#he really deserves to be their champion
huiyi07 · 3 months
Watching sun and moon again actually makes me so sad it’s crazy
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cheemken · 7 months
It’s quite annoying to me how they treated Wallace in the Master’s Eight too. He is a champion, or at least champion level and is literally only used to flaunt how strong Ash is now. Most of the battle happens off screen!
Right??? Like I know a lot of peeps in this fandom just forgets that Wallace was ever a Champion and Steven will always be the default Hoenn Champion but like💀 it's stated again and again Wallace is a Champion, he's a strong trainer, even Steven in the manga thinks he couldn't live up to Wallace's legacy as Hoenn's Champion, if anything he's more deserving to be in the M8 than Alain
And god the fucking off screen battles I fucking hated how they handled Diantha's battle with Leon like the episode was just abt a kid who lost her pkmn and when Cyn and Ash got back Dia's on her last Mon like that's so shit man if they wanna make Leon strong let people see why he's strong, let people see him strategize too, let people see him struggle against another fucking Champion that got to the semi finals against him, cause honest to god the way they handled that fight looks like they gave Leon gameshark cheats💀
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vulpineprince · 2 years
i know romeo mcsm on a deeper level than anyone else i can pick apart his behavior and pinpoint exactly why he is the way he is and its bc hes having the worlds worst emotional spiral while convincing himself hes in the right the whole time
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acalculatedfuture · 1 year
Serena 🤝 Calem 🤝 Diantha (sometimes)
Olympia deserves an Elite 4 placement
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jestlingnest · 2 years
jack mcsm you deserve so much better
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So. Today's episode. I actually quite liked it. Spiritomb is one mean bitch (affectionate) and I am here for it ngl. Also Ash, please please use your old pokemon- the journeys team really isn't up to competitive standards yet, as can be seen with how well Pikachu did compared to the others 😭
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pinkflower2003 · 28 days
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Part 2
Max Verstappen x Horner!Reader
Warnings : Angst, walking out on pregnant girlfriend? idk, dick Max? (honestly idk why i thought of this the thing just came into my head) Girlies i’m so sorry if this is shit this is my first time writing for someone if F1, this is just fiction idk all the facts.
Summary : As Christian Horners daughter, you were bound to meet Max Verstappen. What happens when you get pregnant when he is on the verge of becoming world champion and he doesn’t want to become a father? What happens when 3 years later after leaving each other’s lives, you get invited to the Grand Prix and he sees you again, this time with a little boy who looks just like him?
This is my first ever imagine on here so it’s probably really bad but i’m trying yall, we’re gonna work on it.
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When you first met Max, you were both 18, he had started driving for red bull and you had started going to your dad’s, Christian Horner’s, work for some experience.
Racing wasn’t something you were exactly into, but it was practically your families life, so you grew up on it. At 18, you had decided to have a go at working in PR & media, and the RedBull F1 company was the perfect place to do that. Then you met Max, and your whole experience there changed.
Up until that point, you had never met a boy like him, he was so different, so passionate about the sport and you had to admit to yourself that you liked being around him, and he liked being around you.
And a relationship started around a year after you first met, a whole year of shy smiles to each other, hugs in excitement when he won, ones that lasted slightly longer than they should have. A year after you met was when Max finally had the guts to ask you out, and you, privately, got giddy with excitement.
He was your first everything. Your first date, your first kiss, your first boyfriend, and the first one you had sex with.
You couldn’t get enough of each other, you were utterly in love with him and everyone could see it. Max was never very good at showing his emotions, until it came to you, that’s when he completely changed.
Then one day, 3 years into your relationship, two pink lines turned up on a stick. You and Max had always been careful, a baby wasn’t what was wanted or needed at the time, you both knew that, Max was focusing on his racing career, he was determined to be the very best he could without letting anything getting in his way, and becoming at father at 21 would do just that.
But he deserved to know, and in your heart you hoped that the love the two of you shared would make everything okay, that it would all work out. But it didn’t.
Max freaked out, saying he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t be a father, he wouldn’t be a father. He struggled with his relationship with his father growing up, he had barely gotten over that, and now his own child? No, he refused. And so you left, saying goodbye to him, you left.
And so you went back home to England, leaving Max behind, starting a new life with your baby. It wasn’t until 3 years later that Max would finally see your baby.
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Otto had just turned 3, and he was the light of your world, his baby blue eyes and light blonde hair in slight curls was the thing that got you through each day.
Dropping Otto off at nursery, you got a phone-call from your dad.
“Hey sweetheart,”
“Hey dad, everything okay?”
“Listen, i know you’re probably going to say no, and that’s fine, but how about you and Otto coming to the Grand Prix this year? I know how much he likes cars, maybe he’d like to come and see them. He always go on about it, I thought it might be a nice idea to bring him out.”
You sighed, you knew how much your dad wanted to involve his grandson in the sport. Christian would always sit and watch the races reruns with him on tv when he got home, and played Disney’s cars with him when they saw each other. You knew your dad just wanted to do something special for Otto, but was it really worth the risk of seeing Max again, going through all the heartache again.
“I don’t know dad-“
“Max won’t be anywhere near you guys Y/N, I promise, you won’t have to see him, he won’t even know you guys are there.” You sighed again, know your dad was really wanting you to do this.
“You promise?” you asked, almost like a child.
“I promise.”
“I’ll think about it.”
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And so you thought about it, and thought about it, and thought about it until it kept you up at night.
It was only 48 before the Grand Prix that you had decided to go, and it was a tough decision, but for the sake of your son’s happiness, you gave in.
Getting there, you were greeted by your dad and his wife, Geri, who both immediately pulled you and your son into a hug. Geri looked at your son, “he’s gotten so big! I remember the day he was born, it seems like just yesterday.”
You smiled at her, it was true, the first 3 years of his life flew by in the blink of an eye, and you couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness in your chest, not only for yourself, but for Max who never got to witness it. He would never get to see his first steps, his first smile, all because he didn’t want to. Everything in you said to be angry at Max, and while you were, you felt sad for him, because how sad that he would never get to see how amazing your son was.
Your dad took Otto out of your arms, cuddling his grandson who had a lightening mcqueen backpack on and a redbull baseball cap on. “Ready Ottie? We’re gonna go and see some cars, you excited?”
Otto squealed in delight, he fist pumped the air. “Yeah! Cars that go zoom?” He asked, in his sweet little voice.
“Cars that go very zoom,” Christian replied to him.
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Running into Max almost seemed inevitable, even when your dad had promised you that he would be no where near you or Otto, but you hadn’t expected it to be because of your son running up to him.
Before the race began, before Max got into his car, before he would even be able to realise you were there, your dad had taken you and Otto to see the car, knowing your little boy would love it. Christian had promised you Max wouldn’t be there, he would be off getting ready for the race and doing some media responsibilities.
And he was, you and your little boy were enjoying yourselves, Otto go the chance to sit in the car, you and your dad got photos with him, he was giggling none stop, and you couldn’t help but feel this is how it could’ve been, just with Max being the one to show his little boy around.
Taking Otto out the car, your dad put him on the ground, holding his hand to keep him there. You and your dad talked more about the car, admiring it. You both hadn’t notice that the door had opened, and Otto had run straight towards the person that had opened it.
“Y/N?” the voice said, causing you to turn around, going pale.
Max was stood there, your little boy at his feet, his little baseball cap falling slightly over his eyes from the impact of running into Max’s legs.
You stood there speechless, not sure what to say after all these years. Your dad ran to get Otto, who giggled as his grandad picked him up, while Max just stared at him.
“He-Is that?” Max said, breathless pointing to your child, but you just stood there, heart beating out of your chest.
Otto made grabbing hands towards you, trying to get out of his grandad’s arms, “mummy!” He screeched, and you took his out of your dad’s hands, gathering his things in your hands, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible.
“I’m sorry, coming here was a mistake.” You said quietly, trying to walk out the door where Max was stood.
“No wait!” Max said, not wanting you to leave, but you were now angry. He didn’t want you to leave now, but it was okay three years ago? Your heart had shattered when he wanted nothing to do with your baby, and it seemed to have shattered all over seeing him once again. “What’s his name?” He asked, staring at your little boy, who had the same eyes as him.
“Otto Max Horner.”
You could see Max trying to calm his breathing, his hands slightly shaking. Otto looked at Max, giving him a goofy smile, not understanding what was happening.
“Stay,” Max said to the both of you. “Just stay under after the race. Please just let me talk to you, let me talk to him, just stay for the race.”
You just smiled at him, sadly.
“You should have asked me to stay three years ago Max, it’s too late for that now.”
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verstarppen · 8 months
omfg i love your fics they’re so funny 😭😭 i had an idea for a max fic that i think you would do so well 🫶 so like she’s his teammate and she has a bf (no idea who but prob another athlete or something since they tend to kinda be fboys 👀 but not another driver please because those dynamics make me cringe in second hand embarrassment 🙏) then he like cheats on her publicly, but she decides to live in idgafistan and max helps her make her ex jealous 😝 but he’s like actually been into her for a really long time and everyone ships them and stuff and then he bags her with his irresistible chronically offline awkward white boy rizz 💋
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summary; cheaters deserve to get cheated out of their career, or at least that's how max justifies destroying your ex's life
pairing; max verstappen x fem! red bull driver! reader [ no faceclaim ]
warnings; suggestive language, swearing
a/n; DISCLAIMER the boyfriend is made up and also a sims 2 reference, if by chance there is a real tennis player by the name of Dominic Lothario im so sorry sir this was not written with you in mind ALSO this is my VERY sneaky way of telling everyone my favorite song is trophäe by paula carolina so naturally i had to shove the word trophy everywhere to justify using lyrics as the title I HOPE I DID YOUR PROMPT JUSTICE also i skipped over singapore because we don't talk about singapore
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liked by ynln7, charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 2,104,962 others
maxverstappen1 The only time I've cheated.
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feeltheorange WHAT DID HE SAYYYY
meepshoemaker the double take i just did cracked my neck
yukinator22 NAHHHHHHHHH
ynln7 everyone has permission to laugh i came up with the caption
pierregasly Thank god charles_leclerc I'm going to hell I laughed before I saw your comment pierregasly Me too ynln7 assholes (affectionately)
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liked by christianhorner, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 4,592,577 others
ynln7 anyway
view all 909,289 comments
christianhorner This is not the team bonding I was talking about
charles_leclerc Shut up, some of us have waited years for this pierregasly Seconded danielricciardo Third...ed?
simplyclerc LET HIM COOK
lionkingseb max verstapprizz
mcmango he saw an opportunity and he took it
redbullpapaya i manifested this with magic beyond the human comprehension
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynln7, christianhorner and 2,102,094 others
redbullracing An immaculate performance today from @ maxvestappen1 and @ ynln7 that’s a 6th Constructors’ Championship for the team!! 🏆 CONGRATULATIONS, WORLD CHAMPIONS!!
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super_max they know they ate
staraikkonen the blueprint for all powercouples
angelricciardo talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference
dominic_lothario 👎
redbullracing Shouldn't you be looking for a job? What are you doing in our comments.
kirbyvettel MAXY/N SWEEP
maxverstappen1 The trophy is not my only win this week @ ynln7
ynln7 ok now let me pass you maxverstappen1 No 🧡 You're pretty in p2
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, christianhorner and 693,420 others
ynln7 celebrating the win the RIGHT way (playing f1 2023)
view all 108,003 comments
easportsf1 Amen
ynln7 LMAO
maxverstappen1 I let you win
ynln7 bruised ego alert
christianhorner Such a RESPONSIBLE team, aren't we?
orangleclerc THE T-SHIRT
strawberryrosberg Did they turn down the afterparty invite for this because mad respect
charles_leclerc Tell me your record, I'll beat it
ynln7 in your dreams, leclerc maxverstappen1 Beat us in real life first charles_leclerc First of all.
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
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suguru-getos · 6 months
jjk men as the type of yanderes:
characters included: gojo, geto, yuta, megumi, sukuna
gojo satoru:
yandere tendency: manipulative, overpowered, soft.
gojo satoru is the type of yandere who will be fine with most of your antics. his little baby trying so hard to annoy him? how absolutely adorable of her. the thing is, he also knows he is too powerful for you and that subjecting you to that power is going to have consequences. he's always kind, nice, happy-go-lucky around you. he tries to take the subtle route, ask you out for dates and stuff but he lacks patience. he has so much love to offer he can't wait for you to reciprocate. he would eventually just kidnap you. however you get everything you want and need. he wouldn't even take your phone away, just don't talk to men and don't even… dare. to talk. about. leaving him. that triggers him. the only time he has been truly, unforgiving and blinding hot with his rage was when you fled away from the gojo estate. you saw him dancing around in the sky, floating with a maniacal grin as you tried to hide amongst the flooded trees in the estate where he just chanted. "no matter where you go, I will find you always, come out on your own and you won't see daddy's punishments." he meant it, and you didn't have the guts to disobey him. like a squeaky, meek rat, you came out from under one of the trees, satoru in front of you looking down with gritted jaw. "haven't I given you enough?" his hold on your jaw is firm as he picks you up, tosses you over his shoulder and walks back to the estate. his coldness is difficult to handle since he's always simping around you, but let's say you needed to re-assure him that you wouldn't leave by giving him your first kiss. he doesn't really do forcing but you'd much rather have the old satoru back. this one has trust issues and this one knows how to manipulate you. "you know one of these days you'd make me so angry I kill everyone you hold dear princess. it wouldn't be something I would want to do… but I- i- just lose control." scary, nice, and ever so kind and manipulative>
geto suguru:
yandere tendency: hot and cold, gaslighting, extremely loving.
suguru is simple and patient. as long as you are in front of his eyes he does not mind anything at all. however, there are times when his carefully twisted smile turns into a frown whenever you disobey him. suguru is good to you when you are good to him. if you do not listen to him then there are punishments for everything. maybe you wouldn't get to talk to your friends for a week. "you don’t deserve me being so kind when all you do is hurt me." suguru knows how to bend you to his will, when you get rebellious over it and ex: stop eating food, he does not have any problem forcing food down your throat by keeping one of his curses latched to your body. what else can you do? vomit it out?? out of sheer spite?? suguru geto has a solution for everything. if you do so, he's going to pretend he's surrendering, hold you in his arms and be so kind as if he's so guilty for making 'you' act up. if only he'd been good enough yeah? then you wouldn't be so rebellious. he's going to be so good, show his true devotion to you. aw? why're you crying? he's just trying to make you cum! over and over and over! hey! it’s just body worship. don't squirm away angel… at the end of it you're a sobbing, overstimulated mess and bent down to his will. suguru can make punishments sexual because he's delusional enough to think that giving you painful pleasure is not equal to hurting you. he would give you so much aftercare though, call you perfect, call you a champion for dealing with it, give you body massages, if you really don't bend to his will… he's manipulative enough to kneel down and stain your thighs with his tears as he leans his head on your thigh and mumbles how sorry he truly feels.
yuta okkutsu:
yandere tendency: too nice, forgiving, delusional.
yuta knows being couped up like this does not feel nice. he calls you his little hummingbird. because you sound so adorable begging and screaming to be freed. if only he could do that. "the world outside is really bad baby, I'm sure you don't know that and I'm so glad you don't. I will make sure you wouldn't know anything about it as well." he has you on his lap, forcing a hug and tearing up whenever you resist. his heart gets instantly broken when you resist his affections though. that… makes him extremely dramatic. why would you do that to him? hasn't he been nice? yuta would never willingly, knowingly hurt you. never… but accidents happen okay? especially when someone loves you so much, then the betrayal also brings the worst emotions there is. he would 'accidentally' break your wrist by holding you too tight when you're squirming away, would accidentally cause you dizzy spells by kissing you too hard. you're just so delectable and so easily broken how can someone like him keep steady? after the accidents happen yuta changes, he almost goes… distant. as if he does not trust himself around you. around his precious little baby… until it re-starts all over again. however, he does have a stern belief that you love him too. you're just too shy to accept. his beautiful, shy little thing.
fushiguro megumi:
yandere tendency: stern, disciplining, in-control
fushiguro is no stranger to the twisted feeling that brims within the depths of his heart whenever he sees you. but he also knows that it would be futile to expect you to feel the same. he knows he needs to earn it. but god- when you love someone else already? why did you have to do that? can't you really see you were meant for him? the logical part him tries to overpower the illogical, love-sick version and fantasy of you taking his cock and belly full with his kids but falls in vain. megumi really is sorry… when he strangles your partner to death in front of you. he really does not want you to see it, but then how else will he show you what he is capable of? what he can do if you do not listen to him? he lets you take your space after and grieve in his bedroom, which is now your shared bedroom. the first few weeks, you're too terrified of him to not listen to him. however… he doesn't even touch you. you just have a few set of rules. eat on time, sleep on time, come to him for anything and forget about everything except him. he would sit beside you and run his hands through your hair, soothing you through the breakdowns. "I will tolerate this for as long as you need, but do know… that man is dead for a reason. no person in love with you is allowed to live. except me." megumi is almost unhinged with his feelings and there would be repercussions. for example: you said you would rather die than love him? how can you say that? have you seen the future? no right? then how could you say that? nothing breaks a brat better than some spanking. the humiliation intermingled with the pain is sure to set you straight. and yes- it does. at the end of it, you're too bent to his will, seeking comfort from him as you cry out against his chest and he softly coos sweet nothings against your ear.
ryomen sukuna:
yandere tendency: sadistic, lethal, manipulative, selfish
half of the time, sukuna does not acknowledge that he has fallen for a human. you're torn with the king of curses fighting with his own self, and still keeping you close. sukuna does not show affection normally. he is the master of evil, the pure reincarnation of all the negativity. at first he would keep you with him. his true form is too big and too scary for you to retaliate either. you just need to be a puppet. he hates and loves it how you are so teeny tiny compared to him. a feeble little human, his little lamb. he often threatens you with pure violence. he would rip a finger out and heal you with reversed curse techniques since he does not like his masterpiece broken. rules are simple: you do what sukuna sama desires and what sukuna sama wants. otherwise- you suffer the punishments. there are times where he had been cruel enough to eat your past relationships in front of you, alive, the sound of gnawing at flesh as he consumes them while the high adrenaline keeping them alive is your worst nightmare. you are allowed to throw up, it is a gory sight of course. but then you must apologize for being filthy in front of your master by sitting on both his cocks. very unhinged, the scariest yandere in the jjk-verse imo.
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pedrithink · 10 days
to the final ✩ jude bellingham
summary: jude in his first champions league final and you are the most proud person ever
face claim: emilia mernes
ynusername has added to their story
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NOW: “I’ve got no words” Jude Bellingham reacts to reaching his FIRST UCL final
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comments ⬇️
user1 you can smell the love
user2 yn was jude’s best goal
user3 so happy for jude + the boys, they deserve it sm
user4 guys, this is a MAN and a GENTLEMEN. let’s learn from him.
user5 @user4 that’s how it is
user6 @user4 and his humility makes him even greater
user7 the woman who was with you when you had nothing deserves everything when you already have
user8 stay with someone whose eyes shine the way messi does when he talks about yn
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Liked by ynusername, vinijr, and 3.752.533 others
judebellingham ¿como no te voy a querer? en wembley por la 15. #halamadrid
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ynusername i’m sososososo proud of you!!!!! you are the besssssst ‼️🫤☝🏻 #aporla15 ✨✨
judebellingham @ynusername i love you 🤍
user11 just realized bellingham is gonna play against his old club
user13 jude bellingham future ballon d’or
user14 a por la 15
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Liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and 234.827 others
ynusername last few days ᡣ • . • 𐭩 ♡ (jude relaxing because he’s a champions league finalist 🤷🏻‍♀️ ૮ • ﻌ - ა)
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judebellingham 😎😎
user15 lets goooooo yn
user16 no but u are the sweetest ever jude is so lucky
user17 we love you queen
user18 please take care of our future ballon d’or winner
user19 i wish i was this couch
user20 @user19 me 2
user21 tell bellingham that i love him
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Liked by camavinga, vinijr, and 3.282.709 others
judebellingham my girl is stunning
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camavinga bro is in love 🤪🤪🤪
judebellingham @camavinga i really am mate
user22 @camavinga my hearttttttttr
vinijr now i’m jealous 😭🥺😢💔
judebellingham @vinijr no, baby. don’t get jealous, i love you!!!
ynusername @vinijr you guys should marry
vinijr @ynusername you’re the third wheel. you know that, right?
ynusername @vinijr yeah!!! (ᵕ—ᴗ—) u always remember me
ynusername i always post sexy pics of u and looook at the picture you posted of me
judebellingham @ynusername WHY would I post a sexy pic of you? i have to eliminate the competition
user23 @ynusername jude is so real for that
ynusername @judebellingham i’m pretty sure i have more competition than you
user24 @ynusername girl wdym u look amazing 😭
user25 let’s go mate
user26 dude is shining at 20 and has a beautiful girl by his side #DREAM
judebellingham has added to their story
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cartierre · 8 months
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU max verstappen x fem!surfer!reader (fc: ester expósito)
side note: if you know where i got the title from, i love you
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♡ liked by kellyslater, maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 129,384 others
tagged: maxverstappen1, redbullracing, schecoperez
yourusername exchanging my surf board with the red bull garage this weekend... thank you redbullracing for inviting me to the spanish gp! congratulations to maxverstappen1 and schecoperez for p1&p2 🥇🥈
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user1 she is so ethereal omg look at her
user2 red bull has a knack for sponsering talented people
redbullracing you're always welcome in our garage! 🏎️ comment liked by yourusername
user3 i just know the boys only got double podium because they wanted to impress her ⤷ user4 i cannot blame them, i'd do the same i mean look at her
maxverstappen1 next time we're gonna visit a competition of yours 🙌🏻 ⤷ yourusername deal 🤝🏼 ⤷ user5 max shooting his shot like the man he is
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♡ liked by 78,938 people
tagged: yourusername
f1updates Red Bull pro surfer Y/N Y/L/N has been spotted attending the Red Bull afterparty in Monaco. She's been sighted at the GP this afternoon as well.
view all 783 comments
user6 wasn't she just at the spanish gp a week ago? ⤷ user7 she was, apparently she got invited again to monaco?
user8 she ate 💅🏻
user9 does miss y/n not have, like, a job or smth?
user10 i thought she was a surfer
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♡ liked by maxverstappen1, mfanno, john_john_florence and 109,749 others
yourusername in my element 🏄🏻‍♀️🌊
view all 827 comments
user11 this is the lifestyle i wantttt ⤷ user12 she's living that blue water high dream
maxverstappen1 our deal still stands? ⤷ yourusername i gave you my word, didn't i?
user14 max rizzing up y/n is the funniest thing i've ever seen
user15 this is so barbie in a mermaid tale coded
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♡ liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 28,394 others
tagged: yourusername
redbullsurfing yourusername is your new Shiseido Tahiti Pro champion for 2022 after beating caitysimmers in a tightly fought final at Teahupo'o! That's Y/N's second win in four events, she's on fire heading into the Rip Curl WSL Finals!
view all 198 comments
user16 congratulations! deserved win!
user17 so proud of you y/n!!
yourusername thank you so so much to everyone who supported me!
user18 when y/n wins the world championship in september, her and max will be the ultimate pair ⤷ user19 literally two world champions dating, that's crazy ⤷ user20 IF they're even dating
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♡ liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 146,831 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername i mean does it really come as a surprise?
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user21 I KNEW IT ⤷ user22 everyone knew it
maxverstappen1 ❤️❤️ ⤷ yourusername ❤️❤️
user23 they are so so adorable i cannot
redbullracing redbullsurfing we were basically their wingmen ⤷ redbullsurfing agreed 🤝🏼
user24 aaaaahhhhhh cute cute cute
user25 certified wag and hab
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haitani-maki · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮
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Contains NSFW links ⚠
It is just headcanon, you're free to disagree, just stay respectful
English is not my first language
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💿. °bf!rindou that his love language is words of affirmation and actions
💿. °bf!rindou that sends you a lot of songs
💿. °bf!rindou when it's just the two of you, he expresses his feelings for you
💿. °bf!rindou who likes to drink with you, he always chooses the best drinks. It's okay if you don't drink, he just wants your company
💿. °bf!rindou that shows you multiple strokes, he gets excited as you look at him
💿. °bf!rindou that like to go to the gym with you but he understand if you didn't want to
💿. °bf!rindou who plays your favorite songs at home or in the club, you are the best on the dance floor
💿. °bf!rindou that takes you to various places in Roppongi or that you like to go to
💿. °bf!rindou sometimes you gotta take a drunk Rindou home
💿. °bf!rindou that looks like he's going to hit someone at any moment, but he's actually polite to some people
💿. °bf!rindou be patient with him, Rindou has many complaints about older Haitani
💿. °bf!rindou who is a good listener
💿. °bf!rindou who usually calls Ran "aniki", he once blurted out a "nii-chan" when you were together and he was embarrassed. He denies it whenever you bring it up
💿. °bf!rindou who spoils you buying gifts, he likes to see your shine whenever you're happy
💿. °bf!rindou who likes to sleep cuddling
💿. °bf!rindou he smells really good
💿. °bf!rindou he  likes movie nights with you, he has introduced you to many films
💿. °bf!rindou in Bonten, you would have many security guards, he just wants you to be protected. He would decrease security if you felt uncomfortable
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🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will rub your pussy when you sit on his lap
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will fuck you in inappropriate places, he likes to take risks
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves it when you ride his fat cock, you look so beautiful on top of him
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will make you cum with just his fingers, he loves fingering you
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou definitely eats pussy like a champ
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou thinks a little spanking never hurts
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou you'll get what you deserve when you behave like a brat, that's the moment when his kindness disappears
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves to fuck your throat, prepare your jaw
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou make out sessions always
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou morning sex, he gotta have the breakfast of champions
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou is going to make a complete mess of you, cumming all over your body
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou has nothing against toys, he will use them on you
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves seeing you a messy, tearful squirming underneath him
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou overstimulation and BDSM, y'all got a safe word
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou pet names, praise and degradation
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will put you in positions you didn't even know were possible, it's never boring with him
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou that will mark you, especially your thighs
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou who prefers butts, likes to slap and squeeze soft flesh, it's a great pillow that he claims is heaven on earth
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou that everything around him ceases to exist when he hears your moans, surely it's his favorite song
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves their body, knows every corner of it
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⚠These videos don't belong to me, credit to their respective owners
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©Reblogs are welcome, do not copy or translate
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Hey! Can you write an imagine of Lando being really drunk and doesn’t realize he’s talking to reader (who’s his wife) and tells her to go away cause he’s married and it’s just really cute?
A/N: I'm a sucker for this trope, love it
He was shitfaced, not tipsy, buzzed, drunk, he was utterly no memories, puking all morning shit faced.
It's funny right now, but you still worry about his liver and just how sick he'll be in the morning. When the guys knocked on your door, you figured Lando was drunk and needed a ride, not be carried in.
Having the 2 Ferrari drivers, a 2 time world champion, and 7 time world champion in your livingroom was not what you expected for the night.
"He's....yeah." Carlos rubs the back of his neck as they lay him on the couch, the bed probably not safe right now. "Thank you." You sigh placing a small trash bin next to him, with water and advil.
"You're welcome." Lewis smiles, patting your shoulder as you move, pushing his sweaty curls from his eyes. "Oh, Lando." His cheeks blotchy, and skin pale.
"Whm ae youv?" He grumbles, the guys and you chuckling at his jumbled speech. "It's me baby, Y/n." You reassure him, but he slaps your hand away, no real force behind it.
"I..don knom youv, no my wif." He hiccups, thinking through his words, you giggle again. "Lando, I am your wife. You're drunk, the guys brought you home." He shakes his head fast, sitting up Lewis and Charles reaching out incase he tries to stand.
"Where's my wif?" He slurs rubbing his face hard, trying to focus on you, but you're just fuzzy to him. "Not, my......not her." He groans, going to stand, but you gently lay him back down.
"Sleep Lando." You sigh, the guys still there weary of him trying to get up and leave. "No, I want my wif, not her. She's pwetty." He hiccups up, laying down and cuddling the pillow.
"I've never seen him this drunk." You whisper covering him up with a blanket, watching as he passes out, drool forming at the corner of his mouth. "He kept asking for you, and now he says you're not you. He's fucked." Carlos laughs patting his friend on the head.
"I'll make sure he's safe." They nod, piling out of the door. You make sure he's safe, and go to leave but a hand stops you.
"Lando?" You whisper, thinking he needs something. "When my wife comes to get me, tell her I didn't touch you. She's pretty, and I love her. Fuck, she's....my world." He sniffles, you feel your heart clench.
Your unsure to laugh or cry seeing he's crying, due to be him being so drunk. "I promise Lando. She trusts you more than you know." You assure him. "I don't deserve it, she's so much better than me. Ugh, I love her." He sniffles, wiping his eyes before placing his head on the pillow and passing out.
"I should've taken a video, damn." You grumble hating that you missed this golden opportunity
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pedge-page · 3 months
I really love and laugh over your Joel and Preggo. I was wondering about Joel and his mother-in-law. How does Preggo get along with her mother? Maybe mother-in-law who lives out of town comes for a quick visit ? I leave to you what the dynamics or what directions “the mother-in-law” could be!
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Mother-in-Law
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^some inspo photos of Pedro with friend or his family. Momma is touchy but it's nonsexual. He's just eating it up.
Warnings: angry sex turns soft, brief oral F receiving, getting caught (not sexy), favoritism war
18+ ONLY
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You remember when your parents used to hate Joel. From the moment you announced your engagement, they frowned. Why not someone who has a more stable job? Went to college? Doesn't have white in his beard already in his 30s?
But when you refused to back down, they begrudgingly put up with him. And he went above and beyond to impress them. Gifts, kind gestures, helping around their house and treating them to nice dinners. 
But oh boy, the SECOND your Facebook friends let it slip that you were expecting, your parents flipped on a dime.
Joel was now their favorite child. 
And your mom was—
“I hope she makes that famous apple pie of-hers,” Joel says, a bounce in his voice as the two of you drive to your Mom’s house for the weekend. 
Your upper lip gets caught on your teeth as you scowl at his more-than-she-deserves giddy smile. “What about my apple pie?”
“You don’t make apple pie.”
True. "Well. If I did..."
“—Then it would be the best.”
“You’re just saying that because I expect you to. You probably would hate it.”
Joel opens his mouth but hesitates for a moment. “I don’t know how you want me to respond here. We’re talking about a fictional pie you’ve never made.”
Grrr fuck this man and his logic.
He tries to alleviate the subject—maybe you wanted to give baking HIM an apple pie a go? ”She did buy me that Kitchen-aide mixer..."
You shake your head. Not this again… “No, she bought it for me!"
"It was my Christmas gift she gave me.”
"Why would she get you a NICE kitchen aide thousand dollar mixer, when you don't even BAKE??? PLUS I'm her actual DAUGHTER??"
Joel just shrugs. It pains you but you will never admit it's most likely true. Your mom bought it for HIM and you got breast pumps and a barf blanket. She used to get you the over the top nice things, and Joel would get socks. But now…
Your mom always loved you, probably a bit more than most. Sometimes it was overbearing, but that’s how she is. She’s nurturing, caring, always cooking and taking care of everyone, running a million miles a minute yet still having time to tell you everything is going to be ok after you stubbed your toe and cried about a broken nail. 
Though, she also expected to be treated like royalty by Dad. Momma knew her worth, knew her value to the family and Dad would grovel if he didn’t give her exactly what she wanted the moment she wanted it.
You’re glad that Joel doesn’t have to deal with a nagging wife who needs to tend to her ridiculous wants and emotional turmoil whenever it falls over less he be beheaded for his insolence.
You narrow your eyes at your bopping himbo Joel now, completely unaware of your thoughts as he jams to the radio. 
What a lucky guy he is.
When you pull up outside the old ranch home, Joel hops out and smells the air like it’s the Bahamas.
He helps you down from the passenger side of the truck before you both jump at the sound of your Mom screeching from the porch.
His eyes crinkle in a warm smile as the little yet fiery woman you call Mom comes rushing towards you two like a marathon speed walker, pumping her arms at a whopping 1 mile per hour.
He opens his arms and as your mother wraps herself in his embrace. “Hey you!”
“Oooooh! Ohhh you’re so thin!” 
You raise your eyebrow. Joel’s no heavy weight champion, but he’s got a dad bod ready to rival any of the neighbors—a body that you LOVE more than anything else as it is.
Finally seeing you behind him, she shoves Joel aside and wraps you up in his warm hug. “MY BABYGIRL!!!!”
That’s right, let’s remember the pregnant one here please!
Your mom is the same height as you, but that doesn’t stop her from getting on her tip toes to kiss your forehead like she always did since the day you were born. She marvels at the size of your belly, filled with excitement and wonder and familiarity. “Oh my gosh look how much you’ve grown already, are you sure it’s not twins??? I have twins on my uncle’s side so its entirely possible—oh my gosh you’re so—“
Please don’t say fat please don’t say fat…
“SKINNY! JOEL! Have you not been feeding her????”
You snicker and throw your arm around her shoulders. “That’s what I’VE been saying. Momma, he’s been limiting snack time.”
Joel rolls his eyes. The two of you ganging up on him wasn’t in the cards just 5 seconds ago when he was sweet Joely.
 “My poor starving baby starving my baby’s baby!” she muses, forces Joel to bend at the knee for her fat wet kiss on his scruffy cheek before rubbing her kisses into your head on the other side.
“Come, come in! I’ve made—“
“Pie?” Joel pipes up, his eyes tilted eagerly towards the overly touchy woman suffocating you both.
You roll your eyes, already smelling the apple and cinnamon in the air. Of COURSE she would make his favorite pie. She runs inside to set the table.
Joel starts unpacking the truck but you cross your arms and tap your foot.
He towers over you with a duffel slumped over his shoulder. “—Not that shit."
“I'm just saying, she’s nice to you all the sudden. It’s weird—“
“Don’t start.” He interrupts, slamming the trunk with a startling bang. Those biceps look fucking delicious rippling under his tight tight shirt— "Just want her to think I'm good for ya. Not tryin' to replace you."
You scoff him, as if anyone else could pull a man like that except you. 
But Joel can still feel that tension radiating off you, knowing you won’t truly acknowledge what’s bothering you until it blows into something ridiculous.
“Jooeellyyyy?” your mother shouts from the kitchen window.
“JoElLeY” you mimic with annoyance. “I used to be the only one with cute nicknames, ya know. You used to just be ‘J guy-my-daughter-is-dating’. And that even AFTER we got married.”
He chuckles before giving you a peck on the lips and guiding your waddling self inside. Joel doesn’t want you thinking that he would ever choose your mom over you, of course not! 
Just, for the now, being on her favorable side was something he had been working towards for years. You would just have to put up with her lipstick stains on his cheek and endless praise from his mouth of her fabulous cooking for this the weekend.
Your mom zips around the kitchen, going off about the new nail salon down the road, the garden beds that can’t keep the chipmunks away, and how your old ultrasounds to compare baby sizes.
Joel watches the way she waddles. It’s EXACTLY as you do, and he starts to think maybe it’s not the pregnancy that is giving you such a signature walk. You both sit down at the table together and sigh, biting into a cookie and making a nasty face before putting it back on the tray.
Oh wow.
Joel has to hide his smirk. You claimed so often how you were NOTHING like your mom. Your mom was pushy, demanding, filled to the brim with extra energy that would come out of no where—ironically all the things that defined you but obviously was not obvious to his wife yet. 
Maybe it’s the slight difference between you two is exactly how Joel can relate to Momma—showing love through acts service. Your mom is constantly working around the kitchen, cleaning, cooking, and it has nothing to do with expectations. He can see the little smile on her face, the skip in her step—she loves taking care of her people. She likes that you whine because only she can make your favorite coffee cake the exact way you like it. That you credit your own excellent laundry folding skills thanks to her methods that prevent wrinkles without ironing. How she always had the BEST soups for when you’re sick as if they cured like medicine itself, even if its just poured from a can—its done so with love.
There’s a unique bond between mother and daughter that Joel gets to witness. It’s not self serving either. There’s a sense of personal gratitude in being able to care for someone that makes their world worth living in.
Other times you can be a total bitch but honestly? That’s just pregnancy talk.
“It’s a girl, isn’t it? Grandmother’s just know these things—“
“Mom, I called you a few weeks ago and told you it was a girl. You didn’t just guess—“
“Just as you had predicted!” Joel jumps in. “Grandmother’s intuition is a real thing, and this sweet }Cookie’s got it.” He winks towards her and sips the lovely tea she had made him.
Your mom begins to favor his conversation over yours. “And names…?” She asks expectedly.
“Yours is definitely in the mix!” Joel boasts.
She clasps her hands together, not seeing the deathstare you were giving him. Momma’s name was only in the mix for MIDDLE names, not firsts. You both had agreed you wanted your baby to have her own unique first that belonged to just her. 
He ignores you for now, hoping you can see the ‘please forgive me’, in his pupils as your mom goes to hug and kiss his messy hair like a bird feeding its young in the nest.
You clear your throat, eager to get her hands off your man and back on to the one actually giving her the grandbaby. “I think it’s time we settle down in our room. Right Momma?”
“Oh, you know your way up, I wanted to show Joel some of my new kitchenware—I just couldn’t decide what to buy so I got everything, knowing you’d be by this weekend! Come on, you can pick the ones you like.”
She grasps his hand and guides him, side to side with her piddled feet, into the next room and leaving you alone.
The blunt edges of your chewed up nails dig into Joel’s meaty chest. there are wrinkles in your forehead from how tightly concentrated you are at riding back and forth on his cock, your belly dragging along his and hips slamming down aggressively as you ride him with the pent up fury of the day.
Joel’s got a mix of emotions: your tight pussy sucking him in, kissing your cervix with each swallow, deep and delicious in that tight heat, plus the sheer feel and sight of you so pregnant yet fucking him so furiously while he lies back and takes it all in, trying not to cum too soon—but also knowing you’re more angry than you are thinking about the sex you’re having, and you’re going to injure yourself by all this energy not driving you anywhere closer to an orgasm, and he knows  he has to works out the knot in your brain before you can let the knot in your tummy snap.
“Why are you so upset?” He asks as his head rubs up along the pillow from each bounce of your body atop him.
“M—m not—upset,” you stammer, your fingers gripping his flesh even harder and slamming yourself down on his cock like you want to hurt it.
You’re sweating, visibly aggravated and probably in pain but refuse to quit.
Maybe you need this, but as he glances down at your bulging pregnant belly that is also being shaken up like a martini, he decides that his unborn baby doesn’t need brain damage too from your furious fucking.
Joel’s hands glide up along your flexed arms until he’s cupping your cheeks gently, wiping the tear that is building along your eyelashes. You slow your pace until you’re just sitting on top, impaled on his cock and letting out an exhausted huff.
“So why are you upset?” He asks calmly.
“You’re MY husband,” you say, and though your voice is full of confidence at the statement, it quivers just a bit at the end. 
Joel knew you would be pent up. That your mom was too touchy with him, and in his good faith to keep her good favor, he leaned in and let her butter him up, gave her the attention and kisses and hugs she asked for, and now its getting to you, and you’re jealous of your own mother—
“--and I’m HER daughter. But now she’s acting like you’re her favorite child too, even though I’m the one giving the grandbaby here, I used to be her favorite kid! Just me! I used to be the one BEGGGING her to give ya a chance but now suddenly she’s also loving you, out of the fucking BLUE,  like you’re all special when IT SHOULD JUST BE ME—.”
He blinks for a second, and you squeeze your walls around him as if signaling you’ll cut it off if he dare try to act confused. 
“Wait, are you jealous… of me?” 
Your eyes drift away, just in time for Joel to have the worst fucking reaction by chuckling so hard that the two of you are rolling over to your side.
He wipes his reddened face and calms his breathing so he can talk.
“That why you’re fuckin’ me like you wanna break me?” 
Maybe you did want to make a point to anyone who might be in the house about the hierarchy over who’s got right’s to loving Joel…specifically, to make that clear TO Joel himself. 
He scootches as close as he can, despite the big baby between your middles, and rubs his nose along yours, his palm brushing your cheek and centering your focus entirely on him.
“I’d shoot myself if I had to spend more than just this weekend with your mom. She’s nice, but I couldn’t EVER stand around bein’ pinched in the cheeks like that. Always doting on my ass all day, tryin’ to service me and make me feel like a spoiled porcelain doll that needed nurturin’ like a baby 24/7. I’d feel like a useless fuck. I think she n’ I are kinda alike in that. Wantin’ to take care of what’s ours.”
You snort in the boogers pooling in your nostrils. 
“Look, It’s nice gettin’ praise, THAT you could give me more of.”
“I don’t wanna talk about my mom when you’re inside me.”
“Then lets talk about you being a momma while I’m inside you.”
“Yeah… but I liked being the only one she adored. Now I gotta share?? With you????”
You nod shyly but agree. “I do appreciate you. I’ll try better to show it.”
“Nah, don’t want you to change. N’ I need you to listen to this because I know you’re gonna leave some details out intentionally when you go tattlin’ to Maria—but being pregnant with you has been the best adventure we’ve been on so far. You keep me on my toes and keep life interesting. I like the smile on your face when I give ya something only I can give. The dance you do when you get your little cookie dough milkshake thing, and the pout you make when I tell ya no, and you get all cute on me and do some ridiculous shit that I can’t deny you anymore cuz fuck, I want you happy sooo bad, and I wanna be the one that does it. YOU make me feel special.”
He smiles, stroking the hair away from your eyes. “Think of it this way: when did she suddenly start showin’ me some special treatment? When I put a baby in your belly. That’s it. She’s happy to be getting a grand kid, and she knows I’m officially stuck with you so might as well get used to it. I’m here to stay. “Ya spent so long tryin’ to get her to like me. She does now. Job well done! You don’t have to stress anymore. No need to get all greedy, baby though I know that’s just your thing,” he teases, rubbing his knee along your thighs to part them again.
You furl your lower lip out in a childish pout. “I think the baby is making me possessive over my belongings.”
“Oh? I’m a belonging now?” He wiggles his eyes brows. Slightly more relaxed, he takes advantage and smoothes his palm down your arm, behind your waist to squeeze your ass.
He’s about to pull you in for a victory kiss when your eyes shoot open.
“Wait… am I… the useless spoiled porcelain doll that needs nurturing 24/7 that you have to dote on all day??????”
“No! No you’re not useless!”
He’s offering a sweet smile, rubbing your shoulder with encouragement as a pregnant pause fills the air.
“…you got anything else you wanna deny in that or just that one part.”
He licks his lips before flipping you on your back and sliding down between your legs.
“You know what the BEST pie is?”
T h e o n e  b e t w e e n  m y l  e g s, you mouth out into the air, your belly conveniently keeping your lips out of frame as Joel spread your pussy and blows cool air on your nub.
“S’the one between your legs,” he whispers sensually against your thigh, nipping it and growling before dragging the tip of his nose through your slit, inhaling your scent.
You smile and cover your face with both hands. He’s cheesy, but he’s a keeper. 
and maybe, just maybe, worth sharing the love with.
The love that is quickly about to be snuffed out for the both of you as your mom opens the door and begins asking "Joel did you want the red one or the blue--AH!"
Joel and you both frantically cover your lower half, his head accidetanlly bumping into your belly at the same you to strain your back trying to sit up.
she slams the door closed but calls out through the wood: "Oh that is NOT appropriate for the baby!" before stammering away.
Joel just chuckles into your breasts. "How does she think I got the baby in you?"
You shake your head and smack him, trying to feel more ashamed then amused right now.
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More Momma in Law and Sarah
@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrs-oharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-dinero @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee
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pucksandpower · 7 months
Roll the Dice
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: You and Charles throw your own private celebration after one of the best races of the season
Warnings: 18+ content
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The roar of the crowd still rings in your ears as you make your way through the paddock to find Charles. Your heart is bursting with pride after watching him fight his way to a hard-earned P2.
Las Vegas may be a new circuit but Charles drove it like he had been racing here for years. He made the Ferrari dance in ways you didn’t think were possible, squeezing every last hundredth out of each corner.
You spot him up ahead, finally free from the mob of reporters and post-race press conference. He’s leaning against the wall near the media pen in a rare moment of solitude, eyes closed and head tilted back, no doubt mentally replaying each complex sequence of braking points and apexes.
You take a moment just to look at him — the way his damp curls cling to his forehead, the zipper of his race suit undone and its sleeves tied at his waist to reveal soaked fireproofs that cling to every contour of his chest. He’s breathing heavily, a post-race flush still clinging to his cheeks.
He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
As you draw nearer, his eyes blink open and immediately lock with yours. Relief, affection, and something more primal flash through them as a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
“Y/N!” He shouts, hurrying over to sweep you up in a massive hug.
You squeeze him tight, not caring at all that he’s drenched in sweat and sticky with champagne. “I’m so proud of you!” You beam.
He sets you down, his hands lingering on your waist. “I couldn’t have done it without my good luck charm.”
You playfully smack his shoulder. “Oh stop, this was all you! I can’t believe the drive you put on out there. You were incredible!”
Charles glances down shyly. “Thank you, mon cœur. It was a good race tonight.”
“A great race,” you correct him, “You drove incredibly. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, watching you battle with Max and Checo like that. It was the best thing I’ve seen all season.”
Taking his hand, you lead him away from the crowds. “Come on, let’s get you out of here. I think it’s time we celebrate!”
A flight in the early afternoon means you both decide to forego the wild Vegas parties and instead make your way straight to the hotel. Once you’re in your suite, Charles heads for the shower while you pour champagne. When he emerges in a billow of steam, you hand him a glass.
“To my champion!” You declare, clinking your glass against his.
Charles smiles graciously but you catch a flash of disappointment in his eyes. “I’m hardly a champion finishing P2.”
You fix him with a serious look. “That was the drive of a champion tonight. You left you heart on the track out there. If it wasn’t for that safety car, you would’ve won. I would have bet my life on it.”
He looks thoughtful as he takes a sip. “You really think so?”
“I know so! The way you managed to regain the lead from Max? And then from Checo? The move you pulled in the last lap to take P2? Incredible. My only regret is that you don’t have a car that would give you an opportunity to compete like this all season.”
Charles sighs. “The team is doing their best with what we’ve got.”
You set your glass down and rest your hands on his bare chest. “I know and you’re so patient with them. But a driver like you? You deserve to be fighting at the front in every single race.”
Looking into your eyes, Charles brushes a strand of hair from your face. “We’ll get there, I know it. This result today, it shows progress.”
“You’re right. It does,” you smile up at him. “And when you do get a car worthy of you, the rest of the grid better watch out. Because you are going to do great things, Charles Leclerc.”
Charles gazes at you tenderly before pulling you in for a kiss. Your lips move together unhurriedly, his hands trailing down your back.
When you finally break apart, breaths mingling, he gives you a mischievous look.
“You know, I never did properly thank you for being my good luck charm today.” His fingers toy with the hem of your shirt.
You bite your lip coyly. “I think the good luck charm wants to properly congratulate her driver on the podium. I want to make you feel good. You more than earned it.”
Charles grins and tugs your shirt up over your head. His lips find your neck as he backs you towards the bed, hands roaming your newly exposed skin.
You fumble with the ties on his sweatpants, shoving them down as the back of your legs hit the plush mattress. He gently lowers you down, hovering over you.
“You are so beautiful,” he murmurs, eyes dark with want.
You pull him down for another heated kiss, reveling in the feel of his solid weight above you. Your hands grasp at his back, nails digging in slightly to leave crescent marks on his skin.
Charles groans into your mouth at the sensation, pressing his hips down firmly against yours. You can feel his arousal even through the thin fabric still separating you.
Breaking the kiss, you trail your lips along his stubbled jaw to his ear. “I want you so much,” you whisper hotly.
He shudders in response, hands gripping your waist. “Take what you want, mon amour. I’m all yours.”
You slip a hand between your bodies, palming him through his boxers. He hisses in pleasure, bucking into your touch.
“These need to come off. Now,” you demand.
Charles obliges eagerly, stripping the last barrier between you away. You waste no time to wrap your legs around his waist, gasping as he enters you in one smooth motion.
You move together unhurriedly at first, simply reveling in the feeling of being joined so intimately. Charles peppers your face and neck with tender kisses as your hands caress every inch of his back and shoulders you can reach.
As the pleasure builds, your hips pick up speed, chasing release. Charles shifts his angle, hitting that sweet spot inside you that has you seeing stars.
“Just like that! Don’t stop!” You cry out, nails digging into his shoulders again.
He increases his pace, pounding into you relentlessly. You feel the tension coiling tighter and tighter within you.
“Charles, I’m so close ...” you gasp.
“Let go, mon cœur. Come for me,” he growls breathlessly into your ear.
His words send you tumbling over the edge with a wordless cry. Your vision goes white as intense ecstasy washes over you. Distantly you’re aware of Charles following right after, your name a reverent sigh on his lips.
As you float back down, Charles collapses on top of you. You hold him close, heart threatening to burst from the love and pride swelling within you.
Charles presses his lips to your forehead. “Have I mentioned that you’re the best girlfriend ever? I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you. But I’m so glad you’re here with me through all of this. I love you so much.”
You grin and pull him in for a kiss. “You deserve the world, Charles Leclerc. And I plan on spending every day of our lives proving that to you.”
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mariahcarreyyy · 3 months
congrats on 2k!!! you deserve it and so so much more <3
can i request being overprotective of them in front of prospective partners with max ofc thank u very much -cait/@leclerced
# prompt no.10, being overprotective of them in front of prospective partners
mariahcarreyyy's 2k celebration announcement post
It was embarrassing.
Watching two grown men argue over who would drive you home from the lively, neon-lit bar led to a bashful flush, warming your body amidst the crisp darkness of the night.
Only minutes prior, Max had taken one look at you and decided home was where you should be. You didn't make any protests because he's right; you wonder if you looked like a book to Max—pages crinkled, broken spines, and easily read words in his favorite font.
"I can take my fucking girlfriend home, Max," your boyfriend, Scotty, seethes through gritted teeth, an ugly vein bursting on his forehead.
Scotty evidently did not like the idea of Max driving you home for a reason you had no idea of. You and Max had been friends for years, so if even an ounce of your yearning and want was reciprocated, he would've done something by now.
That thought did little to dwindle the stubborn 'what if's from gnawing at your soul, the twinge in your heart whenever you see Max with anyone but yourself.
And also the slight guilt at thinking of another man when you have a perfectly fine one waiting at home for you each night but. Whatever.
"I swear to fucking God if you get into that car with her--"
Eyes widening, you place a calming hand on Max's shoulder and ignore the daggers your boyfriend is glaring at your touch. "Okay, how 'bout we all relax, yeah?"
Max cranes his neck to look at you, his harsh facade melting when he catches sight of the worry etched on your face. Once his heaving turned into steady breathing, your face ducking shyly to look away from his gaze, your boyfriend cleared his throat loudly.
You hastily drop your hand like the Dutch had burned you, and Max lets out a disapproving noise at the loss of your contact. Yeah, Scotty did not look impressed. The murderous glint in his eyes did nothing to quell the uncomfortable atmosphere, his jaw flexing like he's capable of murder, of tearing Max's limbs off and letting the blood spill on the pavement.
"Scotty...to be fair, you did drink, and I don't really feel like dying tonight."
A hand creeps around Max's waist, your fingertips pinching the flesh after you hear him snort. A barely concealed yelp from the driver has Scotty scrunching his nose up in distaste, nostrils flared, and betrayal painted across his face.
You should probably side with your boyfriend, but. But the cool breeze makes the tiny hairs on your arms stand up, teeth chattering; you wrap the thin, barely-there jacket Max gave you at the beginning of the night and roll your eyes, walking to Max's car.
Fondly, Max observes the impatient tapping of your foot and flush on your face—from the cold, he tells himself, not for the same reasons as himself. He raises his brows tauntingly at Scotty before advancing towards your shaky frame.
"Fuckin' bitch," Scotty mutters into the air, lips pursed into a scowl and vodka overriding his senses.
Your ears don't quite grasp the words, but Max's do. So, when the world champion's fist paves the way for the colorful hues of a bruise to bloom on the bridge of your boyfriend's nose, you can't help but choke on a gasp.
authors note. anddddd scotty makes a comeback!!!! tbf in the og fic he was actually portrayed as a good bf. max & reader r js bad ppl. now i dont have to feel bd tho cus he's terrible in this🥰
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