#he loved his dad more than the silmarils
gardensofthemoon · 4 months
i’m on my first silm reread since highschool i think (so more than eight years), and it’s the first time i read it in english — and i JUST finished the flight of the noldor and i’m an emotional wreck, my hands tremble, i cried so much, i didn’t expect to be so angry at the valar. look how they massacred my boy
after so much introduction and infodumping (affectionate) there is SO MUCH happening here, i thought i could handle it since i’ve been in the fandom for a few months already and i’m familiar with the plotline but DAMN i had such a gut-punch, i’m sobbing
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yourlocalnetizen · 2 years
Rating Silm deaths
Miriel: 9/10 - Not a fun way to die but at least the child she died giving birth to was a special snowflake and not an average joe.
Finwe: 3/10 - Pretty lame if you ask me but gets points for trying to be a good dad.
Feanor: 11/10 - Spontaneously combusting sure sounds interesting. Athough it was stupid, I admire his bravery for fighting all those balrogs alone.
Elenwe: 6/10 - Poor thing. She was so brave going to middle earth with a bunch of crazy Noldor. The fanart of her death looks awesome though.
Argon: 7.5/10 - It’s said he killed an Orc Captain in the battle he was slain which seems pretty badass.
Fingolfin: 10/10 - Actually accomplished something by dying. Gets full points for his heroic sacrifice.
Angrod & Aegnor: 5/10 - I’m sorry my sweet summer children. You deserved so much better. Your deaths were unfortunately little more than footnotes though.
Aredhel: 7/10 - Took a Javelin to the shoulder to protect her son but I don’t see why she couldn’t have pulled both herself and her son out of the way.
Fingon: 8/10 - I cried like a b*tch when he died. His death sounded so painful, being held by a whip while being slaughtered by Gothmog.
Turgon: 2/10 - He got played like a fiddle by Maeglin.
Maeglin: 1/10 - Pfft. Lame. Imagine getting defeated and thrown off a wall by human with less than half your experience.
Glorfindel: 4/10 - Sorry dude. Your death wasn’t that cool. A million dudes guys died fighting balrogs and you weren’t the first to do it either.
Ecthelion: 15/10 - What a way to go out my guy. Imagine killing the dude who killed badasses like Fingon & Feanor. Wouldn’t have expected it from a happy little musician.
Finrod: 11/10 - Lmho. He went feral. Fighting a werewolf while naked and weaponless is sure something.
Celegorm: 1/10 - Turko, I love you but what a lame way to go out. A little baby half elf who might have been biologically full human completely owned you.
Caranthir & Curufin: ?/10 - We literally get no info on their deaths except that they died in a kinslaying.
Amrod & Amras: ?/10 - Same as Caranthir and Curufin.
Maedhros: 9/10 - I’m definitely not pro-suicide but his death just feels so right. Refusing to let go of the Silmaril despite the pain it’s causing him. A very fiery end for the hottest Feanorian.
Celebrimbor: 8.5/10 - It was brutal but it was far from boring.
Gil-Galad: 8/10 - I’d say it was pretty hot.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1
Mablung vs Tuor
A marchwarden of Doriath, known for handing the Silmaril to Beren at the end of the Hunt for Carcharoth and for being one of the few people who survived his life’s intersection with Túrin’s.
Best elf in Doriath !! Went to all the big fights !! Tried so hard to protect Nienor ! He searched her for so long ! And he was so devoted to his kingdom ! So dutiful !!!
He's one of the only first age elves with sense.
A hero of Men, the husband of Idril and favoured of Ulmo who led the survivors of Gondolin after its fall.
Descended from two out of the three houses of the Edain. Escaped slavery like a badass. Killed so many of Morgoth's mannish servants, they put a bounty on his head. WAS LITERALLY A MESSENGER OF ONE OF THE VALAR! Found Gondolin. Y'know, the one city MORGOTH HIMSELF COULDN'T FIND!? Was so well liked in Gondolin, that Maeglin was the only one who didn't love him. He killed Maeglin. Wrote "The Horns of Ylmir" for little Eärendil on the way to Sirion (which is the first poem Tolkien wrote). Mysteriously disappeared. No one knows what happened to him after he sailed West and the elves like him so much they just pretend he's definitely still alive. That would possibly make him the oldest full-blooded man to ever live. Actually, it would make him the oldest part-man to ever live as well, because Dior (who was born only two years before him) died. All other peredhil are either younger than him, descended from him, or both. Also helped create Elrond, which is the best thing a person can do
Tuor is (possibly) the only man to be granted immortality, he's a special little guy. I think he was pleased to see his adoptive elf dad again and more people should be sad about how he lost two whole families. He's ulmo's favourite guy and he got to marry idril with no fuss (unlike literal every other man-elf couple) AND he might have got to go to valinor despite the ban and tuor being a human, everybody makes exceptions for this guy!
Tuor is a trans woman because fuck we need trans representation and who better to provide us that than the human adopted by an Elf, who loves the song and freedom of the sea, who was chosen by the sea-god to be the messenger of the sea, who led the survivors of Gondolin to safety and said fuck it, we're gonna sail to the west and be together with my awesome wife forever! In conclusion: vote for Tuor, she's best girl together with her Elf wife.
Round 1 masterpost
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superloves4 · 9 months
While I slog through a fic I actually really want to tell (the joys of writing!) I decided to talk about that Feanor as Melkor's son AU I mentioned in my tags
So far I have three possibilities, from least realized to most:
Feanor as Melkor and Mairon bio baby, so far I don't really have much for this one, the Valar find baby Feanor after Melkor's imprisonment (haven't decided why Mairon wouldn't have escaped with the baby) and give him to Finwe to raise (I hadn't realized it doesn't makes sense for Miriel to die in this one until now, so either she doesn't and it's full throwing away canon or in this one she doesn't exist and Finwe just didn't want to tell Feanor who his real parents were, it's both sad and funny)
Baby Feanor kidnap adopted by Melkor, the timeline is bothering me here, maybe Feanor is born before Melkor's imprisonment? Or he leaves imprisonment way before the original? I mostly wanted this to be funny about Melkor and Mairon getting so attached and wanting so bad to be good parents to feral child Feanor that they actually get redeemed (although dark!Feanor x Nerdanel is very intriguing)
And the one I (unfortunately) have the most on (as of right now) is Feanor as Melkor... and Miriel's son, I jokingly thought about this one but alas it got bigger than I expected, so: Melkor decides to go mess with the elves only to find Miriel collecting bugs (they're silk worms, weird bug girl Miriel for the win!) and he gets actually quite impressed with her desire to not settle with the world and wanting to make it prettier with fabrics, they fall in love (or as much in love Melkor can be, so far he is more like canon evil Melkor than the softer one of the other two ideas) but when she finds out who he is, she runs away and falls for Finwe instead.
Finwe is then totally cool with raising Miriel's child because he loves her so much but Miriel keeps feeling she's awful for her previous love for Melkor, combined with the power required to sustain a half-ainur child, and ends up dying.
Finwe of course, absolutely adores little Feanor despite not being his bio dad, and thus names him Finwion (later Curufinwe), but raising a half-ainur child is not easy, especially when you can't actually ask anyone for help without revealing the truth, so Finwe just has to deal with eldritch child Feanor, alone.
(like, one time there's a teacher Feanor hates because he heard the teacher say that Feanor killed Miriel, so Feanor gives the teacher a bracelet he doesn't even understand how he made cursed, the teacher then complains to Finwe, who is just trying to understand how to explain to his son that he can't do that, also he fires the teacher)
Then it's basically the same as canon up until Melkor return, because instead of trying to create discord he arrives and realizes Feanor's his son and tries to pull a Darth Vader and convince Feanor to join him.
Feanor is, of course, against the idea but Melkor is convinced that if he reveals Feanor's true parentage in the upcoming festival then the uproar and hate will cause Feanor to be more willing.
Only, right before he can make his announcement Feanor shows up wearing the silmarils (Melkor decides to rename him Lightbringer but I haven't figured out what that is in Quenya) and instead of going along with Melkor, Feanor
Bows. to. MANWE!!!!!
And does a whole speech about Melkor trying to deceive him by claiming he isn't Finwe's son (Feanor already realized the truth, he's just rejecting it) and doing a whole spectacle of proof
The Finwe family isn't stupid and to Feanor's surprise, the first person to join his show is INDIS!!! Joined then (in order) by Nolo, Nerdanel, and Maglor (if it was political it would be Maedhros but it's a performance remember)
Manwe isn't stupid and understands what they are doing so when Melkor tries to say that it's all Finwe's lie he just tells Melkor that it was clear that Feanor was Finwe's son
Melkor storms out (he still plans to destroy the trees but his objective is Feanor instead of just the silmarils) and the Finweans leave too
Feanor has a cathartic talk and cry with his dad while the rest of the family discuss what this means for them all, Feanor is now more open to his half-family and his relation to the other Valas is totally different, and how that could end up having happier ending to the story.
And that's how much I have of this one, it compels me but it's the only one that I have no idea of how to add Melkor x Mairon and the original idea was about THEM as parents whereas this one is about the original Finweans in a different situation so I'm conflicted
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Name: Valkor
Gender: Male
Birth: Year of the Trees, Time Unknown
Titles: Maiar of Irmo
Birth Place: The Void
Heritage: Valar magic
Parentage: Irmo Valar of Dreams and desires
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Pre Morgoth:
Visual Age: 25 (immortal)
Eye Colour: Amber
Hair Colour: Raven
Race: Maiar
Hair Style: Left Down
Skin Colour: Fair
Post Morgoth:
Visual Age: 25 (immortal)
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: Raven
Race: Maiar
Hair Style: Left Down
Skin Colour: Fair
Extra: Dark Mist always surrounds him, he keeps a hood up and a bird mask on all the time apart from when he is in his house alone or with people he is close to.
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Relationship: Taken
Partner: Faeron & Arno Horseman of Mandos
Sexuality: Gay
Likes: Faeron, Irmo, Respect, Collecting Intresting books/artifacts/rocks/bones for Faeron to study and then keeping them afterwards, Faeron's cooking, Bones, crystals, Ravens
Dislikes: Eagles, Morgoth, Mairon/Annatar/Suaron (all variations), Celegorm and Curufin, Faeron hating himself, Feanor
Fears: Losing Faeron Like the Ellon lost 95% of his family in middle earth
Most valued possession: The Bird mask made from Leather, Bone and antlers Faeron Made for him, Wooden Carved Raven Irmo gifted him which Faeron Made
Weapon: Bladed sceptar
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[Will Edit in time]
Irmo (Father/creator):
Valkor loves Irmo especially when the Valar took in and helped take care of Faeron, they have a health and loving relationship and are more like an actual family and a functioning one unlike everyone else.
Faeron: (Lover):
Valkor loves to spoil Faeron espcially with love and affection Valkor has been their and witnessed everything since the Silmarils were made when they were good friends he was the rock to Faeron when no one else could be and that lead to the two falling i love with each other
Aerdis ('Cousin'/ Friend):
Valkor and Aerdis grew up close together give Aerdis is the messanger of Manwe, the two both have the same type in me *cough cough* elves with severe daddy issues *cough cough*, when they first met each other though their Boyfriends they were shocked there boyfriends were friends before they found one another in middle earth, their reaction is close as to make them family but not brother or sister which makes them cousins which is somewhat the truth since their 'fathers' are both Valar.
Thalion (Friend):
Thalion is more a friend of Faerons than he is Valkor's but Valkor is glade Faeron finally trusts someone again to be their friend especially as these two have been though thick and thin together ever since they met each other they have looked out for each other, Valkor and Thalion share mutual respect to the point they are friends which they kinda have to be due to there boyfriends.
Mandos (Father Figure of the Lover):
He is somewhat scared due to the tired, underpaid and overworked Feanorian babysitter temper and the dad glare he has from Faeron, but he has respect for Mandos huge respect given how over worked he is, and after they get to know eachother Mandos is genuinely fun to be around.
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Valkor and Faeron really switch between damsel in distress and night in shining armour to eachother quite a lot.
A Maiar and an Elf are not a common pairing so in Valinor to all who do not know they are simply really close friends.
Valkor is Kinda scared of Mandos due to the dad energy the Valar hair towards Faeron
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Weapon Choices
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imakemywings · 8 months
I've been thinking about Maedhros and Maglor and the House of Feanor lately. I understand being loyal to your mother and father, or in their case, their father Feanor. But after the third and/or fourth kinslaying, there's no fucking way Maedhros and Maglor still held some sort of love or thoughts of love for their dad. They probably had arguments about it, blaming Feanor or something. Imagining myself in Maedhros' shoes and living life after those kinslayings with only one brother who probably isn't mentally there anymore and finally getting the silmaril only for it to burn my hand, I think I'd drown myself in despair and throw myself in a volcano too with thoughts of hatred for my dad who started all of this, which is unfair for Feanor, but idk.
I always saw everything they do as a sort of twisted love for Feanor, tbh. They swore the oath not because Feanor made them or even asked them to, but because when they saw their dad do it, they wanted to, and especially after Feanor's death, it would be easy for them to fixate on the Silmarils as the peak or even sum of Feanor's legacy and something that had to be protected within the family for that reason alone.
It's possible they're resentful of Feanor for setting them on this path--I think it would be hard not to feel any of that. And, in some ways, isn't it easier to blame Feanor than blame themselves for doing what they're doing? Because they were adults when they swore the oath and they were adults acting under their own power during each and every choice they made in pursuit of the oath. At some point, you can't keep blaming daddy, unless you just refuse to take responsibility yourself (which is certainly possible). Maedhros and Maglor commit the Fourth Kinslaying more than six hundred years after Feanor's death--sure you can say he set them up for this, but they had many chances to turn off this path and they refused. Even at the very end, Maglor suggests they stop, and when Maedhros refuses, neither of them invokes Feanor, only their own fears about what will happen to them--which you could take to mean that whatever loyalty they had to him is no longer part of the equation and they're acting solely for their own benefit now, or not.
I also feel like it would be easy for there to be a kind of taboo among them about suggesting Feanor was wrong about anything--because if he was wrong, then what are they doing? (This is just h/c though)
However, even if they are angry with him, I do still see them as loving him. And doesn't that make it all the messier? If Feanor and his sons loved each other even until the end, but now there's all this blood and horror between them, and Feanor himself has to reckon with what his children became by following, at least in their minds, what he wanted? I certainly think that Feanor blames himself for it. But they also made all their own choices, and I think it would be pretty childish and cowardly to act like Feanor forced their hands into killing Eonwe's guard.
However given what you said about their mental state (I don't imagine either Maglor or Maedhros is doing great by the end) it would be interesting to explore their relationship with guilt and responsibility, and how that may change when they perceive their rejection by the Silmarils. While Maglor is perhaps the most clear-eyed about what they're really doing, I also think he is capable of putting that aside to adopt a more comfortable delusion, and when Maedhros dies he is forced to abandon that and face the reality of what they are and what they've done--and maybe he covers that for a while with blaming Feanor, but at some point, he may have to admit the extent of his own hand in it.
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hellofeanor · 3 years
Fëanorian Quenya
Hey friends! Do you like elves? Do you like the Silmarillion? Do you like Fëanor and co? And most of all, do you like spending hours thinking about minor details pertaining to made-up languages??? If so, boy do I have a treat for you! Let’s delve into the weird world of Fëanorian Quenya and explore some history and mechanics of why they talk Like That.
I’ve seen a lot of posts joking about the Fëanorian lisp, which is about as funny as a joke about a speech impediment can be. 👍 It’s important to understand, though, that this IS a joke. No, they didn’t really speak with a lisp. Yes, they did pronounce some S sounds as TH. That’s the critical disclaimer here: SOME. It’s not a blanket pronunciation. There’s a lot of background research that goes into determining which words would be pronounced with S and which would be TH, and that’s what we’re going to look at.
So if this is something you’ve come across in fandom and you’re not totally sure on the details, or if you ARE sure and just want some more in-depth info, read on.
The stuff probably everybody knows already
For anyone who’s been hanging around the Fëanorian corner of the Silm fandom for more than three minutes, there’s about a 100% chance you’ve heard of Fëanor’s penchant for retaining an archaic TH pronunciation after the majority of the Noldor went ahead and started pronouncing this sound as S instead. You may also know that this sound is represented by the letter thorn (Þ) in HoME, but since thorn doesn’t exist in modern English orthography and it’s a pain to keep typing the ALT code, I’m sticking to TH here. Anyway, all this was due to the fact that Fëanor was a huge mama’s boy, and his mom Míriel Therindë (later called Serindë, which made Fëanor want to punch walls and possibly also fellow elves) was an outlier who retained the TH after it fell out of use. Her son Fëanor, in turn, kept this up to honor her. Now, whether or not he would have bothered if this sound hadn’t literally been a critical part of her name is debatable, but that debate is outside the scope of this essay.
Fëanor continued to use the TH pronunciation until his death, and required his sons to use it as well. Finwë, however, switched over to S after the death of Míriel and before his marriage to Indis. Fëanor, reasonable and level-headed as he was, took this as a personal insult and decided that anybody who rejected TH likewise rejected him. So presumably, his loyal followers would have obeyed his totally reasonable demands not to give in to the seductive S-shift.
Why tho
Why did the Noldor decide to alter their pronunciation from TH to S? Great question. Nobody really knows. For the hell of it? IDK. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But the important thing to understand is that elves, and especially Noldor, were really committed to making sure their language sounds cool. This is why it changed so much and so comparatively quickly for an immortal population: they were actively invested in changing it. They liked inventing new words and exploring new sounds and messing around with grammar.
So at some point some influential Noldo might have been like, hey y’all, let’s stop saying TH and say S instead! And everyone (except Míriel I guess, who was known for her elegant manner of speech and didn’t want to muck that up by changing pronunciation of a whole letter) was like, whoa, capital idea my good egg. And they went with it. Previous ideas along these lines included ‘hey y’all, let’s stop saying KH and say H instead’ and ‘hey y’all, let’s stop saying Z and say R instead’, and those went over swimmingly. Nobody could have foreseen the problem this TH to S business would cause.
Now here’s a fun fact. There was another change to Noldorin pronunciation that happened AFTER Fëanor’s birth, that he himself was involved in. This one was all about bilabial to labiodental F. And those sure are some words, so if you don’t know what I’m talking about (I don’t blame you), BILABIAL is a more whispery sound that happens when you say F using only air passing through your pursed lips, and LABIODENTAL is when you say F with your top teeth touching your bottom lip. Going forward I’m going to use PH to represent the bilabial sound, and F for the labiodental.
So F got on the radar of the Noldor via the Teleri, who used this sound in their language. And ol’ Fëanor figured it would be awesome to incorporate it into Quenya because he thought the PH sounded too close to HW, and the two were getting confused by lazy speakers. Why did he care? Because of his dad’s name and his own, of course. If people started to get lazy in their pronunciation, we’d end up with Hwinwë and Hwëanáro, which would be terrible and stupid and unacceptable. He accused the Vanyar of leaning down that road, and he wanted to stop that kind of shift before it happened to the Noldor. How to do that? Why, by instigating a different shift from traditional Noldorin PH to Telerin F!
“Hey y’all, let’s stop saying PH and say F instead!”
“Whoa, capital idea my good egg.”
Moral of the story: Fëanor is only concerned with Quenya pronunciation insofar as it affects his own name and the names of family members he likes. He does not care whether it’s staying the same or moving to a new sound so long as it personally makes him feel good and his name sound cool. Therefore the true way to piss him off would be to call him Curuhwinwë Hwëanáro, son of Serindë.
Okay so here’s how it works
Now that history is out of the way, let’s get back to how TH was used by the Fëanorians. As I mentioned earlier, TH wasn’t a blanket pronunciation. It all depended on the original form of the word, and whether the root had a TH or an S. And some very similar-sounding words come from different roots, so this can get tricky. A great resource that’ll give you this information is Eldamo: Quenya words where the S was originally TH are marked out with the Þ (thorn) symbol in the wordlist.
Some examples:
Súlë (spirit, breath) comes from the root THŪ, which means it would be pronounced with a TH. Silma (white crystal) comes from the root SIL, so it and related words like Silmaril would be pronounced with an S. No Fëanorian would say Thilmaril. Isil (moon), however, is a similar-sounding word that comes from a different root: THIL. Olos (mass of flowers) comes from the word LOTH, but: Olos (dream) comes from the root LOS. Fëanorian pronunciation would immediately differentiate between these two words.
While Fëanorians may have retained the distinct pronunciation of TH vs S, other Noldor can still differentiate between original S and S-that-used-to-be-TH in their writing. There are specific tengwar to use depending on the word’s original form. Silmë (the one that looks like a 6) is used for original S, while súlë (or thúlë, the one that looks like an h) is used for original TH.
Which other elves used this sound in their speech?
Fandom has really latched on to this TH as a Fëanorian thing, but it wasn’t that exclusively. The TH sound was actually ubiquitous in other elven languages, and in Valinor, only the Noldor dropped it. It was still used in Telerin and in Vanyarin Quendya. The Vanyar retained the TH not because of anything to do with Míriel, but just because they were a little more conservative and their language didn’t pick up on all the changes that the Noldor made. They also noped out of the Z to R shift the Noldor initiated, opting to keep the Z around.
When Indis married Finwë, she stopped using the normal Vanyarin TH and switched over to S as a gesture of loyalty to him and his people. Finarfin, however, out of love for the Vanyar and Teleri, switched BACK to TH. I like to think about how much it would have annoyed Fëanor that his snot-nosed kid brother was speaking correctly, but for the wrong reason. Go down one more generation, and Galadriel very specifically did not use TH. But this time it was absolutely a choice made as a glaring middle finger to Fëanor.
What this means for your fanfic or whatever
The big takeaway here: you can’t just have Fëanorians replace every S with TH and call it a day.
If you’re inventing names for your Fëanorian OCs or coming up with phrases for them to say, it’s important to look into the history of all Quenya S-words you end up using to determine if they should be S or TH. If Fëanor got mad about somebody saying Serindë instead of Therindë, he’d get equally mad about somebody saying Thilmaril instead of Silmaril and assume they were mocking him. Remember: this is a dude with no chill. (On the other hand, if you WANT somebody to be mocking Fëanor, Galadriel would 100% do this because she has an equally negligible amount of chill.)
It’s also important to note that the TH isn’t a true shibboleth, since pretty much all elves EXCEPT the non-Fëanorian Noldor use it. And even the S-preferring Noldor would still be able to pronounce the TH. Those who went into exile would go on to use it commonly in Sindarin, and those who remained in Valinor would still encounter it among the Vanyar and Teleri. So if you’re writing a scene where somebody has to pronounce a TH word to prove their loyalty… yeah, everyone can pass this test. And in the opposite direction, you can’t use TH to prove somebody’s an evil Fëanorian, either. They might just be Vanyarin or something. Or, like. Really Old.
Would the sons (and followers) of Fëanor keep using TH after his death? Oh hell yeah. This is an entire family unfamiliar with the concept of not dying on hills. They will keep using it unto the ending of the world. Actually, with Sindarin becoming the common language of Middle-earth from the First Age, probably not a lot of change happened in exilic Quenya. It became a lore language: a piece of living history. It would have been preserved as it was when the original speakers left Valinor.
(And then, thousands of years later, Galadriel finally returns home to Tirion like, Long have mine eyes awaited this most blissful of sights, and ne’er hath my sprit soared with such grace, for I am returned! And all the Amanyar Noldor stare at her like, whatchu bangin on bout, eh? Because they had nothing better to do in the peace of Valinor than push Quenya to brave and frankly questionable new horizons.)
Anyway, there you go: a somewhat brief history of Fëanorian Quenya. I hope you found this informative and useful, or at the very least not boring. Obvs this is super condensed and, uh, not particularly scholarly, but I promise I know what I’m talking about. I have a university degree! (Not in anything even remotely related to what’s written above, but I hardly see how that’s relevant. It’s still a DEGREE.)
Questions? Need clarification or want more info? My asks are always open!
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
What is it like to be Maglor’s child...
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(This was asked more like questions, but I kinda a went off with this one, and now we have a new headcanon. I hope you like it anon)
Warnings; meantions of death, war. Angst 
- I think Maglor would be a doting father.
- He would love you on the spot when you were born, and it doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl. He will love you regardless the gender.
- He would spend so much time with you. He would care for you, play with you, play songs to you. Damn, he would not even mind changing your diaper. No matter how bad the smell.
-He would read you stories during nap times. Imagine baby you laying on his chest as he reads from a kid's book, which then ends up cuddling together as you both doze off into slumberland.
- His wife had to call him out to give her a turn to cuddle with you since he was pretty much taking all the turns to care and cuddle with you.
- He's an affectionate father and a silly husband.
- When he introduced you to his family. He was proud but almost didn't allow anyone to hold you.
- You were his baby child.
- I guess that protective nature grew early.
- Maedhros became your favorite uncle on the spot. There was just something fascinating about his red hair and size. Maedhros was happy for his brother and already adored you when he saw you. He often offers to babysit, and he's a fun uncle to have.
- Amrod and Amras did the twin prank on you once, and the family just laughed while you were constantly confused about which was uncle Amrod or Amras. It was maybe fun for them but not for you.
- Nerdanel and Feanor were just ecstatic to have another grandchild. If you were a girl, that would be a bonus.
- Feanor now has another thing to brag about to his half-brothers.
- Since you were the youngest. Your close friend would be Celebrimbor, who was a little older than you.
- Maglor thinks it adorable how Celebrimbor plays with you and acts like an older brother figure.
- Your life would be good. You have a doting father, six fun uncles, and loving grandparents. It would be a mix of good, loving, and chaotic since shenanigans were a common thing in your big family.
-Your first word would be when you were singing one of your father's songs, which was playing in your mind all day. Maglor would call his wife over to watch your little performance while beaming how his baby is a little singer.
- Technically, your first word would be a mix of babbling and words since you were singing.
- When you grew up a little and started taking any interests on hobbies. Maglor was ready to support you. Whatever takes your interest. Be it hunting, sword training, painting, blacksmithing. He would be okay with anything.
- But if you take any interest in music. Your loving dad would be swoon over the sea. He would teach you himself, and you will master singing and maybe create new styles for playing music. Imagine bringing a violin into style or drums.
- That would be epic and weird for other elves.
- But, whatever takes your interest. Maglor would be one supportive dad. He won't push you into something you wouldn't like.
- You would find love for drawing, painting, writing, or even sewing, though.
- Your father is the best minstrel in Valinor. You inherited some artistic traits from him.
- None of less. You would live a good childhood with your big family, and you don't wish to change it for anything else.
- When the darkening happened and your great-grandpa Finwe was murdered. Things took turns for a worse and worse.
- You were like 9-years-old by elven standards, so you were still a pretty young child back then.
- The words can't explain the amount of fear you felt in your tiny body. It was not just when the sky went dark. It was when your grandfather became something that you became scared of him. Your grandfather was a decent elf, but now he looked like a mad elf.
- You watched when your father and uncles took the oath to reclaim your grandfather's prized jewels, the silmarils. The whole ordeal was terrifying. Your great-grandpa Finwe was dead, your family was turning against the valars, then your father tells you to pack your things because they all are leaving Valinor.
- Everything happened so quickly. You stayed with Celebrimbor because your father and uncles went to ask the Teleri to borrow their boats. You didn't think much of it since the Teleri were nice people. They would let your family borrow some of their boats, wouldn't they?
- Things took a turn to the worst when you heard screaming in the distance. It was coming from the city the Teleri lived. Celebrimbor kept you close since you got scared by the screaming. You asked what was happening, but he stayed silent with a haunted look on his face like he knew what was happening.
- When your father came back, you were glad to see him alright, but the expression on his face made you quiet. It was like something terrible happened, and he was the one who did it.
- Your father then told you to cover yourself and follow him. You didn't have time to react or ask what happened since he pulled you along with your people.
- What you saw made your face pale. Everything was on fire, and there was blood on the ground. Your father told you not to look at anything, but you couldn't help but notice an elf lying on the ground, bleeding.
"Why is that elf bleeding?" You once asked. He stayed quiet and just told you not to look. He pulled you to the boats, then you and your family left the shores.
- Everything was happening so quickly, you saw how the Telerin city burned to the ground, and it was a terrible sight. One horrible question crossed your innocent mind.
- Did your father do this?
- He wouldn't hurt anyone.
- You asked where your mother was when you couldn't find her anywhere. Your father only stood quiet and said, "She didn't wish to come,"
- You didn't understand what was happening back then, but, oh, how much you wished you did.
- Things didn't turn anything better when you reached middle earth.
- Your grandfather was the first one to die when he faced several balrogs all by himself.
- Uncle Maedhros was captured and taken to Angband, where he was tortured for years until Fingon came and rescued him.
- Half of Fingolfin's people died when they crossed the ice. Including Elenwe, who was Idril's mother. Idril was a young toddler you and Celebrimbor played with when she was born.
- It took some time to learn about the kinslaying, but you didn't dare to confront your father about it because of fear.
- It's not that you were afraid of him. He just felt like a stranger to you.
- He did protect you and tried to spend much time with you, but sometimes all the work that got bestowed upon him took so much of his time that you felt distant from him.
- You decided to start living more independently. You asked Maedhros to teach you how to use a sword which he agreed on and encouraged. All of you were living a dangerous time, so it was better to know how to defend yourself.
- You then did lessons and some other things to waste time. You weren't allowed to leave the city since you were still a young elven child.
- You tried to live in ignorance, that everything was fine, but it was hard not to forget what your family has done in the past.
- Your father sometimes sang to you when you two got a chance to spend some time. It was comforting and reminded you of good times, so something good stuck between you two.
- But any other times. You felt lonely.
- When you grew older and were finally allowed to travel around Beleriand. You would often visit Celebrimbor.
- You two would shit talk about your family and how shitty things were. Celebrimbor was also having problems dealing with his father. It was like your whole family became strangers to both of you.
- Luckily, you two had each other, so it was not all that bad. Yet.
- Your father won't allow you to fight in their war under any circumstances. You're only allowed to defend the city if the situation ever called for it.
- Last time you fought alongside him, you were almost killed by Uldor when Ulfang and his people betrayed your family in the war against Morgoth.
- It was enough to send your father into a rage, and that was the first time you saw how vicious your father was when he killed Uldor.
- From that day forth, you started having doubts as you watched your father become something else each day.
- He would agree on things he would usually disagree upon. He rarely sought you out to spend some time or even talk to you. The food would rarely leave his plate during dinners.
- It was like he was turning into a hollow doll. Even his smiles felt forced and fake.
- You thought he was falling into depression and confronted him about it. He just gave one of those fake smiles and told you it was just the stress that was getting into him.
- Even you could tell that was a lie.
- Things became worse, and your family gained a bad reputation. You also became more distant from your father. It was always about the oath and the silmarils.
- You were getting sick of it.
- Then your family decided to attack Doriath to take back a silmaril from Dior.
- That was the last straw, and you tried to talk your father out of it.
- A fight broke out between you two, and nothing pretty was said.
- But this was the one that broke your heart into pieces.
"if you're so against it, you should leave. We don't need you anyway because you have always been nothing but another extra mouth to feed. I should have left you at the shores from the beginning! You useless welp!" He said. That made you silent. Tears threatened to leave your eyes, but you didn't allow them. "Okay," You said, then left.
- You then did what he said and left.
- Never have you ever heard your dear father say such things to you. And it still makes you mad how you much still cared about him.
- So you went on your own. Living however you decided to live.
- Anything to keep your mind away from your former family and fix your broken self.
- You never heard about your father after that.
- Many years had passed, and many things had happened.
- You settled in Rivendell, living with your adopted little brother, Elrond, and with his family. Also with your family if you settled down with someone.
- It was almost shocking how you ended up with a little brother.
- One day, minding your own business. Living in Eregion with Celebrimbor, then your distant little relative, Ereinion, or Gil-galad as he goes by. He walks up to you with two little elf boys and an envelope, telling you it was for you.
- The letter was anonymous, but you can tell from the handwriting it was from your dear old dad.
- He asked you to take care of Elrond and his brother Elros.
- At first, you were offended and thought he replaced you, but after hearing the boy's story and that it was the silmarils again. You dropped the thought and took them in.
- Long story short. Elros took a human path. Elrond stuck with you, and that's how you ended here.
- You were content living like this, but then Elrond brings your father into the discussion.
- You two talked about him and good old times. Even though; you don't want to admit it. You missed him terribly.
- Elrond then says only you could bring him back.
- You refused at first, but then he convinced you, which ended up your anger and pride taking over.
- You do have some scores to settle with your old man.
- You decided to set out. Elrond and his family wished you good luck, and if you have a spouse and kids, they tell you to be careful.
- You knew where your father might be and used the tracking skills you learned from uncle Celegorm to find him.
- It was a difficult search, and it took a long time.
- But you finally heard his voice which hummed in sorrow and regrets from the seashore.
- And the next thing you did when you set your eyes on him. Was to ram him into the ground.
- He was startled and trashed to get himself free, but thanks to your strength and his lack of nutrition. You were able to hold him down while telling him it was you.
- It took time for him to calm down, but you managed to make him take a seat on a rock and talk to him.
- You almost couldn't recognize him. He was dirty from head to toe, and his clothes were ragged and old. His hand had a burn mark, and you can already guess where he got that. He was also thin as a stick.
- It was almost unbelievable how long he survived just mourning at the seashore.
- His eyes were lifeless, and he looked like a shell of his former self
- He also didn't say a word when you tried to talk to him.
- You decided to take things slow since you have time to make him open up.
- You built a camp and a tent made out of blanks and twigs you found. Having a smith cousin had some benefits of learning a trick or two about building stuff.
- You settled fishing for some fish and food you brought along.
- You helped your father clean up and put some bandages over his burned hand while talking to him.
- You mostly talked about how you and Celebrimbor were doing in your lives and how good things were. You avoided talking about sensitive subjects unless he was ready to talk about them.
- He stood silent for a long time.
- He didn't talk, but you did manage to make him eat a little.
- It took three whole days, where you just talked and cared for him back to health.
- He looked a bit better and ate more, but that was that.
- You might grow impatient, but you have to show that feanorian stubbornness and keep telling yourself it will all be worth it in the end. You then decided to sing a song he used to sing to you.
- You took out a guitar and softly started to sing.
- It seems that did the trick since some life returned into his eyes. He started to cry at the end of the song.
- He finally spoke to you after such a long time.
- He couldn't understand why you're trying to help him when you're supposed to hate him after everything he has done. After what he said to you the last time you saw each other.
- Something woke within you when you heard that. He felt guilt over the argument you two had, and you almost cried too.
- You just hugged him, and he sobbed against your shoulder, apologies leaving his mouth every second as he couldn't help but hug you tight.
- A tear might have left your eye too.
- You two started talking more, and you even dared to tell how Elrond was doing.
- He was pretty self-deprecated, but he's glad you and his adopted son got along.
- When you suggested returning together to Rivendell, he rejected the idea. After everything that had happened. There are still some people who bore grudges against your house, and he doesn't want to bring problems to Elrond because of that.
- You sighed. It might still be a lot of work to get him back.
- You two often gaze at the stars and drink some glögg you bough from hobbits. Those little people knew how to make delicious treats and drinks.
- You sometimes talk about how things would have been if something went different.
- Your father mostly gave dry answers. Many things would have been better if he and your uncles didn't commit such horrible things. You most likely had a better life if you had stayed with your mother. He shouldn't have brought you into the mess, which was the oath and the silmarils.
- His depressive nature was almost worse than your gen z sense of humor.
- You try to work some courage in him to return with you to see Elrond again and be a family.
- It's going to be a lot of work, but you can make it happen.
- If you tell him about Elrond's kids and your's if you have any. Be prepared to see him spurt all his drink out. The fact that he's a grandpa might freak him out a little, but it will be fun and giggles for you.
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More bird Luthien headcanons [link], about general behavior instead of courting, this time. As based mostly off my brother's lovebirds (and also my own ADHD/ASD habits haha whoops not me ~projecting)
talks in her sleep. all the time. she's rarely quiet, if she isn't actually talking she's humming or whistling something
related: mimics noises she likes. sometimes this results in uncanny birdsong from a throat that probably shouldn't be able to make those noises, sometimes it's a word she thinks sounds pretty. Beren's parent's names both end up on the often repeated list, often together (barahiremeldir in a sing-song-constant loop). Some other Good Noises include chickadee song, the word Menegroth, and a whole lot of Taliska.
Trills her tongue when she's overwhelmed
semi-nonverbal when she's tired. she doesn't even realize most of the time, because she just switches to whistles to communicate.
flappy hands. fluttery and inward is happy, twisty is nervous/irritated, big and sharp is upset/angry
head tilt
Staying Still Is Evil Except For When It's Not
Very good balance
incapable of acting normal near water. she just has to splash around. loves jumping in puddles. doesn't actually like getting wet very much though.
she has her People, and those People are the ones who can touch her. sometimes she's fine with them initiating, sometimes it has to be her.
very very particular about how/who she lets touch her back and shoulders.
Cuddles. When she is in a touchy mood, she will happily snuggle up. likes getting her head rubbed
runs her fingers through her hair constantly. And her People's hair.
sideways shuffle
hates the cold, will drag a thick duvet around with her in the mornings until it warms up, before promptly dumping it in the nearest convenient location
puffs herself up and settles back down to get comfy, or adjust herself, or for no real reason
just... gnaws on stuff sometimes. it's usually absent-minded instinct. especially fond of bones, because if (when) she cracks them open she can eat the marrow.
really, really flexible. Beren was Legitimately Concerned until he got used to it.
loves shiny and/or colorful stuff. I cannot emphasize this enough. Beren was insulted about the implication that Thingol valued a silmaril as much as/more than Luthien, she was insulted because her dad wanted her Beloved to risk his life. Her dad asking for a silmaril (very shiny thing) as proof Beren would be a good partner made perfect sense to her.
Can sleep standing up. This is partially just an elf thing too.
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galadhremmin · 3 years
Galadriel's pronounced dislike for Fëanor in Shibboleth before he even really did anything (aside from being generally insufferable to her dad and other uncle) and her following him to middle earth specifically with the aim to fight him and get in his way after he very much did...
what I'm suggesting is a fic in which she creates the flask containing the light of Earendil for exactly that reason. 👀
It seems in character for younger Galadriel! And I love the idea of catching the light of the Silmaril that is lost to the Feanorians forever --not just because it is beautiful and helpful in fighting spiders but for some more personal reasons.
Such as planning to show it to cousins Maglor and Maedhros at their next meeting during the War of Wrath and triumphally telling them she is TECHNICALLY not touching the Silmaril (but neither will they, and she's gotten closer than they ever will) (sadly prevented by their killing the guards, stealing the Silmarils and Maedhros' chasm attraction).
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yourlocalnetizen · 2 years
Amrod & Amras headcanons because they had so much potential.
They’re the youngest grandchildren of Finwe, so the king always had a soft spot for them, not that he wouldn’t have if they weren’t but them being the youngest made their bond with him extra special.
They were very playful back in the good old Valinor days and definitely tricked people tons about who was who.
Being hunters as well, they naturally looked up to Celegorm who they were the closest with out of their brothers apart from each other.
They are the second and third tallest of their brothers. They resemble Maedhros a lot but they’re much leaner.
Despite their status as princes, they were fairly humble since the were closer to Nerdanel growing up.
They were very close to their dad too given they swore an oath for him obviously but by elven standards, they were young when Melkor started getting into Feanor’s head and he began his downward spiral so more often than not Feanor was in a bad mood and the twins didn’t want to disturb him.
I prefer the version Amrod doesn’t die in the ships because the Silm is tragic enough as it is so I like to think Amrod gets burnt but doesn’t die.
I see Amrod’s personality changing a lot after this event. He once had a sunny personality but he becomes increasingly reclusive and flinches when touched, even by Amras.
This obviously affects his beloved twin as well who’s incredibly regretful over even coming to middle earth.
Neither exactly want the Silmarils, they swore an oath though and they’re too proud to break it. All they really want is to go home.
They would have loved Mirkwood if they ever saw the place though.
Neither are on good terms with their father when he dies. Amras was incredibly mournful and Amrod more apathetic, to him it seemed like his loving father was dead long before that point anyways.
Like all of Feanor’s sons though, they were haunted by his ghost for the rest of their lives.
They get reembodied together the first out of the Feanorians, if were only counting Feanor's sons of course because Celebrimbor would be reembodied far before them.
Before getting reembodied, they get closure with Feanor. They don’t exactly forgive him but he’s still their dad and they do love him.
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heeey! so back when @eirianerisdar posted chapter 12 of their fic the ransom of the house of fëanor - that’s the one where they finally let the brothers hellspawn and their idiot dad out of the void, but they have to throw elrond in, all very sad - i thought up my own somewhat fluffier vastly dumber au for the end of that chapter. in honour of the fic being finished, i’ve decided to write up the various scattershot ideas i’ve had for it, with the caveat that i’ll be working off my own slightly different background headcanons
the divergence point is roughly when elrond announces that he’s totally going into the void now, for realsies, the local ainur are nodding solemnly, and the fëanorians are running preliminary can-we-take-them calculations. except for maedhros, who’s very sad to hear that they must sacrifice his nephew to the eternal dark for their freedom, ‘tis truly a shame, they will honour his memory and GET THE BOAT, BOYS
or, the original elf mad scientist, his murderous blood-hungry spawn, a guy who’s extremely grouchy about not getting to do his dramatic self-sacrifice, and their somewhat-less-reluctant-than-he-should-be getaway driver go on the lam
how they got away from the valar:
námo: already knew this was going to happen, but it’s not like anyone ever listens to him, is it? in the moment, was a little more concerned with how morgoth had started belly-crawling towards the doors of night
manwë: never wanted to throw elrond into the void in the first place, and has been silently hoping elrond would call his bluff for the past week. the children are all safe and inside like they should be, and isn’t that what really matters?
eönwë: no it isn’t boss the fëanorians are a completely unpredictable wildcard we cannot afford to let them run around unsupervised!!! would probably have at least delayed the family hellspawn until backup could arrive, except
olórin: realised what maedhros was planning almost immediately and had to consciously force down a shit-eating grin. as soon as the brothers started moving, divetackled eönwë
[from a note attached to a harpoon lodged outside the highest window on the white tower of the isle of seabirds]
elwing - it went better than i expected, honestly. the sons of fëanor took about as much offense to elrond’s plan as everyone else has, except when words didn’t work they resorted to action. they dragged him onto vingilot and i followed them, and then we cast off together. we’ve set sail for as far away from the doors of night as we can get. i’m coming with them, of course, i’m not letting these lunatics crash my baby
i’m not entirely certain when we’ll be back? the fëanorians seem worried the valar might come after us, which wouldn’t surprise me, really. i’m taking us out towards middle-earth, we’ll see where we go after that. they’re all screaming at each other and running across the deck, i’m not convinced they have much of a plan. elrond is yelling too, he’s arguing with either caranthir or curufin, can’t tell which. the one i suspect is maglor has wrapped himself around his neck and refuses to let go. our son is alive and healthy and not in the eternal darkness, and for that, at least, i am grateful
the redhead who’s co-opted the harpoons says we’re coming up on your tower. no one’s done anything to threaten me or elrond, or even looked at the silmaril. there’s something nice about sailing with a crew again, no matter who it is. i love you, and i’ll be back as soon as i can - eärendil
[from a note attached to a harpoon found among the ruins of a house in the tirion stonecarvers’ district]
you were right, nerdanel. you were right about everything, and i was wrong. i’m sorry. the boys and i are going on another adventure right now, but we’ll come back to you someday, i promise
[from the same note, in much neater handwriting]
tell tyelpë i love him, and also that the coordinates are [rest torn off]
the first sign of this mess that reaches arda is the morning and evening star disappearing from the sky. gondorian astronomers, haradren scholars, avarin priests all stare flummoxed as the star of high hope simply fails to appear before the sun. no matter how unsuperstitous they are everyone agrees this is a really bad omen, and all across the globe the high halls of power tremble in fear over the new horror this must portend
the first sign of this mess that reaches the shire (except for that one took who’s really into astrology) is when eight-year-old elanor gardner rushes into bag end the next day, all ‘dad! dad! there are elves in the woods!’
sam is pretty chuffed to hear this. the fair folk don’t pass through the shire half as often as they used to, and it’s been some years since he heard their song. if they’re in the neighbourhood, why, it’d only be polite to say hello, wish them luck on their journey, hand them a letter. he packs up a nice tuck-box full of goodies to share, and then sam and elanor (and frodo, who’s going through a following-his-big-sister-around-and-copying-everything-she-does phase) set out to meet the elves
first they hear the shouting. then they see the smoke
at the end of the path his daughter leads him down, sam finds the wreckage of what looks like a crashed boat strewn across the forest, still faintly smouldering. at least a dozen elves are rushing between and up the trees, yelling at each other in the angriest quenya he’s ever heard. in the middle of the impact crater stands a blonde elf carrying a stone that shines like the phial of galadriel, wailing something sam knows just enough sindarin to recognise as ‘MY SHIIIIIIIIIP’
as sam’s gaze pans over the unfolding catastrophe, his eyes land on one of the last elves he’d expected to see, master elrond. elrond is rubbing his temple, groaning like someone who knows he’s the most responsible person around and really wishes he wasn’t. a vaguely familiar sketchy-as-fuck elf is clinging onto his shoulders, in a not-dissimilar way to how frodo-lad is currently riding on sam. elrond catches sam’s gaze
‘greetings, master samwise,’ says the wisest elf-lord of the west, ignoring the scuffle that’s breaking out behind him. ‘i must apologise for my relations’
(fëanor and elanor become fast friends, teaching each other their languages and exploring the shire together. absolutely no one else is okay with this)
fëanor, dragging an incredibly-put-upon elrond around the citadel of minas tirith: grandbabies!
fëanor, marvelling over the embroidery arwen is showing him: great-grandbabies!
fëanor, carrying a tiny giggling eldarion all the way up the tower of gondor: great-great-grandbabies!
fëanor, staring fixedly at an increasingly apprehensive aragorn: great-great-great...
celegorm, on dad-watching duty: actually if you lay the maths out it’s very likely every human in middle-earth is descended... from... elros... fuck
fëanor: has gone completely still
fëanor: massive grin spreading across his face, eyes sparkling like the two trees brought back to life
fëanor: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
I got Curufin, Turgon and Finarfin! And the only things I remember about them are "Finarfin is the younger sibling and also the one whose name I use to explain how all elves are called them same" and "I think Curufin had a knife??? I have no idea why, but it feels like he had a knife."
(Sorry, I'm just more interested in the Hobbits than in the Elves xD)
You're 100% correct!! Good job given there's like a thousand characters, it took me a couple of readings before I could keep even the major ones straight in my head.
So, Curufin is the favorite son of Feanor (who makes the Silmarils and probably the Palantiri) and the father of Celebrimbor (who makes the Rings of Power and the Doors of Durin.) He does own a knife, Angrist, which is stolen from him. He's arguably a minor villain in the Silmarillion? Extremely smart and eloquent but even in a book about war criminals he stands out for being pretty cruel. (But I love him so much 🥺)
Turgon is veeeery briefly High King of the Noldor elves, but he's more famous for being king of Gondolin, which is a hidden city that's A Huge Deal in the story. It's the last kingdom of the Noldor elves to be destroyed. Turgon himself spends his while storyline trying to keep away from drama but he's part of the world's most dramatic family so drama keeps finding him.
Finarfin is Galadriel's dad! Known for remaining faithful to the gods (when a lot of people, including Galadriel, rebel against them) and also for helping lead the war which takes down Sauron's boss. Certified cinnamon roll, would just like people to stop attacking each other for stupid reasons. I also got Finarfin when I took the quiz!
Overall: you have so many braincells, you should donate some to less fortunate people. You're also probably on the quieter side, not because you're shy but again, because you have braincells. I also wanna say you stay on track with your goals, but that's debatable.
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echoofthemusic · 3 years
Of all things grand and small to meta and headcanon on in the Legendarium, I’m thinking about the swan snuggle. What? I saw this beautiful calligraphy by @bamboocounting. The tags below are calling me to indulge in some birb cuteness...
Tuor’s love for swans is remarked in Of Tuor and his Coming to Gondolin:
Now Tuor loved swans, which he knew on the grey pools of Mithrim; and the swan moreover had been the token of Annael and his foster-folk. He rose therefore to greet the birds, and called to them, marvelling to behold that they were greater and prouder than any of their kind that he had seen before; but they beat their wings and uttered harsh cries, as if they were wroth with him and would drive him from the shore.
Though it is an early version of Tuor’s sojourn by the sea, there is a lovely description of Falasquil, his dwelling in a cove in The Fall of Gondolin:
This by slow labour he adorned with fair carvings of the beasts and trees and flowers and birds that he knew about the waters of Mithrim, and ever among them was the Swan the chief, for Tuor loved this emblem and it became the sign of himself, his kindred and folk thereafter.
The Fall of Gondolin also tells us Eärendil prefers the Swan-wing of his father to the Eagle of the Gondolindrim:
Then were the Gondothlim glad, and they made in after days the Eagle a sign of their kindred in token of their joy, and Idril bore it, but Eärendel loved rather the Swan-wing of his father.
You could interpret this preference of Eärendil’s as an affinity to his father and the kindred of Men and also an homage to the folk of Annael. But also consider: THE SWAN SNUGGLE.
(Some time after the family’s arrival in the Havens of Sirion:
Idril: Eagles are awesome. They rescued us and used to help my dad a lot.
Tuor: Yes but they are not as snuggable as swans. I prefer swans.
Eärendil: I agree with dad! Snuggly swans!)
I find Tuor’s love for swans adorable, and the idea that this love is passed down from Annael to him and then he passes it down to his son just heightens the adorableness. I don’t know if there are swans near Nan-tathren or the Havens of Sirion, but I hope there are, so Tuor can take his son to greet and befriend them. But in any case, it delights me to imagine Tuor has snuggled swans in his childhood, because 1) his early life with the Sindar at Mithrim sounds like a humble and close to nature kind of life 2) the swans in Mithrim are more agreeable than the ones in Nevrast 3) it just sounds like a Tuor thing to do. Therefore, he shows his son the swan snuggle, which is also applicable to other species of birds. Taking a nap while hugging a bird close to your heart as a way of bonding with the animal.
When Eärendil sees an exhausted bird drop onto the deck of his ship, he takes care of her and does the swan snuggle, almost instinctively. I like to think he recognizes the bird as his wife, but if that notion is too wild for him at first, he’s already having nightmares and the bird bringing the Silmaril is clearly a bad sign, and in pity for the bird and in fear for his family and people he cuddles the bird (the woman) the whole night to comfort her and himself, and in the morning…in the morning… I suddenly feel like quoting Mary Oliver out of context: “You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.”
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midas-or-khaos · 3 years
Hot take that may start arguments but hey! I live to be a twat.
Arwen in the books, was a nearly completely useless character. Please don’t kill me.
Now before we get started, I do appreciate that a lot of people love this character and I don’t dis you for this. Even though it only featured in the film I loved when she saved Frodo and battled the Nazgul herself, cus that really set her up for the rest of the movie as a character we’re gonna like (plus that amazing chase scene and cinematography 👌). I just feel the need to point out flaws in how Tolkien wrote her character and how he used her.
Now. What am I talking about. Well, the reason I see her as useless is because she doesn’t further the story. Obviously in life people don’t exist to further a narrative, and that’s why stories have character self interests, their own goals and wishes and fears. It’s to make characters feel like real people and it makes us as the readers feel more in touch with these people and like them more. And others will argue that her character is a beacon of hope for Aragorn in times of weakness. But therein lies the problem. Arwen fails the bechdel test. Her entire character doesn’t exist on its own merit, it exists as a means for Aragorn to further himself, not for herself. Obviously there is the discourse of Arwen’s desicion to stay in middle earth and become mortal, and her loyalty to love, but all these things come back to Aragorn one way or another. All her desicions are based on him. And this is a shame because if you think about it, if you removed Arwen from the story, Aragorn would still have become King, because he would’ve still gotten courage from the death of Boromir, the leading of the riders of Rohan, and even the death of his mother if you wanted too. She wanted to protect him and see him grow up, and how easy it would be to simply write in that he tried to become king to honour the momory of fallen loved ones and be better than those before him like Isildur and the whole of fucking Numenor. Arwen is easily replaceable. We also don’t see much of her. True she makes a banner for Aragorn and is nice to the fellowship, but we don’t see much of her after. SHE’S THE LOVE INTEREST OF THE FUTURE KING OF MEN! SHES GOTTA BE DOING MORE THAN JUST MOPING AROUND WITHOUT NOTICE! I’m not saying she has to go and pull an Eowyn, that’s not her character type and being a strong character doesn’t mean just fighting and being physically strong. It means planning with her brothers and helping them strategise where best to go to help in the war. It’s spending time with fallen or hurt soldiers, it’s focusing on the discourse of being at home and hating that she can’t be at the fight to help out, and being the POV character for those left behind in war. We didn’t get any of that.
What also upsets me is that she’s supposed to be Luthien reborn, yet all she inherited from that great character was her looks. Not Luthien’s level of character, not her skill for trickery and the ability to just straight up walk into the halls of MELKOR and own the place and retrieve a silmaril and piss off her dad (lol, well kinda). Non of that. And that’s what hurts me most off all about her character. She’s a shell of something that had the potential to be great, and yet was squandered.
Again, please don’t hate me and share your thoughts.
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dagnyart · 4 years
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I’ve tried to show all the bitterness of Maedhros’es internal conflict during the raid in Middle Earth. !!Disclaimer: I have a huge speech below about Maedhros and Feanor with my own opinion and headcanons about it, so if you are not ready for this, just skip :D \ \ Let’s talk about them. Their relationships are very complicated and hide a long story. Maedhros got a difficult place in his family, because he is the eldest son and the first heir. By the time of Maedhros birth, Feanor was already had some issues with his own dad (Finwe), so he translated some of them on Maedhros. It was very important for Feanor, he had a boy! Having a heir made him  more independent and well-established. He kinda told Finwe «Look I have my own family, now I'm gonna do what I think is right, I won’t be like you!» Also he named his son after Finwe and actually didn’t solve his conflict with father. For Elves Feanor was very young then, Even in their trip he showed his vernal ardent temper. He became father very early. Elvish life is so long, so Maedhros grew up and still didn't have other brothers, so he and Feanor become more like friends, nor like father and son. They had a lot of time for hunting and horse riding together, for some noble stuff and fancy elvish parties, for doing some business together and fooling around.   Then Maglor was born and then the other kids. It became more complicated to share the same time with everyone and look after kids. But first two sons had a lot of time with Feanor and now they were very good at help. According to their will they had to follow their father, how they were standing for him, the family was united and strong. We shouldn't forget that Feanor lost his mind and had PTSD after Finwe’s death. He was different before Melkor came to him. Before that, he act differently, he was the favorite of many Vallar, he couldn’t attack his brother with a weapon, because there weren’t any weapons in Valinor, and he didn’t have paranoia about Silmarills. There was a time there weren’t any gems themselves and he didn’t lost some part of his soul inside them.   Ok, back to suffering. The  Elder brothers had more time with their father,but still Maedhros knew him close than others. If any of 7 sons could advise and object to their father, it would be Maitimo. He knew him good.  Just imagine how weird it was to him watching Feanor’s paranoia growth. And still he supported him everywhere. To simplify the whole story, imagine that you’ve known someone for 30 years and they are wonderful despite their downsides and fails. You know when they can act like moron and what can make them mad, but you adore them, you feel their love and tender connection, support and careness. And then someone comes to visit them, tells them something in private and you watch them literally change in a month.They become strange, then lose their mind, while sometimes they look absolutely normal and everything is fine.  But you can’t throw out these years you have with them and absolutely don’t know what to do.   I think Maedhros finally understood that his father is sick in the head when he  started burning the ships.Just  imagine, Just imagine, he turns, look at Maedhros and says he knows that others can't go across the sea, he leaves them and Fingon too. And then he starts laughing like a psycho. BOOM and the first ship explodes with fire. And with Amrod. Commonly relied on his father in everything, Maedhros  is horrified by everything that happens, he doesn't know how to stop it, and events develop frighteningly quick. The fever of revenge reaches its peak and Feanor burns out, consumed by his own anger. This is a dreadful loss. Maedhros loses his friend and father, the fate of everyone in this campaign falls on him, he is the head of their house and the king, and they also managed to take an oath, not knowing its price. Then Maedhros did not have time to ponder everything and think it over, but he will have a rather long life, full of troubles. And every new tragedy in his life will be connected with these damn gems. Feanor didn't know where all this would lead, but it was him who doomed all his children to death himself, and this is his fault. He abandoned them. Yes, he died. Yes, he was out of his mind, but he wasn't there when he was needed. When Maitimo was in captivity, when he fought , when his brothers died. He wasn't with them in their moments of madness and in their moments of contrition. It’s hard to take and it’s hard to forgive. Maedhros' love for his father is incredibly strong, he also still respects him. But his pain is also strong. Even if Feanor freed his spirit by visiting Mandos and knew everything  happened there with the children, he still wasn't there and he couldn't prevent it. This is guilt that will be as heavy and pervasive as the anger that he once burned by. How would they look to each other? They wouldn't have any words to express what they feel. Maedhros also feels guilty about death of his brothers, losing the crown and the greatness of the Feanor's house. Who knows what nightmares he has at night, what's he thinks about when he is alone. He's changed. He had to cope with many things alone. They’re both different now. Any of Maedhros’es brothers. Any of Maedhros’es brothers would find it easier to meet him again. It’s impossible to say how it will end for them, WHAT must happen to bring them closer again. But still. I want to believe.
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