#hello kitty bandaid 🩹
cranberrytea451 · 1 year
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Uh I have a bandaid for you… my error bitty Button is just sewing me up.
Adoption is easy, not much paper work and it’s free!
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I have a bandaid somewhere-
Well I’ll be darned. This killer bitty really likes you.
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Edit: previous post https://www.tumblr.com/cranberrytea451/720979842035777536/bumpycap-i-run-a-little-bitty-rescue-we
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nxrseryclouds · 9 months
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Pairing: Caregiver!Johnny Cage x Reader (Gender Neutral Pronouns Used: They/Them)
Synopsis: After an incredibly long day on his newest film set, Johnny returns home bruised more than usual. However you know the exact solution to all his booboo troubles! Bandaids!
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, Soft Feels, Regression
Warnings: Use of Pet Names (Daddy, ETC), Bruise and Wound Mention, Fight Mention.
Word Count: 781 Words
Author’s Notes: This is my first time writing or posting this sort of content so please be kind! I plan on writing more content like this when I’m able to but for now please enjoy this fluffiness!
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Boring. Today had been strangely quiet for [Your Name]. It wasn’t necessarily unusual for that to be so, but they wouldn’t say they liked it. Quiet allowed time for thinking, too much thinking. Which meant they spent the last several hours drifting back and forth, in and out of their regressed headspace. They weren’t unable to handle it alone, just that they heavily preferred the company of their Caregiver. However Hollywood could never cut Johnny Cage any slack, whisked away for the newest and biggest project that his name would surely be plastered all over. If it made decent money and had plenty action? He was there. That man adored his name in the spotlight, the center of attention playing important characters on the big screen. His calling had always been acting, and he did an excellent job slipping into every role. His movies weren’t always appropriate to watch while regressed, certainly not a good chunk of them at the very least. Between the semi-realistic fight scenes and the rather graphic swears, he made it clear that they shouldn’t be watched without his supervision. Though [Your Name] was also quite the rascal from time to time, wanting to see Johnny work his movie magic as showed up to save the day or punch another bad guy in the face! Much too focused on the movie, they hadn’t even realized their Caregiver was making his way inside. Johnny’s keys rattled briefly until he managed to push the door open with a foot. His hands too bruised for him to strain them further than they already were. What called the Little’s attention to the Living Room was the tired sigh that was followed by a certain someone flopping against the cushions. He sprawled himself out, glancing over to see a lingering figure in his peripheral vision. They tilted their head, waiting to be beckoned by their Caregiver.
‘No need to hide over there Cupcake, come take a seat.’ He gestured for them to settle beside him, the cushion had room enough for a certain Little. They shuffled carefully, settling down as they looked over at Johnny. Exhausted was one word to describe him, it was hard to miss the bruises and scuffs that littered him too. Their face twisted in a slight frown, which then caught Cage’s attention almost immediately.
‘What’s with the frown? Worried about me my little Movie Star?’
“Your hands…” They spoke softly, though they came out a bit babbled and slurred.
‘Just a rough day on set, nothing your totally amazing Daddy can’t handle!’ He tried his best attempt at cheering them up but to no avail. Cage’s brows knitted together in brief thought on possible solutions to the case of frownies his Little was sporting, that is until they beat him to the punchline.
“I has a solution, sit still Mr. Daddy Cage.” They quickly toddled off without lingering protest from the man, he was just curious to see what they’d produce. To which they had surprised him by coming back with two complete handfuls of bandaids. Themes and colors were mixed together like it was no one’s business. Paw Patrol, Blue’s Clues, Disney, Bluey, Spongebob, Hello Kitty, you name it and it was more than likely in that pile. One by one they carefully peeled the bandaids, sticking each individual one to a different bruise, scrape, or cut on Johnny. Fingers littered in the colorful bandaids, knuckles, wrists, and his arms too. Cage felt akin to a sticker book, but the love and very careful attention his Little provided was more than enough to cause a smile. A fond upturn of his lips, watching as they paid mind to where each booboo was. Each one was also granted a peck, followed by a very enthusiastic ‘MWAH’. To which his Little had assured him that “Kisses made everything better”. He didn’t doubt it for even a second, already feeling much more relaxed thanks to them. When they were finished they took his bandaged hands and smiled, their creative and healing masterpiece now completed!
“Is okay, sometimes Daddies need bandaids too.” They said cheerfully, erupting into a fit of laughter as they were pulled against their Caregiver. From their forehead, to their little temples, and yes even their adorable nose Johnny covered them in kisses as his show of gratitude.
‘Sometimes they do, and this Daddy is very thankful to have as attentive of a Little as you.’ Though it hadn’t been the evening they expected, it certainly wasn’t unwelcomed in the slightest. The two spent the rest of their evening eating pizza, watching some much more appropriate movies, and per the “Doctor’s” orders- cuddling up together.
The End.
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cotten-candy-hell · 2 months
🩹 Your muse takes care of my muse after a bad injury
(Abe about to get that hello kitty bandaid treatment)
It was late, really late and Abe still wasn’t home without a text or call informing Wilford he was going to be late. It was uncharacteristic of Abe to do that.
30 or so minutes later and the front door opens and about shuffled in as his face was a bit scratched up. He was holding his arm and limping a small bit mostly from pain to the couch. Abe had tried his hardest to be quiet not wanting to wake up Wilford.
Wilford was worried about abe but he was trying to stay up to make sure he got home safe but he couldn't stay awake so he was asleep with a blanket tossed over him.
He heard a small sound, sitting up. He stretched, taking the blanket with him to see the source of the sound.
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spacexseven · 1 year
I like 🩹 anon because its a cuet emoji. Ive a soft spot for bandaids theyre p cute and come in different shapes and fabric type
bandaids are very cool! i have a box of hello kitty themed ones (Very Cute) and one in neon colors ^^ they come in very handy
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ghostbeam · 2 years
Horror bf
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