#have ideas for a second one but we'll see
cbrownjc · 2 days
Some spoiler thoughts for episode 2x05
I haven't done a rewatch yet, so these are just some initial thoughts on the episode (spoilers):
Daniel was so not let go after those 3 days. Bank on it.
Daniel already said it -- the drug den thing was a fabrication of his memories being rewritten. But, more to it, Louis' memories of that time were also rewritten. Between that as well as his extensive burn? Who knows what Louis even remembers of the 1970s either.
Neither Louis nor Daniel remember a damn thing of what happened during what would be the Devil's Minion period! (Particually because who knows how long it took Louis to even heal. With those types of burns, I'm going to say a few years at least.)
The show left things extremely open-ended for both Daniel and Louis' characters at the end of the flashbacks which can be filled with whatever the show writers might have ideas about that time period over how many whatever seasons. They haven't locked themselves into one single thing going forward leaving it open-ended that way.
Yeah, even if they want Louis and Daniel to have had sex sometime later. Because again, they both don't remember anything. 😏
But Armand -- Armand does. He remembers all of it. And oh you dear, f-ed up gremlin, I really did think you might not have been responsible for Daniel's memories, but now I'm starting to wonder . . . .
Louis, in 1973, doing what he does in Merrick. Because it was remembering Claudia -- how she manipulated him -- that sent him running into the sun. And even though he tried -- and failed -- to do it in 1973, he's going to fully remember it in the present day too IMO and, this time, he'll succeed at doing it.
Because yes, in Merrick, Louis actually succeeds in killing himself. It's only because of how vampire blood works, and a lot of it being poured over Louis' body, that he is revived. And I really think we are headed toward a "rule of three" wrt this. I think Armand clocked Louis was close to killing himself sometime directly after Paris because of maybe almost really trying so, and that is why Armand put a veil up over Louis' mind.
Because even back in 1973 it's clear that Louis actually didn't remember the bit about Claudia until he drank Daniel's drugged-up blood! Between that and Arman directly saying "She didn't love you!" (which yes, was a line taken directly from toward the end of the IWTV book that Armand says to Louis about Claudia), whatever cloud Louis was actually under in 1973 lifted for a bit . . . enough for him to run out into that sun and almost succeeded -- which I feel we'll learn/see was actually his second attempt.
His third (and final) attempt will be in the finale. And that time will be the one that succeeds. (And then he'll be resurrected/reborn).
"Am I going to be on suicide watch for the next 1000 years?" Yeah, Armand, it looks very well that you are -- will be.
I loved Luke as young Daniel! And I feel very sure we're going to see more of him. He and Jacob had such a bouncy chemistry.
And oh, the scenes between him and Assad as Armand -- so creepy and sinister! Just what it should be at this point in time between Daniel and Armand, at the beginning of things. They even had Daniel held prisoner in the house for three days, the same length of time he was held in the cage in the books. But everything Armand did to Daniel here was so much more unnerving, particularly the chair thing.
So . . . Armand really didn't know the Talamasca was watching then? Hmm, okay show but I'm side-eyeing that one. Because really, he should have IMO.
Though I did notice that Daniel strategically didn't show Louis the pictures of him and Armand taking Daniel out of the house. Which I still don't think makes any freakin' sense, them doing it the way they did, even with Louis being hurt like that. I supposed Louis wanted to make sure Armand didn't hurt Daniel still, but . . . .
And oh, Armand. I can see any and all attempts to defend you wrt what is coming have really slipped away much after this. I know why you are doing all of this, I get it I do, but . . . *sigh*
You should have told Louis that Lestat was saying, "I love you." But you are still so scared of being alone . . . this is all going to bite you back next season Armand. So, so much.
Would I say it's my most favorite episode of the show ever so far? Not yet. But I known it's the one of Season 2 that I'm going to rewatch over and over the most so far. Yes, I love it for the beginning of Devil's Minion that it gave us, of course. But I love that it also really started to show the friendship and trust that Rolin Jones kept saying last season was between Louis and Daniel. Louis and Daniel just being friends is something I never expected going into the show and has become such a favorite dynamic of mine too.
So yeah, it was a wonderful episode. I do think it was hyped up a bit too much in the "most disturbing thing I've ever seen" department because I actually did not find it to be all that disturbing in the horror department. But as far as character development and dynamic building goes it was stellar and revealed some great things, so I can ignore my little nitpicks.
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Tw: Established RelationShip / Wife! Reader x Husband!Lucifer
Genre: Fluff ☁️🤍
(Summary: Reader asks about getting a cat.)
(A/N: Short little thing I thought I would do. Hope you enjoy!)
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You always thought about getting a cat. But the thing is, you already have Mr. Quackles. Basically a pet duck that Lucifer got from Loo-Loo land. Crazy, they built a second one? Lucifer wasn't even supposed to take the duck home but he insisted so the owner just let him have it. And you just went on with it which brought us back to the present. You decided to ask Luci about the idea, see if he'd like it. Is he allergic to cats? Not sure!
"Erm, Lucifer? Are you in here?" You called out, looking around. You decided to go into your shared room, which he was in and tell me why the hell this man is on the floor just looking at the ceiling and playing with his rubber ducks? Not to mention, the rubber ducks were HIM, and YOU. "Uhh...Luci?" You called out again. That's what got his attention as he turned over to you.
"Oh, Hi love. Uhm, anything ya need...?" He asked, still on the floor...you wanted to ask why but Luci was always kind of a weirdo, the weirdo you loved.
"Yeah, uh, anyway! Can we get a cat?" You jumped straight to the question, another part of you nervous on what he is going to answer. Lucifer finally sit up at the question, he was kinda confused...like why would you ask this question out of nowhere?
"Hon, why you ask that?" He asked. To be honest, you dont really know why. Maybe because you've been looking online and saw cats and what they do all day yesterday which gave you the motivation to get one yourself? Yeah, thats it.
"I just really want a cat!" You whined, walking over to hold Luci in an embrace, which he took happily.
"But, we already have Mr. Quackles." Lucifer gestured toward the duck with a red bowtie that just waddled across the hallways.
"I know! And I love Quackles, I do love. But this, I just want a nice kitty! Finding videos of them online makes me want one. And I'm pretty sure Quackles and them would get along! Surely..." You said, starting to wonder...would a duck and cat really be able to get along? Pretty sure right? Lucifer thought about it for a while before nodding.
"Yes, we'll get a cat, if it makes you happy." You smiled at his answer and hugged him tight, jumping up and down. He smiled at your excitement. You put your shoes on and casual clothes and headed out the door calling him to come on. He followed after you, but at the same time. His other half of his brain was kinda nervous. I mean, he never had a cat before. Or even a CAT and a DUCK. But...he'll work it out, for you<3
This is just an idea that came in my head, feel free to request anything.
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I got asked this question and loved it so much, I wanted to open it up to the group.
If you could choose 5 Chenford scenes to rewrite, which would you choose, and how would you rewrite them?
Oooh thank you for 'tagging' me, Becca ♡ It is a great question! Let's see…
4.17 - The ending So technically, this isn't a Chenford scene… But this is partly why I would want it to be rewritten. Let's start with the most egregious part : having Lucy apparently forgive Chris and act like he hadn't just callously triggered her… or like she hadn't just watched the video recording her own death… That ending bothered me so much. Ideally, I wish she would have kicked him to the curb - or, at least, ask for some space after what he did… and I would have loved a final scene between her and Tim. One where she would have confided in him about watching the cam footages, where they would have talked about that day and her trauma… I love that she was able to work through it all by herself, that she found her voice so to speak and refused to play Rosalind's mind games… But somehow, I can't help but think that not having a single Chenford scene was a missed opportunity.
5.04 - The ending Since we're on that topic… Now, this was an even bigger missed opportunity. I still can't believe that we didn't get a scene between Lucy and Tim following Rosalind's death. And by that, I mean, a proper scene with some emotions and some feelings… I get that during the episode, they were too busy trying to find a way to save Bailey. I also get that things were still awkward between them. But come on, I don't believe for a second that this would have stopped Tim. This is the same man who didn't even think before grabbing her hand in the middle of their undercover op when they found out about Rosalind's escape… the same man who was panicking when Lucy was radio silent… I needed that same energy here. What we got instead was a bit too cold for me.
5.13 - Missing scene : the morning after You have no idea how much I was hoping for this scene… Something soft and domestic… with a reference to the DOD tattoo!
5.16 - Their fight about the five-player trade That scene still puzzles me. It felt forced and clunky. We didn't really get to see Tim's perspective and why he was mad at Lucy. In the shop, it sounded like he was upset with how her move would reflect on him… But in his office, they only talked about her going behind his back. So, in the end, it felt superficial. I'm not saying he was wrong by the way… I just wish his point of view could have been explored more. Both of their perspectives actually. Especially since Lucy paid a hefty price in the end. I guess the point was to show the cracks in their foundation, but it could have been done in a better way.
6.01/6.02 - Their fight Lucy's anxiety and potential doubts about UC were just swept entirely under the rug and the narrative simply focused on Tim's own issue with UC. But one issue doesn't negate the other. There were two problems here and only one got addressed - and barely at that. After all the crumbs from s5, all the times Tim walked away from having a real conversation on the topic, I needed more than 'I will deal with this' / 'we'll figure it out'. It's great that he was finally honest with himself but it still didn't go any further than that. And then, there's Lucy. I was hoping her anxiety would be the precursor for a bigger discussion about Lucy's future and her mental health, about her feelings about UC outside of Tim… but nope. Her spiraling was already forgotten in 6.02. And it is a bit frustrating.
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heian-era-housewife · 17 hours
more realistic smut please (I'm begging)
Idk why but somehow it was more erotic may God help me with this need TO FUCK THESE MEN
No need to beg! There are more on the way 😁 The big all-in-one post took me out though, so I'll be doing individual releases this time around.
Anon, I feel ya. I'm so down bad for these guys it's not even funny. 😩
Please enjoy some Choso in the meantime and thanks so much for reading!
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Synopsis | Choso learns that not everything on the internet can be trusted. But he can always trust in you ♡
Content | mdni, Choso x fem!reader
This is part 2 of a "realistic" smut series. Read part 1 here!
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Choso is ready. He's done his research. He's come prepared. Armed with new knowledge and bolstered by fresh confidence, he wants nothing more than to show you what he's learned and put the memory of your most recent amorous encounter behind you both. That's why he flashes you a clever grin as he pulls out not one, but two condoms to set on your bedside table.
"Ooh, someone's been thinking ahead!" You praise him, taking notice. "Always good to have a backup."
"I didn't want a repeat of last time," he recalls, one bashfull hand rubbing the back of his neck. "So, I did some reading up on my own this time."
"Impressive!" You coo.
With a coy smile, he slides on the first condom, watching as you give your hips a little wiggle of anticipation. Ready to impress, he reaches for the second.
"Wait, Cho, what are you doing...?"
"I told you," he smirks. "I don't want a repeat of last time, so I'll be wearing two. They call it 'double bagging.'"
"Oh...Cho, that's not ummm..." you squirm, trying to find the right words.
"What's wrong?"
"That's actually not the best idea, despite what some people might think. They're actually more likely to rip or come off..." your voice trails away watching as his face falls. "It's not your fault, though!" You hasten to reassure him. "The internet is full of misinformation. I'd love to hear what else you've learned!" Face brightening, Choso scooches forward eargerly for his chance at redemption.
"Let's see..." he recollects. "Size isn't as big a deal as people make it."
"Good! I'm glad you understand that," you encourage.
"Oh! And communication is really important!"
"Absolutely! You can always be open and honest with me, Cho!"
"I know," he says. "That's why I haven't been faking any of my orgasms!"
"Oh, wow I-" It's all you can do not to burst out laughing. "I figured as much."
"Speaking of fake, I never realized porn could be so misleading!"
"Yeah...unfortunately it's full of misconceptions and myths," you agree.
"Yeah! Like the g-spot!"
"Oh. Actually, that one's real," you can't help but laugh this time. "It's just really hard to find. We'll work on it."
"Ughhh!" He cries in frustration, falling back against the bed. "How does anyone figure this all out?!"
"Time and patience. Lots of practice," you say with a wink. "And you don't have to rely on the internet alone. You can always come to me with questions, you know."
"There is something I wanted to ask you!" He remembers, sitting up. "What's a MILF?"
"A MILF?!" You repeat in surprise.
"Yeah! I keep getting these advertisements. Whatever it is, there are dozens in our area!"
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MDNI banner by @cafekitsune ♡
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babykittenteach · 4 months
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Some Ed studies for the evening.
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bericas · 2 years
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wasn't it beautiful, runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep? before the monsters caught up to you?
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June Writing Wishlist
Finish something for each of the unfinished Chesterton Challenge prompts (current plans are for two pieces of flash fiction, a bit of Arateph worldbuilding, and two scenes from Shadowstruck)
Write at least 10,000 words of a single project (or, possibly, divide it up between two shorter retellings)
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morsartis · 1 year
Rodimus x Professional!Reader Pt. 1
The first part is from Reader's POV and the second will be from Rodimus' POV.
Part 2- https://www.tumblr.com/morsartis/712534482204377088/rodimus-x-professionalreader-pt-2?source=share
Part 3- https://www.tumblr.com/morsartis/712534804211662848/rodimus-x-professionalreader-pt-3?source=share
Hot water beat down on your back as you rested your head on the shower wall. Everything ached. From your toes to your scalp you felt like one massive bruise. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get back to your quarters feeling drained and tired. Ever since the Lost Light had taken on human crew members your hands had been full, especially following your commander's death. A day that still weighed something fierce on your heart. You’d had to step up- despite the fact that you hadn’t been next in line to lead at all. There had been too much panic, too much grief, and you had done what you had always done in the face of terrible personal tragedy and chaos. You’d buckled down and taken over. Somehow that had led to you being promoted as the human liaison to the captain of the Lost Light. It was an honor certainly but it was something you struggled with. All that responsibility on your shoulders, Commander Jameson had grown livid when the promotion had passed over him and went to you instead. His contempt and judgment was yet another thing that weighed you down. He made it clear that he had little to no respect for you or your new position. It had led to endless fights over the tiniest things that shouldn’t have been fights in the first place. 
Sighing heavily you blinked past the water running down your face. The need for actual running water on the Lost Light had been Commander Hennis’ first petition when you’d come aboard and after her death it had only been right for you to continue that petition. You were grateful for it. Slicking your hair back you took another moment to simply breathe. One deep breath in and then the slow exhale. Shutting off the spray you blindly reached for your towel. Wrapping the soft fluffy thing around yourself you relished its warmth as you stepped out of the tub and into the slightly cooler room. You cursed when you realized you’d left your sleep clothes on your bed. Stepping into the main portion of your room you froze, the blood draining from your face so quickly you almost felt light headed. Clutching the towel tightly to yourself you straightened up immediately. Shit, you were way too underdressed, your hair was still wet and tangled, you were wearing a towel. 
“Captain!” You resisted the urge to salute if only because you feared losing your towel. Rodimus froze, optics wide as he glanced down at you. Jesus, you could die of mortification. 
“I-,” His voicebox made an odd sound you could only describe as a radio dial, “I didn’t realize you were here.”
“I thought to get an early night, Sir.” Oh you just wanted to curl into a ball and die. This was so unprofessional. God, you even planned your own pajamas to be professional in case of an emergency. Why did he have to walk in now? Why did you forget your clothes on your bed? You glanced at your folded clothes and felt a new mortification rising when you realized you’d done like you usually did and placed your underwear on top. Your very nice, lacey, underwear that you rarely got the chance to wear and only decided to wear tonight to make yourself feel nice. As a secret little pick-me-up that only you would know about. The red stood out starkly against your grey sweats and space program t-shirt, the clothes far too professional to even consider what you might be wearing underneath. Even the sports bra you’d chosen was cute with its little lacey front and tiny decorative bow. As if sensing your mortification you could only observe in horror as Rodimus followed your gaze to the clothes you’d plainly laid out. If it were even possible it was as if he froze and locked up more than previously. 
Was- was he blushing?! 
Your face was officially on fire you were simply going to kill yourself. Anything to escape the mortification. Your co-captain, your liaison partner, knew what you were going to wear to bed and he’d been around human culture long enough to understand exactly why you might have been embarrassed. Grasping at straws like it was all you could do, you tried to regain control of the situation. 
“Ahem,” You cleared your throat drawing his attention back to you, “Was there a particular reason you were coming into my quarters Captain?” 
Rodimus straightened up quickly his grip on his holopad tightening. 
“Ah- yes. There was- well… Ahem. To be honest-,” He was stammering, god you were never going to live down the embarrassment, “I wanted your opinion on a transfer I’ve been considering.” 
“A transfer?”
“Yes. One of the humans here.”
That wiped the embarrassment straight from your system. Technically Rodimus could transfer whoever he wished at any point so long as Megatron signed off on said transfer. It had been an unspoken rule since Commander Hennis’ and since your own tenure that all human transfers were to be decided by the human liaison. For Rodimus to even consider transferring a human without giving the full reigns to you must have been serious. 
“May I ask the reason for transfer?”
“Insubordination.” The way he said it left little room to question. His voice was grave and serious in a way you rarely heard from your usually compassionate companion. Clearly this was not a decision he had made lightly. 
“And the crewmember?” You asked after a moment when it became clear he was not going to elaborate. 
“Commander Jameson.” 
“What?” You asked the question slipping out before you could help it. To say you were shocked was an understatement. You had thought that Commander Jameson had been wise enough to keep his displeasure and insubordination pointed towards you and you only. 
“I think it would be best for both the crew and for Commander Jameson himself if he were placed with a different vessel.” 
“My apologies then Captain, I had thought that Commander Jameson had merely been targeting me due to the promotional passover that occurred following Commander Hennis’ passing. I hadn’t a clue that he’d been lashing out towards other higher-ups. Please allow me to talk to him and discuss these matters, I shall ensure he keeps his issues with the chain of command solely with me.” 
“That’s the problem!” Rodimus shouted, waving his arm through the air. You jumped. “He shouldn’t be treating you that way in the first place! You received the promotion because you earned it. Your crew would have been killed if you hadn’t made the calls you did and kept a level head. While Commander Jameson was too busy trying to prove himself you were putting in the actual work. You brought your crew together, you led them into action, you pulled them through that dark time. Not him! I am tired of hearing his baseless complaints about your leadership. You’ve gone above and beyond what was expected of you for the sake of your human crew and your cybertronian companions!” 
You could feel the flush traveling from your cheeks all the way to your shoulders the flattery soothing a sore spot you had been nursing for a while now. But still, despite Jameson’s clear dislike of you, you had a duty to him as his superior. 
“I understand that Rodimus and I thank you for your conviction of my skills,” You replied soothingly, adjusting your hold on your towel, “However, I have a duty to my crew. Commander Jameson’s grievances are with me and me alone. Outside of that he has followed all his orders from other officers to a perfect T. Unless there are incidents I haven’t been informed of..?” You trailed off waiting for a reply. 
“... No. He’s followed orders from other crew members well enough.” Rodimus admitted begrudgingly. You offered him a sincerely sympathetic smile. 
“Then I owe him the chance to discuss options with me first before the call is made for him. If he wishes to transfer then I will be happy to have him transferred, but if he wishes to stay then that decision should be respected as well.”
That was clearly not what he wanted to hear. Rodimus’ expression turned stony, every bit the captain he had to be instead of the mech you had gotten to know. 
“Please let him know that if he fails to follow your direct orders again he will be transferred regardless.” His voice was cold, a sort of anger that sent chills down your spine. You’d never heard anything like it. From Megatron you might have been able to keep the surprise off your face but from Rodimus? The change was too intense not to show your shock. “I’ve transferred the documents to you for review. Good night.” 
Just like that he was gone leaving you standing there shivering from the cold in your towel wondering what had gotten into the normally sunny optimistic mech. Swallowing nervously you shuffled towards your pajamas and got dressed. Everything would have to wait until the morning but already anxiety was beginning to set in. What would you do about this? What could be done to fix it? If you didn’t know him so well by now you would have thought Rodimus was angry with you, but you knew that despite what had happened his anger was directed towards Jameson. With a deep breath you sat on your bed and tried to relax. You’d get this sorted out just like you always did. It would be fine. And then you could talk with Rodimus about why it had upset him the way it did.
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bonebabbles · 11 months
with the disclaimer that I don't know all the context since I haven't read it, how WAS he supposed to handle a contagious illness in a society that doesn't have any form of masks or sanitation? Temporarily quarantining contagiously sick cats away from healthy ones just seems like a completely different and much more reasonable thing than kicking out cats permanently for a disability because they would be a "burden".
Ok, going with you having no context for this, he wasn't suggesting a 'temporary quarantine' for sick cats. There is already a quarantine, with only the medics approaching the sick. Following everyone having a Hearty Chuckle that Clear Sky 'cares about other people' now by saying we're "all in it together," Clear Sky shares his full plan;
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He nonsensically believes that no sick prey is living in the burnt part of his woods and the fire "cleansed it", so all of the healthy cats will abandon the sick to die in their camps and come live on his territory and 'wait it out.'
His plan is that all the cats who become sick will die. It's not quarantine in the sense that they will 'help the sick but keep a distance', he is essentially suggesting a reverse leper colony where everyone who displays symptoms gets kicked out to fend for themselves.
And, in the past, illness was always part of his talking points for throwing cats out of his clan. It was why he tried to throw Frost out, where he would die alone. I went back to Thunder Rising to grab the passage,
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This is after he shoves Thunder's face into it and tells him to lick it.
So, it's wholly inappropriate, imo, that Thunder essentially does a little eye roll and a cutesy sigh at this suggestion. "Ohh that's my dad and his ruthless streak." His dad has historically been a monster towards the sick and infirm when they "stop being useful" with this rhetoric. Burdens, disease, weakness. In this moment, he is proposing that they do to an unknown number of cats exactly what he commanded Thunder do to Frost.
Additionally, at this point in time, they don't know how the illness spreads. They're guessing that it's via contact with sick prey, and using leaves as rudimentary tissues/gloves. Clear Sky DOES know, though, these two things;
One Eye knows how it spreads and is not telling.
Many of his cats have been exposed.
He has no idea which cats have been exposed, or how many, or even how long it takes between infection and first symptoms. All they DO know is that symptoms are rapid onset and debilitating. By the time you know a cat is sick, they're covered in sores, have a bloated stomach, and are unable to hunt for themselves. The only thing that is for sure is that turning them out is a death sentence.
And yet he is confused at the idea that Thunder has an objection about leaving Morning Whisker, Wind Runner's kitten who isn't older than a month or two, alone to die.
The solution that the groups eventually come up with is that the clans will remain isolated from each other as to not spread illness, though it doesn't seem to work because infected prey still moves around freely.
Also note that the first time Clear Sky actually gives a damn about an infected person is when Jagged Peak's pregnant wife catches it (After Jagged Peak 'proves' he's useful now by leading a medicine-seeking patrol thanks to Gray Wing). Wind Runner's an "ex-rogue," a group Clear Sky has disdain for, and he doesn't think to have compassion about her baby.
So to answer your question directly, he was 'supposed' to handle it the way the Moor cats did and were, with some basic safety precautions. Not regress to trying to use the illness to get all the cats into a single Clan in his own territory where he could continue to throw "useless/dangerously ill/disabled" out into the wilderness "where the maggots will find them".
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goobtacular · 6 months
I kinda feel like changing my name again. Don't have any ideas, just feeling
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
meteors au but roxy and cassie got bunk beds 🤘
Cassie hearing that Roxy is going to be living with them immediately suggests it and starts begging for it becauase she's always wanted a bunk bed and someone to share it with. Given Plot circumstances, Cassie's dad tells her they should let Roxy settle into all of this before bombarding her with the idea. The world and the situation she's in is hugely overwhelming and while he doesn't know her that well yet, even he can tell she's struggling with all of it. Cassie is... disappointed to say the least but it's not a no!! She understands!!! Roxy's all quiet and mopey at the moment, she can wait until she's feeling better, no problem!!!
So, she and her dad clear out and set up the spare room for her. They'd mostly just filled it with junk over time, but given Roxy's current state of mind, they decide that she and Cassie can share if and only if she wants to when she's ready. Until then, Roxy can have her own little space to hide away in as much as she likes.
It takes a long while before Cassie feels it's time to suggest it again. She explains what a bunk bed is to Roxy and shows her some pictures and Roxy loves the idea. There's just one problem... Roxy doesn't want to lose her own space now that she has it. She's never had that before and the idea of giving it up for a cool bunk bed is enough to put her off the idea. But Cassie is clever. She gets it. She's thought about all of this. She wants her damn bunkbed okay, she's got this all figured out.
If they both had a bunk bed in their own rooms, they could have bunkbed sleepovers! They already stay in each other's rooms all the time, but if they had a bunkbed in at least one, then they could still enjoy a bunkbed without giving up a room. Roxy is sold on the idea pretty fast, and they start brainstorming how to set them up, what they can do with them, and all sorts of stuff. They also work out how they're gonna convince Cassie's dad to let them do it, cause ya know. Can't do it without him.
They convince him eventually, and Cassie's dad - who knows a guy that can help them - comes up with a solution that gives them both what they want, in a way he can afford a bit easier. They take Roxy's bed frame and loft it on top of Cassie's to create the first bunk. Roxy feels a bit torn over the idea, having grown attached to everything that could be considered hers already, so they take this part slow so she can properly adjust to the idea of a new set up. Cassie has her dream bunkbed, and now frequently switches which bunks she sleeps on but favours the top one. She fucking loves it, and even more so when Roxy joins her for a sleepover. This is the best thing ever to her! She's loving it!!
Roxy was a bit harder to please. Mostly because she doesn't know what she wants. The concept of having a choice at all is something she's being real slow about, but now she's closer with Cassie's dad, she's much happier about him helping her work it all out. Cassie's also helping spitball ideas as well so they come to a solution she likes with a little time and effort. Of course they wait until she's decided before they bunk the two beds together. Anyway, Roxy ends up with just a singular bunk. Just one high up bed with enough space for another under it. Instead of another bed frame, there's a mattress with sheets, a quilt and a pillow, along with other such comfy stuff on the floor. They also hook a curtain on it so she can hide away in a smaller, cosier space if she so chooses. Why not just another regular bed underneath? Roxy sat under it on the floor in the furniture store and it just so happened to be the perfect height in her eyes. A proper bed there would have made it too cramped :( This way, she has just the right amount of space she wants and needs!
Both bunks have warm fairy lights and are covered in stickers real fast. After a while, they add a tent/canopy thing over Cassie's because Cassie got attached to how cosy Roxy's little space was. Roxy gradually adds more and more comfy things to that space, includes big bean bags to sit (and nap) on, glow in the dark stars on the walls, plushies, fluffy pillows, whatever strikes her fancy. Sometimes they still share one bunk when they have sleepovers, and other times they don't. Sometimes they're just hanging out all night in that cosy little space under Roxy's bed until they both fall asleep, and sometimes they're just using them for shenanigans like the one time they were working to build a card tower all the way up to the ceiling and needed the top beds to reach the top to keep it going. They did it with cups and legos as well by the way.
They have fun! It might take some time for things to settle so they can do it, but when they do, they have fun with it!
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One thing I really like is that the whole Unhallowed Vespers trilogy (so Litany, Descant and Antiphon) is that is really served as my brainstorming test grounds for Thralls.
There are ideas in there I realize I don't like as much as I thought in hindsight, or conflict with other stuff I decided I'd rather pursue instead, and I get to have explored them before committing to those in a more long-form kind of project --or some that are too subtle or complicated to be carried out outside of writing (mostly thinking of a ton of Ganondorf character details, some things about gerudo culture that I want to tweak, characters that are getting axed because We Don't Have Time, etc).
On the contrary, there are things I set up in there I never actually got to explore, and I get to pull out that thread in here instead (basically every single of the hylians' character arc roughly, Nabooru, even Impa in a way). It's pretty weird and interesting to revisit the same core ideas twice, but in a different medium and with different character arcs in mind starting off the same thing.
#thoughts#thralls of power#animatic project#descant of greatness#litany of betrayal#antiphon#unhallowed vespers#ganondorf#impa#nabooru#thinking about that as I try to pick and choose what idea actually interests me about gerudo culture and especially its nuances#there are things I plan to do in Thralls that I much prefer#this new iteration of Ganondorf and Saeruk's relationship is soooo much more compelling to me for example#I think I didn't spend enough time unearthing Saeruk as her own character then with her own arc#but I still want to re-inject some of the ideas I had but with subtler worldbuilding this time#I just realized today I am still pretty attached to Ganondorf as somewhere on the aroace spectrum#and this being a very VERY subtle cause of conflict as to how he perceives his relation to belonging in gerudo culture#without having the society being as rigid and oppressive in gender roles as in Unhallowed Vespers#which can be done I think --and become more understated and alienating and heartbreaking in a way#because it is not as clearly stated as a pillar of expectation --but still slowly he still comes to realize he was never “a sister”#and what that does to him --and to the gerudos who both love him and fear/endure him all at once#at least that's my hope#Also. My dream of Serielle as an interesting piece of that even though she is a nightmare of a character to pull off right#I had two friends rereading two different versions of the outline#the first one thought her arc came out of nowhere#the second one perceived her as a one-note villain#and I want neither of those things!!! so!!!! where is the truth#we'll see#anyway
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urostakako · 2 years
this isn't really about anything but I'm really curious to how this fight will go. Yuki can't kill Kenjaku because then the story is over, and Kenjaku can't kill Yuki because I'll be mad Maki has finally attained the heavenly restriction Yuki was researching, and she is essential to eliminating cursed energy which I assume will be a big part of Jujutsu Kaisen's ending. I hope Kenjaku won't kill Choso because they told him "You'll die" which guarantees his life for at least a little more time (wishful thinking). But even if he does die, there's still the dilemma that Yuki will remain and they can't kill each other because what will that do? Kenjaku can't merge everyone with Tengen at this point because then the story is over, and they can't just leave because then what was the point of going there. And a curveball would be the students somehow know and come help, but that makes no sense at all.
I'm thinking a few possibilities here, very few of which are possible. Or reasonable.
One, Choso dies. But that doesn't change much. Two: Tengen is in league with Kenjaku and will somehow keep Choso and Yuki in stasis. I think that's the best option to keep them both alive because I'm sure they could defeat Kenny, but they can't do that just yet. Three: Kenjaku begins a merge with Tengen but it'll take time. Everyone is scrambling to stop it. Four: Yuki drives Kenny out and alerts everyone of the danger, and their cursed technique. Five: something else I haven't thought of
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just-a-regular-fan · 6 months
As much as I love the idea of The One Piece there's something that kinda worries me, it's not the seiyuu matter because I trust they'll make the right choice for this adaptation. Thing that bothers me is the length.
Yes we're laughing that One Piece got Bortherhood treatment, but it's anno domini 2023. Anime don't have as much episodes as necessary, we hit the 25 episodes mark and it's over.
The reason why it worries me is Hajime no Ippo. HnI is one of my favorite mangas of all time and first season is phenomenal and so are the move, the OVA, New Challenger and Rising. But when you start reading the manga you realize how much this 25 episodes mark is a compromise, how story bits are cut or moved around in a way that's weird and confusing once you get the whole picture. I genuinely love New Challenger but I'm still so pissed that the robbed us of the Kobashi vs Hayami fight AND IT'S ONLY TWO CHAPTERS LONG. And I'm scared that this seasonal run will kind of... mess the story in brand new way.
I'm hyped, I wanted One Piece remake for such a long time, I hate how Toei bastardized the source material and the idea of remake being done by a competent studio makes me so happy, but I'm scaptical in a way. Only time will tell I guess.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
Every so often u just gotta have an agonizing crisis of art style ✌️
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sam-loves-seb · 8 months
no whumptober fic today (oct 9) but we'll be back with your regularly scheduled programming tomorrow
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