#he can't help but see them as armand does but also the way he does with a certain romanticism and snark
rainbowcarousels · 1 year
Also Daniel/Louis!
This is another one that I honestly hadn't considered, though there is in fact a smidge of it coming up in stars. It just wasn't something I set out to do but it makes sense: Louis chose Daniel for a reason to pour his heart out, to say things he says he has never said to another person and Daniel at the end of it just tries to tell him that it's so obvious how much love Louis has. He's even a part of Daniel's hallucinatory journey into vampiredom, that's how important their relationship is to them.
I tend to write them when I'm doing Louis/Armand/Daniel as they're more platonic but their relationship with Armand isn't. However I do think that's subject to change, Daniel doesn't start much from the same people he feels comfortable with when it comes to love and Louis is part of that very small list. I can see there definitely being bed sharing for snuggle purposes and there's definitely a love between them, whether platonic or not is dealers choice.
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ASH my love I missed your post last night I'm so glad you're okay!! 🫂🫂🫂
let me see if I can come up with any good vampire thoughts on the fly:
- for armand/lestat/louis I feel like lestat has SO MUCH to learn in terms of being a selfless lover and I guess I’m remembering crimson incarnate again like I do every day of my life, but this time I want lestat to put into practice what he’s learned about putting others’ needs first. and not just sex! I want to see him watching armand to learn how to pamper louis the way louis WANTS to be pampered. I want the three of them in the bath together and for once it’s not The Lestat Show but he’s watching louis and armand bathe each other and he finds in him to ask what he can do too 🤧 he ASKS armand if he’d like a turn in the middle for once
- thinking about louis and daniel, and I just think it would be really sweet if louis became the guy daniel went to whenever he feels like there’s a rift or a miscommunication happening in his relationship with armand (I feel like going to lestat or marius with this one would make it worse). since BOTH louis and daniel are on the fledging side of the equation, there’s a unique common ground here. tl; dr: louis is the post-canon a/d marriage counselor (also it’s so funny bc I know armand and louis commiserate re: lestat and now louis and daniel can commiserate re: armand rip louis my guy does not get a break)
- for armand/louis I’m just imagining louis getting armand’s blood stained filthy love letter and tearing off a rust colored edge and putting it in his mouth like an absolute fucking weirdo so he can have the slightest taste of armand on his tongue as he writes his response (whatever that may be 🫢 )
- for lestat/louis I’m know it doesn’t align with canon since most animals are afraid of vampires and mojo was the exception, but I desperately want them to raise a puppy together! I think they deserve it and I usually imagine louis with cats, but I also think he’d be so sweet with a dog and he’d never stop making comments to it—“you’re just like your papa” when it jumps up and licks his face (papa being lestat)
hope these made you smile and hope you feel better soon babe!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (I apologize for any typos I just drank two energy drinks and I am ZOOMING)
Hi friend I hope you know the reason for the late reply is because I've been keeping this in my inbox like a little locket and I go back to peek at it every time I need inspo or serotonin lmfao but these are all so excellent!!!!!!!!!!
LESTAT WATCHING ARMAND PAMPER LOUIS IN THE BATHTUB HELP I'M DECEASED you're so big brained for this oh my god like Crimson Incarnate was fun and I loved having Lestat watch Armand but I can't believe I never even thought about having Lestat watch Louis! Especially because they don't share the Mind Gift I bet Armand would pull out all the stops just to get Louis to vocalize a little more when he does something he likes :)
And YES I love the idea of Daniel being able to talk to Louis about Armand!!! and even before that like i’m honestly so intrigued by what it would look like when Daniel first decides that he’s going to stay with Louis and Armand like how long does it take for them to stop being awkward around one another and what does it look like the very first time that Daniel broaches the subject and asks Louis for advice!!! they have so much baggage between each other but their common ground is Armand 🥺🥺🥺
(also listen……..every day i’m tempted to write a letter from Louis in reply to the Armand letter like my god that shit STILL lives in my head rent free)
nooooooooooooo but i’m gonna fucking CRY at the idea of Loustat raising a puppy together 😭 like Mojo was already full grown when Lestat found him but imagine all the lovely chaos that comes along with raising a little PUPPY!! Louis is the dad who said “Absolutely Not” when Lestat showed up one night with a little dusty stray and then two days later Louis is planted on the sofa with the puppy curled up on his chest and he refuses to let Lestat anywhere near them LMAO (also just think of all the bittersweet ANGST of the two of them living together and co-parenting again and healing but also still being incredibly traumatized after Claudia aaaaaahhhhhhhh)
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nativehueofresolution · 11 months
the thing is marius really likes to take people on as projects and then act bewildered when they can't or don't want to be 'fixed'.
like with armand's memory issues, he clearly sees this a problem to be solved and keeps trying to prompt armand into remembering.
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he persists even though he repeatedly sees it's causing armand distress to be prodded like this.
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and the thing is, armand's missing memories are an issue for him. he gets horribly ill when he stumbles on something that triggers his memories unexpectedly and that gives him poor health. but rather than talking to armand about it or trying a gentler approach, marius does blunt psychic prodding, until he decides the better fix is just feeding armand his blood - physically 'fixing' the issue of his health. problem solved. and then when armand finally does get his memories back, marius broods over how armand longs for his homeland and his family.
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he didn't actually want armand to have his memories back so armand could have a better understanding of himself or where he came from. he gets annoyed when armand puts the painted egg his mother gave him in his sarcophagus without explaining its significance to him. his finds armand's attachment so troubling he changes his mind about telling armand about akasha and enkil. he's not fixed yet.
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and he repeats the same patterns with daniel! like daniel is clearly struggling - his eating is somewhat irregular, he has trouble hunting by himself and gets lost regularly. these are all understandable reasons for marius to be concerned about him. but he doesn't just stop at trying to help daniel navigate his issues with hunting, he tries to totally control daniel.
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he's horrified daniel is coping with his trauma by burying himself in art projects and treats this like a shameful obsession to be embarrassed of. to be fair, he does try to be positive about it when showing the models to thorne, but he does such a bad job of concealing his distaste a guy who literally just met him can see through him. he can't even stop himself for criticizing the art form and subjects daniel chose.
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it's clear this attitude is just making daniel close off more, but to marius it's what he sees as the way to 'fix' daniel's obsession, which he sees as another sign of his illness. and while he may intend it to be positive, he also ignores how talking about how daniel's depression is a temporary problem is frustrating to daniel.
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it's all about fixing the person until marius deems them good and happy. never an actual assessment of what the other person wants and needs.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Hello there dear . I hope you are taking a rest after your amazing updates 😘 I got a question that has been bugging me a lot ever since we got Lestat's & Armand's TVL possibility on the show . Sorry if you have already answered this if you did just link it to me thank you ❤️
My question main is : Why is Armand giving information about his & Lestat's past ? Is S2 also Lestat's & Armand's tale ? Is Armand trying to make Lestat look worse for Louis & Daniel ? Because Armand's narration of Lestat can't be all bad we will get to know Lestat's resilience & hotness more than Louis's pov & I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing if Armand says it .
Ha, who needs sleep when we got "them" :)))
Armand... is now in the lead in Dubai, right? I mean, that is pretty clear from all the teasers we got, he has taken off the demure "Rashid mask" and is himself again, and he is a coven master.
I said it before, I think Armand tried to help Louis - in his very own way, and by using his own judgement, which does not always align with the morals or judgements of others.
He... "protects Louis from himself". I think that is key, and Jacob saying that Louis is trying to regain his memories through the interview fits very well there.
Now, with that in mind...
Yes, I do believe Armand's POV on his and Lestat's ... "origins" will be part of season 2. Because those are very important for him and Louis! Because Armand initially wanted Louis because he was Lestat's.
Armand had "imprinted" on Lestat when he met him. He tried to "get" Lestat by force (which backfired), and that shapes their relationship.
Armand does think Lestat is the hottest shit out there, to put it simply, and a bit flippantly^^. He also carries quite the grudge, for reasons we will still get to see. WILL actually get to see in season 2 (unbelievable, I am so giddy!!)
For me it makes perfect sense that Armand would narrate Lestat as "beautiful, arrogant, strong, violent, resilient". Theirs is a difficult past. And in turn it makes perfect sense to me that Armand would use that personal view when altering/tinkering with Louis' memories.
I don't think the narration of Lestat will be "all bad" as you put it. But it won't be all that favorable at certain points either.
That is why @virginiaisforvampires and I (and others, likely) have theorized that the well-put Lestat at the trial is version one of said trial. And that the truth was likely a bit different still.
Now... Daniel is there to pull the truth out.
He will be the reason why Armand starts to offer insights at all, imho, because Daniel is in the unique position to have leverage. Even if he does not know it (yet).
Daniel has already started to challenge the narrative, and that will continue now, in parallel to his own memories resurfacing - and providing not always so convenient and comfortable insights, I bet.
There is a LOT of history between these four!
Daniel himself is tied to Lestat's story, too, though I am not sure if they will address that (already) in the show. We'll see.
But yes, Lestat and Armand will very much shape season 2. Of that I'm 100% certain.
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apoptoses · 11 months
Do you think Armand ever helped Daniel manscape? Or subjected him to it 😬 Its’s mentioned that he often bathed, shaved and dressed him to his liking and I see Armand as the type of lover who would obsess over and hyper fixate on every part of his partner’s body, pubic hair included 🫢
oh boy anon DO I. Buckle in because i've got THOUGHTS.
so like, shaving his face? absolutely, that started out as a totally benign request when Armand got curious about modern disposable razors. Daniel was down, it's fine, he does half his face to demonstrate and show Armand how to handle the razor and then lets him finish the other half. And it's nice, it kinda makes him feel spoiled to sit on the edge of the tub and let Armand tilt his head around and wipe the shaving cream off his face. He's happy to let Armand have full control over that particular grooming chore.
(Does Armand sometimes nick his jaw? Yes. Does Daniel think that's on purpose so he can lick up the blood? Also yes. Does he care? Not really, secretly it's becoming a turn on.)
Naturally, it escalates.
It starts with shaving Daniel's chest just to see what he'd look like with it smooth. Then it's his armpits, because Armand wants to know what they look like bare and how long it takes for them to grow back (three very fucking itchy weeks, where Daniel can't stop squirming and thinking about Armand every time he tries to sneakily scratch at the stubble through his shirt).
At this point Daniel tells him no shaving below the waist, uh uh, not doing it. He keeps everything trimmed short and that's enough, thank you very much. Obviously Armand takes that as a personal challenge.
(in the end all it takes is a few well placed bites, a whispered "please, lover?" and those big brown eyes looking up at him through dark lashes and Daniel crumbles, but he's never going to admit that)
And so he ends up laid out with his legs spread, ass half in Armand's lap while Armand lathers him up with shaving cream and gets at it. It's weirdly hot, he feels all vulnerable and squirmy and Armand's hands are cold and wet with shaving cream and touching him all over. Daniel notices he's not just being tidied up, Armand is taking everything and he goes to protest. But then Armand strokes him with the shaving cream and his brain melts.
(and does his face burn when Armand asks him to lift his knees to his chest so he can get his ass? absolutely. does Daniel jump to obey anyways? you bet)
By the time Armand wipes him down with the towel he just feels so weird and bare, he's got this urge to put his hands over his lap and hide. And Armand just keeps staring in that way of his making it worse. Daniel feels about ready to curl up and die, but then Armand touches his bare skin and oh it's so sensitive. And then Armand bites him low on his groin where his teeth have never been before and- yeah, okay, maybe this was worth it.
They keep it up for a few weeks, because every time Daniel looks in the mirror and sees himself he feels like Armand's possession and he likes it. They do it again with a straight razor, and then once with wax (which makes Daniel cry and that's the most confusing turn on he's ever had). And then the novelty wears off, until decades later when Daniel is a vampire and he remembers it'll all grow back overnight, no itchy phase needed at all.
But YEAH they're both into it not even just for the grooming itself, but the giving over of control, the intimate secret, the constant awareness Daniel has that he's bare somewhere because Armand wants it and he can't stop thinking about his sensitive newly naked skin.
And they switch once. Armand hands him the razor and it's fun, but Daniel is too into Armand with all of his hair intact for it to be anything but a novelty. He'd much rather trim his hair for him, or pull it back, or get out the manicure kit if he's going to do any grooming stuff for Armand.
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 3 months
Alright, here are some screenshots from the new iwtv s2 trailer and me theorizing over them like a rabid fangirl. Hafl meta, half madness.
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ok, so this bit of dialogue here where they are talking about Daniel and the interview
Armand: He wants you in pieces for the privilege of putting them back together as he sees fit. Louis: It's his job. Armand: It's his drug. He's reveling in it. You should end it.
Is Armand bitter? Is this how he saw his and Daniel's relationship? If so he is big mad. Like, this man has had decades to stew in that post-breakup anger. Memory is a monster and all that. So he's had plenty of time to do that thing where people breakup, get pissed off, and only remember the bad times. We twist our own memory all the time, that's one of the ways people get past shit. So Armand has probably twisted what he and Daniel has. Because my boy does not handle rejection well.
Or maybe he is projecting? Messing with Louis' memories (which it seems like he did. though i do believe he thought he was helping Louis at the time. a monster in love is still a monster) could very well be putting him back as Armand sees fit. That's what he may believe he did to Louis. Though the definition of 'as he sees fit' could have multiple meanings. I think personally that Armand sees (or at least justifies) messing with Louis memories as for Louis own good.
Either way, he does not want Daniel poking into Louis' head.
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this is just some loumand cuteness. look, Armand kisses Louis on the cheek. i think Armand is or was probably pretty affectionate when him and Louis were alone together. I remember that interview with Assad saying there was a tenderness to Louis and Armand's relationship. there's a whole bunch of cute little shots of them together. but they are hard to get a cleat shot of because they sort of fade into each other in the video.
like, i know in my heart the loumand breakup is coming this season. but i'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. bc this version of loumand has got me hooked. i have to confess, i was never really a big fan of loumand in the iwtv book. the whole claudia of it all ruined it for me. but i am so fascinated to see how these two made it work for 77 years.
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and this. the way Claudia and Armand look at each other when they first spot each other. that quick second before the mask can slip into place. they do not like each other. they are enduring for Louis' sake. at least until he picks one of them.
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then like a split second later, she has this tight smile on her face. my baby girl is not happy
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look at their faces y'all. this is during Louis' 'life is shit' bit of dialogue. where he tells Claudia to stop feeling sorry for herself. he also says they 'can't be running away again' do they find other vampires before Paris? According to her diaries, they were in Romania in 1941. And Louis says something about they can't be the only 'good ones'
We also know they were in Paris, Nov 14 from Claudia's diaries. The interview is set in 2022. Louis mentions earlier in the clip him and Armand have been together 77 years. So they'd have to have gotten together in 1945. Given how quickly things happened in the book, I'd say they were probably only there a few months.
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this has to be Allesandra. it has to be. I can't wait for this Armand backstory stuff.
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y'all look at this fuckery. Santiago is kissing some woman while riding a motorcycle. idk if she is a victim or another vampire. and i think possibly the bike might be flying? I can't tell. It looks pretty cool though.
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oh look, a scythe. i wonder what that could possibly be foreshadowing. they have to have the scene, the way they've shown a scythe in a few different teasers/trailers now.
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this might be Madeliene, but I don't know. The hair doesn't fit what we've seen so far. my theory is that this is Madeleine's sister who dies via vampires. in the books she lost a daughter, and it was why she was so eager to play mother to Claudia. Having a child that could almost literally never die would have had to seem like, the greatest thing ever. switching it to a sister would be fitting, seeing as Claudia is playing the role of sister to Louis
So my thought here, (and I know I am theorizing based on nothing but vibes) is that Madeleine is looking into the vampires bc her sister went missing after going to a show at the Theatre des Vampires. And at some point, Claudia will reveal what they are to her.
That may be why she looked so scared in that other teaser we had. These pics are from it and they are blurry af, so sorry bout that
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This could be the vampires warning her to mind her business. Why not kill her outright? Bc they like to play with their food. Or bc Claudia wants to keep her, and Armand knows he has to get Claudia out of the way to be with Louis. So he could just like, order the coven to not kill this one human. And then later 'convinces' Louis to turn her into a vampire, so Claudia will have her own companion and gtfo
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like, i know it's hard to tell from this one shot, but Armand seems to be on the verge of having a full on tantrum. while saying Lestat's name over and over. Probably bc he heard how much Louis was talking about Lestat to Daniel. he's probably mad jelly, but like, in both directions.
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look at this shit. Armand straight up hisses and pushes Lestat away with his vampire powers. (this I think is may not 1945 Paris, but around when they first meet. idk though)
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this is how Lestat seemed to be dressed in the image above. and given the whole look of him (you know, in full health) i think this is around the time Lestat meets the Children of Satan
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y'all I am screaming. this is Lestat drinking Armand's blood. did they fuck? did Lestat hit it and quit it?
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At least Claudia gets to tell Louis off for picking Armand over her. But she definitely was not loving Paris.
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as witnessed here, by Daniel reading from her journal "fuck these vampires"
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so here we have Daniel saying he wants to get out alive (then we have him making this strange face where it looks like he wants to cry, another shot of Armand) while this other dude says that Daniel fears Armand and that he should fear the other one. Who tf is this guy? Are they still in the penthouse? Did Daniel leave and go out somewhere to meet this guy? Who is this man? Maybe another vampire that paid a visit? Is he this Leonard guy we've heard about? bc that does not look like David Costabile, but tv hair and makeup can perform magic, so maybe it is?
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here we have Louis throwing his cup of blood at a painting. it's ok baby boy, you are entitled to a hissy fit every now and again
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Here we have Louis hallucinating Lestat, so that's fun.
And now bitch ass tumblr says I can't post anymore images, but i am only halfway through the trailer. so I guess i will post and reblog
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
“one of the top three sexiest robin williams roles” you can’t just leave that in the tag without saying what the others are (but if I’ve missed it OTL)
Okay, okay I admit, I was being mildly flippant because I think robin williams is highly capable of being sexy and armand is a great example, however now that we're here, let us consider the tenets of the sexy robin williams character
EDIT: also at this point, apologies, I was out travelling for a few days, I was not ignoring you. ahem. continuing:
did I come across him as a kid/teenager in a story that made me cry my eyes out
moustache/general hairiness
how queer is he
how well-dressed is he
how anti-authoritarian is he
does he make me laugh
Let's go wild and say every one of these gets rated from 0-10 (with 0 being for example "not at all hairy" and 10 being "sexy motherfucker")
now, here's some of his most well-known ventures
good morning vietnam: he's not got a moustache, because it's the army, but because it's the army his natural anti-authoritarianism is dialled up. he queers the space and goes hard on the camp comedy. loses points for being about americans in vietnam, and he's kind of a pest towards a vietnamese woman to begin with (although he does improve). best out of context line: "we can't say dyke these days, we can't even say lesbian, we have to say woman in comfortable shoes." Also the movie ends on a dorothy/wizard of oz quote. it's definitely not queer, but it's also... a choice.
0 on me crying for him, 3 on his chest peeking out once or twice, 7 on queerness (although I cannot overstate that it's not queer, but it IS him doing great camp as robin williams), 4 on the well-dressed I guess, at least he's not always in khaki, like... 6 on anti-authoritarian, because he's still an american in vietnam, 6 on the laughter because when I laugh I laugh a lot, but some of it ages pooorly = 26 points
dead poets society: the og "teacher you had a crush on, because he affirmed your queer identity and taught you poetry." I have since worked with tutors who taught me poetry and yeah, you do get heart eyes at them, poetry and being heard just does that to you. it's anti-authoritarian of course, it's professor-chic. it's low on the hairiness scale though. of course, it is also very very sad. he's dressed like me 20 years from now.
9 on sobbing scale, 2 on hairiness from memory, 8 on queerness in that whole fucking movie, 7 on well-dressed (this is about my gender okay), 5 on the laughter he's still robin williams even when he's only joking around a little, 8 on anti-authoritarian = 39 points
to wong foo: only in it briefly, canonically bisexual, leaves an impression, however the birdcage gives him more to work with, also... he has a soul patch, it is there, one must see it RIP. however I like that he just appeared in this movie, which was very bold in the way it cast its roles for the time
0 on sobbing scale (for him), 0 on the hair-scale my goodness, 10 for queerness that is a bisexual man (his truest self), 6 on well-dressed yes he's technically well-dressed but I don't like it much, and 5 on anti-authoritarian -- he's a queer so duh but it's not really in the plot for him, 7 on the laughter he's just charming = 28 points
bicentennial man: he's a robot who argues for his right to be considered alive. he's not my personally sexiest robot of all time, but every robot is a sexy robot. this one also made me cry (we're seeing a trend huh).
IIII cannot rate his sexiness in this movie, it's been too long -- will have to rewatch and get back to it
good will hunting: we love a dramatic turn, I wanted to say, but he did a lot of dramatic turns actually. this one might be the most straightforward dramatic that I've watched though. he's got a beard! he's helping out a kid without a lot of opportunities. he's challenging toxic masculinity. we love a sexy bearded man who's making the world a better place, breaking the cycle
yeah I cried at this as a kid 8 points, iiihihihi he has A BEARD 10 points! queer ethos related to breaking the cycle of toxic masculintitty and being someone who's looking at methods of healing and non-nuclear family support networks but not overall super queer on his character's front necessarily 5, 4 on the well-dressed it's worse than dead poets, 7 on anti-authoritarian, hmmm and 4 on laughter... it's still robin williams = 38 points
jumanji: a mess of a person who never shaved before, that's trans man aesthetics forya. he's a bit too busy for me to consider him sexy necessarily, he arrives and immediately man-eating plants, man-hunters (no innuendo intended), floods, and what-have-yous follow. he doesn't have time to be sexy, but that being said...
yes I cried to this movie as a kid 7 on the sad williams, okay he is hairy but is he kempt at all??? still 6, idk if it's queer to be trapped inside a game for most of your life but it'll certainly make you neurodivergent which is queer enough 5, badly dressed (sorry) 3, anti-authoritarian... tricky... he doesn't get on with his strict dad as a kid, he evades a man-hunter (again, no innuendo), he gets arrested by a cop and he continues to roll the dice on a game that wreaks havoc (although he continues to abide by the rules of the game sooo there's a whole essay here, let's just say 5), 4 on the laughter = 30
hon mentions: hook -- makes me cry too hard to even consider sexiness + when I was a kid it was all about dante basco. mrs doubtfire -- the particular kind of drag he does doesn't do it for me, but we love a genderfluid icon. mork&mindy -- I haven't actually seen it, but he seems too baby overall at that point. flubber -- he's got that mad professor type Look, but I've never actually seen it (I saw a trailer over and over on one of my vhs' as a kid), life according garp is a weird fucking movie which is surprisingly trans-positive but also just like... not well-made, I wanna watch what dreams may come
AND FINALLY BIRDCAGE - one of my queerbaby movies I elegantly let the tears fall 7, HIS CHEST HIS FACIAL HAIR HIS ARMS 10/10, 10 ON QUEERNESS, 10 ON DRESS, loses points on the authoritarian because he gives in to his petulant son's demands for heterosexuality BUT gains some back for his speech about being a middleaged fag + standing by his lover at the end 7, YES HE MAKES ME LAUGH 8 = 52
DING DING DING actually Birdcage is robin williams' sexiest role woops are we surprised?
generally: robin williams is underrated as a hairy man tbh, my guy's arms and chest are 👀👀👀👀👀
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i-want-my-iwtv · 1 month
Hi! I have some IWTV qs after seeing the movie&the internet isn't helping me at all. Hoping you could! 1.I've seen book explanations for why Lestat survived the fire, but is there something I missed in the movie to explain it? 2.What did Armand mean when he said he'd die if Louis left? 3.Why was Louis so weak and feeding off rats towards the end?Traumatized by the fire or something? 4.If Louis hated being a vamp so much,why didn't he just kill himself? &my last question will be in another ask...
^1/3 5. Is a possible interpretation of the ending that Louis&Lestat are working together again? Lestat said he could go out again if he had Louis but Louis said he had to go. Lestat then somehow ends up going after the guy that Louis was just talking to? Obvi not a coincidence so maybe he's just following Louis...but what if he's doing what he said? He's going out again bc he has Louis. Louis set up Malloy; or at least did so only after his reaction to his story? Maybe a stupid theory lol. ^2/3 anyway, sorry to come at you with all these questions, I just can't find answers anywhere else. Loved the movie and would just like to understand it better. I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore? Thank you so much for any time you can give me and my questions lol! ^3/3
Wow, Anon, that's a lot of questions! Thanks for asking me 💗
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The 1994 movie doesn't say how Lestat escaped the fire. In the book, Armand first tells Louis that Lestat had died, but much later, Armand tells Louis that Lestat left the theatre before Louis returned to burn it down:
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Here's the script for Interview with the Vampire. It's similar, but not the same as the movie! It doesn't explain why Lestat survived the fire, but it's a fun read.
In the Vampire Lestat, Lestat says Armand took him by carriage to Magnus's tower after the trial, and after Claudia died, probably before the fire.
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Hit the jump, cut for length.
2. Armand needed Louis to "quicken him once more," but he wasn't really dying in the physical sense. It's more like he saw in Louis a way to live again, having a new relationship with a New World vampire and experiencing the technology and culture with Louis is a reason to live. In the books, Armand forms a relationship with the interviewer Daniel, and they explore technology, culture, etc. of the time together (it's in Queen of the Damned). Armand wanted that kind of companion in Louis but Louis wasn't interested.
3. I think you meant Lestat? Bc Louis isn't eating rats at the end, it's Lestat. Lestat was weak from surviving the fire that Louis set on him before he and Claudia left for Europe, and an injury from Armand*.
*In the Vampire Lestat, he's on the roof of Magnus's tower with Armand, after Claudia's death, and Armand apparently punches Lestat off the tower, further injuring Lestat:
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So, Lestat was pretty weak and horrible-looking, and would have had trouble going into places with people to kill them without freaking them out, so feeding on animals was easier:
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4. Louis, deep down, didn't actually hate himself enough to want to kill himself. But he does try later in the series, depending which books you include as canon. Personally, I think Louis has conflicting feelings about how much he loves art, nature, humanity, Lestat, and the other vampires... he loves how his senses were enhanced by becoming a vampire, but it's also somewhat shameful, bc the price of those things he loves comes at the cost of continuing to take human life to fuel his existence.
I think Louis really was ready to kill himself for giving into his nature and feeding on a child, and that's really why Lestat turned Claudia, to protect Louis from the overwhelming guilt of having killed the most innocent victim. Luckily it seems like Louis didn't go for any more children, so Lestat didn't have to turn any more of them!
5. Tackling this in a separate post and I'll link to it 😎 [X]
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Would bella want to be a anne rice vampire?
Bella mistaking Cullenism for Vampirism. Bella on falling in love with any rando vampire in Biology. Bella's attraction to Edward and vampirism. Would Bella be attracted to a TVD vampire?
In most cases, for most vampires out there, Bella would not want to become a vampire.
Even in the world of Twilight, Bella's attracted to vampirism for a few reasons. Bella does not sign up to be a homeless, murderous, crystal person but instead Edward Cullen's lover, a beautiful boy invariably fascinated with her, a Cullen, extraordinarily wealthy with this familiar comfortable lifestyle of being the cool kids in high school forever, with this very tight knit beautiful family, a best friend in Alice, and the best parents ever in the Cullens.
To Bella, the Cullens look like everything she never had and everything she's ever wanted.
While vampires by themselves are beautiful and Bella does consider Aro's musing about turning her with hope, Bella always conflates vampirism with the Cullens. She never thinks, "oh my god, what if they dump me after I turn", and always assumes her life as a vampire will be intertwined with theirs and the only thing separating them is that she's a lowly human.
If we look at other vampire media, we don't even necessarily have the good-looking part.
TVD, you're the same as ever and go to school the next day, you might have some powers, maybe, but nothing changes. Buffy, you lose your soul and become a man-eating demon who will likely derive pleasure from torturing your loved ones and you also make an ugly 'grr' face when you feed (in Buffy, it's worth pointing out that only one character is ever mad enough to want to become a vampire and it's due to an existential terror of death). Shiki, those who wish to turn either don't understand what they're getting into or else do it out of companionship for those who are already damned, it's a miserable and lonely existence. Dracula... brides of Dracula don't get to do much or be much.
Now, Anne Rice's vampires have a bit of a leg up in that they're explicitly hot. They're beautiful in the general way Bella likes, immortal with unchanging features, etc.
However, they also tend to be miserable hedonist wretches.
You Said it Depends
Bella would need an Edward. Lestat's sales pitch to Louis is much the sales pitch Bella would want ("hey kid, you want to be insanely good looking, have tons of fun, and enjoy the night life?") but the life of exciting hedonism he immediately shows Louis is not the selling point for Bella.
She liked that the Cullens go to high school over and over again. She liked that Edward was close to her age but also older than her.
And with Anne Rice vampires she's not going to get that.
First, vampires can't go out during the day. Bella wouldn't be meeting Edward in a high school setting but instead at night which means likely in a restaurant, on the street, wherever. Bella not having much of a night life makes this unlikely and also immediately sketchy as Edward would be approaching her out of nowhere.
Carlisle's existence is possible in the Anne Rice world. Louis gives the rat diet a very good try before giving up after eating a baby. So the Cullens aren't entirely impossible, but it means Carlisle's doing night shifts and the kids are probably hiding in the basement.
That, by itself, isn't the existence Bella wants.
The ridiculous money would help but there's no Cullen persona where people see the new Bella and see that she's a Cullen like the rest of the Cullens. This aspect was hugely important to Bella. she wants to sit at their lunch table so there has to be a lunch table to sit at.
So... yes?
In the right circumstances, Bella runs into an Edward type figure who is very wealthy, then she may go for it.
I don't think Lestat would sell her on it though or Armand for that matter. (Though she would find Armand terribly intellectual and attractive.)
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faerywhimsy · 1 year
Hello, I would like to linger on the topic of Armand and love in (primarily) the setting of TVL.
"What do we have now! Answer me! Nothing but the love of each other and what can that mean to creatures like us!"
Working backwards for a hot minute, this is the last appearance we have from Armand in The Vampire Lestat. It comes immediately before Armand tosses Lestat out of the very tower Lestat so graciously gifted to him.
Symbolism? Oh my heart, I lived for this sort of stuff during my English degree.
Anyone who's read a single page of TVC knows that love is pretty much prized above all things in the world of these vampires. It's... pretty much the only thing all of them by some unspoken agreement seem to hold dear. Even Rhoshamandes (one of many scions of Akasha) from the Prince Lestat at least appears to gain something from the affection between him and his fledgling Benedict. But I'm definitely getting ahead of myself.
Sorry guys, strap in if you wanna. This is gonna be another long meta post.
To go from the end right back to the beginning, something about Lestat does seem to bring Armand back to 'life'. And, in response, just the sight of him makes Lestat gasp. Armand is "perfect", "dazzling", "incarnate beauty". His voice is "teasing", his eyes are "fathomless". I've read bodice rippers with prose less purple than this.
Okay, fine, it turns out a lot of this is all a mind fuck from Armand to Lestat but I've already written a longer interpretation of that over here (and thank god because it just wouldn't have fit here). Just because we're seeing Armand's use of the mind gift does not necessarily invalidate some feelings behind it. Armand is one tightly wound, fucked up ball of crazy at this point in the eighteen century, and everything of him this early kinda has to be read through that lens.
All night you've been searching for me, he said, and here I am, waiting for you. I have been waiting for you all along. Dear God, this is love. This is desire. And all my past amours have been but the shadow of this.
Ultimately, Lestat's rejection of Armand after this is pretty brutal. He (correctly) manages to ascertain how much of a threat Armand poses to him, despite their both being of the blood. Later he even marvels at how he was able to overcome Armand in the brutal beating that followed. (My personal head canon is simple: Armand let him).
Yet still, Armand asks to be loved by Lestat and, thereafter, begs Lestat to be allowed to travel with he and Gabrielle. So when you read the disavow of love Armand makes—after Lestat has left him and returned to him, only to promise to leave him once more—it feels pretty clear Lestat went and fucked Armand all up and down. (I also wanna mention that meta post I think about often and is basically my head canon, on Armand's PoV in The Vampire Armand that shows him again rebounding hard in the wake of being rejected yet again. Let's face it, this is realistically an immutable part of Armand's character.)
How much of an impact did Lestat's rejection of Armand have? Allow me to put it this way: It takes him almost two hundred years for Armand to find his heart again after Lestat, but no more than forty years after Daniel before he finds some solace and makes house with Louis in Trinity Gate (kinda important to me to make this point given the consensus in fanon is Daniel is Armand's great love story).
Finally, there's a part of me that can't help but wonder how things might have gone differently, had Lestat not brashly come back with impossible demands of Armand. Would Armand have been capable of forgiving Lestat if he hadn't come talking about how little he actually needed Armand after he used Armand for a draught of his healing blood?
When Lestat first sees him again, he uses such words as "brilliant light burning in him", "thinly veiled excitement", "caressingly", "soft and compassionately" to describe Armand's attention. This is moments before Lestat goes off at the mouth.
And... just... damn, man. Maybe it would have been best to face Marius and his measly "condemnation" is all I'm saying. At least Marius wasn't in love and the worst he (probably??) would have done was turn his back on Lestat. No wonder, honestly. These are all immortal blood drinkers we're talking about, not a high end wine tasting.
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casyawn · 2 years
i can't help but wonder how amc will handle louis and armand's relationship (though inevitably it'll be a while until we find out). like, now that vampires are confirmed to be able to fuck, it opens the door for a wider variety of dynamics? so in this case i actually think it would be really interesting if louis and armand's relationship isn't sexual at all. maybe romantic, maybe sensual/ambiguous, but i personally think it would make sense if they feel comfortably with each other bc the physical element of the relationship isn't there. but it's ultimately also part of why it doesn't fully work for them long term, too. like louis can repress his shit and lie to himself that this is a better, purer love than what he had with lestat, and armand can have a relationship where for once he isn't an object of sexual desire, so i can see that working for them and being healing in its own way. but inevitably louis IS attracted to men, and armand DOES want to feel desired. so it can't last. idk idk i love their relationship and i think it's compelling
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
No need to apologize, a sudden essay was truly all I ever wanted 🥹 it does align quite perfectly doesn’t it? I mean sometimes it’s all about “reading between the lines” as Lestat once said, specially when it comes to characters who are not Lestat himself/the people closest to him at any given time or POV characters, and this is one of those instances where we’re given just enough to do that imo, it’s all there in the timelines like you said. “It just won't change the fact that he had a second chance to do it right this time with Daniel where he had failed before, to not be a blunt object seeking practical solutions and prove he can in fact take care of people without destroying them”, god this is so true, and I think it also ties back to him being a “failed experiment” in his maker’s eyes, and how he’d been conditioned in his mind (by fate, by circumstance) to repeat that pattern. Armand’s sense of identity in regards to who he is to Daniel is a huge thing too and I’ve always HC that at some point during their difficult years and then in their years apart, he probably rationalized it as him only being fit to be his lover but not his teacher in the blood (which of course represented yet another unforgivable failure).
“He's trying so hard in the modern age to make caregiver be a huge part of him and to be seen as someone who keeps his children safe and even if Daniel was safe at the time, I can't help but think it would bother him that his own firstborn had to be cared for by someone else and that maybe Lestat would be the only person he would really admit this to because he would be the one to understand it.” Yes! Reminds me of that great post by @monstersinthecosmos I think(!) that had me nodding along from start to finish where they mentioned (and I’m only paraphrasing lmao) how Trinity Gate, despite having being conceived as a safe place where people could all heal and come together as a family, also ends up being a place where Armand has to live up to a lot of expectations (the caretaker, the teacher, the protector), like he had to in the cult, and then the theater. And not only that but it would also serve as a constant reminder of how when it had mattered the most, with his own fledging, he was not able to do it. Lestat would totally understand Armand and never judge him for it, he’s “failed” in similar ways before and plays a similar role to Armand’s in the present (the only difference I think is the scale, Lestat has made more fledglings than one can count and Armand only has Daniel to dump all of his trauma on, bless) xoxo DA still sad asf but your meta is like chicken soup for the soul ❤️‍🩹
Absolutely all of this!! Lestat is not omnicient, even if sometimes it feels like he is and you have to remember you're a person removed from his stories.
Oooh yeah actually that is an excellent point, it makes it a little bit worse that it's Marius that takes care of Daniel and the whole idea of maybe Daniel would be considered a failed fledgling from Armand adds to the idea of him being a failed experiment himself. It's a generational trauma thing too, I think this is something Daniel is terrified of being seen as something Armand regrets and sees as a failure, but Armand trying to figure out who he is to people is such a big pattern in all of his identites and part of it definitely feels like it stems from feeling like he can't measure up to his previous self in the eyes of his own maker. Like he couldn't even get something that any back alley vampire made on a whim can do properly, that is a spiral waiting to happen even if it's not true.
Absolutely 100% agree that Armand could rationalise it that way, he does tend to seperate his identities and roles as a coping mechanism but I also think it's just another nail in the coffin of feeling like this is his failure. It would have been compounded by living with the day to day of Daniel when he was at his worst and probably wound have caused a knock on spiral which wouldn't have been fair to either of them, but it doesn't make it easier.
Trinity Gate, despite having being conceived as a safe place where people could all heal and come together as a family, also ends up being a place where Armand has to live up to a lot of expectations (the caretaker, the teacher, the protector), like he had to in the cult, and then the theater. And not only that but it would also serve as a constant reminder of how when it had mattered the most, with his own fledging, he was not able to do it.
This just punches me in the gut every time. I hadn't really thought about it in this context but you're right, the scale of it with Lestat and Armand being seen as community leaders in their own right really does echo each other and puts so much pressure on both of them to be more than themselves. They are roles and figureheads but that doesn't leave them with much space to explore their own traumas and identities in detail. Even in their own homes, it's not really about them.
Someone really needs to make a therapist for these folks, they really need to learn some ways to process what they're going through that isn't running away (Lestat) or trying to wear his reputation like armour to protect not only himself but his children (Armand). I think if you sat down and really interrogated why Armand feels the need to protect his own people so intensely, he's been losing them since he was a child and losing himself over and over at the same time and it's why I think it would bother him to have someone else do that for his child. It's become a part of how he sees himself so it shakes his very sense of identity and it wouldbe a fascinating thing to explore one day.
Thank you for soming in and letting me think about this stuff, I appreciate getting the chance to really look at it in detail!
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
So this is going to be a barrage, sorry in advance!
1. So, I re-read the story cause it seems I can't get enough of the pain. And Jaden is giving me Armand from AMC's Interview with the Vampire vibes. Like taking advantage of an emotionally and mentally compromised person. Never leaving them alone to figure out you're fucking with their head. And its because you're actually just obsessed with their ex. Jaden is actually all about Max, the way Armand is actually all about Lestat. Which just makes Jaden scarier.
2. Since the book was entirely David's perspective and the show is more Max's, I'm assuming the audience reactions are going to come out on Max's side this time. If so can we see the #JAVID tag die in this universe? And or everyone falling in love with Max and becoming obsessed with seeing #MAVID back together.
3. I'm sad that Lance is going to have to fix his family. That's too much for a kid.
4. Does Jaden not want Arthur to watch the show because it shows Max in a sympathetic light?
5. Jaden seems super possessive of Arthur which i kind of get. But I'm wondering if David gave the ok for all those public social media posts. I thought they wanted to keep the kids out of the public eye?
6. I know everyone makes jokes about Jaden taking the method acting too far. But I can't understand how he just seems to have no empathy for Max? You play him on screen, you know the pain he went through. Now you have everything he so desperately cherishes. Why are you so obsessed with getting in the way of what's left of his relationship with his child? He comes across as kind of psychotic.
7. Is David in therapy? Since writing the show itself is a form of therapy for him, should we expect everything to implode for him with its end?
8. Did David actually buy a house with a pool for Max without realizing its for him?
9. David never answers if he loves Max, is it because he doesn't know? Or like he mentally can't even go there?
10. Is there a new Mavid fic coming in the future or can I dare hope for a sequel to this because I don't think any amount of closure will be enough unless we see them heal, be together again and Jaden get his comeuppance.
Oh but I love this. I think I can answer/respond to *some* of them. Let's see. Let's go!
I loved this comparison! I don't know a lot about Armand but i immediately got a bad vibe from him so now I'm concerned...
Most definitely. I mean we've already seen this. People recognize Max on the street all the time. Everyone tells him how much they love the show. There is a reason it's popular. It's because they lie to Max (or Michael rather). We'll have to wait to see the hashtags.
I think Lance can try. But Lance is also different from Rafael (if you've read TLND). He wants to help his family but he is also VERY good at setting boundaries. We'll see.
You got that right. I'm not sure it's a spoiler, but yes. Jaden knows if Arthur watches the show, he will like Max even more. So, he prevents it.
He doesn't post about them all the time. I don't think he got permission for that last post. We know he does shit like this all the time. Like how he spoke to arthur about acting even when david said no.
Astute observation. There are characters like Mallory who are very overtly messed up. But Jadens are more dangerous. Because we are friends with them....we date them. We don't know they are actually fucked up.
He was in therapy for a while after the 'accident'. He doesn't go to therapy in the present. Max does.
Maybe? It's definitely possible.
I said this in the very beginning. IALS is not like TLND. It's not about closure or everyone finding their happy ending or finding ways to heal. I don't want it to finish it with a bow on top or anything. And I'm improvising this story, remember. I have no idea if yall will be satisfied with the ending or not. But one thing i will not do is make the ending perfect or 'realistic' or whatever. It's gonna end how it's gonna end hehe. But yes of course we will see Mavid again if i get inspiration for another fic.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
I have a what-if question: what would have happened if Lestat didn't turn Claudia that night? If he told Louis he can't make vampire out of child no matter what?
I know Claudia was band aid for their marriage and we could clearly see wheels turning in Lestat's head when Louis was begging, he knew with a child Louis would be reluctant to leave, but what if common sense won that night and Lestat said that it's against vampiric law?
How do you think Loustat relationship would go after that? Because just before coming back with Claudia, Louis basically left Lestat (Was he intending to break up permanently? ). Logically, Lestat not helping Louis redeem himself (in his head) would drive him away further.
But Claudia was also their greatest mistake. While she definitely helped Louis with his depression, repaired some damage in their marriage, all of it went downhill because she was too young. And the way she mended Loustat, she broke them within once she aged and horror of her situation sank in (not blaming her! Loustat were incredibly selfish bargaining with poor orphaned burned girl and then trapping her in miserable life for what they thought would be eternity)
Do you think if Loustat somehow came together without Claudia their life together would go better? Do you think there was even a chance for them to repair their marriage on their own (I mean without separating for decades)? And also how much Claudia dying on Louis from burns would impacted his mental health? Would he get fully depressed? She was supposed to be his redemption in his mind and her dying would definitely affect him even though he didn't love her then.
Thank you!
Hey! So... it is important to remember that Lestat lets people go if they really want to.
I firmly believe that he would have let Louis go then, too, if he had really wanted to. I also believe that he would have watched over Louis from afar then, because he knew Louis was a comparatively weak vampire, stuck right in the rite of passage.
But... Louis didn't really want to leave. He came back with Claudia, after running off, and Claudia was an offering, an excuse. That excuse would be missing then... but Louis would have come back sooner or later anyways, because this was the home he shared with Lestat, and this was NOLA, where he accomplished so much. And because Louis loves Lestat. And the problems they have... are not from a lack of attraction or love.
I can see them enter a similar relationship to the one Armand and Louis share, later. Love and despair, and numbness, side by side, for a while. Because without Claudia as a "band aid" the focus would have been heavily on the actual issues, and even though these issues would have been hard to stomach they probably would have been resolved sooner. And as per depression - Lestat can do depression, too (does in the show, which seems often overlooked, and it is a big thing in the books). I bet he and Louis would have spent very gloomy times together, like the "laying low" in episode 5.
I could see Louis travel, alone or with Lestat as his protective shadow, and then encountering the others, the vagabonds, the revenants, the covens.
Sooner or later Louis would have come to the same realization season 2+ will bring him to, namely that Lestat is actually not the Big Bad™ out there. He would have needed to face the realizations coming with the rite of passage, and the realities of the vampires in this universe, that this is his life now, and the consequences that come with that.
He would have needed to accept himself, eventually. And by accepting himself he would have been ready to accept the love (and thereby Lestat), too.
It would have been a vastly different story, true... but I think the outcome might have been similar. In the end, at least.
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hekateinhell · 11 months
"but then I made a joke in a chat about The Dancer being one of their threesome buddies and it just felt right" it does feel extremely right. That was one of their "we saw you from across the bar and really dig your vibe" moments right there, with some actual interest behind it for a change. IA, Daniel needed a buddy. Even in an all-consuming, obsessive, deranged asf relationsthip like theirs, people need a buddy to confide in. During their NYC era in partic, it feels right. The Miami/Night Island era was a whole different beast tho lmao rip
"Fucked me up then and fucks me up now" I go back to that one from time to time just to fuck myself up tbh!!
Also I couldn't help but notice THIS from another reply of yours: "I've been daydreaming/outlining an AU OT3 prompt response with rockstar!Lestat" YES??? as in rockstar!Lestat has his two boyfriends teaching him a lesson??? I mean on one hand I feel like Armand is somewhat canonically Lestat's (wannabe) groupie yk so this would be a dream come true for his thirsty ass BUT him and Louis going apeshit over Lestat fucking an actual groupie would also work splendidly. I'll definitely be thinking about this one quite a bit 💭💭💭🤔 xoxo DA
That was one of their "we saw you from across the bar and really dig your vibe" moments right there, with some actual interest behind it for a change.
Exactly! I always headcanon that they met The Dance at a performance and apparently Armand (or Daniel???) was entering his Marius-era of patronage. Which honestly just raises more questions such as: this is pre-Night Island era — and I know cost of living isn't what it used to be (😭) but still — were Armand, Daniel, and The Dancer whose bills they paid all through school just living off Daniel's IWTV checks and Armand's petty theft? I gotta know and I never will and it kills me.
During their NYC era in partic, it feels right. The Miami/Night Island era was a whole different beast tho lmao rip
I agree, the tone definitely changed in NI! I don't think Daniel mentions anyone outside of their staff on Night Island, certainly not like he does in the early years with the people at the parties they attended and The Dancer.
I mean on one hand I feel like Armand is somewhat canonically Lestat's (wannabe) groupie yk so this would be a dream come true for his thirsty ass BUT him and Louis going apeshit over Lestat fucking an actual groupie would also work splendidly.
Armand is 100% Lestat's canonical groupie, Lestat activates his yandere brain like nothing else, RIP (to both of them and everyone who suffered along the way). But yeah, I hope you'll like it, it's the sequel to Exposed which was my lil' gift fic for you... six months ago (jfc I can't believe we've been at this over six months already 🥹). I know more or less what I'm going to have them to do to Lestat but as always, if there's anything in particular you want to see, just let me know and I'll make it work! 💖
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Some people are so pessimistic saying Lou won't be able to forgive Lestat which makes me wonder... how does it go in the books? How does he forgive him?
An important thing to keep in mind is that their relationship is deeply complex within the books. The books cover nearly 200 years, give or take, of their relationship.
And another thing to consider is that it is different in the show. Book Louis doesn't need to forgive Book Lestat for the extreme physical violence because it just doesn't happen. Show Louis would have to be much more forgiving than Book Louis so it's hard to figure out how Louis forgives him in the show by basing it on the books. (A note here, I'm struggling to want Show Louis to forgive, and if he ever does, it should take literal decades).
But in the books, their relationship goes through several ups and downs. The first big down is the breakdown of the family relationship. And something to keep in mind is that by the time the breakdown is happening in the show, they've been together 20 years total. In the books, they've been together for 70 years by the time it comes crashing down, with Claudia with them for 65 of those years.
It takes roughly 120 years before they truly interact with each other again properly after that. Yes, there are moments where they see each other but the true proper reunion doesn't occur until 1985 in the books, and the family breakdown was in the mid 1860s. Between those two times, Louis meets and starts living with Armand (not in the show yet), but then begins to yearn for Lestat, leaves Armand, and tries to find him. When he can't, he writes Interview with the Vampire as a way to draw Lestat out; he purposefully exaggerated some events in order to force Lestat to emerge from his self imposed hiding and seek him out. The plan works and Lestat writes The Vampire Lestat and starts a rock band cause of course he does 🤣 Louis finds the now very obvious Lestat and renews their relationship. The forgiveness there comes from there being very little to have to forgive (in the books, the breakdown is due to Claudia's extreme frustration of being a 65 year old woman in a 5 year olds body and her violent reaction to that, rather than any direct action of Lestat). In the books, Claudia is responsible for the breakdown of the family, not Lestat, so Louis doesn't have to forgive Lestat for that. In the show, it's absolutely on Lestat, so it's difficult to gauge how Louis will forgive him based on the books.
Back to the books though...The Queen of the Damned happens and it messes with Lestats head (there's a lot to unpack with that book, it's easier read than explained and no, the movie of the same name bares zero resemblance to the book) and he eventually tries to fly into the sun but realises he's too powerful to be be killed. So Lestat has a bit of an existential crisis. By this point he's searching for answers and leaves Louis to find them. Body Thief happens, Louis refuses to help Lestat cause he thinks he's been an idiot, also Louis wails on Lestat's dog a bit so Lestat burns Louis' house down (Louis is not inside at the time), and at the end of the book Louis is like "you burned my house down, where do I live now?" And decides to live with Lestat.
The rest of the series happens and it's really more stuff like that; Lestat will get restless and need more answers and seek them out, or Louis will need a break from Lestat. Louis lives with Armand every time Lestat leaves, but every time Lestat reappears, he leaves Armand for him.
Ultimately it's a case of they love each other more than anything in the world. And they're vampires. They're not bound by mortal time. They will spend decades together and then need to take a break from each other before ultimately reuniting and spending more decades together. Both have other lovers in between, but that bothers neither of them because they know that their hearts belong to each other, and they always end up going home to each other.
So how does Louis forgive Lestat in the books? There's infinitely less to forgive, and there's nearly two centuries of love and longing between them. And they share a loss that no one else understands, but if you haven't read the books I'll say no more cause spoilers. The shift in timelines has made the time thing difficult in the show cause there's less years to work with. And the end of episode 5 makes a big change to their relationship from what we see in the books.
TLDR; Their relationship in the show is very different from the one in the books cause of the creative choices made with the show but it ultimately comes down to loving each other and being able to take literal centuries to cool off after arguments. Not sure how to apply it to the show though. Show Louis is going to have be infinitely more forgiving than Book Louis ever had to be if they're going to have their living-in-a-castle-dancing-at-a-ball-happy-ending (actual ending of the final book, truly).
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