#he spends like every dam book trying to gain independence
irlronannlynch · 2 years
Isn’t it so funny that Adam Parrish’s birthday is on July 3rd, the day right BEFORE the US gained independence??? Coincidence???
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white-wavee · 6 years
east coast travel blog
This past week was such an amazing one and I wanted to share my experiences with you guys. I was fortunate enough to travel out to the east coast this past week. I can’t describe it, but there is something so self empowering about traveling by yourself. I don’t know lol but checking your own bag, getting through security, walking through the airport, and even boarding the plane all on your own just makes you feel so independent. I love it haha! Anyway, before this week I had never been to D.C., Gettysburg, a Broadway show in New York, or shopping as many times as I have in the past week. So I thought I would share my week with you guys because you haven’t seen enough of it on my snap/instagram story haha! 
The first day was spent in Washington D.C. and let me just start by saying that I will definitely be going back again. It was amazing. I learned more about history in that one day then I ever did in any history class. The history is so RICH there. Everywhere you go, every building you see has a story and is apart of history. My favorite memorial was either the Jefferson or the Lincoln. The Jefferson is definitely under appreciated because it is further away from the other ones but I loved it. Lincoln is my favorite president so of course that one was amazing to see, just a little busier lol. I found the Vietnam and the Korean memorials to be absolutely heartbreaking. Thinking about all of the lives that were lost in both of those wars just brings tears to my eyes. Along with all of those, the Washington monument, Capitol, and White House were also so cool to visit and see as well. Fortunately, we were also able to see Ford’s theatre, the spot where President Lincoln was shot by Booth. That was really cool to see as well because I have seen the actual chair he was shot in. It just so happens to be located back home in Michigan at the Henry Ford’s Museum in Dearborn. So now I can say that I have seen the actual chair as well as been to the located and place that it happened. Washington D.C. was by far my favorite and I will definitely be returning! Just an overall GREAT place(:
   MONDAY - 
The second day was spent at the King of Prussia Mall in the King of Prussia, PA. I am always up for some retail therapy lol!(; Anyway, after some good finds and 5 miles later we headed back to Harrison, PA for dinner. We ate at Rock Bass Grill with a view of the Susquehanna River. Such a fun and relaxing day! 
The third day was spent at Gettysburg, PA. This was another amazing place to visit with so much history. I have already mentioned this once before in my blog but just to reiterate it, I have learned so much about history in just the past couple days of being here. Since going to college, I have gained an appreciation towards learning and towards history. Walking around the battlefields and seeing where one of the most important battles that took place in American history was truly something so special to experience. This is quite ironic but I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace when walking around Gettysburg. It was such a beautiful place. It was hard to image that a battle went on there when looking out across the beautiful fields and hills. My uncle who I was staying with while I was on vacation actually wrote a book that is in the process of being published, but it talks all about the battle at Gettysburg and the Spangler farms where the Union forces help meetings and the majority of the injured were taken to get help. It was really cool to go with him because he knows just about everything there is to know about the battle making him the best tour guide! Something that is really cool is that my Grandma married a Spangler who is somehow related to the Spangler's who's farms were overrun and used as a hospital. I definitely recommend going to check out Gettysburg if you haven't already. (just make sure you get a good tour guide(; haha!)
Today we got up BEFORE the crack of dawn, hopped on a train and three hours later took the escalator up onto the streets of New York City. I have been to NYC once before but I was really young and only remember little parts of it. This time was much different though. I think I’ll remember more(; haha!! Anyway, we arrived around 9:30 am and we immediately started our journey through the city. We visited the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, Central Park, and even did some shopping at my favorite stores (Brandy Melville)! I was also able to see my first broadway show! We saw Wicked and let me just say that I was blown away. It was absolutely incredible. I had goosebumps THE ENTIRE TIME. The singing was so raw and truly amazing. It was honestly so magical! I have had the songs stuck in my head ever since. All in all, it was a good day in New York City. Everything was perfect, even the weather. Just a gorgeous day to spend in the city, not too hot and not too cold. One thing that I did come to realize is that I could NEVER live in New York City haha. This may sound strange because everyone always dreams of living there but it is way too busy, crowded, smelly, dirty, and just over priced haha! But I will be returning to the city someday because there is so much to do and see. New York City is not something that can be seen in just one day, maybe try like 4 days lol! 
After the day I had Wednesday… Thursday we just relaxed! Slept in, got smoothies from Smoothie King (don’t have those in MI but I wish they did), went to Hershey, PA to the Chocolate Factory and then to a really nice dinner out to what is know by my Aunt and Uncle as the “best seafood restaurant”, Devon. After going I agree that it is some of the best seafood I have ever had. After eating we spent some time relaxing looking out off of the Hershey Hotel Deck and Patio. As a child when my family used to come out to Pennsylvania and visit we would always go to Hershey Chocolate Factory and I always loved it so it was fun to go back now. 
My last full day on the east side. )’: Today we went hiking by the Holtwood Dam. It was absolutely beautiful to hike along and see. Luckily it wasn’t too buggy and it wasn’t too hot. It was so much fun. I don’t ever realize how much I like to hike until I am doing it so I hope to get out and hike more this summer. Later that night we went to an Orioles vs. Tampa Bay Rays baseball game. I haven’t been to a baseball game in a long time so this was a blast for me. I witnessed a grand slam and three other home runs! After that game I realized that I need more baseball games in my life.(:
My very last day. /: It was so sad to leave the 86 degree and sunny weather and return home to the 45 degree and rainy weather. But anyway this day was spent packing, reminiscing, and relaxing. I spent most of the day just thinking about the trip and how blessed I was to be able to come on this vacation and trip. I was SO BEYOND spoiled this past week. I was able to go to four states this past week and I loved every single one of them. The weather was P E R F E C T this week. It rained once for a couple of hours and was 75 and sunny every other day. You can't get better then that!!! My dad told me that my summer was only going to go down from here (LOL) BUT me being the positive person that I am think that this is great start to my summer. I believe that it will only go up from here!
I hope you enjoyed this post and all the pictures! I can't wait to go back to the East Coast! (hopefully soon!!) 
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