#he looks kind of yassified in this image
midnightcowboy1969 · 5 months
Hey hey
On ao3 I’m oklahomieeee
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ofthehands · 1 month
Did some sketches of my guesstimation of a young Drayton the other day. Here's my favorite ones
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Some of my usual overexplaining below
Been trying to figure out how I want to draw young Drayton bc the youngest image of Jim Siedow I've ever seen was him in The Windsplitter during which he was like 50 instead of 53 lol. Then I saw someone compare him to Milton Berle, who like, isn't a dead ringer for him but does look pretty similar, especially in face shape, so I tried to combine young Berle's face shape and Siedow's features (rounder nose than Berle, apple cheeks, slightly higher brow, etc) to make a baby Drayton. I think he's reasonably recognizable/ not too yassified lol. Also gave him that hairstyle because 1 it was popular in the 30's, when he would have been a teenager, and 2 because I think it sort of resembles his hair during the film. Like if he just never stopped parting it the same way even as it got thinner lol. Also it kind of accents his widow's peak, which is another kind of defining Drayton-y trait and one I'm particularly fond.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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fuckyeahilike · 1 year
This is a post by Djuvlipen that I have screengrabbed and that I am reproducing here. 
In it she pretends that Rita Hayworth is part gypsy - or as she always prefers to call them, a Romani, claiming that the word gypsy is an offensive slur - and that Hollywood white-washed her and forced her to have multiple plastic surgeries in order to fit in and to have a movie career.
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1 - Radical feminists are correct to point out that constantly bombarding women with yassified, filtered images of women’s faces gives you an inferiority complex, and messes with your idea of what you’re even supposed to look like. That’s correct.
What do you think it does to be shown images of a woman who never underwent plastic surgery, and then be told that the differences caused by different grooming styles and age are actually the result of plastic surgery? That you can’t just look nice, unless you’ve had all kinds of shit done to you? 
She never had any plastic surgery done. 
You’re being gaslighted into seeing changes that never happened. The only modification made by Hollywood was electrolysis to her hair-line. Any other changes you see are caused by the grooming of hair and eyebrows, and by make up, along with the changes that naturally happen as you age.
2 - Any person who tells you that a descendant of white Europeans could never look like a dark brunette is a racist who wants you to believe that all “real” white people must look like Donald Trump.
This is what Silvia, the queen of Sweden, looked like as a young girl. That’s Sweden, the European country in Europe with all those white European people.
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3 - Djuvlipen is a pretendian of sorts when it comes to the gypsy community.
According to wikipedia, a “pretendian is a person who has falsely claimed Indigenous identity by claiming to be a citizen of a Native American or Indigenous Canadian tribal nation, or to be descended from Native ancestors. The term is a pejorative colloquialism, and if used without evidence could be considered defamatory.”
Real gypsies don’t tell you that the only correct designation for them is Romani or Traveler. Gypsy, gitano, cigano, gitane... all these words are the exact same word in different languages. Gypsy is the word gypsies use for themselves in their own official institutions.
So what happens when someone passing herself off as a gypsy forbids you from using the correct word to call gypsies? You are left without the words to find the information you’re looking for... the information (gypsy) becomes invisible to you. Gypsies become invisible to you. 
That is what she and other anti-gypsy racists want: they want to erase gypsies off the map.
How gypsies of Portugal call themselves:
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How gypsies of France call themselves:
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How gypsies of Spain call themselves:
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You get the picture.
4 -  Regarding Rita’s imaginary gypsy ancestry, this entire discussion is expressive of just how much there isn’t a single shred of proof to confirm it, and her own father (the one who is supposed to have been the gypsy one, remember?) always denied it, so who are we to call him a liar? Is it because we’re non-gypsy that we wouldn’t tell a lie but he would? Isn’t that a racist thing to assume about him? Aren’t racists the ones who accuse gypsies of being habitual liars?
It’s fine to be gypsy, but it’s not ok to gypsy-wash a famous movie star just because you’d like to claim them... or to make them invisible.
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menstits · 10 months
I see the vision I kind of wish I didn't but I do. for the record they fucked up remake manfred but investigations manfred is beautiful. https :// static. wikia. nocookie. net /aceattorney /images /c /c5/ AIManfredThink. gif/ revision/ latest?cb=20220108185421 I do not want to fuck him (is that what yassified means in this year of our lord 2023? in any case I am one of those asexuals you may have heard about us) but when he has his proper shading he is beautiful with immaculate fashion sense and I shall die on this hill if I must. there is so much love and light in this world if you open your eyes
No "yassified manfred von karma" just refers to the fact that neuvillette looks like that guy except if they smoothed him out and gave him eyeliner. I have to credit some random redditor for the phrase cause that's where i first saw it and i was like yeah actually he DOES look like that. But anyway anon i support your old guy passion and the image of him you gave me is very flattering compared to the rest but "immaculate fashion sense" for any ace attorney character is a bit of a funny description
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I do appreciate the cunty earring though
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stylewithmeegs · 2 years
The Valentino Pink PP Collection (2022)
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Friends, when I say this collection brought a light back into my eyes...I mean it. She is GORGEOUS. Let's dive right in:
The Valentino Pink PP Collection (2022) is masterminded by none other than Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli (Virgo). He takes the simplicity of one hue and turns it into the most recognizable red carpet trend of the year. Roses, roses, I'm throwing (pink) roses. One thing about me, I love respecting the brilliance of a fellow Virgo.
Let's highlight my top 10 favorite looks from the collection:
Look #12:
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Why hasn't Harry Styles worn this yet? Someone bring this up to him immediately. I LOVE this, it arguably might be my favorite from the entire collection.
Look #15:
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I mean, need I say more? The coat makes me want to get all comfy & cozy, the heels are definitely not something I could ever wear, but they're giving Barbie.
Look #32
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You have got to be joking. The boots are giving Bratz realness, the bag???? And the damn coat. I don't even like coats, I am not a coats kinda gal, but this collection is making me one. Wowowow. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful this is
Look #33
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It's flowy, it looks breathable, and I feel like I would feel like a rich woman on ~holiday~ visiting my wealthy in-laws on an island somewhere. I want it.
Look #35
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The sheer top, the SWEATER coat? The trousers? The bag? I'm obsessed it's like a university professor but in the best way possible and extremely yassified. I love I love I love
Look #36
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We can all say it together, "Oh My Goddess." I typically stray from menswear, it's just not my niche, but this is everything. I love the oversized look so much, it's comfortable while also being high fashion. The shoes were a beautiful touch. I want this sweater so much, I just love sweaters, Valentino please send me a PR package I am begging.
Look #74
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I don't know what I did to deserve to even gaze upon this picture of the look. But I am grateful. Are you KIDDING ME???? I am so obsessed with this look that it might actually replace Look #12 as my favorite. The cape is gorgeous, the trousers go with it so seamlessly, I am in love. Valentino, if you were to send me a PR package, I would like this one, too.
Look #81
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If this one looks familiar, it's because Nicola Peltz-Beckham wore this at the 2022 MET Gala. And she did so flawlessly. I've really been digging the risky ...neckline? Whatever it is, I'm with it.
Look #24
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This makes me want to be a business woman. I don't know what kind of business woman, but definitely one of 'em. I love this bag so much, I am a massive fan of a chunky bag, I like being able to lose things in my bag. and the COAT. Mr. Piccioli has outdone himself, truly.
Look #4...Whom I cannot show because there is a 10 image limit and also because she is a cute lil sheer number that is not safe for tumblr (probably). I love love love this one, if you get the chance, check it out!!!!
The entire collection is available at https://www.valentino.com/en-us/fashionshow/valentino-pink-pp-collection and it is truly a dream to go through. There are a few looks that are all-black, and they are also so stunning. Valentino did a remarkable job with this one.
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