#happy ides of march kids
killermudbat · 1 year
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i want that twink obliterated
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belovedblabber · 3 months
Okay see I included the ransom thing this year leave me aloneeee
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theivesbustamate · 9 months
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Happy birthday to Evan Rachel Wood. ❤️🎂🥳
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spencer-is-dead · 3 months
happy ides of March my dear followers 🔪 🔪 🔪
I am slowly losing my sanity 😊
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
if i was the bride in that video where they played an LMFAO WEDDING MARCH MASHUP? it would have been a bloodbath in there
#i know im literally an lmfao enjoyer we all have our vices However . if i was expecting just The wedding march and then fucking#IM IN MIAMI BITCH . i wouldve have exploded into a horrible powder that fills the room and suffocates everybody in there. it would have#been dire...#however. i think thats why im not fit to have a wedding bc ik Everyone gets stressed over the wedding#and something always goes wrong. but i think if one thing went wrong id quite literally walk out of the venue never to be seen again.#theyd be like omg aur nahr them um. crackers are. saltines instead of ritz and id be halfway across the country#<- why am i serving ritz crackers at my wedding??? maybe like a charcuterie board#but if ppl started laughing during one of the like special parts id start crying. regardless of the reason like The musician messes up iii#would not care that they were laughing at the musician id be so mortified .#I LIKE 2 THINK IM LIKE. HAPPY GO LUCKY AND USUALLY I CAN MAKE A JOKE OUT OF THINGS... and i don't want my wedding to just be everhone#like. 😐 yk i want it to be fun im rly not a super stuffy person#but like. at some parts of the wedding in my brain they are very regimented and i need Those parts to go off without a hitch#like. the reception? get absolutely sillay. but like.. walking down the aisle or whatever#thats like the moment. ig rly thats kind of the only time If something went wrong id die. like legit any other time like#the mic cuts out during vows. whatever. thats funny and recoverable.. kids start being loud during the ceremony thats fine rhats cute.#but like. imagining like.. tripping during the walk up. no id just stay down on the ground. i wouldnt grt back up. theyd have to get a l#stretcher to get me out of there and id never speakagain
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girlsworlds · 1 year
hii happy new year everyone!! 2023 is nice so far :)
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minyicho · 1 year
happy ides of march everyone!!! my latin teacher dressed up caesar today and went around letting kids stab her with a squeaky rubber knife and being like et tu (insert name). she’s so festive
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 month
Typical Day For a Bouncer
I'm Joey, a security guard at a night club down the street. I got the job because I'm a big ex-rugby player, but I've kept it for so long because I'm good at handling people. I can't tell you how many underage idiots try to sneak in here. It takes patience, grit, and a keen eye to keep the troublemakers out!
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Like any other Friday night, the club is packed tight and a line of impatient patrons stretches down the street. I've gotten good at telling people "no," in a way that makes them listen, so they have no choice but to calmly wait until I feel like checking their ID and letting them in.
Every now and again, I'll have some fools try to sweet talk their way in. Girls try to flirt, guys try to bribe, but the biggest assholes make a scene. It's nothing I can't handle.
Just last week, I had this entitled brat come up to me and demand I let him in. The boy couldn't have thought I'd believe he was twenty-one. He wasn't even in line! I don't remember what I did to get him to shut up, but he kept hammering on and on about his skills with hypnosis. I remember listening to that kid ramble about the voodoo of the mind for what felt like forever.
I don't remember kicking him to the curb, though. He probably got tired and went home.
"Hey, buddy!" a familiar voice squeaks over the music. I roll my eyes, preparing myself to say no yet again.
"Oh, it's you," my deep voice catches in my throat. The kid from last week is standing in front of me once more, ignoring the line of adults to his left. In his ratty sweatshirt and baseball cap, he doesn't look any older than eighteen. Still, the sight of him unlocks a memory I somehow had forgotten. "Hello, sir!" I call back, remembering him as my closest and most respected friend. How could I've forgotten that this boy was my best friend I call sir?
"You gonna let me in, big guy?" A devious grin spreads across his boyish face.
"Of course, sir."
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There are a few angry comments from the people waiting in line. I can't imagine they're happy to see this guy ushered into the club before them. Normally, I have a strict policy against VIP treatment. I think everyone should have to wait in line like equals, but sir is great. He can come and go whenever he wants!
"Hey, why don't you take a break from the front and buy me some beers," the boy yells over the roar of the music.
I leave the entrance and start pushing my way through the crowd in the direction of the bar. I probably should've warned the other bouncer that I was taking a break, but my feet were carrying me away before I knew what was happening. The other guard knows what he's doing, but he's still pretty new here. I'm sure he'll be fine.
The bartender gives me a can of light beer, and I hustle it back to the boy on the dance floor. People tend to get out of the way when they see a giant security guard coming through, but the place is so jammed packed that I have to press against several sweaty partiers on the way over.
"Your beer, sir," I say, flinching at the meekness in my voice.
"What the hell is this?" he whines when he sees the drink, "This is crap. Get me the good stuff, and buy a lot of it!" The kid tossed the open can at my broad chest, and the cheap beer splashes across my uniform.
"Yes, sir."
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I march back to the bar with a clenched fist, and grab a tray, ordering the barback to fill it up with the more expensive bottles of beer. He glances at my soaked shirt and pants, but averts his eyes the second he sees my less-than-friendly face.
That boy is my best friend. I respect him greatly, but goddamn is he infuriating. How did I even become close to someone so immature? I pacify myself, and carry the tray back over to the kid.
"That's better," he snorts and takes a sip of the premium drink while I stand there to make sure he likes it this time.
"Alright, sir," I begin, thinking about the twenty minute break I've been taking, "I need to get back to work."
"No you don't!" the boy interjects.
"I..." the words fumble in my mouth, "...well, I don't need to, but I should, sir."
"Tell your boss you're done for the night. Then go wait by my car. You can guard it!"
"Yes, sir," the words come out before I even know what I've agreed to.
Before I know it, I'm marching into the back office and calmly telling the club owner that I'm taking the night off. He's pissed, but I'm his most reliable employee, so he doesn't fire me. I can tell he's not happy, though. He looks like he'd take a swing at me if I weren't two feet taller than him and a hundred pounds heavier.
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"You make a great watchdog!" the teenager laughs as he comes stumbling out of the club.
Something about him brings a scowl to my face. It might be the way he referred to me as an animal, or it might be the way he's staring at me like I am an animal. Maybe I'm just irritated from standing by this parked car in the cold for the last two hours, but this boy is getting on my nerves.
"No one has bothered your car, sir," I report.
"Good, boy," he slurs and then reaches a gangly arm to pat the top of my head. I can smell the distinct earthiness of the beer I'd bought wafting out with his breath.
Every muscle in my body tenses up, as I try my best to restrain myself. Sir is my best friend. I respect him. I do what he says. I shouldn't get this worked up by him making a little joke at my expense. It's perfectly fine for him to tease me a little since I trust him completely. I know all this.
"Still think hypnosis is fake?" he asks, bringing his wet lips uncomfortably close to my own.
"Sir?" my brow furrows, unsure why he's bringing up that crap again.
"Well, it's real, and you're hypnotized."
I stifle a groan, "Sir, you've had a lot to drink..."
"The only thing I'm drunk on is power!" he yells, smashing a bottle on the sidewalk for effect, "I've got you like a trained dog; that's how good of a hypnotist I am! Let me prove it."
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I was pissed. I was livid. Sir had mocked and insulted me repeatedly. It was a bad idea for anyone to pick on me, especially someone a third of my size! Nevertheless, the boy has all my faith, so I kept my mouth clamped shut.
He told me to kneel, and I grunted, "Yes, sir." I already had beer all over my clothes, so what's a little mud on the knees of my pants? It was better to just keep him happy, but that didn't mean he had hypnotized me.
"Keep your arms raised, like you're worshipping me," he went on.
"Yes, sir."
My arms went up. I'll admit this was a bit more strange, but I still trust and respect the teenager enough to comply. That doesn't say anything about my state of mind.
"Alright, now stay like that until I come back," he laughs, "I'm going to get a snack, but if anyone walks by, I want you to bark at them like the hypnotized guard dog you are!"
"Yes, sir," I answer, hearing the hoarseness in my voice.
As the boy stumbles away, I find myself stuck in the position he'd left me in: on my knees, in the cold, with my arms raised in compliance. I'm doing this willingly, right?
Time creeps by uncomfortably slow as I silently wait next to his car. Suddenly, I hear footsteps nearby. A wave of barks burst out of my throat, and I find myself growling like a territorial mutt in the direction of the pedestrians.
Now I'm acting like a dog!
Sir doesn't come back for another hour, which leaves me to viciously snap at numerous other passerby. They seem terrified, which makes sense. They probably think I'm insane! I'm beginning to wonder if I'm insane too.
I respect that boy more than anyone even if I only met him once, a week ago. I really would do anything he told me too. Is that strange? It's not like me to be so...obedient. I'm the kind of guy that normally tells people what to do, so why am I doing this?
There's no way...it's not possible...I can't actually be hypnotized, right?
"Good, boy," he pulls off my cap and ruffles my hair, "Now, be a good dog and drive me to your house. I might fall asleep on the way there, so you'll have to carry me inside to your bed. If you do good, I'll give you a special treat." He licks his lips and reaches a scrawny hand out to squeeze my tired pec.
"Yes, sir," I answer, jumping up to do his bidding, but I can feel that the words aren't really mine.
Shit. I think he's right. I think I am hypnotized.
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scribefindegil · 1 year
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[Image ID: A page from the Reigen manga. Panel 1: Reigen stands in a forest looking exhausted. He says, “At least I bought bug spray this time . . .” Panel 2: He sprays himself down. Panel 3: A closeup of his face. He’s dripping with sweat and his eyes are sunken. He says, “Preparations complete.” Panel 4: Reigen loosens his tie as he staggers towards the viewer. His face is sweaty and he has a haggard expression. He says, “All right then . . .” End ID.]
Okay listen it’s been a month since i read this and i CANNOT stop thinking about “At least I bought bug spray this time. . .” It’s just. It’s so Reigen.
This man is dying. He is being eaten alive by a curse that will kill him in less than 3 hours--probably closer to 2 by this point because this place is pretty far outside of Seasoning City. Since Serizawa couldn’t destroy the curse, he knows that Mob is the only person who could get rid of it--and he doesn’t think that he’ll get there in time, if he comes at all. Reigen’s last-ditch plan is to try to trudge into the most haunted forbidden evil woods he knows about in the hope that he can make the curse that’s killing him fight a different, worse curse, and if that doesn’t work at least he’ll die in a place far away from other people and the curse will be prevented from victimizing anyone else.
And what does he say when he arrives at the Evil Death Woods? “At least I brought bug spray.”
One of the things that makes Reigen’s character work is that he is Just Some Guy. A deeply bewildering, paradoxical guy who lies for a living, but still just a guy. Different characters in MP100 are trying to exist in slightly different genres, and for all his absurdity Reigen is the character who is the most grounded in the real world. He worries about his fire insurance during a psychic terrorist attack. He’s the one who goes “Hey, this is illegal?” and “Kids should not be dealing with this” and “You’re supposed to be adults, what is your PROBLEM?” when he’s introduced to the shonen-anime-villain Scars.
And he’s the sort of person who thinks, yeah, dying of a horrible curse in the woods would be bad, but you know what would be worse? That and bug bites. And he’s not . . . wrong, but it’s not something that anyone else in the series is going to think of. It’s such a normal worry in such an abnormal situation. It’s so grounded.
And it’s also . . . weirdly hopeful? I feel like a lot of people talk about this part of the manga like Reigen’s given up and is just marching to his death, but he really isn’t. Yes, he was willing to take on the curse to save Tome, and he’s well aware that he might die, but he’s still trying to get out of it with everything he’s got. He doesn’t have powers, but he’s really clever! He goes into a place with a time distortion effect in the hope that it will buy him more time! He manipulates the curse into turning around so that it gets attacked by the Mimic spirit but he doesn’t! If it had been a more even match between them like he’d hoped, he might have been able to get out of the woods even without Mob coming to save him.
He’s aware of the danger and how much the odds are stacked against him, but he hasn’t given up! And the bug spray feels indicative of this. He thinks he might succeed in getting rid of the curse. He thinks he might need to get out of the woods on his own. And if that happens, he’s going to be so happy about not getting covered in bug bites this time.
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julius caesar but i've never watched it
...either the play or the actual man. I am not a time-travelling voyeur. Why does that give Doctor Who vibes? I haven't watched that either.
Anyway, happy Ides of March, tumblr. I am about as enthusiastic about the celebration as Neil Gaiman is, but here we are. Doing what I do worst, making a summary of things I have no authority to summarise... WAHOO LET'S GO. Whatever it is I know about the play:
Caesar was vibing sometime around the '40s. 0040s, not 1940s.
He has a wife named Calpurnia. A maggot wants to be her because and I quote 'no one ever listens to me either'.
She tells him not to go to some kind of coronation or speech or something on the Ides. He's like nah wifey 'sall gucci.
I regret saying that sentence. As did Caesar, because he went and got stabbed in 44. Spoiler alert.
People ship Mark Antony with Caesar but some ship Brutus and Caesar. *youtuber voice* Comment below with your favourite ship.
Don't do it I don't want to know. Anyway, he's also married to Cleopatra, who is killed by snake venom that may not have been snake venom or something.
Idk they were cute. They had a kid that ran away and Asterix and Obelix had to take care of him. Caesarian?
There is a soothsayer. He tries to soothwarn Caesar.
Caesar does not soothlisten. Caesar is a lil bitch.
On the Ides of March, Caesar goes up to the soothsayer who is lurking on the steps of the maybe-coronation place. He soothsays The Ides of March are come!
The soothsayer soothsighs and soothsays Aye, Caesar, but not gone.
The senators, otherwise known as the soothslayers, have been plotting for a while. Brutus is a very dear friend of Caesar. He thinks Caesar slays.
But the other senators convince him this is what's best for Rome. So he thinks Caesar should be slayed.
So now the soothslayers at the maybe-coronation gather around Caesar and start stabbing him. Et tu, Brute? and all that (though I remember something about that phrase not meaning the same thing as it does in popular context...).
The soothslayers are a bit extra. Like bro. One stab to the heart would have soothsufficed.
Anyway, Caesar is soothslayed like the soothsayer soothsaid.
There is a funeral thing. The People of Rome are cranky.
A maggot once said Moots, maggots, countrymen! and it lives rent-free in my head.
So he gives the soothspeech and everyone is emotional. IF YOU HAVE TEARS, PREPARE TO SHED THEM NOW. Damn bro. It's like playing villain music just as the camera focuses on the villain.
Anyway then there is a lot of chaos and blah blah blah Mark Antony does some stuff Caesar's adoptive son Octavian does some stuff.
There's some bloke named Augustus who may or may not be Octavian (if he was sorry for the deadname Auggy my bad).
Brutus is killed? Or he kills Mark Antony? One of them die.
They were totally not fighting over who was a better lover to Caesar.
Roman Republic gone byebye as I say to Roxie. Roman Empire starts. The end.
That was a thing. I rather like summarising my homeboy Shakespeare haven't read him in a while and I only read his comedies. Maybe I should do more in honour of the Globe Theatre Maggots.
Happy Ides. Please don't soothslay me. I've been a good Maggot Prince to you, haven't I?
*runs just in soothcase*
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dr9com9ge-ix · 28 days
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Hiya! Tis been a bit since I took it easy for my birthday a few days ago! (slept so much and ate cheesecake and passed out) Soooo I wanted to make an ID for Erik that was this specific hot pink and couldn’t think of anything else aside from making a color fixer! Wee bit of story and about them under the cut!
March 15th 980,
In the backstreet town of Hamelin, the streets where run rampant with crime and violence. Today would seem to be the same as any other until suddenly a melody played and lured in members of the local gang.
Then came the long shrill sound of a horn when the music stopped, Even at a far distance it hurt to listen to but what happened to the crowd was worse than just a headache- The sound had made their heads explode! And stood in the midst of the bodies was a young fellow in pink lowering the horn. Naturally the folks who witnessed this where terrified- But the kid just smiled and waved.
“All done! They won’t bother you guys anymore!~”
And thus the town was much safer… Albeit shaken up by the mass amount of death that had occurred. This piper would introduce themself as “Letze” and soon after word spread of this incident and of other similar ones. Eventually Letze would be let into a nest alongside their family who had run the formerly unknown Parade workshop.
And that is the tale of the color fixer, The Pink Piper.
Fun facts!
- Letze uses They/them pronouns.
- They are based on the pied piper of Hamelin!
- The pink colors of their outfit and weapon are entirely their idea as pink is their favorite color.
- They are deaf but have a hearing aid integrated into their prosthetics. They also turn it off when they do not want to be bothered.
- Their expressions (at least with their eyes) kind of work like how cats do- Squinty eyes when happy and big eyes and pupils when they’re about to attack.
- The Parade workshop is responsible for Letze’s prosthetics and the creation of the horn
- Letze is the youngest out of 3 adopted siblings with similar yet more crude prosthetics.
- They are very relaxed outside of their job and likes to paint and watch movies and plays in theaters. Also no thoughts half the time they’re just enjoying the downtime before they’re sent to do more work.
- While they do like the horn’s sound they prefer to listen to rock.
- The horn is for work use only.
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agent-barnes40 · 3 months
Clara Oswald Platonic Imagine request please where reader is Neurodivergent and has a love for history, but was made to be ashamed of it when young despite Clara sticking up for them, and Clara being happy for them when they are able to talk all the time about the interest when travelling with the doctor? Sorry it’s so long
Thank you so much for the request! I took the liberty of choosing Capaldi!Doctor as the doctor in this. I should mention also, I am neurodivergent myself and have a life long fascination with The Romanov's, so I get it.
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The Doctor picks their companion's with pride and care and so when Clara suddenly drags you onto his ship, he's all hands wavy and gesturing at you.
"Doctor!" Clara's voice is stern and The Time Lord fully stops in his tracks.
Your watching the two while rocking back and forth on your feet. "I can go, Clars, really."
Clara turns to look at you. "No, you will not. Doctor, you need to apologize."
"Really, you should be the one apologizing. You're the one bringing someone completely new onto the TARDIS." The Doctor is saying, gesturing a hand out towards you.
Your eyes widen and you look at him, although you barely make eye contact. "I can pay, just like I have for tours and all that. I just wanna see Alexander Palace in its prime, that's all."
The Doctor swiftly turns to look at Clara, the hand pointed out towards you waving as he begins to talk. "Oh, so now your using as a tourist service, Clara?"
Clara swiftly grabs his arm, turning him in a circle and marching him towards the stairs toward the upper part of the console room. Her voice is lowered, but you know from the look on her face she is lecturing him just like she does her students. The Doctor, every once in awhile, turned to look at you, before nodding. "Alexander Palace, right?"
It was the best day of your life, being able to sit and explore the palace at the end of Tsarist Russia.
The Doctor was eager to listen to you info dump all about the palace and the information about it, and he fed you little bits of information that you didn't know while softly correcting you on information you had wrong.
Clara and him didn't expect you to become a staple in the TARDIS after that.
The next couple of months were filled with just history trips and The Doctor and Clara making sure you weren't interrupted whenever you'd just stop and stare at the people or paintings.
Clara sat next to you, the two of you sitting on the floor of the TARDIS next to the door, as you just stared up at the construction of the Eiffel Tower. "So, how does it feel?"
"Amazing. These have been the best months of my life. I can never thank you and The Doctor enough." You whispered, watching the men move about.
"You don't have to thank us at all. I know how much this means to you." Clara said, watching you for a minute before looking out at the construction herself.
"I'll have to get The Doctor something." You whispered, continuing to watch.
"You don't have to get me anything. It's good enough to see someone appreciating Earth's history. I should take you to The Titanic." The Doctor says, swiftly moving to join the two of you on the floor.
"I'd rather not die in 1912, thanks." You said absently.
"He'd get us off the ship before, right Doctor?"
"Of course, duty of care." The Doctor said, watching you.
The two try to keep you out of the process of events surrounding places.
You three had been there for the beheading of Anne Boleyn, you had been in fact quietly singing "Don't Lose Your Head" during it all under your breath.
The two enjoyed your little info dumps about situations and locations and people as you travelled through time.
The two never ever put you down about your little quirks or when you'd stim excitedly over an event (you excitedly flappy handed when you three "accidentally" ran into someone you had excitedly read about as a kid)
The three of you were apart of The Ides of March, and you and Clara had joined in on the stabbing of Julius Caesar.
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soaringeag1e · 9 months
Escape {63}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Sadness, Dead Body
Words: 2,352
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist -Patreon
Sorry I haven't been able to update the Escape Masterlist, it's been a little crazy on my end. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. Love you guys!
Dean smiles contently as he stands at the kitchen counter. The two mugs in front of him are full of steaming fresh brewed coffee and he can’t wait to drink it. But first he adds a little sugar and creamer to one of them and then he carefully makes his way to the table. You lean your head back as he walks up behind you and sets your coffee down on the table, both your smiles growing when he leans down and steals a kiss in front of his family.
“Thank you.” you say to him quietly, earning a wink from him before he slips into the chair next to you.
“Did you know that that place is closing down, though?” You look across the table, putting yourself back into the conversation as you take a sip of your coffee. You have to take a moment to really savor that first sip though because Dean had it spot on. “They made the best muffins. I’m so bummed.”
“What place are you talking about?” You have to ask, clearly missing the beginning of the conversation.
“Annie’s. They’ve been around for…I don’t know. For as long as I can remember. But apparently the original owner passed and her kids can’t, or don’t want to keep it up without her, so…” Sarah shrugs, but it’s clear she still isn’t happy about it.
“That’s sad.” Marry adds, lifting her mug to her lips. “But to keep up a business is a lot of work, so…they probably made the right decision.”
“You’ll just have to find better muffins somewhere else.” Dean teases her, smirking behind his coffee.
“There will never be somewhere better than them.” Sarah tells him with a playful angry tone, getting the rest of you to laugh a bit.
After the laughter dies down, the six of you fall into a content silence. All of you enjoy more drinks from your coffee’s and even take a few bites of the doughnuts that Sam and Sarah brought along. But when Mary sighs, all eyes go to her. With the sun coming in from the window, her golden hair glowing from the spotlight and the soft grin on her face, it seems to spread around the table to the lot of you.
“It’s such a beautiful morning.” she finally says, the rest of you agreeing with either a soft hum or just a nod of your heads.
March had finally shown and spring looked like it was just around the corner. The colder weather hadn’t been around for the past few weeks and none of you were complaining about that.
After a few more minutes of quiet, Mary and Sarah started talking about some things that were happening around town now that the weather was picking back up, like farmers markets. The three of you girls were already planning a get together when someone's phone started going off, and you knew it was Dean’s the second it did.
He shifts in his seat so that he can pull it from his pocket and takes a quick glance at the caller ID before scooting his chair away from the table.
“Excuse me.” he says to the family in a low voice, not wanting to interrupt his mom and sister in law from talking and then he steps into the other room, just out of earshot for all of you. 
You knew it had to be work and you were trying not to let it get to you. This was his life and you supported that. He was a good detective and an honest to God great officer for when they needed help with little side jobs. It just got you down a bit knowing that this day was supposed to be special and you had a gut feeling that he was getting called away on a job right now. You were heading out with the girls to look for wedding dresses and the guys were off to get their tuxedos, but you were getting the feeling that the tuxes were going to have to wait.
You tried to get into the conversation at the table but you just couldn’t do it. You looked on with the best smile you could, but you had your head tilted back a tad in attempts to hear Dean with his phone call. Unfortunately you couldn’t pick up anything, just a few ‘okay’s’ and ‘yes’s’ here and there, otherwise you didn’t hear anything until his boots carried him back into the dining room.
“Hey.” The tone told you that you were right. As for the others, it updated them on what their day was going to be.
“Work?” John asks right away as the other three just looked a tad disappointed.
“Yeah. There was a hold up at the convenience store off of Wesley last night and they need me.”
“Is everyone okay?” Mary was the first to ask the dreaded question and you could see just from the way Dean was looking over all of you that the answer was no.
“No.” he finally says in a somber voice. “So, I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone the tuxes. I mean, it shouldn’t take us long to find good ones, so…we’ll do it soon.” Both Sam and John nod, understanding, and though you did too, the slight jealousy you felt that work took your fiance away again must have been showing. 
“I promise it’ll be okay.” he tries to assure you, his hand resting on your shoulder before he looks over his family again. “So, you girls go out, have fun. Get some lunch and enjoy yourselves.” he takes a second and drinks a little more of his coffee but then squeezes your shoulder to get you to look up at him. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec?” That of course didn’t help how you were feeling in that moment, but you nod and follow him out to the foyer.
“What’s up?” you ask when he gets you alone. But he just reaches into his back pocket and digs out his wallet. You don’t understand what he’s doing even as he pulls out one of his cards and hands it over to you. You’re so confused that you don’t even know what to ask.
“If you find the right one.” he tells you, getting your eyes to snap back to him. “And don’t worry about the price, there should be plenty on there.”
“Dean…” you choke, looking back at the credit card in your hand. “No, I can’t…”
“Look, I know that you and your family aren’t exactly on the best terms because of the Jeff thing and…” he shrugs, not knowing how to explain himself without bringing up the heavy subject. “If you were able to get a hold of them and they showed interest in coming out, then maybe they’d get you a dress. But that isn’t the case, so.” he shrugs again, a little nervous that he probably upset you.
“Still, I don’t think it’s customary for the groom to buy the dress.”
“Well, as far as I know, I’m just not supposed to see the bride before the ceremony. I haven’t seen any rules on seeing the price of the dress.” he jokes, getting you to finally smile a little.
“Dean.” you whine, still slipping the card between your fingers nervously. “I don’t feel right doing this.”
“Well, you should.” You feel his hands slide along your arms, but you can’t pull yourself to look  him in the eye. “You deserve to have the dress of your dreams, Y/N.” Your eyes continue to burn holes in the credit card, your head trying to decline the offer with short sways, but you knew Dean wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“I hate you.” you finally say, unable to hold back a soft, grateful grin. 
“I love you too.” His reply makes your lips break even more and then he steals a kiss before backing towards the door. “Have fun.”
News vans were already outside the store, cameras rolling in hopes of catching something good with all the commotion going on. Caution tape along with select officers keep the curious crowd of civilians and news crew back at a safe distance and Dean ignores the news anchors as he ducks under the tape and heads for the entrance of the store. 
He can see Eddie through the glass doors and even catches a glimpse of Bobby before he walks behind the counter. When he steps through the threshold, the men look up to see who the new body is and aside from his boss and partner, the other officers go back to work.
“Dean.” Styles gives him a nod and then looks sedately back down at the floor. Dean catches a hand sprawled out on the floor, blood dripping from the fingertips. As he takes a few more steps in, the body of an older man lays sprawled out on the floor, a gun laying just a few inches away from him.
“He tried to stop whoever it was.” Dean crouches down next to the body and Styles continues to tell him what they found. “Looks like the suspect shot him twice, once in the chest and the other in the head. I’m pretty sure the headshot was the fatal one.”
“Cash register empty?” Styles nods when the detective looks up. 
“Cigarettes are all over the floor back here too, so we think he stole some cigs before taking off.”
“Yeah, well, why not, right? You already killed the guy so grab what you can and get out.” Standing again, Dean glances around the store and notices that nothing else seems to be too out of place. “How are we with the surveillance footage?”
“Got Johnson on it now. Doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with so we should be able to get something off of it.”
“I can’t believe you came.” Sarah giggles, draping a veil over her lap.
“Why? My plans fell through so I had nothing better to do.”
“But usually guys like to be as far away from this stuff as possible.” she counters and Mary just sits off to the side holding back laughter.
“Well,” Sam shrugs, looking over at a rack of dresses. “Y/N’s like a sister to me, so…thought it’d be fun.” Sarah can only smile at her husband, honestly loving how close you two are.
“How are you doing in there, sweetie? You need help?”
“No, I almost have it! I’ll be out in a sec!” Sarah smiles to herself and then looks down at the veil again. She thinks you’ll really like it, but it was one of the last ones on the rack, so she snatched it just in case.
“Sucks about Dean, though. Do you think you’ll be able to get tuxes soon?” she asks her husband, Sam taking a seat next to her after that. 
“Yeah.” he says with confidence. “Dean was right, it doesn’t take long to find a good tux. We’ll get them.”
“Alright,” When the three of them hear you through the door, they look up just in time to see you step out with a light sigh. “What do you guys think?” Each one of them is speechless and there for a minute you were beginning to think they didn’t like it.
"Oh my God, Y/N. You look…" Sarah is unable to finish her sentence, but Sam is able to help her out.
"Really?" You question, looking down at the dress and pulling at the lace.
"You're glowing." Mary adds, her eyes studying every detail of the gown. "But what do you think? Your opinion is the one that matters." You look from Mary back down to the glistening gown.
The subtle glitter gives it the perfect amount of sparkle and the little bit of lace gives it just enough character to stand out from the rest. Grabbing the dress from the sides, you pull the fabric up a bit so that you can walk over to the mirror. 
This mirror was bigger than the one in the dressing room and gave you a better perspective on how it looked on you and you couldn’t understand how a mirror, such a simple invention could change how you saw things. Somehow, unknown to you, you loved the dress even more looking at it now than you did inside the dressing room.
“I love it.” you finally speak, emotion in your voice and even your eyes are glistening in the mirror, matching the shine of the dress. Sarah squeals in her seat, looking as if she’s struggling to contain her excitement while Mary and Sam just look at you, admiring the gown as much as you. 
“Do you think this is the one?” Sarah asks as she jumps out of her seat and comes to your side, her fingers unable to keep to themselves any longer as they feel the lace and the fabric itself.
“I think it is.” you confess, tears becoming more prominent in your eyes. 
More squeals come from your friend and she takes a few more moments to look over the gown, then she glances towards the dressing room, craning her neck a little as she tries to see inside.
“How many do you have left?”
���Um…” you think for a second. “Two, I think.”
“Okay, go ahead and try them on. We’ll see if anything else catches your eye and then when you’re done, put this one back on. That’s how you know.” she sends you a wink and helps you back towards the dressing room.
“I would say she just likes playing dress up with you, but I can confirm that that is a good way to know you got the right dress.” You laugh a little at what Mary says before Sarah shuts you inside your dressing room and then you go for the next gown. But even while trying those other two on, you couldn’t stop looking at that dress and you couldn’t wait to put it back on.
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naturalkillercyborg · 3 months
Happy Ides of March. This flash animation I saw as a kid has played in my head every year
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toubledrouble · 1 year
Alr there is not nearly enough Camp Jupiter appreciation (seriously, I feel like the only one who would choose it over CHB xd) (I love CHB but yea)
So here I am with Camp Jupiter/Roman demigods headcanons!
For starters I want you all to think about the fact that despite the traditions, those are still chaotic adhd kids/teens raised by literal wolves, thank you very much
While they might not have campfire songs, they do have more choir-ish, organised version. The Romans still liked art and also, there is no proper victory feast without singing, change my mind
Despite the rules and traditions, they still have fun. Think boarding school or even the military, they have fun sometimes too
Punishments for disobeying those rules and traditions are just stuff like extra training, cleaning, etc. because I just want them to have a happy childhood ok?
Cohorts actually create lifelong friendships, these people are each other's family
They (secretly) make fun of the rules and traditions, let's say, like the beginning of DPS
Siblings often just relax and chat in their parent's temple/shrine togheder, it's like when you and your sibling live away from each other but reunite at your mom's house xd
They have dyscalculia because their brains are hardwired for the roman numerals
Lupa's pack is like a family. Strict but loving (please just let the kids be happy)
Most of them still have some wolf-ish traits and behaviours
They have a fun Ides of March celebration where everyone carries their pugio (roman dagger) around the whole day and then they get together in the senate meeting and collectively stab a cake. Caesar's ghost is not very happy about this but he's dead so he can't really do much
They keep the tradition of having nicknames based on the person's character (which the Romans actually did)
They have history, culture, mythology, and latin classes/training/however you wish to refer to it
One of their horses is named Incitatus (you guessed it, after Caligula's favourite horse, which he planned to make a consul but sadly he was assassinated before he got to do it)
I'm not saying they have ea xylospongium, but I am saying it would be hilarious
Apollo kids often learn to play the lyre, lute, etc.
Idk if this is canon but New Rome should be mostly fireproof xdd
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bookishjules · 3 months
when i was a kid i always felt a special connection to the ides of march as i was born in the same month and my name is the feminine of julius. happy ides!! happy ides of march!! i would say to looks of concern. .. this ain't maybelline baby. i was born to be a tumblr girlie
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