#heirship records
sugarsnappeases · 16 days
microfic - bella killing sirius 🥰 | 1.5k words | warnings for um. death. obviously. but also for confusing narrative style ❤️
for the light of my life @quillkiller on this most auspicious day
Bellatrix laughs as Andy - the woman who looks like Andy, except for the purple hair, and the dirty blood - falls backwards away from her. She’s never going to get into the Duelling Club at Hogwarts if she keeps leaving her left side open like that; she’s lucky she has Bellatrix there to teach her.
The woman - her sister, blood-traitor, spawn of a mudblood, fighting on the side of the Order - doesn’t get back up again, limp body tumbling down the steep, stone steps. Bellatrix hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, she holds the Duelling Club record for most consecutive wins - she’s the best person that Andy could have come to for help - she wasn’t going to be beaten by some filthy Auror brat.
Turning away from the unmoving body, Bellatrix runs deeper into the fray, moving towards the raised dais with its stone archway. It’s chaos, flashes of spellfire shooting across the room in all directions, red, purple, white, green, shouts and crashes and explosions as spells miss and damage the room, or as they hit their mark and damage the enemy.
She deflects a curse on instinct, swinging around to face the direction it had come from - a familiar face, her baby cousin - “Bella, will you duel me now?” - a traitor and a coward and unworthy of the name of Black.
Bellatrix returns fire. She’ll go easy on him, because Sirius is just a boy, mock-duelling with a borrowed wand and the small repertoire of spells that he had learned from her or from his parents, but he had always been quick on his feet, good at skipping out of the line of fire - she would make a proper duellist of him yet. She should kill him, for having everything and for running away from it, for turning against her, against his family, cursing their name then having the audacity to use the spells that she had taught him to fight for the wrong side of the war.
It’s the first time that she's seen him since he was disowned, in the middle of Diagon Alley, fighting with the Order of the Phoenix, and she should kill him. It’s the Yule holidays of her seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius is nine and determinedly dodging her spells, one of their favourite games. They’re both somewhere else, screams and despair and a spinning, ungraspable whirlpool of memories, standing on the raised stone dais now, close enough to hear the whispers from the tattered veil hanging in the archway - soft, insidious, beneath the clamour of the battle.
Sirius throws a spell back at her, bouncing on the balls of his feet, “Hello cousin.”
Bellatrix grins as she dodges - Sirius is always so energetic, so eager to fight with her in a way that even Andromeda never is, let alone Narcissa or Regulus - so desperate to draw her blood, the same blood that runs through his veins, the same blood that he had forsaken, singling her out on any battlefield in the same way that she always did with him. He had run from everything that she had ever wanted - the Black heirship and the power, the esteem, which that entailed - as if it was nothing, as if she didn’t dream about commanding that level of respect, or awe, or fear, as if she hadn’t been scrambling every day of her life to try and get as close to it as she could. Sirius had run away from it, run away from her, and now he was a part of the Order of the Phoenix and she should kill him. She could kill him, the Black Heir, laughing as he narrowly avoids getting hit with a stupefy - he’s only nine, it’s not like he could really defend himself if she started firing off some of the more lethal spells she knew.
She had taught him how to perform the severing charm just the day before, lending him her wand - walnut and dragon heartstring just like the one that had chosen him when he turned eleven - he’s using Cissy’s today, struggling a little against it’s unicorn hair core, mostly relying on his ability to jump out of the trajectory of spells.
The two of them are volleying spells back and forth - ones that she had taught him and ones that the Dark Lord had taught her and ones that he had learnt without her somewhere - dodging or shielding or deflecting, spells barely grazing each other, she always knew that he would make a fine duellist - she had made him into one. They duel like this every time they see each other, during her holidays from Hogwarts, then during his holidays from Hogwarts; she had watched Sirius turn into a threat - she had taught him how to be a threat.
Bellatrix laughs as he manages to shoot off the severing charm that she had taught him - three different lethal curses in quick succession, a determined kind of acrimony about him, not surprised to see her fighting with the death eaters, in the same way that she isn’t really surprised to see him with the Order. She lets it hit her - blocks them all with a complicated shielding charm and throws back a confringo that explodes the cobblestones beneath his feet - still laughing as he cheers about how he’s fatally wounded her, feeling a sting from the shallow cut on her arm - he’s determined as ever but there’s less anger now; he’s playful, grinning when a curse singes the ends of his hair.
She knows she shouldn’t kill him - she isn’t sure if she could kill him anymore, he’s going toe to toe with her in a way that he’d never been able to when they were kids - she doesn’t think she really wants to kill him, her favourite cousin, more just the things that he represents, the signet ring on his finger that gives him an authority, aged nine, that she doesn’t have, can’t have, at nearly double his age - she thinks she wants to kill him now, though, now that he’s betrayed her, found a new family of mudbloods and blood-traitors and abandoned the role that she’s always craved. Bellatrix fires a stunner at him - puts up a hasty shield against his entrail-expelling curse, another one that she had taught him - the two of them laugh as he ducks it, the red light whizzing over his head - “Come on, you can do better than that!”
It’s loud, cacophonous with the battle raging all around them - blood on the cobblestones of Diagon Alley, some of it hers, some of it his - Cissy’s complaining that she’s bored and wants to go outside - the whispers emanating from the crumbling stone archway are getting louder, seeping their way into Bellatrix’s head - and Sirius’ voice rings in her ears, echoes around the room.
She flings another spell at him, grinning as she watches him determinedly move through the wand movements for diffindo again - he laughs as she stumbles, as her shield collapses under the force of his reducto, as he gains the upper hand - concentrating on pushing his magic through Cissy’s wand, not paying close enough attention to the spell she’s just cast - Sirius deflects the curses she hurls at him, sends a barrage of spells back at her - he’s laughing, cocky as always, as her spell hurtles directly towards him.
It hits him right in the middle of his chest.
It’s quiet, suddenly.
Quiet as Sirius’s laughter cuts off. As his eyes widen in shock. As he falls backwards, slowly, as if some invisible weight were making him heavy, as if some invisible force were gently lifting him away. She looks at him and his face is gaunt, an underlying emaciation that no amount of hearty meals can hide, she sees the same whenever she looks in a mirror, right down to the tired, but ever determined glint in silver-grey eyes.
Bellatrix watches Sirius sink into the tattered veil - watches him fall to the floor of the duelling room in Grimmauld Place, for a second she imagines that he might be dead, what it would feel like to kill him - watches the grim smile on his face as one of his spells meets its target and her vision goes black - the veil flutters, those insidious whispers seem to pause for a moment, then rise to a roaring crescendo as his body disappears.
She screams along with them, triumphant - she hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, Sirius has never once beaten her, always ending their duels on the floor - she’s killed Sirius Black, and everything that he represents, even if he had spurned the signet ring and the esteem that came with it. Bellatrix walks across the room to enervate him - wakes up in Malfoy Manor, Cissy leaning over her and asking if it was true that Sirius was a part of the Order now, if he had really beaten her in a duel - turns away from the whispers and the archway and the duel that she had won, skipping back up the stone steps, laughing as she hops over Andy’s - the mudblood’s - body.
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I’m fond of the idea that “there are no muggleborn wixen in slytherin” is a cover for them to smuggle new blood into nearly extinct lines and do last minute adoptions.
“Oh Monroe? Yes turns out she’s a descendant of the Gamp line, just had a squib ancestor. We reached out to her great grandmother and they’re willing to teach her the family magic and all, who knows, she might even inherit heirship 🤷”
“See I knew she couldn’t be muggleborn, she’s just got too much innate sense for magic, of course she’s from a pureblood line. Unfortunate she’s on a squib branch but hey, better a squib descendant than an extinct line, right?”
“Hey no one can say Slytherin isn’t good at ancestry, we triple and quadruple check rare family records until we find why you ended up in green while claiming muggle ancestry.”
Literally just a whole underground ancestry revivalist and tradition preservation movement centered around smuggling muggleborns into proper wizarding houses. I think it’s such a fun idea that could be crack or could be like a whole political and legal adventure.
“Oh shit we have THREE eleven year olds who need wizarding last names. WHOS GREAT AUNT WANTS TO TUTOR A CHILD. This one’s good at astronomy, and is interested in runes, the second is super hyped about quidditch and charms, and the third is a little slow but has great intuition for dueling and lying.”
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Angels/demons vs humans let's go
((For clarity: I've referred to them as angels and demons because those are the names we commonly call them. It's important to note that "angel" means "messenger," and the idea of angels and demons that we're most familiar with is Platonic. In the Bible, our spiritual enemy is called "the satan," which means "the adversary." We know that the satan is not just one, but many demons, who hate humanity and try to keep us away from God; and that they used to be with God in the way that the creatures we call "angels" are, because they're the same kind of creature, which is "elohim." Therefore, I've put them into one category for the sake of this "Venn diagram," and will henceforth refer to them under the collective name "spiritual beings.")) (please keep in mind that I am simplifying things quite a bit, because 1. I'm not an expert, and 2. I have work in four hours.)
Ok first let's talk about our similarities:
- made in God's image (aka we're God's kids)
- have the ability to influence others on a spiritual level (truth vs lie, gentleness vs wrath, etc.)
- can be sent from God for an angelic purpose (according to the above-mentioned definition)
- have the capacity for good or evil
- are spiritual beings with form
- are involved in the spiritual war (by virtue of choosing good or evil)
- were made to glorify God
- are called gods and have authority over things on Earth; also have hierarchies amongst ourselves
- cannot easily exist in the physical world without a body to inhabit (2Cor 5:6-8; Mark 5:1-13)
The ways in which humans are unique:
- were given physical bodies and live in the physical world. These bodies are us, and belong solely to us, but also function as houses which we can share with other spirits (note: God has appeared to us in visions in the same form as He's given us, though far more radiant, and became a human to save us)
- can accept co-heirship with Christ, who is above all spiritual beings; though that does include us, it appears to mean that we'll also be over the other spiritual beings (and in fact, we can exercise this authority as an ambassador would even while our bodies are alive, as long as our spirits are) (also this seems to mirror the way Jacob was Isaac's heir instead of Esau, though that's just my brain braining; I'm not sure how much correlation there actually is)
- while our bodies are alive, can still choose whether or not we follow God; this choice appears to be much more flexible than it is for spiritual beings, though it does become irreversible once our bodies die or Jesus returns to bring the new creation
- start our lives spiritually dead because of the Curse (our intended state is fully alive, but we have to choose life)
The ways in which spiritual beings are unique:
- can come in many forms (meaning their specialties appear to have direct correlation with their visual forms: seraphim being healers and fiery snakes with wings; cherubim being throne-carriers and worshippers, with many wings, eyes, and faces, and whose souls are kept within intersecting wheels; demons being described as darkness; etc.)
- in the vein of above, can change forms (taking human shape in multiple recorded places, including other mythologies; a spirit in 1Kings and 2Chron "going out and being a lying spirit," implying that they were not one all the time; etc.)
- are all submitted to God's authority (meaning that though they do have the ability to choose whether they want to continue to be His children, they all fear God.
- In the vein of all above, this choice fundamentally changes them in a way that appears irreversible (this choice to become separate from God contrasts with our choice to become alive from death)
My conclusion: humans are just another kind of elohim, sitting in our own place in the hierarchy and with our own role in this big spiritual war
Ok, that's all I can think of right now. If anyone has any questions or additions, please feel free! Again, I'm not an expert, and I haven't read Enoch, but any opportunity to research is welcome <3
@toytanks my friend, is this what you wanted? Are you happy with the thing you asked for? I give it freely. Eat and be merry.
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enheriter · 1 year
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[ konidela ram charan, he/him, cisgender man ] — was that NARAYANA VOGETI? the THIRTY-SIX year old is a NAVY OFFICER, how exciting to see them this season! rumors have it they are ZEALOUS and GREGARIOUS, but i’ve heard they are AUDACIOUS and DUPLICITOUS as well — maybe that’s why they’ve been called the SEASWEPT. I have even heard that HE SUPPLEMENTS HIS FORTUNE THROUGH LESS THAN LEGITIMATE MEANS —only time will tell.
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NAME:  vogeti  narayana  naidu  NICKNAME:  nara  AGE:  thirty-six  PLACE OF BIRTH:  hyderabad,  india  GENDER:  cisgender  man  PRONOUNS:  he/him  ORIENTATION:  homosexual  RELIGION:  hinduism  ( vaishnava )  PARENTS:  vogeti  venkateswara  naidu  (  diamond  merchant  )  &  raghupathi  ramalakshmi  (  illustrator  )  SIBLINGS  vogeti  arjuna naidu  LANGUAGES:  telugu,  tamil,  english,  hindi  (  fluent  )  portuguese,  french,  arabic  (  conversational  )  latin,  ancient greek (  competent  )  danish,  german  (  basics  )  EDUCATION:  private  tutoring  OCCUPATION:  commodore  in  the  royal  navy  HOBBIES:  illustration,    linguistics,   poetry,    history,    philosophy   LABEL  the  seaswept
note:  telugu  family  names  are  in  the  genitive  case,  and  therefore  come  first.  as  such,  the  family  name  here  is  vogeti
james  fitzjames  (  the  terror  )    connor  roy  (  succession  )    james  gatz  (  the  great  gatsby  )    henry  winter  (  the  secret  history  )
tl;dr  man  literally  goes  to  the  ends  of  the  earth  to  escape  from  his  problems.    ends  up  freezing  his  humanity  instead.    or  whatever  is  left  of  it. 
aka  connor  roy  if  he  was  the  second  son tw   for  implied  unhealthy  familial  dynamics
born  the  second  son  of  a  fourth,    you  have  always  been  destined  for  irrelevancy,    and  your  childhood  is  naught  but  confirmation  of  that  simple  fact:    too  timid,    too  quiet;    your  nose  too  stuck  in  ancient  books’  crumbling  pages,    the  smell  of  old  tomes  almost  like  a  perfume  on  your  corpus.    there’s  nothing  in  you  that  speaks  to  some  great  destiny,    the  commissioning  of  some  great  deed  to  be  recorded  in  those  books  you  like  reading  so  much.    no,    what  is  evident  is  this:    your  destiny  is  to  read  about  life,    maybe  even  to  write  about  it,    if  you  pull  the  right  strings;    but  to  live  it  ?    that  was  for  other  people.    better  people.    people  who  were  born  into  greatness.    meaning:    people  who  aren’t  you.
heirship  never  would  have  suited  you,    nor  would  it  have  suited  your  father;    but  what  suited  you  both  is  the  treasure  upon  treasure  unearthed  in  golconda.    it’s  a  great  and  terrible  thing,    to  see  for  your  own  eyes  the  twinkling  of  gems  still  dusted  with  detritus;    even  more  terrible  to  see  how  it  transforms  the  face  of  your  grandfather,    who  clutches  at  it  with  far  more  adoration  and  love  than  you  have  ever  seen  him  bestow  to  his  kith  and  kin.
he  looks  at  your  father,    ever  the  most  obedient  servant,    who  stayed  behind  and  didn’t  even  bother  making  his  own  fortune  as  his  elder  brothers  did,    content  instead  to  wait  upon  his  father  like  the  most  loyal  dog.    anyway,    your  grandfather  looks  at  your  father,    the  only  one  left  whom  he  could  still  command,    and  he  says    you  need  to  go  to  london.
but  i  have  a  wife  and  two  children  who  have  a  life  here    your  father  does  not  say.    arjuna  and  narayana  have  friends  here,    friends  who  they  will  miss    your  father  does  not  say.    you  cannot  expect  me  to  unroot  them  and  place  them  in  a  strange  new  frontier,    just  because  of  your  greed    your  father  does  not  say.    your  father  is  not  a  man  who  says  anything  much.    
so  you  turn  from    vogeti  narayana  naidu,    son  of  a  farmer’s  son    to    vogeti  narayana  naidu,    son  of  a  diamond  merchant.    you  are  dressed  accordingly.    you  are  trained  accordingly.    languages  and  music  and  arithmetic  and  philosophy  and  art  and  and  and.    all  this  and  so  much  more    your  grandfather  tells  you,    thinking  it  a  blessing.    this  is  your  reward  for  your  father’s  filial  duty.
nevertheless,    you  are  not  the  heir.    whatever  expectations  that  have  been  placed  upon  you  have  been  placed  upon  arjuna  tenfold.    perhaps,    if  you  were  a  better  man,    a  man  destined  for  greater  things,    you  might  have  been  able  to  do  something.    stop  it  somehow.    took  your  brother  away  and  sailed  the  both  of  you  home.    but  something  always  stops  you,    nothing  moreso  than  this:    back  home,    your  grandfather  yet  lives,    ready  to  send  you  back  to  the  place  that  isn’t  home.    so  the  only  thing  you  learn  is  this:    even  home  is  not  safe,    perhaps  is  the  most  unsafe  place  of  all.
as  arjuna’s  second,    you  are  expected  to  be  his  shadow;    but  who  can  cast  a  shadow  where  there  is  no  sun?    arjuna  casts  you  off  like  a  worn  coat,    and  if  you  were  a  better  man,    you  might  have  fought  harder  at  this  turn  of  events;    but  you  are  who  you  are,    and  all  you  are  is  a  drop  in  an  ocean  too  large  for  you  to  comprehend.    you  are  left  adrift  in  this  place  that  you  are  ill-fitted  in.    the  world  is  a  dizzying  place  of  possibility,    and  there  are  far  too  many  options,    too  many  choices,    too  many  lost  futures,    too  many  forsaken  pasts—
all  you  know  is  this:    the  only  good  dreams  you  have  are  those  that  involve  the  sea.    the  shore  offers  a  certainty  of  danger  that  the  sea,    despite  all  its  rocking  embraces,    never  does.    it  is  uncertain,    true,    and  there  have  been  very  many  ships  and  lives  lost  to  that  plutonian  depths;    but  what  is  also  true  is  this:    the  earth’s  dangers  are  sure  and  ever-present;    that  of  the  sea,    but  a  possibility.    it’s  a  no-brainer:    you  enlist  in  the  navy  the  very  day  you  turn  thirteen.
you  were  never  destined  for  greatness,    but  you  have  a  good  head  on  your  shoulders,    an  even  quicker  wit;    your  tutoring  in  the  keeping  of  accounts  gives  you  a  numerical  mastery  that  the  royal  navy  sees  and  is  quick  to  make  use  of.    they  ship  you  off  to  the  arctic,    over  and  over  again,    until  all  that  you  are,    and  all  that  you  know,    is  bitter  freezing  cold.
my  boy  is  a  Nerd  forced  to  become  a  Prep  so  anyone  who  would  let  him  geek  out  over  anything  nautical  would  immediately  be  his  favourite  people  ever
he  publishes  poetry  under  a  pseudonym  but  they’re  all  essentially  “epics”  of  his  voyages  so  like…  people  who  recognise  hmmm…  you  went  out  to  so-so  place…  and  now  there’s  a  poem  about  so-so  place…  rlly  makes  u  think!
he  is  a  debate  me  bro  twitter  reply  guy  masquerading  as  a  19c  sailor  with  extreme  daddy  issues  so  talk  to  him  about  philosophy/politics/history/etc  and  you  are  going  to  have  the  most  Insufferable  conversation  ever
an  introvert  forced  to  become  an  extrovert  (such  tragedy!)  so  people  he’s  forced  to  like.  actually  talk  to.  bonus  points  if  it’s  about  his  dad’s  diamond  business,  which  he  HATES  talking  about.  but  still  does  bc  he  is  nothing  if  not  a  good  son  💖
i  mean.    very  much.    hookups  and  one  night  stands  bc  can  u  imagine  even  being  in  a  relationship  with  this  guy?    hahahahahah  ok  but  pls  do  actually  give  this  guy  a  relationship  that  didn’t  work  out  and  is  now  like.  his  green  light  or  whatever
friends.    who  are  like.    actual  friends  and  not  just  people  who  wanna  get  some  of  daddy’s  bling  bling.    he  will  definitely  Not  come  into  ur  dwelling  place  at  night  pretending  to  need  a  drink  but  all  the  pubs  have  kicked  him  out  (do  not  believe  him!  no  man  will  turn  away  the  lure  of  money)  when  all  he  just  wants  is  like…  disgusting…  COMPANIONSHIP
people  who  are  in  cahoots  with  his  less  than  legit  ventures.    he  may  hate  daddy’s  money,    but  that  doesn’t  mean  he  can’t  try  to  make  his  own!
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theomnicode · 2 years
I have this feeling..
I've been scouring through the OVA's and other stuff a bunch and came up with bunch of pieces here and there. Nothing very concrete and mostly guesswork.
WC spoilers ahead.
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The title may be reference to Dr.Kuseno.
The "kuse" in Kuseno sounds exactly like "kusee" (くせー) an impolite form of "kusai" (臭い) that means "stinky" while the "no" has no direct translation (most likely the common Japanese name ending 野 meaning "field").
That's why his name is Dr.Stench in english translations.
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I just got this sudden feeling about this particular wordplay in this OVA and how it zoomed in on Genos' ears. Pitch is also a type of field.
"That's "me", Master. That's the note for "me"!"
If y'all remember that there is still an unrevealed, specific function to Genos earrings. And it still hasn't been revealed even in WC, where Kuseno has died.
I have a feeling...that it is a testament.
A voice recorded testament or a holographic one. One that is sealed until the death of Kuseno and Saitama is the trustee in said will and it may only open when Saitama says a key word or make a key sound. Since Kuseno saw Genos as his grandson but he seemingly has no known family of his own, he would have made contingency plans so Genos could inherit his research and stuff, so he could actually continue to remain self-sufficient as a cyborg. Or should have at least, he knows he has enemies.
Question: When did Genos got his piercings? ONE: After he became a cyborg Q: Do Genos' piercings have a purpose? A: They do have a purpose, but it's a secret for now. Q: Why does Genos wear studs? A: It's a secret. There are settings for the studs but can't be revealed yet.
Now how could Saitama be able to make a testament with Kuseno to Genos, when Genos has had these earrings on him this whole time and Kuseno barely even knows Saitama?
Time travel.
And it'll be all related to the Mad Cyborg, Kuseno and Genos' arch nemesis, I bet. Maybe Saitama's past too.
Wouldn't it be something if Saitama was actually involved in the whole Mad cyborg debacle of the past and was unintentionally responsible for the creation of cyborg Genos in the first place?
That would be some Back to the Future type of shenanigans.
As for why such a testament couldn't just be implemented elsewhere...I imagine it had to be kept secret and safeguarded and in case other physical records of testament got destroyed. Then there may be a reason why it had to be always kept on Genos person, just from its importance alone. But also because it might be contested if Kuseno actually HAS any relatives left.
Who bets Metal Knight, Dr.Bofoi, is a cousin or something and ex-colleague? There's a lot of Dr.Light and Dr.Wily feels in the duo.
Since Kuseno is a parental figure of Genos, he 100% knows by now, that Genos is totally gay for Saitama, no questions asked. It's all Genos ever talks about to Kuseno apparently. Even if he was wrong in this assesment, it would paint that kind of picture certainly.
The concept of the freedom of disposition by will, familiar as it is in modern England and the United States, both generally considered common law systems, is by no means universal. In fact, complete freedom is the exception rather than the rule.[3]: 654  Civil law systems often put some restrictions on the possibilities of disposal; see for example "Forced heirship". LGBT advocates have pointed to the inheritance rights of spouses as desirable for same-sex couples as well, through same-sex marriage or civil unions. Opponents of such advocacy rebut this claim by pointing to the ability of same-sex couples to disperse their assets by will. Historically, however, it was observed that "[e]ven if a same-sex partner executes a will, there is risk that the survivor will face prejudice in court when disgruntled heirs challenge the will",[4] with courts being more willing to strike down wills leaving property to a same-sex partner on such grounds as incapacity or undue influence.
There is a scene in WC that may be seen in different light with this in mind. When Kuseno asks Saitama to take care of Genos for him.
Kuseno giving his blessing for ther relationship as testator would give this will some legal ground to remain unchallenged in court, in case Genos and Saitama actually ended up together. It may also be a case of forced heirship.
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That's a lot to infer from Saitama legit only asking Kuseno to take his shoes off and saying it's nice to meet him. Then he immediately starts commenting about companions because he got emotional.
When every other person always misjudges Saitama at a glance.
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And he immediately comes bearing gifts (which he procured despite coming in full battle suit and after receiving distress signal, which makes it seem like he wasn't too worried or in a hurry anyway), saying its a gift for always taking care of Genos.
But how can he say that when Genos always comes to his lab wrecked? Multiple times a day even? Especially after Tournament and Elder Centipede where Saitama definitely WASN'T taking care of Genos?
You'd think that seeing Genos always being wrecked since he got in contact with Saitama, he'd think the opposite. But nah, Saitama on default is "amazing sensei".
Sure, he could have been listening to Genos drone on about Saitama a lot but still...
Kuseno knows something we don't.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Golden Trio Era/Orwell Chess: Gryffindor Edition
Percy Ignatius Weasley: ISTJ-A/Leo/1987-1994/Pure-Blood
Fifth-Year & Sixth-Year Prefect, Head Boy. His favorite classes are Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, citing them as the hardest. He is a stickler for rules, which caused strife between him & Phantomhive twins. But Luciel Phantomhive and him became rather good study pair, often helping each other with memorization and technicalities. 
Elizabeth Cordelia Midford: ENFJ-A/Aquarius/1988-1995/Half-Blood
The youngest sibling of the Midford family. Fifth-Year & Sixth-Year Prefect, Head Girl, Gryffindor Beater (Second-Year onward). Her favorite class are Charms and Muggle Studies (fashion, particularly). She is regarded as one of the best duelers—graceful and unrelenting, but she is also quite popular with her affable personality.
Fred Weasley I: ESTP-A/Aries/1989-1996/Pure-Blood
Reserve Gryffindor Beater (Second-Year to Sixth-Year), Gryffindor Beater (Seventh-Year). HIs favorite classes are Charms and Transfiguration with a natural talent for spells. He has a spotty record with homework, but almost all professors note that the ones that are turned in are brilliantly finished. 
George Weasley: ENFJ-A/Aries/1989-1996/Pure-Blood
Gryffindor Beater (Second-Year to Seventh-Year). His favorite classes are Potions and Arithmancy. Snape begrudgingly cannot take points from him in class but will always do so when catching the him in the middle of a prank.  
Hermione Jean Granger: ISTJ-A/Virgo/1991-1998/Muggle-Born
Fifth-Year & Sixth-Year Prefect. Her favorite classes are Transfiguration and Arithmancy. She was Celaena’s first girl friend and headed several of the projects for the wartime effort: recruitment, magic instruction, and Ministry reconstruction. She was also given the heirship of Gryffindor, unknowingly to her.
Neville Longbottom: ENFJ-T/Leo/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
Head Boy. His favorite classes are Herbology and Astronomy, both relating fairly well to each other. He was another person who led Hogwart’s Army during his Seventh-Year, along with Daphne Greengrass. A type of person who does better under pressure (other than Snape’s attention). 
Seamus Finnigan: ENFP-T/Sagittarius/1991-1998/Half-Blood
Only child with rather a haphazardous penchant for pyrotechnics. He enjoys Charms the best, mainly due to the fact of the Confringo & Incendio spell. He led the evacuation during the SWW, adequately trained through Hogwart’s Army.
Dean Thomas: ISFP-A/Taurus/1991-1998/Half-Blood
A middle child, but the only child that could attend Hogwarts. Gryffindor Chaser (Third-Year to Sixth-Year). He doesn’t have a favorite class but hates Potions the most. With proper coaching from Hermione, he was able to draw several intricate runes to protect several sectors in Hogwarts, ultimately leading to their win.
Parvati Patil: INTP-A/Scorpio/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
The younger sibling of the twin. Seventh-Year Prefect. Her favorite class was Divination as she enjoyed going with the flow and the overall ambience. Her discipline coupled with her bravery made her a formidable witch. She was in charge of the First & Second-Years during her Seventh-Year, but she did not evacuate with them. 
Lavender Brown: ENTP-A/Pisces/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
Only child to her family. Her favorite classes are Divination and Charms where she staunchly stood up for both Trelawney and Flitwick under Umbridge’s reign. Her and Parvati were a skilled duo together, dealing enormous damage to the other side. 
Ginevra Molly Weasley: ISTJ-A/Leo/1992-1999/Pure-Blood
Sixth-Year Prefect, Gryffindor Chaser (Third-Year onward). Her favorite classes are DADA and Charms, using magic defensively and offensively easily. She kept Harry alive during the fight at the Department of Mysteries, becoming his third in dueling after Celaena. Her physical prowess was also acknowledged by Elizabeth Midford, citing strength and agility much like hers.
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If Aegon the conqueror was actually competent.
1. Talk to the King of Winter. Before anything else talk to the King of Winter. Establish an alliance. Don’t be an arrogant ass who thinks he needs to be in charge to win this. 
2. Establish a base in the North. Targaryens end up with several homes and palaces none of them in the north. This is dumb. Give it a dragon pit, make it the seat of the heir. Hell, establish another Citadel there so there are an abundance of maesters available when the  Long night comes. Make it more important than establishing King’s landing. 
3. Do not neglect the watch. Make it law that part of the king’s army serves in the watch. Make it law that some of the king’s tax goes to the watch. Make it law that every lord paramount also gives some of their tax to the watch. Make it clear that when the watch calls the realm will answer.
4. Establish clear rules of inheritance. The mess of Targaryen heirship is what dooms their family. 
5. Make frequent trips to the wall and beyond. Find out what’s in there. Establish a relationship with the free folk. Find out what they know. Ally with them, make them not the enemy to fight, since apparently you know they aren’t. 
6. Do not in any case decide to only share this knowledge with your heir. Tell everyone. Demand that the Maesters at the citadel study it, demand that the king of winter looks into it, go through the records of the watch, anything but keep this information in the family. 
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human-antithesis · 8 months
In his commorancy, the illuminary motions their forthcoming Phlegmbuoyant heirlooms, moored & reposed Mortal impelled beyond causality The ordinance streams Equidistant the churlish refashion Ulterior pneumatic antiques mercurial agenda peeled Ruin - the verdict Coefficient of the loom, slothfoul plethora flourish in disgrace Blotting dim, entourage of phreqs encompass Utricles gloat in abeyance Riddling puce sleet bleaking Fatherland null Transfusion of the imbued pending The consumptive dour Foretastes the misshapen ones Covetous juncture dilates Avian Xspectrents encroach Plasm umbilicus steep an courant
Supinely bled the pupae shed
Tyme fly blown disfigments conclude The pastures shall never thrive for those who sow Seepia thee peerless shade Your orbs to mirror…
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sevamelanie28 · 1 year
G.R. No. 198680
July 8, 2013
Art. 172. The filiation of legitimate children is established by any of the following:
(1) The record of birth appearing in the civil register or a final judgment; or
(2) An admission of legitimate filiation in a public document or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent concerned.
In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate filiation shall be roved by:
(1) The open and continuous possession of the status of a legitimate child; or
(2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws. (265a, 266a, 267a)
The Ypons sued respondent Ricaforte, also known as "Gaudioso E. Ypon," in an action for cancellation of title and reconveyance with damages (the subject complaint) (Gaudioso). They claimed in their complaint that Magdaleno left certain lots upon his intestate and childless death. To the detriment of the petitioners, who are Magdaleno's collateral relations and successors-in-interest, Gaudioso, who asserted to be the sole heir of Magdaleno, executed an affidavit of self-adjudication and caused the revocation of the aforementioned certificates of title.
In his response, Gaudioso claimed that his certificate of live birth, two letters from the Polytechnic School, and a certified true copy of his passport were proof that he was the legally recognized son of Magdaleno. In addition, he asserted that the petitioners have no legal grounds to sue him, the complaint does not establish a cause of action, and the case is not being brought by the genuine parties-in-interest because there is no evidence that the petitioners have been legally recognized as Magdaleno's heirs.
Due to a lack of a cause of action, RTC dismissed the case. It stated that even though the plaintiffs in the case had established their relationship with Magdaleno in a prior special proceeding for the issuance of letters of administration, this did not mean that they could already be regarded as the decedent's compulsory heirs. On the contrary, Gaudioso had satisfactorily established through the documentary evidence he provided that he is Magdaleno's son and, therefore, his compulsory heir. The Court also refused their move for reconsideration due to the counsel's failure to specify the date on which his Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Certificate of Compliance was issued. Thus, the current petition, which only addresses pure legal issues, was promptly appealed to the Supreme Court.
Whether or not the RTC’s dismissal of the case on the ground that the subject complaint failed to state a cause of action was proper
Yes, because the petitioners in a prior special action for heirship reasons failed to prove their link to Magdaleno.
The general rule is that, rather than in a regular suit to reclaim ownership and/or possession, the identification of the decedent's legitimate heirs must be done in the appropriate special proceeding for that purpose.
A civil action is one in which a party sues another for the enforcement or protection of a right, the prevention or redress of a wrong, while a special proceeding is a remedy in which a party seeks to establish a status, a right, or a specific fact. This definition is found in Section 3, Rule 1 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Court. Since the petitioners in this case are looking to create a status or right, it is blatantly obvious that the declaration of heirship can only be made in a special proceeding.
For practical reasons, there are some exceptions to the general rule. For example, when the parties in a civil case voluntarily submitted the issue of heirship to the trial court and had already provided their evidence therein, and the RTC had subsequently rendered judgment thereon, or when a special proceeding had been started but had been finally closed and terminated and could not be re-opened.
None of the aforementioned exclusions or others of a similar sort seem to apply in this situation.
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Motes Release “Crash the Day”
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Motes are a band that we have found ourselves head over heels for in the past few weeks. Notably releasing prominent releases for a number of years, the group goes outside of their comfort zone and sheds a whole new light into their epic world. Today we see the band releasing their new record, "Crash the Day" which is released on Heirship Records; the legendary indie label.
The result of the album is a heavy dose of indie-rock buzz, high-energy instruments, and vocals from singer Elizabeth Majerus that keeps us craving more. Together the group release a strong album that proves this is only the beginning of great things to come for the band this year.
MOTES is made up of Elizabeth Majerus, Matt Mitchell and Matt Cohn.
First Picks: "Again Again,"; "Salt"
Find the record, here: https://motes1.bandcamp.com/
Connect with Motes via: https://www.facebook.com/motesIL
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comicgeese39 · 3 years
Writing A Will During Lockdown.
Writing A Will
Provide Our Wills As Well As Probate Solicitors A Phone Call Today.
What Occurs If The Recipient Of The Estate Passes Away Prior To The Testator?
See Why Kwil Is The Most Flexible Method To Compose Your Will.
Frequently Asked Questions: Wills And Inheritance
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Exactly How We Can Aid You With Writing Your Will
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You can name as numerous executors as you like in your will, though the optimum number who can look for probate to provide your estate is four. It makes good sense to call at the very least two or 3, in case any one of them pre-decease you or later on choose they do not want to work as an administrator. Typically, your will must be clear on what will happen to a bequest if the beneficiary pre-deceases you. As an example, whether it expires, mosts likely to their children, or goes to another person rather. When you leave a bequest to a class of people, such as 'my grandchildren living at my death', make it clear whether that includes expected children, so maternities are covered. Telling a close friend, loved one or perhaps your solicitor what your objectives are is not nearly enough.
It is more secure, preferably, for you to review your will regularly, as well as absolutely whenever appropriate tax obligation or probate regulations change. Your executor or administrator will be accountable for the repayment of any tax obligation due on your death. This can consist of any kind of outstanding income tax, resources gains tax obligation as well as inheritance tax. You will also need to obtain an evaluation of the home for the purposes of probate.
Your estate will be split and may most likely to individuals you did not choose. Preparing a will offers you manage over who inherits your estate. A basic person will can be composed from as little as ₤ 100, but increase to around ₤ 400 depending on intricacy. Joint wills, which you obtain with each other with a spouse, can cost in between ₤ 200- ₤ 600, as well as a mirror will costs around ₤ 250 for both.
If you have actually not registered the civil collaboration, and have not made a will, your companion will not be automatically qualified to anything. So if you are intending to register a civil partnership, have signed up a civil partnership without thinking about the effect on your will, or have actually not made a will anyway, take advice. Providing that you have actually experienced a legally binding ceremony, your civil companion will have exactly the very same civil liberties as a spouse would certainly. The solution to this question depends partly on the condition of the kids concerned. If your will might no more show your dreams, you require to upgrade it. If you left a will but did not name the executors, or if none of your called executors agrees to act, after that among the recipients under the will can apply for probate as an administrator. If you did not leave a will in all, members of your closest family members will inherit and also can make an application for probate.
Provide Our Wills And Probate Solicitors A Call Today.
Selecting the appropriate legal professional to draft your will is important, and also we understand you'll have concerns. Below are some of our regularly asked concerns as well as articles to aid you learn more. I would like to position on record my grateful thanks to you for all your hard work in the effective completion our Wills and Power of Lawyer, however all the effort has been finished. It has as constantly been a satisfaction to talk and also consult with you and also we are most thankful for your sensible advice and guidance.
Who keeps a will?
When probate is granted, the will is kept by the Probate Service and any member of the public can get a copy. If you want to search for the will of a person who died recently, you can apply to the Probate Service for a standing search to be made.
At https://sonning.directwillstrusts.co.uk/ Creating Lawyers will aid you prepare for the future to the last information. By answering a couple of brief inquiries on our website, you can find the ideal lawyer to prepare your will. A specialist wills solicitor can generally prepare a will in a fairly brief space of time depending upon the complexity.
What Happens If The Recipient Of The Estate Passes Away Before The Testator?
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See Why Kwil Is One Of The Most Adaptable Method To Write Your Will.
In both cases, there are policies laying out the position for who can apply. It makes good sense to select people who are proficient at administration, have a little bit of economic sense, as well as are credible. You might additionally wish to take into consideration calling a professional executor.
A certain threat to watch out for is the 'forced heirship' guidelines that use in some countries. These say that a proportion of your property must pass by law to specific of your beneficiaries (frequently only those in your bloodline - not your spouse's family), whatever your wishes, as well as whatever it claims in your will.
Despite the fact that possessions passed to your spouse are excluded from inheritance tax on your death, you need to consider what will occur when they pass away. Making a will is an important part of your inheritance preparation, assisting to make sure that your properties will be passed on to the appropriate individuals. If you are preparing common-law marriage, marital relationship or a civil partnership, you need to think about prospective legal issues if one of you passes away or you different. Our group of professional legal representatives will minimise the amount of time you need to invest in our office. Your lawyer can give expert legal recommendations with telephone or video clip calls in order to take your instructions. Making a Will ensures that individuals you wish to profit when you die receive your estate. Holmes & Hills are skilled to be able to compose a Will that is dressmaker made to fulfill your particular demands.
What is a living will vs a will?
As you can tell from above, the main difference between living wills and last wills is their function. While a last will directs the distribution of assets after a person's death, a living will gives directions regarding the medical care of someone who is still alive although unable to communicate her wishes herself.
A straightforward will can be drafted as well as signed within 1 to 2 weeks. If your will is likely to be uncomplicated, with really few assets, it is feasible to do it on your own. However lots of worry that they may fill it out improperly, or it won't become legitimately viable when the time involves reference it. Talking with a professional can help you recognize if you need your will to be composed for you. If you pass away without a will, you haveno say in what happens to your money and properties.
Frequently Asked Questions: Wills And Also Inheritance
Make a note of your checking account numbers as well, but for security maintain it separate - provide it to your executor, or at the very least tell them where it is. The Probate Pc registry will take a look at the application from your executors, as well as may ask questions. This can be vowed at the Probate Pc registry or at the office of any type of commissioner of oaths - usually a neighborhood solicitor. You ought to keep the original somewhere safe and off your property - for example, with your bank or your lawyer. Your executors will require the initial when they look for probate, not a copy.
Coronavirus Update - It's company customarily for all of us at Mogers Drewett. Please do contact us if you require any of our solutions we are here to help.
As gone over a couple of weeks back, I will likely be in touch in the following few months when my companion wants to buy into your house to ensure that we can get her name on the deeds. I would certainly wish to take this opportunity to thanks Matt for his work throughout our house acquisition.
A variety of charities including Age UK & Save the Children enroller a Will writing system in November annually.
Wills supplies a premium service that has the will published and also bounded and uploaded to your residence address.
Searching for clear, friendly support with developing or upgrading a Will?
All Wills are produced online in simply 15 mins, the Will is after that inspected by a team of specialists and sent to you for finalizing as well as seeing.
The legislation in England as well as Wales states that the law controling foreign residential property is the law of the country in which the residential or commercial property is situated. Whether you can throw away that building in your UK will, or you need to make a local will, relies on the legislation of the nation in which your residential property is situated. Frequently you will require to make two wills - one in the UK and one abroad - and also both should correspond. Registration of the civil collaboration invalidates any type of existing will, unless the will was formulated in assumption of this registration.
Most of us have a tendency to place points to the back of our mind that doesn't call for instant interest; making a will is a timeless instance. A Will is an effective lawful document allowing you to let those who you love and respect benefit from your estate.
We would never ever consider going to anyone else for our legal needs. We wish to thank you for your specialist handling of the conclusion sale of our residence the other day. Your interactions with us were extremely understandable as well as we have been extremely pleased with the efficient service that we received. Now I am safely inside the new house I would love to thank you for your excellent handling of the conveyancing for the purchase of Pinkwood. I will have no reluctance in suggesting you wholeheartedly to anyone trying to find such a solution in future.
I would certainly have no doubt in recommending your services to others in the future. Determine who receives your properties-- You can make sure that what you have is offered to individuals of your option, such as relative, good friends or even your favourite charity.
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Destruction of a Goblin Office
Chapter Three of Lord Thanatos here 
~ As soon as Hadrian closed the door, Tom dropped his glamour and flopped, very ungracefully in Hadrian’s opinion, into the wingback chair behind his meticulously organised desk. Running his hand through his chin length chestnut locks, taking and deep breath and turning crimson eyes to the young man in the room, Tom visibly prepared himself for what was undoubtedly going to be a long and difficult conversation.
“How were the Goblins?” he asked with a wary look on his face. Hadrian began to think the Dark Lord needed to channel his inner Gryffindor for this conversation, not that he’d ever say that out loud. He liked all his limbs where they were thank-you-very-much.
Hadrian seated himself in front of the desk, throwing his cloak over the back of the chair. “Now, now Tom. No ‘Hello, Hadrian’ ‘How are you Hadrian?’ ‘Well done in front of my scary minions Hadrian’?” A smirk grew on his face as the Dark Lord scowled. “You mustn’t forget your manners, my dear.”
“Hadrian, I swear. We only have an hour and, horcrux or not, I am not afraid to Crucio you. Please get on with it, I just know I’m not going to like it.”
“Okay, okay. Don’t get your wand in a knot. I walked in to the bank and as soon as they saw me they headed me off to Director Ragnok’s office. Apparently they’ve been sending me letters for 6 years and I haven’t received a single one.” Tom’s eyebrows shot up at the mention of the head of British Gringotts but he stayed silent and motioned for Hadrian to continue.
“Ragnok made me take an inheritance test and well, this is where it gets into the ‘of fucking course this happens to Harry bloody Potter territory’…” At this Hadrian handed Tom a sheet of parchment and motioned for him to read it. “See for yourself, you won’t believe me otherwise.”
Tom looked down and his eyes widened almost immediately.
Name: Hadrian James Potter
Age: 16 (emancipated, Tri-wizard Tournament)
Paternal: James Charlus Potter (deceased)
Maternal: Lily Rose Potter (deceased)
Sirius Orion Black (blood adopted father, incapacitated)
Alice Longbottom (incapacitated)
Magical Guardian:
Albus Dumbledore (inactive since emancipation)
Creature Inheritance:
Living Vampire (paternal, Peverell line)
Mate: unknown
Donor: unknown
Lord Most Noble House of Potter (paternal)
Lord Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell (paternal)
Lord Most Ancient and Noble House of Black (blood adoption)
Lord Most Ancient and Noble House of Ravenclaw (maternal)
Heir Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (conquest)
70% Magical Core Block (Albus Dumbledore, Nov 1, 1981) (50% broken)
100% Parseltongue ability (Albus Dumbledore, Nov 1, 1981) (100% broken)
100% Metamorphmagus ability (Albus Dumbledore, Nov 1, 1981) (10% broken)
100% Natural Occlumency (Albus Dumbledore, Nov 1, 1981) (30% broken)
100% Creature Inheritance (Albus Dumbledore, Nov 1, 1981)
100% Elemental Magic (Albus Dumbledore, Nov 1, 1981)
Loyalty potion (keyed Albus Dumbledore)
Loyalty potion (keyed Weasley Family)
Loyalty potion (keyed Ron Weasley)
Loyalty potion (keyed Hermione Granger)
Love potion (keyed Ginny Weasley)
Hate potion (keyed Slytherin House)
Hate potion (keyed Severus Snape)
Hate potion (keyed Draco Malfoy)
Submission potion (keyed Dursley Family)
Submission potion (keyed Albus Dumbledore)
Marriage contract to one Ginevra Weasley (illegal, not filed)
“I think the old coot’s biggest mistake was he counted on me hating you on my own, purely for killing my parents.” Hadrian said casually once he thought Tom had come out of his shocked state.
“His biggest mistake... no, his biggest mistake was not forgetting to make you hate me! For fucks sake Hades, he might as well have altered your entire personality! And how in Merlin’s name are you still alive? You had 70% of your magical core blocked! I’m going to murder the old fool.”
Magic was whipping around the office, the air heavy with the thickness of the dark magic expressing the Dark Lord’s rage. Hadrian sat in awe for a moment, enjoying the sight of Tom’s addictive magic throughout the room. He wouldn’t say it out loud but the fact that Tom was so worked up over something bad happening to Hadrian warmed his heart a little bit. He did think he should probably stop Tom before he destroyed his office or something though, especially since this wasn’t the worst of the news he received at the bank.
Hadrian reached out with his magic for the link that connected Tom to the horcrux in his scar and sent a wave of calming magic through the bond. “It’s fine Tom, the Goblins put me through a purging ritual as soon as they saw this and put their office back together. They managed to unblock everything and get the potions out of my system and talk me through the creature changes,” he said waving a dismissive hand.
“You destroyed a Goblin office?” Tom asked with a sigh watching Hadrian intently as the younger man attempted to school his sheepish expression into something more befitting of a Lord.
“Ah, well… yeah, maybe I did,” he said nervously. “But they forgave me and we put it back together! No harm done!” Not liking the way this conversation was now going but thankful that it managed to pull Tom out of his rage for a moment.
“That’s not all is it?” the older man asked gravely.  
“Not even slightly, darling.” Hadrian said, grinning at the Dark Lord, “our ammunition for destruction only gets better from here.”
“So, the old man was my magical guardian, do you know what that is?” At the shake of the Dark Lord’s head he continued. “No, you probably wouldn’t, I don’t think you had one. Anyway, it’s the person who’s in charge of looking after a minor’s living arrangements, vaults, inheritances and, most importantly in my opinion, making sure the minor knows about the magical world. That they know how to navigate it and are prepared to take over the family when they come of age. Obviously, old Dumbles sucked at being my magical guardian because I had to learn all that shit by myself and didn’t even know about the magical world ‘till I was 11.”
“He named himself the magical guardian of Harry James Potter on November 1st, 1981, before Sirius was arrested I might add, dropped me off at the Dursley’s and walked away with almost complete control of the Potter vaults and seats.” Hadrian could see understanding come to Tom’s face as he figured out where this was going.
“Anyway, using my money, Griphook told me the old coot has been paying himself 1000 galleons a month, the Dursleys 500 galleons a month to ‘condition me’, the Weasley’s 100 galleons a month for ‘looking after me’ in the magical world, Weasel and Granger 100 galleons a month each for being my friends and the Weaselette 50 galleons a month in preparation for being the next Lady Potter.” At this Hadrian rolled his eyes dramatically. “like that would ever happen, i’m gayer than a herd of rainbow unicorns.”
Tom muffled a snort at that. Hadrian heard and counted it as a win.
“When he dropped me at the house of hell, he had my parent’s wills sealed, took control of all of Sirius’ stuff after the heirship passed to me at the end of last year. How he got that one done I don’t know, he has no connection to the Blacks…” Hadrian thought old Dumbles must have had to pull a lot of favours to get that one through and sat with a thoughtful expression on his face until Tom cleared his throat and motioned for him to continue. 
“Right, sorry,” he said ignoring the Dark Lord’s exasperated expression. “I listened to both wills and both my parents said I should go to literally anyone in the magical world before that bitch Petunia and her whale of a husband, so there’s another shot at old Dumbles’ good record. Along with condoning the abuse of a magical minor. I was supposed to go to either of my godparents, then Snape, then whatever nice wizarding family the ministry could find for me. Honestly, I think they would have preferred I went to you before the muggles.”
Mirth danced in his emerald eyes as a look of horror, then disgust passed quickly over the Dark Lord’s face. “Nope, nope, nope. I don’t do children. That would not have been good,” Tom said, barely repressing the shudder that threatened to wreck his body at the mere thought of having to look after a child..
Hadrian chuckled, briefly imagining a little kid calling the big bad Dark Lord ‘daddy’ before quickly pushing that thought aside (and the horror that came with it) and continued on with his story.
“Anyway, they left a few things to Snape and the other Marauders but, basically everything went to me.”
“I’ve looked through the Potter vault records. The Goblins have decided they like me so they’re recalling all the gold he took from there with interest. He’s also taken a boatload of books and artefacts from the main Potter vault and distributed them to his minions. Those will be harder to recall but the Goblins said they should be able to get 90% of the stuff back and payment for anything that can’t be returned.”
“Only you Hadrian, could get the Goblins to like you,” Tom said giving Hadrian a look mixed between fondness and exasperation. “Of course I can, old man, i’m nice.” Hadrian said sending a charming smile and a wink to the Dark Lord before a curse could be thrown his way as Tom muttered something about not being that old.
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findleadsonline · 3 years
How Will Writing Lead Generation Came into the Trend?
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We are frequently gotten some information about the distinction between an enduring force of lawyer and a will. In straightforward terms, it's an immeasurably significant issue. It is an authoritative record that permits individuals you trust to settle on choices for your benefit while you are alive. A 
Losing the capacity to Buy Will Writing Leads on choices is the stuff of bad dreams. However, it happens to a considerable lot of us. Also, regularly abruptly. It very well might be brought about by a genuine auto accident or a stroke or an entire pontoon of other frightful things that life tosses at us. If you do lose your intellectual ability.
Many individuals wrongly accept that their will is a private report saw simply by their picked agents and their dry old family specialist behind a paper-flung work area in a book-lined office. This likely could be the situation when the bequest is little. In any case, everything changes if an award of probate is required. 
What's mine will be mine and I can pass on it to whomever I need? Goodness nay, nay and threefold nay – as the late, extraordinary Frankie Howard was adept to say. Anybody can challenge a will. However, it is dependent upon a court to determine the result. A living together accomplice passed up a great opportunity in the level.
Barring somebody from your Will ought to be generally direct if you live in England or Wales. In contrast to numerous different nations, there is no constrained heirship here. Be that as it may, it should be done appropriately. In any case, cases might be made in court. It's ideal to remember a proviso for your Will explicitly naming the individual. To cherish an appropriate for the large numbers of carers in England who get support from their Local Council. Interestingly acquaint an obligation with meet carer's qualified Will Writing Leads UK for help and present another grown-up protecting system. 
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To give another lawful Will Writing Lead Generation to everybody to an individual financial plan, which they can get as an immediate instalment if they wish, giving individuals more control, and explaining how individuals will be shielded from their consideration being disturbed if their consideration supplier leaves the business, and presenting new oversight of the suppliers that would be the hardest to supplant if they somehow happened to fizzle. 
Resource:  This article has been taken from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s406/sh/2914c489-885b-f571-d80b-6c837dadffe0/76ee3a518dddad40a1bb60a89572f250
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blogsun · 3 years
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The book Instagram by Leaver, Highfield, and Abidin (2020) covers all the things about Instagram, from history to cultural impact, with concise writings. Because I only used Instagram for less than one month in 2010, I do not know much about Instagram in every aspect. But, I know Instagram has become daily necessities to communicate with others. This book helps fills the ten years gap to understand an Instagram phenomenon.  
The big takeaway from this book is about chapter six (lifespans, p.174-190). Other things like influencers, political activism, and algorithm things are not much different from other social media books and literature. But, I never thought about content controllability for a baby and a deceased person. Instagram users record a person's entire life from birth to death. Before being delivered, parents upload ultrasounds images. Breasting, playing with a baby, all other things are also shared on Instagram. When someone passes away, people grieve and mourn on social media. The book presents the following question. Is it the right thing to upload contents without a baby and a deceased's? I think the question is timely and important question. As Instagram and other social media began at most 15 years ago, the problem is not much serious yet. But, it could be apparent.
For example, let's assume that you are a middle school student and some classmates bully you in school, saying you are very ugly. The villans would find your parents and baby pictures from your parent's Instagram and then share them with all other students with a comment that he initially looked stupid and ugly, and their parent appearance is also ugly. It will be very annoying and stressful. Even though your parents post those contents to share their happiness and harmonious family, the result could be quite disasters. As you post more contents on multiple platforms, it becomes much complex to manage shared content.
In addition, another big question is about how platforms and family members have to deal with the contents of a deceased person. After Molly Russell's suicide partly related to Instagram use, the family request access to the daughter to delete contents, but the platform denied it. However, after GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), Instagram/Facebook allows family members to choose whether to delete a deceased family member's account or keep it a memorialized account. And the companies voluntarily develop a new system for a user to set legacy contact in case of death. Legacy contacts can delete and lock contents and write a pinned post for your profile and handle basic things. Even though social media gives more control and autonomy to a user after death, we have to think about it more. Is that enough? What should be done more for data privacy after death? Are there other problems that we did not anticipate before?
I guess that there will be an inheritance problem like copyright and royalty. For example, if a top influencer suddenly dies by a car accident without a will, and its contents are expected to attract many viewings and make profits in the future, is the account inherited property? Who has the heirship? What will happen that some family members want to delete a deceased influencer account while others do not?
Personally, I want to delete all the accounts and online content that I make after death. Thus, I minimize posting something online. Many Eastern people think that death means coming back to nothing. As a deceased person becomes dirt, leaving nothing, deleting all daily life contents would be the best choice for a social media user. But, my academic papers will persist as small bricks for human knowledge. What is your opinion?
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unicyclehippo · 6 years
who is lin? cal? micah? what is the cordery? (I'm going through your og story tag so i'll probably be sending periodic questions if that's okay)
its not only okay its absolutely thrilling!!!!
okay so lin is probably zoyah’s best friend outside of her own brother. they grew up together, lin lives in the city now & works as a messenger. zo works on lin’s bike sometimes, no one rly loves the idea of ppl tinkering w tech but zo loves doing it & lin is Very Interested in being the fastest so she’s like shit yeah cool tinker away babe. lin tells her all abt what’s happening in the city & when she has time she helps her update her maps. 
cal is one of zoyah’s little brothers he’s rly young, abt 9 years old. he’s a sweetheart, he absolutely worships the canyon run league he never misses a game, he goes w his siblings its so cute his older brother holds him on his shoulders & zo spoils him absolutely rotten she buys him whatever he wants
micah is one of the names i was looking at for zoyah’s older brother, im not sure if thats the name im gonna keep. he’s a couple years older & trans & hes helping zoyah out w all her stuff bc he wants to go off & give up his heirship & be an archivist & help people out but he cant do that until zoyah is accepted as a successor bc they don’t want someone else taking the throne. only women can be an heir, the men can be princes & consorts etc but only the queens rule, so before he comes out as trans they gotta make sure that zoyah is solidly in line otherwise it might go to someone untrustworthy
the cordry is a hall of records (cord - cordry lol). there’s one in each p large-ish town, the archivists run them as little hubs of knowledge, they keep records of all kinds of stuff, births, deaths, visitors, exports & imports, mages who come through, caravans etc. 
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theannuityexpert · 4 years
Life Insurance For Non-U.S. Residents
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Life Insurance offers many benefits to the owner and beneficiaries regardless of their citizen status. However, there are characteristics of a life insurance policy that may assist foreign nationals (non-U.S. residents) with their special estate and tax planning needs. The proceeds payable under a life insurance policy are not considered a tangible U.S.-based asset and are not subject to U.S. estate taxes for non-resident aliens.Benefits payable under a life insurance policy are generally income tax-free.In a permanent life insurance policy, any growth in the cash value is tax-deferred. This cash value may also be accessed income-tax-free by the policy owner. By using Life Insurance as part of the estate plan, a policy owner may be able to provide a tax-free benefit to their heirs in order to pay any U.S. estate taxes without having to sell a property. In addition, the policy may also provide some wealth transfer to the beneficiary after any tax liabilities are met.
Who is considered a Foreign National?
Permanent Residents. Green Card HoldersTemporary Green Card HoldersNon-Resident Aliens living in the United States Full-TimeNon-Resident Aliens, living outside the United StatesDual CitizensAsylum or Refugee StatusTemporary Protected Status (TPS)
Why should a Foreign National with U.S. connections consider owning a U.S. based Life Insurance policy?
It turns out there are many reasons a permanent life insurance policy may provide: income and estate tax-free death benefits,tax-deferred cash value growth,tax-advantaged distributionsliquidity heirs can use to protect assets,estate planning confidence. These short and long term benefits are meaningful for all policy owners but there may be special tax benefits to owning a life policy when you are a foreign national.
Estate and Tax Planning Considerations
Individuals who are not U.S. Citizens but have ties and assets in the U.S., as well as individuals who are U.S. citizens but whose spouse is not, have special estate and tax planning considerations. Did you know there are tax regulations that may cause your family to owe money to U.S. taxes? For example; A person who has never stepped foot in the U.S. may be leaving his heirs with U.S. estate taxes to pay if his portfolio included stock in a U.S. Corporation or other U.S. based assets.A surviving spouse living in a foreign country whose husband was a U.S. Citizen may be required to pay U.S. estate taxes on their second home located in Florida (as an example) that they owned at the time of his death.
The Tax Concerns
GIFT TAX The gift and estate tax marital deductions generally allow for transfer between spouses with no transfer tax consequences. However, there is no unlimited marital deduction for gifts to non-citizen spouses. Exclusions for lifetime transfers to a non-citizen spouse are limited to $148,000 annually with an additional lifetime exemption of $5,490,000 (2017 exclusion and exemption numbers). RESIDENCY STATUS Non-U.S. citizens who live in the U.S. may be considered a resident alien and subject to Income Taxes if they have a “substantial presence” in the U.S. Non-U.S. citizens who have connections or assets tied to the U.S. but do not have substantial presence may be considered nonresident aliens. This test is not always clear, and it may be important for individuals to understand whether or not they could be considered a Resident Alien for income tax purposes. ESTATE TAX Nonresident aliens are limited to a $60,000 estate tax exclusion on U.S.–based assets. As with gift taxes, there is no unlimited marital deduction for estates transferred to non-resident alien spouses unless transferred through a Qualified Domestic Trust (QDOT). U.S. based assets owned by a nonresident alien or that are being transferred to a nonresident alien may be subject to the estate tax. This includes all tangible property and real estate located in the U.S., or stocks, and an ownership interest in a U.S. corporation.
Additional Benefits of Owning a U.S. based Policy
Beyond the estate and tax planning benefits of the life insurance policy itself, a foreign national may also find benefit in participating in the U.S. Life Insurance Market. The U.S. Life Insurance market is the most mature in the world which may allow for access to improved product design and competitive product pricing.The U.S. Life Insurance industry is highly regulated through both federal and state oversight and is considered one of the most stable in the world.In addition, with the contract and benefits denominated in the U.S. Dollar, a policy may provide financial confidentiality, wealth diversification, and economic security that may not otherwise be available in a foreign market.A U.S. Life Insurance contract provides the personal freedom to choose beneficiaries and heirs and can avoid the concern of forced heirship for those whose home country requires a specific inheritance. Regardless of the policy owner’s citizen status, a life insurance policy may also help with many other needs such as income protection, business succession planning, legacy planning, wealth protection, and executive benefits planning.
Foreign National Underwriting Guidelines
Category 1 A person whose country of permanent residence appears on the approved countries list, and visits the U.S. for no more than 12 weeks out of the year. The 12 weeks do not have to be consecutive. Criteria To Be Met Enters the U.S. at least once per year and has an immediate family member, such as a spouse, children, siblings, or parent legally residing in the U.S. Owns property (real estate) in the U.S. Assets must be verifiable.Owns a business in the U.S. Business must be established for more than 12 months.Partner of a business in the U.S. that has been actively engaged in transactions for 12 months or longer.Directly employed by a U.S. company in an approved country, travel to the U.S. for business at least 2 times per year, with a minimum of 6 months of employment to be considered.Investment account in the U.S. (Account must be established for at least a year). Required Documentation Copy of Passport – always.IRS Form W-8.Cover Letter from the agent indicating a need for life insurance. Copy of U.S. Visa. Most recent I-94 form (Department of Homeland Security Records) and Travel History, available for download by the customer at DHS website.Foreign National QuestionnaireForm Articles of incorporation of a business and finances from owners and partners will be requested. Category 2 A person whose original country of permanent residence appears on the approved countries list but currently lives full time in the U.S. under one of the following visas: E1E2EB5H1BH1CH4K1K3L1L2O1O3PTNV1 All other visa types will be reviewed on an individual consideration basis. Criteria To Be Met Owns a business in the U.S. Business must be established for more than 12 months.Partner of a business in the U.S. that has been actively engaged in transactions for 12 months or longer.Primarily employed in the U.S. with one of our accepted visas.Investment account in the U.S. (Account must be established for at least a year). Required Documentation Copy of Passport – always. U.S. Social Security number (SSN) or Tax ID number (ITIN).IRS Form W-8 or W-9 Form.Copy of driver’s license for visa holders (residing in the USA) and U.S. citizens or permanent green card holders living abroad.Cover Letter from the agent indicating a need for life insurance. Copy of U.S. Visa.Foreign National Questionnaire Form Category 3 A U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) residing abroad for more than 12 weeks out of the year in an approved country. The 12 weeks do not have to be consecutive.  Required Documentation Copy of Passport – always. U.S. Social Security number (SSN) or Tax ID number (ITIN).IRS Form W-8 or W-9 Form.Copy of driver’s license for visa holders (residing in the USA) and U.S. citizens or permanent green card holders living abroad.Cover Letter from the producer indicating a need for life insurance. Most recent I-94 form (Department of Homeland Security Records) and Travel History, available for download by the customer at DHS website.Foreign National Questionnaire Form Required For All Prospects U.S. Bank accounts established for at least 6 months with activity in accordance with client finances.The client must have a U.S. address.Premiums must be paid in U.S. dollars via a U.S. bank account. The account owner must be the policy owner and/or the insured. The insurance company will not accept payments from a foreign entity or trust.Solicitation and all related aspects of the sale must take place within the United States.
Applicant Specifications
AGES 20 - 70 For ages 71+ contact our underwriting department. MINIMUM FACE AMOUNT $250,000 MAXIMUM FACE AMOUNT Unlimited (subject to individual reinsurance capacity) MINIMUM NET WORTH No minimum required, but subject to traditional underwriting requirements. TABLE RATINGS Up to table 4 OWNERSHIP (ALL ADDRESSED IN THE U.S.) Proposed InsuredU.S. - based employeeU.S. - based businessU.S. TrustAn immediate family member in the U.S. such as:spousechildrenparentssiblings MINIMUM ASSETS An Application Supplement Confidential Financial Statement form is required with a breakdown of client assets in the U.S. & Country of Residency, (if applicable). Assets and income must follow traditional underwriting guidelines. LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY (LPOA) Must be in the U.S. Limited Power of Attorney is available for foreign national applications. This form is optional and only authorizes the LPOA to handle the following: Accept the delivery of the policy.Accept ongoing policy communications. Who can be the Attorney in Fact? A relative of the policy owner who lives in the U.S.An attorney, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), banker, or other professional that is providing services to the policy owner and is not employed by the agent or agency.  Who cannot be the Attorney-in-Fact? Insurance Agent.Agency employee or any other individual involved with the sale or solicitation of the insurance policy.A relative of the producer.A friend who is not a professional providing business service.A person who does not reside in the U.S. MEDICAL EXAMS AND PERSONAL INTERVIEW Must be done in the United States. MEDICAL RECORDS TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH Most insurance companies accept medical records in Spanish. All other languages must be translated into English.
Approved Countries and Rates
AlbaniaAnguillaAntigua and BarbudaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAzerbaijanBahrainBarbadosBelizeBermudaBhutanBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaThe British Virgin IslandsA BruneiCanadaChileChina (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou)Cook IslandsCuracaoDominicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEl SalvadorFalkland IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFrench PolynesiaGeorgiaGreenlandGrenadaGuatemalaGuyanaHondurasHong KongIndia Delhi & Mumbai onlyIndonesiaIsrael (except Gaza Strip and West Bank) minimum issue age 21JamaicaJordanKazakhstanKiribatiKorea, SouthKosovoKuwaitMacaoMacedoniaMalaysiaMaldivesMarshall IslandsMexico (Except within 60 miles of the border with the U.S., Guatemala & Belize,)MicronesiaMoldovaMongoliaMontenegroNauruNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaraguaNiueNorthern Mariana IslandsOmanPalauParaguayPeru PhilippinesQatarRussiaNorthern Mariana IslandsSamoaSan MarinoSaudi ArabiaSerbiaSeychellesSolomon IslandsSri LankaSt. Kitts and NevisSt. LuciaSt. Vincent and the GrenadinesSurinameTaiwanThailandTongaTrinidad and TobagoTurks and CaicosTuvaluVatican CityVietnam
In the event that the applicant does not understand the English language, he/she must receive assistance from a translator (who must be over the age of 18) to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the content of the contract with the life insurance company. No agent or agency is allowed to act as translator. The translation must be certified by completing a form.
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