#he’s always putting himself in front
seiwas · 7 months
i stg seeing gifs of nanami w the kids makes me wanna cry every time
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bloodbathfortwo · 1 month
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Nigel and Alex have their rare moments of intimacy behind closed doors. Lingering touches, and blazing warmth.
#murderous intent#like minds 2006#like minds#alex forbes#nigel colbie#Nigel Colbie x Alex Forbes#Alex Forbes X Nigel Colbie#Nigel and Alex rarely do PDA in front of people. I guess I headcanon them as a very closed doors of a couple.#Though there are instances where they get asked frequently — from either of the two — if they're single.#And I'm guessing we all believe that NIGEL is the easiest one to get jealous out of the twn#So Alex is usually the one who initiates the contact to stray away from fruther queries of the nature of their “relationship”#When in reality Alex and Nigel have known each other for whay seems like forever. They have been interlinked since the beginning of times.#Only to have been separated by God himself for he has seen how much influential and treacherous their love is.#It is twisted yet familiar. It is distant yet so near. It is theirs and no one else's.#So#when they get home that's where Nigel gets all touchy towards Alex. Almost as if he's putting a claim on what is HIS.#Alex usually calls him crazy for ever thinking that questions like that will ever be followed by being asked out on a daye#But Nigel protests because he does KNOW. Everyone is a moth to a flame when it comes to Alex. Just like how Nigel is.#Until now. He is burning up with passion as he continues to fly towards Alex's warmth.#So. Alex just usually shuts him up with a tender loving kiss.#And he's glad he knows Nigel's weaknesses. Or else he's stuck with this tempermental cat.#Don't worry. Alex loves Nigel truly. He always did.#THAT IS ALL.
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simplydnp · 4 months
I get the sense that Phil just likes to make “”weird”” stuff and has somewhat dialed back his weirdness due to his popularity and age. But I would love to see what an unfiltered 30 year old phil Lester video would look like. What stories does he want to tell? How does he want to tell those stories?
honestly i think phil is really good at playing out whatever his brain is thinking at the time. i think a lot of people struggle with ideas because they'll be seen as too 'weird' or 'strange' or even 'impossible', and what's neat about phil is he either doesn't have those boxes, or he's able to push through them in pursuit of creating the thing to its full potential. people describe him as creative, which he is, but i think it leaves out some of his best attributes as a creator. he's inventive--remember the countless trends and challenges that came from him that have swept the internet? he's fearless--and this doesnt mean that he's not afraid of anything (for phil its probably the opposite actually) but he does things despite the fear, regardless of the unknown. he's a relentless and passionate creator who likes to make things and values seeing them through to the end. but he's not naive either--he and dan have talked about each other being their harshest critics. it's not just that he's an ideas guy, he's a good ideas guy who knows how to make something flourish.
i don't think current phil is sitting in a box waiting for his chance to break free of his popularity. he could've stopped years ago, similar to dan, if he didn't want this. but he likes doing it. he gets to have his choice on which of his ideas turn into projects, without having the stress of Needing a brilliant idea and execution every week. right now i think a lot of his energy is focused on the gaming channel. as he's expressed to us a few times, it was him who really wanted it back, and he's been ready for a long time. dan's even admitted that he's been enjoying it, and i think a lot of that comes down to phil's creative directing. he loves the gaming channel and is so thrilled it's back--his own content has taken a step back in terms of upload regularity, and i genuinely don't think he could be happier about it.
i would love a big phil project, but i honestly don't see him doing a tour of his own unless he brings dan with him, and then why not have it be something they can do together? does that make sense? that seems to be his thought process about things. it's why i've suggested taskmaster cause it's a local thing that wouldn't keep him from home for a long while, but he does get to flex his creativity, intelligence, and humour.
i'm looking forward to anything phil does. his current project seems to be making dan happy and they're both having a lot of fun doing that
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volivolition · 2 months
suggestion do you have... any wants? like obviously you do but like? suggestion my guy my ourple boy. both the easiest and hardest to write. you need a skill to say something to move conversation along but it doesn't fit any skill in particular? about 80% of the time you can have suggestion say it and it will make sense. but like actually characterizing him... how do i define you dude... what makes your character tick... urgh. i dont get you yet. im trying to understand but you are difficult.
#chemi chats#there are some skills that i just dont understand yet and that just means i have to work on their character study chapter#im reading his bio and i think suggestion is a good manipulator and it's instinctive and he tries not to feel bad about it?#he's clever!! charming!! friends with savvy and drama. planting seeds in the mind and coaxing them to grow towards him like he's the sun.#a crude oil reservoir lying beneath a carefully laid flower bed. taps into the roots. the plants don't know any better than to drink.#he's great at sensing what makes people tick and uses that to his advantage. he needs goals to look forward to so he knows how to best#pull the strings to get them there. otherwise he's a bit aimless. he likes being useful. and since influencing others is helpful#he just keeps doing it? because it's what he's good at. and he tries to convince himself its fun and cool and just cuz hes charming and#it's his role as a skill and manipulation isnt thaaaat bad because it's helpful to them after all... but he does feel bad sometimes.#oh im listening to his voice lines and i just got to ''brother you should have put me in front of a firing squad'' and im sad about him now#but what do you want for short term little guy?? probably for people to like him. he likes chatting with people. i bet he'd like genuine#conversations with no strings attached but there's always some part of him filing information and tidbits away that he can't turn off#subconsciously figuring out things he can hold over them or how he can nudge them into thinking someth-/wait.../ no. no he's just talking.#he's /supposed/ to just be talking stop analyzing them stop falling back into that just have a normal conversation!! but he can't help it..#hm. this is all really helpful for his chapter. he and empathy are very alike but also different. very interesting...#task: swept up#okay good talk everyone i think i understand him a little better now lmao?? still gotta figure him out some more hes not fully there but ye#also i think he goes by whatever pronoun you think he'd use. just ''oh what do /you/ think i am hm?? what /would/ i use; do you think?? :)'#funny fella. i love you.
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dabruzzy · 9 months
Just rewatched episode 5 of Onyx Equinox and it just gets to me how Yun was fatally wounded and still worried more about Izel's wellbeing (even though he's the one who broke his leg in the first place) and wanted him and K'in to stop fighting, and only cried and expressed his fear of dying after everyone else left. He was literally dying but he still tried to keep it together, probably because he didn't want K'in to panic more than he already was. He spent the whole episode putting everyone else's needs above his own even though he was dying and I'm having feelings about this
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naomiholden · 2 years
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The doctrine of one ship encompasses the physical and the abstract. The known and the imagined. Space and time. The future and the past.
#the expanse#theexpanseedit#james holden#sometimes i wish we'd gotten just a little bit more of the cant in the beginning#to see a little more of these characters in their elements thus far before throwing them in this huge journey#ik they tried to kind of show this with#um paj (?)#like how holden interacted with those around him prior to like 23413 near death experiences#but here it's clearer#that his strength has always been his connections with people#how he's putting on i don't want to say front bc that often implies a veil of manipulation#but like exaggerating some of his silliness and throwing himself under the bus#to make those around him more comfortable#bc he's always been aware of the overall state of the system#he hasn't always been able to understand aspects of it - which is where the crash came with naomi - but he's not oblivious to it#he must be after seeing first hand what the unn is like from the inside#and he does have a more idealistic view of it but that was clear already#but he's doing it earnestly without wanting to gain something#which is a big way of how he's at the same time similar to marco and so different#i just think if we'd gotten more his arc would have been more clear#bc we start with this responsibility and leadership that he doesn't want to#and he goes a bit on the wrong way about it#the traditional leadership role never fit him#and the more he shifts to this more mature but more humble version of himself#that still has a responsibility and a certain power in a way or influence#but uses that to support and uplift or inspire those around him#or just help them any way he can even if that means stepping back or giving them space#giving them the platform or the resources bc they're more suited for it#whether we're talking about a personal relationship level or a grander aspect of things#his character is better for it
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schmweed · 11 months
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Succession | S01E06
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llycaons · 9 months
im finally feeling awake now so @pharahsgf this is the post I was talking about
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foolish. reductive. immature. disrespectful. willfully ignorant. WRONG
#I have had this person blocked ever since they said they were into xi//cheng#but I wish I could block them again just for this. it's so stupid and indicitive of all the most annoying misconceptions#first of all pretending that jc and wwx are still at the same emotional and social and moral level postres#when jc not changing/remaining static is one of THE most important part of his charact#and wwx changing and developing and growing up is so significant esp postres when he's wiser and quieter and more mature#even in the flashback arcs he doesn't dwell on his torture of the wens he doesn't 'love it' he doesn't brag about it#he doesn't ever WANT to do it again he clearly just wants to put it behind him#he's done bad things in the past and he wants ppl like xy to pay but that doesn't mean he endorses torture#AND it brings in the fiction that wwx is or needs to be protective of jc when postres he's the one who needs protection FROM jc#like yeah im sure after the verbal assaults and the triggering of his phobia and the physical attacks#he's just rushing to throw himself in front of jc to protect him from dcs#it just plays into jc stans' misconceptions that wwx is happy to sacrifice everything for jc and always will and therefore SHOULD#because ohh everything is about jc and everyone loves him. literally not true to any version of canon#I don't even think the torture dungeon has enough evidence to really consider in the novel and its not even mentioned in the show#but his unilateral violence towards people he suspects of being DCs is visible in literally the second episode#and idk why wwx would just start to 'love' that violence and aggression when it was once pointed at him#especially when he has the option to instead spend time with people who have never tortured anyone suspected of doing some vague bad thing#okay I'm done! I'm done. this got me soo mad though what a stupid fucking post#cql txp
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mad-hunts · 1 month
what chess piece represents you?
the black knight.
you are a black knight, the black sheep, the underdog. as the only piece that can jump over others, you can easily get yourself in and out of situations - always catching people off guard with your charisma and cunning. you move in the shadows, trading information with shady people, getting the upper hand through not always good methods. how far do you think this road can take you? for all your charisma or cunning, lies can only get you so far. one day, that mask you've put on will slip, and you'll be left defenseless. but until then, oh black knight, live like there's no tomorrow - because there might not be.
tagged by: @divingdownthehole.
tagging: @lvebug, @twcfaces, @talentforlying, @forensisch, and anyone else who might like to do this quiz!
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#rp memes.#wow... these quizzes really can be surprisingly accurate at times huh? LOL#i was watching a show today and one of the quotes that was within it REALLY resonated with me whenever it comes to who barton is-#as a character. it was ' tell me from the moment you were born have you ever told the truth? ' because barton really does lie like a rug-#y'all. and although he may think that people don't notice it if you know his ' tells ' then you'll find this out rather quickly.#he did grow up in an environment where he had to learn to lie to survive which is extremely unfortunate but i feel as if there-#have been multiple chances for him to unlearn that behavior and heal from it but he hasn't taken it. either because he doesn't know how to-#or because barton just simply doesn't feel remorse for lying all the time or perhaps a mix of both. idk BUT#barton may put on the persona of the ' charismatic but slightly awkward doctor ' in front of ' normal ' people but-#that's just what it is. a persona. and he always ALWAYS makes sure he has an ' out ' out of any situation he gets himself into pretty much-#so the fact that this quiz pointed out that he gets himself in and out of situations easily is... also accurate haha#but yeahhh. for all the risks that barton takes on the daily i would not be surprised if it catches up to him one day finally-#and he pays the ultimate price for it. because like the quiz states... it is an ugly truth that tomorrow is not guaranteed.#one of barton's least favorite topics to think about is his own passing though so he hardly ever does it. in fact he fears it#but that is a discussion for another day (':
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
in keeping with the theme of the Norse gods and Greek gods having a swap, what about a marriage? Been fantasizing off and on about Loki x Hecate pairing ever since you did that dialogue about Loki needing a skull and Hecate having like 8 of them. What do you think that would be like? Esp since Hecate is technically an Anatolian goddess adopted by the Greeks???
hee hee that loki x hecate post is SO old,, ur a real one anon for remembering it. honestly, when i made that post i was just putting random people together in a chat post.
but, i sort of always thought that marital relationships between different pantheons would be forbidden? so like, you can't marry someone from a pantheon different to yours. but just for the shits and giggles, i think Loki x Hecate would be insane. im actually not sure that they would get along as husband and wife-- Hecate strikes me as very proper and orderly, and Loki is chaos personified. also, Loki is self-serving, so i feel like it would be a love-hate relationship, very much what i imagine Loki x Angrboda to be like.
the only Norse x Greek pairing i ever considered in my life was Freyja x Apollo. idk, i just like the aesthetics of it?
u say you've been fantasizing about Loki x Hecate so i'd love to hear ur thoughts? i don't really have any myself 😭
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Btw shinada is by far one of my favorite yakuza character, i think he is one of the very few characters that got an actual decent closure
Yeah ...... it didnt un-ruin his life but like it was satisfying at least .... but his whole story arc was crazy (in a good way) like god ...
#Thanks for the ask !#Yakuza liveplay#this isnt about shinada because i want to talk about kiryu but he seems like a walking horror story to me. a man with his strings cut will#just keep falling ... like theres nobody to catch kiryu and he made sure of that himself#i think kiryu wont die. people will just keep throwing themselves in front of bullets meant for him until the group of people he can trust#and talk to slowly dwindle to nothing. he knows its because of him. i think kiryu will eventually stop trying to force his story in another#direction. he will keep walking until theres nobody behind him to follow. there is literally no end in sight for him no valiant death or#sacrifice he can close his book with. someone will keep bringing him back he will keep walking into pitfalls he cant afford the#gravitational pull of a big problem itll just keep drawinf him in until hes right in the heart of it and then he can pull it all apart and#he starts all over again with the next city the next family the next villain. kiryu will never rest and its in part his fault. just a little#he said it before. men like him dont get to choose what to do with their lives. they dont belong to themselves. like kiryu has stayed alive#in the scariest possible way. hes dead on record hes basically a ghost among the living. he cant live as himself his name doesnt belong to#him anymore (unless hes inputing his high score for karaoke) he drifts along until the next guy hooks him out#of the flow and puts him to work. and hes always happy to work because theres literally nothing else for him to do#i know people want him to retire but the lack of closure for him is so compelling to me ....#kiryu will die alone. he’ll see to that himself
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hahaha i’m so normal guys (you catch me designing alternate outfits for gortash in the background and i promptly jam a syringe into your neck with a horrified but mournful look in my eyes)
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spookyagentfmulder · 9 months
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Okay- wait hold on - hear me out-
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you ever see an opinion that's soooooooooooooooooo close to getting the point and yet somehow simultaneously managed to miss it by fivety thousand light years
#'half of adam's pov is don't fight with gansey don't fight with blue. which essentially translates to don't be yourself around them.#but when it's ronan he just fights with him. bc he can be himself around ronan.'#i#like#i me#the fuck no?????????#that is not AT ALL what adam having to remind himself of that translates to????#like. the thing is. you CAN make this sentiment cute for pynch reasons. but not in That way???#adam had to remind himself of that because gansey and blue tended to approach adam's issues in a way that#made him act like an asshole#meanwhile because ronan is always being an asshole it doesn't matter that adam is shitty to him in return#if you wanna look at it from a pynch perspective why don't you talk about how even though they were so distant in dream thieves#ronan still managed to see him more clearly as to where he was mentally than gansey or blue#why don't you talk about how he knew which buttons to push to get a rise out of him but never so much to put him off or anger him completel#why don't you talk about the way he was able to help adam in a way adam would accept unlike gansey who didn't know how to offer him that#fuck off with he wasn't himself in front of gansey and blue!!!!#he was vulnerable in front of gansey and blue before he was ever vulnerable in front of ronan!!!#it's just that people are so obsessed with romance they simply cannot fathom that non-explicity romantic relationships can be as#beautiful as the romantic ones#even if it's spelled out that those relationships were equal. that none of them were above one or another#ugh
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dhampirwomen · 2 years
"the ivashkovs were a royal family, one of the wealthiest and most powerful. they were the kind of people who thought they could get anything they wanted and walked over those in their way."
-rose hathaway, frostbite
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#vampire academy#the ivashkovs#the ivashkovs are prob the best example in va of the way royal moroi exploit dhampirs and reinforce cisheteropatriarchal moroi supremacy#the unjust and oppressive standards of their society are believed and reinforced by all characters to different levels#but it really hits its peak with the ivashkovs#as the family with the most power in the series they're symbols of the inherent injustice and corruption of that power#(anyone and everyone below them including other royals like tasha aren't immune)#tatiana daniella and adrian are sexually interested in dhampirs (ambrose and rose) but that doesn't make them any less moroi supremacist#in fact the way ambrose and esp rose are objectified is one of the biggest way moroi supremacy and misogyny is reinforced#daniella wants dhampir women enslaved with compulsion#tatiana's idea of a compromise is putting 16 yo dhampirs on the front lines#she slutshames and threatens rose's career for having the gall to be *checks notes* sexually harassed by tatiana's royal nephew#nathan's casual constant supremacy and support for oppressive policies speaks for itself#and adrian direspects violates and gaslights rose while telling himself he respects women's consent and did it all for love#one of the most fascinating levels of adrian's character is the way he mirrors the rest of his family tbh#and i feel like it gets disregarded bc it doesn't make him sympathetic even tho it makes him more interesting#(from a watsonian analysis pov)#his contempt/resentment for dimitri a working class dhampir man long predates last sacrifice#he always disregards rose's will and happiness if it conflicts with his own#and he has double standards for dhampirs even if he has no moral ground to stand on#(it's ok if adrian tries to seduce rose while she's dating mason but it's an outrage when rose cheats on adrian etc)#i should prob tag this#anti adrian ivashkov#even tho it isn't really an anti take but ik his stans prob won't want to see it#queue*
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bylertruther · 1 year
the ending of season three is so fucking gay. it's literally objectively gay what the hell and fuck
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