#he is “the eldest Minamoto boy”
daily-terus · 9 months
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lgbtqmanga · 1 year
New Releases Nov. 22, 2022
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Adachi and Shimamura vol. 4 (manga) by Hitoma Iruma, Moke Yuzuhara
Adachi and Shimamura are now in their second year of high school. Luckily, they’re in the same class this semester, but when Adachi sees Shimamura making friends with their new classmates so quickly, she starts to panic. Feeling left out, she begins distancing herself from Shimamura, who can’t help but notice that Adachi’s been on her mind a whole lot these days…
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Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. vol. 5 (manga) by Jirou Oimoto, Yuumikan, KOIN
Word is the next event will focus on large-scale guild PVP, and that’s bad news for Maple Tree. With only six members, they’re sure to be at a disadvantage— and the other top guilds are even putting together anti- Maple strategies! Fortunately, the gang picks up two new recruits: Mai and Yui, twin sisters bearing all-strength builds who’ll pack quite a punch after a little power leveling. But with Maple evolving into even more of a literal monster, will she be a bad influence on the newbies?
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Catch These Hands vol. 3 by murata
Takebe and Soramori, her old high school rival turned girlfriend (by force), are finally getting used to each other’s company. But while Takebe’s eager to leave her delinquent past behind, Soramori has other ideas… and their relationship suddenly faces its greatest challenge yet. With the help of their friends Maria and Miharu, their confrontation reaches a boiling point, as Takebe seeks to convey her feelings in the only way she knows how—with her fists!
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Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk vol. 2 by Toru
Hana(e) and (Shuu)Mei are continuing to develop their relationship slowly, and still neither realize that the other is also a crossdressing guy…!
Things get even crazier when Shuumei’s punk bro Kanoko manages to sniff out his crush. When Hana becomes Kanoko’s stalking victim, Mei leaps in to protect her! But when Kanoko sees the strong-willed and powerful Mei, he falls in love at first sight?!
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Even Though We’re Adults vol. 5 by Takako Shimura
Ayano leaves her husband Wataru and moves back into her parents’ home. She’s determined to use this time to really think about what she wants out of life, but Wataru is unwilling to back off and is dead set on fixing their marriage. Akari, meanwhile, can’t help but wonder if she and Ayano might have a future together after all.
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The Gay Who Turned Kaiju by Kazuki Minamoto
Bullied for being gay, teenager Takashi Arashiro wishes he could just be somebody else—but who could predict he’d morph into a giant-headed sci-fi creature?! Takashi’s tumultuous emotions become the catalyst for personal and social exploration of the LGBTQ experience in this quirky, profound manga from prolific BL author Kazuki Minamoto.
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Hirano and Kagiura vol. 1 (manga) by Shou Harusono
Akira Kagiura has decided. He will marry him. Taiga Hirano, roommate—and the most perfect man who has ever existed! After all, Hirano’s bad boy vibe doesn’t really matter when he acts so sweet. Like when he wakes Kagi up every morning or cheers him on when he’s feeling down...So now there’s only one thing left to do: enact his grand plan and overcome the first hurdle—confessing his feelings! From the creator of Sasaki and Miyano— the story of Miyano’s bad boy senpai and his BL life with his roommate!
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I Think Our Son Is Gay vol. 4 by Okura
As Hiroki comes home from school every day with new tales of friend Daigo's feats, Tomoko wonders about the future of her eldest's schoolboy crush.
And if young love wasn't confusing enough, Tomoko is also keeping tabs on Hiroki's childhood friend Asumi, who appears to be nursing a crush on Hiroki herself!
But nothing can prepare Tomoko for the day Hiroki comes home with a shocker—Daigo's got himself a girlfriend! How will this new development affect Hiroki, who's still figuring things out?
Even as the friendship between Hiroki and Daigo undergoes a change and the relationship between Hiroki and kid brother Yuri evolves too, life goes on for the Aoyamas and their loved ones, all under mom Tomoko's caring and supportive eye!
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The (Pet) Detective Agency by noji
Welcome to the Sako Detective Agency where they will solve every crime and mystery -from murders to missing pets- with a bit of charm and a lot of love!
At the Sako Detective Agency works the reliable Rou Nakamura. Despite his rugged looks, intimidating glares and pink hair, animals seem to adore him, making him the perfect candidate for finding lost pets. Rou is also in love with his boss, Detective Fumika Sako. When he isn't helping Fumika out on a case, Rou is always on the lookout for a chance to sneak in a kiss!
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Sirius: Twin Stars by Ana C. Sánchez 
Dani Torres has only ever wanted to be one thing: a professional tennis player, just like her mom. Unfortunately, having her perfection-driven mom as her coach ended up making her resent the sport. After a career-ending injury, Dani's parents send her away to recover for the summer in a little coastal village.
 There, she meets Blanca, a girl full of life and in love with astronomy. They don't start off on quite the right foot, but something about starry-eyed Blanca is impossible to stay away from. And though she'd much prefer to avoid thinking about her future, Blanca decides it'll be her mission to get Dani to feel inspiration again.
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The Titan’s Bride vol. 1 by ITKZ
In this Mature-rated Boys’ Love fantasy isekai that inspired an anime, there’s nothing small about the love between a human and a titan prince!
Senior Kouichi Mizuki is about to take his final exams and graduate from high school, when he suddenly finds himself in a world of titans. Not only is he no longer anywhere near home, but one of these giants, Prince Caius, has claimed Kouichi as his bride! Thanks to a disturbing, world-ending prophecy, the prince’s upcoming nuptials cannot be with anyone of his world. Since Caius has no plans to send Kouichi back to earth, he is wholeheartedly set on taking Kouichi as his “wife”!
Seven Seas’ special print release of this Mature-rated favorite will feature the completely uncensored original art not available in other editions.
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Young Ladies Don’t Play Fighting Games vol. 4 by Eri Ejima
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muichiro-obsessed · 11 months
Hello! Thank you for reading, I'm making this because I simply want to. These hc's + one shots are written to be romantic, but can be interpreted platonically. Reader is gender neutral!
Warnings: pure fluff, might be suggestive in some parts. Reader has ears and a tail.
On with the story...
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Hanako kun (amane yugi)
This boy, gosh, where do I start with him
He *adores* your ears and tail, and often gives you nicknames based off of which animal you stem from (ex. Kitty, foxy, puppy, ect ect..)
It also gives him an advantage teasing you because even with a poker face, he can tell your reaction by your ears twitching
"oh would you look at you, what a fluffy thing you are," hanako says, flying above you, "You are so adorable, you know that?" You tried to keep a straight face, but your tail and ears didn't think the same. "Awww, you look so cute like that, kitty!"
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Yashiro Nene
Oh my gosh, this girl would be freaking out
With how fluffy you are, how could she not?
When she first saw you, she thought she was dreaming
"gorgeous person, with fluffy ears?!"
Be prepared to catch her, she's gonna pass out most likely
Yashiro walked into the bathroom, prepared to clean again. Her gaze is met by hanako, and a fluffy animal-person. "WAIT WHA-!" Yashiro yelled before nearly falling to the ground, only to be caught by you. When she woke up she apologized profusely, only to forget about it within 5 seconds. "I'm so sorry for passing out on you, wait OHMIGOSHYOURSOFLUFFYPLEASECANUPETYOU-" (oh my gosh your so fluffy please can I pet you). You nodded. Ever since then, yashiro has been petting you as a greeting.
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Kou Minamoto
This boy first saw you, bless his soul, he thought you were an appriatian
Poor boy was ready to exorcise you
You had to rush to explain to him, you weren't meant to be excorsied
Once he calmed down, his situation set in
"why is there a fluffy animal-person Infront of me"
He decided to just go with it
You two are sweet together, he protects you like an older brother, even if you're older than him
Kou walked down the hallway after school got out. The hallways was lit by the golden sun, and he could make out a figure in the distance. "Head, arms, legs, ears,tail," he thought to himself, "WAIT EARS AND A TAIL?!" he yelled. You looked at him. You had forgotten about your ears and tail for a second, lazily swaying as you looked out the window. "HEY YOU! PREPARE TI BE EXCORSIED BY THE ONE AND ONLY KOU MINAMOTO!" You looked at him in confusion and then said to him "Why would you exorcise me? I'm not an apparition," you stated calmly. Kou was thrown off by your calming aura and decided to take you to hanako.
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Teru Minamoto
teru was worried at first when he saw you with kou
"why is my little brother with an apparition?"
He soon saw how relaxed kou was, and decided not to panic
He then took a good look at you and saw one thing
He found you absolutely adorable
Teru went to find his brother, only to find him with what he thought was an apparition. "KOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING-" he yelled. You and kou looked up at the eldest Minamoto with confused expressions. "Hey bro! I made friends with this cool person with animal like features, say hi Y/N!", Kou states. "Hello! You must be kou's older brother," you stook out a pawed hand for him to shake, "it's nice to meet you!" Teru took your hand, or paw in this context, and shook it gently. "Hello there, Y/N! Nice to meet you!" Teru said with a smile. The rest was history between you two.
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Mitsuba Sousuke
When mitsuba first saw you, he instantly thought one thing
"I wanna take a picture of them.."
He was entranced by the fluff of your ears and the way your tail swayed
He had a lot of thoughts racing through his head seeing you
Like, for example
"wow, they're really pretty"
"I want to pet them"
"they're so fluffy"
He chose to silence most of them though
But he did talk to you
You were on the balcony, looking around at the dusk sky. The orange of the sun and the purple hue of the night coming in, and the astonishing amber in the middle, what was there not to love? Mitsuba has heard that there would be a particularly beautiful sunset today, so he went to go take some pictures. He didn't know, however, that there would be an even more beautiful sight than the sky out there. Mitsuba saw you and gripped his camera tighter. He felt a strange aura coming from you, one of tranquility, and peace. He had a rush of thoughts come into his head, but one made its way to the front. "I want to take a picture of you," he found himself saying, "your unique appearance would make for a beautiful picture." You turned around, to be greeted by a cute, pink haired boy. "Yes," you spoke, "there's no harm in a few pictures!" The rest of the golden hour consisted of camera shudders going off, and a nice breeze going through your fur as you took pictures.
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa told Sakura to bring you to him once he had one look at you
The way your tail bobbed as you walked past, the way your ears swayed
He wanted nothing more than a cup of tea with you
When he saw you, his first reaction was
"pet the fluffy"
So he did
It made for a rather awkward interaction, but it was still enjoyable
Since that one day, he kept petting you, like hanako
"Sakura," tsukasa's voice called out, "can you bring someone here for tea?" She brought you in. When tsukasa looked at you, his first thoughts were "pet the fluffy." Since tsukasa is tsukasa, he did just that. Tsukasa walked up to you and had reached a hand out to your ears, and ruffled the fur. His expression had gone from playful to shock from how fluffy you were. Sakura guided you to a chair and poured you a cup of tea. "Hey fluffy, what's your name," tsukasa spoke," I wanna get to know you!" "Well then, my name is Y/N, and since I'm here, I have no choice but to get to know you as well!"
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I'm afraid this is the end of this fic, thank you so much for reading this! Good bye, and have a wonderful life!
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valorianknights · 2 months
Kounene Fankids
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I'm just tipping my hat into the realm of creating fankids for ships, cause' "Why not?"
Here's this chaotic sibling trio:
Satsuki Minamoto (14) - The youngest
-Very polite and soft spoken
-A pacifist and likes to help spirits in a more humane way
-Is happy to let spirits talk or vent about their feelings
-Is the only one of her siblings that can cook
-Definitely daddy's little princess
Rin Minamoto (15) - The Middle child
-Very loud and outgoing
-No filter, kinda dense and impulsive
-Always ready for a fight or an adventure
-Danger prone, but ironically agile
-Terrible cook, anything she makes will send you to the hospital (somehow worse than her Uncle Teru). She is banned from the kitchen
-Eager to prove herself as a great Exorcist/Hero
-Hanako would most likely want to duct tape her to the wall to keep her out of trouble
Shiro Minamoto (16) - The Eldest
-The most responsible and reliable
-Always happy to help anyone but himself
-Can't cook, but is great at baking
-Gullible and Naive to a fault, but he's getting better (he just wants to believe in the best in people)
-Is terrified of his Uncle Teru (pretty justified tbh)
-Is the top of his class and becomes friends with Shijima-san
-Adores anything cute and adorable (the mokke)
-Loves to draw and gardening
-Total Momma's boy
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donu-ko · 2 years
can u talk more about mafia boss teru and disobedient hostage akane🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
I LOVE to ramble about Au's so don't hesitate to suggest one and I will gladly talk about it!!
Mafia boss Teru x Hostage Akane
•Mafia Boss Teru who is described as being beautifully deadly.
•Its how he gets information out of people. Using eyes that test the bluest skies to look right into someones soul to see if their lying.
•He is the head of the Minamoto family Mafia afterall. And it's his job to keep them at the top.
•He has had ZERO problems in getting someone to do his bidding, or tell him what he needed. Zero problem in getting someone to comply.
•Until his bodyguards bring him Akane.
•A scandalous little rat who slipped under his nose, smuggling stolen Minamoto Family money to an opposing Mafia. The Akane family Mafia, one of histories oldest.
•Teru can't help but find a certain beauty in the fieryness of the rats eyes. The crimson that just tinged with teal.
•Red hair, spiky bangs that hang into his eyes as he doesn't dare to look the Mafia boss in the eyes.
•Until he does.
•And his eyes, the beautiful crimson, are full of hatred. Full of spite. A smirk plays on his lips.
• "You don't scare me, Minamoto. You don't enchant me either. You can't play those stupid mind games with me, bat your pretty little eyes and get me to coarse."
•Thus sent the cruel, coldhearted, Mafia boss over edge.
•This boy, this little rat dared to test him? Teru Minamoto?
•That was new.
•The eldest Minamoto LOVED a good challenge.
• he takes the males chin into his hands, pulling their faces seductively close.
• "We'll see about that~"
(Will post part two later!!)
Hope you enjoyed! More will come soon, I really enjoy writing these!
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coolmika745 · 4 months
Oni Dance (鬼舞) Light Novel Series Character Synopsis
So I thought about searching for more material with Abe no Seimei’s sons Abe no Yoshimasa and Abe no Yoshihara. There is the Shonen Onmyoji in which Abe no Yoshimasa is the protagonist's Abe no Masahiro’s father and Yoshihara was mentioned to be the protagonist's uncle. Now I have found this light novel series called Oni Dance (鬼舞).
by Takatsugu Segawa (瀬川貴次).
The character synopsis is from Volume 15 of the novel as there is a sample available online, which is in Japanese of course.
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Subara no Michifuyu (宇原道冬) A 15 year old boy. He has been able to see mysterious things since he was a child, and has a troublesome tendency to be liked, and aspires to become an Onmyoji.
Yukichika (行近) Michifuyu's servant. Although he has great expectations and trust in Michifuyu, he can be a little harsh towards others.
Watanabe no Tsuna (渡辺細) Michifuyu's childhood friend and a samurai of Takiguchi. He goes to Michifuyu's mansion. He is a descendant of Minister Minamoto no Toru.
Abe no Yoshimasa (安倍吉昌) Abe no Seimei's second son, Student of Astronomy. He usually wears a cat mask, but in front of Michifuyu, he starts to show his true expression.
Abe no Yoshihira (安倍吉平) Abe no Seimei's eldest son and a Student of Onmyo. He inherits Seimei's qualities even more so than the talented Yoshimasa, and is a genius and always graceful.
Abe no Seimei (安倍晴明) The Onmyoji who became a living legend, is supposed to be in his 50s, but looks like he's in his 30s.
There are more characters in the story, but there are the ones that were in the Volume 15 Sample. I plan to translate the synopsis of each volume.
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mayoiayasep · 3 years
so teru probably didn't really have time to do literally anything child like
so he probably was really angry in middle school
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
HELLO!! Could I get 29 from the kissing prompt with Kou from tbhk? Don’t rush yourself and take your time <33
(I thought this prompt was so cute dhiaoxpa)
kou minamoto x gn!reader
a/n: of course!! This is a really cute prompt, ahhh- probably one of my favorites from the list! And with my favorite character tooooo <3
I mentioned her extremely briefly in this, but can i mention how much i love Tiara??? As often as i insist i don’t like kids (which i honestly dont-) i’d do anything for her????? Precious, absolutely precious- plus her brothers interacting with her warms my heart :)) as always, thank you so much for requesting!!!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 929
You and Kou glanced at the door, watching Teru stick his head in after knocking several times. “I just put Tiara down for a nap, alright?” He whispered, smiling kindly as he always seemed to do, before adding “And I’m gonna go and head out for a while. Kou, make sure (Y/N) gets home safe when they leave. (Y/N), I hope you enjoyed your day, I’m sorry I can’t stay longer. Good luck studying, you two.”
Kou gave a thumbs up, smiling at his brother, “stay safe, nii-chan!”
You nodded, copying Kou’s movements as you told Teru to have a nice night as well.
The eldest Minamoto nodded, shutting the door as he left. You and Kou glanced back at the textbooks in front of you, before sighing in unison. The action made both of you burst into laughter, Kou laughing loudly, nearly forgetting that Tiara was asleep. As he laughed, you put a hand over his mouth, signaling for him to quiet down as you giggled into your other hand. He hushed his laughter, continuing to laugh quietly with you until the fit slowly died down.
“Can I take it that you’re done with studying as well?” You asked, your voice a whisper.
“Definitely,” Kou replied, whispering as well- though his whisper was slightly louder than yours. You smiled fondly at the boy, as he pondered what to talk about next. As he did so, you found yourself cooing over how cute he was when he was thinking- a similar expression to the one he was wearing practically the entire time the two of you studied. Without thinking, you leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to the boy's lips, proceeding to cup his face in your hands, squishing him slightly.
As it always did, Kou’s face erupted into a bright red. “Wh-what was that for?” He questioned, though not complaining in the slightest. “For being so cute,” Was your simple answer.
Kou gently pulled your hands from his face, opting to simply hold them in his own, as he pecked your lips. “Then… there’s one, since you’re cute as well.”
You let out a gentle ‘awwh’, before kissing him once more. “You’re too precious, Kou, my heart might burst.” He copied your movements, pressing another kiss to your mouth, then shaking his head. “You think your heart’s gonna burst? I think I’m on the verge of a heart attack- you can’t surprise me like that.”
As expected, you pressed another kiss to his lips, sitting back to whisper “that’s why I do it, you know? You get so red, it’s adorableeeee,”
Kou kissed you, laughing slightly. “Tease me for blushing all you want, but you’re pretty pink too, you know?”
You kissed him- “Yes, I’m sure. I feel my face burning, actually, but that’s simply your affect on my poor emotions.”
He kissed you- “Mhm- well, I was about to say before being cut off, I think there’s some food left. If you want to take it home, I can go wrap it up for you?”
You kissed him- “Oh, that’d be nice… but, staying like this a little longer is also nice, don’t you think?”
He kissed you- “That’s… true. Just remind me before you leave, ‘kay?”
You kissed him- “Will do. Speaking of having to leave, what time is it…? I shouldn’t get home too late.”
He kissed you- “Uhh…” He reached over to his phone, turning it on to view the time, “7:43.”
You groaned, stopping your moment of complaint to kiss him once more, “I need to be home by 8:30… I should probably be leaving soon.”
Kou kissed you, and neither of you bothered to pull away as quickly as you had been. After a moment, you leaned back, sighing as you placed your head against Kou’s shoulder. “I don’t feel like moving.”
“I don’t either… but, I also don’t want your family to hate me…”
You sighed louder, laying the theatrics on thick, as you kissed the boy. “They’d probably hate me before they did you… you’re the second cutest to ever be in the house, right behind our pet.”
He kissed you, laughing lightly, “That’s… fair. But I think I’d be the 3rd if I was that high up- behind the pet and you. Don’t stall though, (Y/N), I genuinely do want to make a good impression.”
“You already haaaaave,” You told him, cutting yourself off by giving him another kiss. “But,” you kissed him once more, “I understand what you mean,” kiss. You stood up, offering your hand to Kou, who accepted it, kissing you once he stood up.
“I’ll go wrap your food, and help you pack your things after?” He offered, kissing you once more. “I can pack my things- you can get the food?” You kissed him again, laughing at the action. “Sounds good!” He exclaimed, before the both of you clamped a hand over his mouth. He corrected himself, whispering “sounds good,” before kissing you one final time. After that, he stepped out of the room, giving you a little salute before making his way down the hall. You grinned, the fuzzy feeling he gave your heart dying down a bit as you began to place your books in your bag. Truly, how could one boy be so cute…? You pondered that question as you placed your backpack over your shoulders, walking into the hallway. As you heard Kou grabbing something, you smiled a bit, preparing to smother the boy in as many kisses as you could before arriving home.
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damedamedame · 4 years
Teru x Reader with Hanahaki? Its a fictional dieasease where someone loves someone and they the one they love doesnt love them, so they cough up flower petals. Can Teru find out and See how she is almost gonna die )DO NO MAKE READER SAN DIE( but confesses? what am i thinking, I saw one with mitsuba so i thought this would be cute UWU
NOTES: sorry this is so late :(( !! but here’s the long awaited happy hanahaki request which i made into a one-shot instead of hcs because i had this idea at 12 AM (so sorry if i disappointed you :(( ) !!! (also combined this with yako’s req, so yako here’s your teru fluff uwu)
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Once you wake up from a deep sleep, your eyes widen in shock when you remember that you actually fainted. That was, before your lips quirk into a large frown. The room that kept you safe as you slept was obviously the school’s resident clinical ward, and the one who must have brought you here was...
You don’t recall much from what happened before you passed out on the ground, but you do remember just a smidge of the events. A bitter smidge that made your insides churn and your head ache in immense pain. Being the middle daughter of the (L/N) household, you were expected to stay and defend your partners, the Minamoto household, when needed.
With that being said, you were supposed to be fighting beside Teru in a battle between you two and a spirit that’s been lurking through the halls of the school and hurting most of your classmates.
But here you were.
Sitting up on the clinic’s bed with no Teru in sight.
However, you weren’t as concerned as much as you should have been for his safety. In fact, you worried more for the spirit who had no chance of escaping the eldest Minamoto’s wrath. As you mutter a silent prayer to the poor soul who had the unfortunate chance of meeting an angry Teru, a sudden sharp pain makes itself known in your throat.
Tiny petals, a bright yellow and violet, alternately fall from your mouth. A bigger frown tugs on your lips as you stare at the bright petals, a contrast to how dark you were feeling right now. These stupid petals were the reason why you had to leave the fight so early, and they’re also the reason why Teru now knew about your condition and how much you pined for him. Watching the disgusting petals with a hard stare, you knew there was no way out for this particular problem. Especially since these flowers only grew in certain parts of the supernatural world.
‘Unless I can convince him that I fell for a ghost...’ You consider the thought, before inevitably throwing it away. It was better to face Teru’s confusion than his anger, as any apparition would say.
While your mind goes into overdrive, your heart dips into the familiar sense of anxiety you always seemed to feel whenever something troubled you. Now that Teru knew about your feelings for him, how would he react? Would he offer you a pitiful chance of being his girlfriend to comfort you? Would he reject you like all those other girls and boys? Would he... Would he hate you? You shiver in fear at all the possibilities that laid before you.
A small part, albeit a part that’s as small as bacteria, felt some sort of hope that maybe maybe Teru liked you back. You put this chance in the back of your mind, readying yourself more for when he would eventually reject you.
Moving away from the thoughts of impending doom for when Teru gets back here, you distract yourself with what happened during the vicious but mostly one sided fight from earlier.
Teru sheathed his sword from its case, wielding the powerful weapon as he begins his stance. His aide, you, stood behind him with a weapon of your own. You felt warmth knowing that he trusted you enough to start fighting without having to worry about protecting you from the huge creature, a huge difference from when you first started working alongside with him.
Just as he landed several fatal blows that cut of its arms, you felt that same pain in your throat that’s been keeping you away from his side for days. You felt yourself growing weaker and weaker with every time you had to hide the urge to cough out flowers.
But fortune wasn’t on your side today.
Your throat burned, enough to make you stumble backwards and bend over as you unleashed numerous tiny petals in a violent coughing fit. The corner of your eyes pricked with tears when you find out what you’d done. Right in the middle of a fight too.
Leaving yourself defenseless, the creature managed to regenerate one of its many arms and throw your entire body to the wall. You land on the ground with a thud, eyes barely seeing what was happening in front of you. Before your mind completely shut down, you catch a glimpse of Teru.
The way his movements faltered when he saw your limp body thrown on the wall. The way the grip on his sword almost loosened when he saw your injured form. The way his jaw clenched when he saw what happened to you.
It was only a split second of weakness from his façade, but he recovered as quickly as he dropped his guard.
Your eyelids drooped, unable to see what happened afterwards. But you heard him. Just barely you got to hear the low grumble of his voice and what he said next.
“Get away from her.”
Even now his words had an effect on you. Your face flushed, mind reeling as your hands covered your red face. “Why’d he have to say it like that...!” You whine, alarmingly growing red by the second.
“Did I affect you that much?”
When did Teru even find the time to grab a chair and sit beside your bed? You blinked, several times, and squeezed your cheeks just to see if you accidentally fell asleep when you had that flashback. This got a chuckle out of him, a melodious sound that made you fall even deeper and made your throat even pricklier. Unable to suppress much any longer, you let out another cough along with a string of petals.
Beside you, Teru winces. You look like you were in so much pain and suffering, and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. “Here.” He presents you with a bottle of water which he may or may not be embarrassed about because that’s his bottle and you gladly take it from him, mumbling a quick thanks once you give it back.
Neither of you address the elephant in the room, only making you even more nervous for when the time comes.
‘Go on, Teru, just reject me! It’s perfectly fine because I can just y’know die and become the thing that you hate the most—‘
Immediately, your back straightens. His face looks serious, far too serious because he never took it too far with you, and it makes you gulp in response. “Y-Yes—??”
“You...” He pauses, rethinking his plan before shaking his head. “should have told me sooner.”
Before you could react, Teru grabs the sides of your face to place a chaste kiss on your forehead. He pulls back too fast for your tastes and analyzes your reaction with flustered cheeks, admittedly an adorable remembrance you could never forget.
“Stopping there?” You accidentally blabber, then putting a hand in front of your mouth as if it could erase what you said. He smiles, one that you understood as competitive, and leans in for another attempt. And maybe another. And a last one. And one more.
With every kiss that Teru steals away, the more your throat softens. The petals that once disrupted your breathing were gone now, and you never felt such a rush in your life. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him in closer with a better vantage point and he was too happy to oblige to your request.
NOTES: this is lowkey long i’m sorry--
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teru inviting his crush to study maybe, and then tiara comes in and exposes his crush on her LMAOO and pls a kiss 🥺🥺
I was really excited to write this and then started to lose motivation half-way through but luckily, I managed to find that spark again! Hope you enjoy this. Like, matchmaker!Tiara should be a thing 
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“(Name)-san, would you like to come over to study?” 
Somehow, Teru managed to convince you to come with him to his house. In your eyes, this is nothing but a friendly gesture from an upperclassman, but to him, this is a golden opportunity for him to woo you.
You are the perfect girl for Teru. Personality wise, you were sweet and considerate, if not a little oblivious. Looks don't matter too much to him, but it was just an added bonus that you were the cutest girl Teru had ever laid eyes on.
Sure, there were plenty of other girls that would die for his attention, but for some reason, his eyes would always drift back to you, no matter the occasion. There was just something about you, the adorable glimmer in your eyes, the cute pout he would receive whenever you mess something up, Teru would have no one but you.
The sound of your twinkly laugh accompanied the two of you all the way back to his house. The lights were on, Kou was no doubt cooking up something delicious especially for you (even though his brother wasn’t aware of his little crush on you, he knew you were a dear friend of his elder brother).
“Wow, Teru-senpai, it’s a bit late. Are you sure I can stay for dinner? We can always reschedule if it’s inconvenient.” You smiled sincerely at him, a bit nervous about intruding. Teru gave you the most reassuring smile he could muster, dismay towards your misgivings gnawing at him. 
“It’s quite alright, (Name)-san,” as he spoke, Teru unlocked his door, holding it open for you. “It’ll be an honor if you can stay.” He couldn’t help the hint of  panic that slipped through, his choice of words making your eyes widen. 
“No, no. Thank you for allowing me,” you held your hands out in a placating gesture, a bit taken aback at your upperclassman’s respect for you. 
Internally, he cursed himself, cringing at the sound of his words. 
To you, Teru’s smile was a little tight-lipped to be natural, “The pleasure’s all mine.” 
“As you can see, in order for the equation to be mathematically correct, you must find the unknown number first, then using this number we just figured out to solve the second equation.” 
You nodded along, occasionally letting out sounds of understanding as Teru explained to you how the question you’ve been stuck on worked.
Just as you finished the problem on your own, Kou’s voice called out, “Teru-nii, (Last Name)-san, dinner’s ready!”
Teru stood up, pulling you up from your position on the floor. Your hand fit perfectly in his, he discovered, slightly transfixed at the sight of your intertwined fingers. You didn’t seem to mind, although Teru noted that there was a slight flush to your pale cheeks.
Dinner was pleasant, as you got to meet the youngest Minamoto sibling, Teru’s sister, Tiara. She was the cutest thing you had ever seen and seemed to take a liking to you. 
“Nee-chan, Nee-chan!” Teru smiled fondly at his little sister, scooping her up to prevent her from continuing to attack you with hugs. “Now, now, Tiara-chan. Give (Name)-san her space.”
You gave him a cheerful grin, “It’s alright.” Holding out your arms for him to let you hold Tiara, you added, “Senpai, please call me (Name)!”
Once in your arms, Tiara held on tight, nuzzling into your neck as you cooed about her adorableness to him. However, Teru wasn’t paying attention to your words, instead, he was fixated on your form. Your puckered lips as you baby talked to a happy Tiara, laughing when she squealed.
He almost didn’t notice the pile of work still on the coffee table, almost. But at last, Teru sighed and reluctantly cut in, “(Name)-chan, we still have to finish your math problems.”
Pouting, you released Tiara, who clutched onto your shirt, whining about you and her playing together. Teru gently untangled Tiara from you, chuckling softly. “Sorry, Tiara. But your Onee-chan has to finish her schoolwork.”
The golden-haired girl paused in her whining for a second, before holding her hand out in a negotiating gesture. 
“I wanna stay here.” At the hesitant look on Teru’s face, she quickly added, “I won’t bother you and Nee-chan, I promise!” 
Teru sighed, can’t help but smile at Tiara’s antics. “Alright. But you can’t bother us, okay?” Tiara grinned happily at her brother before settling beside you at the table.
As the two of you continued working, Tiara peered at her brother with a slight frown. He clearly adored you, yet to Tiara, it seemed as if he chose not to speak up. Tiara grinned to herself. As Teru’s little sister, it was her job to ensure her big brother’s happiness!
Tiara scooched closer to you, reaching up to run her small hands through your silky hair. Surprised at the sudden touch, you peered back to see Tiara smile at you cutely. “Can I braid your hair, Nee-chan?”
A bit taken aback at her sudden request, you hummed, “Sure, Tiara-chan.” Teru frowned at your divided attention. “Tiara—” he began, almost regretting his decision to let his hyper sister stay in the room. 
“Your hair is really soft and silky, (Name)-nee,” the young girl hummed, flashing Teru a look that said something along the lines of, Can’t you see that I’m doing you a big favor? “Did you wash it just for Teru-nii?”
You froze in the middle of writing down the correct equation, face blooming scarlet. “T-Tiara-chan…” You squeaked, hiding your reddened face from Teru, who analyzed your reaction with interest. Does that mean you were interested in him too?
After a few moments of silence, Teru decided to intervene. Sure, he would be ecstatic if you returned his feelings. However, he was never one to push these feelings onto his love. “Now, now, Tiara. That’s quite enough.” 
His voice is quiet, but those close to him could detect a warning undertone in  the slight dip in pitch. Tiara frowned. This isn’t going how she envisioned. But, being a Minamoto, Tiara will not be deterred from her goal so easily. Especially since her end goal is to get you to reveal that you also returned feelings for her dear brother. 
“No, no,” your quiet voice stopped Teru from further measures against Tiara. With a red face, you murmured with a small laugh, “I totally did.” Tiara didn’t hesitate for a beat. Leaning forward to get your attention, she giggled.
“Then you should know Teru-nii likes you too.”
You stared wide-eyed at the small girl, who did nothing except give you a fanged grin. Your gaze traveled to Teru’s, seeking confirmation. He gave a simple nod, slightly flustered from Tiara’s sudden declaration. “S-Senpai?”
At these positive signs, Tiara slipped out of the room with a self satisfied smile. 
Teru sighed, gently wrapping his hands around your smaller ones. “I was going to wait to tell you,” he averted his gaze for a moment and you thought you caught a flush across the apples of his cheeks. “But, yes, (Name)-chan. I like you.”
Bending down, Teru planted a soft kiss on the back of your hand, sending you a small smile. 
Having recovered from your shock a little, you lifted your other, unoccupied hand to your mouth. “Senpai…”
Steadying yourself with one hand, you leaned across the table to cup the blonde boy’s cheek. With scarlet blooming across your own and a shy smile later, your lips connected with Teru’s.
It was as he had always imagined. Your lips were soft and smooth, fitting perfectly with his. It was just a peck, but it sent shivers down his spine and left him craving for more. Breaking apart, the sound of applause broke the soft atmosphere.
“Dad!” Kou chided, frowning at the sibling’s father, who chuckled awkwardly and gave his eldest son a thumbs up. Tiara clung to her dad’s leg, flashing you two a smug smirk, to which Teru responded to with a slight smile.
It was all thanks to his little sister that he now has such a sweet significant other.
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DRABBLE :: Daddy’s Little Boy
Rating: SFW
Words: 600
Characters: Tsunayoshi Minamoto / Male!OC x Mammon [ft. Lucifer & the demon brothers]
Notes: It seems that Lucifer took in a new child. Kidding aside, Tsuna makes a debut!!! I hope y’all like this as I am still very much lazy to make a full character sheet for him lol
Breakfast has always been the only time Tsuna gets to eat with all of the demon brothers. During lunch and evenings, everyone is busy with their own things. May it be personal or purely academic; the young Japanese finds it weird that they do not eat together on most meals.
‘Cultural differences’ is what he summed up the bizarre routine... if demons even have different cultures like humans do.
However, today was a good day.
Lucifer is down on the dining table with all of them, rather than having his breakfast in bed. Although, it would seem that he’s always tempted to stand up and bring his plate of food to his quarters every time Mammon opens his mouth to talk.
Tsuna counted up to thirteen times, within the whole ten minutes of breakfast, until the Avatar of Pride spoke up.
“Mammon, please do spare us with your bullshit,” The eldest reprimanded, brows knitted together in a tight line. “It’s too early in the morning to get a headache over your nonsense.”
“I ain’t talkin’ to ya, bro,” Mammon huffed, pointing at the unsuspecting Tsuna, “I was teasin’ Tsun-Tsun.”
Over the course of his stay, the brunet learned that the siblings liked calling him ‘Tsun-tsun’ – courtesy of Asmodeus. 
It’s cute.
“Don’t drag Tsuna’s person on your pitiful attempt to make excuses.” Lucifer sighed, turning to focus on his food and newspaper while ignoring his money-greedy sibling.
“Way to help me, Tsun-tsun.” The white-haired demon turned to him with a pout, a sulking expression visible on Mammon’s visage. “Ya could’a just said ‘yes!’ or somethin’.”
“何?” Tsuna looked at the Avatar of Greed with wide eyes, blinking innocently at the statement. [Rom. ‘Nani?’; TL. ‘What?’ ]
Although he had learned several words and sentences of the demons’ language, the young human found it hard to immediately translate and reply casually whenever any of the siblings talk to him. 
Mammon realized his mistake and switched to Tsuna’s human language within seconds, “I asked why ya didn’t help me! I feel betrayed, ya know.”
“Aw,” The brunet cooed, one hand holding the fork that is on his mouth and the other made its way to pat the brooding demon, “There, there~”
“Wha—Stop it!” Mammon slapped his hand away, a deep blush now decorating his cheeks, “Don’t do that when we’re infront of everyone!”
Tsuna chuckled at the reaction, pleased in hearing Asmo gasp and react in jealousy. Mammon is going to be so embarrassed. The brunet smiled at Mammon, replying as genuinely as he can, “Mamu, you’re so cute.”
“Ya ain’t foolin’ me with your damn adorable compliments!”
“But you really are super cute--”
“Ahem,” Lucifer interrupted the two, seeing his other siblings’ reaction to the... flirting. “Tsuna, be a dear and please pass the butter?”
“バター?” Tsuna asked Lucifer for confirmation, momentarily distracted at the ravenet’s order. [Rom. ‘Batā?’; TL. ‘Butter?’ ]
He complied, taking the plate of butter and passing it to the head of the house, “Here you go, daddy.”
“Good boy.”
The whole table went silent at the casual reply, with Lucifer grinning in triumph at the sudden turn of events. 
“I-I didn’t peg Tsuna as the sub-type, but what do you know…”
Tsuna was dumb-founded at the reactions. Did he say anything wrong? Wasn’t Lucifer like the father of the house? What???
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hanideyumeron · 4 years
tsuki roze x minamoto teru ~ quarantine gift exchange
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this is for @jshk-oneshots​ uwu i’m pretty sure i wrote this at 2:00 am after feeling a very big urge to write cause i remember writing none of this yet here it is ._.   i feel teru is a bit ooc, so please forgive me ;-;
The Tsuki and Minamoto family had been rivals since what seems like the dawn of time. 
Each year, the eldest of each family would battle to see which one is superior; the Tsuki family or the Minamoto family. But as times modernised, battling with swords or guns became abnormal, so, unfortunately, the battling had to modernise just like the world. 
How did they do this? Why by getting the best grades of course. 
The eldest of the Tsuki family was no other than Roze who, like her name suggested, was as beautiful as the rose. She could bewitch anyone with her big brown eyes that looked as smooth as milk chocolate. Unlike the many people before her, she hated the ‘battling’ she had to do. Whenever she thought about it, she just wanted to stuff her head into her pillows and groan. 
Recently, Akane had been constantly objected to these bursts of anger and groans as Roze poured her heart out; saying how unfair it was to her that she had to beat Minamoto Teru of all people in grades. It was no use, however, as Teru was older than both of them, and would probably tie them upside down if they tried to do anything. She knew it was impossible, there was no use! What was worse was Teru loved to tease.
“Mmm, that’s sad Tsuki-san,” he said leaning over her desk. She could feel his eyes boring holes into her head. She even felt the urge to rub the spot where he was glaring at. All Teru was doing was looking at her. Then, he took her test and smiled down at her again. That same grin that she wanted to rub off so badly. “I got a higher score than you,” he said with a hint of cockiness. His smug smirk was still on his face as he hovered over Roze who, at the moment, really didn’t care about her scores. 
“Oh that’s a shame,” she mumbled looking at her score as well. It wasn’t bad, my goodness, anything but that. But if she wanted to beat Teru, my god she'd need to do better. Looking up to Teru for a second proved to be a bit stupid because as soon as she did, Teru let her see his icy blue eyes which sent shivers down her spine. She could feel what they meant. They were screaming ‘I dare you to actually try, wimp’. Ouch, her ego hurt a bit. “Too bad I don’t actually care,” she mumbled before looking away. 
Teru looked at her in confusion. 
That lunch, he decided to confront her about it since she usually ate alone on the rooftop. When he got there, he saw her sitting on one of the benches. Her hair was the same brown colour, indicating she hadn’t fought any supernaturals yet that day. She wasn’t facing him, meaning she wasn’t aware that he was currently up on the rooftop as well. Teru, being the secretly playful teen he is, decided to scare the girl. Yes, the two of them may have been rivals, but behind all that he liked to think him and Roze were good friends, although the rivalry did get in the way in those things.
“Booarch nemeses?” The question made Rose look up and blink. This time she was the one to filet her head. 
“Eh? I-I was joking!” She blurted out “W-We’re…I guess friends,” Why did it hurt when she said friends like that. It felt unnatural but it was there, almost as if it was like it was a bone that refused the crack and continued to hurt. 
“Friends…,” Teru mumbled, looking off to the distance. He thought back to when they were in the classroom, where the switch flicked on and they were rivals once more. He remembered what she said back there “Too bad, I don’t actually care,” It was no lie that Roze hated fighting Teru. Honestly, Teru hated fighting Roze. They were in the same class, sure, but all this competing sure got old and frustrating real quick. “You don’t actually see me as a rival, do you, Roze?”
The statement made Roze spit out her rice and choke on her spit before she looked straight in Teru’s eyes “EH? OF COURSE, WE ARE! Y-YOU WANT TO FIGHT RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I WILL-,”
Before she could bring out her sword, Teru had already reached over the table to cover her mouth. He lightly shushed her, looking to the sides to see that people were indeed looking at the pair. He awkwardly smiled and pulled Roze out of the canteen, and to an abandoned hall. “Hey, I haven’t even eaten yet!” She grumbled angrily, which made Teru look back at her. Raking a hand through his hair, he sighed and looked down at the girl. 
“What were you thinking? You were really going to take out your sword in a canteen of all places,” he bent down when a thought went through his head “Don’t tell me, are you sick? Did that meal make you sick? Don’t tell me I have to-,”
“I’m not sick! Jeez, stop babying me, I’m not Kou,” Roze swatted Teru’s hands away and looked off to the distance. There was no sound. No people. Nothing. Just...them and the silence. 
“I don’t like being rivals,”
The confirmation made Teru’s eyes widen a fraction before softening again as the girl fiddled with her hands. Small and dainty, that’s what they were. Rose knew she knew for a fact, that she shouldn’t pour her feelings out to Teru, the boy she was supposed to be battling until their families’ had their fill. 
“I-I don’t like comparing test scores, competing in sports competitions, seeing who can be the most liked by people,” a laugh came from her throat, but it was agonising to listen to. It sounded like a broken record “Don’t you hate it too?”
Honestly, Teru did. Roze was in the class below her, and frankly, he didn’t like battling with someone younger than him. It felt as if he was constantly a level higher than she was. And it wasn’t fair. None of it was. He didn’t mind being an exorcist. Being one was one of his prides and joys. But upholding a grudge that his family had for generations, a grudge he personally didn’t have. It felt like a lie. 
And how could he lie to someone he genuinely loved. 
The only way he knew how to express love, was to use blunt words and small affectionate gestures. So with that in mind, Teru reached out she patted Roze’s hair, not knowing what on earth he was doing. This wasn’t Kou. This was Tiara. This was Roze. And he couldn’t treat her like them. 
With wide eyes, she gazed up at Teru, who awkwardly smiled back. “No...I don’t like it,” he mumbled sighing. Then, he decided to hug her, which made Roze feel more comfortable. “I have a plan,” he said briefly “How about...I tutor you and help you get the same scores as me. That way both of us win,”
The plan made Roze laugh wholeheartedly, pulling away a bit to look at Teru “That would be awesome! We could meet at the library so we won’t see our parents oh oh and-,”
Teru just listened to her rant about the upcoming plan. Honestly, for some unknown reason, Roze’s voice was calming. The two of them will end their pretend rivalry they made up for their parents and become allies. And maybe, end their families centuries-old quarrel officially someday. 
The sudden jolt that was inflicted onto Roze’s shoulders made her shriek, making her drop her lunch on the floor. The bento landed with a sad splat on the ground which affected the two that the lunch was practically ruined. Rose whipped her head around, wanting to know who was the culprit that made her freak out. All she saw was a laughing Teru who thought that her shriek was hilarious and nothing short of amazing. He was holding his stomach from laughter and soon it began to hurt from laughing too much. “Hey, it’s not funny!” She yelled, pointing pathetically at her lunch. She groaned in frustration and pushed Teru back from her. She hated the way his laugh made her head all fuzzy and her thoughts turn to honey. It was a troubling feeling but a feeling she could get used to. 
“You owe me a lunch you prick!” Roze yelled. Normally she wouldn’t act like this, but because this situation involved spoiled lunch, especially her lunch, drastic measures needed to be taken. Namely guilt-trip-and-make-the-person-by-me- another-lunch drastic measures. 
Teru calmed down and looked down at the girl before smiling again, his princely charm glowing off him. “Fine, fine,” he said “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch. I need to talk to you anyways,” with that he started walking back to the doors of the rooftops. 
‘Talk to me?’ Roze grumbled, hesitating to follow him. Her gaze went back to the ruined lunch she was about to enjoy and then her mind angrily settled. If he was going to give her free food then she’d take it. Picking up her stuff, she caught up to Teru who was calmly making her way downstairs. 
When Teru bought her lunch, the two settled in the canteen of the school. Roze could feel the glares of fangirls hurt her back like arrows each time another one would look at her and Teru. Why couldn’t they mind their own business, jeez, Teru is a human being as well. Despite the glares, Roze just looked at her lunch and started to eat it. “So, what does the almighty Teru want to talk about to his arch-nemesis?” Roze said jokingly as she ate. Teru tilted his head and blinked.
“Is that what we are now?” He asked with a chuckle, scratching a bit on his cheek “Are we arch nemeses?” The question made Rose look up and blink. This time she was the one to filet her head. 
“Eh? I-I was joking!” She blurted out “W-We’re…I guess friends,” Why did it hurt when she said friends like that. It felt unnatural but it was there, almost as if it was like it was a bike that refused the crack and continued to hurt. 
“Friends…,” Teru mumbled, looking off to the distance. He thought back to when they were in the classroom, where the switch flicked on and they were rivals once more. He remembered what she said back there “Too bad, I don’t actually care,” It was no lie that Roze hated fighting Teru. Honestly, Teru hated fighting Roze. They were in the same class, sure, but all this competing sure got old and frustrating real quick. “You don’t actually see me as a rival, do you, Roze?”
The statement made Roze spit out her rice and choke on her spit before she looked straight in Teru’s eyes “EH? OF COURSE, WE ARE! Y-YOU WANT TO FIGHT RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I WILL-,”
Before she could bring out her sword, Teru had already reached over the table to cover her mouth. He lightly shushed her, looking to the sides to see that people were indeed looking at the pair. He awkwardly smiled and pulled Roze out of the canteen, and to an abandoned hall. “Hey, I haven’t even eaten yet!” She grumbled angrily, which made Teru look back at her. Raking a hand through his hair, he sighed and looked down at the girl. 
“What were you thinking? You were really going to take out your sword in a canteen of all places,” he bent down when a thought went through his head “Don’t tell me, are you sick? Did that meal make you sick? Don’t tell me I have to-,”
“I’m not sick! Jeez, stop babying me, I’m not Kou,” Roze swatted Teru’s hands away and looked off to the distance. There was no sound. No people. Nothing. Just...them and the silence. 
“I don’t like being rivals,”
The confirmation made Teru’s eyes widen a fraction before softening again as the girl fiddled with her hands. Small and dainty, that’s what they were. Rose knew she knew for a fact, that she shouldn’t pour her feelings out to Teru, the boy she was supposed to be battling until their families’ had their fill. 
“I-I don’t like comparing test scores, competing in sports competitions, seeing who can be the most liked by people,” a laugh came from her throat, but it was agonising to listen to. It sounded like a broken record “Don’t you hate it too?”
Honestly, Teru did. Roze was in the class below her, and frankly, he didn’t like battling with someone younger than him. It felt as if he was constantly a level higher than she was. And it wasn’t fair. None of it was. He didn’t mind being an exorcist. Being one was one of his prides and joys. But upholding a grudge that his family had for generations, a grudge he personally didn’t have. It felt like a lie. 
And how could he lie to someone he genuinely loved. 
The only way he knew how to express love, was to use blunt words and small affectionate gestures. So with that in mind, Teru reached out she patted Roze’s hair, not knowing what on earth he was doing. This wasn’t Kou. This was Tiara. This was Roze. And he couldn’t treat her like them. 
With wide eyes, she gazed up at Teru, who awkwardly smiled back. “No...I don’t like it,” he mumbled sighing. Then, he decided to hug her, which made Roze feel more comfortable. “I have a plan,” he said briefly “How about...I tutor you and help you get the same scores as me. That way both of us win,”
The plan made Roze laugh wholeheartedly, pulling away a bit to look at Teru “That would be awesome! We could meet at the library so we won’t see our parents oh oh and-,”
Teru just listened to her rant about the upcoming plan. Honestly, for some unknown reason, Roze’s voice was calming. The two of them will end their pretend rivalry they made up for their parents and become allies. And maybe, end their families centuries-old quarrel officially someday.
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travellingmonk · 4 years
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30th anniversary cards, translated to English (mainly because I wanted to know what da heck they said! ...nothing interesting, but at least now I can read ‘em. Curiousity satisfied.)
Strike evil with a heart of benevolence!
Ryou is here! He is wearing the Rekka armor!!
Ryou Sanada is a pure-hearted boy with a strong sense of justice. He tries to help his friends at the expense of his own well-being. When he was a little kid, that's when he first met with Byakuen several times in the mountains. When he awoke the power of the Rekka armor within himself, he was selected by Kaosu to be the first Samurai Trooper. With the heart of “Jin” (benevolence), wear Rekka armor.
Strike evil with a heart of justice!
Shuu is here! He is wearing the Kongo armor!!
Shuu's family left China and came to Japan a long time ago. One theory is that his family is descended from Genghis Khan. He is also said to be a descendant of Minamoto Yoshitsune (a military commander). Shuu is the eldest son of a large family. His body is trained in the ways of kung fu and his skill is unrivaled. With the heart of “Gi” (justice), Shuu is the Samurai Trooper that wears the Kongo armor.
strike at evil with the heart of courtesy
Seiji in the armor of Korin is here!!
He is a descendant of the the great general, Masamune Date. He's always calm, sees things from different perspectives, and can make accurate decisions. Since his home is a family-owned dojo, he was trained from childhood to have excellent sword skills. He is the Samurai Trooper with heart of "Rei" (courtesy) that wears the Korin armor. With the heart of “Rei” (courtesy), Seiji is the Samurai Trooper that wears the Korin armor.
strike at evil with the heart of wisdom
Touma in the armor of Tenku is here!!
Touma Hashiba's family is related to Hideyoshi Toyotomi (a powerful general 1537 - 1598). He is a genius boy with an IQ of 250. He's known as a human computer. He's become very familiar with old styles of fighting while simulating historical battles. With the heart of “Chi” (wisdom), Touma is the Samurai Trooper that wears the Tenku armor.
strike at evil with the heart of trust
Shin in the armor of Suiko is here!!
Shin is a descendant of the Mouri family, famous for their anecdote of '3 arrows together are more difficult to break than 1 arrow'. He's a delicate and vulnerable person who doesn't like fighting with people. He has a generous and gentle personality. Since his family is home to the famous Hagi pottery (a type of Japanese pottery traditionally originated from the town of Hagi, Yamaguchi), he's always surrounded by lots of antiques. Among these, there was an old document that described the existence of the Suiko armor. With the heart of “Shin” (trust), Shin is the Samurai Trooper that wears the Suiko armor.
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
Which snippet (1 vs 17) would you prefer to read?
Second Round! Surprisingly y’all wanted to see more of 1! (It’s not March anymore but I’ll still continue.)
1 (Previously) - Flags flared and trumpets blared in the deepest, darkest cranny of the secret hideout of the Mokke as they convened, black beady eyes serious.
"We've gathered our weapons," piped up one, waving a lopsided pink ear.
"We've done the recon," squeaked another, reporting to the elders with a 90 degree bow, as it handed over the blueprints they had traced over their weeks-long mission.
The eldest of the mokke elders stroked its peachy-fuzz beard with its right ear solemnly, nodding sagely all the while. "We are ready," it proclaimed.
"We are ready." Thousands of voices echoed back, resounding tinnily in the chamber.
They were in fact, not ready. This they had to acknowledge as they cowered in the face of stone-faced fury — namely, one Minamoto Teru, who had sensed the march of spiritual energy they had given off and had idly tracked them to the boiler systems.
"Please let us go," they wept, shedding little gelatinous tears, thankful the elders and the most prominent of them, who held all the braincells and the oldest memories, were back in the chambers, safe and awaiting their triumphant return.
The young god of justice stared at them darkly, silver blade outlining the air before them. "What good did you think blowing up the entire school would do? And what makes you think I'd let any malicious supernatural go, hmm?"
17 - "Are they just like amoeba? Can we squish all of them into one huge mokke?" He continued rattling on, visibly excited as he whirled around on the roller chair. Fingers tapped away restlessly and honey-gold eyes blinked at a hummingbird's pace. "Playdough!" He exclaimed to himself, a finger raised in counterpoint as his eyes darted to a corner of the ceiling.
Boy, he clearly was bored staying in this boundary all the time, Natsuhiko thought, only really listening with half an ear.
Tournament bracket here.
 Poll here! Let me know in either post what your vote is. Also: 5v6 and 16v24 are at a tie, while 13v14 haven’t received any votes, so do check them out and leave a vote~
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koikishu · 6 years
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Essential Japanese Seasonal Decorations - Summer
Seasonality: Early Summer/ May
Japanese Name: Kodomo no Hi/ Tango no Sekku/ Shobu no Sekku/ Ayame no Hi/ Koinobori/ Yaguruma/ Hiryu Fukinagashi/ Kintaro/ Momotaro
English Name: Children’s Day/ Beginning Horse Festival/ Iris Festival/ Day of the Iris/ Carp Streamers/ Arrow-spoked Wheel/ Flying-Dragon Streamer/ Golden Boy/ Peach Boy
   Children's Day (こどもの日, or Kodomo no Hi) is a Japanese national holiday which takes place annually on May 5, the fifth day of the fifth month, and is the final celebration in Golden Week. It is a day set aside to respect children's personalities and to celebrate their happiness. It was designated a national holiday by the Japanese government in 1948. It has been a day of celebration in Japan since ancient times.
   Tango no Sekku (端午の節句) is one the five annual ceremonies that were traditionally held at the Japanese imperial court called Gosekku . It is the Japanese version of Double Fifth and was celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th moon in the lunar calendar or Chinese calendar. After Japan switched to the Gregorian calendar, the date was moved to May 5. Tan means "beginning" and go means "Horse", referring to the Chinese zodiac name for the fifth lunar month. Sekku means a seasonal festival. It marks the beginning of summer or the rainy season.
   Shobu no Sekku (菖蒲の節句), also known as Ayame no Hi (菖蒲の節句), the festival of the irises (in the old Japanese calendar, the day would fall closer to the summer solstice than it does in the modern calendar). The iris flower or flag has long been used in purifying rituals on this day, by farmers, townspeople, and courtiers. At least as far back as the 12th century this was a day for gathering iris leaves and flowers for use in the bath, as an addition to food and drink, and in decorations on the roofs of houses and shops. The iris bath is still popular on this day in Japan. During the 12th or 13th century the word "shobu" came to be associated with its homonym meaning "military spirit", and people started celebrating by decorating paper samurai helmets with irises. Thus it became a day for boys, as the third day of the third month was a special day for girls, Hina matsuri. In the 18th and 19th centuries, boys would stage battles using iris leaves as swords. One military tradition that has evolved and persisted, though, is the setting up of a special display celebrating warrior values and Japanese heroes. It may have begun with a custom of making helmets out of iris leaves, which evolved into the crafting of beautiful lacquered display helmets for the day, along with painted banners and displays of real weapons.
   Koinobori (鯉のぼり), meaning "carp streamer" in Japanese, are carp-shaped wind socks traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate Tango no sekku, a traditional calendrical event which is now designated a national holiday; Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi, 子供の日).  A typical koinobori set consists of, from the top of the pole down, a:
Pair of arrow-spoked wheels (矢車 yaguruma) with a ball-shaped spinning vane
Flying-dragon streamer (飛龍吹流し hiryū fukinagashi) that looks like a windsock. 
The number and meaning of the carp socks or koinobori that fly beneath the streamer has changed over time.
Traditionally, the set would contain a black koinobori representing the father, followed by a smaller, red koinobori representing his eldest son. If more boys were in the household, an additional blue, green and then, depending on the region, either purple or orange koinobori were added.
After the government's decree that converted Boy's Day (Tango no Sekku) into the present Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi), the holiday came to celebrate the happiness of both boys and girls. As a result, the red koinobori came to represent the mother of the family and it is not uncommon for the color to be varied as pink. Similarly, the other colors and sizes of carp came to represent all the family's children, both sons and daughters.
At present, the koinobori are commonly flown above the roofs of houses with children, with the biggest (black) koinobori for the father, next biggest (red or pink) for the mother, and an additional, smaller carp of a different color for each child in decreasing order by age.
     Momotaro (桃太郎), meaning “Peach Boy,” is a famous children’s story about a boy found in a large peach by a childless old couple. He grows into a valiant youth who, with the help of three animal companions, slays the local ogre and retrieves his treasure for his parents. This story became particularly important as an emblem of modern Japanese nationhood in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when Japan seemed to be “growing up” very fast.
     Kintaro (金太郎), meaning “Golden Boy,” is a heroically strong little boy. He grew up to be the companion of an 11th-century warrior, Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Kintaro supposedly was born in the mountains; his mother was a wild woman (a legendary type of being). In woodblocks, the mother and son are often shown, contrasting her white skin with his red skin.
(Text Source 1)(Text Source 2)(Text Source 3)(Text Source 4)(Text Source 5)
DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored post from the source website nor am I selling these items through this tumblr account. This post is the result of my finding this item to adorable and/or beautiful to not include on this account. Thank you for your understanding.
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hdeyoshi · 7 years
Hey! Oops I accidentally sent this to the writer my blogger! Anyway I recently saw your post about Hide maybe being the Naaga as a joke. Just wanted to say try breaking down his name :) Hide (as in english hide for hiding) Naga (name of the ppl who broke everthing in 24th ward) Chika (japanese for underground) Rather strange lol so hide naga underground
Haha, yup I realized that! I reblogged this theory a while after making it and it does have some really good points!  
So… I’m just gonna break down his name a little more…
Ishida has used foreign languages for symbolism before (Like how :re is actually an Italian word for “King” and Uta’s Latin tattoos)
So like you said, ‘Hide’ 英 or ヒデ being read as “hide” in English isn’t that much of a stretch after all… (Also, Hide’s name contains 英 which means “English” also used in words related to one’s intellect like “genius” and shares a kanji for the word 英雄 “hero”) [1]
Which has also shown relevance to the narrative of Tokyo Ghoul’s plot!
“English” - he was studying Foreign Language Studies — majoring in English — at the Department of International Studies. He’s also shown to be interested with western music. (specially, the Backstreet Boys… [2]) 
“Genius” - Hide is actually incredibly observant and can figure things out about people in an almost Sherlock-like manner.
“Hero” - he saved Kaneki multiple times; back in the sewers, as a mental projection during Kaneki’s fight with Arima, and probably even during their childhood.
‘Yoshi’ 良 in Hide’s name means “good’ and also “respectable”. Not to mention its similarities with how the ‘Yoshi’ 吉 (same reading, different kanji) is transferred through Washuu Clan. [3]
‘Naga’ 永 in Hide’s name also means “eternity”. “Eternity” though, is generally written as 永遠 wherein 遠 means “far away”, the exact opposite of the Kanji of Hide’s name ‘Chika’ 近.
With regards to the word ‘Naagaraji’ ナァガラジ and ‘Naga’ 永 in Hide’s name, I don’t really see much similarities… However, its correlation is actually shown in a different way:
In Chapter 131, ‘Naagaraji’  ナァガラジ could be a reference to the Hindu mythology Nāgarāja “King of the nāga” and also known in Japanese and Chinese mythology as on of the 8 great dragon kings [4]. According to the T/N of the chapter, The Naga is a race of serpents or snakes in Hindu mythology.
Among the Nāgarāja there is Vasuki. Vasuki happens to be the origin of the name “V” of the V Organization, a snake god in Indian mythology who was converted into a dragon king in Buddhism, then renamed “Washu-kichi”. This relates to how Furuta introduced Dragon 竜 in Chapter 128, since he says, “In honour of my Washuu roots!” Putting the Vasuki meaning in context.
‘Dragon’ 竜 is a Japanese shinjitai simplified from 龍 which figuratively means “sovereignty”, “king”, “chief”, and “hero”.
With regards to how ‘Naga’ 永 in Hide’s name means “eternity”, This relates to Ananta a Sanskrit term which means “eternal” or “limitless” who also happens to be the Shesha-naga or celestial snake. In the story of Mahābhārata, Ananta is the eldest brother of Vasuki. 
As Ishida introduced ‘Dragon’ 竜 in Chapter 128, he later on then introduced The ‘Naagaraji’  ナァガラジ in Chapter 131, both correlating with each other and with the word “king”.
‘Chika’ 近 in Hide’s name means “nearby” and at the same time actually doubles as a homophone for  地下 which means “underground”. This relates to the underground city in the 24th ward, and back to Vasuki, a snake(dragon) who controls the underground world.
‘Chika’ 時 (same reading, different kanji) also happens to be an alias of Yoshitoki Washuu in his youth. It just so happens that the reading 時 as ‘chika’ is very uncommon since it’s commonly read as “ji” or “toki”. So Ishida’s choice of using Chika is quite peculiar.
Trivia: Hide also happens to also share a name with Hideyoshi Sasaki. The story Hideyoshi Sasaki could be related to the plot of TG:re since the Yotsume crest (the crest used by the Minamoto Clan, a clan Hideyoshi Sasaki is part of) was referenced in Chapter 24 through Hinami [5]. 
Hideyoshi Sasaki fought in the Hōgen Rebellion lead by his brother Yoshitomo Minamoto, and then later on in the Heiji Rebellion. After his brother Yoshitomi Minamoto died, Hideyoshi Sasaki then participated in the Genpei War where he himself died. (Somewhat similar to how Kaneki is now leading the Goat Rebellion) 
To sum it up, here’s my break down of ‘Hideyoshi Nagachika’ 永近英良 
Hideyoshi (could have relevance to Hideyoshi Sasaki)
Hide (hide) (English) (genius) (hero) 
Yoshi (good) (respectable) (could have relevance to the Washuus)
Naga (eternity) (far away) (could have relevance to Dragon and/or the Naagaraji) 
Chika (nearby) (underground) (Could have relevance to V/Vasuki) (Could have relevance to Yoshitoki)
I find this incredibly hilarious, because we get all these hints just from his name. And if this ends up becoming true, then Hide’s location was actually under our noses (or literally underground) all this time. 
Anyway, Thank you so much for this ask! This helped me get the cogs in my brain to start rolling and gave me hope for Hide’s character!
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