#hi guys im just overthinking here but also if you have any input from the stuff ive said that would be nice I think im so confused??
faszaakisshobbi · 1 year
thinking waaayyy too much about this but П will refer to me as a "kid" or something similar and then correct herself to say "young adult" when technically??? no!? and I know for a fact she knows how old I am. and generally when people say young adult you might think 18-25ish, key term young adult.
I am mature in how I conduct myself, yes. I am close (ish) to being a adult, I am advanced as a musician, but she knows how old I am and there isn't a real reason for her to correct herself. it doesn't bother me and I haven't expressed to her or anyone even in the slightest that it bothers me.
why would she correct herself on multiple occasions for this? and she makes sure that she's correcting herself with my knowledge. is it because she just sees me as more mature than my age and wants me to know that she seems my maturity and advancements as a musician? is it because that is quite literally how she sees me, as practically(literally???) an adult or close to it. my main question is why? what does this mean?
she needs to stop sending fucking mixed signals because I know she really likes me but is it in a "I see you so much as a daughter" way or a very different and possibly questionable way I literally can't tell because she doesn't communicate clearly and I am biased in this situation its so frustrating.
anyways guys im just overthinking this and its probably nothing and im pretty sure she deff sees me as a kid (her own kid 👀 ???) jkjk I just obsess over things people say some times.
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katsukikiss · 3 years
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WARNINGS: NSFW 18+, smut, oral (f receiving), fluff, semi-established relationship?
AN: Im a little late for Izuku’s birthday :( but this is for @rat-zuki The Deku Agenda Escapes No one event! and thanks @morelikebaku-no for helping me come up with a title >.<
WC: 2.2k
“Hey y/n! You look different, you have something planned for today?” Izuku beamed at you, looking slightly confused. He approached you as you headed towards the elevator in his massive agency building. You were both heading up to the top floor, where his office resided. You two had been ‘talking’ for the last two months now, since you started working for him, and were casually going on dates or hanging at each others places. Nothing physical had transpired between you two yet; he made you incredibly nervous even though he was so warm and welcoming, so there was no way you were going to make the first move. However, you two had spoken almost everyday since Iida had suggested you for the job, and you practically knew everything about each other at this point. The romantic attraction you two had towards one another was undoubtedly strong, but because he never made any moves on you, you feared that he didn’t like you enough to do so.
“Oh thanks, I was just trying something new, do you like it?” you sheepishly asked, your face filling with heat. You dressed a bit differently than usual, a feeble attempt at being more ‘alluring’. You thought maybe if he saw you in the clothes everyone else was wearing he might find you more attractive. You were always told you had the goods and should flaunt them; you were far too embarrassed and insecure to actually do so, but you were getting a bit frustrated at your lack of physical contact between you and Izuku. Momo took you shopping the other day for some new clothes and makeup and convinced you to ‘just give it a try, see it it helps’. You dawned a tight sage button up and a short form fitting pencil skirt, and heels an inch taller than you were used to. Safe to say, it was a big change to your long loose skirts and fluffy blouses you normally wore.
“Its nice, different but nice. I think I have a meeting in ten minutes, I hate to ask but could you go pick up some coffee?” he asked you, a hand scratching the back of his neck while the other held the elevator door open. You usually attended these meetings, taking notes and giving input, but he never asked you to leave right before one.
You quickly nodded, “Oh yeah sure! Text me the orders I guess?”
“I will, thanks so much!” he said, removing his arm from the door allowing it to close. His reaction to your outfit was okay? He didn’t seem to particularly like or dislike it, but sending you out the minute you arrived to work, and before a meeting, seemed really odd to you, especially since he usually made other people do coffee runs so you two could spend more time together. You turned around on your heel to leave and saw the large group of pro heros entering through the two giant glass doors.
“Oh hey guys! Deku sent me to go get some coffee for you all, since you’re here mind if I just write down your orders now?” you asked, gently curtsying in their presence.
“Hey y/n long time no see!” Red Riot called out to you, hopping forward and pass the group to get closer to you.
“Hey Kirishima! I think I know what you want already” you laughed. He was a close friend of yours in highschool so it was only natural you’d know his favorite coffee. He smiled back at you, his eyes downward, looking at your chest for a bit too long than you were comfortable with. You shuffled back a bit, looking at the rest of the men whose eyes were also glued to your body. You never had a problem talking to them during meetings or outside of work but you felt incredibly flustered now.
“Uhm just tell me what the rest of you want okay?” you mumbled, trying to get the hell out of there. They all nodded, each taking a turn to approach you, coming too close to your face to give you their orders. Once you had them all written down on your phone you waved to them and they each had wide smiles and waved back.
“You’ll be back before the meeting ends right?” Dynamight snapped at you. Although you knew of him in high school and saw him at the office occasionally, he never spoke a word to you until today. You nodded quickly, and turned to leave. You weren’t oblivious, this outfit was working wonders, you just hoped it was working on the one you care about.
“Here you are boys!” you cheered, placing each of their drinks down in front of them. As you went around the long table to hand out the coffee, Izuku's eyes weren’t on you but on every one of his friends instead. He looked calm but something was hiding underneath that soft face of his. Some of the men ignored you as you handed them their coffee, mumbling ‘thanks’ under their breath. Others, including Bakugo and Kirishima, still looked at you like they did in the lobby, with starving eyes, regardless of the way Izuku was looking at them. You smiled gently at each of them before taking a seat next to Izuku so that the meeting could resume.
When you sat you felt your chair being yanked. You held on to the sides of the chair as Izuku brought you closer to him, a low dragging sound emitting into the room. He looked down at you with a kind smile before addressing the group again. Your heart raced, something was different about him today, was it your outfit? Did it work?! You started to get excited, your legs dancing a bit in your seat. He placed a hand on your right thigh without looking at you as he continued with the discussion. You tried to focus and take notes but the warmth of his hand on you made you so nervous and happy; Of course you two have hugged, snuggled and shared a few kisses here and there but something about this moment felt intimate.
The meeting ended and the men began standing to head out. You were standing and about to move from your chair when you felt his hand pulling on your arm lightly.
“Could you stay for a minute? I just want to talk to you about something” Izuku remarked.
“Oh yeah of course” you responded, taking a seat once more. The men all waved to you and Deku before you were left alone. You reorganized the papers in front of you and into a folder.
“Why the change?” he asked, taking you by surprise. You looked around the dark meeting room and down at your body, before looking back up at your boss.
“I- um I thought you’d like it?” you stammered. He looked like he was thinking, looking forward at nothing with a concerned expression on his face.
“Well I do, but I like when you’re you much better” he affirmed, his eyes aimed downwards. Frustration and defeat came over you; he didn’t like the new outfit, not really, and you weren’t sure what else to do but be honest with him. You thought for a moment it worked but you must have been wrong.
“You never look at me the way all those other men did today, you don’t touch me like you want me, is there something wrong with me?” you implored, practically yelling at him, tears welling in your eyes. His face looked upset when he finally turned to face you. He raised a hand to touch your cheek and swirled his thumb over.
“Y/n, no theres nothing wrong with you at all. I didn’t know you felt that way. Honestly I just didn’t want to rush you. Your are so incredibly beautiful and amazing and theres nothing I want more then to touch you in the way that you want, I just wanted to be respectful about it” he assured you, his hand never leaving your face. You sniffled back your tears and your eyes looked at him longingly. He looked anxious, searching your face for some sort of inclination as to how you felt. Relief flooded over you when you heard his response and you leaned forward into his chest. He placed his hand on top of your head.
“Im sorry I freaked out on you like that Izuku, I was just overthinking it, I can assure you I’m ready to move forward with our relationship. And I didn’t like this outfit much anyway…” you paused for a second and looked up from his chest “what was the deal with the chair though?” you asked. He looked every so slightly annoyed, but he still had a smile when he spoke to you.
“Some of the other heroes were making comments in here after you took their orders, and its safe to say I was a little frustrated and shocked with their behavior, thats all” he admitted. You couldn’t begin to imagine what pervy locker talk they were having about you, and its no wonder he reacted that way.
“Oh wow I-“ he scooped you up and into his arms, causing you to lose your train of thought. He gently squeezed at your thighs before slowly placing you down on the meeting table. Your legs parted instinctually as he slithered in between them.
“Im ready Izuku, trust me” you whispered. He leaned forward and into your neck, placing hot wet kisses down your exposed flesh. He pulled away and looked down at you, cupping your face in his calloused hands.
“Alright baby, then let me do something nice for you” he breathed out. You nodded quickly, your deep breaths making your chest rise to new elevations before falling slowly. He bent his knees, landing on them and placing his face between your legs. He looked up at you quickly before using his hands to pull your skirt up. You helped him and allowed it to bunch up at your waist. You watched as Izuku slowly licked his fingers, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time before dipping them painfully slow into your needy hole. You gasped at the feeling of his two large fingers entering, he began slowly pumping them in and out of you. He kept looking at your wet cunt, admiring it before delving in with his tongue. You let out the quietest whimper you could manage, so as to not be heard by the rest of the staff and people in the office. His tongue danced to rhythms you’ve never experienced before. He lapped up and down your folds, even removing his fingers so that his tongue could get a chance to fuck you too. Your little gasps and moans grew louder but he kept telling you “louder, its okay”. Your legs started to tremble, involuntarily closing slowly on his head. He loved the feeling of your thighs pressed flush against him.
“Fuck Izuku ah I love you” you moaned out, without thinking as you ran your fingers through his green locks. Your mind was in a state of euphoria, lost in the overwhelming sensation of his finger and tongue working wonders on you. You grasped a wad of his hair tightly as you came undone for him, your sweet release splashing out of your cunt and onto his fingers and mouth. He lapped up your juices, reveling in the way you tasted before licking his lips and wiping his face with the back of his hand. He stood up and you immediately pulled him in for a passionate kiss with shaky arms. Your tongues intertwined, before he pulled away, bringing his fingers to your mouth. You sucked on them slowly while looking him in the eyes. He looked dumbfounded as he watched your lips wrap around his and felt your cute mouth sucking on him.
“We can keep going Izuku, I want to” you practically begged, your face almost pouting after he removed his fingers from your mouth. He backed up from between your legs and pushed them closed much to your dismay. He placed his hands on your legs and bent down to your level and looked at you before speaking.
“We have plenty of time baby, plus I have an interview in about” he checked his watch “six minutes” he smiled at you. You hopped off the table, pulling your skirt back to its correct place. He straightened out your shirt and patted your shoulders. His hands moved down to your waist and he pulled you forward, your lips finding each other perfectly. You shared one last kiss before making your way towards the door.
“You can dress however you want y/n, whatever makes you happy will make me happy” he said, pausing with his hands gripping the doorknob.
“I appreciate that Izuku” you paused, a clever idea crossing your mind, “but wait till’ you see what I’ve got planned for tomorrow” you winked at him. His face turned a deep shade of red, as did your own at your fleeting sense of confidence. He shook his head and took a deep breath.
“I cant wait” he murmured before opening the door.
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neocityarchive · 5 years
ends | mark lee au (pt 1)
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summary | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: none
Chapter Summary: You didn’t have to be reminded that you lost the best thing to ever happen to you, but when a great opportunity came your way, you thought maybe a little risk won’t hurt. 
A/N: i woke up and suddenly this wasnt on my blog lmao im so frustrated. i mightve accidentally deleted it but here it is again.
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You looked at your phone to check the time. You have 15 minutes to get to the SM building. Why you’re going back there, you have absolutely no idea.
One of your sunbaes called and asked you to come in, saying they needed the interns’ input on the graphics of the new advertisement material for the recent SM Rookies project. You could have easily said no, but you also are very much aware that SM doesn’t usually do this. It would be crazy to pass an opportunity this big. But that’s not what you’re really worried about.
You stared at your screen until it went black, then pressed on the lock button, illuminating it again. Only a minute has passed since you last checked. You still weren’t used to your generic lockscreen. It’s been a month since you changed it, but it still feels weird not seeing Mark’s cheeky grin everytime your phone lights up.
Stop it, you told yourself.
You don’t know if it’s just in your head or if it’s the fact that you’re anxious and overthinking about the possibility of seeing him again, but the bus seems to be going faster today when you didn’t need it to.
You have no idea if the boys are going to be in the building. You stopped keeping track of the whole group since the break up. You couldn’t bring yourself to watch any of their videos since your ex seems to be in every single one of them.
In an attempt to get distracted, you put your earphones on and your playlist on shuffle, shifting your attention to the busy city life happening outside the bus’ window.
As if the universe didn’t want you happy, the songs coming up the playlist just made everything worse. Yang Da Il’s Sorry started playing and suddenly, you were thrown back to a memory you’ve been trying so hard to suppress lately.
You just got back from a trip to China, two days earlier than what you told everyone. These days, Mark has been really stressed trying to balance his time and energy between the three units. You could tell he was tired despite his efforts not to show it to anyone. You haven’t had a decent conversation in a while. He was always drained, so every phone call would just end up in an argument. If not, he’d be sleeping, or he would say bye even before you could tell him about your day.
It was hectic, so you thought you could pay him a surprise visit to lift some of the stress off his shoulders. After all, it used to work. Used to.
You were already on your way to the conference room where the dreamies were having a meeting but you stopped in your tracks a few feet away from the door.
It was quiet. There wasn’t the usual rowdy noise you could hear even from the elevator, which is very weird considering it’s the dreamies. That’s how you knew they were talking about something serious. A chill went down your spine, finding the whole thing unsettling.
“You should tell her the truth,” you heard Donghyuck’s voice from the hallway.
“I know, though,” Mark replied abruptly.
Your face contorted. You missed the sound of his voice, so much that your chest ached. But that wasn’t what you wanted to hear more about. Tell the truth to who? What truth? Who’s her?
“Just don’t make her wait,” Hyuck said. “She’ll only get hurt.”
Mark sighed. He sounded exhausted, like they’ve been on this topic for quite a while and the flow of the conversation wasn’t going his way.
No one spoke. It was very unusual since they usually just talk over each other, but this time, even a singe drop of water would sound deafening. You found yourself holding your breath.
It didn’t seem like they were talking about work. If it was, they would definitely be louder. You searched your mind of anything or anyone they could be talking about but there wasn’t enough information to make a conclusion. Still, there was something stirring in your chest. You don’t know how to explain it, but it didn’t feel good.
“Mark hyung,” Renjun called, breaking the silence.
He cleared his throat. “I’m just going to ask the question that is on everyone’s minds right now.”
Silence. It was deafening.
“Do you still love Y/N?”
You blinked. Twice. Thrice. You suddenly felt like all the air had been knocked out of your lungs. Your knees felt week, and your mind was going nuts. This wasn’t what you expected to hear when you came. Not at all.
You started going through the possibilities. Do they know another Y/N? Did you hear Renjun right? Is this some sort of prank??? Do they know you’re listening?
But the silence in the room proves it’s no prank.
You wanted to run, you wanted to scream. You wanted to burst into the room all at once. But your feet stayed glued to the ground. You found yourself waiting for the answer to a question you never thought you’d have to ask.
Do you? you thought.
Your mind wandered to your recent phone calls, your frequent arguments. It happened so often that there has been a part of you that hesitates to call him, afraid you’d fight again. He rarely ever sends goodnight and good morning texts, or even updates about his day anymore. Things have definitely changed between the two of you, but you always thought it was just because he was exhausted from work.
Your breath hitched in your throat. Today was supposed to be a good day. Today was supposed to be the day that would get you your boyfriend back. The day everything would be back to normal. But apparently... not.
“Do you?” Hyuck asked again.
“I don’t know. I’m just...” Mark’s voice trailed off.
You waited.
“...so tired of it.”
You pulled your earphones from your ear and stuffed your phone in your purse in frustration.
Your eyes have started to well up again. You looked up, trying to blink the tears away but it won’t work. No matter how you try to fool yourself and convince yourself you’ve gotten better, all these small moments that lead you back to him proves otherwise.
Part of you always knew things would be like this eventually, that Mark would get tired. He had way too many things on his plate, and you always felt like you should be the least of his problems.
He was always born to be a star. With his talent and passion for what he does, he was bound to take over the world. You knew that meant a lot of sacrifices for him. Living away from his home country, giving up the chance of a normal teenage life, always being within the eyes of the media and fans. You always knew the time would come when the compromise he had to make was our time for each other.
You just never thought it would come to the point where he would give up everything you had after all you’ve been through. Somehow, through all those months of dating him, you had yourself convinced that he loved you enough to not leave you like this. Turns out you were wrong.
“I never imagined I would say this...” you remember him saying, “but I think we should break up.”
It really felt like your world fell apart that day.
You used to be so cynical about how breakups are portrayed in the movies. It’s always so dramatic. The characters always seem like everything have stopped working after the breakup. You used to think it was overboard. But after going through it yourself, you realized maybe the movies were right.
Nothing felt right after that day. Everything seemed so much dimmer, much quieter, much slower. It was like the world forgot how to function properly...
The bus pulled at your stop, breaking your train of thoughts. You got off and walked to the building, taking two steps at a time, afraid of seeing anyone even remotely familiar. Thankfully, you arrived at the 11th floor without any casualty.
The whole thing went by quickly. Your mind was completely preoccupied while working. No traces of Mark, not even on the huge television screens on the walls.
Contrary to what you originally thought, working in SM was actually a fun experience. Aside from the fact you met the love of your life there, the people working with you were really nice. Today, they offered you a job, convincing you to stay. It sounded tempting, good pay, good benefits, but you didn’t know if you could work in a place that holds too much of the past you’re trying to let go of. Maybe not now. You told them you’d think about it.
Before you knew it, the work part was over. You were already back in the elevator, feeling a bit better than you were when you arrived.
The elevator stopped at the 9th floor, revealing a group of people who looked like executives. Upon seeing them, your sunbae grabbed you and the other intern by the arm and pulled you out of the elevator.
“You may go first, Mr. Lee. We’re not in any hurry.” He smiled to them, who nodded politely as they entered the elevator.
“Thank you,” the man who you assumed was Mr. Lee said.
Once the doors closed, your sunbae let out a sigh of relief.
“Are you okay?” you asked. “Who was that?”
“I’m fine.” He nodded. “That was a major stockholder of the company and a bunch of other important people.”
You nodded to yourself, suddenly realizing why the faces looked familiar. You must have seen them in the TV or something.
“Alright you guys. I’m gonna take the stairs. I’m just going down one level anyway. You can wait for the next one here,” your sunbae said.
Just then, the other elevator door opened but it was going up. The other intern went in, saying she forget something upstairs. Just like that, you were alone in the 9th floor.
A sudden realization dawned on you. You didn’t recognize the floor right away since the interior changed a bit, but this was where the recording booths are. This was also where you last saw Mark. As if in a trance, you decided to around to see what else changed within the few months you haven’t been here.
A chill went up your spine as you walked past the lounge beside the recording booth, your mind going back to how easily you got your heart broken the last time you were there.
It was two days after you heard the dreamies’ conversation. You couldn’t bring yourself to see him after that. You called him earlier and asked to meet up, lying that you’ve only just gotten home from China.
He agreed to meet you at the lounge beside the recording booths, saying he can’t leave the studio because the dreamies need him for advice while recording.
So you went there, feeling uneasy. There was no one else around, which was a good thing because you were sure whatever happens, you would cry.
You and Mark haven’t seen each other for weeks, but when he came, there were no kisses. Not even hugs. There was none of the usual excitement and undeniable craving that you both get whenever you see each other after not being able to for a long time. This time, he just sat quietly beside you. You weren’t even surprised.
He looked different. He had makeup on, but you could still tell the circles under his eyes got bigger. He obviously wasn’t doing well. But then again, neither were you. You spent the last two nights sleepless and crying, anxious, wondering what the hell you should do.
Without a word, Mark held out his hand, palm up. It’s something he does when he wants you to hold his hand.
You hesitated, wondering what happens after this, but it didn’t take you much thought. You intertwined your fingers with his anyway. It felt so natural and familiar, and weirdly out of place in the situation. It hurt.
He squeezed your hand gently.
“You okay?” you asked, your voice barely a whisper. If it was any louder than that, you knew it would break.
He nodded weakly.
“You look tired,” you managed to say.
He looked at you for the first time that day, and it took all of your willpower to keep yourself from breaking down.
“Cause I am,” he replied.
“Can I help?”
He shook his head, looking down. He detached his fingers from yours to fix his cap, running his fingers through his hair. You were half expecting for him to hold your hand again, but you weren’t surprised when he didn’t.
“Y/N,” he said.
“Mark,” you replied.
He bit his lip, an anxious habit. “Aren’t you tired?”
“Not really? I had a nap before coming here so–”
“That’s not what I meant.”
You just stared at him.
“Aren’t you tired,” he said again, slower and softer this time, “of this...? Of... us?”
You looked away. You knew this was coming. You just didn’t think it would be this soon. You took a deep breath and tried your hardest not to cry.
“I am,” you said, your voice close to breaking. “But...”
You weren’t sure what to say. It’s true. You are tired. You’re tired of not being able to see him, of not getting a proper conversation out of the small time you have together, of things not being like they were before. You’re so damn tired of it all. But telling him that is like telling him to stop doing his job, to stop doing what he loves. That’s the last thing he needs.
You sighed. “I don’t care.”
He shook his head again. “God, this is so hard,” you heard him mutter under his breath before turning to you. “How can you not care that you’re tired? Doesn’t this frustrate you?”
“I can’t just...” your voice broke. You let a deep breath and swallowed, trying to calm yourself. “What do you want me to say? I’m tired, Mark, and yes, it does frustrate me. A lot. But so what if I am? It doesn’t mean I want to give up on us.”
He buried his head in his hands.
You don’t know what you’re still holding on to. It’s like everything that used to be there is disappearing right before your eyes. You’re stalling, but you already know how this ends.
“Y/N,” he said, his eyes meeting yours. “Let’s face it. I’m already losing time for you, and it will only get worse. We never see each other anymore. I can’t even go out of this damn building to spend an hour with you. All we do is argue on the phone, and even when we see each other, we don’t talk properly. How can you still want to stay even after all this?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Does love really need to have a reason? you thought.
“Look, we barely understand each other anymore. I can’t... I can’t do this.”
Your heart broke. There was no other way to explain it. That’s exactly how it felt. Like something inside your chest just died. It’s like he had stabbed you with a knife, and just when you thought the pain was at its maximum, he still had to twist the blade in your chest.
“I never imagined I would say this,” he said, “but I think we should break up.”
You just sat there, almost motionless if your lips weren’t quivering. If this was a few months ago, he would already have his arms wrapped around you, muttering that it’s going to be fine, that he has your back no matter what. Now, he’s just... there.
You forced yourself to speak. “Just like that?”
He didn’t reply.
You let out an empty laugh, a tear rolling down your cheek simultaneously. “You couldn’t even wait a day and just spend a little more time with me. That’s how much you want this done.”
“No, I—” he tried to speak, but you were already riding the high of your emotions, you just had to let it out.
“I got back from China two days ago,” you said. “I was supposed to surprise you, maybe ask you out for lunch. But when I got here, I overheard your conversation with the guys. I heard you say you were tired of us, but it wasn’t just that. The way you said it...” you let out a shaky breath, your tears now uncontrollable. “God, it hurt to hear. I knew what you were thinking even then, and there was no changing your mind. So I couldn’t bring myself to see you after that because I was so afraid of what you’d say. I had a feeling if we saw each other that day, it would just make things worse. So I spent the last two days thinking what to do, you know how stupid I am.”
“Y/N,” he said softly, but you weren’t done.
“I still hoped I could maybe change your mind. I hoped my gut was wrong, that there was still a chance this could work. But I guess my luck had already ran out. I knew from the moment you walked in and just sat there, not even giving me so much as a hug, that you won’t even try to make things work anymore. So I guess... this is really it.”
“I didn’t... you weren’t supposed to.. I...” He searched for words, but you couldn’t bear to stay and wait for him to change his mind when he clearly won’t.
So you stood up and took something out of your purse. It was an elephant keyring that you got from China, something you bought especially for him. You two have a thing of giving each other tiny souvenirs from the places you went without each other.
Mark stood up too. His eyes were welled with tears, making the situation harder than it already is.
“It’s a lucky charm, supposedly,” you said, handing him the keyring.
He wrapped his fingers around it. A single drop of tear streamed on his cheek. And then another.
“Stop crying. God, at least make it easier for me to leave. This is unfair,” you joked, wiping his tears.
Mark managed to let out a laugh. For some reason, it just broke your hear even more.
You forced a smile. This is the guy you’ve been in love with, longer and harder than you’ve ever been with anyone. You hate the you probably won’t hear his explosive laugh again or watch him get overexcited over the simplest things or hear him randomly sing Frank Ocean under his breath. You hate that you have to let it all go so soon when you never thought you’d ever have to.
“I love you, Mark Lee,” you said, taking a step back. You know he secretly loves it when you say his full name. “And I sincerely hope you’ll find peace again and be happy after this.”
Before you could break down again, you began walking away.
But you haven’t even taken three steps when you were pulled by the arm. You spun around slightly, ending up wrapped in his arms again, his hug tighter than any you’ve felt. He buried his head on your shoulders while you wrapped your arms around his waist like you’ve done so many times before.
He didn’t say a single word when you pulled away. Neither did you. There was nothing left to say.
You turned around and just like that, you were gone.
The ding of the elevator opening pulled you back to the present. But you were too far from the doors already. You wouldn’t make it in time.
Your cheeks were wet. You didn’t realize you’ve been crying.
You figured it’s pointless to tell yourself you’ve moved on when you know full well it would take so much more than just two months to get over something as special as your relationship with Mark. Still, you couldn’t help but beat yourself up over the fact that you’re staring at an empty lounge in an empty hallway, crying like a baby.
You quickly dabbed your eyes and cheeks to dry the tears before looking around to see if there was anyone who witnessed your slightly embarrassing moment, but the are was still empty.
You went back to the elevator before you could see another thing that would trigger your thoughts once more.
You thought you were already safe. Excluding the flashbacks, the day has gone smoothly so far. But with the luck you are born with, when something is bound to go wrong, it definitely will. It’s almost funny that it didn’t even take five minutes before something did.
“Y/N?!” a familiar voice called from behind you.
You turned around, facing a tanned, brunette boy whose eye glinted with surprise, and with an aura radiating mischief and cleverness.
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hazinhoodies · 6 years
October part 4
A/N: i had this ready for so long and decided to rewrite it last night and i didn’t proofread to the best of my abilities so im sorry. all parts are tagged under october fic
Warnings: none
Word count: 2k (the longest chapter so far at least)
Emma and Hannah talked for the rest of the night about anything they could. When no one spoke, they sat in a comfortable silence until it was broken with one of them sarcastically threatening the other or speaking with no provocation.
“Cough one more time and I’ll throw you in the lake” -Emma 9:34
“What do you think our pets name us?” -Hannah 9:57
“Thanks, I hate it” -Emma 10:22
“How confused do you think a lion would be if it saw an octopus?” -Hannah 10:49
“Frankenstein is oddly symmetrical” -Also Hannah 
After the last one Emma finally looked up. “You know, it’s times like these when I wonder how we ever became friends’
“We were both lonely so we decided to be lonely together”
“Ah right, the greatest mistake of my life” Emma recalled. Hannah’s jaw dropped in shock
“Okay okay i’m sorry” Emma couldn’t hold back her laughter “I should probably go, it’s getting late here” She glanced at the clock 11:52pm.
“Oh sure break my heart and run away why don’t you” Hannah spoke flatly before they said their goodbyes and hung up.
Emma hadn’t noticed how dark her room had actually become until Hannah had hung up. Her laptop providing the only light in the room. She quickly changed and got into bed, pulling the duvet up over her shoulders. She started to ponder the events of the day, almost definitely overthinking everything. How could you have already made him hate you.
Harrison lied awake in his bed, he’d been struggling to sleep for a while. The photo still etched into his brain. Did something happen? Was it just for a project?  He’d never craved answers so much. If he could actually talk to her without making a fool of himself then maybe he’d get them. After about another hour and a glass of water, sleep finally took over.
A few days had passed and went pretty well. Emma had already figured out how to get around set, at least to the important parts; Her trailer, Toms trailer, Z’s, Jacob’s. The important ones. Her first interview of the day was Tony, she had to wait an hour or so for Z and Jacob to finish their next scene so she stayed in Tony’s trailer and talked with him.
They asked each other an abundance of questions. By the end of it Tony could have probably written her biography. Emma could have answered any questions you had about him. Favourite food? Favourite colour? She knows it.
“You and Tony got real close huh?” Z asked after her interview.
Emma shrugged “I guess so. I mean, he’s really nice and we had an hour to kill so we just.. Talked. Things just flowed. It was a nice change honestly”
‘Change from what?” Z looked over at her as Emma sighed. “Come sit here, we’re gonna be awhile” she patted the seat next to her and Emma sat down.
“A change from from what?” Zendaya repeated
“Holland and co” Emma paused “They're all super nice don’t get me wrong, Sam and I constantly. Just whenever Harrison is there things get kinda awkward”
Zendayas features soften, her voice filled with sympathy “He’s just like that sometimes I guess. Tom and him have been friends for years already. Just don’t take it to heart Em.” Emma nodded “Good. Now tonight you’re coming back to my hotel with me and we’re gonna talk got it? Great”
Emma chuckled “I see that i get no say in this whatsoever”
Zendaya shook her head “None at all”
Once Z wrapped, her driver drove both of them back to her hotel, which was significantly larger than Emmas.
“Okay important stuff first” Zendaya starts as soon as the door shuts behind them. “Hogwarts house. Favourite musical. Favourite band or artist or whatever” she counts them off on her fingers as she speaks.
Emma smiled “Ravenclaw, les mis or grease, probably Bowie”
“Bowie, really?” Zendaya echoed as they sat down on the couch, Emma nodded
“Yeah or maybe the Beatles” Zendaya looked shocked “What do you think i only ever listen to orchestra music?”
“No just didn’t picture you as a classic rock fan”
“I’m just full of surprises” Emma spoke sarcastically.
“Okay well I still know nothing about you and that seems kind of unfair considering you could google everything about me. So tell me stuff” Z leaned in closer, whispering the last sentence
“How personal do you want me to get?” Emma asked
“As much as your comfortable with” Z explained.
“I mean if were going all the way back I lived with my mom growing up, bout an hour outside of Toronto, never really knew my dad. I have a few vague memories but he left when I was six so they aren’t much. I’ve always been pretty music-oriented and my family never knew where I got it from. They were all science and math people My best friend, Hannah, we met when we were 7 at a youth band thing and have been stuck together since. We did everything together. We actually both graduated early and applied to the same universities but she stayed in the city to do musical neuroscience and I moved six hours away for performance music and then switched into composition” Emma ended.
“What about like dating and stuff? There's no way you’ve never had a boyfriend” Z leaned back, resting her elbow on the back of the couch, holding her head up.
“I dated the same guy for all four years of high school and into uni” Zendaya’s eyes went wide “Yeah it was really good at first but around the end of my junior year it got ugly. But we’d been dating so long I was almost convinced that it was normal. Once I got into university it got really bad and that’s when I came to my senses” Emma spoke calmly. Something about Z made her easy to trust.
The rest of the night went by quickly. They talked, ordered food, and watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the rest of the night.
The next two weeks on set went by pretty much the same. When Emma wasn’t doing post-scene interviews, she was in either Toms, Zs or Tony’s trailer. She had become pretty close with some more of the cast, particularly Jacob and Remy, definitely the most comfortable with Tony though.  She’d grown pretty close with Sam and Harry. Even becoming closer with Harrison. To the point were the two of them plus Sam watched the dark knight rises in Tom’s trailer after Emma had admitted to never having seen it. Even still, it was always fleeting gazes or staring way too long with both of them, neither approaching the other unless someone else was there, and still, they were all stutters and flushed cheeks.  
Emma had not had a good morning so far. It was Michael’s last day on set for a while so it was going to be only her now. Of course the first day without Michael and she woke up late and couldn’t get her coffee maker to work and found that the pants she’d planned on wearing, she hadn’t packed. Instead opting for a black skirt and a yellow top with the same pair of ankle boots as always, her hair pulled into a ponytail. Michael had gone in early so the drive to set was just Iris and Emma. It was slightly awkward, normally Michael would be the one to speak up and start conversations but without him there it was silent. The only good part of her morning so far, had been Iris offering to stop and get coffee when Emma told her of her morning so far.
Once she was out of the car, Emma started towards her and Michaels trailer, coffee in hand and her bag on her back. She felt her phone start to ring and pulled it out of the waistband of her skirt and with one hand, answered it holding it up to her ear
“Oh perfect you answered” Michael started, not even giving emma time to say hello “I have some stuff for you to listen to once you get here. I’d really like your input”
“Okay. Iris just dropped me off I’ll be there in like two minutes” Emma found herself walking in between the abundance of trailers.
“Great. You remember which one right?”
“Yes of course I do Michael, it’s been two weeks. I’ll be fine. Bye”
“Okay well just text if you get lost. Bye now”
Emma pushed her phone back into her waistband. She looked up, but not soon enough to avoid the chest she walked straight into, the other person also on their phone.
Emma stumbled back, dropping her pretty much full coffee on the ground. Harrisons hands immediately went to her waist to stabilize her, feeling her stiffen underneath his touch.
“Sorry about that, I should’ve been paying more attention” Emma looked up at Harrison. He was easily six inches taller than her. Everything she’d worried about during the very first interview had come true. She wasn’t able to look away now. She noticed the smallest details about him that she hadn’t before. Like the way his eyes got more green towards the outside, or the light stubble along his jaw, or how his cheeks seemed slightly more pink than normal.
“It’s alright darling, just watch out next time, yeah?” Harrison gave a small smile and Emma nodded. They were both lost in each other for a few moments. As if they were trying to memorize every detail of the other. Like the faint freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks.
Darling? It had rolled so easily off his lips, he hadn’t even noticed he said it.
It took a minute before Harrison realized how close they really were. He reluctantly pulled his hands away from her waist. As he did Emma broke their eye contact and took a step back, bending down to pick up the fallen cup.
“Ill uh.. I’ll buy you a new one” Harrison spoke, Emma looked up at him as she stood.
“No no you don’t have to really” She shook her head “It’s just a coffee. It’s not a big deal” They stood there for a moment, neither speaking, Harrisons hands in his pockets as Emma’s fiddled with the now empty cup “I should uh” Emma wet her lips quickly “I should get going” she barely looked up as the both nodded and she walked towards the trailer.
Once she was inside she threw out the cup and grabbed a paper towel to wipe off the  drops of coffee that had bounced up onto her legs. She placed her stuff on her desk and dragged her chair over to Michaels desk.
“You wanted me to listen to something?” she said as she sat down
“Yeah yeah give me one second” he said placing a few final notes in the composition program before hitting play on the theme he had written so far for the movie. After about four minutes, what he has so far ends. He looks towards Emma with a questioning glance “So?
“I uh It’s amazing obviously but.. I think it should have less to do with that triumphant superhero stuff you’ve got going on and more towards Peters loyalty and concern for his friends. I definitely wouldn’t scrap this though, maybe just not for the scene you’ve got it for” Michael nods as Emma speaks. Adding little “hm”s and “okay”s here and there.
“How about this. I want you to write it for this scene” Emma’s eyes widen in shock.
“Waitwaitwait you- I- you want me to write part of the score?” Emma barely stutters out
“Well yeah. Your name doesn’t get put in the credits unless you actually write something because technically you work for me not marvel and I want you name in there as badly as you probably do. So if you write something, you get credit.” Michael looks over at Emma, her jaw dropped. “I’ll take that as yes but Emma you’re going to catch flies. I have a meeting to go to now but you know what to do” Michael grabbed his bag and left.
Heres some writers that let me tag them :)
@cherryhollands @darlintom @starksparker @starksmile @hollandroos @marvelellie @dej-okay @h-osterfield @upsidedownparker
Taglist: @rainbow-marvel (thanks :))
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