#high blood pressure control
Blood Pressure 911 Supplements - Health
A Right Jolly Good Sort: My Experience with Blood Pressure 911
I used to be a bit of a skeptic when it came to herbal supplements. All that seemed a bit "snake oil salesman" to me, you know? But then my doctor mentioned I was borderline for high blood pressure. Now, a flutter in the old ticker wasn't exactly unheard of in my family, but the thought of being on medication for the rest of my life wasn't particularly appealing. So, I decided to explore some natural alternatives.
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Taking the Plunge with Blood Pressure 911
That's when I stumbled upon Blood Pressure 911. Now, the name might be a bit dramatic, but it piqued my curiosity. The idea of a natural solution based on Japanese ingredients appealed to me. After doing some research and seeing mostly positive reviews, I decided to give it a go.
Easy to Swallow, Easy to Maintain
Blood Pressure 911 comes in capsules, which is perfect for someone like me who isn't a fan of syrups or powders. The dosage is simple – just two capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. It easily slotted into my routine, no fuss, no bother.
Feeling the Natural Difference
Now, I'm not going to say it was a miracle cure. It took a good few weeks before I really noticed a difference. But slowly and surely, I started to feel a change. That tightness in my chest, the occasional light-headedness – it all seemed to fade away. I felt more energised, and sleep came a bit easier too.
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Back to the Doctor, Back with a Smile
After three months of taking Blood Pressure 911, I decided to head back to the doctor for a check-up. He was pleasantly surprised! My blood pressure had dropped to a healthy range. He was cautious at first, recommending I continue with the supplements for another few months alongside a healthy diet and exercise – all things I was already incorporating more of thanks to feeling better. But there was a definite shift in his tone – he seemed genuinely impressed by the natural approach.
A Word to the Wise
Look, I'm not saying Blood Pressure 911 is a magic bullet. Everyone's body is different, and what works for me might not work for you. But for someone like me, who wanted to explore natural ways to manage my health, it's been a real game-changer. If you're on the fence about giving it a try, all I can say is – it might just be the "cup of tea" you've been looking for. Just remember, consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, alright?
Now, I'm not back to scoffing at all things herbal. Blood Pressure 911 has shown me that sometimes, a natural approach can be just as, if not more, effective than traditional medication. It's certainly made a positive difference in my life, and for that, I'm a right jolly good fan!
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princehalem-blog · 7 months
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healthabitshaven · 9 months
The one organ responsible for ALL cases of high blood pressure and the simple exercises that lower it – Right Now, Right Where You’re Sitting
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anishrathi · 1 year
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nevoadecaipora · 2 months
Coach Ukai is 26 years old???!!!!!
NOW I understand him completely dear god that dude is a saint can you imagine being 26 and responsible for a bunch of competitive teenage boys??
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Hey y'all another "I suspect this is atypical but idk how atypical" question, this time about blood sugar! Okay, maybe a few questions
if your blood sugar is in the fasting blood sugar range, but you aren't fasting, does that count as low blood sugar?
2. Is it normal to have low blood sugar symptoms at not-technically-low-blood-sugar levels (today, 93)? Like, especially when it's that way when you have not been fasting, but also in general
3. How do you word "hey doc my records say you took my blood sugar when I was fasting, but I wasn't fasting. That was like an hour, hour and a half after lunch and I'd downed half a gatorade before I walked into the office and my blood sugar was in the 80s. Is that...maybe...a problem? That it's happened twice?" in a way doctors will care about?
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daedrabela · 14 days
i miss being hot. i miss taking pictures and feeling cute. i miss dressing up and wearing minxy little outfits. i can't stand myself anymore. i can't look in the mirror.
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fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
Btw I’ve never talked to an actual medical doctor about my mental health issues so I have no idea how to go about it. Lol
#never been to therapy never been medicated. i just freeball my reality and my emotions and my mind#i did go to grief counselling briefly but the guy who did that was a volunteer. i mean i assume he had a certificate in something and he#absolutely did help me but he couldn’t diagnose or prescribe#i want to be diagnosed and prescribed if at all possible but i don’t know how and i don’t know if they will. i don’t know how to approach it#i mean i guess i should first address the biggest problem i’m having right now which is my mood swings and suicidal thoughts#i am worried though. like will i get sectioned if i mention the latter#like i don’t think i’ll actually do it and i specifically want help because i DON’T want to do that. but is me reassuring them of that#going to be seen as a red flag. because…#i also really don’t want to spend the whole time sitting there crying unable to talk but i probably will because i can’t talk about my#personal problems because my whole life whenever i try my mom screams at me until i stop#especially if i’m calm or apologise to her in any way. it just seems to make her angrier#it’s just like. i’m ngl the thing that’s probably helped my mental state the most was being on microgynon but i didn’t enjoy the other side#effects; and also my blood pressure is too high for it. and like.. i don’t need to take a birth control pill when what’s wrong with me#is my mood. like who cares if it’s just because of hormones. treat it all the time anyway#idk. idk! i don’t know what happens when you talk to doctors about this kind of thing. i don’t even know how bad my symptoms are#for all i know i’m entirely mentally stable. OR i could have ten disorders. i don’t KNOW#personal
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abhorrenttheorizer · 2 years
does anyone else become violently aggressive/competitive during valley races/trials in which other people join you or is it just me
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Staying Away from "Three Highs", Drinking Tea is a Simple and Effective Feasible Method
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What is "Three Highs"?
"Three Highs" refers to hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia, also known as "Three Highs Syndrome". Hypertension is a disease in which blood pressure continues to rise beyond the normal range; hyperlipidemia is a condition in which the fat content in the blood exceeds the normal range, including cholesterol and triglycerides; hyperglycemia is a disease in which blood sugar levels continue to rise beyond the normal range. These three diseases are related to factors such as lifestyle, diet, and genetics. If not controlled for a long time, they can seriously affect human health, and even lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. Therefore, it is very important to prevent and control "Three Highs Syndrome". The disease can be controlled by reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption, and early detection and treatment of the disease. By adopting scientific and reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption, we can effectively reduce the harm of "Three Highs Syndrome" and protect human health.
So, how can "Three Highs" be effectively controlled? A simple method is to drink tea!
Drinking tea can really reduce the risk of "Three Highs":
Reducing the risk of diabetes
In 2021, Professor Li Liming from Peking University School of Public Health and others analyzed the data of more than 500,000 adults in China's chronic disease prospective study and found that daily consumption of green tea can prevent type 2 diabetes in the general population, while regular consumption of green tea can significantly reduce the risk of death among people with diabetes. (1)
Lowering the risk of hypertension
In 2014, a cohort study conducted in China investigated the relationship between tea consumption and blood pressure changes in 1,109 participants over a five-year period. The results showed that there was a strong interaction between increased green tea intake and decreased diastolic blood pressure. Compared with non-tea drinkers, those who consumed a total of ≥10 grams of green tea per day had a smaller increase in diastolic blood pressure. (2)
Improving blood lipid abnormalities
A cross-sectional study published in 2017 showed that people who drank more than 30 cups of tea per week for more than six months had lower levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in their serum, and higher levels of total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein. (3)
Dr. Wang Fang, director of the cardiology department at Beijing Hospital, also wrote in a 2018 article in the Health Times that Pu-erh tea, as well as other types of tea, contain various substances such as tea polyphenols, tea pigments, tea polysaccharides, and caffeine, which to some extent can regulate lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism, blood rheological properties, and vascular elasticity. Therefore, drinking Pu-erh tea can play a preventive role in high blood lipids, high blood sugar, thrombosis, and various factors that cause heart and brain damage. However, for patients with pre-existing diseases, drinking tea alone is not enough, and medication such as lipid-lowering drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, and blood vessel unblocking drugs is still necessary. (4)
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6 Things to Keep in Mind When Drinking Tea!
Don't drink strong tea
Chen Hong, deputy chief physician of the Chinese medicine department at Wuhan Donghu Hospital in Hubei Province, said in an interview with Changjiang Daily in July 2022 that everything should be done in moderation, and drinking light tea can promote health, while drinking strong tea can harm health. For example, elderly people with weak gastrointestinal function may experience discomfort from drinking large amounts of strong tea for a long time. Strong tea contains caffeine, and excessive consumption of strong tea can cause dizziness, headaches, and increase the burden on the heart, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as chest tightness and palpitations, and causing high blood pressure. (5)
Don't drink tea on an empty stomach
Qian Duoduo, a member of the Capital Health and Nutrition Gourmet Society, reminded in an article in the Health Times in 2019 that tea, especially green tea, has high levels of tea polyphenols and caffeine. If consumed on an empty stomach, some of the active substances will combine with the protein in the stomach, causing irritation to the stomach, which can easily lead to stomach discomfort and even "drunk tea" symptoms such as dizziness. Especially for people with poor gastrointestinal function, it is not recommended to drink green tea. (6)
Don't drink tea too late
Tea has a refreshing and diureticeffect. Drinking a cup of light tea in the morning can help refresh the mind. For people who have trouble sleeping, it is not recommended to drink tea in the evening to avoid causing insomnia.
Don't drink tea that is too hot
Drinking tea that is too hot may burn the esophageal mucosa and increase the risk of esophageal and gastric cancer. Therefore, after brewing tea with hot water, let it cool down before drinking it. Li Shujun, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology at Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital, said in an interview with the Health Times in 2019 that the surface of the esophagus is covered with delicate mucosa, and food temperature has a great impact on it: 10℃ to 40℃ is the most suitable, while 50℃ to 60℃ can barely be tolerated, and temperatures above 65℃ can cause burns. Don't think that 65℃ is a low temperature, as a hot dumpling can easily exceed this temperature. (7)
Drink tea one hour after meals
Zhang Xiaoyan, chief physician of the nutrition department at Lianyungang Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Jiangsu Province, said in an article in the Health Times in 2017 that it is not advisable to drink tea immediately after a meal, and it is best to drink tea one hour after a meal. This is because tannic acid in tea can inhibit the secretion of gastric and intestinal fluids, leading to digestive problems. Moreover, tannic acid can combine with proteins to form astringent protein, which weakens intestinal motility and can lead to dry stools. More importantly, tea can interfere with the absorption of iron by the body. (8)
Don't drink tea when taking certain medications
Wang Yali, a pharmacist at Beijing Hepingli Hospital, reminded in an article in the Health Times in 2023 that anemic patients taking iron-containing drugs, people taking Chinese medicine with alkaloids as the main component, such as ephedra, coptis, phellodendron, and pulsatilla, people taking tonifying Chinese medicine, such as Codonopsis pilosula, astragalus, polygonum multiflorum, and psoralea, people with palpitations, insomnia, and vivid dreams taking tranquilizers, and people with spleen and stomach diseases, especially those with active peptic ulcers, should not drinktea. (9)
This article is a compilation from:
① Nie J, Yu C, Guo Y, et al. Tea consumption and long-term risk of type 2 diabetes and diabetic complications: a cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021 Mar 11:nqab006.
② Tong X, Taylor AW, Giles L, et al. Tea consumption is inversely related to 5-year blood pressure change among adults in Jiangsu, China: a cross-sectional study[J]. Nutr J, 2014, 13(1): 98. DOI: 10.1186/1475-2891-13-98.
③ Chen P, Li Y, Chen J, et al. A cross-sectional study of the relationship between tea consumption and blood lipid levels in middle-aged and elderly people. Chin Circ J. 2017;32(5):465-469. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3614.2017.05.011.
④ 2018-10-09 Health Times "High blood pressure: Don't replace aspirin with Pu-erh tea"
⑤ July 3, 2022, Changjiang Daily "Blood pressure soared after drinking strong tea for a week, octogenarian drank himself into the hospital"
⑥ January 15, 2019, Health Times "These things shouldn't be eaten on anempty stomach?"
⑦ April 2, 2019, Health Times "The habit of eating hot food needs to be changed!"
⑧ December 26, 2017, Health Times "Drink tea one hour after meals"
⑨ May 5, 2023, Health Times "Don't drink tea with these medications"
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
Maybe it’s because I’m old and cause I went through my “cringe content phase” in high school when I wore Achievement Hunter and Funhaus and Sugar Pine 7 merch to school every day for three years straight, but I really don’t see the point in being embarrassed of? Watching youtubers? Everybody watches youtubers. 
The same people judging someone for watching Dream wore Smosh merch to school back in 2014. Anyone who watched and enjoyed old Achievement Hunter really has no room to talk when talking shit on someone for watching minecraft gaming content when AH’s 2012 minecraft letsplay helped originate the concept of an smp as well as competitive survival minecraft content. 
Maybe I’m the cringe one for wearing Watcher and DnDads merch out of the house and enjoying things, I guess. 
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roboromantic · 1 year
hdhhkgkgk the nurse misread my profile as saying I'm allergic to serotonin. imagine.
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19-bellwether · 1 year
Disney vs. DeSantis is so funny because it's like. Neither side even wanted to get into this. Here's how it's supposed to go: Politician does something stupid. Corporation disavows politician after public pressure. Politician disavows the disavowing. Nothing changes for either party.
But then the Florida governor got stars in his eyes. He saw an opportunity to bolster his standing before the presidential primary. He wanted to be the one who took on The Mouse and won. So in retaliation he decides he's going to tear down the decades-old agreement Disney uses to govern Disney World's district.
And just like that, Disney's batshit insane legal department turns towards Florida like the Eye of Sauron spotting the ring at Mount Doom. They smell lost profit. They smell blood.
Disney will use any and every strategy they've accumulated over the last century of lobbying congress and DeSantis can't back down lest he admit Mickey Mouse beat his ass. He's lost control of Disney World's district even more than he already did. Now he's getting sued.
This all started because Disney was pressured into backtracking their political contributions to Florida and disavowing the Don't Say Gay law. Now they're fighting for something they actually care about: their profit margin. Disney is not an ally to queer people and they're an enemy to progressives, but damn am I rooting for them to keep humiliating the greater evil for the time being. This is high comedy.
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Are you experiencing frequent urination, increased thirst, or unexplained fatigue? These could be signs of an imbalanced blood sugar level. Other symptoms include blurry vision, slow-healing wounds, and frequent infections. Stay aware and take action for better health! 💪 #BloodSugar #HealthTips #DiabetesAwareness #usascripthelpers
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hawthorn-mori · 2 months
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Taking a brief break to record progress
The boop meter seems to progrsss on a scale of
30 > 100 > 300 > 700 > MAX > LOL > OMG
Of gives, the appearance only changes based on gives, but the revived seems to follow the same process
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Additionally there are two badges I’ve unlocked so far! Let’s see if there’s more, I doubt so since staff seem to have all the badges pre unlocked
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Yall don’t even know what fucked up shits been going on
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Ladies and Gentlemen and Y’all else who may
We got a tumblr
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See it in its original splendour down there
The order seems to be
30 > 100 > 300 > 700 > MAX > LOL > OMG > WOW > *-* > WHY > PLZ > AAA > ;_; > 0_0 > T_T > <33 > TUM/BLR
edit 3
I didn’t use an autoclicker because I started at 2am when it dropped, had no idea it was April fools, got an instant adrenaline high that lasted for four straight hours (the blood pressure has not done my legs any good) and just went apeshit
If you do this manually like me, I thoroughly recommend using a gaming controller, or anything with a trigger input on pc, I have a steamdeck so I used that. You’ll also be there for at least 6 hours ngl.
I probably could’ve been more efficient but I didn’t want to over spam people and wanted to fairly distribute clicks, have fun!
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Can BP, Thyroid be reversed like Diabetes can?
Rising urbanization and the unhealthy diets, and sedentary lifestyles that go with it have enabled this unrecognized, rising pandemic of non-communicable chronic diseases. Take a deeper dive into these so-called “lifestyle diseases” to understand more about their causes, risk factors, and how they can be treated holistically.
Click on link to read more: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/can-bp-thyroid-etc-be-reversed-like-diabetes/2889
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