#her ass is NOT listening /ref
andromedartss · 9 months
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Day 42: Jams
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iwasneverth3re · 1 year
can you draw Gun's feet please
Even just the toes are fine-
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iluvvpaige · 1 month
Bloody Nose | PB x female reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, language
Summary: Paige and her secret girlfriend Victoria accidentally go public at a game after an incident on the court 🤭.
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Me and Paige had been secretly dating for 6 months. The only people who knew were her team, my siblings and parents, her siblings and parents, and my best friend. Me and Paige were planning to keep it private until our 1 year anniversary.
Paige had a very tough game right now with a good college. Paige is the number 1 scorer of the night. Every point the other team makes, she goes right back and makes a point, tying the game. The game was tied right now, 39 to 39.
The game had started to get really heated. Like really heated. Smart remarks were made from girls on the other team and paige just brushed them off because she didn’t want to get into trouble, but i knew she was cursing them out in her head.
One of the girls from the other team had the ball and was going to the basket. Paige went to steal the ball and the girl elbowed her in the nose and made a three pointer. Paige’s nose had started to bleed really bad which caused me to stand up, looking at her in worry.
And when i mean really bad, I mean really bad. The team and medics ran over to her to check on her but she pushed them out the way walking off, cursing. She wouldn’t listen to anyone. She was so mad.
“Tori! come down here please!” Azzi yelled at me. It was no secret to everyone that i was a friend of the teams, but it sure was a secret of who i was dating. I immediately ran down the bleachers, excusing myself.
I walked down to see Paige yelling and pushing the medic away. “Thats bullshit!” I heard her yell before she walked off. “Paige!” I called out, following behind her. I called the medic over and asked for the tissue. “Let me do it” I told the medic, grabbing the tissue. She nodded and stepped out of my way.
“Paige come here.” I said. She walked over to me, shaking her head. “Bro, you seen that shit, right? i mean that was obviously a foul! they had to pay those shitty ass refs off” She rambled. “I know, baby, I know.” I replied, holding the tissue up to her nose.
I knew my choice of words were risky as there were cameras everywhere - but i really didn’t give a fuck. She needed to calm her ass down before she got in trouble and sweet talking was the only way to get her calm.
She shook her head and put her hands on her hips as if wiped off the dripping blood. “Calm down, P” I said as held the tissue to her nose. It felt like everyone there had their eyes on us, watching intently as she didn’t listen to anyone else but me.
“Bro those refs are paid off. I mean, that was clearly a fucking foul.” She stated. “I know. Just leave it, okay? you’ll get in trouble, paige. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” I said, removing the bloody tissue to her nose to replace it with a clean one. I watched her closely as she licked her lips, still shaking her head slightly.
I removed the tissue from her nose when it finally stopped bleeding. Her ass was still rambling on about the refs not calling that a foul. At this point the game had went on and Uconn was currently winning by 5.
“Go let the medics check your nose and make sure it’s not broken, ma.” I said. I knew she liked it when i called her ma and she needed to calm down. She smirked at me and nodded before she started walking off. “Wait, P” I called her back. “Huh?” she replied, turning around to make eye con with me.
“C’mere” I said as i motioned her over to me. She walked over to me, confused, and looked at me. I pulled her into a soft, short kiss and a tight hug, not noticing that the camera was pointing at us.
“I love you.” I said, pulling away. “Love you too, baby.” She replied. I gave her a quick smack on the ass before she walked off and i went to go sit back down.
The clip of me and paige was released and needless to say, the editors had a field day with that one 30 second clip.
Tysm for reading!
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sketalya · 4 days
✨The Narrow Gauge & Mr. Percival full ref's ✨
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And of course some of my headcanons about them ;3🌹
(This is a little longer than before but I hope you like it :D)
1) Skarloey | 39 y.o | 165 cm
• One of the oldest on the railway, he was like a big brother to all the young narrow gauges.
• Extremely close to Rheneas, always talking about Rheneas everytime he wasn't around. It sometimes annoyed Duncan with that and Duncan even thought that he was gay for him but Skarloey always refused to admit it. Slowly Sir Handel and Peter Sam thought the same thing.
• Of course besides always talking about Rheneas, he likes to tell a lot of things and sometimes Rusty joins him for that. He's been on the Skarloey railway longer than anyone so he knows all the secrets and stories.
• Likes inviting his friends to drink tea together, sometimes inviting Mr. Percival for that even though he doesn't come often because of his busy schedule. Skarloey also likes to invite Edward just to chat casually and Edward always likes it when he comes to the Skarloey Railway.
• Afraid of thunder and storms but actually he is afraid of loud noises that startle him. He always hide in his room when that happened. He is also afraid of heights.
• People always thought he was wise but Skarloey himself always thought that Rheneas was wiser than him. Whenever he had a problem he would always ask Rheneas for advice.
• Everytimes the young narrow gauges were causing trouble, Skarloey was too tired to deal with it so he mostly told Rheneas about it and Rheneas is the one who will always handle that.
• He also considered Nancy as his best friend and he always allowed her to help him polish his engines.
2) Rheneas | 38 y.o | 165 cm
• Another big brother figure for the young narrow gauge. Always wants the best for the Skarloey Railway so sometimes he can be a little strict about it.
• And because of that, Sir Handel and Peter Sam liked to joke about him acting like a mother. Sometimes he was deliberately called mom by them whenever Rheneas advised them and it always annoyed him.
• Doesn't like it when his name is misspelled. Especially when Duncan and Sir Handel deliberately misspelled his name as "Rhene-ASS". But sometimes he's called "Remy" by Skarloey and he's okay with that.
• Has a pretty tough past and Skarloey is the person he considers his first friend. Doesn't like to talk about it except with Skarloey.
• Swear police number one. Always trying to cover Luke's ears whenever Duncan starts swearing.
• He can become overworked and even get sick because of it. He will really appreciate nap time.
• He never knew he could see ghosts and he always thought it was just a hunch, Rusty was the one who noticed it. Once accidentally saw Rusty talking to Boulder (FYI Boulder in my AU is a giant rock ghost where he will look like an ordinary large rock to the human eye but Rheneas can see its true form just like Rusty)
3) Sir Handel | 27 y.o | 163 cm
• Is the type of person who is unpredictable. Always think that he is the coolest among the others and will say it out loud.
• Wears shoes with wheels that can be lowered whenever he wants to use them. Rheneas and Skarloey always tried to warn him that it was dangerous to wear rollerskates on the railway but he never listened and he always to show it off.
• Always complaining if there is something doesn't go as he expected, it can make him act a bit rude.
• Sometimes makes trouble for his friends because of that, and he will feel sorry for that. (Still cause problems after that)
• Can be very competitive and vindictive.
• He considers Peter Sam as his brother. Peter Sam and Duke sometimes calls him "Falcon".
• When Luke officially joined them, Sir Handel was the one who was most happy about it. (That's because he's no longer the shortest one among them)
• Secretly loves romantic novels and always hopes that he is the main character. He also has a diary book that he keeps very secret.
• The reason why Mr. Percival always prefers to use his bicycle or ask Thomas to take him whenever he needs to go somewhere. (This is quite funny actually, maybe I'll tell you about this another time)
4) Peter Sam | 27 y.o | 170 cm
• The definition of looking like a cinnamon roll that will actually kill you. Always try to act good in front of Skarloey, Rheneas, and Luke but he can be such a troublemaker when he's with Sir Handel and Duncan. (Still a cinnamon roll)
• Whenever he was bothered by Sir Handel, he would always call him "shortie" to shut his mouth. (It works)
• Sometimes called "Stuart" by Sir Handel and Duke.
• Has a scar on his neck because of the trucks incident.
• Always acts like he doesn't like fairy tales or something but actually he likes them and always listens whenever Skarloey and Rusty start telling stories.
• One of the people who has met Proteus besides Rusty. But he forgot about it because Rusty erased his memory about it through his dreams.
• He really likes to eat and he always brings a large bag of food to work. He cooks it himself and doesn't mind sharing it with others. Sometimes brings snacks for Luke.
• Always confused about making decisions for himself so he's the one who always asked Skarloey, Rheneas, and Duke for advice very often.
5) Rusty | 25 y.o (Fake age) | 169 cm
• One of the most reliable on the railway, he can always fix anything so his friends always ask him for help with it and he doesn't mind helping.
• Just like Skarloey, he always likes to tell lots of things and his favorites are horror stories. He likes to scare Duncan and Peter Sam with it.
• He really likes relaxing classical music and sometimes he will borrow Duncan's headphones to listen to some music.
• He wasn't originally human, he was a ghost before and then being given a second chance to become mortal by Lady and Proteus. Narrow Gauge didn't know about this. And of course he can see ghosts.
• Has a special ability given by Lady and Proteus and that is dream control. He can make dreams and make it seem real when people are asleep, actually given this ability to help Lady and Proteus but sometimes he likes to use it for fun.
• Likes to experiment with it by giving dreams to his friends, although sometimes he accidentally gives them nightmares. The first person to know about his abilities was Skarloey but without them knowing, Sir Handel and Peter Sam overheard about it and of course because of that all the narrow gauges knew about his abilities even Mr. Percival. But they all thought it was cool and promised to keep it between themselves.
• At first he was afraid of Boulder's existence but then he got along quite well with it after that incident.
6) Duncan | 25 y.o | 172 cm
• The tallest among the narrow gauge.
• Worse than Sir Handel, he can be really stubborn and rude. Even Skarloey and Rheneas had quite a hard time dealing with his attitude. But somehow Rusty and Mr. Percival are patient enough to deal with it.
• Always acting tough but actually he can be soft without realizing it.
• Afraid of heights and of course ghosts. He really doesn't like it when Rusty deliberately tells him horror stories. He could have nightmares because of that.
• Has many piercings on his face and ears which are considered cool by Sir Handel and Luke.
• Really loves rock and heavy metal songs, always listening to them through the headphones he always carries. But Mr. Percival wouldn't let him use it while he was working because it will make it difficult for him to stay focus and it could cause problems.
• Very close with the twins Patrick and Pansy. Every time Mr. Percival took them both, he would play with them.
• Very adventurous, he will force Rusty to come with him whenever he finds somewhere interesting to explore.
• He liked to take Sir Handel and Peter Sam to race on the rail track with their engines.
• Also another reason why Mr. Percival always prefers to use his bicycle or ask Thomas to take him whenever he needs to go somewhere. (This relates to how unfocused Duncan can be if he has his headphones on while doing something)
7) Duke | 54 y.o | 167 cm
• He was the mentor of Sir Handel and Peter Sam. Highly respected by both of them and has been considered like a father figure to them.
• Even though he was very old, he refused to retire and decided to continue working on the railway.
• Called "Granpuff" by Sir Handel and Peter Sam. In fact he was still called that by other narrow gauges after moving to the Skarloey Railway.
• Always knows how to deal with the mischievous behavior of his two students. He never falls for any of their pranks and may even be the one who always beats them.
• The Duke actually has connections with the Lady and Proteus. When he was declared missing, he was not asleep for a long time but was actually helping Proteus with something and that because of Lady's request. (There's lore I made for this and it's related to my AU so maybe I'll tell you more about it another time)
• He was the one who gave the diary book to Sir Handel and taught Peter Sam how to cook.
• In his spare time, he really likes to ride around the railway and enjoy the beautiful views. It was really calming for him.
• Never take his glasses away from him. His view completely changed to 144p without it.
8) Luke | 22 y.o | 157 cm
• The youngest and also the shortest among the narrow gauges.
• Literally a cinnamon roll. She's so innocent, a little timid, and too kind. He was always treated like a little brother by the others which was quite cute.
• Having a phobia of the ocean, he actually tried to face his fear but was still unsuccessful due to his trauma.
• Whenever he had free time, he would go to the Steamworks to meet Victor, and because of that he became close friends with Kevin as well. Luke also still often meets Thomas and his best friend Millie.
• Has a deer as a pet and will sometimes take it with him to work.
• It's still quite difficult for him to trust people he just met, but it's different with the narrow gauge, he really trusts them with all his heart.
• Luke was very happy when invited to drink tea by Skarloey, take care of his deer with Rheneas, try roller skating with Sir Handel, eat snacks made by Peter Sam, going on an adventure in a dream made by Rusty when he was asleep, doing Rock n Roll with Duncan, listening to many stories from Duke, and even helping Mr. Percival is out of work.
9) Mr. Percival | 34 y.o | 185 cm
(Ok, this one is actually quite difficult for me because I didn't get much information about him either from ttte eps, wikifandom, and tumblr. So all of this is purely my imagination and how I view him. I hope it doesn't sound so ridiculous :D)
• If Duncan is the tallest among the narrow gauge then this man is much taller than Duncan. And that's why he likes to imagine the narrow gauge as 7 dwarfs. (But of course not to Duke because he respects Duke)
• Not like Sir Topham Hatt. Because his age is not much different from narrow gauge and even younger than Duke, Skarloey, and Rheneas. Mr Percival is also seen as a friend by them outside of work. And he really appreciated that.
• When he heard that Rusty could control dreams, he didn't believe it at first and he even challenged Rusty to give him nightmares. And after Rusty actually does it, he regrets his own request and then believes it. (He even asked Rusty not to tell about his dream to the others)
• Just like Duke, never take his glasses away from him. He would literally go blind without it.
• At first he seemed like a strict person but after being with narrow gauge for quite a while, he was actually quite a chill person. He even casually asked Sir Handel and Peter Sam to be in charge while he is away. (Even though he actually knew they would mess up)
• He doesn't have a hobby that he really likes so when he's not busy and bored, he likes to hang out and have fun with the narrow gauge. He thought that they were very random but that was part of the fun.
• Swear police number 2 after Rheneas, he will glare at Duncan when he starts swearing. He would even keep an eye on him when Duncan played with the twins.
• He always keeps his words professional and polite. But he won't hesitate to be sarcastic when he's annoyed or talking to someone he doesn't like.
• Personally, he doesn't really like driving by car and would prefer to use a bicycle. (And that was made worse after the incident that happened when he asked Sir Handel and Duncan to drive his car. Truly the worst decision he ever made)
• This man has a large collection of bicycles at home and even his children are like that because they follow their father. His wife Polly was doesn't surprised by it and couldn't do anything about it.
• He really doesn't like being seen as that stereotypical nerd just because people assume that he looks like that. Once Sir Handel and Duncan said that he looked like an "emo nerd" just because he wore glasses and always wore black. That really triggered him at that time.
• Has a pet dog which he named Perri, but she (the dog) hates him and only likes Mrs. Polly and the kids.
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wosowrites · 1 year
Yellow Card Madness ( Katie McCabe x Reader )
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Warnings: ⚠️Swearing⚠️
A/N: This one is just pure Katie madness. And also three posts today? Woah go me. It will not always be like this i’m just still on march break.
Prompt: Reader and Katie are dating, and reader gets her first red card ever, which leaves Katie slightly proud.
It was known to everyone that your girlfriend was the Yellow Card Queen, the Yellow Card Magnet, the Irish Messi, Katie McCard. All of these nicknames were used to describe her on a daily basis. Whereas people called you Arsenal’s Classic Canadian, the Softie, the Sunshine in the storm. You and Katie were polar opposites, but your relationship was perfect, and thrived on your differences. So when you got two consecutive yellows during a game against Chelsea, when you got your first red card ever, the gunners were in shock, and Katie couldn’t help but feel slightly proud of her girl.
Three and a half hours earlier:
You and Katie climbed out of thr gunners bus and entered Kingsmeadow stadium through the players entrance. You were walking behind Leah, and beside your girlfriend. Your face was stern, taking its firm look only during game days. Katie however, was smiling and lighthearted. Your rolls usually switched when you stepped onto the field.
You did your game day routine. Taped your wrist, put on the captains armband, walked onto the field and did a few keep ups. Soon enough, you were leading Arsenal out onto Kingsmeadow turf, Manu following behind you.
Today was just a season game, but because it was against Chelsea, every player on the pitch was aching for the win. Kickoff was quick, Arsenal started with the ball, and as the striker, you opted to pass the ball back to Leah, whose passes up field were spectacular. The game seemed to play out slowly, and when half time arrived, the score board still read 0-0.
"No card for you yet, Katie." You teased, tapping her ass lightly as you walked into the tunnel. "No goal for you yet." She teased back. "Hey! Not getting a card is good!" You said, pushing her slightly.
You both walked into the changing room, where Jonas gave a quick speech before giving you the floor. "Listen here, ladies. I know, we don’t need to win this game. The motivation is low. But we’re playing Chelsea right now! We’re playing class players, and we are class players. So let’s go out there, let’s score, let’s make more great saves. Manu, god I love you. Let’s make the same clearances, Leah, great work on the left. Let’s keep up with those runs down the line, Katie, Beth, amazing. as always. All you guys are doing great. we’re missing that goal. Let’s also avoid getting booked. C’mon Gunners!" You yell.
It was in the 56th minute that things went downhill. You were running down the middle and looked up to see Beth making a run. You passed the ball perfectly and then accelerated into the box. However, Beth got the ball taken by Millie Bright. You acted on instinct. Motivated by your own speech and wanting a goal so badly, you slid, clearly connecting with the ball before the lioness. But Millie tumbled to the ground, earning cries of "Ref! Come on!" From the Chelsea women and some of "No! That was nothing!" From the Gunners. But the second you were back on your feet, you saw the referee running towards you, brandishing a yellow card in the air. "Hey! Hey no way. Come on that was all ball!" You complained, walking towards the ref with your hands extended at your sides. "Don’t argue with me y/l/n." The referee said, writing your name on the back of the card.
Angry, and even more desperate for a goal, you stormed away from the referee. Leah patted you on the back, telling you it was okay, and Katie came over to you, looking at you with a wider smile that she ever had. "Don’t get booked guys." She mimicked.
You slapped her in the back of the head.
"Hey!" Katie yelled, positioning herself. "People are gonna edit that later."
Your luck came only ten minutes later due to Stina’s cross being blocked by Magda. Leah prepped herself for the corner and sent in the most perfectly weighted ball. You got the back of your head on it, flicking it into the back of the net.
"YEAH!!" You scream, running up to Leah and jumping in her arms. "YOUR PASSES GIRL!" You yelled, jumping down from her arms and shaking her slightly. Katie then came over, grabbing you and swinging you around, making you laugh. Your team congratulated you, hugged you and Jonas have you a big smile. You clapped at the Arsenal fans in the corner of the stadium who had been screaming loudly.
After that goal, Chelsea seemed to go rabid. They were constantly taking shots on Manu and the gunners couldn’t seem to get them out of their half. You played striker, but you were constantly at the edge of the box, trying to help clear incoming shots.
During a cross in by Erin Cuthbert, you jumped up in the air to clear the ball, your body smashing into Guro Reiten who was on the smaller side. The winter went tumbling to the ground, holding her side.
Your heart froze when you heard a whistle blow, and the angry ref stomping over to you. "No. No I did not do anything. We were both going for the ball and-" You started trying to defend yourself, Manu, Beth, Leah, Katie and Stina all hurrying towards the ref. "Get off my field." The referee simply said.
The woman showed a yellow, and then a red, pointing towards the players entrance.
Your face fell completely, feeling as though you had let down your team as captain. You knew a penalty would be awarded and that your team would have to play -1 for the next twenty minutes. You took off your One Love captains armband and handed it to Leah, who grabbed your head between her hands and tried to get you to hear her out. But her words seemed blurred, even when your girlfriend came up to you, you shrugged her off and walked into the changing room.
"FUCK!" you yelled, when you were in the locker room, smashing your fist into the wall in the least canadian way possible. You doubled over almost immediately, holding your knuckles in pain and groaning. A minute later, you heard the crowd erupt, knowing Chelsea had scored their penalty, probably thanks to Guro. You shrugged off your kit, jumping into the shower and washing yourself quickly, cursing your actions. Your first red card. You hated knowing you had one.
You heard the arsenal girls walk in the room as you pulled on your track suit. Your heart felt stiff, and for the first time ever, you were scared of being in the presence of your teammates. What if they were mad? You pulled out your phone and saw that the final score was 1-1. A tie. Better than a loss, so much worse than a win. You opened the door, your hair still dripping wet, your eyes red and your hands shaking.
You were met with every one of your teammates looking at you, but none of them looked mad. Katie was the first to come up to you, wrapping you in a hug and then pulling away to kiss you. "I’m so sorry guys I don’t know what happened. I just-" You started saying. "Don’t apologize." Beth started. "That ref was shit."
Murmurs of agreement echoed in the room, and Katie never left your side.
When you were home, and laying on Katie’s lap while watching The Last Of Us, Katie whispered something to you. "Can I tell you something weird?" She said, brushing her fingers through your hair. "Yeah." You answered, grazing your nails lazily on her bare thigh. "I was so proud of you when you got that red. Like… I was really turned on." Katie said. You let out one of your laughs, that sounded more like a bark. "You are so strange. But I love you." You told her, looking into her eyes. "I love you too."
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yeeterthek33per · 10 months
Bittersweet Days (Charlie Grant x Reader)
A/n Requested
Warnings: a little bit of smut at the end. I've marked the section with a star so y'all can skip it if you so wish but marked the kind of end, so y'all could read the last bitty bit, so warning, teeny mention of nudity in the last of it.
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Your chest is heaving as you grab one of the blue bottles from the drinks crate, squirting a stream of water into your mouth.
The subs along the line handing the current lineup their bottles during the injury check.
"I swear to fucking god, they're firing on all cylinders tonight, Asllani is on my ass like she's glued to it. I can't focus and I can't mark her either."
The game hadn't been going well. Sweden suddenly picked up the pace like they had fire lit under their asses and Sam was now down with a leg tweak after a challenge from Eriksson.
It didn't help the referee didn't do shit about it for a whole minute. Even Eriksson and Mušović were going the ref about her taking so long to call it.
Charlie hands you a sweat towel and takes the bottle from your hands when you offer it.
"Don't let her get in your head. She's just trying to pick apart the midfield. She's already gotten into it with Mini. Don't bite the bait. Stand your ground, but don't bother trying to chase her around. She's not the one you need to keep an eye on."
"Rolfö is being the biggest pain in the ass to mark. There's no way our backline can keep up with her. Hunty is the only one who can even block her from that side. Ellie's getting drawn out way too quickly, and I have to back track, and it's leaving Asllani open. It's like we're panicking."
You shake your head. What a way to celebrate your anniversary.
Charlie takes the towel from your hands as well and moves to hold your shoulders so you can sit still for a moment, ever eager to get back out on the pitch.
"Babe, you know how to keep the midfield locked, talk to Ellie, she needs you to keep her in line. If she goes, Clare covers, not you. You have to cover the top of the box, you know this." You nod, grabbing the bottle to take one last drink and Tony signals you over.
"Talk to Mini in that midfield. She can cover Asllani, but not while she's playing the way she is. She's getting pushy, and Mini is biting easier by the minute. I might have to pull Sam here, so I'm looking at Chids to replace her. She'll cover where you and Mini can't. Look for the lines, follow your lines, L/n, you got this." He claps you on the back, and you give him a tight nod.
As Sam gets walked off and you all return to the pitch, there's a higher tension in the air than before. Everything just stops functioning. It's like nobody listened, and Sweden is just blocking everything that gets sent in. Sam isn't coping, and she can't meet any headers despite insisting to Tony to let her go back on.
Alex is subbed on for Polky, but she isn't given the time or ability to get much done. Why would he push her there? Their backline won't allow for her style of play there.
In the end, it's just frustrating, and the exhaustion is setting in faster than every other match. Steph is trying to keep the backline in form, but running a full marathon at the World Cup isn't doing her legs any good either.
In the end, the moment the whistle blows at the end of the game. You all just collapse to the pitch. You'd all pushed for effort after effort, but nothing broke through. In the end, the Swedes emerge victorious.
Everything kind of just crumbles down. Sam collapses to the pitch, Steph is already on the ground by the technical lines where Tony is, who's still arguing with the ref. Lord knows why.
The man's patience when it came to terrible reffing ran about as deep as the hole you wanted to dig yourself into.
Everything hurt. Your heart, your head, your lungs, your legs. It all felt like a slap that your grandkids would feel. Like it made your father turn over in his grave.
You felt the pats on the back from some of your teammates and some from Sweden as well.
You push yourself up, legs shaky and muscles screaming at you. You go find Sam, giving her shoulder a quick pat as you kneel in front of her.
"Hey, c'mon cap, that's gotta be hurting your ass. Up we come." You pull her up and wrap your arms around her, and she just grunts and just about leans fully into you.
You walk her over to the bench, arm around her shoulder, and give her a few back pats and a shoulder squeeze, mumbling words of consolation to her.
She doesn't say much, and you leave her with a small kiss to the temple.
Charlie is the first to approach you, having spotted your hunched form and slow limping steps. You can tell she's holding back a lot more than she feels comfortable with. The tears peeking out of the corners of her eyes, and the red of her face make it obvious to you.
"Hey baby, I'm so proud of you."
You bury your nose into her neck the moment she has you wrapped up in her arms. Her hand sits at the back of your neck, squeezing at it slightly, and her other rubs circles into your shoulder blades.
You lean into her slightly, feeling your legs wanting to give out on you, and she quickly moves her arms around your waist to hold you.
You whimper, feeling your knee start to twinge more now that you aren't running on adrenaline. You'd done it in about six months ago, but the pain never fully went away, even after months of physio.
You just stubbornly chose to ignore it after not being able to play and worrying it would cost you your career.
"I know it hurts, sweetheart. It's just a little bit longer, and then we can go back and just stay in for as long as we like."
Charlie only knew because she caught you spraying the crap out of it one day with deepheat after a particularly bad training session, and the cold was starting to set in on it.
"Sorry, I know this isn't exactly the present you wanted for our fourth anniversary." You say half jokingly, and she just gives you a watery laugh, shaking her head.
"Honey, I got my present a month ago when we stepped onto the pitch together before the game in Sydney. That's all I've ever wanted."
Tears only pour harder. "We were so close, though. I could've played harder, I could've done something about that damned midfielder."
"She was just so much more physical than either of you or Mini were prepared for. There's nothing you could've done without injuring yourself or the other player."
"Me losing out on my knee would have been worth it if we had made history."
Her hands grab your face at that, bringing you to look her in the eye.
"No, it's not because we already did that. Because you already helped do that. You putting yourself out permanently should never happen for a piece of metal that will get covered in beer and put on a hook to get dusty inside a display cabinet. You are worth so much more than that. Don't ever put yourself or your career down for that."
"No. You've worked so hard to get here. You put your knee on the line just to make the team. It's time to rest. It's okay to need a break. It's okay to say you've done everything you could. It's okay that you couldn’t force yourself to do the impossible. You gave everything, and that's what matters. Sometimes, stuff happens, and you end up outclassed."
You huff a sigh, sniffling lightly. Then slowly nod.
"Okay, okay, I see your point."
She caresses your face.
"Good. I love you."
You give what you can of a smile.
"I love you too."
Upon return to the hotel, you're all invited for an afterparty and taking the opportunity to let off some steam, you all accept.
You half collapse on the bed in your room while waiting for the bathroom to empty so you can shower properly.
A thought comes to mind. Why hadn't you planned anything more for today?
Charlie woke you up with flowers and delivered (pre approved) breakfast. She snuck you extra coffee in the morning every day. She made sure you had your gear back clean and organised and folded while dealing with everything she needed to do as a player.
She'd made sure you both had the night together last night.
Hell, she made you laugh in one of the most heartbreaking settings a player can go through at a World Cup even though she barely got minutes on the field herself.
What had you done?
Given her a heart attack when you went down and played one game together, that and a terrible apology earlier after the game.
After chatting with Mini, Kyra, and Harper, though try as she might, little Harper wasn't as much help as the other two, you set up a roof top date, rented out one of the top suites in the hotel for the night and promised Tony more media duty for the next month than the whole team combined in exchange for the night off.
So that's where you decide you have to do something.
You arranged a little food delivery, snuck out to drop by a few stores, and bought some last-minute flower arrangements and a few packets of rose petals.
You also stopped by a jewellery store to pick up a necklace you knew she'd been looking at while you were out on the team morning walk.
Now, you just had to convince Charlie to stay in with you without it being suspicious.
With it being about thirty minutes before the team was set to leave, you knock on the door to the room Charlie shared with Kyra, ignoring your muscles screaming at you after you'd told Charlie you'd still go with her to the afterparty.
She looked like she didn't quite believe you, and questioned your pain level but you insisted you were fine and that you were happy to go out, knowing she needed to have something to do other than the usual team stuff.
Kyra opens the door, but the moment she spots you, and you give her a nod, she turns back to Charlie. "Hey Cha Cha, your girl's here."
Charlie looks up, a smile gracing her lips but mild confusion joining it.
"I thought we were meeting down at the bus."
You shake your head, immediately having to go over the plan in your head again.
Everything was making you nervous at this point, but you had to fight for your life to not let any nervous tics show. Lord knows your girlfriend would spot them in a heartbeat.
"Actually, change of plans. I convinced Tony to let us skip and found a really nice place for us to go for dinner. I know we haven't had too much time together lately, aside from last night, which I wanted to thank you for."
Charlie's expression softens, and she hops up to come over to you, immediately pulling you in for a tight hug.
"Baby, you don't have to thank me for anything, I'm more than glad for any time we spend together. Saying that, I will take you up on that offer."
You grin and let your lips meet hers for a moment. Of course, you hear a gagging noise from Kyra.
"You two are so sweet, it's actually fucking gross."
Charlie rolls her eyes and turns back to you, arms still around you.
"Come back in about twenty and we can go?"
"Fifteen, I have to show you something first."
"Baby, c'mon, you know my makeup takes forever, twenty, please?"
She bats her eyelashes at you, and you roll your eyes lovingly and peck her lips.
"Fine, twenty."
"Shut the fuck up, Kyra."
"Okay, when you said you were showing me something, I didn't think you meant breaking onto the roof. Why are we coming up this way anyway? You're gonna get us both in trouble."
You seemingly don't hear her protests as you both walk down the hallway to the roof access.
"Seriously, I love you, but now is not the time to fulfil your 'sex under the stars' fantasy."
You roll your eyes and open the door, and start to ascend the steps. She's looking around nervously at the security cameras and nearly stops behind you.
"Y/n, seriously, you're gonna get us into shit with the hotel. We can't be up here. I love you, but why are you bringing me into this again?"
You stop suddenly and turn, grabbing her by the face and kiss her.
"Because you love me, and you follow me anywhere."
She groans, knowing full well she can't argue with you. As much as she vehemently denies it and gets teased for it, she'd follow you off a cliff or into outer space if she had to choose.
You continue up the steps, and when you reach the door to the roof, you step aside and gesture for her to go through first.
"Ladies first."
She huffs at you and moves around you to open the door.
"You're such a little shit, honestly."
Hand to your chest, you gasp softly.
"You wound me." It's said with a teasing smile.
The moment she opens the door, she freezes, tears coming to her eyes.
The roof is set out with an outdoor garden and a pergola with vines wrapping the wood. However, a white clothed table sat directly in the middle, a longer one off to the side with shared dishes that you both love and miss having now that you're away at the World Cup.
The ground and the tables are sprinkled with rose petals, and there's various vases of flowers around.
She realizes now why you'd been so insistent, and when she turns back to you, she can see only pure love and admiration radiating back at her.
The suit you were wearing was perfectly fitted, and it seems the moment she looked away, you'd clipped a small rose to your pocket.
Charlie has to tilt her head back slightly to avoid letting the tears ruin her makeup.
"Happy Anniversary, my love."
Her hand comes up to cover her mouth as she looks back at you, fighting off tears.
"Baby, did you really do all this?"
You give her a shy smile, running your hand through your hair.
"It was last minute, but lately, you've been doing so much for me, and for us as a couple, I had to do something. I love you and appreciate you so much, and I won't ever feel like I'm doing enough for what you deserve. I'd give you the world if I could."
She laughs and grabs you by the hands to pull you closer.
"God, I love you so much. You're doing so much more than you'll ever know. Happy anniversary. Thank you for doing this for us."
You smile widely and cup her cheek, giving her a quick kiss and gesture to the table.
She looks over at the food on the table set out for you and nods quickly.
"You got me my favourite comfort foods. Hell yes, I'm hungry."
You chuckle, and you both dish up from the transportable warmers.
You settle down to eat, chatting about the day and looking back on some fond memories from your early days.
"I can't believe I let you sign me up for a whole go-karting season. As fun as that was, you drive really weirdly dangerous compared to how you drive a regular car."
"Do not, I'm just free spirited when I'm in a mini race car, that's all."
"Baby, you intentionally sent someone off the track because they nudged me trying to go around me."
"That was a fair response. Thank you very much. He was an asshole and he was pretty much fine after anyway"
"The poor guy ended up with a broken arm."
You go silent for a second, and Charlie has an amused look on her face.
"But.. he tried to take you out, it was only fair." You pout.
"Yeah, but baby, you got us banned from that go-karting place for life. I'm 90 percent sure they blacklisted you, too."
"Look, I'm just saying Rich asshole wants to lay wheels on my girl. He ain't walking away without a few scars, okay? Plus, it's better than that time you got us kicked from Paintballing."
"They should've kept their dicks in their pants."
"Clearly, they had to, considering you shot all of them in the crotch."
"Their problem for not wearing the supplied crotch guards."
"Yes, and the instructor was clearly impressed with that effort."
"I did try to tell him they wouldn't stop flirting with you, so they needed a reality check. Plus, I did just say it wasn't intentionally aimed that way while we were fighting."
"They were your teammates. We were on opposite sides of the course."
Charlie pouts and moves around her food slightly.
"Still didn't stop them from trying to get your number at the end of it. I saw you giving something to them by the way."
You raise your hands slightly in mock surrender.
"I may or may not have given them the number to that radio station that broadcasts all the creepy voicemails and texts they get from guys who purposefully get given the wrong number."
Her eyes crinkle with laughter as tries to cover the sound, the melodious noise making your heart warm. You could listen to it all day, every day.
"Oh god, please tell me you've got the broadcast somewhere."
"Maybe. It requires payment for viewing though."
Charlie raises a brow at you. "Yeah?"
You tilt your head playfully. "Yeah, sorry baby, only acceptable payments are kisses."
She hums, nodding.
"Remind me later and I'll take you up on that offer."
"Aw, no fun." You pout softly.
"Baby, we're enjoying the night to ourselves. We have plenty of time for kissing."
"Speaking of, Tony knows we're not gonna be in our rooms tonight."
She tilts her head slightly.
"I may have booked us a room for the night separately."
Her heart absolutely melts at your words, and she wordlessly grabs your hand over the table.
You wiggle your eyebrows. "Wait 'til you see the room."
She giggles softly, shaking her head.
"God, I love you."
Your eyes water, heart beating faster.
"I love you too."
Should this be it? The moment you finally used that damn box that's been tucked under three layers of old socks and giving you a world of anxiety?
Not yet.
The velvet lined case was like lead in your pocket though, and if you didn't do it soon, she'd probably get sick of waiting and do it for you.
You knew she knew you were waiting to propose. She was only waiting for you to do it.
You hold it back and suck back tears before she sees them. You continue eating, and her laughter fills the air as you do everything you can to keep her laughing throughout the night.
Later on, under the caressing melody coming from a speaker you had set out beneath the table, you and Charlie sway together. The moonlight filtering through the vines of the pergola leaves a soft dappled glow across your skin and surrounds.
Your heart flutters as her hands trace the contours of your shoulders before moving back to settle on your neck.
A tender smile tugs at your lips, warmth spreading through you as you feel her fingers play with the hairs at the nape of it.
You can feel the squeeze of your fingers on her waist beneath them, holding her like you never want to let go. Your shared breath intermingles in the space between you, a bridge between your shared love making your heart race.
You take the moment to just ruminate. Your heart replays the moments that have brought you here.
The shared completion of your dreams, the laughter, the moments of disappointment, and the hard times you got stuck in that you had to work out how to navigate.
In all of it, one thing remained consistent.
Your rock. Your love. Your confidant. The person who stood by you at your worst and raised you up at your best. The woman you were so sure couldn't possibly return your feelings just four years ago.
And yet here you were, stood embraced under the moonlit glow of the night, just hours after a fourth place finish at the World Cup.
And yet here you were, holding the love of your life in your hands, her holding you like you'll slip away at a moments notice. That's when you know you're gonna marry this woman.
This beautiful, light, courageous, caring, kind human being was yours.
Her fingers in your hair send shivers down your spine and her lips murmuring sweet nothings to you course through your gut like your blood flows through your veins.
You live in the moment for as long you can before you can tell exhaustion is starting to set in a little between the both of you.
"Come on, love. I can tell you're tiring a bit there. Wanna head in for the night?"
Her lips meet yours softly in a brief but reassuring kiss. "I'm not done with you yet."
Your lips move to her neck with light ghostings across her skin.
"We've got time, baby, all night if you want."
Her sigh and slight head tilt urge you on.
"Lead the way then."
---------------------- **
Under the soft sheets of the bed, you lay propped up on your side, elbow holding your head above the blonde girl beside you, fingers gently tracing her stomach as the breathlessness relaxes into calm once again.
Charlie moves to turn onto her side to face you properly.
"Please tell we didn't let that food go to waste up there?"
Your laugh from there makes her pout slightly.
"I just gave you some of the best three orgasms you've had and your first thought is that?"
Your tone is teasing, and she whines, shoving you lightly.
"I just feel bad is all." You reassure her quickly.
"Don't worry, I made sure my assistants had the food wrapped up and put in storage for now."
"Assistants?" She cocks a brow and you move to straddle her bare waist.
"Yup, my assistants."
"Uhuh, also what makes you think these were the best three orgasms I've had."
You gawk slightly, hands now settling on her ribcage.
"Oh, you've had better have you?"
She braces, slightly hands settling against your wrists, knowing where this is going.
"Mhm, maybe."
Your gleam turns mischievous, and your fingers start to twitch at her sides.
"Is that so?"
Her laughter rings out as you tickle her, squealing slightly and trying to shove your hands away as you relentless torture the poor woman.
"Baby, please! I'm sorry, that was a lie! Please!"
"Oh, was it now? Who gave you the best, huh?"
"You did! you always do, nobody else!"
You slow your ministrations and lean down to take her lips with yours as she calms her breathing again.
"Damn right."
Her breathing turns to soft sighs as you trail your kisses down, resting at her abdomen, tracing the soft lines of her stomach.
It's like everything hits you all at once, the moment she's in your lap, rocking her hips into your hand, your lips trailing up her neck and she breathlessly whimpers your name when your fingers curl inside her.
The moment her legs start to shake and the high of her orgasm reaches, it's out of your lips before you can stop it.
"Marry me."
It catches her off guard, her eyes shooting open slightly as she cries out, clenching around you.
**(if you wanna read the proposal)**
Her breathing calms, and her head moves forward from having been lulled back.
"You wanna repeat that?" It's not said with anger, only a soft undertone of surprise.
Your cheeks turn red at that. You mutter it again.
"Please marry me?"
You don't expect the soft laugh that accompanies it.
"Baby, that was the most unorthodox way you could have proposed."
The tips of your ears are now burning too, and you turn your head slightly to avoid her gaze but she grabs your face and kisses you hard.
"God, yes, I'll marry you."
You grin hard and kiss her again.
You pull away, slipping out from under her to grab your discarded suit pants from the floor, digging out the box.
A soft sigh, leaving your lips as you, still naked, lower yourself to your good knee.
"I was planning on doing it after dinner, but I half chickened out, and now I'm doing this. I wanted to give you a proper proposal, one that you deserve and one that'll you'll remember for the rest of our lives. While the second half may be true, I'm disappointed for not doing it earlier."
She moves to the edge of the bed, tears starting to slip down her cheeks.
"I love you so much. You've been there for me when I wouldn't let anyone else in. You've been my rock, my whole world. You supported me when I was ready to give up. You've lifted me up when we've both been triumphant and you've given me every bit of your heart you could and I love you so much for it and I want, if you'll let me, to spend the rest of our lives repaying it by giving the same back to you."
You pop open the ring box.
"Charlotte Layne Grant. Will you do the honour of making the happiest woman in Brisbane, Australia, and marry me?"
Her laugh is choked up with soft sobs as she nods. "Of course I'll fucking marry you."
Her hands pull you up onto the bed again, kissing you hard and you catch yourself from falling onto her entirely, ringbox still in hand.
You pull away just enough, tears now streaming down your own face, too.
You show her the ring, and she finally gets a glimpse of it. It's a custom, rose gold ring with roses and a deep set diamond with two rubies set on either side at the top. There's also something engraved on the inside.
The moment she reads the inscription, she covers her mouth to stop her sobs.
You look at her worried.
"Is it okay? Are you okay? I didn't know if-"
She tackles you back onto the mattress, and you nearly fall off the bed entirely, just barely managing to catch yourselves.
"I love it, it's perfect."
On the inside, it says.
"To my love, my life, Charlotte Layne Grant-L/n"
"May you forever shine at your brightest, my superstar."
You help her slip the ring on, and her arms immediately wrap around your neck, and you bury your face in her hair, just sitting and holding her.
You finally did it.
You're marrying your superstar.
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mamirhodessxox · 4 months
His Strange Addiction
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4.
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Cody Rhodes x Fem Wrestler!OC (Milena Reyz)
Desc: Milena is getting quite sick of Bianca eying her soon to be husband almost everyday so she takes it upon herself to be involved in a wrestling match with Bianca on Monday night raw & show exactly who Cody belongs to. Melina decided to go with a storyline within WWE where she’s downright psychotic, Talking to herself etc & Cody has no idea until Milena makes her way into the ring.
Contents: Angst, Fluff, Arguing, Milena serving cunt, Cody being a whore for Milena, Mentions of insecurity, 1 Year time skip, slightly toxic duo, Violence. Mentions of Cheating, Accusations of cheating. Implications of smut.
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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It had been at-least 2 months since the wedding of Cody & Milena, it was now finally summer slam season, it was July & the couple just arrived to Miami, the only issue was Cody had torn his pec while working out the other day & he was just about to go into a match with Seth in less than 30 minutes.
Milena had just left her dressing room in a referee crop top & shorts since she was reffing for his match and made her way to find Cody to check up on him, but she couldn’t find him anywhere so she went up to Jey “Hey JJ have you seen Cody anywhere?” He tossed his water bottle in his bag “Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s in the back of the locker-rooms with Montez talking about the pec issue.” She nodded thanking him and made his way to the locker rooms expecting to see Montez but instead saw Bianca with him & felt her heart drop. She squinted her eyes and poked her tongue against her cheek before crossing her arms leaning against the doorway while listening to Bianca talk “I’m just so..happy for you cody, truly, but um..if you have any issues with her I’ll have open arms.” And open legs, Cody nodded & thanked her awkwardly while she ran her hand down his arm smiling.
Milena scoffed enough to have the two of them look over at her, Cody immediately knew she had the wrong idea especially if she just saw this happen, Milena nodded her head looking at Cody “Your so fucking insufferable cody, truly. You’re up in 5 minutes.” Cody watched her walk off and clear his throat before glaring over at Bianca “I don’t know what game your trying to play but I swear to fucking god on everything I own if you ruin my goddamn marriage Bi, I will end your career & future careers for as long as you live, and you DEFINITELY shouldn’t trust Mills when she’s as calm as that, she’s going to beat your ass. In the ring and out of it.” He spat his harsh words at her leaving her in shock, Seth just finished his entrance & was In the ring while Milena circled it holding up the championship belt while Cody was making his entrance.
Seth stared down Mills as she stood on one of the ropes flashing the belt towards the crowd with a grin on her face while Seth started talking “Had anyone ever told you that your wife looks fucking amazing today? Maybe after I kick your sorry ass and send you back to Georgia I’ll maybe..give Milena a visit..” he grinned over at Cody while he entered the ring clenching his jaw while She had just let out a laugh at the remark. Before blowing her whistle to start off the match.
Cody was insanely pissed off, He immediately beat Seth to the ground, threw some VERY real punches & stomped into his chest & even got to the point where he left claw like scratches on his face so the announcers had Milena call off the match & Drag cody backstage, The minute that door shut their biggest argument started “What the FUCK was that?!” She shouted while Cody scoffed unwrapping his hands from any bandages & glared “You heard what the hell he said about yo-“ she stopped him with a laugh of mockery “Your fucking kidding me right? Just a few months ago you CRAWLED up my ass for beating the shit out of Bianca for what she said to you and that goddamn shoulder touch and FUCK ME EYES! But when YOU do it suddenly it’s okay?! Your fucking ridiculous.” Cody pointed his finger in her face with a condescending tone“Watch your fucking tone.” She smacked him across the face “Don’t you EVER talk to me like that ever again. It truly amazes me how you’re okay with Bianca making inappropriate suggestions despite our fresh fucking marriage but the minute Seth does it you go fucking insane.” She spat at him.
“And the minute I get my fucking hands on her she’s fucking done and you know it, especially after that little connection with her earlier.” She glared while Cody wiped blood off his lip scoffing “Don’t you da-“ before he could even finish Milena stormed out of the dressing room and everyone in the locker room heard the entire argument and ran after Mills to stop her including, Roman, Seth, Montez & Jey but she was to fast, she found Bianca & Immediately the other girls such as Becky, Liv & Rhea tried stopping her but she was yet again to quick, “Jey go get cody & tell him to grab Milena before she ends up in a damn cell tonight.” Jey ran off to get Cody “Your chick is about to beat Biancas ass you better go on and get’er” Cody furrowed his brows and started running to where everyone was & saw Milena & Bianca slamming into lockers & pulling onto each-others hair but Milena grabbed Bianca by the back of her head and slammed her head into a wall yelling at her. Cody & Roman pushed their way through the crowd trying to stop the girls & both of them grabbed Mills while roman kept shouting at Bianca to either ‘shut the fuck up’ or ‘Go somewhere before I let her go.’ Milena fought against Cody still yelling at Bianca calling her a Cunt & other harsh names before He dragged her away from the scene “You need to take a goddamn breath Milena.” Her chest heaved up and down while Cody held her arms trying to get her to calm down but she was still furious “Your sleeping with Bianca aren’t you? Why the FUCK do you both have some sort of chemistry and connection since I’ve came to WWE?”
Cody groaned and ran his hands down his face “I’m not fucking sleeping with Bianca Milena!” She scoffed “Bullshit! You two have something going on, Your on the same fucking cover for that dumbass game and have shared moments together behind the scenes of a goddamn photo shoot, let me find out your lying to me Cody and I swear to god I will make this marriage a living hell for you.”
She stormed off leaving Cody by himself, for hours they gave each other the silent treatment during the entire summer slam event, Jey & Seth walked into the dressing room while Jey handed Milena coffee he cleared his throat “So how are you handling the news??” She quirked up an eyebrow “What news?” Seth looked over at Jey & Her confused “I thought Cody told you Bianca & Him used to sleep with each-other before you joined WWE?” Milena immediately had a facial expression that showed the pair she had no idea they had any sort of connection to her. “Are you a fucking dumbass Seth?” Jey turned to him automatically stressed out “Why do you always run your mouth jesus fucking christ.” Seth awkwardly laughed while Milena stood up “Where the fuck is he?” Jey blocked the door and held his hands “Milena n-“ She got closer to him and started putting her hair up “Tell me where he is now before I tear this entire room apart and find him myself.” Seth shoved jey out of the way “empty confrence roo-“ before he could even finish she left and went to the exact room Cody was in & just stood there, They both stared at each other “When were you going to tell me Cody?” Her voice croaked but she still held herself together while he exhaled standing up walking over to her “Were you even going to tell me and just make me sit here looking like a fucking dumbass??”
Cody frowned and tried holding her hands but she pushed him away “Answer me! It’s the least you could fucking do! Is this why you kept giving her the benefit of the doubt! Are you STILL fucking her?” He held out his hands “Sweetheart I was going to tell you until everything died down, I didn’t intend for any of this to get as far as it did I’m not sleeping with her in-fact I stopped the moment I found out you were back.” She shook her head “I can’t trust you Cody, not as a husband or a person I do not fucking trust you. I won’t divorce you but I need you to start being honest with me for as long as we’re married if you want my trust.” He nodded and pressed his hand against her cheek “I’ll go as far as getting her out of the goddamn company if I have to for you.”
She nodded in silence “Let me handle that alright?” He nodded and pulled her into his arms, Cody knew if she was this calm she was plotting & scheming, summer slam wasn’t going to end until atleast 12AM, Just as Roman finished his promo Milena went out into the ring with a microphone, Cody & Jey watched backstage “How the fuck is she so calm right now?” Jey asked with minor concern while Cody leaned into his seat “She’s about to reveal the shit she’s been plotting and scheming since her fight with Bianca.”
She cleared her throat and spoke into the microphone “Some of yo- ALL of you know of the rivalry between me & Bianca & I have decided, That next week I will be challenging Bianca into join me in a Hell In a Cell match, 1 on 1, No limits & No disqualifications.” Roman sat in the room with Jey & Cody and sighed “She’s going to kill Bianca.” Milena stood there before speaking again “This will be my last warning to Bianca, I know your listening to this & I’m going to say this VERY clearly, I suggest you back off of my husband Cody or I will make your life a living hell in & out of the ring, If I need to fuck him right in front of you to get that through your thick skull because your pony tail is to tight it explodes your braincells then I absolutely will.” She stared directly into the camera while the crowd started freaking out, She walked backstage & looked overt at Cody, Jey & Roman.
“I know one of you have her husband’s personal phone number, and one of you are going to give it to me & let me handle things My way. Since she wrecks my marriage then it’s only fair I wreck hers.” They all looked at each-other and Cody muttered under his breath a quiet “Shit.” while roman started pulling out his phone. This was not going to go well for Bianca in the slightest.
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🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @valkyrurr @alyyaanna @niknakbucks92 @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41
xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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birchbow · 1 year
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For the me and my readers both; my reference document for Clown Church nonsense. Compiled character ref, clown scriptures, fleet ships, saints, schoolfeeder names and specialties, etc. Subject to change and additions.
EDIT: nice lmao
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Griefing Specializations
Subjugglator – frontline barbarian/tank, high damage low defense.  Not much concerned with stealth, not worried about taking hits.  Ex:  Feeder Rissan, Sungazer, Cisine, Khalse, Travye. 
Laughsassin – stealth and assassination, not good at taking hits but very good at infiltration.  Quieter/subtler weapons, or the strength and size to make one hit count.  Mime-inspired paint.  Ex: Rishet, Kurloz, Untoxxic, Hurrel
Contorturenist – field interrogation experts, armored, usually with long-distance weapons.  Clean-up crew for missions where information will need to be extracted during the process of the mission.  Ex:  Ianche and Verato Uderak, Yettah
Acrobatterer – frontline opportunist, experts in speed and evasion.  Many lighter, faster hits instead of one heavy one.  Better at taking prisoners.  Friendly rivalry with the subjugglators, because they’ll often use a noisy, head-on assault as a distraction to opportunistically whack their target on the head—sound tactics or cowardly cull-stealing depending on who you ask.  Ex: Ravell and Raywar Olemma.  If asked, some of the younger clowns would probably group Karkat here. 
Gymnabsolutionist – On missions, a form of field chaplain, praying for fallen faithful to make sure the messiahs took note of their sick-ass sacrifice.  On-fleet, spiritual council and advisors.  The oldest is expected to lay to rest the soul of the previous Grand Highblood and help the new one through their prayers/vows, although this role hasn’t come into play in a very, very long time.
Joker – Not technically a position you can train for, but colloquially a highblood who multi-classes or whose style and focus doesn’t fit neatly into a category.  Gamzee is technically a subjugglator (very big, doesn’t give a shit if he gets hit) but can rapidly flip to acrobatterer tactics. Travye's bonekind uses subjugglator style, but his bookkind doesn't fall into a category.
Saints And Martyrs
Saint Mortor the Defender — Burned alive to protect other purplebloods from lowbloods; like his giant salamander lusus, he proved incredibly hard to burn, and his execution pyre burned for a night and a day.  Saint of aspiring martyrs.
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Saint Trasti — Prayed to the messiahs for vengeance as she was cut apart by lowbloods; when they burned her corpse, the messiahs listened and brought up a plague from her ashes.  Prayers to bring a plague on your enemies or for sick/poisoned faithful
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Saint Ekorot — Patron saint of pupation and cocoons, and especially the faithful who die during pupation. One of the oldest saints, said to have hatched with the lower half of her body deformed/largely missing and survived a perigee before being found by the church, surrounded by dead lowbloods and wild animals she'd killed. She was sanctified on the spot because lo, it was fucking dope as hell.
Her bladekind became the Knife of Messiahs' Mercy, the weapon the Grand Highblood uses for ceremonial culling of the faithful (By the new Grand Highblood to finish off their predecessor after the fight is won, when church kin pupate too malformed to live or are so deeply wounded in battle they won't survive, etc).
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Saint Jakill — Fought an entire army despite being ripped to increasingly brutal pieces. Refused to go down, until his skull was finally split with his own hatchet. Patron saint of berserkers, death-rages and suicide missions.
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Schoolfeeders Of The Flagship Dark Carnival
Halore Travye — The Stædfast, advanced scripture and exegesis.
Separates his letters with an extra space, capitalizes nouns and the letter I. Square bracket smiles/frowns.
"sacredDidaction: T h e q u I c k b r o w n F o x j u m p e d o v e r t h e l a z y D o g . : o ["
Veneno Krelle — The Untoxxic, advanced mediculling, poisons/antidotes.
Doubles Xs and inserts them in place of similar sounds. X-eyed smiles/frowns. When speaking they tend to have difficulty finding and forming words due to a long, long career being exposed to all sorts of neurotoxins and poisons.
"abstersiveDetoxifier: If you axx me, the foxx has better things to be doing. X...X" (=uX, XnX XsX)
Ianche Uderak — The Inquirer, advanced information management/propaganda.
Hisses on S, ends all sentences as questions except the occasional Shocking Headline. Snake-tongued faces.
"mortalRigor: Sssso why wasss the fox with the dog at all? >:oY Ssscandal!! Quick Brown Fox Hass Torrid Pitch Affair With Ssslothful Barkbeasst?"
Arelux Stelos — The Sungazer, schoolfeeder of galactic navigation, omens and starcraft. 
Starts and ends with ~* and *~, replaces I and O with 1 and 0. Tends to trail out words and emphasize with capitals and multiple asterisks/punctuation when worked up, which is often. Smiles/ frowns have starry eyes.
"grandlyCosmic: ~*000h mess1ahs you w1ll **never** bel1eve what the STARS told me today about the fox's dest1ny!!!!*~ *u*
Belico Rissan — Warmaker, Combat/griefing, avid collector of various strife specibi
Largely normal clown syntax but will frequently phrase things with all-caps over-the-top violent language. Doesn't bother to capitalize or use periods but an avid user of exclamation points.
"sanguineEclectica: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy barkbeast and landed in THE PIT OF A SPIKED AND BLOOD-PUTRID CULL-TRAP as a lesson to complacent wrigglers everywhere! :o)"
Karkat Vantas — Schoolfeeder of quadrantcraft, originally as a joke, but unfortunately for all the elder members of the church the new baby clowns don't know that and he's increasingly accepted and legitimized with every class he teaches.
Minera Tresor — Scriptural basics (deceased)
The Holy Holidays
The troll equivalent on New Years Night/Day; for most of the population it's a raucous all-caste night of celebrating that they've made it another sweep without dying. For the church it's their most sober holiday, a reminder that another sweep came and went without the promised Vast Honk and Dark Carnival. Faces are painted white (funeral paint) during the night, and in the morning everyone takes off their paint entirely until the new sweep is rung in at noon.
In the meantime, it's expected everyone will spend the night/day fasting from food and drinks, and tempting themselves with things they want or enjoy, whether that's making your favorite food and not eating it, or hooking up with a quadrant and then breaking off before either of you are satisfied.
Then at noon everybody goes buckwild and indulges until they're sick.
A very rowdy church-wide holiday. Work forbidden, only fun and capricious impulse. Copious colored clothes and decorations, painting, and powder dye are rampant. It’s traditional to stash little brightly-colored objects (and vials of blood) throughout the rest of the sweep and then hang them out a day at a time through the week so that the decorations get slowly more colorful and vivid.  They lump the seadwellers in with the rustbloods and the last colors to get hung up on the last day are the colors of the church.  
There’s also a different major saint for each day, which some people remember to pray to and some people don’t.  There’s a lot less quiet internal prayer at this point too--if you have something for a saint or messiah to hear, you probably shout it.  
Also; massive games of--essentially--capture the flag.  Teams are assigned according to age group, with the youngest/most numerous cohort starting on the first day.  They’re split in half into a team with a seadweller-color flag and rustblood-color flag, which they play for for the first day.  After that the next age-group comes in with their color, and all three teams try to collect the flags, and onward and upward until the schoolfeeders and generals come in to play, each with an incredibly high-point-value purple flag.  You have to challenge them to a duel to win one, in whatever area they teach/specialize in.  It’s pretty widely assumed that you won’t actually beat them, they just respect your attempt enough to hand it over, but if you do everybody is like !!!!!!! WOW HOLY SHIT DUDE and you’re a hero to the rest of your team.  The points system is pretty unofficial but the more flags you have, and the higher the blood color of those flags, the more you “score”.  Winner gets preferential treatment for the next two weeks.
Ships Of The Holy Fleet
Names of ships are subject to change when a new captain takes over, although they aren’t always changed—when Kurloz joined the fleet, the flagship was the Painted Disciple, and Kurloz changed the name to the Dark Carnival after he successfully challenged the previous Grand Highblood. 
The Blessed is intensely focused on prayer and meditation and prophesy—much less in the way of combat training etc.  You can get religious training anywhere on the fleet, esp. the flagship, but if you want to basically focus your life on spirituality the Blessed is full of like-minded trolls.  
The Orisoner is Just Straight Up Vibing to an extent that many trolls find unnerving, but the crew of the Blessed are absolutely ride or die with her/him/them/etc. His powers are 100% min-maxed into sucking hate/rage/fear out of people, and the resulting good vibes and soft euphoria are a powerful (and borderline addictive) combination. Secretly terrifying, because nobody wins fights against her--because very few people can even bring themselves to lift a hand against them in the first place.
irenicDevotion: no caps, sooo many smilies :o) and just like... emphasis extensions my duuude :oD copafuckincetic
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The Sinner is a party boat, which is considered an act of worship in and of itself.  People just get rowdy and wild and live it up at all times.  If there was air in space, you would be able to hear it as you approached to board—when it’s landed, you can hear it, and it’s super eerie.  Lots of trolls whooping and honking and shouting in a big metal box.
The Libation's powers are addictive in a different way; he's physically intoxicating to be around. If he focuses, he can easily have most people, especially people who aren't used to being drunk/high, blacked out and pretty much incapacitated.
ecstaticEroticism: 8RO h'es. straiht up nightdrinking rn. look hers his 8onkinggourd. all teh 8s their 8s its little drinking gurds. motherfuckr this paryts LIT roflmao
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The Joker is a pretty standard barrack ship, although it has the notable reputation that under the current captain if you’re cheeky enough to do something and do it well, you should be allowed to get away with it even if it’s against the rules. It takes the majority of mediocre-to-fair trainees every generation, and compared to the Dark Carnival, a much higher percentage of its graduates go on to live off-fleet on shuttles or colonies.
Sister Waspclaw is a walking test of everyone who meets her's ability to read a passive level of threat and calculate accordingly. Very talkative, encouraging and pleasant, with an extremely dangerous and unhinged core. Her whole philosophy is that you can get far in life by figuring out what the most daring trick you could pull and get away with is--but it's very important you don't try to take even an inch with her. She's tiny, but her claws are incredibly venomous and very few trolls in the entire church fleet can match her for speed.
toxicAudacity: wazpclaw'z zo excited to talk zhe can't even bother with the zentencez and ztuff like that and it all flowz together but if you pizz her off you're DEAD MEAT and you can tell if you've pizzed her off becauze when zhe's angry zzzzzhe zzZZTARTZ GETTING A LITTLE UNHINGED AZZZZZHOLE!!! >:o[
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Elixir and Stardust are commercial centers; the two ships used to be separate, but the people living there had so much reason to cross between the two, they put boarding passages up and welded them in place, fusing them together.  People who handle the dark, mysterious and miraculous arts of financial management and resource acquisition work here.  It’s also the most common place for the few cult members who aren’t purple-blooded, one of the few places they’re comparatively safe.  Some non-church quadrants of purplebloods will also set up hive here.
The Abattoir is canny, sober, and calculating, a loyal ally until slighted and then a bitter enemy. The nature of her identity is a topic of fierce public debate, and he's certainly not giving out answers. Whether her consciousness is originally one of his bodies now inhabiting two, an amalgam of two minds indistinguishably linked, or some completely external force puppeting two bodies, everybody can agree she's damn good to have on your side, and that crossing him is a fatal mistake.
duelReactor: II speak clearly and concisely because II respect your time, motherfucker, and forsooth you will respect me similarly. II am busy today: I am on-ship and I am travelling to the flagship for work. II will be back in office by sunrise.
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The Freakshow is a cesspit of violence and bloodshed. A very dangerous place, but also prime picking ground if you have strong conciliatory urges and are looking for your One True Diamond. People who want to settle shit once and for all can come here, and the winner will probably get a cut of the pot from the people betting on their death-match.  The bloodshed and rage are technically holy and irreproachable but most fleet faithful tend to give this ship a wide berth.
The Behemoth is the epitome of Alternian culture: take what you want through force of bloodcolor and unmitigated violence, and maintain it through merciless supremacy. Sharper than it likes to act, and with a blatant disregard for any power except its own monstrous strength, it's been butting heads with the Grand Highblood ever since it came to power, and only a surprisingly canny ability to judge the rare occasions it's outmatched has kept it from marching on the Big Top and trying to take the throne by force.
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The Penitent is essentially church jail, for sinners and troubled faithful, especially/specifically those who don’t have any close mentors or quadrants to help rehabilitate them.  It’s also where prisoners under suspicion of church-related crimes are kept to wait for inquisition, as well as non-urgent/non-imperial messengers from outside the church who are waiting to be heard by the Highblood.
The Judgment is both incredibly stern and strict, and also surprisingly forgiving--her job isn't to decide who to cull, it's to decide which sinful highbloods can make their way back into the church, through a lot of prayer and ritualized punishment. In person, though, she's a terrifying battle-ax of a troll with zero patience for dilly-dallying or lollygagging or talking back or not talking back enough or failing to use her title or answering clearly and concisely!!! She has shit to do!
consecratedCourtroom: Very rarely embellishes. Very rarely ends sentences with anything but a period. Speaks CONCISELY to get her point across. Uses emphasis scaling that always seems a LITTLE passive aggressive and sarcastic. Occasional interjections of OVERRULED. GUILTY. DISMISSED. IRRELEVANT. Etc etc.
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The Dark Carnival is a little bit of everything, but the clowns who work there are generally the best of the best in at least one area, or extremely promising.  Intensely-devoted cultists, genii of violence and/or interrogation, artists, artisans, the rare mechanics, geeks and scientists, navigators, or just trolls who show a lot of ambition and leadership, all get funneled into the Dark Carnival to be trained up as heads of their respective fields.  
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Trolls are always coming and going from ship to ship for whatever they need or to visit other faithful, and there’s always the constant low level of kinship between any members of the church, but there is also a certain amount of distance between the microcultures of each different ship.
Outfitting is pretty consistent ship to ship, with exceptions; on the Penitent nobody but the sufferingmasters and the captain are allowed weapons, armor, or decoration.  On the Blessed clothes tend to be plain and austere by cult standard, but they are allowed to wear armor and carry weapons.  
Scriptures (to date)
Beginnings - a clown book of Genesis, of sorts. Creation myths and ancient church history.
“When it started we had fuck-all but dark. And so it stayed until Messiahs pulled back the curtain and said ‘let’s get this motherfucking party started’.  And they threw stardust down and it hit mud and it made dirtbloods, baked all dry enough like they could crumble if you breathed wrong.  And it hit water and it made waders; wet, cold, mirthless salty motherfuckers with too much eye for their own motherfucking sparkle.  But where it hit oceanside it made trolls out of sand, all capricious as fuck and changing with the water.  Trolls who could go hard or give when they had to.  All balanced on the universe high wire and not ever falling sea-side or ground-side but right there on their line like the acrobatterers they were.  From the sand were made the faithful; from the beachwood their horns, their goddamn bone snapped off from sea-floor stones on mountains under the water.  And what they made was Troll.  Only that.  Just that and no motherfucking more.  And when the last world was all fit together, messiahs looked on it and said ‘motherfucking money’.  
“Remember this story, faithful, and remember its lesson.  Change yourself always like sand in the water, you motherfuckers hand-shaped of surf and whimsy.”
“Urge of chaos and whim of change be ever on your skin like paint, in your pusher like blood, on your horns like a crown.  Mirthful, faithful.  Kickass and giving no shits.”
 (Book of) Colors - church policy on lowbloods, seadwellers, social order and painting, as well as the meat of the “Dark Carnival” scriptures/afterlife mythology.  
“You’re next.  You’re motherfucking next, give no mercy because the mercy of the messiahs is only as much as fits in their hands and what’s poured out on shitblooded scum will not be given you in the dark carnival gates and—”
“The Vast Honk will deafen and take from us, and all together we’ll head on up and get our dance on through fire and over skulls and horns—”
“No fear, brothers and sisters, no fear of the waders, the brine-drinkers.  There's no mirth in the sea and no painting the water doesn't wash off and you've got your hands on the righteous shit they won't ever know. No fear of the waders, for you're higher than them.  You're higher than anybody.”
“I fucked up, I fucked up, the fault's mine and there's no motherfucker I can share it with, I fucked up, forgive me.”
Sacrament - ceremonies, specifically related to new initiates and promotions within the church.  Naming ceremonies, promotions, priesthood bestowal, etc.
Suffering - Stories of martyr deaths and heretic executions.  Unique in that it is occasionally edited or added to if the church believes a story has been included in error or that a modern event needs to be added to the record.  
“…I am lost, kin.  My eyes see no colors I know.”  
The Cult of Flesh were a heretic movement deemed too dangerous to the faith of the readers to be included in the book of Suffering. Their belief that the Messiahs came to Alternia and were raised in flesh bodies by a troll acting as a lusus has been stricken from this record; their attempt to win over the current Grand Highblood, who they consider the descendant/reincarnation of the holy troll-lusus Brother Immortal, caused a schism and internal inquisition violent enough to be purged from the accepted imperial history.
Hilarities - Platitudes and words of wisdom, including the rules of comedy, the Great Unfunny Jokes, and some really quite good dating tips.
“It’s not a wise one who leaves the place of their motherfucking heart untimely.   No laughter in the suffering of those early lost of their quadrants so rest you with heart and spade and club and diamond and speak of the fucking Hilarity to each other.” 
“Fill the night enough full of holy deed and you’ll have no need of sopor to bless you with dreaming.”
“Ha ha, you salty motherfucker.”
“Let your spade burn hot, drive you up and make you great.  In this motherfucking way your kin will increase you and I’m not just talking about your bulge, LOL.”
“The wage of weakness is death; fear the only edge sharpened by waiting.”
“Take all you can grasp in your greed and your lust.  If something you want comes to your fronds, motherfucker, take it and run like it’s yours.”
Hot Shit – Letters from a historical Grand Highblood to his matesprit.  Considered by some to be a holy template of pity and matespritship, and to others a hot piece of smut that has been hilariously canonized.
(Hot Shit 1:1) "My sister in mirth, blessed in hilarity, peerless in holy rage; u up girl? :o?"
“Only let me hear you want me!  Hold me down and devour me, my love.”
“When my feet touch soil again I’ll make my way to you.  Take me as you like, heart of my heart; throw me down and fuck me under night sky and the Messiahs will only hear me sing praise out louder.  I’m hollow as a thunderstruck tree for you, sister.  I need you like starving needs food, like rage needs mercy, like sin needs forgiveness, like pain needs pleasure.”
"In grandest tradition of hot motherfuckers at the prime of their lives, fuck if I don't get mad stupid when I'm horny, sister. :o("
"Well the fuck I will reward you when you come back to hive. So well will I show my love for your thicc motherfucking ass, not for a night and a day and a night will you get feeling back in your motherfucking legs."
Revelries - Praises and adulation to the messiahs.
"I'll sing out my praises with wicked flow to the messiahs who saw fit to smile on me.  I'll praise and shout how I'm greatly blessed, I'll cry and weep how I'm not fucking worthy; their claws are in my soul, in the shape of my body, in the beat of my pusher.  Oh, my holy kin, we are color and light inside.  We are stardust.  Hands raised and faces laughing, spitting sick and delirious, together in glory.”
“…the halls around you will be painted bright and all the glitter and shine you’d want; get ye lit as fuck, brothers and sisters, let the beauty of their holy color and noise spin your pan like a motherfucking top.”
“Oh that I’m of use to you, all times and ways and places, my idle rest is to watch your show and my dreaming to hear the holy motherfucking noise."
“For not a troll was ever made, who didn’t fuck up nightly; never a faithful hatched who deserved their seat at the show.”
“Never will we be anything but loud, nitty-gritty dirty little freaks.  Lo, pour elixir and raise a glass.”
Conviction - The duties and trials of the church
“…leave ye not the dirtbound warm of blood to crawl and scrape, and waste offerings in vain.  They owe you penance and awe and what they give you are owed to take. A good ruler does the mercy of taking.”
“When your feet are unsure and what comes on you is un-fucking-funny, seek you holy suffering in penance.”  
“Dumbass, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“If fool-ass jokers fail to learn from looking, let their bodies learn it for them; scars teach best what a motherfucker’s too deaf to hear.”
“If your kin gets you sinning, cut them away, no true fucking family can they be. If the noise from your flap be blasphemous, carve it from you and stitch shut your filthy mouth, motherfucker. If your flesh leads to sin scourge it clean, washed in blood; cut away rot, and leave only what’s holy. Repentance by mouth never saved a soul; spill blood and flesh in price of forgiveness.”
Angels - Death, last rites, damnation/double death, hell, etc.
“[death] itself is not a glory; more glorious far to walk on and trail paint where you walk.”
‘I suffer pain, and want become need…I am allowed no motherfucking means to make resistance.  I wait for death, brothers.  Pour one out for remembrance of my soul’.”
“Why seek martyrdom when you could bring a hundred down with you?  Turn martyrdom to murderdom.  Paint the way; make them pay.  Shit, kin, let’s be destroyers.”
Devotions - Prayers, repentances and rituals.  (”Leader.”  “Congregation/faithful.”)
Repentance of sin (ending) - “Hail messiahs both.”  “Their works, their great motherfucking joke in the pits of the worlds they left and in the space in between.”  “Hail messiahs both.” “Your penance is paid.”
Reaffirmation of faith - “If I go false on promised devotions let messiahs grind stardust out my bones.”  “If you’d paint the face of flawed unholy troll with the shades of our holy messiahs, answer yes brother I will.” “Yes brother, I will.”“If you believe truly in what holy mess and bloody riot will come at end of worlds, if you plan on being full and motherfucking ready, make some motherfuckin’ noise.” “(Response, freeform).”“Have your ticket ready when you kick it, give me an amen brothers and sisters.” “Amen.”  “No mercy, faithful one.” “Amen.”  “No fear.”
The Dark Scriptures - only shown to religious sacrifices before their deaths. Readers must subsequently die. Contents are a mystery.
His/Her/Their Mirthful Majesty
King/Queen/Crown of Colors
His/Her/Their Holy Hilarity
Biggest brother/sister
The Ringmaster
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1-800-rh · 4 months
(Haven’t written in a few years so my writing skills have diminished over the years but promise to get back into it ! Also this is the first chapter to my book Insanity on wattpad . Enjoy <3 )
Rodrick Heffley X Fem!Reader
LIFE WASN'T PERFECT, Y/n definitely made it all feel better. Just a hug from her or a simple 'hello' was enough to make him flushed. He would deny it to anyone who asked but deep down he always did have a crush on Y/n . Their parents had lived next to one another since way before either teenager was born. It made the rough days easier for Rodrick as when he would argue with his parents, he'd climb Y/n's side of the house & up to her room.
"There's my Romeo." She would say . He would just roll his eyes & enter her room. She knew exactly what it meant when he'd climb through her window . Rodrick only did this when he didn't want the altercations to get physical. Tonight was a little more different. Y/n said her usual sentence as she pushed the window up, but this time Rodrick ignored her. She sucked on the inside of her cheek as she watched him throw himself on the purple bean bag directly from her bed.
"Was I interrupting anything?" She shook her head & eyed the open textbooks on her bed . "Nope. I was simply going over my notes, nothing important." He tapped his drumsticks against his thighs & let out an exasperated sigh. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."
She chuckled & took her spot on the bed again. "No , i'm being serious. It wasn't anything too important." Y/n closed her books & set them to the side - the floor side of her bed. "What happened tonight?" She let the question linger for a couple of minutes before regretting it as it just roamed in the air. "It was just a stupid argument about my bandmate , Bill. I swear it's like they don't ever listen or care what I have to say."
"Maybe it's in their best intentions that they don't li-"
"You sound just like Greg." He said. Y/n sunk in her spot , arms crossed on her chest. "If it's not Manny or Greg saying something they don't care. It's whatever. The moment my band makes its big break , i'm skipping town." He rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he eyed the girl across from him.
Maybe it was his teenage mentality that he thought that everything was shit or that life sucked . Maybe he was right & his parents only put on this facade to display to the rest of the world that they were the perfect all america family . Maybe it was the pathway he took that made his parents so disappointed that they rarely mind him any attention. But no one knew the reality , unless it was the Heffley's.
Y/n brought her knees to her chest , resting her head against them. "I'm sorry to hear that . Truly I am. Um...on the topic of your band , have you decided what songs you're gonna perform for the rock festival this year ?" She said.
"Bill & Drew were thinking we should perform Projectile Diarrhea Diper but I dunno. I think it's too soft for the festival." He finally stood up to stretch his legs , Y/n lifting her head up to watch him. "I think you guys will be amazing no matter the song. I'll make a sign that says 'I Heart Löded Diper' & scream at the top of my lungs when you guys are up."
Rodrick chuckled & began fiddling with the bracelets he wore. "Oh god ." He said. Y/n gave him a sly smile & jumped out of bed . Though he swore to kill anyone who hugged him, he only allowed her to do so . She didn't know it but she was his safety net & he felt as if he could count on Y/n no matter what.
"Do you wanna spend the night ?"
"Can I ? Do your pa-"
"They're out of town . They've been out of town for the past three weeks . Beats being alone in the house to be honest." She said. Y/n bent over to open the lowest drawer on her dresser , revealing to Rodrick all the clothes she had neatly folded for him from every time he spent the night.
As she was distracted, Rodrick couldn't help but stare at her ass ; he turned a beet red when she caught him staring but refused to say anything as she thought he was staring at something else. " You can help yourself to the 'Rodrick' drawer I keep for you. "
"Stalker much?"
"Fine by me, I'll more than gladly toss all your clothes you've left in MY room . More room for my actual clothes ." She batted her eye lashes in an egotistic fashion. Rodrick threw his arms in defeat - giving an obvious eye-roll - before pulling out his plaid pajamas & a random black shirt that once may have been a band tee but the words were barely visible.
She watched him fix up a little bed area on the side of her bed , though they had shared the bed multiple times, he felt comfortable sleeping on the floor . It was Rodrick after all, he could sleep anywhere regardless of the situation. "You know you could always just share the bed with me." She said . He shrugged & laid himself on the padded flooring, regretting it instantaneously & jumping in bed with Y/n .
The clock read 3:25 A.M. Rodrick had laid in bed for the past five hours , unable to fall asleep. Y/n laid next to him, dozing away. He sighed & got out of bed . Normally he could fall asleep within the moment his head hit the pillow , but the continuous flashbacks of the argument kept him up.
He walked over to the window , cracking it open halfway & sparked up his blunt. He leaned over the window sill & looked out into the early morning darkness. Y/n stirred in her sleep before slowly moving around . At times he thought about running away in the early hours of the day , but the thought of Y/n kept him from doing so. He couldn't imagine his life without her not by his side .
"Rodrick , I have had just enough of this little 'my bands gonna make it.' talk. It's not gonna happen. I want you to get your shit together & use your head for something good." Rodrick scowled & stared at his destroyed drum sets. Frank pushed past him & walked down the stairs. "I have let this charade go on far too long."
Rodrick tightened his fist before pursuing after his father. "Get my shit together, really ? How about you get your shit together." He yelled.
"For over a year now , mom has been the only one providing for us. Day in & day out. What do you do ? You just sit on your ass all day playing with your stupid military toys."
Frank was face to face with his eldest son . Susan only watching from across the room. "Greg has started selling his video games in order to try to help out because we're barely scraping by ."
"Rodrick, sweetie , I think that's enough. Frank , come on honey , just sit down for dinner with us." Susan pleaded. The younger boys only sat watching their eldest sibling & father going back & forth.
Frank scowled. "Listen here , I am your father. You respect me as such. " Rodrick glared at Frank & scuffed. "Well you're doing a shitty job at it ."
Everything happened to fast . Susan watched in horror as Frank back handed Rodrick , causing him to stumble back . "Rodrick !" Greg jumped out of his chair .
"Take Manny & go upstairs please." Susan muttered to Greg as she stood up & walked towards the fighting boys. Rodrick grabbed his father by the collar . " I SAID ENOUGH." Susan shouted.
Only it was a little late, Frank had managed to push Susan off himself & Rodrick . The grown woman was now on the floor . Rodrick watched at the scene in front of him & could only glare at Frank as he disappeared towards the set of stairs.
He helped his mother off the floor. "I'm sorry , mom." She gently squeezed his hand & hugged him. "It's fine sweetheart. Just go check on-" Her sentence was interrupted due to the commotion that was coming from Rodrick's room. They both ran & to their horror found his room completely destroyed.
His band posters were all ripped into pieces. His drums that had been destroyed were now in pieces, damaged beyond repair. His drumsticks were snapped in half . His bed sheets were now sprawled all over the floor right alongside his bed. His dresser had been tipped over & a majority of his clothes had been torn to shreds.
"I bought you all of this . Since I'm doing such a terrible job at being a dad , buy yourself all over your shit from scratch." He crossed his arms & stood in the middle of the room. Susan had her hand over her mouth , too stunned to speak.
"Go to hell." Rodrick muttered to Frank as he ran down the stairs . His mother kept calling after him saying that everything could be resolved but he continued ignoring her & made his way out the front door.
"Rodrick ?" He spun around to find the girl climbing out of bed & making her way towards him. He chuckled at the sight of her messy hair. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." She shrugged & reached for the lit blunt.
Y/n took a hit & sighed , the smoke releasing as she did so. "Couldn't sleep ?" She said . He shook his head. "Not really. I just had been tossing & turning. So I thought it was the perfect timing for a smoke." He took back the joint & took a hit as well , burning it out before storing it away.
"Can I ask you something ?"
"Yeah of course Rodrick."
"Do you think that in a different universe we have better families ? As in we don't get shitty lives ?" She stayed quiet & began shutting the window.
"I think we do ." Y/n walked back to her bed , reprising her spot from earlier. "I hope we do . Sometimes I feel like i'm going insane from living like this." Rodrick sighed in relief. He knew that no one would understand him like she did .
Now high & sleepy , he headed back to bed . "Goodnight Y/n."
" 'Night Rodrick."
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drawnthejayys · 6 days
Meet my BLU Team OCs !!
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Info/Bios under cut!
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Dr. Warin Kölher
• Born in Mannheim, Germany
• Team Leader, some refer to him as "Mother Hen" because of his protective motherly attitude
• Lost his medical degree early because he kept experiencing near death situations around his workplace, they thought it was becoming too dangerous even though nobody else was affected 💀
• Survived hell and back more than once (literally) before becoming a mercenary
• Happy face pin on his hat expresses his emotions somehow?¿
• Not a demon or anything, trust me!!!!!
• Likes crows, wants one as a pet
• Says he has a rare skin condition (is lying)
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Jenny Thomas
• Sees Dr. Kölher as a parental figure
• Actually born in Canada, does not know
• Sent to Michigan (in a box) as a baby and grew up there
• Collector of many things (rocks, sticks, nuts n bolts)
• Can be very trigger happy especially on the battlefield
• Dr. Kölher gives her star stickers when he's good, he sticks them in his helmet (is tryin to collect 50 of them 🇺🇲)
• Owns chewelry because she has a biting problem but easily breaks through all of them in less than a week
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• nickname: mason jar
• If Mundy listened to midwest emo (/hj)
• Look, we don't know how they escaped New Zealand when its currently at the bottom of the ocean but we don't ask
• Laid-back but lazy at times, takes a lot of naps
• Smokes more weed than Spy smoking cigarettes /hj
• Dumpster diver
• Their Jarate skills kinda go crazy
• Games with Junior, they love first-person shooters
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Spy (alias: Rune)
• Get half filipino'd loser🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
• Backup strategist for when things go to shit but also the last resort for a lot of things unfortunately
• Anxiety ridden, visits the doc often
• Good at stabbing, not much with shooting
• Acknowledges Scout as his son but is a very awkward dad. He's trying at least
• A hopeless romantic and has been looking for a partner since the divorce(tm)
• Smokes but is trying to quit, often been seen with a toothpick instead of a cigarette
• Autistic just like me fr, stims with his butterfly knife
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• Tough cowboy, doesn't play around
• "Watch your piehole son or imma SLAP YOU SILLY."
• Probably the sanest in the team
• Grumpy-pants who needs a break
• Very "tough love" kind of father figure
• Homophobic homosexual (/j)
• Despite his name, he might not even be Texan
• Tolerates Dr. Kölher the most
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Dymitry (Mitya)
• Here to do his job, nothing more
• Intimidating just like the OG Heavy
• Fond of animals and small creatures
• Actually quite calm, its hard to piss him off
• He has a soft spot for Jenny and Meeka and buys them snacks on the weekends
• Jenny calls him Mitts!
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• Transmasc bastard
• He'll beat your ass (for fun!)
• Good friends with Sniper, they listen to music and play video games together!
• Knows Spy is his dad and is very nonchalant about it, much to Spy's dismay ("I am your fathe-" "Whatever, don't care, didn't ask")
• Has braces paid for by Spy but has to leave base monthly to go to an actual dentist because Dr. Kölher didn't wanna keep seeing him cry whenever he had to get his braces tightened
•Still has buck teeth :3
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• Your honour, they're just a little guy
• Hangs around Mitya to keep him company, theyre the best of friends!
• Goes on crazy killing sprees with Jenny during matches
• Ongoing beef/goof-off with the RED Team's Pyro
• Pinkie Pie energy!!
• Dallas is their (adoptive) dad!
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• Superstitious about a lot of things but keeps it to himself
• For some reason is always very warm which is why he's shirtless 90% of the time
• Has some amazing tits ngl
• Will wear a dress to the function and be the hottest one there
• His fav food is burber 🍔
• Loves hard rum and scotch (its important to me that all my demo ocs have a fav alcoholic beverage)
That's all of them! I hope you like them :3
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smartycvnt · 1 year
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Title: Firecracker Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader Prompt: 12. "I'll kick your ass you tall son of a bitch." R WC: 784
"Who the hell does she even think she is? I mean, she's gone for months after losing her title and everybody is supposed to just step aside so that she can miraculously win it back? No, no way, I'm not going to fucking do it. This is bullshit!" Rhea covered her face with her hand as she listened to Y/n's rant. Charlotte and Shotzi were supposed to face off against Rhea and Y/n in a tag match against each other. Y/n didn't understand why Charlotte got her pick at opponents whenever she decided that she was up for a match. Before Rhea, Charlotte had chosen people that she was leagues beyond in terms of experience and overall skill. It was almost always an unfair fight, and Y/n was sick and tired of it. Hopefully she'd be able to beat Charlotte with Rhea's help and end Charlotte's delusion that she was still the top dog.
"This isn't for a title match, but it works out. We all know what Charlotte will be gunning for, and you're already feuding with Shotzi. Don't worry Y/n, this isn't Charlotte skipping the line for a title shot." Y/n was apprehensive to believe Triple H. He had been good to her, but Y/n wasn't anybody's favorite. She was just Rhea's girlfriend, but even that had to be hidden from the viewers. Y/n sighed as she walked out of the room, obviously still unhappy with her match for the night. Rhea apoloized to Hunter and chased after Y/n, who was nearly halfway to the locker room.
"Come on, this is going to be fun. We haven't tagged together since NXT," Rhea said as she nudged Y/n's shoulder. Y/n just glared up at Rhea, still unamused. "What's really bothering you?"
"It's nothing that will be changed by complaining to the champion," Y/n said. Rhea huffed as she let Y/n go ahead without her. It hurt Rhea to see Y/n do down like that. Usually the woman was a firecracker. Rhea could barely remember all of the times that she had saved Y/n from getting her ass kicked. It wasn't like Y/n to just accept defeat in a matter she had been fighting. The woman didn't know the meaning of the words "stay down."
Rhea had expected to see Y/n sometime before the show to talk strategy, but instead Y/n had hidden herself until it was time to go out. Dominick was waiting patiently next to Rhea, hopeful that she'd let him come out to the ring with her. Rhea's music hit and she stepped out and stood at the top of the ramp as Y/n's music hit right after hers. Y/n walked out with a kendo stick in hand and stared down Charlotte and Shotzi as she walked alongside Rhea to the ring. The ref understandably took Y/n's signature stick away from her before the match started.
"Do you want to take this?" Rhea asked as they stood in their corner. Y/n nodded and Rhea stepped out of the ring. Shotzi was about to come in for Charlotte, but Y/n shook her head.
"Nope, I want you to stay. I'll kick your ass you tall son of a bitch," Y/n threatened. Charlotte bit back some laughter as she moved towards Y/n. Charlotte towered over Y/n like she towered over everyone, but Y/n wasn't afraid. The fury that Rhea was used to seeing in Y/n was back as Y/n moved to hit Charlotte. Charlotte obviously wasn't expecting such an aggressive onslaught from Y/n, so she was at a loss for preventing it. Y/n wore Charlotte down and then tagged Rhea in for a finisher. Nobody had expected a squash match, and Shotzi was there to make sure it didn't happen.
Shotzi breaking things up prompted Y/n to jump into the ring to even the odds. The ref gave up on trying to settle things down after being hit with an elbow by Y/n as she drove Shotzi into the corner. Even after the bell rang, Y/n didn't stop. She felt like she could have kept going all night, but Rhea pulled Y/n back as security and more refs ran down to the ring. They walked back together willingly as Shotzi and Charlotte were attended to. They caught on the monitor as they made their way to Judgement Day's dressing room that the rematch would be next week as a tornado tag and that the crowd would hear more from Charlotte Flair later in the night on Talking Smack.
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can you write something for Rhea Ripley x fem reader where Rhea does something to betray her trust? specifics are up to you but with the prompt : “i trusted you!” i just want something angsty right now:)
Oh boy hold on to your heart 🖤
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem reader
Description: After losing your match Rhea does something that shatters your soul
Warning: Minor Swearing
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You can feel the adrenaline in your body wear off as you slam Sasha Banks down on the ring mat trying with all your might to pin her down and win. You see Rhea out of the corner of your eye staring intently and yelling as the match continues until you get hit by a chair having the breath knocked out of you as sasha gets on top of you immediately pushing her off until the next thing you knew she had you pinned and the ref calls the match. You get up shaking hands going backstage knowing you were definitely in for whatever rhea had in for you holding your bruised side and still trying to catch your breath as you go in the locker room hugging Liv Morgan and talking with Becky Lynch for a couple of minutes until you see rhea walk in saying bye to becky as you change clothes coughing as you accidentally breath too fast feeling your side burn. "You lost...you fucking lost" you feel your heart rate pick up as you finish changing slowly turning to look at her already knowing by the look on her face that she was disappointed and definitely upset with you "You should've tried harder and not let whatever the hell happened happen!" you feel your nerves kick in as she gets louder and closer to you making you more alert noticing Damian Priest in the door way with Finn Balor next to him as you listen to rhea rant until you jump in "I tried and tried you know damn well we all have matches that wear us down faster not every match turns out the same!" she looks at you as you feel the frustration and anger from losing the match ooze out of you as you find yourself angry at the words being thrown at you. "I have busted my ass and all because of one big match I lost I am being treated like shit? Like I didn't even fucking matter" you feel your world go dark and your breath taken away again by her response when as you begin to yell back she turns around hitting you in your gut then slapping you in the face making you fall to the ground as you squeeze your eyes close hearing footsteps making your already shaky heart panic and beat even faster opening them to see the three above you slowly getting up until finn kicks you down again making you groan in pain seeing damian with his fists raised closing your eyes only saying. "Why... Rhea why..." ready to take whatever was coming until you suddenly heard yelling shooting your eyes open to see Liv fighting rhea along with Rey Mysterio dealing with finn and Edge holding damian against the lockers while a hand grabs you pulling you away from the lockers taking you in the hall looking to see rey's son Dominik "You okay?" you feel your body calm down as you wince in pain dom leading you to medical and being checked out leaving with dom with ice packs and wrapped in bandages. "Thank you Dom" you hug him as rey and edge come around the corner and liv hugs you "You alright?" you nod as rey stands in front of you "I see that the only friend you had is gone" you nod sighing as you try to process what happened "You proved yourself to us this past while now it's up to you" he holds out his hand and you tearfully grab and squeeze it being hugged by the three men and liv being welcomed into a new and small but loving and supportive family changing your career and life forever.
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Caitlin Clark as your girlfriend headcannons (Part 25)
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Her favorite supermarket she loves to take you to is Trader Joe’s
She will buy you potato chips and lemonade and Oreo cookies she knows you love your Oreo cookies
You almost got into a fight with a wnba player from the other team
She had fouled your girlfriend hard and on purpose and you yelled “Hey! Ref that was a foul! Call it!”
The wnba player looked at you. She was gonna act like she was gonna step on Caitlin’s ankle but she stepped over it. “What you looking at?” She yelled. “This your girl? Huh? Wait for me I’ll kick your ass!”
“Come here then!” You yelled You were walking onto the basketball court you were about to fight her but the ref held you back and Caitlin got up and shoved the wnba player. “Don’t touch her!” And the ref blew the whistle and gave both the wnba player and Caitlin a personal foul.
After the game Caitlin hugged you. “Thank you for standing up for you”. You said.
She kissed you. “You welcome. I won’t let anyone mess with you. I’d gladly stand up for you anytime”. She said.
And from that point her coach and teammates started to respect Caitlin after seeing her stand up for you and protect you
She loves listening to Avril Lavigne with you. Especially the song complicated
She loves when you sing along too because you sound identical to the way Avril sings
At the movie theater she doesn’t want you sitting next to her. Or far away from her. She wants you on her lap and in your arms
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katiekatdragon27 · 21 days
I was listening to "All Eyes on Me" and "Respectless" during a car ride and had an epiphany.
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Progress shots and lore below cut:
Design choices and character motivations are very much based on my own hcs (such as Wizard being woman, Wizard being Ales's twin and having his hair as a result, the whole Rabiteen/Hopiteensy lore situation, Bad Rayman and Goth being homies, etc.) I love self-indulgence, what can I say?
Here is a synposis since ik most of you looooooooove my essays below my posts:
This AU takes place between Origins and Legends. Instead of Goth being the 4th player, it's Wizard (like in the concept art). She and Ales are the magician twins that Polokus talks about when pulling on his beard in Origins.
During Origins, Wizard and Ales are working together to harvest lum magic. However, the two of them are not that good at it. So, Ales has the brilliant idea to have Wizard hang out with Rayman and help convince him to help with lum collection. The game proceeds as normal, until they get to Moody Clouds.
While the build is falling apart, the Raygang, minus Wizard, fall to the groud bc of a magic spell Ales casted while they were all busting it down. They fall asleep in the random-ass tree they're found sleeping on in Legends and that's why they're all out of the plot. Wizard, fueled on anger and betrayal of her brother's evil plans, chases his ass onto the ship and stops it from hitting the giant lum ball. Ales thinks his sister is protecting him, but then gets socked in the gut and thrown in a cage. Wizard then hijacks the ship and returns to the port in Moody Clouds, leaving Ales in a dark basement under his office. She returns to the lum ball and considers letting all the lums go but goes back on that decision and decides to keep them.
By enhancing some of Ales's mechanics (all of it is fueled with lums) with her natural strong magic, she goes on a massive power high, capturing all the remaining yellow lums on her own. She then turns her attention to the blue lums.
The ones that are inside of people.
At first, she goes for objectively bad people. The baddies who beat up all the teensies in Teensies in Trouble and so on, but then goes for the bigger fish. The fish like Jano. And she wins. Kills his ass so fast. It's terrifying.
She then starts trying to get the Fairy Council in on her tech and lum magic usage. No one (especially Betilla) vibe with this, cuz they're too busy looking for Rayman or a replacement. She then shows of her Jano kill and everyone is utterly flabbergasted. All the teensies are onboard tho, so that's a win. They start doing public executions of bad nightmares and dreams. Then... it turns into executing people who dislike executions or people who just dislike Wizard in general.
(This is the point where she starts dressing like this. The orange is a ref to her old concept art and the purple with yellow is pieces of Jano's hat she turned into cloths. Also, the stick's not wood. It's actually very strong steel that is incredibly sharp.)
Fun times.
The fairies really don't vibe with any of this, especially Voodoo Mama and Betilla, but for different reasons. For VM, it's because her populations are in dwindling numbers at this point. For Betilla, it's because the lack of lums is stunting/destroying the growth of the Glade and is lowkey incapacitating Polokus. The two of them then come together to figure out a way to stop this girl. They decide to recruit two individuals, a young looking Rayman clone that Betilla remembers a certain dark magic user creating, and a little nightmare teensy who is a massive nerd when it comes to lums. Those being bad Rayman (Shadi) and Goth Teensy.
We love recruiting kids to kill grown ass baddies cuz the authority figures are all shit at figuring their own problems out.
Together, the two of them, plus some other figures like First King and Rabbiteen, go to fight this overpowered scary woman who could easily smite them if she wanted. Good luck soldiers🫡🫡
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I have more, but I'm still working on the story not bc I'm lazy noooo neeeeeverrrr.
Anyways, have a lovely day :))
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pmpwbrrs · 9 months
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*table slam* NEW ref new post
Forget everything i ever said about any of my characters it's all a lie I lied to you don't read what i said erarlirer
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Lore (not all of it)
Mother is a big ass scug who, from some point on, has lived with no purpose – she was just tearing things up, eating, listening to some weird metal giant god, killing more things. But as she lives and talks to "gods", she learns more about the cycle and begins to understand it more. And so she finds in herself the desire to ascend.
But at her long and dangerous journey she suddenly finds kids. Unaccustomed to company of others of her kind and having never experienced the burden of motherhood before, she was, of course, confused and silly about it. But the heart of a fierce predator has thawed, and so as the silliness.
Mother began to think about her initial goal: what is it worth? Does Mother really want to decide the fate of the kids for them, dragging them into the sea, just because of her selfish desire to leave this world? Or abandon them? Mother is disgusted to the core at the very thought of it.
And really, is life that pointless and not worth living?
She has a new goal. Find a place where children will have a happy, somewhat peaceful childhood. Where they will always be fed, where they will not be dragged away by merciless predators at any second. Where Mother can teach them everything she knows herself.
I want babies to have a bit of personality so I gave it to them :)
They are placed in order of finding
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- Mother is a predator. And eats a lot. Like that maybe:
o o o o o o o | o o o
- She has really really strong arms and claws(they are especially helpful against lizards if they catch her)
- She can carry 2 pups on the back with little effort. Even 3, but becomes clumsier
- Mother is a bit sucky at fighting vultures
- But super efficient against lizards
- Lizards do not like her
- Ò т Ó
- o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o
- She's actually a big meanie
- But not to the kids of course
- They all live in a time when there are a lot of fucking creatures, so no easy life for you losers haha 🤯🤯
Rhank you byyuye
Upd: Mother's design was heavily made by @h0neysun
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mynameisnotsoda · 5 months
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I'm probably gonna be yelling into the void but here's my refs of my favorite burs !!!! I would say bursonas but one of them is literally just my au,,,, can you tell which one it is,,
Anyway here's some hcs and stuff it's gonna be a long post LMAO I'm just copying all this stuff from Instagram cause I practically live on that shit ass app
He LOVES Hatsune Miku.. like LOVE LOVES HER. He owns so much fuckin merch it's actually insane. But he has never once in his life listened to vocaloid and probably never will. Hes just in love with Miku LMAO
He's aromantic bc I said so !!!!! But he doesn't know that, he hasn't really figured it out and he confuses his obsession with love.
Him and Jared actually used to be friends back when they were like middle schoolers. But then Jared got "hot and cool" and he kinda drifted away from Simp. Mostly cause Simp was SO FUCKING JEALOUS!!!!! and it was obvious too. Imagine how devastated he was when egirl started dating his old friend lmaooo what a loser
Him and e-girl started dating when they were 17, both of them were in pretty bad places in their lives so they just,,, clung onto each other. Both of them were codependent but Simp was significantly worse with his codependency. Adrianne (my name for e-girl) was the one who broke it off when they were both in their early 20s
His stupid little cat beanie is his comfort item !!!! He wears it ALL THE TIME and hates having to take it off, although he would never go out in public with it. He's got some issues with presenting the way he wants to in public so he literally just goes out in his work uniform regardless if he's working or not
Grabs him and aggressively shakes him around !!! Hes autistic (I'm autistic I can give him the tism) his special interests are anime and video games :33
He's definitely not cishet but he tries SOOO hard to present as such (shout-out to @starrixle for that hc ive adopted it for my version of simp)
He's bi but heavily in denial like DEEP DEEP in denial
He HATES being tall !!! He wishes he was shorter because his height makes him stand out a lot and that's the LAST thing he wants
He prays literally every night before bed. Mostly asking for forgiveness (which he shouldnt have to ask for) because he thinks he's a horrible person just for being himself
He CLINGS onto Charlie, they're not like super close friends or anything but he LOVES Charlie. He looks up to Charlie a lot and WISHES he had his confidence and sense of self :')
He doesn't like Tommy, he thinks Tommy's too loud and disrespectful and hates how much attention he attracts. So he tends to just avoid him even if they're in the same classes
He absolutely regrets smoking with Bill and Ranboo but he also feels INCREDIBLY GUILTY for wanting to do it again (because he actually had fun and was able to relax for a moment)
He LOVES emo rock, indie, modern rock and other similar genres. His parents are really strict so he has to listen to his music in secret and ALWAYS has his earbuds on him, its a comfort item too. His three favorite bands are MCR, Ghost and Radiohead :]
The only game he was ever allowed to play was and still is Minecraft. He LOVES Minecraft but at the same time he desperately wishes to be able to play other games
He fucking LOVES GOING TO PUBLIC SCHOOL !!!!! he used to be in a Christian school but it gave him so much anxiety he was physically ill every single day and he just couldn't take it anymore!!!! To his surprise his parents actually agreed to let him go to public school during his sophomore year and he's been there ever since (now hes a senior)
Charlie is really his only friend, he's tried talking to other kids but he's horribly awkward and socially inept. Charlie basically adopted him and takes care of him like a brother !!!! Even if they're not super close Charlie's always looking out for him and tries to include him with his friends even tho Stu declines most the time :((
Keith Smith
HIS WIFE LEFT HIM AND TOOK THE KIDS TOO 😭😭😭 he's still trying to find her but he's slowly losing hope and he's really considering just giving up
He's basically the "king" of the end, even though he's not actually the ruler, it was his wife. But since she's GONE he basically had to take her place, until he finds a new wife or convinces her to come back if he ever found her (the end is a matriarchy)
He's kind of insufferable why do you think his wife left him
He has two kids, Lune (pronounced like loon) and Sunny. He LOVES his kids and is actually a really great dad despite being kind of an ass and fucking annoying. He misses them a lot and it breaks his heart that he might not be able to see them ever again
Dr. Malpractice
He's a geneticist specifically experimenting with mob/human hybrids.
His experiments are NOT ETHICAL AT ALL!!! He does whatever tf he wants whenever he wants. His only healthy, surviving test subjects are Phil (enderman), Tommy (spider), Charlie (creeper) and Quackity (duck). (He also experiments on my sona,, that I added for funsies,, but they weren't created by him he just happened to find them one day more on that later)
He's actually trying to make humans more powerful in a way, because they're the weakest humanoid species of them all. He wants to "save" humanity from their own biological inferiority and doesn't care how long it takes or how much damage he causes to others so long as he reaches his goal. Because he's fucking delusional and thinks he's doing something good
He even experimented on his kid, Fundy, and he didn't make it. He has a,,, complicated relationship with what happened to Fundy. On one hand the guilt eats away at him constantly, on the other he brushes it off as just another failed experiment since in the long run,, the ends justify the means in his mind
So far his deceased test subjects include Fundy, Niki, George, and Toby (Tubbo). His only escaped subject was Randy (Ranboo) and he's so fucking paranoid that somehow he'd be able to get the authorities to stop his experiments. But it's been months since Ran escaped and nothing's happened so he isn't AS paranoid anymore, but he still worries about it
He names all the test subjects himself, it's easier for him to remember than numbers because he has dyscalculia funnily enough
All the test subjects were made in his lab with stolen DNA so he didn't have to use his own. He basically grew them in tubes and used a rapid growth serum in the tanks to make everyone adult sized since it was easier to run tests that way. He accidentally left Phil cookin for too long so he's the oldest out of everyone LMAO (except for Dr mal himself, he's 37)
Ok so onto the cringe part !!!! cSoda is a shapeshifter, shapeshifters are VERY rare and often hide themselves because they're very sought after to hunt for sport or used for various reasons. They're basically "born" from the planet itself, they grow in pockets underground for many years and kinda just pop up when they're ready. (Think of like. Steven Universe gems but organic) cSoda is erm undercooked let's say LMAO because they popped up early in their development they're basically defective. They age (albeit slowly), their body scars, they can't regrow limbs properly, their shapeshifting is limited to only animals/people they've SEEN before and they are incredibly naive and have a harder time understanding/learning about the world.
Dr. Mal found cSoda (no idea how yet) and he normally wouldn't have cared but he saw their shapeshifting and immediately decided to "take them in". He takes advantage of their naivety and basically brainwashed them into thinking he cares for them. cSoda presents as a dog (more lore I don't feel like getting into rn) so they have the personality traits of one as well, very loyal and loving and INCREDIBLY affectionate. Which Dr Mal HATES.
If it weren't for the fact that cSoda is more useful to him while alive he probably would've just killed them because he's CONSTANTLY annoyed and irritated by them LMAO he wants to be able to replicate their shapeshifting and hopes that it might be able to help him achieve his goal
He fucking LOVES working the burger van with Ranboo, it gives him something to do and he actually enjoys spending time with them even after initially not really liking them. He thinks Ranboo is SO interesting and loves to analyze everything he says and does pFF
He fucking REEKS no matter how much he showers or uses deodorant. It'll help with the intensity of the smell but he just reeks of death bc he was rotting !!!! he also smells like cigarettes and alcohol which does mask the rot and is actually preferable by most people (especially Quackity, who's VERY vocal about how much Wilbur stinks)
He's REALLY clingy, like he NEEDS someone to be holding him at all times. Normally it's Tommy (who's so obviously his favorite even tho he denies it)
It doesn't remember being human for the most part but he does miss it, especially being a normal height
He HATES when people baby him, he's a grown man who just happens to be child sized. If you talk down to him he WILL be an asshole
It was surprised when people started referring to him as an "it" but he kinda liked it !! It doesn't have the same feelings about its gender since becoming a doll and he thinks it's kinda weird but cool at the same time. It really is just vibin
It's voice is high pitched and he kinda hates it, its gotten used to it but it doesnt really like how its voice changed
He's so fucking annoying and is always flirting with parents for whatever reason. He fucking LOVES if they get flustered too it boosts his ego
He's SOO jealous of Ranboo its kind of embarrassing. He thinks he should be the lead singer and mascot but doesn't vocalize it, although he does make it painfully obvious
He's the lead guitarist and back up vocalist in the band (Tommy plays keytar, Ranboo is lead singer and James is the bassist)
He's actually really fucking insecure despite being a fan favorite. One time someone left their phone and it didn't have a password so he was able to use the internet which was. A mistake. He's seen the horrors of the Beloved Ent. Fandom and he thinks people only like him because he was made to be the "attractive one" and not because he actually has anything of substance.
He fucking HATES Schlatt with a passion, so he avoids the bowling alley entirely now. Jimmy (solidarity) used to be the bowling mascot but he was too fragile and a push over with guests so they replaced him with Schlatt. Who's nice enough to guests but does have a bit of a temper and doesn't take ANYONES bullshit. Wilbur was actually really close with Jimmy and he misses him terribly :(
Can you tell who I have more brainrot for LMAO
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