#have you said Alhamdulillah today?
b-lessings · 2 years
Blessings upon blessings upon blessings..
Dear Allah, do not deprive us from the blessing of being able to identify, acknowledge and be grateful for the little blessings that fill our days that almost pass unseen. Ameen.
اللهم لا تحرمنا لذة استشعار النِعم الصغيرة التي تملأ يومنا و توشك على أن تمر دون أن نلاحظها أو نشكرك عليها، الحمد لله ملىء السماوات و الأرض و ما بينهما و ما تحت الثرى 🤍
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mchiti · 5 months
I've never understood why people get so mad at Salah for the tree posting but this year they are even madder? 😟
They are mad because he's the biggest Muslim and Arab footballer and they can't stand him being not as religious-driven as others. Sure he fasts and everything but he does seem a bit detached from the usual Muslim footballing sphere - no Alhamdulillah hashtag and whatnot. The tree thing, after years, is obviously a statement at this point - on the fact that he wants to establish himself as a footballer for all the people and has an international borderless aurea around him. Which you know what, it's absolute fine to have in my opinion and it's not even a criticism. I don't care what people do in their homes. And I'd rather have him as the biggest Muslim star - a serious, mature, family driven person - than footballers who preach Alhamdulillah and all while they are involved in r*pe and abuse cases or cheat many times or are homophobic and just horrible people in general. Also wishing someone merry christmas is labelled as haram via them. I'd never have a christmas tree in my house but I do wish merry christmas to people who celebrate becase it's called respect, so I guess I'm in haram jail today, wish me luck.
As for this year, it's because he used his platform to talk about Palestine with a christmas tree post - it's the combo that got people mad. It makes very much sense to me in my opinion, because there's not really much to celebrate regardless of which holiday and which religion we are talking about. If Eid was tomorrow I would say the same. I know he said "war" and no "genocide" so people got mad about this too, but to be fair I think it sounds fine to me, he mentioned Gaza clearly. There's an important line between war and genocide, I get the difference, but I'm not going to hold a poorly worded caption against someone who is not clearly standing for isra*l here. He could've done more in general but it's whatevs, I stopped demanding shit from footballers. They are mad at him for not being the perfect muslim in their books, a lot of them don't even give a shit about Palestine...in tune with many Arab politicians after all.
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apollos-olives · 5 months
what did you do for your birthday? Did you eat nice food?
i rotted in bed for most of the day. i'm sick (nothing contagious), and i didn't sleep the night before, so i just kinda laid in bed and scrolled on my phone for a couple of hours. i didn't eat anything all day either so getting up made me exhausted and nauseous, which made me continue to lay in bed.
my parents wanted to take me out to eat at night so we went out to a normal restaurant and had some food. i couldn't taste any of it, because i'm sick. we returned home and went to bed. no cake, no presents, no singing alhamdulillah. my siblings didn't say happy birthday to me either lmaooo. my mom said she wanted to a throw a party for me this year but decided not to because of what's going on in gaza. that was fine with me anyway, i don't think a party would've been appropriate.
my mom told me she wanted to get something for me. i asked her for some earrings but the ones i wanted were sold out, so i don't think i'm actually getting anything 🤷‍♂️ but that's fine. i don't really feel like i deserve to have nice things when the children in gaza are dying to find their next meal.
my birthdays are like this every year. they're not anything special. honestly it was pretty tame and i was left alone for most of the day so i could just do whatever i wanted laying in bed. today will probably go the same way. we'll see
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questionsonislam · 2 months
Why do we say tasbihat 33 times? What are the narrations regarding the issue?
There are keys that fit material locks; some secrets that are like spiritual locks have some appropriate keys that fit them.
If you do not use the key that fits the lock, you cannot be successful. For instance, your email account has a password.If you type in a wrong password, you cannot access your mailbox. A certain number of tasbihat or salawat needs to be said for some divine secrets to be revealed. If this number is ignored deliberately, it is impossible to attain that divine secret. However, if someone says tasbihat a wrong number of times by mistake, the mercy of Allah Almighty will accept it. It is something different.
How to do tasbihat and what duas (supplications) and tasbihat to read were determined by the Prophet (pbuh) himself. According to a narration from Thawban, when the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) finished a prayer (salah), he would ask for forgiveness (istighfar) by saying , “Astaghfirullah”.1 It is possible to say this istighfar as follows: “Astaghfirullaha’l-azima’l-karima’lladhi la ilaha illa hu, al-hayya’l-qayyuma wa atubu ilayh”.
After fard and sunnah prayers are performed, first ayat al-kursiyy, the chapters of al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Nas are read; after that, “Subhanallah” is said 33 times, “Alhamdulillah” 33 times and “Allahu Akbar” 33 times. Then, “La ilaha illallahu wahdahu...” is read and dua (prayer) is done.
In hadith and fiqh books, blowing onto the prayer beads or one's body after reading ayat al-kursiyy is not mentioned. However, before the Messenger of Allah went to bed, he would read the chapters mentioned above and blow into his palms. Then, he would wipe the parts of the body that he could reach with his palms. However, something like that is not in question while saying tasbihat.
As it is known, tasbihat after prayers are usually counted by prayer beads. Thus, the probability of saying more or fewer words of dhikr is eliminated. However, prayer beads were not used during the Era of Bliss. The Prophet (pbuh) counted dhikr words by using the knuckles of his right hand. 2 He did not prohibit those who used pebbles and date seeds to count dhikr words from using them.
Hz. Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas, who is one of the ten Companions who were given the glad tiding of being a person of Paradise, said he went together with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to a woman. They saw the women making dhikr using the date seeds or pebbles in front of her but the Messenger of Allah did not interfere.3
This attitude of the Prophet (pbuh) is included in "sunnah taqriri", which is a type of sunnah. It shows that he regarded this deed appropriate. On the other hand, it is narrated that Hz. Abu Hurayra made knots on a string and used it (Abu Nuaym, Hilya I/383) that Abu Safiyya, who was a muhajir, used seeds (Isaba IV/109; Ibn Sa’d VII/60) and that Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas used pebbles to make dhikr (Ibn Sa’d III/143).
The prayer beads used today became common only in the fifth century of the Migration.
Abdullah bin Amr said,
“I saw the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) count dhikr words by using the knuckles of his right hand.”4
It is more virtuous to count dhikr words by using the hands if one can count them correctly. However, those who wish may use 33 or 99 prayer beads. There is no difference between holding the prayer beads above or below the level of the navel.
As for the number of the dhikr words to be said, there are various narrations regarding the issue. Some of them say the number of times dhikr words are to be said is 11 while others say it is 25; yet others say it is 10. 5 However, the hadiths stating that the number of the dhikr words to be said is 33 are more than the others. Hadith and fiqh scholars like Qadi Iyad preferred these narrations and regarded it appropriate to act accordingly.
In the explanations of the hadiths regarding the issue, some information is given about the wisdom behind those numbers. For instance, Imam Ayni states the following regarding the issue:
“The reason why the number of dhikr is advised to be 33 is this: When it is multiplied by three, the product is ninety-nine. When a person makes dhikr 99 times, he is regarded to have mentioned Allah with His ninety-nine names.”
As for the issue whether those who glorified or praised Allah more or fewer times than the numbers stated in the hadiths will gain the rewards promised there, some scholars say the extra numbers will not eliminate the rewards while others say, “if dhikr is deliberately made more or fewer times than the number stated in the hadiths, the promised rewards will not be obtained. For, these numbers have a wisdom and particularity; if the number is decreased or increased, the wisdom and particularity will disappear.”
Therefore, it is necessary to try to say tasbihat no fewer than 33 times; if a person says them more than 33 times, he does not have to worry that the reward and wisdom will disappear. For, it is mustahab to utter tasbihat in ruku' and sajdah from 3 to 7 times. What is meant to say and advise here is to say 3 times but it is mustahab and permissible to say 5 and 7 times, too.
It is possible to perform tasbihat after prayers alone or in congregation.
After the prayers performed in congregation, these tasbihat and duas are done together in congregation with the participation of the muezzin, which is better in terms of virtue and more appropriate.
As for the issue whether it exists in sunnah to do tasbihat in congregation, the Messenger of Allah always encouraged dhikr, dua and worshipping in congregation; when he saw his Companions talking, making dhikr and worshipping in congregation, he would be pleased and sometimes give them glad tidings.
According to the narration of Hz. Muawiya,
The Prophet (pbuh) once saw some of his Companions sitting in the form of a circle. He approached them and asked,
“Why did you come here and sit like this?”
They said, “We sat here in order to mention Allah, who granted us a religion like Islam and who tested us through this way, and to praise Him.”
The Prophet asked them again. After receiving an answer with a vow from them, the Prophet said,
“Do not think that I made you vow to blame you. However, Jibril came to me and told me that Allah, who is Mighty and Glorious, was proud of you in the presence of the angels.”6
As it is seen, the Prophet praised the believers who came together and made dhikr and tasbih in an occasion though it was not after a prayer. Tasbihat after prayer was not made in congregation during the time of the Prophet (pbuh) but beginning from the time of mujtahid imams, it was accepted in principle that it would be better to do tasbihat in congregation so that everybody who prayed would do it easily and that they would not be deprived of the reward of dhikr.
After the prayers performed in congregation, it is mustahab for the congregation to change their places and perform the sunnah prayer and do tasbihat in a different place in the mosque. According to a narration mentioned in Ibn Abidin, it is said to be sunnah to do so. Breaking the ranks after the prayers is in question for all five daily prayers. No difference is in question for the morning and afternoon prayers.
The reason why the ranks are broken after the fard prayer is not to cause the people who came to mosque late to think that the fard prayer is still being performed. It is mustahab to perform sunnah prayers by changing one's place after the prayers that are performed in congregation. It is narrated that the prayer rugs and the ground will witness for those who perform prayers. Therefore, the more a person prostrates, the more places will witness for him. For, in the hereafter, all of the beings are conscious and they will speak when Allah wishes.
If it is not possible to perform the sunnah prayer and dua in a different place, there are also views stating that it is permissible to complete them in the same place. 7
1. Muslim, Musafirin: 135.
2. Tirmidhi, Daawat: 25.
3. Abu Dawud, Witr; 24.
4. Tirmidhi, Daawat: 24.
5. Nasai, Sahw:91-96.
6. Muslim, Dhikr: 40.
7. al-Imam Alauddin al-Qasani. Badaiu’s-Sanai. (Beirut: Daru’l-Kitabi’l-Arabi, 1402-1982), 1:160; Ibni Abidin, 1:356.
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mrsq8geek · 2 months
Ramadan Challenge 2024, Day 2
Day 2: What are your other obligations this month? How does it compare to previous years? How do you balance them with ramadan?
My mom used to tell me the timelime of life difficulties at each stage, and she'd say being in your 30s and 40s was hard because everyone wants something from you: your husband, your kids, your parents, your boss, leaving very little time for you or your friends.  (That is, the friends that survived all the life changes of the 20s: graduating, getting jobs, getting married, moving houses, having your first kids.  Don't worry, you'll reconnect with some of them in your 50s!  Stay nice to everyone cause you don't know how life turns out.)
That's kind of where we are now.  School and jobs but also parents' health and demands, all taking a toll on us and our own health.  That being said, this year is a tiny bit easier than previous years, but especially last year, because last year I was fasting completely unaware of being insulin resistant and severely iron deficient.  The kind of fatigue where I'm asleep half the day just to be able to function and during last Ramadan, my alopecia hadn't fully grown back yet.  I actually fasted the whole thing last year because my period was coming once every two months.
It feels weird to be taking a bunch of pills after breaking fast, like I'm suddenly An Old Person, but it's way better than the alternate alhamdulillah, I'm in a place where my support systems allow me to have a regular supply of the meds I need for the things that would otherwise make life very difficult.
I'm not fully recovered yet, my tests are far from average, but I'm getting there.  So this is more of the same stuff I said yesterday: I'm putting all my energy into seeking ajr in the daily tasks.
Other stuff: (diary??)
Writing this one in the afternoon.  Day 1 went smoothly alhamdulillah not even a headache.  I ate light for suhoor last night so I'm feeling the hunger today.  I know that the whole "feeling hunger puts you in the shoes of people who fast because they must" solidarity is something we came up with* but it definitely feels true since so many of us experience it.
* Since fasting is the one thing we don't fully understand.
The bombing during Ramadan is nothing new, we've come to expect it at this point.  They'll do it again for eid.  But this year my heart is swinging between the usual dread and, for once, being a little lighter.  The world is actively rooting for Palestine and trying to make tangible changes this year.   I don't know if it'll work, but it's looking like it might.  Inshallah not too little, too late, they're fighting against a big enemy.
For me, it's mostly more of the same, although the daily clicks are new this year.
Day 2 is a bit harder, the mind fog comes with the iron deficiency (who knew you needed to burn through some iron every day? not me) and today I'm definitely feeling it.  Can't focus long enough to do anything useful either religiously or housewifely.  Probably just rest until futoor.  Maybe after breaking fast, I can do some smaller tasks.
Day 1 | Day 3
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writerfarzanatutul · 2 months
Islamic short story 4
Hashem slumped through the doorway, the weight of another fruitless job search heavy on his shoulders. He tossed his bag onto the worn sofa, the sound echoing in the cramped room. Four single beds crammed the tiny space, Hashem sharing it with three roommates. All three were already asleep, their slumber a stark contrast to the turmoil in his stomach. How could he face his father? Sixteen lakhs of taka, his father's life savings, poured into his education, yet he remained unemployed. Each day, the burden of their meager household expenses pressed heavier. With a sigh, he pushed himself up, needing to freshen up.
A sliver of light peeked from under a pile of books on the shared study table. Muiz, always mindful of conserving electricity, must have forgotten to switch it off. Hashem reached for the light switch, then paused. Muiz often left his diary open, filled with Qur'anic verses and thoughtful tafseer for them to ponder. Curiosity piqued, Hashem picked it up. Today's entry resonated deeply: "And We have made for you therein means of living and for those for whom you are not providers" (Surah Al-Hijr, verse 20). The weight on his shoulders seemed to ease. How could he have forgotten? Allah (SWT) is Ar-Razzaq, the All-Provider. A gentle smile touched his lips as he closed the diary and switched off the light.
A few days later, the phone rang, interrupting his morning routine. "Mr. Hashem," a voice boomed, "based on your excellent results and interview, we'd like to offer you the position of assistant professor." A wave of relief washed over him. "Alhamdulillah," he breathed, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, sir," he managed. "Don't thank me," the voice chuckled, "it's your impressive qualifications." Hashem smiled, shaking his head. "No, sir," he said, his voice firm. "It's because my Lord has favored me."
My Instagram id : auth_farzana_tutul
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tragedicna · 1 year
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@militnt / various question | accepting
❛ is it really you? ❜ ( alex to farah )
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'alex...' 'i'm not getting out of here. let's do this.' 'thank you.' 'yes, ma'am.'
she held hope. the chances were low, but she held hope. alex is a smart and resourceful man, he must have found a different way to detonate the charges at a distance...so she waited. and waited. for any news. for any whispers of ECHO 3-1 on the radio, for any murmurs of a man called ALEX KELLER.
she knew the chances were low and she gave herself hope. she's heard people say HOPE is a dangerous thing; but, it was hope that got her and the liberation army where they are now, so what's wrong with believing? she refused that alex died, even when all signs said as much. alex is part of her team, he's one of them...he's her FRIEND. she never gives up hope for her friends.
she wished she could have combed the remnants of the georgian gas factory, for any signs, even a body. CLOSURE. she selfishly searched for closure in anything she could find; but, never too hard because she doesn't want to confront the truth just yet. that ALEX KELLER is gone. he gave his life in the line of duty, for the liberation army. FOR FARAH KARIM.
but time stands still for no one, even those in selfish disbelief. farah karim had to keep going. has to keep going. her home awaits liberation and she can't stop just because her friend has died. he wouldn't want that. not when he gave his life for the cause.
days trickle to months -- farah spends her time strategizing, delegating, fighting, thwarting. trying to weaken al-qatala's grip in urzikstan whenever she could. sometimes she'd be a part of the ground forces; sometimes, she'd remain still at base and direct from where she is.
this day had her on the ground, deep in the mission. she insisted on it, not wanting her skills to get rusty. she can't let her army fight alone, she's in this as much as they are. but today is different. it felt different. it felt like a GOOD day, but something odd, something she couldn't put her hands on.
things were going way too smoothly and farah knew when things were going to smooth, it meant something is WRONG...or perhaps, that's just battle-hardened paranoia nagging at the edge of her mind.
she rounds a corner and comes face to face with a shadowed figure....and that's when the familiar timber of a voice she hasn't heard in months greets her -- mottled with confusion and surprise, almost relief.
"alex?" comes the raspy response, lowering the barrel of her gun just a slight bit, easing her finger off the trigger. "how..." she starts, mind struggling to comprehend the sight of the man before her.
ALEX KELLER. here. standing across from her. here, right before her. ALIVE.
this wasn't a hallucination, right?
"alex..." she repeats again, voice coming out in a rushed breath as her gun drops to her hip and she takes quick strides across the room, both hands immediately grabbing the other's arms to reaffirm that he's physically present.
"you're alive, i thought you..." she says, overcome with emotions, "we waited but there was...." she begins her sentence and abruptly ends. "we didn't hear anything so we assumed..." her brows furrows in confusion, evident she's struggling to find the proper words to say.
"YOU'RE ALIVE." she settles, a whisper of the words, "alhamdulillah," she mutters, tone watery as tears seemed to form in her eyes, arms wrapping around the other's figure in a tight embrace, "you're back.".
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lightup0nlight · 9 months
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🌟 The Planning of Allah Is Perfect
There was a man who borrowed 1000 dinars from another person, and they both took Allah as their Witness for their oath. The debtor then went across the sea for work. When it was time to repay the loan, he tried to find a ship to meet the lender, but couldn't find any.
So he took a piece of some random wood, made a hole in it, and inserted 1000 dinars as well as a letter explaining his predicament to the lender. He sealed the hole, made du'a to Allah, and threw the wood into the sea. Then he continued to search for a ship.
One day, the lender came out of his house to see whether a ship had arrived bringing his money. Instead, he saw a piece of wood which he took home to use as kindling for fire. When he sawed the wood, he found a letter from the debtor with his money in it.
Shortly after, the debtor arrived at the lender's house with 1000 dinars. But the lender said: ❛Allah has delivered on your behalf the money which you sent in the piece of wood. So keep your 1000 dinars [that you brought today], and depart guided on the right path.❜ 【Sahih al-Bukhari 2291】
First of all, look at the trustworthiness of both men! The debtor continued finding a way to pay his debt, just in case the first 1000 didn't make it to the lender. And when he finally met the lender, he didn't even mention about the wood. He was there just to repay his loan. And the lender didn't lie to the debtor so he could take another 1000 dinars.
But above all, look at the Planning of Allah! 🌿 Allah guided the debtor to put the money in that wood. 🌿 Allah guided that wood to arrive at the lender's house. 🌿 Allah guided the lender to find that exact wood at the right time. 🌿 And Allah guided the man to saw the wood first before putting it into the fire.
The Planning of Allah is absolutely perfect.
So put our trust in Allah, but don't skip on taking the means. Whatever permissible ikhtiar that we can do, take it. If the end result is as we want it to be, say alhamdulillah. If it doesn't, say alhamdulillah. Because whatever that Allah grants or withholds is all khayr.
May Allah make us believers who are trustworthy and have complete tawakkul in Him. We ask Allah to give us what is best for our dunya and akhirah.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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b-lessings · 2 years
I have only one word for today: Alhamdulillah.
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ranianawra · 9 months
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On 2 post before this, I posted my gym's photo dump where I said that I think I don't have any progress.
Well, turns out i was wrong.
I have a progress!
As you can see here, my InBody score raised from 59 to 63! Yeayyyy Alhamdulillah 💕. I know, it is still a very low score (remed kalo ujian inimah wkwk), but still:
Small progress is a progress
So SEMANGAT SEMANGAT MENUJU RANIANAWRA YANG LEBIH SEHAT YAAA 💕. Aku doakan semoga kamu bisa konsisten dan persisten dalam ikhtiarmu ini, WE CAN DO IT!
Let me celebrate your small win today, Ran!
Love you, always 💕💕💕💕
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(Scenery from this evening's gym session)
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(Me today ✌️)
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
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Pic of my last iftar. It's dahi papdi and this is my first go at making it! Was ✨️amazing✨️, but didnt quite get the sweet/spicy balance. It was too sweet.
But! Alhamdulillah! It's done. Ramadan has come and gone. AND EID IS HERE!
Happy Eid-ul-Fitr!!!
I want all of you - all of you - to be as happy as you can be and show it openly today. At least today. No negative or self-deprecatory thoughts. Today is a happy day. Period.
Overall, I'd rate this Ramadan 7.5/10 cuz although I did make some progress and learned new things, it didn't match last Ramadan which was the month where I really found myself. Still- it's been crazy. Some good, som bad, as life always is. But I've gone through adventures from batshit crazy things said during class by Nogolsta and I, to having several mental breakdowns while fasting cuz of school, to cooking fiascos, to late night iftar events volunteering, to squealing at 100 followers on Tumblr and 103 subscribers on ao3. It has been. Crazy. And I'm glad to be here to witness all of it.
Now! It's celebration time! Aaaaand after approximately 32 hours I will be posting the first fic in a long time! Can't wait!
Eid Mubarak! 😄
-Quo 💖
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quranwithsehar · 1 year
Allah (SWT) commands His servants in the Quran to "Hold fast all of you together to the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves." I understood the meaning and tafsir of this ayah, but it wasn't until I distanced myself from the company of people of Quran that I truly grasped the wisdom hidden in it.
Worldly temptations pulled me towards my own destruction, and I longed to return to the company of the Quran. However, it felt like climbing a mountain without a rope, and I was too weary to carry myself alone.
When my Quran teachers found out, they reached out to me with calls, messages, and voice notes, expressing concern for my state. They didn't tell me to pull myself together, but instead offered to help me. They helped me carry the burden that weighed me down, and one of my teachers said,
"Tell me the next problem, I'll help you find the solution and we'll fight together." That's when I truly realized the wisdom of this ayah - the importance of having good company, the company of righteous people. It's why we should hold onto the rope of Allah (Quran) together, because Shaytan has promised to attack us from all directions, and we need an army to protect ourselves. Those people of Taqwa, they are my army. We cannot fight alone. It's a battle we will only win with the right people around us.
If it weren't for them, I may have left the Quran. But Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah)... I attended my Quran class today after a month, and they welcomed me back as if I had never left.❣
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travelingprincess · 2 years
Response to Questions About Salafiyyah
Learning Your Religion
The best way to learn your religion is through authentic sources: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of RasoolAllah (ﷺ). If this seems like a daunting task, take heart—we've put together an easy to understand, not-overly-technical guide to getting started with the basics.
Real, proper learning can't really happen with just a few YouTube videos or Instagram posts.
The term "Salafi" or "Salafiyyah" has been frequently abused and misused by nefarious characters both within and without the religion. So let's clarify the definition first and foremost:
A Salafi is one who strives to follow the religion as it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and as it was understood by the Salaf.
Who Are the Salaf?
The Salaf (literally, "predecessors") are the first three generations of Muslims in this Ummah. They are also referred to as the Salaf as-Salih / Salaf as-Saliheen (Pious Predecessors).
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then, there will come people after them whose testimony precedes their oaths and their oaths precede their testimony."
—Sahih al-Bukhari 6065, Sahih Muslim 2533
Thus a Salafi is one who follows the methodology and way of the Pious Predecessors in understanding and contextualizing the religion of al-Islam which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
The Dress of the Muslim Woman
Is Niqab Wajib?
Whether or not the niqab is wajib (obligatory) is a matter of legitimate ikhtilaf (difference of scholarly opinion) among the ulema. Some of said that it is, and others have said what is wajib is to cover everything except the face and the hands. However, despite this differing, all the scholars are agreed that niqab is better as it's further away from the gray area of uncertainty, further away from fitnah, and objectively more modest.
So some of the Salafi women who wear niqab may do so not because they believe it to be mandatory, but because they know it to be more pleasing to Allah. I fall into this category myself, although more and more I'm leaning towards the opinion that it is wajib.
Here is the best breakdown on the issue I know of in English.
Wearing Colors
The point of hijab is essentially to anonymize the Muslim woman when outside of her house. As such, what the scholars have said is that part of the conditions of hijab include that the woman not stand out so as to catch unnecessary attention. So this is a matter that often boils down to the norms of the land.
Black is just the easiest, most anonymous color so I suspect that is why it's the most widely used. However, if you look at some countries like Afghanistan, for example, the bright blue burqa is what is normal for women to wear, so you'll see most of them wearing that.
The Schools of Thought (for Fiqh)
Alhamdulillah, all 4 imams followed for fiqh related rulings currently active in the Muslim world today (that is, Imams as-Shafi'i, Malik, Abu Hanifa, and Ahmed ibn Hanbal) were all upon Salafiyyah. Their aqeedah was the aqeedah of pure tawheed and they took their affairs and derived their rulings according to the understanding of the Sahaba and those who followed them in good. That means that any of the 4 schools of fiqh can be followed, you are not restricted to any one, nor are any of them superior to the others.
Every individual on the Earth has mistakes with them, including these great imams, so we do not blind follow them in their mistakes. But this does not mean we disrespect a single one of them, as they are scholars of the Sunnah and are owed a certain position and respect from us.
Amr ibn al-'As reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is correct, he will have two rewards. If a judge makes a ruling, striving to apply his reasoning and he is mistaken, he will have one reward."
—Sahih al-Bukhari 7352, Sahih Muslim 1716
No person who claims to be upon the Sunnah would dare to denigrate a mountain of Islamic knowledge like Imam Abu Hanifa.
The Hanafi School of Thought
This school of thought is particularly prevalent in the subcontinent and unfortunately, many people in the region, in their zeal for "their Shaykh" have fabricated many claims about not only the great Imam but also our Prophet (ﷺ) as well; a grave sin.
As a result, there are many strange and outright incorrect claims made in this school which have been attributed to Imam Abu Hanifa but which aren't actually from him. These are rejected by anyone who has done the appropriate study and has a sound intellect. This may be what you've been picking up on.
Do We Know More Than the Imams?
This is always a big point of contention by most people who are unaware about the methodology of the Salaf. What you, or I, or our neighbor Joe has to say on any matter in the religion doesn't matter at all. When an imam's ruling is rejected or labeled a mistake, it is not because a layperson or even a Shaykh disagrees with it of his own feelings or opinions. Rather, it is because we have a stronger evidence to refute the statement of the Imam in question.
Fiqh rulings in the religion are derived from 4 sources, in this order of priority:
Authentic Sunnah
Ijma' of the scholars (Consensus)
Qiyas (Analogy)
An easy to understand example is the one of Imam Abu Hanifa's ruling that a woman is able to give herself away in marriage without the need for a wali (guardian). He came to this decision by way of analogy (see #4 above): if a woman can buy and sell in the marketplace on her own authority, she would have more of a right to give herself away in marriage to a man.
Why is this a mistake?
Because we have numerous authentic ahadith that talk explicitly, in no uncertain terms, about the requirement for a wali in an Islamic marriage. There are more than just a handful.
Thus, the clear ahadith supercede and outweigh the ijtihad of Imam Abu Hanifa, and we follow what the Prophet (ﷺ) commanded rather than what the Imam deduced.
The Focus on Men
This seems to me to be an anecdotal point. Here on this sub, for example, we focus on numerous issues, including those specific to women, those specific to practicing Muslims, and general knowledge/reminders all the time. Here are just a few examples from a quick scan of our frontpage just now:
Post about 7 types of men that should be avoided for marriage
Different types of head coverings
Post about how to meet and make practicing friends while living alone
Another post on finding the company of practicing sisters
Fasting the Day of Ashura
Discussion on a video re: redpill men
Question about online education
And so on.
We are a community-lead group, so whatever is on anyone's mind, they are free to post and share, provided nothing violates our rules and principles.
The Relationship Between Husband and Wife
the relationship we have wouldn't be deemed appropriate in terms of a Salafi mindset.
Respectfully, I don't feel this is an appropriate statement to make, as you yourself do not know what actualy constitutes "a Salafi mindset."
That said, there is nothing problematic in your relationship from an Islamic perspective. RasoolAllah (ﷺ) was romantic and playful with his wives. He used to drink from the same place on the cup she drank from. He used to give her his time and attention for casual conversation. He even hugged and kissed her while they were fasting. And of course, we're all aware of how he (ﷺ) used to help with household chores if he had the time while he was at home. Many Muslims don't know, however, that he (ﷺ) used to take a ghusl together with his wife and play-act like he was going to use all the water up himself until A'ishah (radhiAllah anha) would low-key panic and say, "Leave some for me!" These are from the beauties and comforts of married life, that spouses can and should have this kind of relationship.
I always ask him if he's happy with me and if there's anything I need to improve on and he always states that he is.
Allahumma barik, sis, may Allah increase your marriage in goodness and love. May He make each of you a means for the other entering Paradise. Ameen.
Umm Salamah narrated that The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whichever woman dies while her husband is pleased with her, then she enters Paradise."
—Jami' at-Tirmidhi 1161
What to call your husband is a matter of preference, mutual agreement, and (often) cultural norms and expectations. Many of our parents' generation were shy to use their husband's names. We sometimes tease my mom about it. It's chill.
The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to be more intimidated by Umar ibn al-Khattab (radhiAllah anh) than they were of their husband, because Umar was stricter. He used to admonish them for speaking casually or argumentatively with the Messenger (ﷺ), and they would say that he (ﷺ) didn't mind. That said, they were married to the one who was the best of all Creation, upon whom the wahy descended from Allah. They never called him by his name alone, just like that. This is from the manners of the Muslim towards the Prophet (ﷺ). None of us should be calling him by his name alone.
The Salaam
Some time ago, I wrote about the importance of the Salaam in Islam! :) It's a short read, if you're interested. I'm glad the niqabis are returning your salams—it can kind of sting to not get it back!
The Saved Sect
Islam is not a religion sent down for a specific time or place, unlike the previous scriptures. Islam is for all places, for all times. The religion of Allah will be established upon the Earth until the Hour.
This life is a test, as we Muslims know, and the ones passing that test are the ones who are upon what the Messenger (ﷺ) and his Companions were upon at that time. This idea and concept sits at the core of the Salafi methodology, and everything essentially goes back to it.
This religion was completed during the lifetime of RasoolAllah. That means there is nothing left to add, subtract, or edit. It is sealed.
In Closing
I know this was a lot of information to get through; if you have any additional questions, please feel free to add a follow up.
Anything I've said which is correct or beneficial is from Allah alone, and any mistakes are from myself and the Shaiytaan. May Allah forgive me and correct me, ameen.
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writerfarzanatutul · 2 days
Islam and Force marriage
Hadi had come to the mosque after a long time with his father, Rafiq, for the Jummah prayer. The imam was delivering the Friday sermon."Today, I would like to talk about something important that is related to half of our deen. Can someone tell me in Islam what's equivalent to half of our deen?"Hadi, sitting at the back, observed many people raising their hands. The imam pointed at a person and said, "Brother, you answer."
"Marriage," the man replied.
"Correct. Marriage is equivalent to half of our debt. Yet, how many take this seriously?" The imam paused. "Many of you might say, 'What are you saying, Sheikh? We take this quite seriously.' I know. I know. We all take marriage seriously. However, I'm talking about the fitnah related to marriage. Nowadays, I've found many men and women asking me this question:
'Sheikh, my parents forced me to marry so and so, and now I can't tolerate him or her. What to do?'
Now, brothers, let me make this fact clear: Parents forcing their children to get married to someone against their will is haram.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: A previously married woman should not be married without being consulted, and a virgin should not be married without asking her permission. They said, O Messenger of Allah, how is her permission given? He said, By her silence.(Reported by al-Bukhaari, 6455) Aaishah reported that a girl came to her and said, My father married me to his brothers' son in order to raise his social standing, and I did not want this marriage [I was forced into it]. Aaishah said, Sit here until the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) comes. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came, and she told him about the girl. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent for her father, and then he gave the girl the choice of what to do. She said, O Messenger of Allah, I have accepted what my father did, but I wanted to prove something to other women. (Reported by al-Nisaai, 3217) So, both the guardian and the woman must agree to the marriage.
Parents cannot force their sons to marry against their will. Nowadays, when a son likes a girl and, Alhamdulillah, he doesn't want to start a haram relationship, he goes to his parents to send his proposal to the girl's family. However, his family rejects it because they don't like the girl's appearance, hair, or family, even if the girl is extremely pious. They make the son choose between the girl and his parents. In the end, the boy gives up and marries the girl that his parents chose for him. Then what happens next? He comes to me and says, 'I can't love this girl.'
Hadi looked at his father, who was staring at the floor. Then he returned his attention to the khutba. The imam continued, 'So, your parents made a mistake, Akhi. But let me tell you, if you are going to marry someone, you are capable enough to bear your and your wife's expenses. What made you agree to your parents' decision in the first place? You shouldn't have given up on your choice. We are indeed obliged to abide by our parents, to treat them with love and affection, and not to even say 'oof' in front of them. Yet, as a man, you are free to choose your wife and marry her. A woman needs the permission of her guardian. Even so, her guardian can't marry her against her will. You can marry the girl you want and still fulfill your duties to your parents as a son. But you gave up and married someone else. And now you can't love her. So, what's the innocent girl's fault? Why must she suffer for your actions?'
This time, Hadi lowered his eyes and looked at the carpet. His shoulders slumped. He remembered the words he told his mother, and he could only imagine how Masooma had felt hearing those words. 'Akhi, marriage is not a joke. This is half our deen. Don't make it a child's play. Fear Allah and do justice.' After the sermon was finished, all of them prayed salah. During prostration, tears rolled down from Hadi's eyes. This was the first time he shed tears in front of the Almighty. He had realized his mistake, but already it was too late. He had caused a lot of damage to their marriage. After they came out of the mosque, Rafiq placed his hand on Hadi's shoulder and said, 'We are sorry, son. Your mother and I are sorry for forcing this marriage on you. But your mother had no other option. If she wanted to bring Masooma with her, she needed a relationship. Otherwise, the villagers would never let her go. Don't think your mother was wrong. At that time, she did what she thought was right. However, now we will fix everything, Insha'Allah. We've consulted a divorce lawyer. Soon, we will file for divorce.' Hadi felt like someone had inserted a dagger into his chest.
From my book Winning her heart
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dleena2023 · 2 days
dearest zofgk & kkoma/tom/roach
it's the day. finally the day. where everyone in every part of the world is anticipating. the rematch of t1 and g2. it's starting today. in 1 hour. it's not an easy obstacle because we struggled against them the previous round. we recently fought against tl on wed (2 days ago) and i could tell that you all are still struggling. champs, drafts and even skills wise. but we managed to win against them anyways with a 3-1. we have defeated g2 previously with a 3-2. an almost super close series with that annoying silver scrapes hah but we managed to go through! not gonna lie, g2 is looking extremely strong right now after they clean swept 3-0 tes, the #2 lpl seed, and wow even i'm impressed by them though i still don't know how they managed to do itttt x) i'm very fearful of them and definitely not going to underestimate them. if you bois are feeling afraid of them, let's don't forget to look at the brighter side, okay? if we were able to win it last time, of course we are able to win it all again today, right? in sha Allah! i know i know, this week's schedule is soooo hectic. if we manage to pull through, that means we will be playing 3 matches in a row which is so exhausting. so i hope you loves get enough sleep and rest during your off days and also on match day 🤍 this is is our final destination. one game loss, one match down and we are eliminated completely. we have gone so damn far here in this msi tournament starting from playoffs and we are here at the quarterfinals. now it's ride or die. so draft mega, mega, megaaaa well and let's play today confidently with no regrets, with ease mind and heart and don't let pressure get to you okay!! remember to communicate effectively with each other and have fun. let's finally show some tricks we have up in our sleeves and make great plays and calls. never lose hope in yourselves and each other my bois! let's play well individually and even better as a team. my zofgk bois, remember you're the better team, you're the more menacing team!! i managed to wake up early for subuh today heh alhamdulillah~ my love, prayers and do'a-do'a are all for you. at this moment, i really don't feel anything *sobs* but i know it's gonna be a cloooose series. but deep inside, i know we are going to win it all. we are going to win today's bo5s series and advance to tomorrow's stage. i know this. we got this. i feel this. because nothing is impossible. like keria said in the past few weeks in the t1 membership post, let's make good and happy memories throughout this msi journey 🤍 so let's enjoy today's ride and all the best to both teams competing soon, may the better team wins today!! and may victory belong to us today in sha Allah!!!
#i've been trying to find a song that i can relate well for this year's msi journey and i happened to click on imagine dragons. so i keep playing imagine dragon's song 'natural' on repeat since i listened to it for the first time this morning with my earpiece and mannnn the song is dope!!! definitely a perfect song and source of motivation for me throughout this msi journey with t1. and like the name of the title, each one of you are a natural. naturally talented, good, confident and gifted. SO LESS DO THIS BOIS LESS GET ITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with love and energy
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lightup0nlight · 1 year
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🌟 Allah ta’ala says: ❛{Alhamdulillah | All the praises and thanks are to Allah} Who has sent down to His servant [Muhammad ﷺ] the Book (i.e. the Qur’an), and has not placed therein any crookedness.❜ [Surah al-Kahf 18 : 1]
The word {Alhamdulillah} means all praise and gratitude are to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for everything. Sometimes in the Qur’an, Allah highlights a specific matter for us to ponder, and upon that reflection, the word that should come out from our mouth is: Alhamdulillah.
In this aayah, Allah says that there is no room for any deviation in the Qur'an. No matter how political, ideological, economy, technology, fashion, society’s values, or culture changes — one thing will not change — and that is the Qur'an. Its principles and truth are straight and clear as how it was first revealed.
When humanity dictates what is normal, the common standard will always deviate. What used to be detested and unacceptable by society, have been accepted as normal today. Allah says in another surah:
🌟 ❛If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will make you lose the way of Allah.❜ [Surah al-An'am 6 : 116]
Alhamdulillah, Allah teaches us through His Book that we are not those who keep changing our standards when the world changes.
Alhamdulillah, we are freed from slavery to worldly trends, from accepting what is filthy and corrupt in the Sight of Allah ta’ala as normal.
Alhamdulillah, Allah has removed these worldly shackles for us. True freedom is being freed from all these false attachments, and to rely solely on Allah ‘azza wa jalla. Rasulullah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
🌟 ❛Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange (meaning, only a few believers will adhere to its teachings), so give glad tidings to the {ghuraba’ | strangers} (i.e. the ones who truly adhere to the Deen).❜ [Sunan Ibn Majah 3986 | Graded Sahih by Darussalam]
May Allah make us amongst the ghuraba’.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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