#he's a sweetheart I swear
olliethescribe · 1 year
Well, time to write about Hypno. He's my favorite for a reason.
Hypno is many things, overpowered being one of them (but this dipshit's powers have backfired on him in almost every appearance of his so it evens out). He's also a genuinely good person and you can't change my mind.
Sure, he absolutely tries to murder the turtles in Newsworthy after being tricked (and then attempted murder on April's entire high school in Hypno Part Deux because he was jealous of a teenager getting more attention for a disappearing act, whoops), but he seems to mellow out after his meet-cute with Warren. By the time we get to Stuck On You, his first thought when he saw the turtles glued together was actual concern (I mean, even the Foot Clan thought something happened, but ehhh).
In The Evil League Of Mutants, he shows the most personality by attempting to separate himself from the others, saying "as an actual magician, I'm offended by this" at their shitty attempt at a magic show. It seemed to be directed at the turtles, too, which is wild. So he cares what they think of him. In Warren And Hypno Sitting A Tree, when pleading with the turtles and April to help him save Warren, once they hold up their end of the bargain (which he helps them with), he doesn't betray them. He's grateful, the opposite of Warren who instantly gave them up.
That brings me to The Clothes Don't Make The Turtle. Not only is this one of the best episodes in the entire series (imo), but it also showcases that Hypno cares about the turtles. He puts them in an illusion trap instead of killing them outright, even though he had the chance. Once they break out and find him, he asks how they escaped with curiosity rather than malice ("did you learn the power of self-love to break free?"), and even as he's bending reality to his whim, he doesn't try to kill them. Beat the shit out of them? Yes. Kill them? No. Plus he lets Leo watch him perform (most likely remembering that Leo was interested in magic back in Hypno Part Deux after calling the magician the turtle looked up to a talentless hack)! Sure the other three got the shorter end of the stick (especially Donnie), but they weren't seriously injured. Hypno's still holding up that end of the bargain from WAHSIAT; he's holding back because he cares about them.
The most obvious way that shows that he cares whether they live or die was in Battle Nexus New York. He was the only villain that didn't complain when paired with a turtle (Donnie), instead apologizing for his lack of skill in chess. He tried his best (even by doing nothing at all) so neither of them would get hurt. And when they were freed and the turtles joined back up to take on Big Mama? He cheered! He sung the praises of brotherly love and was glad they were okay, only to be booed and called lame.
So yeah, that's why I think Hypno's a good person/more complex character, and if Rise weren't canceled, he had the potential to become an ally.
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rallazart · 3 months
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POV: he found you bleeding out on the sidewalk
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csphire · 8 months
Vincent has no fucks left to give a compilation.
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(Yes, he does own a shirt.)
I finally installed some mods. Aside from how it now takes me a whole ass day to sort through all my options and put together everyone's looks, I've got no regrets about how this latest Dark Urge turned out.
For now, he's the default Storm Sorcerer, but I might multi-class him... maybe Warlock for a Great Old One-okay more than a maybe. I've got a really bad habit of always ending up a warlock in one way or another. Hardly more than a few peeps from one's Patron makes the temptation all too easy to indulge in.
Romancing Astarion again? Oh hells yes, of course.
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wyvernspirit · 4 months
I know most people want gentleman Husk to Angel
But I would like to argue back that gentleman Angel?? Kissing Husks knuckle after he gives him a drink? Making him a fully homemade (Italian) dinner with drinks? So many ideas I have
(the superior answer is that it's both of them in different ways at different times and everyone around them is honestly jealous) ((and wants them to finally kiss god dammit))
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localemofreak · 2 months
We need more men in this world like Joseph honestly-
My man here just casually saved her from a huge wardrobe mishap without even batting an eye, he just automatically pulled the strap up.
And then he only turned his head to look at her to make sure she’s all good and her outfit is fixed before going back to acting like nothing happened.
God he’s literally perfect.
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beanghostprincess · 16 days
Denji's hypersexuality caused by having been groomed and sexually assaulted constantly being mocked and laughed at is my villain origin story because I swear to God some people can't fucking read
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ride-a-dromedary · 7 months
Things about Halsin that are rarely mentioned but fascinate me: he's slept with a Nelanther pirate which means he's either been to the Nelanther Isles (and survived) or to one of the ports a ship of theirs docked in, and he's firsthand encountered a haunted doll.
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bluerosefox · 2 months
I have a whole crack idea where Dr Fate, Talia, and Bruce are all Danny exes
And like do some summoning that justice league dark had to go to along with Talia being there too they all see Danny again
After taking up the cult that summoned Danny Talia Bruce and Dr.Fate at the same time all go: it's nice to see you again Danny/Beloved/Balance
Talia: how do you know my old Beloved Batman
Batman: what do you mean old beloved you mean Danny my ex
Dr. Fate: I'm trying to ask why either of you'll know the Ancient Of Balance I do not believe you would sell his standards low enough for both of y'all
After this comment it becomes an entire cat fight Constantine and Zatanna are watching in the background of three of them fight over with the High King of the Infant Realms
I just love the idea of all of them broke up with Danny for dumb reasons and now after realizing those reasons were dumb or all trying to shoot their shot accidentally at the same time
Talia broke up with Danny after believing that her father would try to use Danny since he has some big connection to the Lazarus Pits
Bruce broke up with do you need when he was first starting his years into one he become Batman and and didn't want to get Danny hurt even though he knew Danny was powerful
Dr.Fate believes if you continue to court dandy that he could ruin Danny's statement as balance since he would probably be pulled in the taking Dr's Fate side most of the time and arguments but it came to balance
Danny now has to worry about each of them I'm coming up to try shooting their shot and are you the reason why they should get back together with Danny out of the other two
Omg. I can just imagine it.
Also Danny, is OBLIVIOUS to their flirting though, he thinks since they broke up with HIM there shouldn't be any lingering feelings on their end.
The shenanigans that come forward will be glorious.
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djosephqueery · 1 year
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m1d-45 · 9 months
Literally a lurker on your blog since ur early days but too shy to slide into ur ask box, hiii!!! I keep seeing cryo anon and teddy anon's brainrots and asks,,,, and like, regarding post impostor AU hehe
imagine after the hunt when your fave character/vessel begs you for forgiveness the most, practically turning their voice hoarse from their pleas to share just a bit of your mercy....
(you never showed your face to them, even when they were your most favored. how selfish of them, wanting more than they could ever deserve. but they can't help it. if you wanted them to die a thousand times over to repent, they would. just please, look at them again.)
post imposter au always tickles an itch in my brain I've never known existed. angry creator? boiling hot rage creator for their acolytes killing them when they've shown nothing but love and kindness for this world?? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP LORD
I wanna see guilt. And I mean GUILT. it's probably cause I'm petty asf and if I would be killed over and over and over again only for them to realize I'm not the fake I would literally lock myself up in whatever tower they built for me and never talk again. Creator's trust? Shattered, irreparable. Followers? Wallowing in the despair.
Thank u and goodbye heh. If it's not too much, can I be called Marcotte anon? Hehe fontaine reference hhhh,, anyways have a good day ily and ur fics <3
post-hunt can be incredibly good, entirely agree
the love you felt for the world is so strong already, and it only grows as you finally get to teyvat. being here, feeling the elemental energy, feeling the world greet you as you return after your rest.. what hate is more powerful than a love turned rotten?
you hid behind your veil, uncertain if you’re protecting yourself or them. it hurts to see their eyes tearing up as they plead, but what else are you to do? your hands shake when they draw close, and you can’t erase your own memory.
(you’d know. you asked nahida about it, but she’d only shaken her head. all she could do was clear the memories of teyvat, but not yours. it hurt, but was probably for the best.)
(despite it being a failure, that day was the calmest you’d felt in weeks. she was easy to talk to, and made lovely tea. perhaps you should visit again, if only to take a break from… everything.)
your solitude is comfortable, most of the time. a few of the hunters are a bit too comfortable with their sin, and are the ones tasked with bringing you food and other necessities. it’s not much better, though, since you can still see the guilt sinking in their eyes.
it’s a lose-lose all around. you want to see them, you want to see the world, but every leaf and branch is stained with the memories of the past, what used to be your favorite retreat now something else to hide from.
part of you is angry. furious at how easily they were tricked. it’s hard to stay mad at those you love, though, so you end up sitting in your window and watching the wind blow safely behind glass. your tea is from inazuma, this time, the faint edge of bitterness keeping you from sinking too far into much of anything.
leaves dance in the breeze. you won’t be seen again until they’ve long turned brown.
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incorrect-losers · 3 months
Eddie: Don’t you feel bad?
Mike: I’ve done worse
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huldrabitch · 6 months
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
P.U.N.K Girl except it's Shanks singing about Buggy
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imperatorrrrr · 8 months
My Highlights from the Q&A: (I paraphrased some of the questions/answers, but most of it is direct quotes)
Q: Out of all the different jerseys that you wear, which one is your favorite? A: The Jersey Jersey
Q: What's the most fun/exciting part of the game when you're playing hockey? A: OT Win, especially at Home
Q: What is your favorite meal to eat here in New Jersey? A: The Italian spots here. I love Italian food, I grew up next to Italy
Q: Why do you wear number thirteen? A: I wear it because of my brother, my big brother always wore 13 and kind of also a little bit because both of us had the same favorite hockey player back in the day, Pavel Datsyuk.
Q: Besides the Rock, what NHL arena do you like playing in the most? A: Vegas, T-Mobile Arena -- its a vibe there, definitely fun
Q: Favorite and memorable goal you've ever scored? A: First NHL Goal in Ottawa
Q: Top Three Moments as a New Jersey Devil? A: My first NHL game, at the Rock versus Colorado, we won 4-2. Second one is first ever playoff game at the Rock versus Tampa, and, so far, the most memorable thing would be the Game 7 win against the Rangers. Gotta go with that one.
Q: Where do you still wanna go in the NJ/NY area? A: I've been to Asbury Park and I kind of want to see some more stuff from the Shore.
Q: What do you like to do to unwind and relax in the off season? A: I love the water, so lakes, rivers, ocean, I just try to be outside when its sunny. Don't like to be at home when its sun out.
Q: What is your favorite genre of music/band/artist? A: I do like Tom Petty
Q: Besides, Nico, what other nicknames do your teammates have for you? A: Hisch, HischSHAO, HischSHAO Jr
Q: What are you personally looking forward in the leadership position on and off the ice, going into this season as the Captain? A: Just to help the team as much as I can on and off the ice. I think obviously on the ice its clear, but also off the ice, just being as good of a person I can be for guys that need me in anything and I think thats the reason why I got Captain too, so thats what's I'm trying to do.
Q: What's your favorite ice cream flavor? A: Strawberry Vanilla
Q: Do you eat bagels and what is your favorite type of bagel to eat? A: Here in Jersey there are great bagels, I like the salmon cream cheese bagel, everything bagel.
Q: What's your favorite family tradition? A: Probably sit together dinners where we eat fondue or raclette where the dinner takes a little bit longer but you have enough time to speak with your family and friends, so thats always a good time. I feel like I always try to do it with them once I come back during summer.
Q: What's your favorite place in Switzerland? A: Bern
Q: Besides anyone on the Devils, who is your favorite current player in the NHL? A: McDavid
Q: Whats been your favorite year? A: I would say last year was pretty fun
Q: Who's your best friend on the Devils? A: Those are ALL of my friends. We got a really good group of guys, so I'm doing well with everyone, but I would probably say I'll do the most together with Jonas 'cause I've known him the longest. I've been playing with him in the Swiss National Team when we were younger so I would say that's kind of the guy I'd go with dinner and stuff but obviously I like ALL of them.
Q: Hardest team to play against? A: Carolina.
Q: What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor? Do you know what those are? A: (He did not know what those were and so he said) No cookies for me.
Q: (I didn't hear the question that well, but I think it was something like this) Who on the team would you want your daughter to date? A: I would say everyone because they know if they're not nice to my daughter they'd be in trouble.
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justkc9 · 3 months
Ramon is the biggest sweetheart in the world
He absolutely hides behind his dad when there's too many people around and he's unsure of what to say- and it totally does melt my heart every time he does it...
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dark-side-blog3 · 9 months
Diavolo: what?! How can you not trust me to be a good man, with your best interests at heart? 🥺 I am kind and courteous and I just want the three realms to prosper and my friends to remain jovial with me and and and—- I’m just a little guy. How could you not like me???
The cause of literally every event problem in the first two years of OM:SWD
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