#hand over the gender bbh
vern-a · 11 months
No but HOW is blondboyhalo giving me GENDER ENVY???
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
Can you do a platonic bbh one where the reader (gender neutral) cusses alot but when they are around bbh they try not to cusses at all because he doesn't like it
I love this dynamic, the one who hates swearing with their whole being and the one who can’t stop swearing even if their life depended on it :] /pos /g
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Summary: Bad hates your swearing, but he loves you
Pairing: Bad X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are closed, please check back later <3
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“Holy fuuuuuudge.” You tried your best to catch yourself, only barely switching from a curse to a beloved snack in a brief second.
“Good catch babe, it was almost as good as the last one.” Bad lovingly taunted you, he knew you tried your best for him and he appreciated it a lot.
“We agreed not to talk about the last one, how dare you.” You teased back in a very tame manner, not wanting to start a teasing match.
“Whatever you say, what were you swearing about this time anyway?”
“Burnt myself on the stove.”
“Oh babe, lemme see.” Bad rushed over to you, checking over where you burned yourself.
“What am I gonna do with you?” Bad brought you over to the sink, running your hand under cool water.
“I think you should give me lots of kisses!”
“You always think that.”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @minty-ghast @rokkyy @duddum-froppers
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rayalahon · 3 years
DreamSMP omegaverse AU:
Okay so hear me out.
Platonic omegaverse doesn't NEARLY get as much attention as it deserves in fandom spaces as a whole and I don't care if you think a/b/o is icky or not because you can pry this au from my cold dead hands
Part 2 here :>
Philza may have been their father, but his long absences during their childhood caused quite a bit of trouble. Tommy and Tubbo were still pups too young to survive without a pack hierarchy, so it triggered Wilbur's hormones to present as an Omega. He was only 13 and already the default leader of a mere 3-member pack, but it was HIS pack, and he'll make sure to raise them right.
(even after the two of them reached age of maturity, they would still turn to Wilbur for the default authority)
Being a piglin, Techno doesn't have a second gender. He does, unfortunately, have a really good sense of smell and is always awkward af around human scenting culture. Why. Why would you rub your wrists with another person. Aren't you worried about hygiene?? Personal space?? Phil I know that look on your face so don't you DARE come near me---
A!Bbh and A!Skeppy's scenting sessions constantly tether the line between pack and mate and nobody knows what to say or do about it. The two scent and speak to each other deeply like mates, and yet bad always ends up nipping and growling at skeppy to re-establish his authority as the pack alpha. Skeppy doesn't challenge him back.
Tommy, to the surprise of almost everyone, presents as an Omega. His loudmouted and assertive personality might've made him the stereotypical Alpha, but he was a protective and nurturing boy at heart. Whatever he considers "his" is constantly cared for and maintained with great dedication (whether that be his discs, or Tubbo, or L'manberg, or that dumb dirt hut he refused to leave). He's as stubborn and stupidly endearing that way. So yeah, classic Omega traits lol /o\
Dream has the most obnoxious grooming sessions ever. His tongue is unusually barbed for a beta, long and spiky and only uncomfortable if he combs too hard by accident. Nevertheless, Sapnap and George despise it because the appearance of the dreaded barbed tongue only occurs when he's cranky, looking for attention, or just lost a chess game and is sulky about it. They eventually indulge him anyway
(Only Antfrost actually likes the grooming. He says it's therapeutic and makes his fur look shiny, though at the cost of Dream hacking up furballs for at least a week afterwards)
Schlatt bites everything. Maybe that was just his goat/satyr side showing, or maybe a habit from childhood he never go over, but the man sinks his teeth in everything that won't immediately send him to the dentist chair or surgery. Wooden meeting tables, stone brick walls, item frames--you name it, it's got a vague tooth mark somewhere. His least proudest moment was the time he bit into a lava bucket as he was holding it in his inventory and very nearly burnt his fingers off. Never again.
Quackity is an Enigma, a rare but not unheard-of type that can shift the dominance of his Alpha/Omega gene as he wills. And while enhancing his senses as he needs them is a rather strategic skill in battle, he unusually prefers a more neutral state. "Scentless", if you will. Perhaps simply to fuck with people more, to keep them on edge in trying to figure out what exactly is his dynamic.
Everyone agrees that Tubbo has the most unusual scent. It isn't unpleasant, it's just hard to pinpoint the exact details. Wilbur likes to describe it as "smokey"-- warm and homey like a campfire charcoal on a good day, and pungent like burning dynamite on a bad one. Tommy claims there's also a bit of blueberry, and gets increasingly irritated whenever other people say they didn't notice it. He tells them their noses are shit and that his sense of smell is clearly superior.
In contrast, Niki has the clearest and most recognizable scent out of all of them. She may seem more quiet and mellow than her friends, but her scent is always a dead giveaway for her emotions. Strawberry chiffon is her natural, calm scent that slowly turns more pungent and stale as she gets unhappier. Though perhaps not as visually attention-grabbing as the others, her scent had always placed her in everyone's emotional radar.
The whole Dream vs Lmanberg war was just sapnap throwing a slight tantrum cus Tommy had accidentally overwritten his claim on a tree that bordered their territories. He then attempted to take Tommy's precious discs as a prank, knowing full well the value of an emotional stash of items, and the rest is history
......Okay I'm not done and I have even more thoughts about platonic!omegaverse and dsmp and will hc dump them....another time......gotta sleep first lol 乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ
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helloyoucreatives · 3 years
As part of the campaign shareable GIF stickers series celebrating Singapore women role models will be launched on International Women’s Day
In a Year of Celebrating SG Women as designated by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, BBH Singapore has joined hands with gender advocacy group AWARE to celebrate and honour admirable Singapore women by turning them into literal 'social' icons on social media.
The campaign #ShesAnIcon will see the two organisations collaborating with locally-based women illustrators to launch a series of online GIF stickers that seek to elevate Singapore women role models.
The women icons who will be featured as part of this campaign include Farzana Abdul Razak who has triumphed over a plane crash tragedy and gone on to live her life to the fullest, Jeanette Aw who has made a mark in the male dominated film making industry, Kanwaljit Soin who was Singapore’s first female nominated Member of Parliament, Alemay Fernandez who is the only Asian singer to have performed with 3 of the top Jazz Orchestras in the world and the Singapore Women Everest Team who pushed themselves through the toughest physical conditions to make it to the top of the world. Each illustration will feature an inspirational phrase or quote spotlighting the achievements of each icon.
The campaign is inspired by a research conducted by BBH Singapore that revealed that only one in ten Singapore women have a Singapore woman icon. The ongoing research that has amassed 600 responses so far from women between the ages 16 to 54 (and above) has shown that the vast majority of Singapore women would pick a celebrity from the West including Michelle Obama, Gal Gadot and Ariana Grande.
Commenting on this initiative, Amanda Lim, Senior Strategist, BBH Singapore said: “Stickers and memes are very much vehicles for culture today. Iconic illustration stickers featuring women role models such as Kamala Harris have amassed upwards of 22.5M views each, demonstrating the immense power of stickers in inspiring the next generation of women. As an agency that believes in using creativity to make a difference, we wanted to honour admirable women in Singapore by giving them a well-deserved place in popular culture. The greater goal is for women in our country to feel represented and be able to see themselves in these role models.
We are thankful to AWARE for extending their support to this initiative. As an authority on gender equality they were natural partners for this initiative.”
Kelly Leow, Communications Manager, AWARE said: “We are excited to partner with BBH on this meaningful initiative that puts a spotlight on women role models in Singapore and celebrates them in a fun yet culturally impactful way. For too long, stories of Singapore women have been out of the mainstream limelight. Our hope is that these stickers would inspire fellow Singapore women to continue making strides and telling their stories.”
To be launched on International Women’s Day, the stickers will be available on GIPHY, Instagram and personal messaging apps like Telegram and WhatsApp, with stickers on new role models being introduced throughout the month of March to honour Women’s History Month. BBH and AWARE will also use their social media platforms to tell the stories of each of the role models as well as the illustrators.
To discover the stickers on Instagram Stories, tap the GIF tab and search "shes an icon sg".
To discover the stickers on GIPHY, go to GIPHY website or app and search “shes an icon sg”.
Download the Whatsapp sticker pack at: http://sticker.ly/s/L3ETPB
Download the Telegram sticker pack at: https://t.me/addstickers/shesanicon
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daisybaeks-archive · 6 years
golden | baekhyun
Genre: Fluff, a slight innuendo bc bbh is a little shit
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader (gender neutral)
I’m getting over writer’s block so please excuse this mess TT
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“Hey. Hey. Wake up.”
You open your eyes to Baekhyun gently shaking you awake, a sleepy smile on his face. His eyes droop ever so slightly and his hair is a mess, strands going every which way. Still, he grins at you adoringly once he realizes you’re up.
“The sun is rising,” he says, voice still raspy with sleep. “Wanna come watch with me?”
You nod, your head still fuzzy with the tendrils of last night’s dreams, and allow your boyfriend to lead you out of the incredibly comfortable bed and out towards the balcony. Baekhyun was very insistent on booking a hotel room with an ocean view, and this was no doubt one of the reasons. His excitement is palpable, would have been downright giddy had it not been for the early hour.
He slides the glass door open and yelps. “It’s cold!” he says, laughing when he sees your full-body shudder. The ocean breeze is definitely freezing, and all traces of sleepiness suddenly vanish as you step onto the balcony.  It’s still dark out, but the slightest traces of a blue sky can be seen on the horizon. Your bare feet are cold against the concrete, but you manage to walk all the way to the railing. 
Baekhyun comes up from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder, his arms snaking their way around your waist. “How did my love sleep last night?” he murmurs, trailing kisses from your shoulder all the way up to your chin.
“Good,” you sigh, holding his arms tight against you. “How about you?”
“Pretty well,” he comments, and you can practically hear his smirk before he adds, “I was pretty knocked out after we-”
He snickers and buries his face in your shoulder. “Don’t be so embarrassed, you definitely weren’t last ni - Hey!” He jumps away from you when you whirl around, throwing his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay!”
You roll your eyes, a grin creeping on your face despite it. “Kiss me and maybe I’ll forgive you.”
Baekhyun raises an eyebrow but moves closer to you. “Just maybe? What if I give you two?” 
You laugh, throwing your arms over his shoulders. “Alright then,” you say, before your lips meet once, twice, three times before he starts sprinkling kisses all over your face until you’re doing more laughing than kissing.
“Look!” Baekhyun says suddenly. You turn to see that the sun is starting to peek out over the horizon. The two of you watch in silence as the star moves higher and higher, the sky transforming from midnight black to rosy pink to radiant orange. Somewhere along the way, Baekhyun’s arms find their way around you again, and he presses your back against his chest. 
“Isn’t it pretty?” you ask, looking back at him. To your surprise, he isn’t looking at the sky at all. He’s looking right at you.
“What are you staring at?” you ask again, softer this time.
“Nothing,” he replies, a small smile on his face. “You’re beautiful.”
And on most days, you’d disagree. He’s the beautiful one. All bathed in golden light, long eyelashes framing chocolate brown eyes, lips that are always stretched in unapologetic grins, hands that look best intertwined with yours.
But maybe it has something to do with the way he’s looking at you right now, like you’re the moon and the sun and the stars all at once. How he holds you against him like he’s afraid of letting go. How he kisses you now like he has all the time in the world, all the time in the world to love you. He makes you feel loved and cared for and wanted. He makes you feel beautiful.
He makes you feel like you’re golden too.
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jongsooyah · 7 years
So it's not only that ks has a beautiful thighs and butt. He also cute without even trying, he likes to be pampered, and also he is clingy. Yet people complain when fic writers write ks this way. They want the "manly and buff daddy u.u" ks. Which is probably something ks isn't.
LOLz that’s why i’ve been calling them hypocrites. these people are too obsessed with ks masculinity to the point they would use arguments that contain bottom shaming or basically putting feminine boys in bad light. it’s ughlee and really detestable.
imo, ks has certain traits that can be considered to be ~traditionally feminine~ (mm bet some of y’all are triggered right after your brain decipher ks + ‘feminine’ being associated together, better read it ‘til the end) such as;  
- he likes/is good at cooking* (remember when he cooked for the entire filming staffs in 2015? remember how he cooked in vlive?),
- good at cleaning* (ji said in radio interview ks folded his shirts before and jd admitted ks nags a lot about hygiene/cleanliness in their dorm),
*cooking and cleaning are basic requirements to stay alive tbh, don’t get why these stuffs are considered ~feminine~ but i include them here to match the current society standard™
- many people have said he’s caring, as in “mother-like” (remember he used to be referred as the “mom” of the group during 2012~2013? even ji called ks “mama” before. funny that thing suddenly stopped after some rumors surfaced… also, remember that japanese dance group talked about meeting exo backstage and how caring ks is cuz ks basically handed them lunch boxes?),
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Q: “how does ji call you (ks)?”
A: “ks-hyung” and “mama*”
i know mama in kr means “your highness” but during this period ks was often being called as the “mom of the group (e x o - k)”, so it makes more sense to interpret mama as mother. 
- he does pilates which is an exercise that’s popular among women instead of men, because it tones your lower limbs (such as thighs and buttocks) and increases your flexibility. plus it’s kinda similar to yoga and we know yoga is also popular among women. 
some might argue that he does this for comeback (like bbh has said in their vlive, but then again, if so, why others aren’t doing it?) or for his upcoming movie (the movie is gonna be filmed in sept.. it’s too early to prepare. ks started training for hyung when the filming began.) imo he’s doing this for personal reason.
- he once helped around at his mom’s salon (he even said he had thought of becoming a stylist. there’s pic of him styling osh hair) which means he has some skills/knowledge about stuffs like this. he often carries that vaseline lipbalm as well. anyway, this one isn’t necessarily traditionally feminine trait/character imo, but ppl who deal/care about things like this are mostly women (it’s just like the pilates thingy).
- like you’ve mentioned; he likes to be pampered (his boyfriend ji said it himself that ks is “駄々っ子” (read: dadakko) which literally means “spoiled child” or “pampered child” and if it’s translated to korean it has similar meaning to aegyo–as in someone who behaves cutely like a child), contrasting the ~traditional masculine~ trait where men are expected to pamper their partner.
- and he’s clingy (which he had admitted by himself during pure love interview and even ji kinda confirmed this one by saying ks is similar to koala bc ks clings on ji)
all of these traits do not make ks less than a man. im really tired of these people (particularly his stans–and this is coming from a ks biased person. although there are some of ji stans who are like this too because “ji is the cute one!! uwu”, not saying ji isn’t cute ofc, he can be adorable as well just like ks.. still, it’s not a valid reason to argue/get mad about ks being portrayed as a soft & smol boy™ bc it has no correlation. you know what’s funny? ks has never called ji cute. it’s always ji who calls/compliments him with that word. ks has called/complimented ji as “cool”, “handsome”, “sexy”, “has the best body”, “most mature member” but never cute. anyways.)
it’s really aggravating seeing them bitching about ks being portrayed in the ways that have been mentioned above because it ~effeminate~ him!! uwu, even though those things are still part of him. it makes me questioning them tbh; are they ashamed that their fave has those particular traits?
also, his body description. i rmmber back then in 2015~2016 some people were legit triggered if you say ks is smol or tiny or short or has narrow shoulders. this makes no sense whatsoever…. bc that’s just basically how his body is. why people are getting mad over this shit? jesus christ. 
i still remember people argued over his and ji’s hand sizes. it’s obvious ks’ hand is slightly smaller (pics)…. honestly, why ppl even fought over this dumbshit. god. 
if we compare him with those tall members ks is smaller/shorter (and he’s def shorter than the official height SM published + he often wears shoes with thick soles that prob elevate his height to become 5~7 cm taller), and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
there’s nothing wrong with a guy being small or undersize (he even admitted this by himself during ‘hyung’ interview; “im undersized so i had to exercise to fit the role, although now the muscles are gone”). and there’s nothing wrong for a guy liking/doing stuffs that are considered to be ~traditionally feminine~.  
if you find such thing to be offensive, it’s your problem. if you dislike there’s a possibility for your faves to not be able to fulfill your macho/masc/hetero bs standard, you’re the problematic one. 
honestly, this topic reminds me of the phrase; “masculinity is such a fragile concept”. i thought it’s only str8 men who get triggered when their masculinity is endangered but turns out some girlies have this sorta mindset too. sad. 
it’s kinda ironic cuz ks once wore that shirt with “gender equality” written on the front area (which i assume he supports the idea behind the mssg) yet some of his stans love to spew out words that are basically bottomshaming and/or degrading fem! boy. they also seem to be so overly crazy (and highly aggressive) with the idea of ks being masculine/dom. it’s a bit…..yikes. no wonder ks only shows his aegyo/soft side to his closest ones lulz.
anyways, y’all who think “men being associated with femininity (such as being complimented as pretty/beautiful/soft/curvy) = insult” are just plain bizarre to me….and unlikable. if you’re one of those people, please stay away from me and my blog. just pretend that im dead or something. block me.
p.s: im not proud that i remember all of those stuffs (the interviews etc)… they just… sorta…. stuck in my head.  also, wow this is a long answer. somehow i feel like im gonna regret answering this cuz the topic seems to be sensitive… oh well. 
p.p.s: dks is a beautiful, adorable, smol and clingy soft boy who loves to be pampered/spoiled by his boyfie (kji) and there’s nothing your crusty ass can do to change it. literally not-a-thing. not even sending h8 anons to my inbox can change it. 
if your feelings are scratched by my words, please contact my lawyer here; 1-800-go-cry-me-a-river
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getyourgossip0-blog · 6 years
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
New Post has been published on https://getyourgossip.xyz/party-police-raids-drug-stings-divas-the-drums-cannes-lions-2018-gossip-column/
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
Cannes Lions is over for another year, but as the rosé turns sticky on the floor of the Gutter Bar and you think of ways to explain the ROI on entertaining clients with €30 burrata every night to your finance manager, there’s one thing that’s sure to follow you home on that Jet2 flight – all the gossip.
What happens in Cannes famously doesn’t stay in Cannes. The Drum’s moles were on the ground, and our very own pub – The Drum Arms – which gave us plenty of access to the scandals happening behind the scenes.
Find out what went on away from the buzz of the Palais from noise complaints to entitled celebrities, The Drum’s drummers causing chaos on the strip and the magnetic pull of Sir John Hegarty… ooh la la indeed.
Duty free
A French air traffic control strike the weekend before Cannes led to topsy-turvy, rerouted trips across Europe for hundreds of delegates on route to the Riviera; we heard of attendees flying via Cologne, Milan and even Luxembourg to make sure they didn’t miss that 9am breakfast meeting.
But which programmatic supremo was spotted making the most of his delayed flight in the airport bar? His penchant for Gatwick’s champagne led to an impulsive – and most likely expensive – Lacoste shopping spree.
Don’t call it a comeback
He may have lost the ‘most powerful man in advertising’ crown but yet again Sir Martin Sorrell managed to become the biggest story of the week. There were plenty of whispers about whether he’d show up to Cannes following the events of recent months – but oddly, we’ve rarely seen him look so relaxed. Some attendees even asked The Drum what we were really planning on doing, assuming the interview at the pub was really a publicity stunt (as if we would ever…!)
But from the moment he arrived at The Drum Arms for his first post-WPP interview (through the back door, naturally) it was clear that the outspoken bean counter was back with a vengeance.
After laying into the big six networks, the Financial Times’ reporting and WPP’s handling of his resignation, he slipped out faster than you can say ‘Q&A’.
Martin Sorrell on why he wants Mark Read and Andrew Scott to replace him as co-CEOs #thedrumcanneshttps://t.co/3lp8PKQpsdpic.twitter.com/slwCT3EK5s
— The Drum (@TheDrum) June 21, 2018
Do ad execs shit in the woods?
Which glamorous party had a distinct lack of toilets for the 500+ people it invited to its celeb-filled celebration? One desperate marketer charmingly told The Drum staff he was going to do a Bear Grylls and “poo in the woods”.
It’s not clear if he was joking or not but he did wander off into the night, which begs the question: if a client does a number two in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Diva on the docks
This East End pop star embraced her inner Mariah Carey this week. When arriving at the port for a night on the yachts she refused to leave her bejewelled high heels on the jetty, forcing staff to choose between a great PR opportunity and their boat hire deposit.
Later, when the same London diva was refused entry to an over-capacity agency party she loudly declared the shop’s comms director was a “jobsworth” in front of their colleagues. It must have been a damned good party! Brits abroad, eh?
A sticky situation
The Carlton’s unfathomable pricing strategy leaves many a suit feeling extorted when the bill arrives. But which creative director was stung big time by Cannes’ hustling drug dealers?
After requesting a wrap of unidentified white powder and paying out €200, his teenage vendor scarpered into the night. Only later did he realise he was actually the proud owner of a rolled-up wrap of sticky tape.
Cooking doesn’t get tougher than this
This year’s News UK party, once again hosted a atop a giant hill at the Château de Garibondy was an absolute hive of gossip. With a set from Kylie, Idris Elba and Fatboy Slim on the decks and a pool stocked with pink flamingos, the glitz and glamour was unrivaled elsewhere.
Aussie chef John Torode was even spotted cooking up a storm at the BBQ, but The Drum’s roving reporters couldn’t help but notice he looked grumpier than a unsuccessful Masterchef contestant.
To be fair, it’s probably not much fun grilling brisket in the blistering heat while drunken ad execs guzzle elderflower gin and tonics around you. It looked like he cheered up a bit later though, when he and his wife Lisa Faulkner got a snap with the Spinning Around singer.
The crowd went absolutely wild for Kylie, with one chief marketing officer dancing non-stop for the whole session and another top creative giving it his all during Can’t Get You Out of My Head.
Praise you like I should
Fatboy Slim, meanwhile, wins the Gold Lion for nicest celebrity of the festival. We heard he spent an hour before his set hanging out with fans and taking pictures. Eat, sleep, network, repeat, right?
Post-party chaos
It’s a shame then, that the plug was literally pulled on Fatboy Slim’s set. Organisers were believed to have been sticking to strict timings to avoid catching the attention of the French police; a plan which ultimately failed.
Hearsay on the ground said this was due to noise complaints, but as more officers showed up just as the party was ending, rumours swirled that it was because a rowdy group of underage teenagers wanted to rave to Fatboy.
The police presence then stopped planned pick-up cars from driving up to collect worse-for-wear guests from the château. This resulted in dozens of high-heeled delegates winding their way down a steep, tree-lined hill in the pitch black to hitch a ride back to their hotels – lions, and tigers and swears, oh my!
Heartthrob Hegarty
In case you were wondering, Sir John Hegarty has still got it. After he spoke at a press conference, the scenes of female fans flocking for some facetime with the BBH founder were akin to Channing Tatum’s media lounge appearance in 2016. One journalist even invited him to spend a holiday with her in Colombia – whenever, wherever!
Sacré bleu!
Which restaurant along Le Croisette doesn’t believe in ‘going dutch’ – or, indeed #TimesUp? During one dinner, we were told waiting staff handed out gender-specific menus where the women don’t see the prices.
Staff from one media firm were shocked to discover this when they noticed that only the sole male of the group could see the cost on the menu he was handed. Lucky fella.
No cameras please
This US star came to the speaker’s corner of the press lounge to talk business, but was left frustrated after the reporting media failed to ask any her questions at all about the announcement she made.
She rolled her eyes when a bunch of journalists instead swarmed around her for videos and selfies once she was done.
On the ball
Speaking of celebs, did we mention that we interviewed former England manager Sam Allardyce?
In conversation before the England v Tunisia game at the TalkSport bar, he predicted the right score and told us over a Guinness that he doesn’t think Stevie G, Frank Lampard or Joey Barton will still be in a job come next summer.
Here he is with The Drum’s video producer Jamie McMurray and editor Stephen Lepitak.
Jambon ou fromage?
A journalist’s diet at Cannes usually consists of aspirin, coffee and rosé, accompanied by agency dinners if you’re lucky or McDonald’s if you’re not. But this year it all changed with the introduction of the press room buffet – a revelation that appeared around 3pm every day.
On the Monday there was cheese and bread. On the Tuesday there was ham and bread. Rumours spread that the much-anticipated French coupling of cheese AND ham would arrive on the Wednesday. But alas – never the two did meet.
Band on the run
We were so enamored with The Drum’s new branding that we flew a band of drummers from London to France for the week. Their job was to disrupt the industry – literally – with the harmonious sounds of banging and hollering. Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan.
The police and event security asked the troop to “allons-y!” on several occasions, and Campaign sent them packing from outside their 50th birthday celebrations.
The biggest reaction came when the band surprised our friends at Ad Age – and were subsequently manhandled out of the area.
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The Drum’s editor-in-chief and founder Gordon Young even got involved in the action earlier on in the week. Here he is leading the merry band in front of a refined audience at the Gutter Bar.
All stood up
Which social figure left The Drum reporters waiting 90 minutes for an interview? After an hour and a half of waiting (with only frantic texts from her PR to give us hope) we gave up – only to land an interview with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, aka Game of Thrones’ Jaime Lannister, a few boats down. Both his hands were fully operational.
Which well-known industry PR was said to have his laptop at the Lad Bible villa, only to realise it was missing on is way to the airport. His cab had to turn around so he could return to collect the computer.
It’s not clear whether he left it during the social publisher’s party on the Tuesday night, which looked a bit like a session at the Love Island villa.
Live From The @ladbible Villa Pool Party #Cannespic.twitter.com/70fuAdvm7n — DJ Luck & MC Neat (@LucknNeat) June 19, 2018
There’s no doubt the Lad Bible crew were partying hard the rest of the week, since the group’s ‘Trash Isles’ campaign scooped a number of Lions.
Too brave?
The Marketing Society’s well-intentioned ‘brave’-themed lunch proved a bit too bold for some attendees, with one unadventurous guest suggesting that even Heston Blumenthal might have snubbed some of the concoctions on offer.
Can’t fight the moonlight
One Australian agency got a bit excitable in the car on its way to one of the many events. As the poor driver weaved his way through the rolling Riviera hills, too much pre-8pm rosé (we heard them say they paid €350 for a bottle) had gone to the execs’ heads.
Unprompted, one of the group put LeAnn Rimes’ 90s classic Can’t Fight the Moonlight on full blast in the backseat, loudly singing along and trying to get our reporters to dance. We preferred the original.
You can follow all The Drum’s Cannes Lions coverage here, with more exclusives and one-on-one interviews to follow next week.
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gossipgirl2019-blog · 6 years
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
New Post has been published on http://gr8gossip.xyz/party-police-raids-drug-stings-divas-the-drums-cannes-lions-2018-gossip-column/
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
Cannes Lions is over for another year, but as the rosé turns sticky on the floor of the Gutter Bar and you think of ways to explain the ROI on entertaining clients with €30 burrata every night to your finance manager, there’s one thing that’s sure to follow you home on that Jet2 flight – all the gossip.
What happens in Cannes famously doesn’t stay in Cannes. The Drum’s moles were on the ground, and our very own pub – The Drum Arms – which gave us plenty of access to the scandals happening behind the scenes.
Find out what went on away from the buzz of the Palais from noise complaints to entitled celebrities, The Drum’s drummers causing chaos on the strip and the magnetic pull of Sir John Hegarty… ooh la la indeed.
Duty free
A French air traffic control strike the weekend before Cannes led to topsy-turvy, rerouted trips across Europe for hundreds of delegates on route to the Riviera; we heard of attendees flying via Cologne, Milan and even Luxembourg to make sure they didn’t miss that 9am breakfast meeting.
But which programmatic supremo was spotted making the most of his delayed flight in the airport bar? His penchant for Gatwick’s champagne led to an impulsive – and most likely expensive – Lacoste shopping spree.
Don’t call it a comeback
He may have lost the ‘most powerful man in advertising’ crown but yet again Sir Martin Sorrell managed to become the biggest story of the week. There were plenty of whispers about whether he’d show up to Cannes following the events of recent months – but oddly, we’ve rarely seen him look so relaxed. Some attendees even asked The Drum what we were really planning on doing, assuming the interview at the pub was really a publicity stunt (as if we would ever…!)
But from the moment he arrived at The Drum Arms for his first post-WPP interview (through the back door, naturally) it was clear that the outspoken bean counter was back with a vengeance.
After laying into the big six networks, the Financial Times’ reporting and WPP’s handling of his resignation, he slipped out faster than you can say ‘Q&A’.
Martin Sorrell on why he wants Mark Read and Andrew Scott to replace him as co-CEOs #thedrumcanneshttps://t.co/3lp8PKQpsdpic.twitter.com/slwCT3EK5s
— The Drum (@TheDrum) June 21, 2018
He recycled a handful of pre-prepared jokes when he spoke at the Palais on Friday, however the audience was less sympathetic to the freshly tanned millionaire: delegates booed as he filibustered his own session instead of answering questions from journalist Ken Auletta.
Do ad execs shit in the woods?
Which glamorous party had a distinct lack of toilets for the 500+ people it invited to its celeb-filled celebration? One desperate marketer charmingly told The Drum staff he was going to do a Bear Grylls and “poo in the woods”.
It’s not clear if he was joking or not but he did wander off into the night, which begs the question: if a client does a number two in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Diva on the docks
This East End pop star embraced her inner Mariah Carey this week. When arriving at the port for a night on the yachts she refused to leave her bejewelled high heels on the jetty, forcing staff to choose between a great PR opportunity and their boat hire deposit.
Later, when the same London diva was refused entry to an over-capacity agency party she loudly declared the shop’s comms director was a “jobsworth” in front of their colleagues. It must have been a damned good party! Brits abroad, eh?
A sticky situation
The Carlton’s unfathomable pricing strategy leaves many a suit feeling extorted when the bill arrives. But which creative director was stung big time by Cannes’ hustling drug dealers?
After requesting a wrap of unidentified white powder and paying out €200, his teenage vendor scarpered into the night. Only later did he realise he was actually the proud owner of a rolled-up wrap of sticky tape.
Cooking doesn’t get tougher than this
This year’s News UK party, once again hosted a atop a giant hill at the Château de Garibondy was an absolute hive of gossip. With a set from Kylie, Idris Elba and Fatboy Slim on the decks and a pool stocked with pink flamingos, the glitz and glamour was unrivaled elsewhere.
Aussie chef John Torode was even spotted cooking up a storm at the BBQ, but The Drum’s roving reporters couldn’t help but notice he looked grumpier than a unsuccessful Masterchef contestant.
To be fair, it’s probably not much fun grilling brisket in the blistering heat while drunken ad execs guzzle elderflower gin and tonics around you. It looked like he cheered up a bit later though, when he and his wife Lisa Faulkner got a snap with the Spinning Around singer.
The crowd went absolutely wild for Kylie, with one chief marketing officer dancing non-stop for the whole session and another top creative giving it his all during Can’t Get You Out of My Head.
Praise you like I should
Fatboy Slim, meanwhile, wins the Gold Lion for nicest celebrity of the festival. We heard he spent an hour before his set hanging out with fans and taking pictures. Eat, sleep, network, repeat, right?
Post-party chaos
It’s a shame then, that the plug was literally pulled on Fatboy Slim’s set. Organisers were believed to have been sticking to strict timings to avoid catching the attention of the French police; a plan which ultimately failed.
The Drum understands News UK was issued fines of €60 and then €1,000. Hearsay on the ground said this was due to noise complaints, but as more officers showed up just as the party was ending, rumours swirled that it was because a rowdy group of underage teenagers wanted to rave to Fatboy.
The police presence then stopped planned pick-up cars from driving up to collect worse-for-wear guests from the château. This resulted in dozens of high-heeled delegates winding their way down a steep, tree-lined hill in the pitch black to hitch a ride back to their hotels – lions, and tigers and swears, oh my!
Heartthrob Hegarty
In case you were wondering, Sir John Hegarty has still got it. After he spoke at a press conference, the scenes of female fans flocking for some facetime with the BBH founder were akin to Channing Tatum’s media lounge appearance in 2016. One journalist even invited him to spend a holiday with her in Colombia – whenever, wherever!
Sacré bleu!
Which restaurant along Le Croisette doesn’t believe in ‘going dutch’ – or, indeed #TimesUp? During one dinner, we were told waiting staff handed out gender-specific menus where the women don’t see the prices.
Staff from one media firm were shocked to discover this when they noticed that only the sole male of the group could see the cost on the menu he was handed. Lucky fella.
No cameras please
This US star came to the speaker’s corner of the press lounge to talk business, but was left frustrated after the reporting media failed to ask any her questions at all about the announcement she made.
She rolled her eyes when a bunch of journalists instead swarmed around her for videos and selfies once she was done.
On the ball
Speaking of celebs, did we mention that we interviewed former England manager Sam Allardyce?
In conversation before the England v Tunisia game at the TalkSport bar, he predicted the right score and told us over a Guinness that he doesn’t think Stevie G, Frank Lampard or Joey Barton will still be in a job come next summer.
Here he is with The Drum’s video producer Jamie McMurray and editor Stephen Lepitak.
Jambon ou fromage?
A journalist’s diet at Cannes usually consists of aspirin, coffee and rosé, accompanied by agency dinners if you’re lucky or McDonald’s if you’re not. But this year it all changed with the introduction of the press room buffet – a revelation that appeared around 3pm every day.
On the Monday there was cheese and bread. On the Tuesday there was ham and bread. Rumours spread that the much-anticipated French coupling of cheese AND ham would arrive on the Wednesday. But alas – never the two did meet.
Band on the run
We were so enamored with The Drum’s new branding that we flew a band of drummers from London to France for the week. Their job was to disrupt the industry – literally – with the harmonious sounds of banging and hollering. Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan.
The police and event security asked the troop to “allons-y!” on several occasions, and Campaign sent them packing from outside their 50th birthday celebrations.
The biggest reaction came when the band surprised our friends at Ad Age – and were subsequently manhandled out of the area.
[embedded content]
The Drum’s editor-in-chief and founder Gordon Young even got involved in the action earlier on in the week. Here he is leading the merry band in front of a refined audience at the Gutter Bar.
All stood up
Which social figure left The Drum reporters waiting 90 minutes for an interview? After an hour and a half of waiting (with only frantic texts from her PR to give us hope) we gave up – only to land an interview with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, aka Game of Thrones’ Jaime Lannister, a few boats down. Both his hands were fully operational.
Which well-known industry PR was said to have his laptop at the Lad Bible villa, only to realise it was missing on is way to the airport. His cab had to turn around so he could return to collect the computer.
It’s not clear whether he left it during the social publisher’s party on the Tuesday night, which looked a bit like a session at the Love Island villa.
Live From The @ladbible Villa Pool Party #Cannespic.twitter.com/70fuAdvm7n — DJ Luck & MC Neat (@LucknNeat) June 19, 2018
There’s no doubt the Lad Bible crew were partying hard the rest of the week, since the group’s ‘Trash Isles’ campaign scooped a number of Lions.
Too brave?
The Marketing Society’s well-intentioned ‘brave’-themed lunch proved a bit too bold for some attendees, with one unadventurous guest suggesting that even Heston Blumenthal might have snubbed some of the concoctions on offer.
Can’t fight the moonlight
One Australian agency got a bit excitable in the car on its way to one of the many events. As the poor driver weaved his way through the rolling Riviera hills, too much pre-8pm rosé (we heard them say they paid €350 for a bottle) had gone to the execs’ heads.
Unprompted, one of the group put LeAnn Rimes’ 90s classic Can’t Fight the Moonlight on full blast in the backseat, loudly singing along and trying to get our reporters to dance. We preferred the original.
You can follow all The Drum’s Cannes Lions coverage here, with more exclusives and one-on-one interviews to follow next week.
0 notes
gossipgirl2019-blog · 6 years
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
New Post has been published on http://gr8gossip.xyz/party-police-raids-drug-stings-divas-the-drums-cannes-lions-2018-gossip-column/
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
Cannes Lions is over for another year, but as the rosé turns sticky on the floor of the Gutter Bar and you think of ways to explain the ROI on entertaining clients with €30 burrata every night to your finance manager, there’s one thing that’s sure to follow you home on that Jet2 flight – all the gossip.
What happens in Cannes famously doesn’t stay in Cannes. The Drum’s moles were on the ground, and our very own pub – The Drum Arms – which gave us plenty of access to the scandals happening behind the scenes.
Find out what went on away from the buzz of the Palais from noise complaints to entitled celebrities, The Drum’s drummers causing chaos on the strip and the magnetic pull of Sir John Hegarty… ooh la la indeed.
Duty free
A French air traffic control strike the weekend before Cannes led to topsy-turvy, rerouted trips across Europe for hundreds of delegates on route to the Riviera; we heard of attendees flying via Cologne, Milan and even Luxembourg to make sure they didn’t miss that 9am breakfast meeting.
But which programmatic supremo was spotted making the most of his delayed flight in the airport bar? His penchant for Gatwick’s champagne led to an impulsive – and most likely expensive – Lacoste shopping spree.
Don’t call it a comeback
He may have lost the ‘most powerful man in advertising’ crown but yet again Sir Martin Sorrell managed to become the biggest story of the week. There were plenty of whispers about whether he’d show up to Cannes following the events of recent months – but oddly, we’ve rarely seen him look so relaxed. Some attendees even asked The Drum what we were really planning on doing, assuming the interview at the pub was really a publicity stunt (as if we would ever…!)
But from the moment he arrived at The Drum Arms for his first post-WPP interview (through the back door, naturally) it was clear that the outspoken bean counter was back with a vengeance.
After laying into the big six networks, the Financial Times’ reporting and WPP’s handling of his resignation, he slipped out faster than you can say ‘Q&A’.
Martin Sorrell on why he wants Mark Read and Andrew Scott to replace him as co-CEOs #thedrumcanneshttps://t.co/3lp8PKQpsdpic.twitter.com/slwCT3EK5s
— The Drum (@TheDrum) June 21, 2018
He recycled a handful of pre-prepared jokes when he spoke at the Palais on Friday, however the audience was less sympathetic to the freshly tanned millionaire: delegates booed as he filibustered his own session instead of answering questions from journalist Ken Auletta.
Do ad execs shit in the woods?
Which glamorous party had a distinct lack of toilets for the 500+ people it invited to its celeb-filled celebration? One desperate marketer charmingly told The Drum staff he was going to do a Bear Grylls and “poo in the woods”.
It’s not clear if he was joking or not but he did wander off into the night, which begs the question: if a client does a number two in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Diva on the docks
This East End pop star embraced her inner Mariah Carey this week. When arriving at the port for a night on the yachts she refused to leave her bejewelled high heels on the jetty, forcing staff to choose between a great PR opportunity and their boat hire deposit.
Later, when the same London diva was refused entry to an over-capacity agency party she loudly declared the shop’s comms director was a “jobsworth” in front of their colleagues. It must have been a damned good party! Brits abroad, eh?
A sticky situation
The Carlton’s unfathomable pricing strategy leaves many a suit feeling extorted when the bill arrives. But which creative director was stung big time by Cannes’ hustling drug dealers?
After requesting a wrap of unidentified white powder and paying out €200, his teenage vendor scarpered into the night. Only later did he realise he was actually the proud owner of a rolled-up wrap of sticky tape.
Cooking doesn’t get tougher than this
This year’s News UK party, once again hosted a atop a giant hill at the Château de Garibondy was an absolute hive of gossip. With a set from Kylie, Idris Elba and Fatboy Slim on the decks and a pool stocked with pink flamingos, the glitz and glamour was unrivaled elsewhere.
Aussie chef John Torode was even spotted cooking up a storm at the BBQ, but The Drum’s roving reporters couldn’t help but notice he looked grumpier than a unsuccessful Masterchef contestant.
To be fair, it’s probably not much fun grilling brisket in the blistering heat while drunken ad execs guzzle elderflower gin and tonics around you. It looked like he cheered up a bit later though, when he and his wife Lisa Faulkner got a snap with the Spinning Around singer.
The crowd went absolutely wild for Kylie, with one chief marketing officer dancing non-stop for the whole session and another top creative giving it his all during Can’t Get You Out of My Head.
Praise you like I should
Fatboy Slim, meanwhile, wins the Gold Lion for nicest celebrity of the festival. We heard he spent an hour before his set hanging out with fans and taking pictures. Eat, sleep, network, repeat, right?
Post-party chaos
It’s a shame then, that the plug was literally pulled on Fatboy Slim’s set. Organisers were believed to have been sticking to strict timings to avoid catching the attention of the French police; a plan which ultimately failed.
The Drum understands News UK was issued fines of €60 and then €1,000. Hearsay on the ground said this was due to noise complaints, but as more officers showed up just as the party was ending, rumours swirled that it was because a rowdy group of underage teenagers wanted to rave to Fatboy.
The police presence then stopped planned pick-up cars from driving up to collect worse-for-wear guests from the château. This resulted in dozens of high-heeled delegates winding their way down a steep, tree-lined hill in the pitch black to hitch a ride back to their hotels – lions, and tigers and swears, oh my!
Heartthrob Hegarty
In case you were wondering, Sir John Hegarty has still got it. After he spoke at a press conference, the scenes of female fans flocking for some facetime with the BBH founder were akin to Channing Tatum’s media lounge appearance in 2016. One journalist even invited him to spend a holiday with her in Colombia – whenever, wherever!
Sacré bleu!
Which restaurant along Le Croisette doesn’t believe in ‘going dutch’ – or, indeed #TimesUp? During one dinner, we were told waiting staff handed out gender-specific menus where the women don’t see the prices.
Staff from one media firm were shocked to discover this when they noticed that only the sole male of the group could see the cost on the menu he was handed. Lucky fella.
No cameras please
This US star came to the speaker’s corner of the press lounge to talk business, but was left frustrated after the reporting media failed to ask any her questions at all about the announcement she made.
She rolled her eyes when a bunch of journalists instead swarmed around her for videos and selfies once she was done.
On the ball
Speaking of celebs, did we mention that we interviewed former England manager Sam Allardyce?
In conversation before the England v Tunisia game at the TalkSport bar, he predicted the right score and told us over a Guinness that he doesn’t think Stevie G, Frank Lampard or Joey Barton will still be in a job come next summer.
Here he is with The Drum’s video producer Jamie McMurray and editor Stephen Lepitak.
Jambon ou fromage?
A journalist’s diet at Cannes usually consists of aspirin, coffee and rosé, accompanied by agency dinners if you’re lucky or McDonald’s if you’re not. But this year it all changed with the introduction of the press room buffet – a revelation that appeared around 3pm every day.
On the Monday there was cheese and bread. On the Tuesday there was ham and bread. Rumours spread that the much-anticipated French coupling of cheese AND ham would arrive on the Wednesday. But alas – never the two did meet.
Band on the run
We were so enamored with The Drum’s new branding that we flew a band of drummers from London to France for the week. Their job was to disrupt the industry – literally – with the harmonious sounds of banging and hollering. Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan.
The police and event security asked the troop to “allons-y!” on several occasions, and Campaign sent them packing from outside their 50th birthday celebrations.
The biggest reaction came when the band surprised our friends at Ad Age – and were subsequently manhandled out of the area.
[embedded content]
The Drum’s editor-in-chief and founder Gordon Young even got involved in the action earlier on in the week. Here he is leading the merry band in front of a refined audience at the Gutter Bar.
All stood up
Which social figure left The Drum reporters waiting 90 minutes for an interview? After an hour and a half of waiting (with only frantic texts from her PR to give us hope) we gave up – only to land an interview with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, aka Game of Thrones’ Jaime Lannister, a few boats down. Both his hands were fully operational.
Which well-known industry PR was said to have his laptop at the Lad Bible villa, only to realise it was missing on is way to the airport. His cab had to turn around so he could return to collect the computer.
It’s not clear whether he left it during the social publisher’s party on the Tuesday night, which looked a bit like a session at the Love Island villa.
Live From The @ladbible Villa Pool Party #Cannespic.twitter.com/70fuAdvm7n — DJ Luck & MC Neat (@LucknNeat) June 19, 2018
There’s no doubt the Lad Bible crew were partying hard the rest of the week, since the group’s ‘Trash Isles’ campaign scooped a number of Lions.
Too brave?
The Marketing Society’s well-intentioned ‘brave’-themed lunch proved a bit too bold for some attendees, with one unadventurous guest suggesting that even Heston Blumenthal might have snubbed some of the concoctions on offer.
Can’t fight the moonlight
One Australian agency got a bit excitable in the car on its way to one of the many events. As the poor driver weaved his way through the rolling Riviera hills, too much pre-8pm rosé (we heard them say they paid €350 for a bottle) had gone to the execs’ heads.
Unprompted, one of the group put LeAnn Rimes’ 90s classic Can’t Fight the Moonlight on full blast in the backseat, loudly singing along and trying to get our reporters to dance. We preferred the original.
You can follow all The Drum’s Cannes Lions coverage here, with more exclusives and one-on-one interviews to follow next week.
0 notes
getyourgossip0-blog · 6 years
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
New Post has been published on https://getyourgossip.xyz/party-police-raids-drug-stings-divas-the-drums-cannes-lions-2018-gossip-column/
Party police raids, drug 'stings' & divas: The Drum's Cannes Lions 2018 gossip column
Cannes Lions is over for another year, but as the rosé turns sticky on the floor of the Gutter Bar and you think of ways to explain the ROI on entertaining clients with €30 burrata every night to your finance manager, there’s one thing that’s sure to follow you home on that Jet2 flight – all the gossip.
What happens in Cannes famously doesn’t stay in Cannes. The Drum’s moles were on the ground, and our very own pub – The Drum Arms – which gave us plenty of access to the scandals happening behind the scenes.
Find out what went on away from the buzz of the Palais from noise complaints to entitled celebrities, The Drum’s drummers causing chaos on the strip and the magnetic pull of Sir John Hegarty… ooh la la indeed.
Duty free
A French air traffic control strike the weekend before Cannes led to topsy-turvy, rerouted trips across Europe for hundreds of delegates on route to the Riviera; we heard of attendees flying via Cologne, Milan and even Luxembourg to make sure they didn’t miss that 9am breakfast meeting.
But which programmatic supremo was spotted making the most of his delayed flight in the airport bar? His penchant for Gatwick’s champagne led to an impulsive – and most likely expensive – Lacoste shopping spree.
Don’t call it a comeback
He may have lost the ‘most powerful man in advertising’ crown but yet again Sir Martin Sorrell managed to become the biggest story of the week. There were plenty of whispers about whether he’d show up to Cannes following the events of recent months – but oddly, we’ve rarely seen him look so relaxed. Some attendees even asked The Drum what we were really planning on doing, assuming the interview at the pub was really a publicity stunt (as if we would ever…!)
But from the moment he arrived at The Drum Arms for his first post-WPP interview (through the back door, naturally) it was clear that the outspoken bean counter was back with a vengeance.
After laying into the big six networks, the Financial Times’ reporting and WPP’s handling of his resignation, he slipped out faster than you can say ‘Q&A’.
Martin Sorrell on why he wants Mark Read and Andrew Scott to replace him as co-CEOs #thedrumcanneshttps://t.co/3lp8PKQpsdpic.twitter.com/slwCT3EK5s
— The Drum (@TheDrum) June 21, 2018
He recycled a handful of pre-prepared jokes when he spoke at the Palais on Friday, however the audience was less sympathetic to the freshly tanned millionaire: delegates booed as he filibustered his own session instead of answering questions from journalist Ken Auletta.
Do ad execs shit in the woods?
Which glamorous party had a distinct lack of toilets for the 500+ people it invited to its celeb-filled celebration? One desperate marketer charmingly told The Drum staff he was going to do a Bear Grylls and “poo in the woods”.
It’s not clear if he was joking or not but he did wander off into the night, which begs the question: if a client does a number two in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Diva on the docks
This East End pop star embraced her inner Mariah Carey this week. When arriving at the port for a night on the yachts she refused to leave her bejewelled high heels on the jetty, forcing staff to choose between a great PR opportunity and their boat hire deposit.
Later, when the same London diva was refused entry to an over-capacity agency party she loudly declared the shop’s comms director was a “jobsworth” in front of their colleagues. It must have been a damned good party! Brits abroad, eh?
A sticky situation
The Carlton’s unfathomable pricing strategy leaves many a suit feeling extorted when the bill arrives. But which creative director was stung big time by Cannes’ hustling drug dealers?
After requesting a wrap of unidentified white powder and paying out €200, his teenage vendor scarpered into the night. Only later did he realise he was actually the proud owner of a rolled-up wrap of sticky tape.
Cooking doesn’t get tougher than this
This year’s News UK party, once again hosted a atop a giant hill at the Château de Garibondy was an absolute hive of gossip. With a set from Kylie, Idris Elba and Fatboy Slim on the decks and a pool stocked with pink flamingos, the glitz and glamour was unrivaled elsewhere.
Aussie chef John Torode was even spotted cooking up a storm at the BBQ, but The Drum’s roving reporters couldn’t help but notice he looked grumpier than a unsuccessful Masterchef contestant.
To be fair, it’s probably not much fun grilling brisket in the blistering heat while drunken ad execs guzzle elderflower gin and tonics around you. It looked like he cheered up a bit later though, when he and his wife Lisa Faulkner got a snap with the Spinning Around singer.
The crowd went absolutely wild for Kylie, with one chief marketing officer dancing non-stop for the whole session and another top creative giving it his all during Can’t Get You Out of My Head.
Praise you like I should
Fatboy Slim, meanwhile, wins the Gold Lion for nicest celebrity of the festival. We heard he spent an hour before his set hanging out with fans and taking pictures. Eat, sleep, network, repeat, right?
Post-party chaos
It’s a shame then, that the plug was literally pulled on Fatboy Slim’s set. Organisers were believed to have been sticking to strict timings to avoid catching the attention of the French police; a plan which ultimately failed.
The Drum understands News UK was issued fines of €60 and then €1,000. Hearsay on the ground said this was due to noise complaints, but as more officers showed up just as the party was ending, rumours swirled that it was because a rowdy group of underage teenagers wanted to rave to Fatboy.
The police presence then stopped planned pick-up cars from driving up to collect worse-for-wear guests from the château. This resulted in dozens of high-heeled delegates winding their way down a steep, tree-lined hill in the pitch black to hitch a ride back to their hotels – lions, and tigers and swears, oh my!
Heartthrob Hegarty
In case you were wondering, Sir John Hegarty has still got it. After he spoke at a press conference, the scenes of female fans flocking for some facetime with the BBH founder were akin to Channing Tatum’s media lounge appearance in 2016. One journalist even invited him to spend a holiday with her in Colombia – whenever, wherever!
Sacré bleu!
Which restaurant along Le Croisette doesn’t believe in ‘going dutch’ – or, indeed #TimesUp? During one dinner, we were told waiting staff handed out gender-specific menus where the women don’t see the prices.
Staff from one media firm were shocked to discover this when they noticed that only the sole male of the group could see the cost on the menu he was handed. Lucky fella.
No cameras please
This US star came to the speaker’s corner of the press lounge to talk business, but was left frustrated after the reporting media failed to ask any her questions at all about the announcement she made.
She rolled her eyes when a bunch of journalists instead swarmed around her for videos and selfies once she was done.
On the ball
Speaking of celebs, did we mention that we interviewed former England manager Sam Allardyce?
In conversation before the England v Tunisia game at the TalkSport bar, he predicted the right score and told us over a Guinness that he doesn’t think Stevie G, Frank Lampard or Joey Barton will still be in a job come next summer.
Here he is with The Drum’s video producer Jamie McMurray and editor Stephen Lepitak.
Jambon ou fromage?
A journalist’s diet at Cannes usually consists of aspirin, coffee and rosé, accompanied by agency dinners if you’re lucky or McDonald’s if you’re not. But this year it all changed with the introduction of the press room buffet – a revelation that appeared around 3pm every day.
On the Monday there was cheese and bread. On the Tuesday there was ham and bread. Rumours spread that the much-anticipated French coupling of cheese AND ham would arrive on the Wednesday. But alas – never the two did meet.
Band on the run
We were so enamored with The Drum’s new branding that we flew a band of drummers from London to France for the week. Their job was to disrupt the industry – literally – with the harmonious sounds of banging and hollering. Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan.
The police and event security asked the troop to “allons-y!” on several occasions, and Campaign sent them packing from outside their 50th birthday celebrations.
The biggest reaction came when the band surprised our friends at Ad Age – and were subsequently manhandled out of the area.
[embedded content]
The Drum’s editor-in-chief and founder Gordon Young even got involved in the action earlier on in the week. Here he is leading the merry band in front of a refined audience at the Gutter Bar.
All stood up
Which social figure left The Drum reporters waiting 90 minutes for an interview? After an hour and a half of waiting (with only frantic texts from her PR to give us hope) we gave up – only to land an interview with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, aka Game of Thrones’ Jaime Lannister, a few boats down. Both his hands were fully operational.
Which well-known industry PR was said to have his laptop at the Lad Bible villa, only to realise it was missing on is way to the airport. His cab had to turn around so he could return to collect the computer.
It’s not clear whether he left it during the social publisher’s party on the Tuesday night, which looked a bit like a session at the Love Island villa.
Live From The @ladbible Villa Pool Party #Cannespic.twitter.com/70fuAdvm7n — DJ Luck & MC Neat (@LucknNeat) June 19, 2018
There’s no doubt the Lad Bible crew were partying hard the rest of the week, since the group’s ‘Trash Isles’ campaign scooped a number of Lions.
Too brave?
The Marketing Society’s well-intentioned ‘brave’-themed lunch proved a bit too bold for some attendees, with one unadventurous guest suggesting that even Heston Blumenthal might have snubbed some of the concoctions on offer.
Can’t fight the moonlight
One Australian agency got a bit excitable in the car on its way to one of the many events. As the poor driver weaved his way through the rolling Riviera hills, too much pre-8pm rosé (we heard them say they paid €350 for a bottle) had gone to the execs’ heads.
Unprompted, one of the group put LeAnn Rimes’ 90s classic Can’t Fight the Moonlight on full blast in the backseat, loudly singing along and trying to get our reporters to dance. We preferred the original.
You can follow all The Drum’s Cannes Lions coverage here, with more exclusives and one-on-one interviews to follow next week.
0 notes