: click here
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danilovefest · 2 months
from: Box Repsol blog
What makes Dani Pedrosa a one-of-a-kind rider?
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His clean, technical style
Wherever he sets his eyes, his wheels follow. Dani has always been an extremely smooth rider, taking turns with the best riding line and great skill. This riding style protects the wheel from wear and allows him to gain precious seconds. Although the samurai can’t always take the line he’d like to on the track (because it’s occupied by another rider, for example), knowing which is the optimal line helps him identify the best alternative. If you can’t take the riding line you want, make your own.
One of Dani’s stand-out qualities for his fans, the media, and other riders is that number 26 is a true gentleman when it comes to competition. When he’s on the bike, respect for his fellow competitors and safety on the track are values that he refuses to set aside. That’s why Dani has earned the respect and esteem of everyone in the paddock.
Dani is a demanding rider who always tries to give his all on the track. It doesn’t matter how many times he’s been one step away from success, the Samurai isn’t satisfied with almost achieving something. His tenacity is an admirable quality, even more so after years of pursuing the title, something that he hasn’t achieved in the top category. Having tried time after time alone is a feat that’s difficult to match.
His numbers
31 victories in MotoGP; 153 podiums across all of the categories, the third most podiums in history; and 2940 points, the second highest number of total points in the top class. To that, add three world titles — one in the 125cc category and two in 250cc — as well as 16 consecutive seasons winning at least once race, 12 of which were in MotoGP. All of these numbers paint the portrait of a tremendously successful MotoGP career, and are the foundation that earns him the support of many fans.
Even with all of his success, Dani is still the same guy he’s always been. He likes cycling, Japan, water sports, and spending time with his friends. Dani is by no means pretentious, and we can see that in the way he works, how he celebrates his successes, and how he always greets his fans with a smile.
It’s precisely because of all of these qualities (and many more) that Dani’s fans love him. Dani has enthralled an entire generation of motorcycling fans, who have shouted in unison: “No corres solo” or “You’re not riding alone!“. The fan club of this rider from Castellar del Vallés is one of the most active, and is legendary on the grandstands at circuits such as MotorLand and Cheste. The red and blue banners with number 26 and the baby samurai are their most beloved symbols. Their support has always been essential for Dani to remind him of the effort and determination that have got him to this point and that, whether he’s on his bike or not, he’s never riding alone
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
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【Historical Artifact Reference】:
Ming Dynasty Royal Portrait:
・Portrait of Empress Xiaoduanxian (Chinese: 孝端顯皇后; 7 November 1564 – 7 May 1620) In ceremonial dress (翟衣/di yi)
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・Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns of Empress Xiaoduanxian (※This Phoenix Crowns only for important ceremonial occasion which call “礼冠/Li Guan” wear with ceremonial dress(翟衣/di yi) 
Unearthed from Ming Dynasty royal mausoleum Ming Dingling (明定陵)  , is a mausoleum wehre Wanli Emperor, together with his two empresses Wang Xijie and Dowager Xiaojing, was buried.
In addition to this phoenix crown, the Empress has another phoenix crown for other occasions.
Collection of the National Museum of China.
This phoenix crown is 35.5 cm high, 20 cm in diameter, and weighs more than 2,000 grams. It is inlaid with hundreds of high-quality gemstones of various colors and decorated with more than 5,000 fine pearls.
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[Hanfu・漢服]Chinese Ming Dynasty Traditional Clothing Hanfu (翟衣) & Phoenix Crown (鳳冠)  Reference to Ming Dynasty Relics & Empress Portrait
【History Note】
Diyi (Chinese: 翟衣), also called known as huiyi (褘衣) and miaofu (Chinese: 庙服), is the historical Chinese attire worn by the empresses of the Song dynasty and by the empresses and crown princesses (wife of crown prince) in the Ming Dynasty. 
The Diyi also had different names based on its colour, such as yudi, quedi, and weidi. It is a formal wear meant only for ceremonial purposes. It is a form of shenyi (Chinese: 深衣), and is embroidered with long-tail pheasants (Chinese: 翟; pinyin: dí or Chinese: 褘; pinyin: hui) and circular flowers (Chinese: 小輪花; pinyin: xiǎolúnhuā). It is worn with guan known as fengguan (lit. 'phoenix crown') which is typically characterized by the absence of dangling string of pearls by the sides. It was first recorded as Huiyi in the Zhou dynasty(1050–221 BCE).
The Diyi follows the traditional Confucian standard system for dressing, which is embodied in its form through the shenyi(深衣) system. The garment known as shenyi(深衣) is itself the most orthodox style of clothing in traditional Chinese Confucianism; its usage of the concept of five colours, and the use of di-pheasant bird pattern.
【 Influence to Other Country】
Korean queens started to wear the Diyi (Korean: 적의; Hanja: 翟衣) in 1370 AD under the final years of Gongmin of Goryeo,when Goryeo adopted the official ceremonial attire of the Ming dynasty. Same as the early Korea Joseon, were bestowed by the Ming Dynasty.
According to the Annals of Joseon, from 1403 to the first half of the 17th century the Ming Dynasty sent a letter, which confers the korea queen with a title along with the following items: 翟冠(Ming womens whose husband held the highest government official posts can wear this kind of crown,different from Ming Empress Phoenix Crown 鳳冠), a vest called 褙子(Beizi), and a 霞帔(Xiapei). However, the Diyi sent by the Ming dynasty did not correspond to those worn by the Ming empresses as Joseon was considered to be ranked two ranks lower than Ming.
Instead the Diyi which was bestowed corresponded to the Ming women's whose husband held the highest government official posts. In the early Ming Dynasty period, the Diyi were given to Korea Joseon By Ming, but after the Ming Dynasty reformed the clothing system, The Ming Dynasty bestow the 大衫( Dà shān) to the Korean queen instead of Diyi. The Diyi worn by the Korean queen and crown princess was originally made of red silk; it then became blue in 1897 when the Joseon king and queen were elevated to the status of emperor and empress.
it then became blue in 1897 when the Joseon king and queen were elevated to the status of emperor and empress.
After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the system of China granting clothing to Korea was interrupted. Korea Joseon were forced to become tributary state of the Qing Dynasty. Korea Joseon carried out "nationalization" based on the costumes bestowed by the Ming Dynasty in the past.  But according <Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty Volume 46> "嬪宮冊禮時, 旣有翟衣, 則當有翟冠, 而我國匠人不解翟冠之制。 考諸《謄錄》, 則宣廟朝壬寅年嘉禮時, 都監啓以: ‘七翟冠之制, 非但匠人未有解知者, 各樣等物, 必須貿取於中朝, 而終難自本國製造, 何以爲之?’ 云則宣庙有: ‘冠則制造爲難。’ 之敎。 “
Although Korea Joseon has Diyi,but no craftsman know how to make 翟冠(Di Guan), and the materials needed for make 翟冠(Di Guan) need to be taken from China (which need money for that). After all, it is difficult to manufacture in Korea. Therefore, Korea Joseon has not worn 翟冠(Di Guan) since the fall of the Ming Dynasty and change it to 대수머리(大首머리)
Korea "nationalization" process↓
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In Japan, the features of the Tang dynasty-style huiyi was found as a textile within the formal attire of the Heian Japanese empresses.
📝Recreation Work & Hanfu: @执月传统服饰 &  @鱼墨呀
📸Photo: @执月传统服饰 &  @鱼墨呀
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Carl Adolf Gugel (German, 1820-1885) Portrait of a Young Woman Holding a Mandolin, 1848
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rustyvanburace · 7 months
Okay, so. This is incredible. I found out that the Japanese SMT IV Final website actually provided some icons of the characters for use on Twitter.
And... lmao. The ONE time that IVA actually acknowledges Navarre's sidequest in IV is through these icons.
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The sidequest icon is VERY nice actually. This has to be the highest quality resolution I've seen thus far of his sidequest portrait. I wish I had the full thing.
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Michael Jackson Vector Portrait
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Package Name: MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait
Discover the ultimate graphic package for Michael Jackson fans and designers! Our MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait is a convenient Zip file that, once unpacked, gives you access to a range of optimized and verified graphic files to meet all your creative needs.
Package Contents
The package includes the following formats:
Artistic Applications
This vector graphic is incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of artistic and commercial projects, including:
T-shirts: Create unique and trendy shirts.
Murals: Enhance interior and exterior walls with an iconic portrait.
Mugs and Cups: Personalize your tea or coffee set.
Tapestries: Add an artistic touch to your spaces.
Stickers: Produce stickers for any surface.
Flags: Decorate events or rooms with unique flags.
Tattoos: Use the design as inspiration for tattoos.
Decals: Customize cars, computers, and other items.
Glass: Etch or print on glass for extraordinary creations.
Wood: Create engravings and prints on wood for a rustic touch.
More: Use your imagination to find new creative applications!
The files have been optimized and verified to ensure the highest quality for any project. The graphic can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, allowing you to sell your creations freely. However, the resale of the source files and their online distribution are strictly prohibited.
Why Choose MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait?
Premium Quality: Each file has been checked to ensure excellent resolution and definition.
Versatility: Perfect for a wide range of creative projects. Commercial Use Allowed: Freedom to create and sell derivative products.
Download the MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait now and bring the King of Pop into your artistic creations!
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