#hairo icons
no-psi-nan · 1 year
I don't know why people call Saiki the aroace icon of the series when Mera is literally right there.
> When asked about romance by the people who paid her bill, Mera literally tells them to shut the fuck up cuz she's busy eating.
> Never shows any interest whatsoever in anyone's romantic situations.
> Doesn't even notice that people were staring at her at the beach for her nice body, only cares about her boobs as something she can sell in a worst case scenario hsfjdlshfks.
> Family is dirt poor and literally anyone else in her situation would be trying to seduce the local billionaire seeking a bride that's in her actual class. While Mera tries to join his staff and goes for any money he throws, she never makes the slightest effort to romance him even though it would solve all her problems. The thought does not seem to have even occurred to her, even though she's wily enough to trick her whole grade into giving her birthday gifts.
Meanwhile, Saiki is fascinated by romance as much as he tries to pretend he's not interested.
> Never fails to listen in on the latest romantic drama, investigates the love letters sent to Nendo and Kuboyasu and Kaido, follows the girls to the mixer, goes out of his way to find out if Hairo is gay, tries to get a freaking CAT laid, etc.
> Plays matchmaker with Yumehara, helping her boyfriend get back in her good graces and helping her with the Kaido misunderstanding, but also testing Toritsuka's theory of misattributed arousal (or whatever he called it) with the occult club members.
> Spoils half a series of books for himself because he just HAS to find out about the romantic drama that occurred 20 years ago to some of the ugliest people on the planet, when he regularly struggles to find books and movies he can enjoy.
> The whole Satou Situation™.
You can easily argue all day about Saiki but the truth is that Mera is the undisputed champ of complete disinterest in romance/sex.
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what kny character do you think has the coolest design?
oouhhgg ok so thats. a hard one. im gonna split it between humans and demons bc that is a really different metric, and also i like gushing abt character design <33
human designs? probably between uzui and shinobu. they're both so completely in-line with who they are as people. uzui's look is Loud and Sparkly in such a way that feels very personalized and Intentional, for lack of a better term. he knows what he's doing and he's pulling it off! simple as! the eye makeup, the gloves, the Huge Fucking Dual Cleavers? absolutely On Point. shinobus design, to me, is more Character Focused than actually Looks Focused. the butterfly haori+hairclip is Such an iconic look, but its also what it means for her Character. that haori-- and her standard uniform-- feel just a bit too large for her. the sleeves cover her hands, constantly fluttering behind her-- even the pants feel slightly unfit. That paired with her constantly placid expression and even tone of speaking-- it really does say volumes. its such a stark reminder of how... unfit she is, for lack of a better term. how she's trying to fit into being a person that she Isnt in an attempt to cope with the loss of someone deeply important to her. also the butterfly silhouette she gets when she is in motion? Absolutely Peak.
(also cheating a little to mention mitsuri my best friend mitsuri who wins on account of being mitsuri)
demon designs? these are less for Character Reasons and more for "ayo what the fuck" reasons but: the hand demon and gyokko. the hand demon (who im so miffed doesnt have a name iirc) is fucking terrifying and does such a good job marking that narrative hurdle for tanjiro of the final selection. its monstrous. its scary. It Sure Is A Hand Demon! mustve been Awful to animate, but damn they pulled it off. and gyokko... Look At Him. look at him? look at him. ive drawn him exactly one time and it was simultaneously awful and ridiculously fun. what a freak.
. anyway cheating again the real answer is HAIRO BABEY CAN I GET A YEEHAWWWW
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
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Each and every one of the costumes hairo has worn in this series is absolutely flawless, what a king, fashion icon
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nimbasa-hideaways · 2 years
Sounds good op!
[ooc: i've never drawn a lmk character before, and i did some research on chinese funeral customs for reference. like with palkia's hisui outfit, i had to search for references for what the deceased wears in chinese funerals.]
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[i don't watch lmk, so i won't tag this in the main tags. but i will miss hearing his voice in new works, because he was very iconic despite not being active for very long compared to most voice actors.]
[did you know- on top of macaque, osomatsu, white blood cell u-1146, kineshi hairo and josuke higashikata (some of his more well-known roles), he also voiced blue in pokémon masters ex and ash's rotom phone in the anime.]
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kusuoedits · 2 years
the avocado
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yumehara | she/her
✓: wallpaper(s), playlist(s), flag edit(s), doodle(s), sprite edit(s), icon(s), header(s), stimboard(s)
✗: ab/se, inc/st, su/c/de, nsfw/smut, mental illnesses (eating disorders, add, autism, etc.), p/dophilia
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character list:
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westxrlund · 3 years
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spooky week: day 1 – the disastrous life of saiki k.
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‼️ tw // blood
trick or treat! my dearest friend @westxrlund and I bring you a special week of edits because halloween is coming! we love this spooky event of the year and anime portrays it in a very adorable way so we think you might like this! each of us will upload an edit of the other on our respective accounts every day this week until the 31st. let’s celebrate the spookiness all together! 🎃
like or reblog if you save or use!
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kittydabi · 3 years
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if you want to use my icons please like or re-blog!
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kka-duca · 3 years
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㇌⠀ 🍵Ξ⠀hꪖ⃛iᥐ᥆᳟⃛ ᥲᥐᧉ᳟ꦫ⃜ ꪒ⃨iᥩᥐ⃛ꪋ᤺⠀㇋ 私はあなたを10億愛しています ⠀⁇ 🥜㇡⠀♡⃨⠀ᥨꪮ⃛ᥳᥱ᳟ ⠀ ﹫
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b8mgyu · 3 years
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rewatching saiki rn🥴
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iconsph · 3 years
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𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞/𝐮𝐬𝐞 ♡
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eonrry · 3 years
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💕 – Psi desu I like you.
♡ like or reblog if you save. Don't repost
More icons? Here
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serilof · 3 years
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I did these Saiki k icons haha 
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lobitos · 2 years
the yassification of hairo
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any of the headers are mine!! cr. to the owners and if u know them pls tell me
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uzmkr · 3 years
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i think it’s time i rewatch saiki k again.
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no cause i miss this mf :’)
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suzukasite · 3 years
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##the disastrous life of saiki k
matching icons
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