#handmaiden suki
zukoisgayforsokka · 2 years
Star Wars au, filling in the timeline gap in @ambykinns‘s Star Wars au
Ship: Suki/Yue
Words: 500
Summary: In the early hours of the morning, a tired Suki contemplates her role in the rebellion with her secret lover, Yue of Naboo, for whom she is handmaiden.Set after Sokka calls Suki in chapter 2 of Like We’re Made of Starlight. Won’t make much sense without reading the original fic (which is brilliant)
For @ambykinns, you live so far away, here’s the online version of me making you soup. Hope you feel better. Remember, we share the same stars to dream under x
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looking for some mad max, game of thrones, atla, star wars and star trek rp's. specifically the clone wars or kotor era. must be 21+, advanced/novella (like 2 to 3 discord messages?), and willing to plot, etc.
pairings for star wars:
oc x oc (i have several sith, clone troopers, and a handmaiden of naboo oc) must be mxf or fxf.
padme x sabe
commander bly x aayla secura
f!darth revan x bastila shan or a f!oc
pairings for star trek:
oc x oc (i only have vulcan oc's)
ambassador sarek x amanda greyson
t'pring x nyota uhura
t'pring x f!oc
spock x nyota uhura
pairings for game of thrones:
oc x oc (i have two dothraki oc's, a targaryen oc, and a lannister oc.)
dany x sansa stark or any female
sansa x marg
cersei x female oc
pairings for atla:
princess azula x sokka, katara, suki, or a female oc.
pairings for mad max:
any of the wives with another wife
any of the wives with a war boy
furiosa x a female oc or one of the wives. possibly with a male oc.
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reine-uls · 16 days
….I forgot who was Akio is is when I type that because it was early and I thought Akio was one of handmaidens Douma keeps around lol
That’s okay^^ I have a lot of OCs in the fic that gets confusing. I’ll just refresh your memory. Akio is Ai’s son. His twin brother is Asahi and his young sister is Suki. It is implied he likes LF in chapter 8.
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littlepetbee · 9 months
padmé amidala and her royal handmaidens vs. suki fastandfurious and her car girls FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
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samasmith23 · 8 months
Just a heads-up but there are literal TERFs who are claiming that ATLA'S Katara, Toph and Suki would all be one of them. ..... .... .... WHHAAAATTT!?! Were any of these white supremacist handmaidens actually watching the show? ATLA's all about diverse people standing together to take down an imperialist war machine. Katara, Toph and Suki would all beat the crap of these eugenic fascist tradwives rather then join their hate movement!
I’ll let Dr. Cox from Scrubs convey my thoughts about stupid TERFs trying to co-opt Katara, Toph & Suki:
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bitacrytic · 2 years
You know I loved it when Porsche got the ring. When Vegas was brought down to where Pete stood. Where there were two people who wanted the sex equally and not one of them being all what the Asian community defines as "feminine" ( trust me, i am sitting in a south Asia country where for the people around me, we are either the mother or the whore ). Where there is a chance for bl genre moving on from beyond the toxic tropes and tell stories purely of the lgbtq community ( and they do not even have to be about the struggles of facing homophobia). They can have fun little plots...but no...of course daemi would get triggered. Of course they would.
Tell me...do gl handle stuff better. Cause I might just give them a go holy shit.
If there's anyone with more experience about Asian gls, please help.
The extent of my interaction with Asian gls is The Handmaiden and Bad Buddy. And let me tell you...😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Both experiences were unimaginably awesome.
On handling power dynamics, they did good. I mean, there would obviously always be someone older, more experienced or more assertive in any relationship. And in Handmaiden Suki was literally Hideko's maid. So, respect and obligation played a big role.
But that didn't take away Suki's agency. Suki was wild fire. Suki was outspoken. Suki was Hideko's protector. Not that Hideko was ignorant or soft. She'd read too many books about the deviousness of men to be fooled by anyone.
In the end, they found eachother. And money. And good sex.
Porsche getting that ring is what I wanted most for kinnporsche as a couple. (Not the ring per se, but an equality of status) Because that whole boss thing shook my sanity everytime he used his position as boss to break Porsche. Kinn couldn't meet Porsche head on. When it's just both of them, Kinn doesn't have a backbone. Porsche does whatever he wants and Kinn just kind of... sits there and smiles. But when his father or his station is available, suddenly, he can punish Porsche, he can put him in jail, he can exclude him. Kinn, around his power is a bully. Kinn with Porsche is a puppy.
I wouldn't mind office romance between boss and subordinate. But Kinn had no idea how to handle being in a relationship with a subordinate. And that irked my soul.
So yeah, maybe give gls a try. If bls aren't hitting that spot for you, honey try new things. Live a little.
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comradekatara · 3 years
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thenegoteator · 3 years
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Sometimes you bond over being part of an elite girl gang who fight evil and also dress up together
[part of my self-indulgent series of underrated sw atla duos: First | Previous | Next]
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shushuttath · 4 years
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so i made a zukka playlist cause these past weeks i've been rewatching atla and living for all the gay content it has come with this new atla renaissance lmao, anyways, enjoy
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zukka-fic-recs · 2 years
Zukka Fic Rec List - Recent Reads
Just some fics I have read (or reread) and really enjoyed lately! 💕
Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores by @onmyliteraturebullshitagain
Available on Ao3, Complete, Teen, Internalised Homophobia, Colonialism, Selkie/Seal-merman Sokka, H/C, Blue Spirit Zuko, Blue Spirit Sokka, Betrayal, Zuko Joins the GAang Early, Slowburn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Wordcount: 141,659
Sokka is a sort of merman/seal-shapeshifter who gets caught in a net by Zuko's ship just before canon, and canon events unfold from there. This fic is amaaazing. And owwwww, my heart, their relationship is so freaking sweet I can't even describe how it makes me feel, I'll tear up, don't look at me. The plot, the premise, and the characterisations, all shine through. There's even a cute komodo rhino! One to reread for sure.
it's just me and you by capt_snoozles / @capt-snoozles
Available on Ao3, WIP, Teen, Trans Zuko, Single Dad Zuko, Fluff, Trans Author, Izumi (!!!), Coffee Shop AU
Wordcount: 35,104
Zuko is raising Izumi in Ba Sing Se in this AU. One day while working at Suki's coffee shop he bumps into Sokka. Tiny bits of angst here and there, but overall this fic is a wonderful source of fluff and happiness. Love it.
Boomerangs and Rainbows by mindbending
Available on Ao3, Teen, Complete, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death (for more details the blog @boomerangs-and-rainbows has spoilers), hopeful ending, Panic Attacks, Torture, Child Abuse, Slowburn
Wordcount: 67,555
This fic is about Zuko haunting Sokka from Season 2 onwards - basically Zuko joins the GAang early, but as a ghost. Don't let the tags or summary scare you away! I know they're heavy, but I promise this fic is worth a shot, I love it with all my heart. The premise is so great, very creative, and all the little relationship facets and cultural things that the author put in are so interesting. There's humour, there's angst, there's love, there's grief. It's an excellent fic. Another one I love to reread.
when the prison doors are opened by alternatedoom
Available on Ao3, Complete, Explicit, Mostly Canon-Compliant with slight Divergence, Underage, Dub-con, FWB, Fuck buddies to Friends to Lovers, Animal Death, Humiliation, Dubiously Consensual Voyeurism (Toph)
Wordcount: 164,644
The GAang agrees to Zuko's offer to be their prisoner at the Western Air Temple. This is... Whew, hothothot for one thing. Also, the feels, oh the feels. While the relationship is explicit from the start, it is very heart-warming as the connection between them begins to grow. The interpersonal relationships and interactions are great, and fantastic characterisation which felt very grounded in reality. Well-written.
I'll Share the Moon, If You'll Share the Sun by @anarchycox
Available on Ao3, Mature, Complete, Past Zumai, AU - Canon Divergent, H/C, Lies
Wordcount: 86,514
Arranged Marriage AU. Iroh staged a coup against Ozai and ended the war early. He and Hakoda arrange a marriage that will link their two nations. This fic is sweet, steamy, and well-paced. Love Zuko and Sokka's relationship here.
Some Say Love is a Burning Thing by @paintedlight
Available on Ao3, Explicit, WIP, Canon Divergent, Canon-Typical Violence, Child Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts and Implied/Referenced Suicide, PTSD, Enemies TO Lovers, Minor Zumai, Past Yuekka
Wordcount: 77,642
Inspired by The Handmaiden (a film which I also adore, so you can imagine how much I'm enjoying this fic!!!). Sokka makes a deal with Mai to help her capture Zuko in exchange for Hakoda. This fic is... So. Good. The angst, the yearning, the treachery, the characterisation, the plot, ugh. I highly recommend giving it a shot. Also, Boiling Rock! What's not to love?
through the ice, darkly by chuffystilton / @volkswagonblues
Available on Ao3, WIP, Teen, Biopunk, AU - Canon Divergent, Role Reversal, Mystery, Kid Fic, Southern Water Tribe, Airbenders
Wordcount: 44,705
This series is so cool!!!!! The world-building is amazing, and the way the author skillfully allows the plot to gently unravel is so compelling. The execution of the role-reversals is so perfectly thought out and makes perfect sense in this 'verse. Reading this makes me want to hold my breath, it's fantastically well done.
The Art of Burning by @hella1975
Available on Ao3, WIP, Gen, Slowburn, Dadkoda, SWT Fleet, Blue Spirit Zuko, OCs, Kid Fic, Azula Redemption, Torture, Imprisonment, Internalised Homophobia, Angst, H/C, Food Issues, Zuko Wump
Wordcount: 336,447
This fic... Man, this fic is good. Zuko gets kidnapped by the Southern Water Tribe fleet. A lot of bonding and angst and character development. I love the OCs in this and the platonic relationships are great - the Zukka is very very slowburn, but what there's been of it so far is fist-clenchingly lovely. A lot of angst and it gets quite dark, but also a lot of comfort. And look at the wordcount, so much fic to enjoy!
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backhurtyy · 3 years
so what would it take to convince you to share your thoughts on the atla star wars au 👀👀
OMG.... very little is the answer.... i have so many thoughts, so i’m just happy someone wants to read them! anyways, this got really long- like REALLY LONG- so i’m putting it down below the cut. prepare yourself for some nonsensical rambling, far too much thought into lightsaber forms, and a lot of thought about Zuko and the Force 💖
Set post Great Jedi Purge- the Empire has taken over, with Sith Lord Ozai as the Emperor and having orchestrated the entire war as Supreme Chancellor
Azula is Ozai's apprentice; Zuko was supposed to be his apprentice, however he was never as strong or as good at using the Force as Azula was. He’s still powerful, but more in how he uses the Force to help him in a fight and to find things, rather than Azula, who can use Force lightning, excels at mind tricks, etc.
So instead of taking him as his apprentice, Ozai assigns Zuko to the position of Grand Inquisitor and tasks him with leading the Inquisitiorious Program to track down the Jedi that managed to escape the purge.
He uses Jar’Kai, with dual blood red blades…. This ended up becoming the form he used because when he was young, he could never get the hang of fighting with just one lightsaber and always used a reverse grip that left him far too open and vulnerable. Piandao, who was a darksider rather than a full Sith Lord, decided to teach him Jar'Kai to see if it would work better for him, and it did. Anyways, we’re gonna come back to his lightsabers later cause I’m very into them lmao
Aang was the Padawan of Grand Master Gyatso, raised at the Jedi Temple, and uses a Saberstaff with Soresu as his primary form (I think the defensive style and analytical approach to combat translates really well to Aang’s personality and airbending as a whole... also it's Obi-Wan's primary form, and I think they'd be friends)
Anyways, Aang and Master Gyatso were on a mission when Order 66 went out. Gyatso knew Aang was the galaxy’s only chance, always believing him to be the Chosen One who was destined to bring balance to the Force, and so he told him to run. Aang didn’t want to leave him, but Gyatso used the Force to send Aang to their ship and ordered their BD unit, MO-2, to get them out of there
Aang didn’t see Gyatso fall to the troopers, but he felt it in the Force, and swore that he would do what he could to defeat the Empire
He scoured the galaxy for other Jedi and rebels for a long time, trying to hide his identity and the beginnings of the arrow tattoos that marked him as a Jedi Padawan learner all the while he’s running from the Inquisition (I imagine him as a near humanoid species, who have tattoos rather than Padawan braids or silica beads. As they become Padawans, Knights, and Masters, the level of detail on the tattoo is increased)
One day, the Grand Inquisitor catches up to Aang and shoots his ship down over an ice planet in the Outer Rim
Okay now to Sokka and Katara-
Katara and her family has known that she was gifted with the Force since she was a baby making her toys fly throughout their home on Carlac, but being able to use the Force in the Outer Rim is dangerous. They're not often found by the Jedi Order since it’s too far out, but bounty hunters, pirates, and the criminal rings in the Outer Rim have no such limitations, and Jedi are valuable
Following ATLA, someone heard about a Force user on their planet and sent pirates/bounty hunters after her when she was little, and Kya sacrificed herself to save her daughter
Basically, Katara has had to hide her abilities her entire life even though all she wanted to be was a Jedi, and it’s only gotten more dangerous since news of the purge reached them. Sokka and Hakoda would do anything to protect her, but they knew it was only a matter of time before the Inquisition found her, especially since she has very little training in terms of shielding and what not. So, they pack up and leave to join the rebellion, where they hope to find a Jedi who can train her, and end up on Hoth
They quickly settle into the rebellion, with Hakoda becoming one of its leaders and Sokka and Katara two of its best strategists, pilots, and fighters
Sokka also gets Mandalorian armor and a vibroblade because I say so
They’re out on patrol when they see Aang’s ship go down in the tundra, and Katara feels something in the Force. She knows whoever is in that ship can help her become a Jedi, and before Sokka can stop her, she’s already running towards it
Basically they bring Aang back to base and he promises to teach Katara how to use the Force- just one thing, one of his kyber crystals is broken, so he needs to go to Ilum and get a new one. Katara asks to go with him, and he agrees
Back to Zuko- he didn’t trust that shooting Aang down was enough, so he flies down to the surface to catch him, and there’s a fight between the rebels and the forces Zuko brought with him. Aang and Zuko have a Maul/Qui-Gon esque fight, and eventually Aang manages to get away
He, Sokka, and Katara all leave together, and basically they fly across the galaxy in their transport, APPA, and make it to Ilum to get both Aang and Katara kyber crystals
Katara gets a blue crystal, and Aang teaches her Shien as her lightsaber form (it’s quick, fluid, and alternates between defense and all out attacks, just like her waterbending). They spend a lot of time meditating and going through saber forms and lifting stuff around the ship with the Force and generally being a pain in Sokka's ass because when things fall to the ground, they always manage to land on his foot
(Sokka's proud of his sister and thinks it's cool she's got magic powers, but do things always have to land on his foot??? He wasn't even on the same side of the room as them!!!!)
Basically along the way they meet Suki, another rebel who’s deadly with a blaster, and the Kyoshi Warriors. I also think it would be super cool if the Kyoshi Warriors were from Naboo and were the Queen’s Handmaidens- they look harmless, but these girls are warriors and can FIGHT
Zuko’s chasing them the entire time too
They find Toph along the way too, a super powerful Force user who uses it to “see” and is also a very talented psychometric. I think she’d use Ataru as her lightsaber form since it uses the Force to enhance movements (also the psychometry is for no specific reason other than I think it would be neat and also she and Vos have similar personalities lmao)
Anyways the plot of the show continues until at some point, Azula is sent after Zuko since he’s taking too long to capture the Gaang, and they team up to stop them. Azula uses Force lightning on Aang, but Katara manages to get them out of there before the siblings can capture them. She’s a very powerful Force healer, so she manages to save Aang
Okay this is the part that I think about nonstop, which is that Zuko goes back to the Empire after that fight, but he just feels wrong. The Force doesn’t feel the same anymore, he's cold all the time, his crystals scream at him and burn his hands when he tries to use them, his eyes are aching, everything his father says makes his head pound and the Force curl around him unpleasantly, and he has no clue why (he does, he's just too scared to admit that there's always been a little more light in him than his father wants there to be)
Basically he finds out something about how his great grandfather Sozin used to be a Jedi, until Sozin Fell and killed his best friend Roku, another Jedi and also Zuko’s mother’s grandfather, and he realizes there really always has been light in him. He finally admits to himself that he doesn’t actually want to be a part of the Empire, or a darksider
While he’s on the run, he spends a lot of time meditating and finding himself in the light side of the Force and stuff, and one day he opens up his sabers and purifies his crystals
I like to think that Zuko exists as sort of a Grey Jedi, who isn’t a darksider, but will never follow the Jedi Code or use the Force the way Aang does. So when he purifies his crystals, they turn a blinding white, to show how his destiny is in his own hands now. Also, I think one of his eyes stays Sith gold, while the other is dark brown, a color he hadn’t seen since before his mother died and his father began his training
Anyways, the Gaang saves the day; Aang fulfills the prophecy of the Chosen One and brings balance to the Force by defeating Ozai. Zuko and Katara fight Azula, and in typical Star Wars/ATLA fashion, Zuko gets Force Lightning’d. And up in the skies, Sokka, Toph, and Suki wreak havoc on the Empire’s Star Destroyers, and Sokka ends up breaking his leg because someone shoots the jetpack on his armor while he's trying to escape with Toph
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haitanirindo · 3 years
zvtara shippers want everyone to get on board of their “ultra progressive super feminist ship” lmao hell no. maybe zvtara wouldn’t be so despised by everyone else if their side of the fandom wasn’t batshit crazy and didn’t come up with like. god awful takes of all the characters in atla, including zuko and katara. like why would i want to join a fandom that’s so bitter all the time, that spends 90% of their time hating on other characters and ships. that pretends to be woke and “katara stans first” only to like, hc katara as a cheater and/or interpret her as a girlboss and reduce all of her canonically complex relationships with her friends and family as her being their mother. maybe i want to stay far away from a fandom that’s obsessed with painting a 12 yr old pacifist monk as an abuser and manipulator. or one that loves reducing sokka down from a canonical genius to himbo who can barely tie his own shoelaces and needs suki or katara to help him. or one that comes up with the wildest conspiracies like “the animators made Katara’s eyes take up 1/3rd of her face so that she could be in a relationship with aang.” zvtara shippers are like TWO posts away from unironically using the handmaiden-feudal lord metaphor, in which zukka is the “heteronormative” handmaiden and feudal lord ship while zvtara is the “queer and different heterosexual” relationship 😭
i already didn’t like zvtara as a ship but yeah, seeing the way zvtara shippers treat certain characters kinda made me despise that side of the fandom entirely. they act like katara finally getting some peace, settling down, and starting a family with aang is the absolute worst thing that could have happened to her. in terms of how she’s portrayed in LoK as “just a mother” as well as the world’s greatest healer... i don’t really see the issue. there’s nothing wrong with her being a mother, or a healer. there’s nothing wrong with her choosing to leave the fighting to the younger generation. she’s already been through so much, she deserves some rest. for zvtara shippers to say she was just a trophy wife or “aang’s baby making machine” is disgusting and misogynistic as hell. the popular headcanon among them that she’d cheat on aang with zuko is awful and so out of character. canon katara would never cheat on her husband and canon zuko would absolutely not sleep with his best friend’s wife. they claim to love these characters but it doesn’t seem like they have very much respect for them. they treat aang like a villain and call him a “misogynist” but then shove him into a relationship with toph... make it make sense.  for them to ship aang with toph just to get him out of the way of their ship and then try to call out zukka shippers for “shipping zukka to get katara out of the way” is like. aggressively hypocritical. it also literally makes no sense seeing as zvtara isn’t canon.
TL;DR: yeah, they’re on some next level clown shit.
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Her Royal Majesty Our Queen
Click here to read the entire fic on AO3
During the two day trip to the Foggy Swamp, Katara had to disconnect from her role as Thuy’s Master and step back into her work as Queen. This visit had nothing to do with the Avatar as she needed to meet with the Matriarch of the Swamp Tribe, and Thuy was simply going home. Toph, as her current instructor, was always going to come along but was herself interested in seeing the swamp. 
For someone who invented metalbending, Toph was certainly very interested in mud. 
The layover was, amusingly, in Haru’s hometown. With their arrival publicly announced, Haru’s parents sent a short letter to her hotel room, but there wasn’t any attempt to meet. Katara was only there for the night, and Haru was happily married in Republic City. 
Still, it was nice to be thought of.
On the flight the next day, Thuy became more animated and even Mister Whiskers was showing more signs of life. The amphibious creature clearly missed her damp home. 
“Did you hear that, Sugar Queen?” Toph asked loudly, making Katara turn from her laptop. “Thuy says they eat bugs.”
Katara blinked and shut her laptop slowly.
“And?” She asked.
“Doesn’t that weird you out?” Toph questioned.
“No?” Katara put a hand on top of her computer. “Some of us didn’t live in a manor for the entirety of the war.” 
“Are you saying I’m soft?” Toph demanded, not sounding angry but leaning over the arm of her seat menacingly.
“Oh Toph, you’re as dense as a rock.” Katara replied sweetly. 
Toph cackled, slapping the seat arm and sitting back. 
“See Wet Wipe, you have to give as good as you get. Otherwise people will walk all over you.” She said to Thuy.
“I just don’t think it’s nice.” Thuy huffed, picking up her squirming catgator. Mister Whiskers had taken to chewing on the empty seats in front of them. 
Katara did not like how many sharp teeth were in that wide mouth. 
“Avatars don’t get anywhere by being nice.” Toph countered.
“Don’t I know it.” Thuy muttered. 
Due to the unpredictable nature of the swamp, the plane landed at a small, private airfield next to the looming entity of the banyan grove. 
As they disembarked, figures came out from the treeline and Thuy ran to meet them, Mister Whiskers loping cartoonishly after her. 
One figure Katara recognized as the matriarch. Dong-Lee broke away from the group and walked leisurely toward Katara as she and Toph made their way to the trees.
“Welcome, our queen.” Dong-Lee said. A chorus of shouts raised from the group behind her and Katara felt her face start to warm.
“Please, Matriarch, Katara is perfectly fine.” She said, waving the comment away. 
“You are bringing the other tribes back to our family, we are proud to call you our queen.” Dong-Lee replied.
Katara’s mouth twitched at the comment, but she ignored it. 
“I appreciate the welcome, Matriarch.” She said. 
“Is the Fire Lord still onboard?” Dong-Lee asked.
“Zuko?” Katara frowned in confusion. “He’s in Caldera.”
“He didn’t come?”
Dong-Lee sounded surprised and Katara did blush then.
“We’re not married yet, I wasn’t aware you were expecting him.” She explained. 
“I apologize, Thuy had told me you were handfasted already.” Dong-Lee said.
“They are!” Thuy shouted indignantly. “They announced their coupling ages ago and then she accepted his pledge on my birthday!” 
“That doesn’t mean we’re married!” Katara snapped anxiously.
“Sure it does.” Thuy said, sounding calm and unconcerned as she walked back over. “A wedding doesn’t make you married, a pledge does.”
“That’s not how it works in other places.” Katara said and sighed.
“That is how it works here, though.” Thuy said. “And we are your people too.” 
Katara sighed again and rubbed her face.
“I’m sorry, Matriarch, Zuko isn’t coming.” She said.
“Like dragon spit he isn’t.” Thuy said. She pulled out her cellphone and Katara lunged. Thuy avoided her easily, pushing herself away with her bending. 
“Zuko, Auntie said you’re not coming to the swamp even though I promised everyone.” Thuy started, continuing to move away as Katara made a strangled sound in exasperation. 
“So,” Toph interjected as she strolled over. “I was told there were bugs?”
By dinner, Zuko was already in Republic City making further travel plans. At Thuy’s invitation, Sokka and Suki decided to tag along and the three of them would be in the swamp by the next evening. 
Having her script so completely disrupted, Katara sulked and grumbled at her seat. 
Toph had gone hunting with some of the tribe members, returning completely drenched in swamp mud but clutching the still writhing bodies of leopard eels. Apparently having an Earthbender made it much easier to catch the fish by hand, and an unsettling sack proved it. 
The catch was gutted and cleaned at the docks, with Mister Whiskers getting her fill of offal. None of that bothered Katara, save for the blood that spilled onto their woven mats. 
There hadn’t been much in the way of technological advancement in the swamp. Whatever spiritual energy shielded Thuy’s home, it was complete and fickle. The tribe used peat and water to make steam engine generators, but they didn’t power much outside of the few telephones, radios, computers, and satellite for reception. And that was certainly spotty, often requiring a shaman or Thuy herself to go into the swamp and yell about it. 
Torches, bug nets, and rickety walkways were sprinkled over massive banyan roots and linked the various thatched huts or raised pavilions. Family groups lived in nodes and each node could communicate with the others via the root system and a shaman. So the technology they did have only came, Katara found, after Thuy was identified as the Avatar and her family knew she would need it. 
Other things, like books, weapons, and clothing, trickled in at random times when an outsider was allowed access to the interior. 
The swamp had protected Thuy and provided her with everything she needed. 
It reminded Katara very much of the South Pole.
Which oddly did not help her mood.
“Is her royal majesty being snooty?” Toph asked, sitting down hard next to Katara.
“No. I’m just mad I didn’t know they expected Zuko to be here.” She replied.
“I’m surprised too, to be honest.” Toph said, putting her hands down behind her and reclining. “What do they want with the Fire Lord?” 
“That’s a good question.” Katara replied. 
The answer came after dinner had been cleared away. 
A shaman, adorned with bright feathers and a carved wooden mask, stepped out onto the wide dock. Everyone quieted and turned; Katara looked expectantly at Thuy, but she was already focused on the shaman.
“We welcome the return of our kin, Thuy.” The shaman said and clapping filled the heavy air. Katara clapped slowly, still unsure of what was happening. 
“Before we understood our world, we told stories to explain what we saw. The Avatar represented all of our questions; where did we come from? Why do we have Benders? Why are there four elements? And how are we to live with the spirits?
“The ancient stories tell us that the sun and the moon fought over the ocean. That one day, when the moon triumphed, the sun fell into the ocean and from it’s boiling, the lands were made. The bubbles made the air we breathe and pushed the sun back into the sky. So the elements were made, but as they came from strife, only one would ever inhabit a human at a time.
“We know of space now, of gravity, but we also still live among the spirits. We see how they alter the world around us, how they bestow gifts, and how they take things away at a whim.
“After the great and terrible war, the rest of the world is turning away from the spirits. It is why the Avatar has been born here, in this sacred grove, to remind us of what we are all still connected to.” The shaman paused but no one spoke or made a noise. 
“The rest of the world is being reminded. Our spirits, not our adopted family of the Great Banyan Tree, but our spiritual parents Tui and La, have reconnected to our human world. The honorable princess Yue has ascended to the sky as the handmaiden of the moon. And here sits our awe-some protector, the Matriarch of All Waters, our queen!” The shaman continued and a roar went up around Katara. 
Toph, unable to find a snarky comment, only sat up straight. A shiver ran through Katara and she gripped uselessly at the mat under her. 
“The sun has fallen again into the ocean. We must prepare for what is to come.” The shaman said, raising his hands to quiet the people. 
“Tomorrow, the queen and her husband will go out into the swamp. When they return, we will abide by whatever message they bring.” The shaman said and then turned his carved mask toward Katara.
“Long live La!” He called and the shout was quickly picked up by the others.
“Looks like someone has a new, terrible destiny.” Toph whispered.
“Alright Huu, get down and let the fiddlers start!” Someone yelled and laughter replaced the solemn calling. 
The energy immediately shifted and Katara let out a breath, slumping onto the low table. 
“I am so sick of destiny.” She muttered.
That night, Katara sat awkwardly tucked in a knot of a banyan tree. She had to climb higher than she liked to get a decent signal on her phone.
“Divination at dinner?” Zuko asked. 
“It’s starting to feel like we never had a choice not to be together.” Katara grumbled.
“And that’s a bad thing?” He questioned haltingly.
“It makes it seem like it doesn’t matter what kind of person I am if you were fated to love me anyway.” 
“I don’t know. Even if people say we were meant to be together, we still had to be the people we are to make that happen. And I do love you because of who you are.”
“But I don’t want to be this. Whatever this person is that everyone is making me out to be.”
“And what’s that?”
“Liu called me Oma, everyone here thinks I’m La, and Rohan is trying to make me think I’m the embodiment of yin.”
“What do you want to be?”
“Me! I just want to be me. And your wife.” Katara added, lowering her voice and wrapping her free arm over her chest. “I just want to be me with you.” 
“The quiet, unassuming wife of the Fire Lord?” Zuko asked and she snorted. 
“I could never just be a wife.” She said dryly.
“Which is why I wanted to ask you…” Zuko started and Katara sat up.
“What now?” She asked.
“I want you to become the Fire Lady.” He said.
That stilled her and Katara stared off into the darkness. 
“You still there?” Zuko asked cautiously.
“Yeah, no, I’m still here.” Katara said. “Just, thinking.”
“I know it’s a big ask.”
“That’s two crowns, Zuko.”
“I know.”
“Because you’re my queen too. You will be queen to my people. Our people.” 
Katara went quiet again, and Zuko waited. 
“You want children.” She said finally.
“Yes.” He was quick and honest. “Don’t you?”
“I don’t know.” She said, just as honestly.
“I never wanted them before. But with you?” Zuko’s voice drifted and Katara felt her pulse quicken.
“If they’re really saying I’m the sun falling into the ocean-”
“-then maybe what they mean is how many little islands I can-”
“The allegory is right there Katara.” 
Katara laughed and her anxiety left her. 
“I’ll think about it.” She said finally.
“That’s all that I ask.” He replied.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said.
“I am so excited for our field trip, you have no idea.” Zuko joked and Katara laughed again.
It was certainly enough to think about for one night.
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tototavros · 4 years
tried to fall asleep, only to be hit with the intrusive but not likely novel take that atla is fundamentally aristocratic in its focus
obviously, "is a descendant of someone in power" is a good excuse for why many characters are notable, but atla is extreme in this
the only characters that are in the gaang that aren't descended from nobility/are nobility are Suki and Jet; compare these infrequently used characters to the Dalai Lama-like Aang, children of the water tribe leader Katara and Sokka, major earth kingdom nobility Toph, Prince Zuko, and Princess Azula and her handmaidens
I don't think that it's that bad for having this trait, aside from being a little *lazy*
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comradekatara · 2 years
weeellllll... the gang and their favourite films? ;)
@trashbending asked: the gaang + their actual favorite movies
please keep in mind i don't actually know shit about movies so if ur like "why isn't tarkovsky on here" or whatever. just keep that to urself
aang: the pixar movie that makes u cry, the breadwinner, the batshit insane thumbelina movie by don bluth, the princess bride, the sound of music, song of the sea, singin' in the rain
katara: in the mood for love, 10 things i hate about you, p&p 2005, stardust, get out, little women, the farewell, sleepless in seattle, ratatouille, hunt for the wilderpeople
zuko: sunset boulevard, all about eve, jojo rabbit, ran, mommie dearest, moonlight, whatever happened to baby jane
sokka: back to the future parts 1&2, the producers, what we do in the shadows, what’s up doc, rear window, holy motors, the lobster
toph: shrek, spirited away, my dinner with andre, the bee movie, podcasts.
suki: the room, birdemic, shrek 2: the shrekond one, howl’s moving castle, gone girl, yentl, portait of a lady on fire
mai: the half of it, over the garden wall, memories of murder, the cook the thief his wife and her lover, princess mononoke, casablanca
ty lee: thoroughbreds, jennifers body, the handmaiden, hard candy, hustlers, bound, desert hearts, thelma & louise, mulholland drive
azula: election, phantom thread, killing of a sacred deer, hereditary, rosemary's baby, and of course, totoro
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fishylife · 2 years
Thoughts on the Fingersmith up to Part 1, Chapter 5
- I feel like the book is pretty fast paced. I’m only on Chapter 5, and at this point, Sue has already admitted to having feelings akin to love for Maud. They kissed and it was implied they had sex. Not that this is a bad thing, it’s just very different from how the tension was built up in the first act of the Handmaiden, and I enjoy both very much. You’ll see that I’m going to constantly be making comparisons to the Handmaiden.
- I thought it was interesting how the tooth rubbing scene was handled differently in the Handmaiden vs. the Fingersmith. In the Handmaiden, Sookhee was rubbing Hideko’s tooth while she was taking a bath, and it was Hideko’s chest that had Sookhee all flustered. In the Fingersmith, Maud had not been naked. I just thought it was interesting how Park Chanwook and Sarah Waters approach the eroticism of this scene. I think Park Chanwook’s approach was a little more male gaze-y. Not that wlw can’t like boobs, but I think it’s a little...on the nose? In the Fingersmith, Sue felt that just the act of having her finger in Maud’s mouth was...strangely intimate, and after she acknowledged her love for Maud, she felt that if she were ever to do it again, it would not be the same, it would feel so intense. This is a more subtle approach to eroticism that frankly I don’t see coming from a lot of men? I wished Park Chanwook could’ve followed the book in this regard but alas.
- Maud seems a lot more emotionally open than Hideko. Sue could tell that Maud was not only not really in love with Gentleman, she sensed that Maud was afraid of him. I thought it was interesting that Sue was able to see all of this in Hideko’s behaviour. On the other hand, I think Hideko was more of an ice princess and was also a better actress because of that. I really think that Sookhee thought that Hideko was in love with the Count. In the Fingersmith, I felt that Maud was more expressive than Sue, but in the Handmaiden, I felt that Hideko was more withdrawn than Sookhee.
- Gentleman calls Sue “Suky,” which is a cutesy version of Sue. But I also realized that Sookhee likely comes from Suky! How fun :3
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