#every day i get no answers
labyrynth · 2 years
i really dislike that the drama added another person to mo xuanyu’s hit list for a couple of reasons, mostly having to do with how it detracts from mxy’s, wwx’s, jgy’s, and nhs’s characters (to a degree)
(more below bc this got way longer than i expected it to)
it detracts from wwx’s character as someone who wants to do what’s right, even if he doesn’t personally have a stake in it—bc in the book, he doesn’t! the terms of the curse are fulfilled and he has no further obligations to mo xuanyu, let alone the weird corpse arm. that’s a huge part of wwx’s character, though: that whether or not he’s affected, he wants to make things right, regardless.
but the drama waters down that aspect and takes away his agency in choosing to pursue the mystery anyway, and says “you HAVE to do this or your soul will be ripped apart :)” and it’s like. you didn’t HAVE to force him. he would have done it anyway.
which leads me to the other part that i dislike: the fact that the last person is jin guangyao.
the fact that mo xuanyu has also, apparently, sworn vengeance against jgy further insinuates that jgy has done wrong. there’s plenty of speculation that he had found out something incriminating about jgy, and jgy needed him gone AND slandered so no one would take him seriously, and that interpretation is very easily followed in the show: jgy framed mxy.
by contrast, in the book, the impression that wwx gets from mxy’s own account is that mxy was kicked out of koi tower for sexually harassing or assaulting another man (who we later find out was jgy, mxy’s publicly known half brother). if mo xuanyu had done nothing wrong, then why would wwx get this impression based on mo xuanyu’s account of what happened? ppl have already addressed how the likelihood that jgy would MAKE UP a rumor about being sexually harassed by his own brother, knowing that he married his sister, is infinitesimally low. the novel clearly frames mxy getting kicked out as legitimate.
and like, i get that the drama is censored and whatever, but it grates on me that they turned it into yet ANOTHER reason why jgy is eeeeviiiiil. they didn’t have to add these implications that jgy also wronged mxy—what does it add at this point? his character can’t get much blacker!
but the thing that drives me nuts is that it also forces an ultimatum between wei wuxian and jin guangyao; by definition, they can’t both survive.
sure you can argue that it was mxy who added the stipulation, but given how explicit they made huaisang’s machinations, he absolutely played a part in including jgy on that list. “if you don’t do this thing, you can’t stay alive” is functionally the same as “do this thing or i’ll kill you,” which is not a terribly compelling argument for why you’re actually in the right and you’re just seeking justice. it also a shitty thing to do to the “friend” you just got resurrected.
more importantly, if huaisang had trusted wwx to carry out justice this stipulation wouldn’t be necessary. maybe in the novel, huaisang assumed that wwx’s version of justice would mean jgy’s death, and he didn’t anticipate that wwx would have become less vindictive, and wound up having to switch to plan B, or maybe he was content to let wwx seek justice on his behalf, and in the heat of the moment decided that wasn’t enough. we don’t know! in the drama, however, huaisang doesn’t give wwx any choice in the matter (uh…even if wwx didn’t figure this out until after the fact. cough). this does reemphasize that nhs was never after justice, but it also demonstrates nhs’s lack of faith in wwx from the very beginning. (ironically, he does put wwx into the exact position that jgy was in when he was forced to make those decisions—do it or die. it’s up to you!)
while i’m not against a less favorable interpretation of huaisang, most people just flat out don’t put enough thought in to actually get to that interpretation, so we still wind up with this idea that nhs WAS after justice, it’s just that justice WAS jgy’s death…when nobody else at guanyin temple seemed inclined to agree. and also when the thing jgy was killed for was something he explicitly did not do. uhhh justice amiright?
anyway i ran out of steam so just take it
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sieluritari · 1 year
A lot of us with ADHD are familiar with the concept of time blindness, but for anyone who isn't: it's a neurological inability to have a consistent sense of the passage of time. If you put me in an empty room, gave me a button and told me to press it when I think it's been 15 minutes, I might press it after..... idk, anywhere between 3 minutes and 2 hours? And if we repeated it the next day the result would probably be wildly different!
But something I've only seen mentioned in one (1) Reddit post, which took some extensive digging to find, is the same effect extending to ALL things measured in numbers. Distance, weight, length, height, amount, space, volume, percentage... For me, small numbers are a bit easier, I could approximate a centimetre probably, but a metre would be much harder and 10 or 100 would likely miss the mark by a lot. Also, anything that can't be easily measured with a ruler or a measuring tape (like weight or volume) is even harder since I don't encounter reference points (like a 1kg hand weight) for those as frequently as I see visual representations of specific lengths.
It's not dyscalculia or anything like that, I'm decent at math (and the OP of the Reddit post was a math major) and I have no other difficulties with numbers, it's just a disconnect in translating real life experiences like sensory input into numbers (and possibly also inconsistent processing of sensory input? Like how the same sound volume is okay one day but hurts my ears the next?), which I think is basically the same thing as what happens with time blindness. For now I've been calling it "measurement blindness" since I've never seen a name for it anywhere, but maybe "quantity blindness" could also work?
I've talked to other people with time blindness to see if they experience this too, but so far none of them have known what I'm talking about. I'd really like to know how many of us are out there and if anyone knows literally anything actually scientific about this very inconvenient phenomenon!
Tl;dr: bc I am wordy:
It's like time blindness but for all things measured in numbers
Not dyscalculia or caused by it
Pretty much never seen it talked about anywhere
Please tell me if it sounds familiar and/or you know something about it, thank
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pixlokita · 8 months
I know you've probz already thought of this or many more ppl have asked you to do this but PLEEEASE PLS PLS PLS PLS CAN YOU DRAW GREG IN THE GLAMROCK FREDDY ONESIE (as seen in the hidden alcove in Superstar Daycare, while wearing the VANNI mask;image below)
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Imagine Greg trying to hold things with those plush gloves 🥲 who designed that
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splorpo · 1 month
Can we get a fat fucking frog pic!?
fat fucking frog pics coming right up
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canisalbus · 2 months
Sir your hands are immaculate, you probably get that a lot but dude they’re so articulate.
Ah, thank you!
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had a human au thought of Barnaby and Wally. idk doing their taxes or going through bills together since they share a house & Barnaby going "hey we could get married for tax benefits and health insurance. wait no what if i want to marry Howdy someday? it's illegal to be married to two people." Wally goes "we could get divorced" and Barnaby gets legitimately sad like:
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#wally: uhhhhhh. um. i think i left the oven running#barnaby: YOU DONT BAKE- GET BACK HERE AND ANSWER THE QUESTION#in human au barnaby's ideal world he can marry both his platonic life-partner And the love of his life#but the american government says No smh#my heart goes out to polyams everywhere#fuckkkkk getting unwell about this aus barnaby and wally again everyone#like i have so many different little plot lines and mini aus for the au#like what if there was a covid arc?#in my mind lockdown happens while wally is Elsewhere#so he cant exactly get back home! and obviously no one is happy about that but wally is dealing well enough#but barnaby's like 🥺 my lil buddys out there all on his own and im alone here so im gonna call him every day#(also i like to think that howdy spends lockdown w/ barn or vice-versa but this aint about that)#wally: vibing#barnaby: a bit of a wreck#absolutely unprompted#wh modern human au#but then also Angsty Thoughts of yo when they all get old uhhh who dies first#and In My Mind! they both die within a few days of each other#maybe barnaby goes first and wally just. pines away. broken heart syndrome babey!#also having soft thoughts of them when they first became friends#barnaby taking him to the farm and introducing him to the animals <3#wally trying to help out with morning chores after a sleepover <3#ms. beagle absolutely adoring wally and always having his favorite snacks In Stock for whenever he comes by <3#that one time barnaby broke somebody's jaw for going a little too far w/ insulting wally & almost got expelled <3#mannn they're so! honestly goals#oh and later on when they have their own place wally having his own lil art studio#and barnaby continuing to be his go-to muse <3#wally probably has so much fuckign art of barnaby lmao#OHHHHH AND THE CAR CRASH ARCCCCC DONT EVEN GET ME FUCKIGN STARTED#EMOTIONS CENTRAL THAT IS
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
How do the girls get along
Pretty great actually!
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Jenny and Kim are very good/close friends, since they met relatively early compared to others (they actually met each other first out of everyone, then others at one point and another) and had a shared adventure sometime after the ends of their respective shows (wink wonk).
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But, their first meeting was not actually very um, positive. There was some conflict, but after it was resolved both of them gained a very solid friend for life!
Jenny, was glad to meet someone else (beside Brad) who treated her like a person/normal teenager (instead of an 8th wonder of the world or a freaky robot) and not to mention she got a fellow superheroine girl friend! After Misty, she kind of missed having someone like that to kick butt with (considering that like, 70% of her friends are dudes) or just hang out.
Kim was fascinated by Jenny, not because she is a robot (tho she does think its pretty cool) but because it kind of gave her a contrast to her own life in a weird way? Like, Kim was a normal teenager who got into superheroing on accident and just went with it, while Jenny was created with a goal of being Earth's defender but rebeled to have some sort of normal life. And now they both live those weird semi-normal lives, that led them to meeting each other.
Jun is around 5-6 years their junior and while they met each other much later on, when Jun was a little older (like not 11-12 age of the show), she still kind of looked up to them and both Jenny and Kim felt an instant kinship with the girl.
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Before she met Jenny and Kim, Jun only knew a couple other guys as fellow heroes/magical protectors (guess who ;D lol), and while she had plenty of female role models (Ama/Jasmine being the most prominent) and friends, she kind of enjoyed meeting some cool older superheroines to bond with! It also helped that despite the age difference, both Jenny and Kim never looked down at her when it came to superheroing/fighting, but respected her abilities and expertise (considering that Jun was practically an apprentice to her Ama since at least 8-9ish of age, when her powers first awakened, she has a lot of experience).
They both are kind of like cool older cousins to her, who travel a lot for their work and come visit to hang out often and tell/share stories about their adventures. Their and her lines of work while similar, also run in completely different circles (human/interplanetary vs magical/supernatural), so its always a treat to hear about the things they do.
(And yes sometimes she feels jealous about the fact that both of them get to travel all over the world, and despite the developments, more often than not she has to stay town locked and limit her excursions to magical realms.)
Silly thing, but Jun absolutely adores Jenny, for one simple fact that she can travel to space just like that (she and Danny, fellow astronaut/space fans, share that, despite the fact that Danny kinda can travel to space just like that too.)
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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shebsart · 25 days
hello!! i was just wondering if you planned on drawing affc and adwd character povs like you did for agot, acok and asos!!! loved it so much so i was just wondering
affc and adwd pov drawings are my twow 😭
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the-magnusinstitute · 1 month
hey the book I'm reading is trying to read me back. help
Assert dominance. Read harder. I believe in you.
In all seriousness though, please put the book down and seek help. Maybe fetch some lighter fluid and matches.
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
Do you have beef/opinions on finaglc? Asked bc of tags from a few days ago. It’s been years since I read that one…i remember it being A Lot but that’s about it.
you ever read some really wack papyrus characterization where you don't even need to check the author's other works cuz you just Know they write f0ntcest
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martyrbat · 1 year
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batman: shadow of the bat #0
[ID: a flashback of the outside of Wayne Manor at night. A narration box (unrelated to the scene) reads, “Ya think he's got a guardian angel, or somethin'?” Inside the manor, Leslie Thompkins and Alfred Pennyworth are talking in regards of young Bruce Wayne. They sit in a magnificent library at a small table as Bruce sits at his own desk that's across the room and has his face buried in a book. Alfred reassures her, “— Worried about him, Doctor Thompkins? I can assure you there's no need! Master Bruce has the manor to live in — myself to look after him — the best education money can buy—”. Leslie cuts Alfred off before he can continue rambling out more examples. She tells him, “It's what he doesn't have that bothers me, Alfred. Friends — hobbies — the kind of life a normal teenager looks forward to. He spends all his time in the gym, or here reading. I don't think he ever recovered from his parents' death.” We're shown Bruce, now in a close-up and able to see the book he's reading is titled ‘Lip Reading For Beginners’. Bruce peers over the book intensely as Leslie continues to express her rightful concern, “He almost seems obsessed!” END ID]
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canisalbus · 7 months
What are these short and compact games that you have been playing?
Well, off the top of my head, shorter games (10 hours or less) that I've been really enamored by include Journey, Night In The Woods, Abzû, Sable, Limbo, Gris, Year Walk, Never Alone, The Mooseman, Samorost 3, Katamari Damacy and Firewatch. I'm not saying all of them are objectively great and everyone's cup of tea, but I personally vibed with them.
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inklore · 9 months
I saw you post about how people should like to comment on writers work but I slightly sympathise bc some people are embarrassed and/or think that their comment/reblog would be useless. But more people are coming to this app to read a fic like another wattpad or an ‘easier’ ao3 instead of using their acc to post what they like yk
Srry for the rant <333
no need to apologize for the rant it’s always welcome here if it’s done in kind and yours was <3
i get what your saying about people coming to the app thinking it’s like all the other reading platforms but if we’re being honest i’d say ao3 is easier, better selection, plus when someone views your work your ‘hits’ go up and that can sometimes help more people find your work if they go by that / sort the fics on ao3 like that. wattpad literally has the same system of ‘views’ on your work that help boost it, but also commenting there is really big (as someone who was once on wp comments meant everything which is why i don’t get how ppl don’t understand that comments are everything here as well).
you could also say these other platforms make it seem like tumblr works the same way and it doesn’t, but even when writers try to spread the word on that fact not everyone wants to listen or sees it because people don’t rb (which tumblr was made for that let’s not forget).
but on this great app it doesn’t matter how many people view our work, read it silently, press the little heart, no one will see it unless you rb it. and being shy about commenting and thinking comments won’t matter is backwards thinking to me. how do you think writers feel knowing they have 100 notes and 10 of them are rbs and 0 comments? like we know there’s people out there reading our work and not even giving the pointless heart to it and there’s not much we can do about it, and yeah we are so grateful for all of it, but what we wouldn’t give to even have ONE PERSON comment some emojis on our fic. let us know that someone other than ourselves actually liked it. a ‘like’ can mean anything, it can mean nothing. it does nothing. it’s nice, it’s acknowledging, but that’s all it does. it’s a silent compliment that keeps our minds wondering.
if you weren’t embarrassed to read the fic you shouldn’t be embarrassed to comment on it. i’m not trying to sound harsh but it’s 2023, half the population reads fic. devours it. ppl are famous authors because of it now or get ‘tiktok fame’ over liking it. you commenting ‘omg amazing’ or putting two little emojis in a writers comments is only going to make them feel seen. feel great. feel like they’re not just posting stuff on here for bots. so i don’t super sympathize with people who are embarrassed because i just can’t wrap my head around it. but i’m also saying it’s okay and i’ve never once saw a writer get mad over anything someone has commented on their work (unless it’s been mean or a criticism they didn’t ask for or a ‘part two pls’).
if you like something on here reblog it!!!! comment on it!!!!!
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heph · 4 months
Could you draw more of fat Gale?
Heya! Thank you so much! I'm not going to lie to all of you though, I am swamped with projects and commission work and I only have these nice little posts to post when I'm not working on those 🛌
Know that in my heart all I want to do is sit down and draw chubby Gale all day every day, and expect it sometime in the future, but I really don't have the time at the moment and I'm sorry 😔
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