#guglielmo ... why
avenirdelight · 5 months
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why are they like this
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therepublicofletters · 7 months
I want to personally thank Jacopo, Piero, and Cosimo de' Pazzi for having beautiful handwriting and shake Guglielmo for not
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zwedexx · 4 months
What do you want me to prioritize
AWFC x English-Italian!reader
It took awhile before you spoke to anyone after your small conversation with Leah. Your teammates tried to visit you but the smallest of noise or night could make you feel as though your head was going to combust. 
CanWNT x teen!reader
She looks like she’s getting fatter
I thought athletes were supposed to be fit.
It was comments like those that circled your brain at night. Comments like those that kept you up at night. Comments like those that made you do what you did. 
or option 2 of that
You were sick for a long time and you knew it. Not sick in the traditional sense, your mental health was very unwell. You could never trace it back to a moment in time, it just seemed that one day you couldn’t care less and the next it was all you could think about. You weren’t fat, no one had ever considered you fat but in your mind you were. You couldn’t stand the sight of your body and you were willing to do anything to change it. 
AWFC x Addict!reader
You knew what you did was bad… but you couldn’t stop. It felt so good, to blank out and not be able to feel a thing. It was perfect, this falling feeling. The way your body could just give up and hit the floor.
Cloé Lacasse x sh!reader
She had no idea why you’d done it. It didn’t make sense to her. You seemed happy and fulfilled, why would you do this. Were you struggling all that time and she hadn’t noticed. 
Cloé Lacasse x reader (mega fluffy)
Lucia Di Guglielmo x juventus!reader
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turtleduck-inc · 2 years
“if you think italians aren't white, you've never been to italy.”
They literally aren’t white lmao.
I suggest you go read Are Italians White? by Jennifer Guglielmo and Salvatore Salerno. Who wrote a 340 page essay that finally answered that question with a simple “No they aren’t”.
"2 people wrote a paper on this so i'm right. i won't elaborate beyond this point, read it so you agree with me." is not as appealing an argument as you seem to think it is.
though i have to wonder why you're so adamant about this? italians, like most mediterraneans, tan more than the people further north, but beyond that they look just as white as the rest of us, to the point where ariana grande, who has italian ancestry, constantly gets accused of blackface because she used to be pasty as hell until she started tanning aggressively.
so this isn't a disagreement of italians not looking white enough to count, so i assume it's one of 2 things: 1) you don't want italian history to count towards things filthy whities can claim, or 2) you are mediterranean yourself and want out of the white privilege bs.
so which is it? because if you're gonna come at me and argue that they're culturally different from what you consider white, i don't know what to tell you other than "welcome to europe."
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footballerimaginess · 3 months
You're really cute
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Lovely prompt list as usual 💙 can I please have 5 with Vicario? You're the best. Love you xx 5. "why are you trailing your fingers across my face?" "just wanted to admire you. you're really cute, did you know that?" prompt from this list by - This is for my 9th year being on tumblr, which is crazy really lol. So enjoy! Word Count: 257 The spring nights were coming in slowly,which you were so grateful for. The lighter evenings were just what you needed. "You okay?" Guglielmo asked as you were sitting outside.
"Yeah, I am enjoying the last of the sunshine. Want to join me?" you ask as you gently tapped the empty seat next to you. "Aww okay, yeah can do" He smiled as he took a seat down beside you as he watched as the sky was getting slowly darker and just looking beautiful as he watched you pull your phone out and take yet another photo of the sun setting. "You must have about a million photos of the sun, you are obsessed with them" Guglielmo laughed as you showed him the photos where he wasn't all that amused by them. As you got closer to Guglielmo you snuggled your head into his chest as you cuddled up to him, enjoying the last of the warm evening. As you closed your eyes for a second, you felt fingertips on your face. Glancing up and his beaming smile looking down at you. "Why are you trailing your fingers across my face?" you asked him. "Just wanted to admire you. You're really cute, did you know that?" Vicario grins as you felt your face going hot as you weren't used to his compliments. "Vic you are cute aren't you. Thank you" you blushed as you pulled yourself up off of the sofa as you both headed indoors as you were starting to feel a chill in the air.
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The golden sun
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Summary: Many things have happened to the marriage of Francesco de Pazzi and Andrea Sabini, the speech of Jacopo de Pazzi and the appearance of the most talked about woman in Florence, Tamara D'Amato cousin of the bride.
"I can't believe Francesco de Pazzi is getting married," Giuliano said
"So it's true that a good woman can change you," Botticelli joked
"Apparently" Lorenzo took a sip of the wine looking at the new couple, you could see that they were in love.
"Our poor Lorenzo is jealous," Giuliano said
"What? Jealous of Francesco? Never, I'm just happy that he's no longer influenced by Jacopo Pazzi"
"Of course, it's not the fact that you feel a little lonely"
"Not at all, if I want to marry someone I can choose any lady" he laughed
"Sure, what about the woman mother introduced you?"
"Clarice Orsini, Carlo was unable to pessuader her and she became a nun" her brother looked at him for a moment and it seemed that he was about to explode with laughter.
"Don't try to laugh, and let's talk about you instead"
"There is nothing to talk about, because you are doing the same thing" Lorenzo was about to reply when their sister arrived.
"Bianca where were you?"
"With the bride's cousin Lucia D'Amato" she explained and pointed at the young woman
"Do you think the d'Adamato will show up?" Botticelli asked
"If they show up this will be the most remembered wedding in Florence" Giuliano commented, across the hall The Pazzi brothers were talking.
"Congratulations brother" Gugliemo Pazzi was really proud of his brother, even if he did not want to say it, he did not expect Francesco to fall in love, and he had gotten into oace with the obsession of the Medici
"Thank you but if it wasn't for you I don't think I'd be here to toast"
"You did the same thing with me and Bianca, you are my brother this is the least" it seemed that the Pazzi family was going through a period of rebirth and prosperity.
While everyone was celebrating Jacopo Pazzi entered it seemed that he had drunk too much he was drunk.
"Congratulations to my nephew Francesco" he applauded
"How come you are all silent, I thought this was a wedding" he sobbed
"And it is, Messer Pazzi you can stay as long as you want" Andrea said approaching the man
"No more titles we are family now" he smiled, a trail of chills rose on the back of the groom.
"Do you think he has something in mind?" Guglielmo whispered
"I'm going to see" he no longer needed to muster up the courage to talk to his uncle.
"Uncle I'm glad you came"
"I would never miss my brother's son's wedding"
and the man goes away and approached other nobles.
"My love are you okay?" he said
" Yes why?"
"Jacopo Pazzi is never happy for anyone, and now that his most precious pawn is dispossessed he is afraid that I will be against him"
"Honey don't worry, the only thing I can tell you is to follow your mind and your heart, and if you don't know what to do, talk to your brother and your wife" she advised.
"Yes" the major domus interrupted the couple
"Madonna Pazzi, Tamara D'Amato has arrived" he announced
"Well thank you, honey you will meet my best friend"
"I can't believe it, Tamara D'Amato is not ashamed, she shows up here after having canceled her engagement" a noble woman said
"And with that scar on her face who will marry her?" they snickered
"I advise you to ceaseyour gossiping, Tamara D'Amato is still part of the D'Amato family if she wants your heads, she will have them, if you insult Tamara, you insult Venice and Florence" Lucrezia Donati said, and two women stopped talking
The most talked about woman in Florence entered the room and brought a stir and shock with her.
"Congratulations cousin, may you have a prosperous life together," she smiled
"Oh Tamara, your presence here is the best gift" Andrea hugged her
"I would never miss my cousin and best friend's wedding"
"So the rumors are true, she is really a beautiful woman" Bianca said, without taking her eyes off the woman, she had seen noble women but there was something about Tamara, maybe it was her red dress or the long braid that gathered her hair almost to the floor.
"It's not just a beautiful face, his father Leonardo D'Amato has always believed he was raising his children despite being a son or daughter, the woman excels in economics, Latin, Greek, Italian and helps her father" their mother Lucrezia said
"She seems to be a great woman" Giuliano commented
"A woman worthy of being a wife" the mother winked and left
"Mother will never change"
"If it weren't for that scar she could be the most beautiful woman in Florence …" Botticelli said
"A beautiful woman is always a beautiful woman" Lorenzo interrupted
"Are my eyes deceiving or Lorenzo is quite interested in Tamara D'Amato?" the painter teased
"No, but the D'Amato family is a powerful and rich family, our father and Leonardo were about to make an agreement for the sale of silk" he explained, he continued to look at her and it was clear that even with the "scandals" she was charismatic woman.
The woman was approaching the group, the closer she gets, the more Lorenzo looked at her, he had noticed that she had a mole near her left eye.
"Good evening family de Medici and Signor Botticelli" she greeted
"Lady D'Amato is a pleasure to meet you this evening" Bianca greeted shyly, respected the woman
"I'm sorry for your father's death, he was a good man, may he rest in peace"
"I knew that our fathers were friends, my father is getting old unfortunately things have left certain things pending"
"We, their children can continue what they were doing"
"Interesting, I hope we could" before leaving the music began
"Dama would you like to dance with me?" he offered himself and gives her a little grin and accepted her hand. The music started and everybody was ready to dance
"Messer Lorenzo"
" Yes?"
"If you wanted to talk about business, it was enough to talk to my brother Benedetto, there was no need to invite me to dance"
"I didn't invite you for business, I'm just a man who can't resist a beautiful woman" Tamara laughed
" Is this how the famous Lorenzo de Medici steals the hearts of the ladies of Florence?" she smiled
" Steal? No my lady a thief steal, I'm a keeper, the heart of the lady I will love is more precious than diamonds and gold" he whispered on her ear.
" So you are poet too?"
" I'm a man who loves the art, I heard your family supports many artists" he said
" Yes my family support artists, from painters,writers, poets and musicians. House D'Amato is not only selling tessile but we make clothes out of them" she explained, and with the last twirl the dance ended, but their hands was still intertwined.
" I would like to see you" he blurted out
" I mean I would like to see more of your family products" he corrected himself blushing
" Of course our shops are always open" she smiled, bowed and walked away. Leaving the young Lord following her with his blue eyes.
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cockneydio · 2 years
Vaguely contemporary bucci gang cell phone shitpost
Inspired by this amazing post by @uminozerol I can't believe I actually followed through on this i hope this means my executive is functioning again omg anyway: (and I don't wanna hear shit from you gremlins about "this phone came out in 2003" It's about the energy of the era okay!):
Bruno Bucciarati
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Bruno was that guy with a lot of communication devices, for crime reasons (which btw is why such devices used to be banned in schools). To wit:
Crime beeper, but you gotta make sure those payphones aren't up on the wire Booch
Blackberry with the click wheel that was the first of the more elevated "pager🧐" type devices. U could get email on them so that's pretty cool. He had a Palm Pilot in the 90s but could never get it to sync to his PC, mostly because his PC was running MS-DOS and yknow what was probably actually still just a word processor lbh.
But I'll be damned if my man isn't seen with the sexiest newest whip on the market, before it hits the market, even if he doesn't know what half the functions are. So he gets a Razr, which I understand is hot and new again. Hits the globe key once and incurs $39,768 in data usage fees.
Pannacotta Fugo
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Nokia 5110. Sturdy. Reliable. Always there when you need it. Won't leave you in a lurch when the going gets tough. He sees no need to update to a newer model, and amuses himself by changing the face plates to the most crude and offensive things that one mall kiosk has to offer. Also you can crack someone's orbital bone if you bring the corner of one of these suckers down on their face. Probably the kind of phone Naomi Campbell used.
Leone Abbacchio
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one of these construction hat yellow Nextels that let you chirp on it like a walkola-talkola because he's still got that boot shoved way way down his throat but nobody ever chips him on it bc nobody ever needs to speak with Leone Abbacchio that urgently. He wears it on the belt clip that you have to buy separately.
Guido Mista (i accidentally put this in order of when they joined the gang I think..like I did this at random and put it in my notes at random and still I- )
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This boy grew up thinking a car phone inside a Cadillac was the height of class and he's not wrong so he owns the car phone, but not the car. Even more unfortunately for mista, these things don't actually need to be installed in a car in order to work? So imagine Guido "Swagnificent" Mista hanging on the street corner with one of these 26-lb beauties hanging on his shoulder, cord all kinked for no reason, antenna out the back, lookin' fly for the ladeez. You can't because he doesn't.
Narancia Ghirga
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SIDEKICK! So fun for The Teens amirite MTV?? It flips horizontal and Backstreet Boys vertical! Isn't that fun! And it has a whole keyboard but it's Abercrombie cool cos it's not a lame old blackberry like dad has! Limited edition Juicy Couture model bc that's the random image I clicked on and nothing could top that except for maybe von Dutch.
Giorno Giovanna
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This bastard uses a land line because he is an asshole, which of course then becomes a personality trait. Will drop unnecessary bits of information about Guglielmo Marconi when he's waxing on about the superiority of tangible, wired communication, and because he's the boss everyone has to listen and agree.
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talesofthehollow · 2 years
I don’t even go here, but I was wondering why Charlie Vickers who plays Halbrand from the Rings of Power looked so familiar... I never imagined that this is where Medici’s Guglielmo Pazzi would end up *mind blown* 🤯 
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catofadifferentcolor · 10 months
Terrible Fic Idea #62: Hauteville!Nicolò di Genova
My major problem - the one that keeps me from actually writing any of the terrible fic ideas I have - is that I hyperfixate on details. Case in point, I was reading Crusaders by Dan Jones as background for eventual TOG headcanons - and was hit by how much the physical description of Bohemond I of Antioch resembled Nicky. So, naturally, I thought, why not?
Or: What if Nicolò di Genova was the bastard son of that famous crusader, Prince Bohemond I of Antioch?
Bear with me:
Eldest son of the Norman adventurer Robert Guiscard (aka "The Terror of the World"), Bohemond was declared a bastard when his parents' marriage was invalidated and, "discovered that the most reliable way to get ahead in the world was with a sword in one's hand, and he had been blessed with the physicality and family connections to do just that" (55). Alternately described, "a fine figure even among the greatest," "a hero of great stature," and "spiteful, malevolent, deceitful, treacherous, inconstant, greedy, bitter, [and] a congenial liar," even his detractors were forced to admit, "he was magnetically beautiful: tall, broad-chested and handsome, with large hands and a solid stance, captivating light blue eyes and a fair complexion, his hair cut short around his ears and his chin shaved quite smooth, both provocatively out of keeping with a world in which tresses and beards were the usual symbols of machismo" (54).
Naturally, having just finished watching The Old Guard for approximately the eighth time, I thought, who does that sound like? Luckily the timeline seems to work, and thus this headcanon was born.
Just imagine it:
Bohemond was born between 1050 and 1058. If the date was on the earlier side of things (or he was a bit precocious), it's not impossible for him to have fathered a bastard child born c. 1069. The mother is quickly married off to a minor noble in Genoa, earning her child the appellation di Genova.
As a child Nicolò saw little of his father, but was encouraged to follow in his footsteps. He received perhaps the best military education available at the time given his Hauteville relations and proved to be a prodigal swordsman. Unlike his extended male kin, however, Nicky had little desire to carve a principality out for himself.
Given the choice, Nicky would rather join a monastery than a military campaign. There are a variety of reasons for this, ranging from not wanting to be assassinated as a potential rival to a legitimate brother or cousin's throne to monasteries being great centers of learning to genuine religious feeling, but no religious house would dare cross his father or grandfather by allowing him to take holy orders without their permission. Which neither would ever give. Nicky was more useful to them as a knight than an abbot or bishop.
This stalemate goes on for a while, until the First Crusade. Although left behind in Italy to finish the siege of Amalfi in 1097, Nicky was summoned to the Holy Lands by his father after the siege of Antioch to help solidify his new position as prince of the same. Nicky delayed as long as possible, finally sailing to Jaffa in June 1099 with Guglielmo Embriaco to relieve the siege of Jerusalem.
Joe and Nicky kill each other for the first time on night of 14 July 1099, after the outer walls are breached (93). They repeat the process several times through the night, moving further and further away from the city each time. On the morning of 15 July they realize they're soulmates lay down arms, make their way back to the city, and arrive just in time to see the walls of Jerusalem fall.
They each die multiple times trying to protect the innocents caught up in the fighting and it's at that moment they each realize how easily they could fall in love with the other - though neither acts on their feelings until they arrive at Cairo some weeks later, having decided to leave the fighting behind and search the world together for answers to their immortality.
They go from Cairo to Alexandria to Tripoli to Mahdia, moving slowly and staying in each place for months to do research and earn coin for the next leg of the journey.
They are preparing to leave for Algiers when news arrives that Bohemond I has died, leaving the principality of Antioch to his infant son, Bohemond II, under the administration of his nephew Tancred. This should be the one and only moment Nicky has doubts about traveling with Joe, as Nicky considers returning to the Holy Land to protect the half-brother he's never met from those who might take advantage of a young ruler and leverage this guardianship to bring peace to the war-torn region. It is an agonizing night until Nicky realizes he made his decision long ago, and that he'd rather travel with someone who loves him and doing good where they can than fight for a land he's never seen for people who only ever saw him a weapon.
Nicky and Joe continue like this for several more years, going from Algiers to Tangier to Marrakesh to Al-Andalus to Sicily (where Joe finally learns Nicky is a descendant of those Hautevilles), finally making it to Constantinople shortly before the Second Crusade.
Honestly this is where this particular headcanon starts burning out, because I love the idea of Joe and Nicky's lives being shaped by (and shaping) the Crusades and as such is a part of all my headcanons for these two. (That, and Ibn Battuta-like journeys in between, visiting Aden, Mogadishu, and Mombasa before the Third and settling in Constantinople just in time for the Fourth.)
Specific to this headcanon is Nicky's journey being less one of religious deradicalization - though that is part of it - than confrontation of the consequences of his family's actions throughout the Mediterranean. Some part of him will always think that his immortality is necessary atonement for his and his family's sins, though that part grows less as the centuries pass.
Bonuses include: 1) Nicky confronting his cousin Tancred for failing to contain the violence in favor of ransacking the Dome of the Rock (95). Despite feeling betrayed - honestly having thought better of Tancred, - Nicky choses to walk away rather than kill his cousin. Years later, history will somehow mutate this into the basis for Jerusalem Delivered, getting all the important details wrong in the process; 2) Although not his mother tongue, Old Norman is the language Nicky always reverts to when needing particularly strong curse words. He blames his father for this; and 3) His highly annotated original copy of the Alexiad found its way into historians' hands in the 1800s and is considered an important contemporary Italo-Norman reading of the text. There is considerable academic debate as to the annotator's identity, with no one ever having gotten close to the truth.
That's all I really have that's specific to this character background - as I said, a lot of what happens after their first deaths is consistent across TOG headcanons for me. It's just getting them to Jerusalem that fluctuates. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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thebrandywine · 2 months
Hey ! That may be weird, but would you want to say a little more about “The New woman in the city during the 20th century and her intersection with a rise in immigration ” ? I never heard of it before (I’m not from America), but it’s seems quite interesting from the few things I just read (Wikipedia).
This is going to be fast and dirty because I don't have any of my sources with me BUT the turn of the 20th century in America saw a LOT of social and cultural change in part due to the growing prominence of metropolitan areas/cities. Industrialization had firmly settled in and that meant factories and THAT meant more jobs which led to an increase in immigration (mostly because factory owners/foremen could pay immigrants less which meant a better cut for them). So you have the 'melting pot' of the American city starting to get a lot more complex culturally at the same time as a growing movement of young women wanting more independence-- they might want to live on their own or they might want to support themselves on their own without a husband or any number of things. A good way to do that is to move to the city and get a job!
This IMMEDIATELY led to a cultural panic because for the first time a large number of America's young women were on their own and away from the protection of their family. Who would make sure that they conformed to societal values? Who would keep them safe? This was especially exacerbated BECAUSE of immigration-- pure, young, virginal white women (America's pride, blah blah, other weird sexual and racist stuff) coming into contact with stupid, brutish, predatory immigrant men (NOTE: I AM REPEATING THINGS HERE lol). A MASSIVE moral panic ensued.
One of the most interesting things to come out of this, I think, is the resurgence of captivity narratives. Media is an incredible way to measure the values/fears of the populace at the time of publishing which is why you can follow the rise and fall of captivity narratives in American history and really easily find points of conflict. Captivity narratives have a long history in general but in American history they're mostly present at three points: colonization/westward expansion, the Civil War/Reconstruction era, and the turn of the 20th century.
I keep saying 'captivity narratives' but what I mean are stories about women (again, The Pure, Virginal White Woman who represents white America) being captured and sexually defiled by The Other, who represents a larger threat to American society and culture. During colonization/westward expansion, that Other was Native Americans. During the Civil War and Reconstruction (which immediately followed the Civil War), it was slaves/recently freed black men. And then, at the turn of the 20th century, it was immigrants!
This is a whole other ramble, but the 'immigrant' in question really, really depended. There was an idea of an 'acceptable' immigrant-- white (though 'white' had yet to be more specifically defined and the concept of it varied from person to person), well-spoken, deferential, and fully converted to the cult of the flag. The unacceptable immigrants were largely from Eastern Europe-- Italians, Polish people, some Russians, and, of course, Jewish people (because this is America-- who else is the most common scapegoat of all fucking time?). If you read captivity narratives from the turn of the century, you can ALWAYS tell who The Bad Guy is: he'll have a heavy accent, he'll be described as 'swarthy,' and the author will A L W A Y S make a point to mention his race.
A different ramble I could go on is the idea of the 'white slave trade' which is wholly connected to the moral panic and captivity narratives, but I've rambled enough lmao. If you'd like to read some captivity narratives (don't worry, the authors are long dead) or do more research about any of the stuff I mentioned above, here are some sources:
White on Arrival by Thomas A. Guglielmo [looks at the idea/evolution of whiteness for Chicago Italians at the turn of the century. secondary source]
Behind the Mask of Innocence: Sex, Violence, Prejudice, Crime: Films of Social Conscience in the Silent Era by Kevin Brownlow [SUPER interesting read about a bunch of the stuff i talked about above! secondary source]
The White Slave Trade and the Immigrants by Cordasco and Pitkin [what it says on the tin. secondary source]
The House of Bondage by Reginald Wright Kauffman [the captivity narrative of the time- very racist and extremely critical of/incorrect about sex work. primary source]
The Social Menace of the Orient by Jean Turner Zimmerman [VERY RACIST and I do notnotnot like the word 'Orient,' which is no longer used by anyone in scholarship that's hip with the times. primary source]
Tiger by Witter Bynner [short play about a white slave- notice the language used for the antagonist!! primary source]
Traffic in Souls or While New York Sleeps, dir. George Loane Tucker. can be watched here!
i will be very strong and limit myself to those sources-- thank you for asking so i could infodump about history. if you've read this far... sorry lmao
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destinyh3art · 5 months
In medici season 3 did you feel like Giulio forgave Lorenzo too easily? Ik lorenzo later loved him like a son but he did initially spoke of him in derogatory way “could be anybody’s bastard” n the worst past is lorenzo told that infront of Giulio, he even wanted to abandon Giulio initially but let him stay cuz of clarice n his mother.
In ep 3 we saw Giulio speaking for Lorenzo while in ep 1 Lorenzo didn’t treat him very nicely. Why do you think Giulio forgave him this easily
First of all, extremely sorry for answering so late. Was kinda busy with stuff.
Now I think it’s because giulio basically lived in poverty before lorenzo found him. At least now he has good food and a nice roof over his head. For that poor kid it's already way beyond than what he expected. So maybe thats why he could forgave lorenzo whose doubts weren't exactly wrong either cause giuglio could have been any random kid and not his brother's bastard. Also guglielmo is good at heart considering the fact he becomes a cardinal later, so yea forgiveness gotta be a thing for him.
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athenasnina · 2 years
I blame the anon of @demonscantgothere whoever you are, you got me to rewatch fucking medici, a show I did not even like that much, then I was like, whelp might as well go all in and watch Charlie’s one other boring ass movie where AGAIN, he acts like the cutest cinnamon to have ever cinnamon rolled.
Why, Charlie, can you not play as any other sassy smug assholes?
And dammit, now I’m 4 chapters deep into this Halbrand/Galadriel one night stand but she doesn’t even like him prompt at @saurondrielprompts, but being the shit writer I am who can only do sad/fluff, Halbrand is just a smol sad kicked puppy no matter how many times I try to rewrite it! This bitch will not be Halbrand and continues to just be an amalgamation of Guglielmo and Daniel with absolutely no Halbrand in sight. So I’ve given up trying to force it.
AND I NEED TO KNOW IF ANYONE ACTUALLY WANTS THIS ABSOLUTELY OOC HALBRAND with nothing but the Halbrand name slapped onto the foreheads of two other Charlie characters.
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rallamajoop · 1 year
With regards to the Four Lords, could it be the case in which the nobility becomes less and less prominent over the course of history instead of Miranda just giving the Lords these names? The Four Kings are considerably ancient, their crests and murals predating Miranda. Heisenberg and Moreau seem to have been commoners. Donna at least lived in her family estate. And Alcina, while a noblewoman, isn’t even from the village — but does seem to have ancestral ties to it.
I'd love to answer your question, but I'm really not clear on what you're asking.
I assume you're referring to all the hints I talked about in my post on the four lords, suggesting some-or-all of them weren't originally from the village, and/or probably had no claim to being descendants of the village's legendary families. But by "instead of Miranda just giving the Lords these names" – giving who which names? Miranda could’ve renamed the four survivors of her experiments after the ‘lords’ of legend to give them more legitimacy; she could’ve convinced the people of the village they were descended from the village’s four founders without changing their names – heck, we don’t even know for sure what the four founders’ names were. The game contains a bunch of contradictory info on that point, and you can pretty much come up with any theory you like to resolve it.
For the sake of the argument though, here’s basically what we’ve got to go on.
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1. The four statues, presumed to be of the village's four founders/noble houses (and that one old diary referencing their existence), and other very old structures around the village, such as the castle and stronghold
2. Crests and carvings from around the village representing the current four 'lords' as Dimitrescu, Benviento, Moreau and Heisenberg (there’s a vague mention of these in the old diary too)
3. The treasures you can collect, naming the four founders instead as Berengario, Cesare, Guglielmo and Father Nichola (these could be first rather than last names, but they certainly don't add any support for Miranda's version of events)
4. Various statements from documents scattered around the game suggesting that Dimitrescu isn't from the village, that Donna's been a 'lord' less than 25 years', that Heisenberg mocks the idea of his own lordship, etc
How do we resolve all these contradictory clues? However you like! The game runs on twisted fairy tale logic anyway, and for all I know, half these ‘clues’ may be accidents that came out of miscommunication during development. Impeccable lore was unlikely to be anyone’s priority.
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But for me, I like the idea I raised back on my original post on the four lords, that none of them have any real claim to being descended from the four founders named on those relics, and Miranda just told the village they had, in attempt to lend them some legitimacy. So why are their names on that one carving in the cave? Look, just because it’s carved in stone doesn’t mean it’s ancient – Miranda could well have had the carving modified or even completely recreated. Maybe the original carving mentioned in that old document was destroyed long ago, and the new one could be a forgery, conveniently ‘rediscovered’ in the last hundred years. It could all be as phony as the notion of Miranda as the ‘protector’ of the village.
You don’t have to buy that answer, of course. Maybe those relics are meaningless, those names have been carved in the cave for centuries, and Miranda just rechristened all her most successful experiments in honour of the legend. Or maybe some of the four lords have legitimate claims to being descended from those legendary founders, and others required Miranda to get creative with the facts. Anything’s possible!
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that Dimitrescu has any ancestral ties to the village though. The info we get tells us that she's the descended from a fallen noble, and that she’s specifically not from the village (more on this in my other post). It's possible the fallen noble she's descended from came from the village originally, but we’ve got nothing to suggest that. Dimitrescu states in her diary that Miranda 'gave her' the castle. The notes on winemaking allude to the castle having 'previous occupants'. Even her daughters were Miranda’s experiments, ‘given’ to Dimitrescu (and given new names to boot) when they survived. And I kind of love the idea that the imperious Lady Dimitrescu is such a complete phony right below the surface – it ties in well thematically with all the rest of Miranda’s bullshit.
Donna’s the one character most likely to have ‘legitimate’ claims to lordship. We know she at least comes from the village, and from a wealthy family – it makes little sense that Miranda could’ve had her renamed. Moreau and Heisenberg are ciphers by comparison: they could’ve grown up in the village, or they could be outsiders like Dimitrescu. And Lord knows if even the writers of RE8 had clear backstories in mind for any of them.
So unless RE9 turns out to be, like, the definitive horror history of the village from 8 (unlikely), I really doubt we’ll ever get clearer answers than the confusing tidbits from the game itself. And as much fun as I’ve had piecing the clues together that hint that the lords may all be fakes, there are still more gaps than real information. The rest is really up to your imagination.  
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What are some interesting and lesser known titanic or WW1 facts?
Apologies I took so ridiculously long to answer this! Been coming up to crunch time with a huge project I've got at school... But some of the things I've been researching recently can answer this question! Bearing in mind that what is interesting to me may not be interesting to everyone else, but anyways.
First World War Fact!
Disposable menstrual management products as we know them today actually owe a lot to the First World War:
Due to the shortage of materials such as cotton and wool that affected both sides of the war, alternate materials for making field dressings were sought out. One of these was Cellucotton, produced by Wisconsin based Kimberly-Clark, and field dressings made of which came about alongside the American introduction to the war in 1917. Kimberly-Clark came to notice that nurses at the front had been using their cellucotton field dressings as menstrual pads, and, after the war, decided to pivot their production to this market, and rebranded themselves as Kotex.
Kotex wasn't the first disposable menstrual management product out there, but it was the first with a widely successful marketing campaign, and made strides by getting the product out of just catalogues, and onto physical store shelves. While there's of course a lot of discussion today about the environmental impact of disposable sanitary products, their widespread adoption to begin with had a multitude of positive impact on those who used them, including aspects of hygiene, ability to travel, etc.
(One of the other cotton alternatives used in field dressings was sphagnum moss! In brief, sphagnum moss can absorb up to 20 times its own weight in liquid, has antiseptic properties, and brought with it an enormous campaign of allied volunteers on the home front to collect the moss and manufacture it into dressings. I stumbled upon menstrual pads made with sphagnum moss too, dated 1919! But I don't know much about that endeavor and want to find out more.)
For a Titanic Fact:
The interview with junior wireless operator Harold Bride, taken aboard the RMS Carpathia upon returning to New York, and printed in the New York Times, is one of the most referred to interviews surrounding the event. The acquisition of this interview is widely attributed to a Jim Speers, and much of the literature I've read regarding this interview credit the interviewer as such. The problem is:
No one named Jim Speers was working at the New York Times in 1912.
The actual interviewer who urged his way aboard the Carpathia (alongside Guglielmo Marconi himself!*) to get that interview was a man named Isaac Russell, who was actually acting against his assignment from the NYT that day. His name was not published with the article, and thus fell unknown until Russell's own unpublished manuscripts came to light. Where on earth the name Jim Speers came into play though, and why this nonexistent man started getting the credit, I've not gotten to the bottom of.
*Marconi's intentions were very much out of concern of not hearing from his operators, while Russell, whose act of getting an interview BEFORE encouraging Bride to get his injuries treated feels rather exploitative to me personally... but I digress.
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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Arturo Toscanini in 1898:
"By Heaven! If this Neapolitan continues to sing like this, he will make the whole world talk about him."
Beniamino Gigli:
"I wonder what would have become of me if, like him, I had been born in a city slum; for I did not have the gifts of personality that enabled Caruso to create life and warmth around him wherever he went."
Bruno Walter:
"I loved his voice, his talent, the sense of beauty expressed in his nuances of timbre, his portamento and rubato, his great musicality and naturalness, and we got along so well."
Caruso about his first teacher:
"It was he [Guglielmo Vergine] who impressed, time and again, the necessity of singing as nature intended, and - I remember - he constantly warned, don't let the public know that you work. So I went slowly. I never forced the voice."
Caruso about his performance:
"I know that I shall sing only a certain number of times. So I think to myself, "Tonight I will hold back my voice. I will save it a little and that will mean I may be able to sing a few more times." But when I go before the audience, when I hear the music and begin to sing, I cannot hold back. I give the best there is in me - I give all."
Caruso about his singing:
"I suffer so much in this life. That is what they [the audience] are feeling when I sing, that is why they cry. People who felt nothing in this life cannot sing."
Caruso about Nellie Melba and Melba about Caruso:
Not a quote but an action. The Australian soprano Nellie Melba was notorius for her ruthlessness and coldness. Performing with her in La Bohème Caruso, as a joke, pressed a hot sausage into her hand that he'd hidden in his pocket as he sang "Che gelida manina, se la lasci riscaldar."("What a cold little hand, let me warm it"). She had considered Caruso coarse and uncultivated and this, of course, only confirmed that ... Melba, however, was impressed with Caruso's voice and wrote in her autobiography (Melodies and Memories): "As a voice - pure and simple - his was the most wonderful tenor I ever heard."
Geraldine Farrar:
“There are two singers you must put aside, one is Enrico Caruso, the other is Rosa Ponselle. Then you may begin to discuss all the others!”
Giovanni Martinelli about Caruso:
At a party an overdressed flamboyant woman persisted in demanding answers from Giovanni Martinelli to questions in a loud voice to attract attention. Finally she said, “Come now, Mr. Martinelli, tell us the truth – Caruso was never as good as his press made him to be, is that not the truth.” Martinelli swung around and faced his tormentor. “Madame”, he declared in his accented, but thoroughly accurate English, “Put Gigli, Lauri-Volpi and me together – make us one tenor – and we would not be fit to kiss Caruso’s shoe tops”. “Does that answer you?”
Guilio Gatti-Casazza (director of the Metropolitan Opera):
"I heard all the great tenors of my time over and over again. Many of them were wonderful artists and had extraordinary voices. But in my opinion, not a single one of them ever sang an entire role with such vocal and artistic consistency as Caruso."
John McCormack about Caruso's voice:
"36 years later that voice still rings in my ears, the memory of it will never die."
Richard Strauss in excitement after hearing Caruso the first time:
"He is singing the soul (spirit) of the melody!"
Rosa Ponselle:
"When you speak of tenors, you have to divide them into two groups. Caruso in the first group. All the others are in the second."
The soprano Geraldine Farrar writes in her biography that she, the first time she stood on stage with Caruso, forgot to sing as she had broken into tears from the beauty of Caruso's voice.
"I have seen him sob for five minutes in his dressing room after the first act [of Pagliacci]; I have seen him fall on the stage, faint from emotion; and I have also seen him come off whistling gaily and joking with the chorus. Whatever his own emotions were, his audience was invariably overwhelmed. I asked him to explain the secret of this power. He said, "I suffer so much in this life, Doro. That is what they feeling when I sing, that is why they cry. People who felt nothing in this life cannot sing."From "Enrico Caruso - His Life and Death" by Dorothy Caruso.
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The Golden Sun
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Prologo: This is before re how our black reader met Lorenzo de Medici (her future zaddy) thanks to the man's ex nemesis and her cousin
Florence was celebrating Francesco de 'Pazzi was getting married, it was a sigh of relief for everyone from plebeians, knights, nobles and to the church. It was an event that no one expected, everyone knew that Guglielmo de 'Pazzi was the sentimental one, not Francesco.
But everything changed when he met Andrea Sabini's eyes, they met at a ball in Venice for the union of two nobles.
Right there Andrea distracted and euphoric did not look in front and collided with the man.
"My apologies Messer. I wasn't looking where I was going" he smiled
"No problem, but she's careful" she said with her typical look, and the woman walked down her street, but she turned around and asked
"Your name, Messer" he turned
"And why would he want to know?" he asked sceptically
"Please don't be offended, I shouldn't be so curious, I wish you a good evening" she said and went away, leaving Francesco to look down the corridor, realizing that her brother was calling him she went away.
He enjoyed the rest of the evening, talked with possible collaborators and clients and danced with many women, also had the good fortune to meet Ludovico Sabini, strangely obviously liked him with Lorenzo de 'Medici.
"You two seem like talented young men, if you use your mind you will be more than your fathers and your names will be remembered in the stars" he laughed proudly, a woman interrupted him.
"Andrea you feel better" he asked, Francesco recognized her.
"Yes father, I'm sorry I made you worry," she said sadly.
"Excuse me for the interruption," she said and went off to join other ladies, and Francesco didn't take his eyes off her.
"That's my daughter Andrea Sabini, the diamente of the family" Ludovico was proudly beating his cane on the ground.
"Andrea is a rather manly name" Lorenzo added
"When she was born she took my finger and I almost rupper it, she is worthy of that name, even if she looks like a young lady I taught her like my sons and she is always on my right, she is the only one in the family to convince to the royal family of Naples to invest and buy our silk "explained after a chat or two the old man left.
"Francesco it seems that you are infatuated with Andrea Sabini" Lorenzo teased him.
"Shut up Medici" the dances opened and Pazzi was really waiting to meet Andrea again, and finally he succeeded.
"Oh we meet again Messer" the woman said she took her hand and they danced.
"I have to offer you my sincere apologies," he apologized
"For what reason?" she was confused
"For answering you abruptly earlier"
"Don't worry, I just wanted to know who the bewitching-faced Messer was," he smiled
"I wonder if you say lp just to make me feel better or at all?" the dance was about to end
"I told you I'm not offended," they bowed and their eyes met
"And I only express myself this way to people who have caught my eye," she whispered
"I caught an eye on you '"
"I'm a lady, I can't answer this question in public, but come and know the question"
From that moment the two were under secret courtship, for the Sabines it could have been fine but for Jacopo Pazzi it would have been the loss of his best pawn. The relationship continued for months until the man's uncle was becoming suspicious and sent a spy to the French court where Francis was invited. Thanks to the letter from Lorenzo they discovered that their uncle and the whole of Florence had discovered him.
"You don't have to come with me, you can save your reputation" he tried to persuade her beloved but there was nothing to be done.
"My love, I will not leave you anywhere, if you are guilty of this foolishness I am too" she stroked his face and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek.
The carriage arrived in front of Villa Pazzi, they looked at each other for a moment and went out hand in hand, Lorenzo had already told them that there would be many Florentine noble families waiting. And so it was Jacopo de Pazzi really wanted to humiliate him, and his uncle was there and he was smiling.
"Francesco, would you like to introduce us to your beloved?" the man said
"I'm Andrea Sabini of the Sabini family, Messer Pazzi" she introduced herself making the nobles jump
"Do you know what crime he committed?"
"Love your nephew?" she said brazenly.
"Adultery and …..
"I have to stop you there Messer Pazzi but the two of us are under courting, my family knows it and I Pazzi know it" she replied, the nobles were really shocked by her "cheekiness".
"Messer Pazzi did not know about your scandalous ……." Niccolò Ardighelli tried to say
"But my brother knew it and since we have half the power of this family, the de 'Pazzi knew it," Francesco said.
"He really wants to be with a woman like her," a doonna whispered
and finally they could court each other in the sun.
" What are you saying?" Andrea asked while eating strawberries under the Tuscan sun.
"I'm thinking how you came into my life," he said, stroking her face
"Thanks to you I became a better man, I would have become like my uncle Jacopo"
"I didn't do any of that," she blushed
"I'd like to ask you something," she tugged at a ruby ring
" Francis…."
"Andrea, will you marry me?"
"Sure yes, yes" their lips joined
"Francesco I love you" she smiled
" I love you too"
And so they went back there hand in hand on their wedding day not knowing they would bring two people together.
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