#he still shouldn't do it tho..
sweeneydino · 29 days
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Gremlin baby Dai.
Can you and your peepaws resist his creature charms?
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winepresswrath · 1 year
I will laugh so hard if it turns out that John is making a sincere effort at being a decent parent and it's such an awful outcome for Gideon that I feel like it's plausible. He's giving off such man who thinks of himself as a good guy confronted with oops baby vibes.
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ryoalouette · 10 months
You guys know Doraemon? Futuristic cat(?) robot(??) that have this magical pocket that holds everything you can imagine? From doors that can bring you to anywhere in the world, flying hat, a gun that would alter something in the reality, etc, etc.
And then you add this post as inspiration, well.
Everyone in JL is Convinced that Batman has everything in his Bat-belt that it literally holds everything. Ofc canonically it has everything that Batman's quite prepared for, like say- Kryptonite, jerky, shark repellent, and so on.
But then imagine when Batman pulls out something that shouldn't be possible from his belt, like maybe- idk, a vacuum (portable), welding machine, hair dryer, a glass vial(!! Batman, that's dangerous-) etc, in one sitting. And none of those devices are the type that's able to be folded or taken apart/assembled so quickly. And then it goes from small things to big things like a wholeass suitcase. In his belt.
It's not Batman that's Deified, it's his utility belt.
Sadly, upon being stolen it's a normal utility belt. When Batman wears some other utility belt, the belt become Deified. Literally when any utility belt that Batman used will be Deified. Batman, the one who shall Deify any utility belt if said belt is in contact with him.
This can be crossover or nah, but I imagine if it's crossover with DP, Batman's belt would be referred to Batman's 4D Belt that's quite famous across the GZ. Maybe Danny's the one creating the objects that would look like A but the function isn't A, but it's G instead. Like Doraemon. Or my other post the other day.
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ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
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Well. He wasted no time
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fisheito · 4 months
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my princess nonsense is being encouraged watch ouyt imabout to be eneaabled
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#rei looking directly at the camera like why are you subjecting me to this. i do not need any of this. i know how to do it#rei wearing stilettos the size of your head so he becomes ur very tall bird goth gf#you know how yakumo gets when he instructs someone on how to cook something#he becomes confident and just tells ppl how to do stuff without his usual amount of stutter and secondguessing#i'm gonna pretend that after his stiletto training in misty vale he gains a TINY MOLECULE of confidence due to experience#like [i can help you if you've never done it before?]#honestly i can't imagine this scenario happening because i am so SURE that rei can walk in heels HAHAHA even tho nothing has proven that#SOMETHING COME PROVE ME WRONG SO MY DELUSIONS CAN SLIDE CLOSER TO POSSIBILITY#anyway even if rei didn't know how to wear heels#would he ever mention it? would yakumo ever learn of it?#rei would probably be all . i don't need to wear heels. they can't even see them under the dress. i'll wear my practical shoes#but if he can't get away with that and will be forced to wear heels at the party...#maybe he'll go [meh. i'll figure it out] and just not wear them until the day of the dance#at which point his feet will hurt after 20 minutes and for the whole night he takes any chance to sit down#rei can be frequently spotted on SOME surface SOMEWHERE in the palace. sitting all splayed out and uncaring of propriety#because he is in PAIN and these shoes are STUPID and why do people wear them for ANYTHING . Royals are so IMPRACTICAL#yakumo keeps trying to avoid heels for the dance because he doesn't want to be any taller than he already is#i bet there's a full convo about it between him and eiden#eiden trying to reassure him that if he wants to wear heels then he shouldn't let others' perception stop him from doing so#but if he genuinely doesn't want to wear them then that's ok too#eiden craning his neck up at yakumo in heels like you're my pretty princess 1-2 heads taller than me your height doesn't matter 🥰#i'm now torn. yakumo and rei both wearing heels now? in order to stay at similar heights?#or. rei starting out with heels. getting tired of them. going barefoot for the rest of the night lol#yakumo and rei still dancing in their ballgowns together but a much shorter rei leads a yakumo in heels#yes. yes this is the vision#yakurei#replies#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival rei
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Entry one: Date November 8th 1898
We finally managed to defeat Dracula yesterday and he is within my custody. It was not without loss of life as our dear friend and comrade, Quincey Morris was killed by the demon. However, his death was not in vain as ultimately we did succeed, though killing the creature has proven difficult.
Jonathan wanted to use his Kukri upon the bastard, but I stopped him from doing so, and told him that I will do my utmost to study the creature to find a way to kill it for good. Ms. Harker, on other hand, seems to be fine, and the foul taint of Dracula has receded as far as I have been able to deduce from examinations of the woman. Jonathan seems to think otherwise, and claims that his wife sometimes has odd cravings. These are likely to be nothing more than the typical strange hormonal changes a woman goes through and nothing more.
On the other hand, I find myself wondering if Dracula cannot be put to better use than to simply put him down. It seems to be what the creature ultimately wants after all, and it has asked me why I hesitate to kill it completely. Dracula claims to be the eldest and first of his kind, I imagine his body could provide many answers about vampires and the disease known as Vampirism, and I plan on finding out exactly what that will be.
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tenrose · 3 days
I hate living in this world.
#misc#negativity tw#first off i had an argument with a colleague at work#we had to move places for the millionth time in this stupid open space#which already annoyed me#but this guy came at bargained like he always do while i said nothing because it's not like we chooae#and he always does that for actual work because and idk at first i made a snarky comment about now that he got what he wanted he better be#ready to work instead of hiding when somebody ask him to do his job#and he told me he didn't understand the remark#and my hot temper that makes me snap every five years took over#i bet he has by now complaining aboutme like he does about everything#anyway i take hours to calm down (not calm after 4 hours)#I'm also pissed at me cause i can't get emotional without shaking stupidly which makes me look like an hysterical person (i mean sadly i am)#also if there has to have an explanation once my anger is gone tomorrow i will be back on social anxiety mode which is gonna make it worse#all of this reminded me that i need to find a new job for ten thousand reasons#but unfortunately all employers are shit and actually i don't even know what i want to do#and as usual i have no energy for anything because i am still a major piece of shit#then i wanted to relax#made the mistake to open Instagram because I'm also stupid#and i know i don't often talk about politics and stuff#but it's really draining me#i barely or read news just enough to be aware#and honestly its exhausting but I dont want to complain cause Im in a privileged position where i have the chance to be able to 'shut off'#and yes my country and especially this government is sickening me#and like its people too#and also insta is full of pride posts#and i am stupid to read the homophobic and transphobic comments#and genuinely these people alongside racist and islamophobic people really scare the hell out of me#hopefully i don't engage but i shouldn't read anything at all tbh#speaking of pride im spiralling because even tho i kinda identify as aro i feel like a freak and i have nobody to tell me im not
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sleep-sounds-nice-rn · 5 months
I need to stop thinking about him I need to stop thinking about him I need to stop thinking about him
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a-tiny-sloth · 9 days
asking your relatives for recipes is great until you cook a meal and suddenly your kitchen smells like a random day in 2018
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sysig · 9 months
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The time for regrets has long passed (Patreon)
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chemicalarospec · 28 days
Dan Howell's faith that he would have ended up a lawyer if he didn't become a youtuber amuses me. He has never given any indication that he enjoyed any part of law school, and the video he made about dropping out presented it as a decision made entirely independent from youtube because of how depressed he was. Without at least some major detours along the way, Daniel Howell would not have graduated from law school.
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bandzboy · 2 months
controversial opinion but i think stays were ok with boycotting the cc collab because there were other jyp artists on the track and it wasn't going to get the push/emphasis on it like the cp collab is. i think it's also bc the collab song was just for cc promo whereas this is part of their discography. i truly hate that they are going this route of a US single release because, as we've seen with BTS, these songs 100% of the time have these western zionists on them.
yeah that's what i think too! and i genuinely feel like most of the time these western collabs do know really make any noise outside of kpop spaces because people are tired of them bc they are barely genuine and also because somehow these companies always pick the worst western artist for them to collab with 😭 and ofc at the end of the day nobody will gaf i bet charlie puth doesn't gaf about it either idk if he posted abt it bc i don't follow him anyways but i HIGHLY doubt it! i truly wish there was a jype fam collab but not like this and feel like even if was tied to coca cola stays wouldn't even gaf about it bc (this is from my own observation from twt stays) they see other groups as competition and don't actually want to be united with other fandoms in jype but i feel like that's case for most fandoms but since we are talking about stays here that's why i am saying that
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huyao · 4 months
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actually fuckin scared me what the hell
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bahrmp3 · 5 months
#personal#now that the new year's has passed I feel like I can talk about it I did not have a good time lmao it started fine I guess? I was going to#play music for the new year but then mum made a comment about me still on laptop so I shut it bc ok fine let's not#then it was down hill from there? like I ignored it and was like let's not make a thing out of it so we are saying what we liked this year#/ what we want to do and mum goes and for my son I want x y z and didn't mention me so joe asks her and for if she has anything to say for#me? any wishes? but she doesn't lmao later on she goes (if only you would say what you want we do not know anything about you)#she didn't even mean it she said just to hurt like I was taking a video of this and lit off frame my face is dropping#later on she goes (and you didn't even say what you wish for us either) as she leaves and later when I'm talking to my brother#and I protest this he goes (welp what can I even say? like I told you before are pretty selfish) and idk what to say I was surprised I#don't think I'm selfish tho? I legit was the one to cook for us and got cake? I try so much but keep being labeled selfish this is the#second time he tells me that in the last two weeks I think and both are unfounded ngl anyway all of this pales in the last thing#so we call dad to say happy new year! Well joe does and I mean ok I was still pretty upset about what happened an hour ago so ofc I wasn't#cheerful when calling dad lmao but like I was saying all the right things anyway? but Joe kept gesturing at me to smile its a phone call#and after the phone call he has like (why are you always so depressed? if I were you and I finally got a laptop I would be flying from joy#why are you always so down? why can't you just be happy?) and I honestly don't know what to say lmao ok so I wasn't flying from joy with#my laptop but idk how to say it here but then like what's worst? being hurt and not a person recognising that you are hurt? and in fact#asking you why aren't you smiling? or idk being too depressed for others?? what's funnier is mum later on was like (don't let anyone words#change you you shouldn't yield to others) in reference to Joe's speech but like hello mama?? not 2 hrs ago???#anyway so I asked her if I shouldn't be listening to her words then? and she was saying yes with confidence like does she not#see either how she hurts me? how she keeps hurting me voer and over and over???#God I should have made that pizza and truly be selfish maybe I wouldnt have been hurt like that#tbd
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@tenacquity continued from here!
Sharp eyes ignored the human as they walked. The call of his karma would alert Xiao to any nearby monsters long before they appeared within eyesight, yet his gaze still searched the elongated shadows cast by towering peaks and jagged slopes. Ever vigilant. Ever prepared to exterminate evil the moment it appeared.
Which meant that Xiao missed the human's bewildered scrutiny of their surroundings, but no matter—his tone spoke to being lost in more ways than one before his question made it obvious. Tch—no wonder he'd been wandering through Jueyun Karst so carelessly. Liyue's citizens knew better than to set foot in the realm of the adepti. Shouldn't they also teach outsiders where it was too dangerous for their own kind to tread? That responsibility should fall to the mortals themselves, not to those who were the danger that was best avoided.
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"The adepti are illuminated beasts who were tasked with protecting Liyue by Rex Lapis eons ago," Xiao concurred. "Most keep their distance from humans and make their abodes here in these peaks. Mortals only dare set foot here out of greed or desperation." A pause, then a pointed look skewered the human sidelong. "The pointlessness of your presence here is the most foolish 'reason' of all."
Though the human kept pace, Xiao held his spear in the hand nearest to him: forcibly keeping distance between them. "Despite their vows of protection, the others do not hesitate to punish mortals who enter their domains. Had you stumbled upon Mountain Shaper's peak, for instance, you'd find yourself encased in amber for the rest of your pathetically short lifespan."
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riverofrainbows · 2 years
Ok so i finally watched part two of the library episode with River and the vashta nerada and all that (spoilers ahead?)
And oh boy Moffat that was foul. Rivers ending. Just absolutely pathetic. He put her. In the white dress, the dead wife white summer dress. And then put her on a green field and had some rando team members there too (also in white clothes??). And then. And then. He made her a mum. Can you get more heteronormative, more misogynistic.
He made her a mum to the little girl (and i did find the idea that she could tell her some of her stories to her very cute), but then also to the two made up little kids Donna had while in there, the apparently made up little kids because every actual person was saved you know. He made her a mum to three kids (two of those made up) for the rest of her existence.
And her whole character was all about adventure, independence, research. But no, she could not have a proper ending without being put into traditional gender norms. He probably only let her have as much fun as she did later because he already had her ending secured in the bag.
That is a fucking disgrace to her character, and frankly embarrassing for Moffat. Like he should be embarrassed, that the only peaceful ending he could imagine was rounding up any children lying about and stuffing them and her in a traditional nuclear family for eternity, nevermind that two of those children were actually imaginary and one was a few hundred years old, and she was never really the traditional mum type (confined to her home and offspring).
She also never stopped smiling in the epilogue, implying that she was truly happy then? As if that would fulfill her? She just died, she can show some bitter sweet emotion at least.
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