#hes always right before independence ☹️
yukkuo · 27 days
Hello! I was wondering if you could write something for Nagumo! Maybe something along the lines of him coming back from a mission to his significant other place but they’re mad cause he hasn’t responded to their messages (for whatever reasons) for a few days and they thought something happened to him on the mission so he feels bad and consoles them. Kinda like comfort angst, you know?
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My apologies for this being so late, Ive had an extreme writers block because of school and finals☹️ anyways I ran out of ideas around the end because I personally don't know how couples fight since its always different for everyone (Ive never been on a relationship..)
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂: 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍!
Running your hand through your hair, you stared at the screen of your phone for the past 40 minutes or so give or take. You don't remember the last time something like this had happened— if it even happened that is.
Nagumo should have been home after a while, yet no matter how many time you call or text him, he doesn't pick up. Paranoia doesn't help the situation either. You knew he could take care of himself, he wouldn't be an assassin after all. He knew his weaknesses, his flaws and how he could use them or even hide them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the job.
You looked the time on your phone, exactly reading 2:03AM. You wouldn't go to sleep until you got a call or he knocked, if he didn't then it would feel like a world would crash onto you and kill you in the process.
How long has he gone without any contact? He was only supposed to be gone for a couple of days and you agreed that he would text you every now and then. Being an assassin meant being very busy yes, but would it mean you were selfish? Selfish to want to have at least one word for your lover that he was okay? That he was alive and breathing?
You didn't care if he cheated on you, you didn't care if he sent you a message that you two were over. You just hoped that he was well, alive and well.
At that moment, the sound of keys jingling and the door knob made your heart leap. All negative thoughts swatted away and the heaviness in your body disappeared. Like a dog waiting for it's owner to come back you immediately ran to the front door and saw the man you had been oh so worried about for the past few days.
The light was off and Nagumo immediately assumesd you had gone off to bed, it's wayy past the time you would normally go to sleep.
That is until the light.
Nagumo felt as if he was a teenager getting in trouble by their parents for sneaking out in the middle of the light in those movies or Tv Shows. He stared at you for a good couple of seconds before standing up straight.
"...Good morning..?"
The stare you gave him made him feel uneasy, and as much as he wanted to look away he couldn't bare to. Nagumo knew he was in trouble.
Hes dealt with life threatening injuries, strong opponents, hes killed people for god sakes!
But he's never felt more threatened by anything else other then you being absolutely pissed at him.
You let out a long sigh, standing up and about to walk away. Even an absolute buffoon could understand you were beyond irritated by the man who stood in front of the door.
You felt a hand grab your wrist and give it a slight squeeze with a tug following after.
"Listen, I don't know what I did wrong, but—"
"Are you serious?"
Maybe you were exaggerating right now, but the frustration that had consumed you made it unclear for you.
"You could have texted me, called me— fucks sakes I was worried!" You spoke in a firm voice, yet the slightest bit of shaky-ness in your voice threw him off. You were a strong and independent person, being able to take care of yourself would be no problem.
But to have you so worried that you cry for him, for you to hurt for him as he went quiet for a few weeks without a word to you made a small pit of guilt build inside of him. Even so, he won't deny that he was in the wrong for not even sending a letter or a post card.
"Listen sweetheart, I'm sorry I didn't call you. Or answer you, there is no excuse for this, but you do remember that I have told you that my job is dangerous." He spoke sternly yet there was a tinge of softness while he held your hand.
Staring into his eyes, the warmth of just his hand was enough to calm you down slightly. Yes you were still mad, but yelling at him about it won't so any good.
"I... I do remember yes, but couldn't you have reached me out somehow?"
"It would have been risky."
"Well..." You paused, sighing and coming into terms that he was right. "Yeah... You're right, im just tired sorry."
"Ive told you not to apologize about that" smiling, he pat your head with his other hand. "I should have reached you out one way or the other. Now, lets get you to bed."
"What am I? A kid?"
"... Sigh"
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prescottsgirl · 11 months
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sidney prescott x fem!reader
summary: after jill’s attack on sidney, you visit your girlfriend in the hospital to cheer her up.
warnings: small mention of blood but really just a bunch of fluff
this gif from the alternative ending ☹️ so so cute
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this had to be one of sidney’s most painful ghostface attacks to say the least. not only emotionally after being betrayed by her teenage cousin, but physically too. she’s lost so much blood, she’s surprised that she’s even still alive. you’re not very shocked though; you know she’s a fighter.
“hey you! looks like someone’s feeling a little better,” you greeted sidney, walking into her hospital room. she was awake, smiling at you as you came closer to the bed. the past few days she’s mostly spent sleeping, as to not have to feel pain as much -and because the blood loss took away a lot of her energy.
you were ecstatic to see her so social today; you really missed seeing her smile and hearing her voice. you just wish you were able to go back in time and take the knife instead of her. she doesn’t deserve this.
“yeah, the doctor said i should be out of here in a couple of days. m’healing pretty fast.” you could tell just by the way she spoke that she was still a little out of it. however, you couldn’t wait to finally be able to take her back home. you’ve stayed in the hospital the most you can with her, but the nurses eventually make you leave. your house is pretty empty without your girlfriends presence.
with that being said, every single day, you wake up bright and early to come visit your girlfriend and to stay until dark.
“that’s awesome, baby!” you lean down and gently kiss her forehead before pulling a chair over to her bedside. “charlie keep’s sleeping on your side of the bed every night. i’m clearly not the only one who misses you.” after sidney’s dog had unfortunately passed away, you decided to surprise her with another golden retriever when the time was right. they quickly became best friends and he became very protective over sid. “he’s so sick of me, sid. i keep rolling over to hug you when i’m half asleep, forgetting that he’s there,” you said to lighten sidney’s mood.
she giggled, still brightly smiling even under these circumstances. “ooh, don’t make me laugh,” she placed her arm over her stomach and groaned, however, not showing any signs of wanting you to actually quit it. “now he knows how I feel every night.” she sent a smirk your way, simply teasing you around. she truly adores the fact that you’re always so cuddly on her in your sleep.
“hey! don’t lie, you love it.”
she bit down on her bottom lip at you, her cheeks flushing a soft shade of pink, “i do, and i miss it a lot.” she briefly gazes at you and her eyes soften even more before she speaks up again, “lay with me?”
you beamed at her and immediately got up out of your chair, “of course, my love.” she attempted to move her body to the side to make room for you, but she felt so weak in failing to do so. she grunted, her body limply laying back down and she looked so defeated. “don’t stress yourself, honey. let me help you.”
you wrapped your arms around her upper torso, gently angling her body so she’s not bending at her wound, then slowly sliding her legs over. she let’s out a deep sigh but doesn’t seem to be in any more discomfort than she already was. sidney is so independent, so to barely be able to move on her own is taking a huge toll on her.
you get in on the other side of the bed and wrap your arms around her body again. she rests her head against your chest, feeling drowsy. the medication is certainly not helping with her energy levels. your heart starts shattering again; how could someone, a family remember at that, want to even hurt sidney?
“oh actually, i forgot; i brought you something.” she lifts her head up once more and looks at you curiously. you reach over to the bedside table where you placed the surprise when you walked in. “i know this hospital food sucks, so i brought you your favorite homemade brownies and my sweatshirt so you can feel like i’m here with you when they kick me out.”
she dopily smiled at you and leaned forward to place a lingering kiss on your lips. you knew sidney has always loved stealing your clothes, and you do the same to her, especially when she was away on her book tour.
“I love you. and your amazing brownies,” she said and let out a yawn afterwards, very clearly exhausted. you giggled at her and kissed her cheek.
“well eat up and then i think someone needs to get some rest.”
“i think so too.”
as much as you hated sidney being hurt, you were glad that she was going to be okay and that you got to spend time with her in her recovery. you certainly weren’t planning on leaving her side again.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
it really bums me out that after all the years of being "unbreakable bond" that frontiers split sonic and tails up ☹️ i guess they werent so unbreakable after all
Uhh, no offense, but I think you and I played two different games, because that's not what happened at all. I'm putting the rest of this under a cut, though, since it's all spoilers.
At the culmination of Tails' arc in Frontiers, yes, he decides that he needs to "go it alone" for a while and have some solo adventures so that he can build confidence in himself (by proving that he's capable of doing things even without the safety net of Sonic to fall back on), and gain some independence. And Sonic agrees to this, partly because it's against Sonic's nature to deny anyone their freedom, but also because he knows that if he said he wasn't okay with it, that Tails would see it as Sonic not actually believing any of what he said before about how capable and brave and strong Tails is. No matter what Sonic said about why he was hesitant to let Tails go, Tails would only hear "I was saying what I said before to make you feel better, but I didn't mean it, you're not capable of doing anything on your own and you need me to protect you always." And not only is that not true at all, but Sonic could never crush Tails' feelings like that. No matter how much he's going to miss having Tails by his side (and he will miss him; he looked so sad when he said "it's going to take some getting used to"), he supports Tails 100%, and believes in him. Now Tails just needs to learn to believe in himself the way that Sonic believes in him.
But none of this means that their bond is broken and I really don't see how anyone could get that from what happened. If anything, it's the opposite; Sonic shelved his own feelings of how much he's going to miss Tails in order to encourage and support Tails in what he's doing. Tails specifically says, twice, that he fully intends on coming back once he gains his confidence and independence ("I want you to see the hero I become" and "You won't even recognize me the next time we see each other!"). Sonic calls him "partner" in order to emphasize how he sees Tails as his equal (not a sidekick), but that doesn't change the fact that they are still brothers borne of love and not genetics (as Sage says immediately following Sonic's agreement to let Tails go off on his own). You don't need to remain right by someone's side to have your bond with them be in tact. Bonds are about feeling, not distance. If anything, this decision for Tails to go his own way while Sonic is supporting him shows that their bond is stronger than ever; no matter how far apart they are, that will never change.
(This is also something that was touched upon in Amy's story, too; she also plans to go off on her own, which will take her away from Sonic, but he says that he'll always be waiting to hear about her adventures. While he doesn't say that to Tails, that's because it didn't need to be said. Sonic will always be a home for Tails to come back to, and vice versa. There's no doubt there, they both know it.)
So I don't know if you somehow just got a mangled copy of Frontiers or if this was a troll / bait ask, but either way it's really off the mark, lmao. Sonic & Tails are still the unbreakable bond of the series. Nothing will ever change that.
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ssseob · 2 years
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↳ l/n y/n has never been the type of girl people take care of. she has always been seen as capable and independent but she knew herself that, that was never the case. yang jungwon has always been the boy who gives more love than he receives. what happens when he sees right through y/n’s independent façade and gives her all the love he thinks she deserves?
- warnings; kinda sad ☹️, written parts in between pictures :))
CHAPTERS; vi. hey stalker. (written parts in between photos!!!!)
series masterlist. | previous. | next.
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the next day at school, yn frowned as she saw the note and bag of caramel candies on the corner of her desk. snatching the note, she read it over before throwing both of the note and the candy in her bag.
jungwon and his friends watching from a few rows behind exchanged confused looks as they watched how uninterested yn had suddenly become. pulling out their phones from their pockets, they immediately went to their groupchat.
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the day went as usual. the bland usual, the repetitive usual. yn stayed hours after school studying in the library. on her way out, yn quickly stopped by her classroom. walking up to her desk and pulling out a piece of paper and a pen, she scribbled a small note and left it at the corner of her desk. this was her last and final note.
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taglist; @wonzone @notrosemary @boowoowho @harperwasstaken1 @a-era @devlhs @koomii8 @wooniy @dreamenvi @soobeaniee @beans-and-jeanes @lockburn-castle @dasa3040 @nekyochis @ritsusakumasgf @mqndnolia @myinzu @kange3939 @sunasbbie @meiiiwa @raimbows4u (bold couldn’t tag)
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moonjxsung · 2 months
hi hi angel🫶🏻
how are you doing? i’ve been shifting between bedrotting and university😪 bedrotting is my only hobby these days.
i’m so glad momo is doing better!! my kitties also love laying on warm clothes and it’s just so cute.
and i feel you soooo hard on not leaving my cats alone for a day, i’ve never done it bc if im not there either my mom or someone is. people think cats are all that independent but they’re literally just babies😭 i love them so much.
kpop buying ban is tough af! it’s been a while since i’ve bought new kpop things so i feel you. i don’t have any kpop stores near me which makes me online shop soooo much. i got my eyes set on purchasing a leebit soon.
i love nct too!! jaehyun & ten 🛐 but ive just gotten around to stan them, i used to just listen to their music but not be too deep bc my wallet just cannot handle it. but here we are😂
the diversity in the groups you stan is just awesome. and ahhhh rosé is also my wifey i love her so much!!! i also have theee biggest soft spot for yeosang, i just love him, he’s the biggest pookie. and i didn’t even know you liked seventeen🥹 my biases are wonwoo bc ofc the cat guy (even before i knew he was the cat guy) and vernon bc i just love his sense of humor. hueningkai is also my bias along with yeonjun (but tbh my txt bias changes way too much😭 im a whore i can’t commit).
and i did see that mark and haechan couldn’t make it to taeyong’s enlistment, that was so devastating. top 15 worst kpop heartbreaks.i think something similar happened to mingyu when jk enlisted but i don’t remember well😭 anyways that so sad, idol military enlistments are always so devastating. so i just think about minho tiddies and jiddies post military😪
frrrr, ive been working on self compassion strategies bc my self esteem is just so fucked up all the time (esp lately). i adore talking skincare though so pls do!!
pc of the day is so cute😭🩵 right in the feels. idk if i told you but i love that holder! i used to have a plush of bedtimebear🥹
ily bb!! i hope this week treats you well💜 take care of yourself 🫶🏻
Hi baby!!!!!!!! I too have been bedrotting all week when I’m not working and I’m so TIRED oh my gosh my sleep schedule’s been so fucked up lately but I can’t bring myself to fix it and then I’m tired all day at work and it’s just a vicious cycle 😭😭
Momo is doing so good!! She was SO clingy in the morning so I had to play with her for a good 30 minutes before any of my meetings because she was bouncing off the walls and it was so funny 😭 sometimes I’m reminded that she’s fr my best friend like…….. momo my beloved
PLEASE….. kpop buying ban is already going awful 🫶 I’m going to the kpop store one last time this weekend bc I need to pick something up that I preordered but that’s ITTTTT FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. If anyone sees me post kpop stuff on here pls scold me
I have been listening to nct ALLLL WEEK like there’s no way I’m just sitting around crying to Superhuman 😭 Taeyong come home my beloved ☹️ also soooo sad I never got to see Dojaejung when they came to California last year for comic con RAHHHH I should’ve just bit the bullet and gone 💔💔 Ten is SOOOO FINE and he’s an insane dancer oh my god and Jaehyun 😭😭 I am always fucking spamming my Instagram with Jaehyun memes he makes me laugh so hard and he’s SO fine
Cried sooooo hard at Mark and Haechan missing the send off ahhhhh I hope 127 can get together sometime soon and visit Ty ☹️💔💔💔💔 darn you nct dream schedules. ALSO MINHO AND JIDDIES KAKSKDMDAKS THATS SO FUCKINF REAL IM CRYINGGMGMGNGNFMDM
I love you bby I hope you’re having the best week!!!!! 👼💘💖💕💞💗💓 I did not drag a pc with me anywhere today but coffee run tomorrow for sure so I will update you on tomorrow’s pcotd hehehe
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irlronannlynch · 2 years
Isn’t it so funny that Adam Parrish’s birthday is on July 3rd, the day right BEFORE the US gained independence??? Coincidence???
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
PLEASE the cgi is.... something though ☹️ anyway, could i get a jeff scenario meeting his s/o like for the first time? she’s also a proxy and is like real life alice cullen (except for the vampire part.) she has basic vampire abilities along with the telling the future thing and the enhanced agility. please and ty! <3
In the Alleyway, Flirting? (Jeff the Killer X F!Reader)
[Warnings: there's some guy getting choked but Jeff doesn't care]
[AN: I’m so sorry if it felt like I was avoiding this ask love bug! I ended up binging the entire Twilight film series. Y’know what I actually like the wolves more. Let me know if it's up to par, if not, honestly call me out.]
Oh that is positively bizarre. You know it is. You haven’t smelled something like this in… Well, ever. Independents always smell interesting, but this one is downright intoxicating. It’s something sweet and natural, like the scent of autumn leaves burning and iron all at once.
In all your years as a proxy, you’ve never ever come close to finding a scent that makes you want to chase it.
“I’ll be right back,” you say to your group, standing up from the table.
“What? Where are you going? It’s late,” Masky says, his brows knitted together in confusion.
“3 in the morning to be precise,” Hoodie adds as he looks at his watch before turning back to his cards.
“W-Whatever, l-let her g-g-go,” Toby waves off, automatically covering for you.
You smile at the young proxy over your shoulder before heading out, following that intoxicating smell.
You shoot out of the apartment you and your team have taken under the guise of someone else (and thanks to BEN) and take off into the night, following the scent as it drags you in between buildings and high rises, making sure to avoid the cars and other tells of life in the city.
And then you hear it. It’s faint, life a muffled scream, someone is pleading for their life. It’s weak, their throat must be filled with pleas for their life and their eyes swollen with tears.
You pick up your pace, becoming a blur as you rush through the concrete jungle, looking for that person who is crying. When darting through the alleyways and the small pathways isn’t enough, you jump upwards and begin to climb. What a beautiful sight, the city at night.
You can’t help but hum to yourself as you practically float over the rooftops of buildings and jump across their gaps like it’s nothing. The sound is getting louder, and you know you’re getting closer. You finally hop onto the rooftop of a grocery store, walking along its top where you pick up the scent of trash and a human.
Must be the person crying. They smell like fear, regret, and pain all rolled into one. What has them so scared?
You take tentative steps towards the edge and look down. How interesting. There, directly beneath you is a man clad in white. He’s got long, black hair and is currently choking the life out of the poor man being hurled against the brick. That can’t be too good for the spine. You grin as you slip your mask on before taking a step off the roof, landing gracefully behind the clad in white man.
“What are you doing?” You ask innocently when you damn well know what’s going on here.
“What the fuck does it look like-” the man stops the moment he realizes someone just innocently asked him what he was doing. He pauses, and moves his hand up to grip the poor man’s throat, keeping him in place before turning his head around to look at you.
Your eyes finally meet his blue ones, and you feel something. It’s quite odd, and you don’t know where to place it, but it’s strange - and it’s growing stronger. “Who are you?”
The man blinks a few times, unsure of what you asked. “What?”
You roll your eyes from behind your mask and step forward. “Who are you?” You repeat a tad slower. You lean forward, getting in his personal space. He’s the intoxicating scent, you know it, you’re sure of it. How could you not? He smells like something familiar. Something safe. Something-
“ You haven’t heard of me before?” He deadpans as he grips the man’s throat tighter, bringing him around and holding him off to his side as he turns fully to face you.
You shake your head. “Are you important?”
He growls when he hears your innocent tone. “Very important,” he hisses. “Jeff. Jeff the killer, don’t ever forget it,” he says as he jabs his index finger at your chest.
You step back, avoiding his touch like he didn’t even try. “Cute,” you note.
The man now identified as Jeff glances to the now bewildered man whose throat his hand is still clamped around. “Are you hearing this?”
The man shakily nods his head, squawking out a yes as Jeff’s hand loosens ever so slightly on his throat.
“And who are you?” Jeff asks in an accusatory tone, still glaring daggers at you. His hand is still loosening on the man’s throat allowing him air to breathe.
“Reader,” you say, holding your hand out. “Part of Masky’s group.”
Jeff’s brows shoot up in surprise. “What? You’re with Masky?” He moves his hand quickly from the man’s throat to the back of his shirt collar, almost gesturing with him as if it was an extension of his hand. He looks genuinely confused that you even mentioned Masky’s name.
You nod slowly. “Yes, I’m with Masky,” you say. “He’s my group leader, and the right hand is Hoodie. I’m sure you know Toby,” you list off, your extended hand moving upwards to count on your fingers. “Few months ago, EJ was moving through with us-”
“You know EJ over me?” Jeff exclaims in a slightly offended tone. “You knew that cannibal over me.”
You laugh and bounce back a bit, nodding. “I guess he’s more important than you.” You cock your head to the side and hold your hand out. “It’s nice to meet you, Jeff.” You slip off your mask, finally looking him eye to eye. You know this man in his grasp is going to die eventually. No risk.
Jeff glances from you, back to the man he’s still holding in his grasp, and then back to you again. “Huh. It’s nice to meet you too,” he finally relents, his hand meeting with yours.
And your third eye opens. It opens so wide you see the future and everything in it. Everything from a kiss to being held and swayed in the kitchen at 4 in the morning, dancing in the rain and being told you’re loved through a single glance alone, you feel it. And you know it.
This is the man you will end up spending the rest of your natural life with, however long the Operator will allow it to be so.
Jeff pauses once his hand finally releases from yours. And for once in his life, he is speechless. He looks at you with varying emotions, everything from sudden admiration to surprise and even fear - but he likes it, he’s just not sure how to handle it.
You blink as well, unsure of how to handle what you’d just seen. Your vision can change depending on an individual’s current course of action, you understand the margin of error. But this? You’ve never felt something so clearly, so precisely before. “Holy shit.” You suddenly say, breaking the tense, but not entirely uncomfortable silence between you.
“Holy shit is right,” Jeff echoes, now awkwardly looking anywhere other than you. He coughs for a moment before glancing at the man in his grasp again. “Why don’t… Why don’t I dispose of this guy first, and we can go get a drink or something?”
“At 3 in the morning?” You say with a budding smile.
“At 3 in the morning,” the grinning killer repeats, his free hand reaching out to hold yours once more.
You chuckle and settle on interlocking your pinky with his instead.
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