#have to commute home and then have ~1.5 hours and then do a 2 hour call w my aunt and then just 2 hours until bedtime.
six-of-ravens · 1 year
how is it after 10 already. there isn't enough time in the evenings :/
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penny-anna · 1 year
I have 2 tell u. Im visiting family in surrey and. Anything longer than a 45 minute drive is like. An overnight trip to them!! Is this normal?? My home country i am on a single-way commute every day for 1.5 hrs!!! I dont!!! Understand!!!
hm ok so i have heard tell that that's not uncommon amongst british people. however i've never met anyone who had that attitude & for most of my adult life my commute has been about an hour door to door so no i would not consider it normal.
brits definitely are pretty intolerant of longer journeys (I've done 6 hour round trips to have lunch w family which a lot of people in my life were horrified by even tho it was literally Fine) but i do think that english people in general & southern english people in particular are not the most representative. i have colleagues who work in rural bits of scotland who pre-pandemic would routinely make 4 hour round trips just to go to meetings + there's bits of Scotland that are hours-long boat rides away from their nearest big town.
hope that helps!!
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Femslash Podfics
Listen...we need more podfics out there. (And more femslash, for that matter, but that's a whole other thing.)
Narration is an artform all its own (and audio editing?? I don't even wanna think about that, not gonna lie.) Curl up in bed and close your eyes and let someone tell you a story. Or hit that "play" button and have someone keep you company, and entertained, while performing house chores! Listen to a story while on your morning commute.
Here are a handful of femslash podfics I very much enjoyed! A variety of ships for you, a variety of lengths. All excellent stories! All I ask is that you please leave some love for these creators if you stop by; podfics get so little traction compared to the written word. And even if all you can manage is a kudo, I'm sure it would be so very appreciated!
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See also: podfics of my fics, Snarry podfics, and Slash podfics (coming soon.)
This House, This Heart
written by violet_storms, narrated by: Ellejabell_Pods, Jet_pods, MouseK, and Ravin. Cho/Luna. Rated T. 7 minutes. Angst. Haunting.
"Cho spends all day exiling ghosts and then comes home to the one sitting in her living room chair, and if that isn't the peak of hypocrisy, she doesn't know what is."
Accept the Extraordinary
written by RoozetteR, narrated by firejuggler. Luna/Tonks. Rated M. 18 minutes.
No one reallly knows how Luna ended up living at Lupin cottage after the war. But Tonks keeps the Wrakspurts away and gives Luna hope that the world will sparkle for her again.
One Day, Without a Hindrance
written by peskywhistpaw, narrated by fire_juggler. Luna/Pansy. Not Rated. 7 minutes.
“I know. What we do is nice. I like it very much. But I think we should do something where other people can see us. We never do that. I don’t know why.” A story about coming out
written by arcadian_dream, narrated by JocundaSykes. Fleur/Ginny. Rated M. 8 minutes. Infidelity.
It's the night before Ginny's wedding to Harry, but all she can think of is the past. She is not, however, the only one.
Wind and Cardamom
written by Arsenic, narrated by JocundaSykes. Angelina/Hermione. Rated G. 5 minutes.
Challenge: Hermione/anyone, taste
Celestial Navigation
written by violet_storms, narrated by lumosatnight. Cho/Ginny/Luna. Rated G. 7 minutes. AU.
This is how the pirate meets the mermaid meets the explorer, and this is how they fall in love.
Shades of Dawn
written by corvuscrowned, narrated by lumosatnight. Ginny/Lavender. Rated E. 16 minutes. Angst.
It happens once a month — the full moon fades in the black night sky, replaced with the pink light of dawn. Ginny’s Floo sparks — vibrant green, devoured by gold and amber light. And out spills Lavender Brown.
Spring Blooms
written by Sophh, narrated by Mousek. Ginny/Luna. Rated G. 2 minutes.
Ginny and Luna go for a walk in the fields beyond the Burrow.
Truth Beyond
written by kelly_chambliss, narrated by perverse_idyll. Minerva/Rita. Rated E. 30 minutes. BDSM.
Hogwarts isn't the only place in the wizarding world that has a Room of Requirement.
written by gracerene, narrated by rhythmia. Hermione/Millicent. Rated M. 11 minutes.
Hermione never realised she could feel like this about another person.
Growing Teeth
written by earlybloomingparenthesis, narrated by singularsenary. Fleur/Tonks. Rated E. 16 minutes.
Fleur shaves off all her hair. Tonks changes pronouns, and some other things too. It turns out that Fleur's got a sharper bite than Tonks thought. And Tonks likes people with a sharp bite.
written by kelly_chambliss, narrated by starduchess. Eileen/Sibyll. Eileen/Tobias. Rated M. 1.5 hours.
He hadn't married the girl for love, Tobias was the first to admit it.
she shines, on the earth (silvery)
written by ElasticElla, narrated by Sylvaine. Lavender/Luna. Rated T. 7 minutes.
Luna is lost in the woods, sitting in a clearing with a summoned candle, staring up at the foliage.
With Feeling
written by wynnebat, narrated by UnholyCrowley. Ginny/Luna. Rated T. 31 minutes. Fluff. Getting together.
"I'm in a time loop," Ginny admits. "It's all George's fault." Growing up with six older brothers taught her to throw them under a whomping willow at every possible opportunity. "I drank one of his ingredients by accident."
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mainichi-nihongoal · 1 year
📑日本語 Weekly Report 2023: Week 1 » 1/1/23 - 7/1/23
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The above picture was clicked by one of my close friends in our college cafeteria on the first day of our final semester (2nd Jan '23). We'd gone to the cafe after our classes ended and I decided to end the day with a cup of steaming hot chocolate (our college cafe's hot chocolate is DELICIOUS!) The book in the picture is Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text.
🏮Highlights of the Week:
I joined the No Zero Days Langblr Challenge created by @chenopodiumlang and have been posting updates of what I've been doing daily in Japanese. I'm really enjoying the challenge so far as it is helping me be more mindful about how I'm studying Japanese and the time I'm actually spending on different skills. I hope to utilise what I've learnt from this week's challenge to make more realistic and mindful goals for the upcoming weeks.
I joined the Read Everyday & Listen Everyday 2023 challenges on the WaniKani forums for the first time! Participating in these challenges has probably been my biggest impetus in trying to build a daily habit in practising immersion in Japanese. It does take me a long time to catch up on the replies on both of the threads & I'm not regular with the logs there, but reading about everyone's daily progress inspires me a lot! If any of you are participating in the challenges, please feel free to let me know, I'll support you over there!
I participated in an online zoom session of a book club where we read a story on how New Year is celebrated in Japan. It was fun to read along with everyone and listening to people from both India and Japan share their experiences on how they celebrate New Year. (4th Jan '23)
I've been regularly listening to podcasts in Japanese! Podcasts are my current ideal resource for listening practice, as I can listen to them during my commute from uni and then later read through the transcripts, if they are available. I've also discovered many podcasts lately, and I hope to create a post sharing them for other Japanese learners here :)
💭Some Reflections
Participating in the No Zero Days Challenge, I realised that I tend to feel overwhelmed if I end up doing a lot in Japanese in one go. Because of that, I've decided to space out my study schedule throughout the day instead of doing everything all at once. On weekdays, for example, I plan to do listening practice during my commute, so that I can have enough time for reading practice once I get back home.
It's taking me quite some time to create the daily update posts, which is why I haven't been creating and posting much on my main blog. I'm thinking of scheduling a particular time each day for writing and posting the update for that day (maybe 11pm), so that I can keep some time for creating Japanese posts for Tumblr.
I'd initially planned to dedicate Saturdays to studying for the JLPT, but couldn't make it this week. I feel I'll have to get better at scheduling if I really want to include everything I'm working on at the moment.
👀Week At A Glance
• Reading:
2 Tadoku Graded Readers
1 story on Yomujp
1 NHK Easy News Article
1 fanfiction on ao3
Pgs 1-13 of Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text
• Listening:
7x Podcast episodes
Jpop songs
• Speaking:
1.5 hours of interaction with fellow learners and native speakers over Zoom
• Writing:
None :(
✨Posts for this Week
Day 1 • Day 2 • Day 3 • Day 4 • Day 5 • Day 6 • Day 7
That's it for this week! Here's to another week of productive and mindful Japanese learning! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)✧
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inqorporeal · 1 year
hii sorry if this is annoying /you’ve posted about this already but is for the right price abandoned? 😭😭i’ve just binged it and raising the stakes and love them! i’m sooo invested now. your imagining of the star wars universe is so brilliant. just had to ask ty <3
Hey there!
It's not annoying at all. I know I left off unexpectedly and without warning, and there's three major things at play.
The first is that there's been a big change in my life starting last year; I got a job, which is great, but the commute is 1.5-2 hours each way, and it's a very mentally demanding job; my effective writing time is crammed into that morning commute, because by the time I get home I have only 2-3 hours to do my own thing.
The second is that I've been working on an original novel I want to try to publish eventually, so that eats writing time, as well.
The third and biggest factor is that I've been making continuity errors that really shouldn't be happening, and I'm at the point where I need to go back and reread my own work and take notes on things I might have forgotten about. Which is what is currently eating my morning commute time, because I can only do it on my phone, so it's taking ages.
I started writing the next chapter a while ago and then realised that it needed to happen later. So I started writing a new chapter, but this part of the story is starting to feel bogged down. That's when I decided to give everything a reread, because it definitely feels like I'm missing something.
So it's not abandoned! It just needs background attention, and I have a LOT less time to work on it now.
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miseryinyou · 5 months
So it's been a snow day(s) for the past 48 hours in my neck of the woods. Not for me. But for most people.
We got about 2 feet of snow Tuesday overnight/Wednesday morning and the world shut down.
I currently live at home. Financially - it's a win. Rent is cheaper than what I could get elsewhere which makes it easier to pay off my student loans. In every other aspect it's a fucking nightmare.
I live with my mom (48) and my younger brother (24).
Because our family is dysfunctional af I have had MOST of the non-financial household responsibilities since the age of TEN. I mow the lawn 90% of the time. I do 90% of the dishes/taking out the garbage/vacuuming/kitchen cleaning etc.
When I complain about the unfair level of household work I do - I am told to "suck it up" OR "stop being so uptight".
Usually I just grit my teeth and think of the money I'm saving by living at home.
But yesterday it snowed. I still worked. I was able to work from home. But I worked.
My mom works for a school district so she had a snow day/day off. My brother works at a bank. They were closed due to snow - therefore he had the day off.
Me? I worked from 6:30am - 3:30pm.
I woke up at 3am. I usually work out for about 1h45min before work. I was convinced I was going into the office until about 6am. Therefore, I woke up an hour earlier than usual so I could shovel the driveway/dig out my car before work. At this point we had about 5 inches of snow. The shoveling took me about an hour (driveway/path to front door/sidewalk/dig out car).
All day. I worked. They were off. We got about 1.5 feet of snow between 7am and 1pm.
I came out of my room for lunch - the kitchen is a disaster. Crumbs all over the counter/dishes in the sink/food on the floor. I have 30 mins to eat so I quickly clean it and take my pre-prepped lunch into my room to eat.
I come out of my room after work. No one. Not ONE of the TWO able-bodied people WHO HAVE THE DAY OFF shoveled the driveway.
At this point it's going to be dark in about 1 hour. So I go outside after working 45 mins of overtime and shovel. It took me 2.5 hours. 1.5 hours ALONE was just digging out my car so I could drive to work the next morning. Also, it was garbage night. So guess who had to get the garbage together and pull it out to the curb? Me. Always me.
I'm annoyed. But whatever. It's not supposed to snow again. I'll deal with it. Tomorrow is a new day. It's not like I spent about 12 hours of my day working/shoveling. And another 2 working out. I'm not tired. It's fine.
But it's not fine. This morning I drove to work. The roads weren't great and my commute took me twice as long as usual.
My mom and brother? Still had the day off.
I come home after a stressful day and The HOLE I DUG FOR MY CAR. THE HOLE THAT TOOK ME 1.5 HOURS TO DIG is occupied by my brother's car. He didn't work. He had no reason to leave the house. He had no reason to get in his car in the FIRST PLACE.
So I had no choice but to park in the 2 FOOT SNOW BANK his car left behind.
Right there I started crying.
I drive a sedan. I have snow tires, sure. But the snowbank is the same height as my tires. I will have to work tomorrow. I was drifting and struggling for 10 minutes just to park after work. So back out to the road with my shovel I go. This time to dig ANOTHER hole for my car just so I can go to work tomorrow.
It's been such a bad week.
God. I'm like 10 minutes away from calling in sick tomorrow. But alas, my fucking family will probably be home (they're calling for freezing rain tonight) and frankly I'd rather work than be stuck at home with them tomorrow.
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
This is so Not the time to be going 'hm maybe I should go for a Masters degree in art history'. Bc if im going to change jobs or do anything i only have until February to get a different full time job that includes health insurance that will cover my doctor and my medication. Because at age 30 I'm no longer covered by GHI, i have it now bc my mom is a teacher so I'm under the YA29 program (even tho she retired I'm still covered till I turn 30).
And I don't really want to stay at this job. I'm not happy most of the time, I'm constantly stressed about something or other, even on a slow day I made a mistake and didn't jump in to help produce when they needed it so now im stressed over not being seen as a team player and missed opportunities and feeling dumb.
And over not being able to adjust to it only being the 2 of us in floral again, and having to manage time on slow days. Anyway, so i want to find a different job, one where I can have fewer responsibilities but still make $20/hr or equivalent (or more if I'm really lucky), and that also is full time and offers health insurance.
But a lot of the jobs that I'd enjoy doing are 'you need this degree and this much experience', and some of them the list of tasks/responsibilities makes it make sense but others not so much?
But so that leads to something I've thought about several times this year which is going for a Masters degree. But I never managed to work during college, I can barely manage to do hobbies in my free time while working, so idk how it would work, honestly. How would I explain a gap of however long it would take to finish the degree? Or could I find a job that is part time for now and then find a full time job later? But how could I get all of that done before February? That seems highly unlikely. Could I find something remote that is full time? Also seems unlikely, even if that would allow me to do work and schoolwork at the same time in theory... idk.
I also need to learn to drive, because that would save me over an hour of travel time every day. Even if it's money towards insurance for car plus gas. But freedom and time saving. I would have more time to do things if my commute home took 20-30 minutes instead of 1.5 hours+ . But meanwhile that long commute means I've had no time or spoons to spend on learning to drive.
So. Idk.
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kiandrasart · 1 year
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Disclaimer: None of this is canon and this is merely a more in-depth description of Inkling/Octoling development. However, you may use these ideas in your fanfiction or art if you wish as well as modify how Octolings/Inklings brood their young.  So, here's a more in-depth age chart for Inklings/Octolings since the original only had five stages up to the teen years, this one has more than five stages and makes the growth look more gradual than anything. Featuring my Octoling Laleh.
0-1.5 years (18 months): At this stage in life, Octoling/Inkling babies have recently been born. Octolings/Inklings are ovoviviparous and mothers incubate their eggs inside their womb before they hatch. Once the eggs hatch, they give off a signal to the mother's womb to contract so she can give birth to the neonates. Neonates are mobile and equipped with a sharp beak and can eat solid food a few hours after birth but may have trouble finding food sources at this stage as they don't have a sense of direction at this stage and may get lost finding food, making them vulnerable to predation by larger animals or kidnapping by other adults. Instead, the mother will either store food somewhere before she gives birth or another adult will usually bring the mother food so she can regain the energy she invested in reproducing while sharing the food with her hatchlings. In terms of appearance, the newborns resemble an Inkling or Octoling in squid or octopus form but are around 1/2 as big to 1/3 smaller. Generally, it is difficult to distinguish biological sex (male or female) of an individual based on appearance alone at this stage. Many of them can make or imitate noises or sound effects such as whistling, chirping or barking, but they cannot talk yet.
1 to 2.5 years: The Octoling/Inkling grows a body, which is an extension of the mantle from the previous form. This body is typically as big as their head. At this stage, many Octoling and Inkling babies become more curious of their surroundings and will explore everything around them. Provision of opportunities for mental and emotional stimulation as possible is crucial to keeping them occupied. They will also begin crawling the same way human babies crawl and they can talk much like a parrot can, but some of what they say might not make sense.
2 to 4 years: The body has grown to be slightly larger than the head and the limbs have grown slightly larger. Octolings will begin to develop their ear pinna at this stage. Many Octoling/Inkling toddlers are more intelligent at this stage, but their inability to walk limits much of what they can do.
3.5 to 5.5 years: Inkling/Octoling toddlers are able to walk upright and their head tentacles begin developing. This is the age where traits of sexual dimorphism begin to show up in Octolings as Octolings who do not begin to develop their ear pinna by now are most certainly female. This is typically the age where they start preschool or kindergarten. At this stage they will watch teens and adults hunt and engage in combat, but are only permitted to observe and not participate.
5 to 8.5 years: Octolings/Inklings begin to develop their "hairstyles" and are already attending school at this age. They can begin learning how to use different weapons for target shooting but they cannot fight actual battles, not even in an educational setting. However, they are permitted to assist in hunts led by at least one legal adult or assist soldiers in the battlefield in menial or manual non-combat tasks (like bringing supplies from one camp to another). At around seven years old, many parents will also allow their kids to babysit, commute without an adult or teen supervising and be left home alone unless they have siblings younger than this age who need babysitting.
8-11.5 years: Octolings/Inklings can hunt for themselves, but only if they are supervised by at least one trained soldier. They can also participate in battles, but only in an educational rather than a competitive setting and only if one or more trained soldiers are supervising them. In educational battles, Inklings and Octolings typically all change into the same color to avoid actual damage to one another but they learn the techniques of how to ink turf and how to use weapons against opponents.
11-14.5 years: At 11 years old, Octolings/Inklings can make any adult decision or work any job with the exception of being able to fight turf battles so long as the family court considers them mature enough to make that decision or they have permission from their parents or guardians. They can hunt or participate in educational battles without the supervision of a trained adult soldier. However, until they are at least fourteen years old and are able to make the full transformation from cephalopod to humanoid form, they are not allowed to battle in a competitive setting. The ability to fully transform from cephalopod to humanoid can start as early as thirteen years old or as late as fifteen years old depending on the individual. Males also typically hit puberty at this stage and will begin to show interest in females who will often reject their advances.
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 2 years
I know that a lot of people are in much worse situations than me but the difficulty of finding a place to live in Dublin is really starting to wear on me.
Yeah it's only really been about a week since I started seriously looking, but in that time I've fired off at least 30 or 40 emails for viewings within the first 30 minutes of places being posted on Daft.ie and not had a single response.
My friend has had better luck getting viewings because the daft notifications are working for him and he's quicker about it, but 2 of the viewings we couldn't go to because of work and the third the place was really not great. And obviously really none of them are pet-friendly. I've emailed estate agents directly and even contacted one who works with my neighbour's son and also heard nothing.
I even found pet-friendly apartments let by a big international property management company that said they had 5 places available. I emailed them through the site and emailed their other support email, and have heard nothing.
I'm already sick of my 1.5 hour commute, the pressure living out here puts on my social life and how difficult it makes it to do anything without extensive advance planning. I'm sick of having to sit on a bus for an hour after a night out to get home. I'm sick of my lack of privacy and the mental toll living with my parents takes on me because I can't truly be myself and I'm basically having to constantly keep up a façade.
When my cat arrives in 2 months I won't have a place for her to stay; she can't live with my parents because my dad is very allergic to cats. The stress of this and the built-up mental toll from living here is really causing a significant mental spiral and making it difficult to find any enjoyment in existing.
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ggwweenn1 · 4 months
Im talking about total travel time from your home to your place of work. Including waiting for the bus, sitting in traffic, ect. When would YOU say "I have a long commute"?
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atthelakes13 · 10 months
First MA psychology Part - I lecture went great!! We are going to have 3 days a week online and then 3 days offline lectures which is awesome cause travelling in Mumbai is hectic and time consuming. I was super down during these vacations for several reasons, feeling demotivated to persue further education but I'm immediately psyched up knowing sooner or later things are going just the way I would hope for. I'm going to give these two final probably most important years of my life my everything. Hopefully it's only a sign for what's to come.
I mean truly magical that I am still unable to choose between master's in clinical Or counseling and eventually settled for counseling when the admission process began for masters cause the college I did my bachelor's from only had master's in counseling and was the closest to home but immediately after I confirmed my admission they introduced masters in clinical as well so I've got 1 more year to think, decide and prepare. Initially my concern to choose an Institute was distance since psychology is still a developing field in India, only a few renowned universities offer both clinical and counseling which were all far away from home (almost 1.5 to 2 hour commute daily) but now I get masters in both at a closer distance and to top it off even further compensations to give us time and space to study on our own and do internships for practical experience. There are both cons and pro's of doing my masters in the same college I did my bachelor's from but the bottom line is that the pro's are exactly what I'd hoped for and the cons I'm aware of which will help me to go about this course as smoothly as possible. At the end, I can only focus on the brighter, positive side or I'll end up regretting every decision I've made.
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nervesingle15 · 2 years
You can make the most of your lengthy train or flight ride to work by utilizing public training seminars and audio podcasts
This article will help you improve your efficiency. My personal favorite way to spend my time is the same as anyone else. At times, I like watching TV and playing video games for hours. Sometimes, I want to work for weeks or months. I work on my own. I do find time to do some wasting even while I'm working. I love to add fun articles such as sweets or candy when I watch TV. And I have fun, waste time like there's no tomorrow. As there is always tomorrow, I have to continue my travels for my job. I am the controller of sensitive software used for accounting in 490 of the 500 Fortune Companies, or whatever is the name of that list. In all likelihood I have to say that the city is bigger than me. It is impossible to be in the city for more than 3 days at a time, so I move into the suburbs, 3 train hour away from the city. It's 1.5 hours away from the capital of another state, but I have to travel twice as far to my city of birth. It's the reason I travel to the city via train, car, or even having someone drive me. Long-distance chauffeurs can really aid. I also fly frequently to work-related trips and not every major company has offices in the major city I frequent. I also commute by train. It's a pain. Sometimes I'm picked up by private jets. Wait for a while is certainly shorter for those planes. The 500 are very appreciative of my talent and occasionally pamper me.
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However, let me say that, despite the hours, and possibly even the total of days of travel each week, I never spend my time in this manner. The majority of time I'm on the plane will be spent playing video games, or using the 65-inch screen on my private aircraft. I carry videos on my trip but I usually download videos from Youtube. If the seminars or DIY videos I want contain something I'll have to view while watching the lecture later on, I save the video's mp4 files to my laptop, but occasionally, videos don't need pictures, and so I convert them into mp3 format for me to listen to them on my phone. The YouTube to MP3 converter application is free and will always provide high-quality audio for any educational video or seminar I'm watching. The audio then becomes available as podcast. Sometimes I have to return to the video, as I cannot grasp the line of thought, however it rarely happens. DIY videos are great candidates to make it into my laptop, but those I usually need to watch. ASMR videos are best converted to MP3 and then listened to with headphones that are great. I've downloaded an mp3 of the cat purring. It made me feel goosebumps. It soothes my nerves. It is relaxing and helps me to comprehend the world. Though I'm not one to like whispering, I love cats purring and licking their face, they really enthrall me. When I go home in a private car I'd turn on this or that cat's recorded voice for relaxation.. But make sure don't listen or watch ASMR on the train, as they may wake you in a different place. Youtube offers a variety of seminars and lectures on various topics. It also includes recordings of DJ sets from electronic music festivals. These I often download as video mp4 files as I love watching on planes and Internet isn't always accessible or very slow and spotty therefore I don't hold my breath and make them at home, download the video or convert it to mp3 at home using WiFi and such.. I sometimes download full 2-3 hours of DJs' famous sets that I can listen to during my journey. I like older UK music, like techno breaks, house, breaks and the jungle. These are the most popular dance music artists who have made the rest of the world love it. https://list.ly/gundersenosman149
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malegear4 · 2 years
Take advantage of a long flight or train ride to work with publicly available training videos and seminars
This article will help you make time work for you. I personally like to waste time like every other person. Sometimes I enjoy watching television and playing video games for days or even weeks. Sometimes, I prefer to work. It may take me weeks, or even months, however I keep working. But even then I find the time to play.. I love to complement TV watching with fun things like chocolates or chewing gum. It's fun! I waste my time thinking there's no tomorrow. Since there's always a day to come I must keep moving for my job. I am the controller of sensitive accounting software for 490 of 500 Fortune Companies, or whatever is the name is for that list. https://ytmp3.bid/ In any case, the city is massive. I'm not able to stay there for more that 2-3 days at once, so I move into the suburbs, 3 train hours from the city. I commute 1.5 hours to to the capital of other states, but I do still commute to my big city in the region and it's twice the distance. This is the reason why I travel to the city via train, car, or even having someone drive me. Long-distance chauffeurs can really assist. For work, I fly quite a bit. It's not every business that has an office in the city I frequent. I also travel by train. It's very frustrating. Sometimes, I'm picked up by private planes. The waiting time for these planes is much shorter. They, the 500, recognize my talents and pamper me occasionally.
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I'll remind you that regardless of the number of hours or perhaps days of travel each week, I try not to lose any time. The majority of time I'll be on the plane will be spent playing video games, or playing on the 65 inch screen on my private aircraft. I have videos that I download from Youtube. When I want to watch during classes or DIY videos, I save the video in mp4 format to my personal computer. Sometimes, videos don't need pictures, so I convert them to mp3 and listen to them on my smartphone. The YouTube converter online app will always supply me with clear audio that is high-quality for any seminar or instructional video I'm looking for. The audio then becomes available as podcast. Sometimes, I need to go back to the video to get the concept clearer however, this is not often. https://ytmp3.bid/ Although DIY videos are great to put into my laptop's memory but there are some I'm still looking for. ASMR videos – These can be converted to MP3 files and played with great headphones. I've downloaded an mp3 of the cat purring. It really brought me goosebumps. It calms me down. I believe something about the sound aids me to accept resonance and understand the world around me listening to ASMR. I'm not a fan when people whisper however I do love cats purring and licking themselves with joy, the sounds really get to me. I love listening to the recorded voice of my cat when I go home in a private automobile. ASMR can wake you up in a completely different way, so don't be a slave to the recordings. Youtube has a wealth of lectures and seminars on a variety of topics. YouTube also has many recordings of DJ sets live from electronic music festivals. These I often download as video mp4 files, as I love watching on planes and Internet is not always available, or is very slow and intermittent, so I don't hold my breath and make them at home and download the video or convert it to mp3 at home on WiFi, and so on.. I've downloaded entire sessions of DJs I like to listen to on my flight. I love the old-school music from the UK such as breaks, garage, techno and jungle. This is the top list of the best dance music of all time that has made the rest love it.
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fightskill16 · 2 years
Make the best of a long flight or train journey to work by using openly accessible training videos and seminars
This article will help you make your time more productive. Personally, I love wasting time as much as everyone else. Sometimes, I want to spend all of my time in front of the TV or playing video games even for weeks. Sometimes I need to work. At other times I would like it to last for months or weeks. But I will keep at my work. But, even then, I have time to occupy the time. I love to watch TV while playing with chocolates and gummies. In addition, I enjoy myself, waste time like there's no tomorrow. Since tomorrow is always around the corner, I need to keep working to keep my job. I am the controller of sensitive software used for accounting in 490 out of 500 Fortune Companies, or whatever is the title of the list is. However, I must admit that the size of the city is bigger than my. I am not able to stay in one spot for longer than two days which is why I move to suburbs... 3 trains away from the city. I commute 1.5 hours to get to the capital of different states, however, I do still commute to my city within the region that is double the distance. That's why I travel to my city by train or car, or having someone drive me. Long distance chauffeurs can truly aid. I fly a lot too to work-related trips, not every top firm has offices in the big city I visit. I also take the train. It's quite a hassle... Sometimes I get taken care of by private jets, wait time is definitely shorter for those planes. The 500 do appreciate my talent and treat me occasionally. But, I'm not wasting my time doing so, even with the hours and possibly total days of travel every week. Playing games on handheld consoles, or watching television using my laptop (or the 65-inch screen if I'm on an private flight) can consume a significant portion of my time on the plane. I usually download video clips from Youtube to bring along. If I have a training or DIY video I'd like to watch then I save it as an mp4 file to my computer. However, sometimes, videos don’t need pictures so I convert them to MP3 format that I can listen to via my phone. mp3 convert The free online Youtube converter app can always provide me with crisp audio with high-quality for any training or seminar video I'm interested in. I then can listen to the audio as a podcast. It is not uncommon for me to need to return to the first video if I'm having difficulty understanding the message, however this is not often. These videos made by DIY are fantastic to find their way onto my laptop. However I only view the ones I'm required to watch. ASMR videos are best converted into MP3 and played to with headphones that are great. I've downloaded an mp3 of this cat's purr It really gives me goosebumps, I believe that something about this cat was special. It can really help you relax. Although I don’t like people who whisper, I do like the sound of cats purring and kissing each their fur. To calm myself, I could play the voice recorded by the cat or that person while driving back to home in a car that is private. Make sure you don't listen to or watch ASMR on the train, because they could wake you in a different way.
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Youtube hosts many talks and seminars on various subjects. Youtube also contains a lot of recordings of DJ sets live from electronic music festivals. The videos I download as videomp4 files, since I love watching them while on the flight. Internet is not always efficient or fast enough for me to download the video or convert it to MP3 at home. Sometimes I download 2-3 hours of music from the most famous DJs that I can listen to on the plane. I like older UK music, like techno break, house, breaks and jungle. This is the top list of the best dance music of all time that has made everyone be awestruck.
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filmnoirsbian · 3 years
Hi, I am very interested in being a flight attendent and I've seen your post about the positives, but do you have any negitives?
Oh, loads. You will never sleep. I mean never. My first year i think i averaged 4 hours a night and that was a good night. You will get sick a lot. You're coming into contact with tons of new germs everyday, you're in 3 different climates a day, the plane's dehydrated air will mess with you, plus as previously stated you're not getting enough sleep. You'll be spending so much money on food. More than you expect. And mostly on airport or hotel restaurant food, which is already more expensive. And if you're commuting like i did, expect to also spend a lot of money on hotels. Actually if you're planning to commute (which is 100% doable, i did it for my first 1.5 years, and i know people who do it their whole lives) then expect to blow at least $200 a month on commuting costs (hotels, rental cars, more food etc)--probably more if you have a crashpad. The airlines will tell you not to expect to make a lot of money, and if you're coming from minimum wage, toeing the poverty line like i was, then you'll probably laugh them off. This is the highest paying job I've ever had. But it also costs a lot of money, especially that first year before you get the hang of things. The clothes you wear for your interview, the clothes you wear to groundschool, transportation to and from your airport, food that lasts you through your reserve period (which can mean up to 6 days away from home if you're commuting, and 6 days of airport food adds up fast), all of that costs money. It took me about 6 months to really level out so i wasn't hemorrhaging my paycheck just trying to feed myself and get to/from work. And that's another thing: this job will take over your life. That first year at least there will be no such thing as work/life balance. You will eat, sleep and breathe airports and hotels. What little time you are home will be spent in a cloud of exhaustion and doing laundry, and then you'll hit the skies again. You will miss out on things. You will miss birthdays, holidays, anniversaries. My friend missed the christening of her goddaughter. I know several who have missed seeing their kids walk, say their first words, grow up. Again, after a while, you start to get the hang of things. You learn how to work the system and get the days you want off. You gain more control over your schedule. But this job has a high turn around rate for a reason. A lot of people realize within the first 2 years that it's not for them. The airlines, of course, are the biggest problem. They ask too much and give too little. I love flight crew culture, which really did give me support and help when i needed it. I can't tell you how many flight attendants have upgraded me without a word, or how many gate agents got me on the last flight home so i wouldn't have to sleep in the airport, or how many pilots gave up their passenger seat and took the jumpseat so i could get on the flight. But the airlines themselves care about one thing only--making money--and they will try to convince you otherwise, but that's the truth. You'll be a cog in a machine that cares very little for people, and that will be the worst part. Make sure you study up on them, because not every airline is equal and you really don't want to get trapped in a company that will treat you like dirt.
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bbybepartofmyworld · 3 years
Just a quick update
Moved back to Michigan, husbands job is going well despite the 1.5-2 hour commute each way that has him kind of looking for a job closer to us in the nearest town.
MIL mental problems have drastically gotten worse but she still refuses to admit there is a problem. Mainly because she’s forgetting that she’s forgetting things. It’s impossible for her to do most things on her own and trying to help her and stay patient when she’s refusing to help herself is becoming increasingly difficult. I desperately need a new therapist but can’t get a referral until I see my new GP in the middle of November! 😒
FIL possible plasma cancer. CT scan says yes, MRI says no, oncologist says it’s too inconclusive to give a concrete answer. Union switched his insurance amidst all this testing so things have been put on hold so we are all anxiously awaiting news on what is going on and what his prognosis is.
Sister had her baby today. Happy for her. But jealous and angry that people who don’t have their lives together, are incredibly self-centered and barely able to take care of herself (constantly making horrible decisions, getting herself stuck in terrible and stupid situations then REPEATEDLY getting bailed out of her stupidity by my dad out of the trust he set up for the both of us 😒). The petty part of me was really kind of hoping her daughter wouldn’t be cute but naturally she’s perfectly chunky, albeit a tad small, and adorable.
Husband and I agreed last month for me to go off birth control and continue trying after taking the last year and a half as a break due to moves and such. Ordered a full fertility kit this morning including several vitamin regiments for both husband and myself, preseed, ovulation tests, etc.
Husband said he would talk to his parents to see how they’d feel about us going through the IVF process while we are living with them. Talks are up in the air of us buying the house/barn/5 acres of property from them instead of them remortgaging their already paid off home so they could build a loft in the barn and have money to get them through until FILs disability/SS kicks in.
Fire house from last December has FINALLY been completed with the remodel. Dad is listing Friday, open house Saturday, hopefully going through offers and accepting one Monday. Since the house is part of our trust, instead of putting the profits in an account as part of the trust he is going to split it between my sister and I, which means by the end of this year I will officially have paid off the entirety of my student loans and next fall will be able to hopefully go back and finish my degree, barring I’m not pregnant at the time or at least I’m not in the last stages of my pregnancy.
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