#had to censor it bc I don’t want any harassment to happen bc of me
bigtittiecomitte · 7 months
I actually really hate this guy sm you basically said “fuck Nuzi, fuck Nuzi shippers, fuck this show and fuck Liam Vickers” all bc of your couple with 0 screentime not becoming canon and you label it as “opinions”
Generally fuck you dude
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labyrynth · 2 years
i really dislike that the drama added another person to mo xuanyu’s hit list for a couple of reasons, mostly having to do with how it detracts from mxy’s, wwx’s, jgy’s, and nhs’s characters (to a degree)
(more below bc this got way longer than i expected it to)
it detracts from wwx’s character as someone who wants to do what’s right, even if he doesn’t personally have a stake in it—bc in the book, he doesn’t! the terms of the curse are fulfilled and he has no further obligations to mo xuanyu, let alone the weird corpse arm. that’s a huge part of wwx’s character, though: that whether or not he’s affected, he wants to make things right, regardless.
but the drama waters down that aspect and takes away his agency in choosing to pursue the mystery anyway, and says “you HAVE to do this or your soul will be ripped apart :)” and it’s like. you didn’t HAVE to force him. he would have done it anyway.
which leads me to the other part that i dislike: the fact that the last person is jin guangyao.
the fact that mo xuanyu has also, apparently, sworn vengeance against jgy further insinuates that jgy has done wrong. there’s plenty of speculation that he had found out something incriminating about jgy, and jgy needed him gone AND slandered so no one would take him seriously, and that interpretation is very easily followed in the show: jgy framed mxy.
by contrast, in the book, the impression that wwx gets from mxy’s own account is that mxy was kicked out of koi tower for sexually harassing or assaulting another man (who we later find out was jgy, mxy’s publicly known half brother). if mo xuanyu had done nothing wrong, then why would wwx get this impression based on mo xuanyu’s account of what happened? ppl have already addressed how the likelihood that jgy would MAKE UP a rumor about being sexually harassed by his own brother, knowing that he married his sister, is infinitesimally low. the novel clearly frames mxy getting kicked out as legitimate.
and like, i get that the drama is censored and whatever, but it grates on me that they turned it into yet ANOTHER reason why jgy is eeeeviiiiil. they didn’t have to add these implications that jgy also wronged mxy—what does it add at this point? his character can’t get much blacker!
but the thing that drives me nuts is that it also forces an ultimatum between wei wuxian and jin guangyao; by definition, they can’t both survive.
sure you can argue that it was mxy who added the stipulation, but given how explicit they made huaisang’s machinations, he absolutely played a part in including jgy on that list. “if you don’t do this thing, you can’t stay alive” is functionally the same as “do this thing or i’ll kill you,” which is not a terribly compelling argument for why you’re actually in the right and you’re just seeking justice. it also a shitty thing to do to the “friend” you just got resurrected.
more importantly, if huaisang had trusted wwx to carry out justice this stipulation wouldn’t be necessary. maybe in the novel, huaisang assumed that wwx’s version of justice would mean jgy’s death, and he didn’t anticipate that wwx would have become less vindictive, and wound up having to switch to plan B, or maybe he was content to let wwx seek justice on his behalf, and in the heat of the moment decided that wasn’t enough. we don’t know! in the drama, however, huaisang doesn’t give wwx any choice in the matter (uh…even if wwx didn’t figure this out until after the fact. cough). this does reemphasize that nhs was never after justice, but it also demonstrates nhs’s lack of faith in wwx from the very beginning. (ironically, he does put wwx into the exact position that jgy was in when he was forced to make those decisions—do it or die. it’s up to you!)
while i’m not against a less favorable interpretation of huaisang, most people just flat out don’t put enough thought in to actually get to that interpretation, so we still wind up with this idea that nhs WAS after justice, it’s just that justice WAS jgy’s death…when nobody else at guanyin temple seemed inclined to agree. and also when the thing jgy was killed for was something he explicitly did not do. uhhh justice amiright?
anyway i ran out of steam so just take it
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azuremist · 1 year
Okay, so here’s what happened earlier today for the sake of transparency:
Earlier, I made a post about one of the trans victims from the recent shooting and included the phrase ‘rest in power’. I’d heard that it originated from black people, so I had asked my black friend, and they said that it was for anyone who died from systematic injustice, so I posted it.
A few days pass and I get an ask from N (calling this person N for simplicity and anonymity) saying “hey this term is for black people.” I noted that N said in their bio that they were mixed race (both of which were not black), so I replied basically saying, “My black friend said that it’s for anyone who died from systematic injustice, I think I should listen to an actual black person on this.” My thought was that, if I got any asks from a black person with this concern, I would change it immediately.
N posted this answer to the ask without censoring my name (and even tagged me) and was like, “I disagree with this. Black people what do you think?”
So I was like “oh FUHUUUUCK NO” because I’m sure y’all know I have an extensive history with harassment online. So I changed my post and was like “uhh hey I changed my post so can you delete this? I feel like you made this mostly to put me on blast and I don’t feel like being harassed today honestly”.
N said that they weren’t harassing me (which I didn’t mean to claim, my fault for not being clear enough), and they removed all mentions of me from the post, which would have been a perfect compromise if there wasn’t someone in the notes of the post already @-ing me.
Also, N claimed that the post wasn’t rebloggable, so I made a sideblog to reblog it to prove that it was. Which this person took as me “being so mad” at them that I made a sideblog. (Also, someone in the notes of the original post (the one who was @-ing me) was like, “You making a sideblog to reblog one (1) post is HARASSING this person!” which…. Harassment happens over a period of time, it’s not one reblogged post to prove that a post can be reblogged, I didn’t rlly understand that)
So at this point, I DMed N to be like, “Hey, I changed the post like you wanted, and I’m really scared and have a history of harassment, could you pretty-please delete it? I know it seems stupid but I’m scared” (I chose not to mention that I have paranoid delusions bc that would seem manipulative I think?) and the person was like, “I don’t care about your feelings, you were aggressive towards me and you’re white” (idrk what the “you’re white” point is about, because this whole thing is about if a phrase is exclusive black people, and they’re not black either, although they’re also not solely white so I guess I sorta get it?).
And then they blocked me. (And according to my friend they posted about me crying “crocodile tears”? I’m sorry that I experience persecutory delusions and I get scared when experiencing them, it’s not my fault, enter that one meme)
And now I’ve gotten people purposefully sending me my triggers so I’m being targeted just like I feared I would. Lovely!
So, yeah, that’s what happened, again, for the sake of transparency. I changed the post a while ago, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’ve also since been informed by black folks that the person in question was correct! I’m gonna be donating a few bucks to some black folks in the mutual aid tags as reparations.
Also I learned this AFTER all this went down but apparently this person is fucking 30? And I’m a teenager so. Obviously, I did some things wrong (duh), but they were really out here beefing with someone two-thirds their age. My brain isn’t fully developed yet, what’s your excuse? (This is a joke.)
(Now I’m gonna do what this person didn’t do and put a ‘do not harass this person’ disclaimer: If you try to figure out who the person in this post is or seek them out, your mom’s a bitch. That helps nobody and it makes you look stupid.)
Edit: Added some things that I didn’t know about the situation. Also, update, I’ve been told by the same friend that they’re now screenshotting my posts behind a block… No comment.
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dwarrowdams · 4 years
Okay, so I am saying this here because saying it elsewhere might just be the end of my (fledgling) career as an author.
I’ve previously read and enjoyed books written by Brooklyn Ray/Taylor Brooke (a queer + nonbinary white author), but their social media presence was...not my fave.  I saw them drag readers over small things and eventually I couldn’t take the negative vibes so I just unfollowed them, even though something told me that there was more than just ~bad vibes~ going on here.
Giving myself some space helped me to figure out what about them rubbed me the wrong way.  Was it that they RT-ed a tweet that amounted to “free menstrual products are important, but please don’t bash on free condoms bc activists worked hard to make that happen” by saying the OP was tone policing people who menstruate?  Was it the fact that they said that you can’t be Christian and a witch?
Neither of those rubbed me the right way, but the thing that got me was them saying that they disliked POSE because of the queer stereotypes.
That didn’t sit right with me, because POSE is one of very few pieces of modern media that centers Black trans women.  If you don’t like it, whatever, but saying that it’s stereotypical ignores the fact that so few Black trans women have been allowed to exist in queer spaces.  Stories of queer folks with AIDS (or queer folks who are homeless) usually center cis white people, so seeing a story like this focus on Black trans women as stereotypical is...odd, particularly since Janet Mock (a Black trans woman) writes, directs, and produces the show.
Tonight, it all clicked into place.
The comment on POSE.
Their positive review of a book that readers of color have called out for racism (and of course their review doesn’t mention that there’s anything racially problematic in the book).
(White reviewers have mentioned these issues as well.) 
The fact that they released an anthology of stories by nonbinary authors and only two authors included were POC (again, please correct me if I’m wrong).
While that might seem fine (it’s the same number of authors of color as the recently released romance anthology He’s Come Undone, after all), there are nine stories in Behind the Sun, Above the Moon.
There are five stories in He’s Come Undone.  So compare the 40% ratio of authors of color in He’s Come Undone to the 22.2% ratio of Behind the Sun, Above the Moon.  It’s pretty damn telling.
Brooklyn Ray/Taylor Brooke is one of the White Queers who does not acknowledge the white privilege they have.  They are sidlining and ignoring queer/trans people of color and from my knowledge, they have not taken a step back and acknowledged that any of these actions are problematic.
I am tired of seeing white queers who don’t examine their white privilege and racial biases—and I’m white, so I can only imagine how tired queer people of color are of seeing white queers doing this.
While it may be tempting to do so, please do not @ them on social media about this—they can get really nasty with folks over very little, even if those folks are calm and polite (see image below or click the link).
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(context: Taylor had vague-tweeted about an article praising Leigh Bardugo’s NINTH HOUSE and someone was asking for the link to the article)
Just stay away from them and use your energy to support trans authors of color: today, this month, and every damn day.
If this is something you want to talk about on Twitter, do so very carefully because I’ve also seen this author post screenshots of tweets where their name was censored out.  (Did someone send them the pics?  Did they poke around looking for their censored out name?  Idk, but something is definitely rotten in the state of Denmark.) I do hope that they learn to be a better ally to QTPOC, but I don’t want any of y’all risking your mental health by trying to confront them directly.
Fellow white queer folks, we need to do better so that the people of color in our queer community can openly be themselves without being criticized for not fitting the White Queer Ideal.
Update: As of today (6/29/20), Brooklyn Ray/Taylor Brooke/Taylor Barton has been dropped by their agent and all of their publishers. However, they are planning to self-publish the books they wrote as Brooklyn Ray (and perhaps others) using the same pseudonym and the same book titles.  The fact that they felt the need to harass me for telling others not to buy their books bc they’re racist + for speaking out against their harassment of other writers says a lot.
Also worth noting: the fact that everyone they harassed when they reactivated their @/BrookieRayWrite Twitter a couple days ago is a) a new writer with fewer industry connections b) trans/nonbinary c) a person of color, or some combination of A-C, is pretty damn telling.
Obviously they have not changed and their apologies were not sincere (especially not the “wah my team made me apologize” one).  They are not worth your time or energy.
(Note: I apologize for not having links/screenshots for all of this—I didn’t think to screenshot the tweets mentioned early on because I didn’t imagine I’d have to make a post like this, but I did try my best to find what I could.)
(Another Note: Edited to include the link to the screenshotted tweet and added links to reviews of Docile by white reviewers that address the racist issues of the novel.)
(A Third Note: Edited to reflect that there was one author of color in the nonbinary anthology; my thanks to the anon who corrected me.)
(A Fourth Note: Edited to reflect that there was another author of color in the aforementioned anthology; my thanks to the anon who corrected me.  Also added update on the situation and deleted the call for folks to share their experiences bc they absolutely have.)
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bettys-gardens · 5 years
This is the last I’m posting about the bullshit today
So please stop sending me anons-I appreciate the support and love and the asshole calling my friends cunts can fuck off.
D*enerysjon (this is as much as she ‘censors’ my URL when she bothers to do it so I feel this is fair) has literally been harassing me for MONTHS. She has made post after post and published ask after ask with my full url attached or twitter @
She has called/let people call me psycho and other names, she and her friends have literally with absolutely no proof called me misogynistic and racist. Out of no where-I do not and haven not engaged with these people. I have barely even been on tumblr Bc it’s draining the constant hate and bullshit thrown at me from these people. I’m apparently their boogy man and they feel they can say whatever they want about me and post whatever they want and it doesn’t matter if I get hate or shit for it, I deserve it according to them. And I’m a ‘special case’ and don’t deserve basic human decency and fandom respect. Direct fucking quotes.
She has faced literally no consequences for any of these actions-her and her friends actively support bullying and harassing me. They never tell her it’s too much or to pull back-they never once call her out for her harassment. Yet finally today-when she crosses a line and slanders me and accuses me of committing an actual fucking crime-with again NO proof of any kind. (And because of this I’ve literally been harassed on both tumblr and Twitter mind you and people are spreading this bullshit like it’s fact because of HER) and she’s called out with receipts suddenly me and my friends are the bullies.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I’m sorry she got anon hate-I don’t support sending anon hate of any kind and would never encourage that behavior. But that’s not on me or my friends and not the fault of anyone’s posts BUT HERS. Maybe she should have thought about what might happen before making posts calling me pathetic ans desperate and agreeing with anons accusing me of actual crimes. Maybe just maybe she should accept that acting like an asshole has consequences. I know when I act like an asshole (shocking I admit I act like an asshole occasionally I know) I don’t blame anyone but myself for my anon hate. And my friends call my ass OUT. Where as all of this blogger and her mutuals just coddle and allow this behavior to continue.
As long as their the ones bullying it’s no big deal basically. We should care about her feelings-but fuck mine am I right? I’m a delulu jonsa who cares that you’ve made tumblr misrable for me or that I’ve had to private my twitter 3 times this month or that you literally had me in tears throwing up over the horrible names you were calling me. I don’t like daenerys so I deserve it-according to y’all.
Anyways-I hope this blogger never comes back. And if she does she owes @undeadmanbun and I an apology.
Hell I’ll even be the first one to apologize and tell joannalannister whenever she’s at I’m sorry for being a bitch to her over her giveaway and calling her a meth head. That was rude.
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mingyaus · 6 years
entrepreneurs au | the flowers pt. 2
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Inspired by this
U don’t have to, but u should read the flowers first bc this is set in that au
Ur a college student who frequents the block where the flower shop is located
(btw that block is owned by landlord seokjin and all the other bts boys have shops in that block).
Usually u just pass by after stopping by ur fave clothing/thrift shop owned by tae and joon, but one day ur like “I deserve a break fr studying, so imma look at some flowers.” Jungkook is off doin something else + it’s off season, so yoongs is the only one in the shop
He’s like “uh r u looking for anything in particular”
“nope just taking a break and looking at flowers”
“break fr what? U don’t look like u work here”
“nah I’m a college student”
”oo cooL. What u studying?”
“[insert major here]”
“at Local University that Focuses on Your Field of Study?”
“wow that’s such a cool school. I probs would’ve studied at plant focused school if such a thing existed”
“How’s school at Local University?”
“Just a lotta studying”
“aW that sucks, u wanna flower? Maybe it’ll motivate u”
“sure *blushies bc he’s being so nice*”
yoongs picks out that cute rose for u.
U: “how much is it?”
“On the house. Ik how rough college can b sometimes, then life hits and then ur doing work in some research lab that u hate–but enough abt me. I don’t wanna stress u w my probs”
“Aw no pls keep talking. It’s a nice distraction”
^then sugay just talks abt everything that happened in the og au
And you’re like “woW what a dude” but in ur head. Then you have to leave bc it’s gonna get dark soon, but then Namjoon happens
U see, u and Namjoon have a something something going on, aka joon is always flirting w u when u go to his shop, but it’s really weird cuz he never actually asks u out or do anything more than flirting so u don’t really know how he feels and whenever u try to initiate something w him he plays it off cool
Aka that one time u asked if he wanted to go to jimin’s bakery w u and he was like “uH nah. I gotta do some stuff w tae...for the shop, yes. Sorry, and I hope I’m not giving u the wrong impression bc I’m not looking for a relationship rn”
AND THEn the next time u come in the boi flirts w u again, so u just start flirting w him and y’all have this weird friendship where u flirt all the time
It’s like Garcia and Morgan in criminal minds
So yaH. Yoongs is walking u out of the shop, and joon is closing up his shop (sweeping the front, locking the doors type of stuff) AND HE SEES YOONGS HAND U A flower.
Joon literally yells across the parking lot (the flower shop and joon’s shop face each other) “HEy, y/n, r u cheating on me?!”
Yoongs is shaken cuz he rarely interacts w joon, and yoongs whispers a quick goodbaiiiii to u before running back into his shop
Suga may seem like an aggressive man bc of his cool rapping skills and savage words, but he’s really just a pacifist deep down inside
So joon finishes locking up his shop, and you’re just standing there a little shaken holding ur flower. Ur stressed abt school and now stressed bc rm has never flirted this aggressively before
Joon marches across the lot and yoongs is abt to flip his sign to the closed side when joon throws the flower shop door open, finds the same rose yoongs chose for you and slams it on the counter and is like “imma buy this, little boi”
And yoongs is just staring at joon w a slightly afraid but mostly judgy face and is like “ok it’ll b $****” (like I’m censoring the money amount bc yoongs likes to keep his prices private, something abt competition mixed w the patriot act. Sometimes idk what’s up w this guy)
And as yoongs is getting change, etc. he’s like “ya know one time I saw ur paperwork on seokjin’s desk and saw ur bday and I know ur younger than me, so b more respectful, boi.”
Rm isn’t letting up and keeps on a hard face “okay. Sure.”
Yoongs hands over the rose and joon mumbles “thanks hyung” before exiting the shop
You’ve been outside this whole time just standing there thinking abt how weird this is and considering ending ur odd friendship w joon bc wtf was that
And joon comes out and smirks and winks is like “take this flower instead. It’s better. I swear”
U: “Uh it’s the same flower”
Joon: “Shhhhhhhh, but it’s from me, ya boy, so it’s better.”
U: “Uh okay.”
So now you’re standing there holding one flower in both of ur hands, and the sun is at that annoying level where it keeps getting in ur eyes and ur the one facing the sun. Fortunately yoongs comes out a few awk secs later and his 5’ 8” tall head is big enough to block the sun.
thanks, GOD, for making this man’s head the right size and shape to cover up the sun at this exact moment in time
Yah Yoongi is basically the sun now
Yoongs *ignoring rm w his body language*: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had a bf” 
U: “I don’t. That’s just joon, my friend”
Yoongs: “But u talk to him like he’s ur bf.”
U: “ yah it’s this whole confusing thing. Pls ignore joon.”
Sugay: *glares at joon* “stop harassing her”
Joon: *hands up and genuine oops covering mouth face* “shoot man, sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to harass u”
Yu: “oh yeah that was harassment kinda, but I mean I reciprocated it so it kinda wasn’t really harassment, like it was consensual harassing, basically teasing, but thanks, Yoongs for enlightening me”
U: *looks at joon* “so r we buds or were u actually jealous?”
Joon: *scratches neck* “uh...yah we’re friends, but I enjoy being in this sarcastic not-relationship flirtationship w u”
Yoongs: “Well y’all can keep that up but imma ask Y/N out rn”
u: *jilted + school stressed + friendship stress + suitor stress, so tears slowly begin to form in ur eyes*
Yoongs and joon r broing out and making up for their weird fight earlier and r doing a bro hug when Yoongs sees u crying
Yoongs kinda just stops in the middle of the hug and stares at u, he’s kinda shocked.
Joon turns and looks at u and is like “Omg, r u crying”
Ur like “yah” and then u receive a nice big group hug fr the boys and then realize the rose thorns r piercing into ur palms and suddenly joon and Yoongs have ur blood on their backs and they’re like “oh shoot” and help u get inside yoongs’ shop where suga sanitizes ur hands and bandaids them up while joon is making some tea in the back
Yoongi is whispering “so when do u wanna go out?”
Ur still sniffling and can’t rlly talk and say something abt finals coming up soon
Sugay: “after finals?”
U: “yah. After finals”
“I’ll call u tho”
“Yes pls”
And joon comes out w some tea and then drives both of u (Jk usually drives Yoongs home bc yoongs shares a car w his roommate and jjk and myg r neighbors, live in the same apartment complex. So yah Yoongs took the bus to work)
Joon drives both of u home and u listen to some good soothing winky face bops (think u by primary or any dean-like song or zion t) on the way back and u and Yoongs r in the back seat holding hands and when u arrive at ur apartment rm is like “next time one of u sit in the front, I feel like an Uber driver”
U: “weren’t u actually an Uber driver once”
Rm: “actually I still am,but for the one time I’m actually not getting paid to drive I’d appreciate having someone shotgun.”
Yoongs: “oK I’ll move to the front”
Rm *smirks*: “thx bro”
And Yoongs opens the door to let u out and he walks u to ur dorm and he’s like “inch resting night “
U: “Yah”
Myg: “I’ll call u, ok? Don’t b too stressed” and he pulls the two roses fr behind his back and hands them to u “use these to remind u to chill, k?”
U: “K.”
U hug Yoongs then u say goodbye and u peek out ur window to see Yoongs get into Rm’s car but in the back seat and you can see Yoongs laughing fr inside and his smile is as bright as the sun and rm’s just sighing his face dull like the night sky
And they’re ur sun and moon, two nice dudes making ur life better than before.
Omg that’s a crap ending, I was Trying to b poetic but nah I’m not rlly
our masterlist
a(dmin ayeee)/n: lol the gif is rm checking out y/n and yoongi’s dms 5 weeks later. haH. btw this was originally written in an instagram dm conversation. tbh i prefer lyft. there’s a yoongi lyft driver au that should be written soon. 
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