#gtlive references
bluelovestoship · 2 years
Naofumi woke up in a cage confused as his head spins from dizziness. He tries to remember what he was going before blacking out when he saw creatures of different sizes look at him frighten. He observed them to guess that they were talking but he couldn't understand what the language was, it sounded like english but in reverse mixed with pig latin.
A growl sound could be heard as he looked embarrassed since he was starving as fruits were sitting out. Grabbing the fruits, he took a bite as the taste of pineapples and watermelons as he made a happy noise trying not to devour the fruit.
//A wip for now cuz I got overwhelmed by my brain
After finishing the fruit, he looked up and saw two tall humanoids. The first looked to be female but he wasn't sure as large antler like horns were on her head, long blue hair on top of white scale like skin that had a layer of what seems to be retractable fur with a broken long tail but he couldn't figure out what its true from was. She seems to be made from gems with scared bumps bruises and cuts along her body and her hands were scared with claws for fingers. Her sharp sea green eyes held fear, curiosity and caution as her plump soft purple lips were spread thin.
Look away from her, he notices a peacock like male with dragon wings and a parrot tail. He seems to be very multicolored with red head that was connected to a human like face, golden eyes with slit pupils, kissable red lips and elf like ears. His body seemed to have fur like a wolf.
Hearing footsteps, a group of tall coaches with with alligator tails and croc snots holding trays of fruit and sloppy joe like poop with water bottles into the cell as the female grabs some fruits while the male ate some of the of the slop
// @demonfurry thanks for one of the guard types I'll try to draw them all once I translate brain the paper with some time//
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lovelycatdraws · 1 year
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Trimming Squishmallows
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gtliveoutofcontext · 10 days
this is so chronically online. i
Please read tags for explanation🙏
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spitedloser · 1 year
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a yell and a sniff, baby
(feat. the spitedloser christmas special)
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fuckmatpat · 5 months
Retirement Video Summary:
Lots of references to old memes surrounding the channel(s)
There will be nine weeks left of theory videos
On March 9th, he will have a going away video
Noticed he said that most of his recent videos are other people doing the research, not him
A group of four people will be taking over the channel(s)
Person named Lee is going to be taking over film theory (the same person who worked on Breakdown)
Person named Amy is going to be taking over style theory
Person named Santi will be taking over food theory
Person named Tom will be taking over game theory
matpat notes that he will be on gtlive untill at least summer (estimated)
He is also making his own media. He hopes that other channels will comment on it
Animation show idea
Video game idea 
classic game theory wrap up outro. solid end 
All that said, he isn't completely gone, but he'll be in the background every now and then as well as some events. 
In this video he looks extremely tired. He gets understandably emotional, as the channels he has started from a very small channel and has grown into much more. He notes he felt very connected to the community and fanbase he curated.
I really think this will be good for him. Earnestly. From what he's described, his work schedule is very busy and stressful. It's unsustainable for any person. So, the decision to split the workload between four leaders of people.
I hope that alongside spending more time with his family and kid, he'll find the time to reflect a little bit on his history.
In addition, with new leaders taking over the four main channels, hopefully we will get better content out of it, better written videos/scripts, original work, or at least properly cited/credited stuff.
Just better quality stuff overall. I'm sure no one would mind waiting a little longer for better quality videos.
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hall0wedwyrm · 7 months
Watching GTLive to steal headcanons for Ness was the best decision I've made.
So far, I've got:
Ness loves playing hard games,
BUT will always yell and jump about when he's mad. Sometimes, Mike walks into him doing a little after-diner late-night gaming and Ness is sat with his head in his hands sighing really hard ("Ness the couches are for sitting not for CLIMBING.")
He's got a huge knowledge of pop culture. He sometimes makes references Mike doesn't understand, and he takes like 10 minutes to thoroughly explain it, and by the end Mike still sort of doesn't understand but he just supports him
cont. but Ness also has a lot of nerdy science knowledge too. He likes to share the worst facts he knows with Mike :)
His podcast episodes have "Witty Banter" portions at the start before he gets into the complete mood shift of a topic. When he invites Mike onto the podcast, the entire episode is basically the witty banter (and the comments are all "you and Mike have amazing chemistry!! bring him on more often!!!!" little do they know.....)
Ness' Theatre Era.
The almost colourful vocabulary of Ness. He censors himself the best he can (especially around Abby) but sometimes he'll let out a little swear and Mike GASPS SO LOUD JUST TO EMPHASISE IT AND MAKE IT A HUGE DEAL. Sometimes Vanessa joins too just for the bit. He gets very embarrassed.
Also side note can we please appreciate the hilarious ways Mat censors himself?? its so funny because you can always tell what he wants to say, he just doesn't. (except for when he does and its a jumpscare)
Ness and his stupid ass laugh. Its so contagious that Mike laughs too. Mike isn't much of a laugher, so when Ness sees him laugh, it makes him laugh more too. (Mat's laugh is one of my favourites, so I'm projecting it onto Ness)
"So... how long do you think you could go without shower?" "Ness what the fu-"
Ness has a recording closet. He lives in a small apartment space, so the only spot he can think of to record is... his closet.
He talks with his hands a lot, and sometimes when hes trying to think hard he closes his eyes. Mike also likes to jokingly copy his movements when hes particularly expressive but it's kind of grown on him
okay this went on longer than i expected but I'll update with more eventually (bcs im on a GTLive binge watch and I'm currently on Mario Odyssey and i might do Kindergarten next because its a CLASSIC)
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puhpandas · 3 months
(not the same anon)
matpat said Gregory "may not be as innocent as we all hoped/wished he'd was" when discussing the GGY book
to be fair, he said "WAS a villain", so my guess is that Gregory did some really bad stuff in the past but has moved on from it. then again, we don't know how much it affects the current events of the story.
he said "Not AS innocent" so I think Gregory is a morally gray at least and is staying there for the rest of the story. Not guilty, not innocent, iykwim
it does seems like the robot theory has been completely debunked tho
and no, he can't tell us anything directly, he can't even say how much he knows. Not even the Game Theory team knows lmao
everything is on "FNAF Is FINALLY Solved?!" GTLIVE, skip to minute 17 onwards when he starts talking about it
thank you anon you're a godsend🙏 this rlly helps me get a better understanding.
so I'm personally going to take this as us being in the same position. we all know Gregory is morally grey because of the animatronics + the possibility that he dropped cassie, that's no secret. but also ggy would make him not as innocent as the games show him lol. ggy/dr rabbit would still be a huge reveal in the games since it hasnt been shown and only implied in a book. I think we're safe
if Gregory WERE to have been just evil on his own, it would contradict with the cutout of him comforting cassie and when he cried over Freddy and hugged him and when he saved vanessa. so my thinking is that in that scenario he would be like Thomas from the maze runner. he would have been bad voluntarily and then gotten memory loss that wiped his brain and then become good voluntarily. not a bad character per se but I dont think it's right for Gregory. him being glitchtrapped explains and makes sense for literally every part of his story so I think that's still the case :)
like in Freddy in space Gregory was a boss that threw discs at you, so like. clear patient 46 reference there, but my point would be that hes framed as a villain like vanny is, and vanny wasnt even truly a villain because everyone knew she was secretly unwilling/mind controlled. that's changed now since the killer rabbit alter egos are now separate entities from people like vanessa, but my point still stands
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smoliboops · 2 years
Anomaly Found GTLive Notes (not really comprehensive, just the bits I found interesting and wanted to note down for future reference :p):
ALTR 5914 possibly being the cause of videos not being in chronological order
The Kuleshov effect (which was mentioned in reference to the camera shots making arin less/more approachable) is the idea that two shots in a sequence are more impactful than a single shot by itself. This effect is a cognitive event that allows viewers to derive meaning from the interaction of two shots in sequence.
the significance of the life after death question with the egos in the past possibly getting killed by anti and later returning (are they still them? what is the timeline of these event?)
anti being a symbol of death himself, “chaos is in control”, asserting dominance thru being unpredictable, being this force of chaos, puts everyone on edge and too scared to do anything or making the wrong move cos things could turn on a dime
“are they (iris) trying to trigger anti?”
oooh they did notice the eye in the one glitch but don’t know that it’s anti’s eye from turquoisemagpie’s anti art (at least at the time of the recording)
“it’s daffy duck” xD
echo possibly another altr, “one to keep an eye on”
camera is now personable when arin’s trying to be nice to chase
tom: “ ‘in that instance, there was an item and we took the item into containment. and we saved the people.’ but they’re trying to save him and yet they brought him into containment.” hmmmm
parallel between chase finding anti in dark silence and anti finding chase in anomaly found
noting the bloody footprints showing that they’re all seperate entities and again mentioning the idea that maybe iris was using chase to draw out anti
connection maybe between antimatter and anti was mentioned as an interesting thought
and finally, Sean you really had to add that comment didn’t you s i r:
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Also seems like they will be working on a proper Game/Film Theory video on the egos and iris, really can’t wait to see!! ^^
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aneggofmystery · 3 months
the new NEW intro post bitches!!
here's the link to the older intro post if you're interested :3
We're the Ribbon System, aka the Smosy System! to refer to us collectively, use the host's names (Mills, Richie, Peaches, or Josie)
Other hosts are just Me, Tang/Cicada, atm (He/She)
18 years old, They/He pronouns Collectively
DNI is still rather simple!
pretty much all the stuff you'd expect (Homophobes, transphobes, racists, really any kind of hater)
Please do not follow if you're under 13 years old or over 30 unless otherwise stated! we'd prefer older folks not interact at all but we understand it can be kinda hard to keep that in check.
- don't flirt with us unless we're close and we say you can
- most jokes are fine, but check in with us if you're not sure
rich's rambles - rambling
richie's spammin ya again - spam/general reblogs
my friends are really cool!! - reblogs of friend's creations
cool people art tag!! - people's cool art, including BOTH friends/mutuals and those i dont really know
slimey man posting - anything to do with Vulkron /j
richie's art tag - anything WE MADE with our own TWO HANDS!!
More Info under the cut!
Hyperfixations & Special Interests
- LEGO Monkie Kid
- Splatoon
- Journey To The West
- The Theorist Channels (Game, Film, Food, Style, GTLive)
- Muppets
- Lethal Company
Our friend Vulkron, only straight man ever, streams a few times each week.
Along with that, he and another friend, Fourth, are featured in his Phasmophobia videos (and us too ig)
@flareboi started the lovely series Bellatrice Lane, which we're honored to help work on, along with @fancy-feast-official & @moss-ballz, to name a few.
@bbarnabby, our lovely QPP!! (hi hun, smiles)
our lovely Muppet Mutuals, @latte-cucumber, @snykiwytbbombttiiwafafwdaau, @mysafespaceblog13
@gory-ghostie-gutz, autism appreciator <33
AND TO ALL THE OTHER MOOTS (namely @penbwl and @valentinesdayy we really wanna include you but cant find a place)I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING TO ATTRIBUTE TO YOU BUT. LOVE YOU GUYS. YOU KNOW THIS. but we lvoe all y'all.
Other Things
- we REALLY like BreakfastShipping (ShadowPeach x Freenoodles, for those who don't know). very mentally ill about them (has nothing to do with me literally being tang /j)
- we write on ao3! although it's pretty barren a lot of the time.
- we're Filipino-American and somehow are the ONLY person in our family who washes their rice
(woah, second egg)
(it's just like Deltarune chapter 2)
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princessquesting · 5 months
Fall Fest Masterpost
For my own purposes, I wanted to compile everything that we know about Fall Fest. This is going to be a fair mix of fact and speculation, but I'm going to touch upon everything I can find from its first reference in Help Wanted 1 to present day. If I miss anything, let me know! If it was ever mentioned in a book, I've hardly scratched the surface of those so I would not know, so, for now, we're focusing solely on game lore here.
It's a bit of a long one, so strap in!
Help Wanted 1: Curse of Dreadbear
The Main Hub
I believe that the first ever mention of Fall Fest was with HW1's Curse of Dreadbear DLC. Fall Fest '83 is where our main hub for this DLC is, as indicated by the banner visible.
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The area itself seems to be on a farm of some sort, what with the tractor, the barn, the windmill, and (arguably) the hay bales. It's filled with the typical Halloween spookiness; weird, stormy green skies, sharp, bare trees, jack-o-lanterns everywhere. To our side, there's a lake, and a car is parked on the other side. Up on a hill sits a house, believed to be the FNAF Four house. I won't spend much time on the various easter eggs found in the main hub of the DLC world, as I feel that most of them are just cool, randomly-triggered moments. However, seeing as it is something you can trigger intentionally, there is an easter egg that feels important to touch upon. By activating blacklight mode, pressing the button on the monitor, and turning around (this is straight from the wiki, folks, I do not own this game, so I cannot confirm that this is 100% correct!) two things occur. Firstly, Glitchtrap appears in the distance on a hill, doing his creepy little dancey dance. Secondly, the car's headlights turn purple, implying either the general presence of Afton or the fact that he owns the car.
"Game Won!" Room
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This room, aside from having the only notable (for my purposes) easter egg, is mentioned only because it adds to the ambiance of Fall Fest. The Game Won! room is clearly in a barn, presumably the one from the main hub area. It contains the same mix of spooky decorations and farm environment that the outside does. Of course, as was mentioned before, there is a notable easter egg in here. On the walls around the player spawn posters; one for each of the three accessible walls. The player is provided with darts that can be thrown around the room, but most notably at the posters. On the off chance that all three of the posters are the clown poster from FNAF Six and the player hits them all with a dart, the room changes to a blacklight mode, and the "Game Won!" text changes to "It's Me".
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Notable Curse of Dreadbear Gameplay
What games make sense to be taking place at the actual Fall Fest? Let's start with the least likely; the Danger! Keep Out! section of the DLC. Why isn't this taking place at Fall Fest? Because it takes place at the FNAF 1 location! Just like that, a third of the game is crossed off the list. For similar reasons, we can cross off Hallway, as that takes place in the FNAF 4 house. Next up is Build a Mangle. Due to the overall environment of the game, it feels less like a carnival game or festival activity and more like a... I'll be real, I don't know what to call it. It's a weird minigame. Dreadbear is slightly more Halloween-themed, but the environment leads me to believe that it isn't meant to be taking place at Fall Fest either. Trick-Or-Treat is where we get into that weird grey area. The outside environment is similar to the main hub, but less farm-y and more creepy-house-on-the-outskirts-of-town.
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(Credits to GTLive- I don't know why the quality is so bad!) If anything, the gate at the end of the drive looks like the Game Over screen. Whether this is means anything is beyond me. They may just be reusing assets, but who's to say?
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Whatever the case, I do not see a clear connection between this house and Fall Fest. We're down to our final three contenders. Up first is Plushkin Patch. This minigame clearly takes place on a farm, what with the tractor right beside you. In addition, a pumpkin patch is a logical addition to a fall festival. It can be argued, depending on your opinion of the timeline, that Circus Baby plushes don't make sense to be present in 1983, but I don't think that plushes of any character came to life and attacked people at any Fall Fest. So, to me, the environment feels connected, but the actual minigame? Probably not. Based on Curse of Dreadbear's portrayal of Fall Fest, I wouldn't have given the Captain Foxy ride a second thought. After all, a full-on dark ride doesn't really make sense for a small-town fall festival. And I'm still on the fence as to where I stand on this. From the small glimpses of the outside we can see, (HorrorScoped drop a Curse of Dreadbear out of bounds video please <3) the environment seems to fit the Fall Fest vibes. Besides, considering that this is FNAF that we're talking about, suspending disbelief and putting realism aside is a necessity. Whose to say constructing an entire dark ride is out of the picture for the dynamic duo of Afton and Emily? In short, jury's out on this one. Finally, for our purposes, I believe that it is the Corn Maze that is the most notable part of the Curse of Dreadbear DLC, but not for the reason you may think. It is, of course, the place in which the player can first encounter the Vanny mask in the cellar, setting the stage for Security Breach. However, as is evidenced by the grainy photo below, it is the only minigame (that I could find!) that is directly confirmed to take place AT Fall fest '83. The banner hangs in view during gameplay.
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(sorry for the bad YouTube screenshot, not even 1080p was fixing it- credit to GTLive!) Do I think that a Vanny mask was in the cellar in the corn maze in 1983? No. However, I do find the animatronic chasing us to be particularly interesting. Grimm Foxy is the Foxy counterpart of the Jack-O-Animatronics. I want to get that out of the way. I am fully aware that a precedent was set for lighting these robots on fire for Halloween. However, as we will discuss later, fire and Fall Fest are connected. I'm not saying that Grimm Foxy was made with that in mind, as the fire connection came later, but it certainly is interesting that this burning animatronic is running around a maze largely constructed out of wood. It just seems like a bad situation that fits in with the canon. To finally wrap up discussion on Curse of Dreadbear, it is important to note that this game in the FNAF canon is part of a VR game. As such, the details may or may not be related to the actual event, so that's something to bear in mind.
Anyways, thank goodness Security Breach didn't really touch on Fall Fest; I've already spent longer than I'd like to admit reading wikis and watching Curse of Dreadbear footage for confirmation on things. ...Is what I would say if I didn't remember the existence of those Help Wanted rooms in the back hallways of the Pizzaplex.
A Short Security Breach Interlude
There are thankfully only two small rooms I want to mention existing. Do they matter? Probably not. Are they connected to Fall Fest? Hardly. But this is attempting to cover every detail that might be related, so I'm taking a moment to acknowledge their existence. You're welcome. The first room is the Curse of Dreadbear Title Screen room. It's a room decorated with trees and a starry night sky ceiling, with the projector from the Curse of Dreadbear title screen projecting static. The second room is the Build-a-Mangle room. It's the Build-A-Mangle room. It's where you build a mangle. Not much else to say about it, folks. One thing worth nothing, however; both of the present box collectibles in the Curse of Dreadbear rooms are Sun and Moon themed, with a Sun figure in the Title Screen room and a Moon figure in the Build-A-Mangle room. It's an oddly specific place to put an oddly specific fan-favorite duo. Considering their role in the Fall Fest representation in Help Wanted 2, I find this worth mentioning.
As much as I can talk about Ruin, and as much as that DLC is the source of much of my current brainrot, I'm grateful that I can't really think of any real connection between Ruin and Fall Fest. If I think of something, I'll add it on, but thankfully, I have one less game to rant about. Update: Fern from the future. This detail doesn't need its own whole section. However, in the files for Ruin, an older version of one of the game maps had a note from a game developer; "Something Cool that Maybe Foreshadows Carnival (Pending JTop's Thoughts)". This feels like it may be related to Fall Fest, though this is purely speculation.
Help Wanted 2
Ah, Help Wanted 2. What a game. Very happy to not be thinking about the endings for a change.
F&F Art & The Prize Room
Let's kick it off with the first Fall Fest thing we got from Help Wanted 2, as this was posted on Steel Wool's Instagram before HW2's release.
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This cute Freddy & Friends art is plastered on the back of the Prize Machine when you win any minigame. It would have made more sense for them to put just regular Freddy & Friends art there instead, no? This was a very deliberate choice to remind the player of Fall Fest as they played, in my opinion. Then there's the Fall Fest 1970 poster. There's no names or branding on it, so we can't be sure of who's in charge of the festival, but it is worth noting that the main focus of the poster is what looks like a circus or carnival tent. From this, we can get a deeper connection between Fall Fest and Carnival, and we can learn that there were at least two Fall Fests.
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Help Wanted 2 Gameplay
While there are only three types of minigame that are worth calling out in relation to Fall Fest, they give us a ton of information. The first and probably most confusing connection is in the First Aid minigames. I'll be honest, I'm still trying to figure out what this one means and why it's there. The voice explaining what to do in that minigame is labeled as "Carnival Nurse" in the subtitles. Nothing about that game gives me carnival vibes, making the connection stand out even more. The second group of games that are important to Fall Fest is the carousel game. After my first time watching someone play the game, I had just assumed that the carousel was in the Pizzaplex. Where else would it be? However, Horrorscoped's Out of Bounds Video gives us some context. The carousel is sitting in a dark field with trees, a windmill, a water tower, and what appears to be the frame of a barn. It's looking pretty close to the Fall Fest farm, folks. His out of bounds exploration reveals something else; the barn catches fire first, and the fire then spreads to the carousel. This is fire on the move! The choice of animatronic for this minigame is particularly interesting. I'll give it to them; I can't think of a character that would work better, or even just as good, as Moon does for this minigame. He possesses the ability to jump and crawl in ways that most animatronics are incapable of. Is that it, then? Was it purely a gameplay choice? Maybe. If it was, I wouldn't be mad. It made for a really cool game. However, I touched upon Security Breach for a reason. It's a loose connection, sure, but they purposefully put references to Sun and Moon in the Curse of Dreadbear easter egg rooms. It could be a coincidence, or they could be cooking. Like everything else here, it's a wait-and-see situation.
Finally, Fazerblast. For my own sake, I'm not going to go through every individual level. I'm saving flying Circus Baby and balloon animal conversations for a potential carnival game. Instead, let's touch on the relevant information. I don't think it's ever completely CONFIRMED that Fazerblast is happening during Fall Fest, but it has a similar environment and overall vibe, as well as references to Dreadbear. I haven't seen anyone arguing for it being set somewhere else. Your main source of information and harassment is a Freddy-adjacent animatronic aptly called Carnie. As many have already pointed out, Carnie is essentially a recolor of Lefty. Some argue that it's an intentional choice. Others will say they're reusing assets. I personally don't have a strong opinion either way. I believe that if this were actually Fall Fest '83, Carnie wouldn't be responding to its environment as if it possesses some type of AI. I feel like the animatronic would be a lot simpler in that regard. But Carnie's fun, so I'm not complaining. Then there is, of course, the fire. Fazerblast malfunctions in the worst possible way, setting the shooting gallery ablaze. This appears to be the source of the fire that eventually spreads to other aspects of the festival. If that's the case, then there's a pretty dang good chance that this fire was purely an accident. No murder attempts, no arson, just bad luck. Finally, I know I said I wouldn't talk about the endings, but there is just one thing worth mentioning. They both share a singular end-credit song. "Scorched Cranberries Special." The song itself is apparently a remix of a song from the FNAF World ost, "Don't Open the Door". I don't know enough about the FNAF World ost to draw any connections from the context that song is played in to this, but I find the name change odd. "Don't Open the Door" as a name for something to sum up Help Wanted 2 kind of fits. Opening the door with the Fazwrench pulls the player character deeper into a situation that's larger than they are. It would have fit pretty well. So why did they change it? I mean, using a remix of a song from the Halloween update of a game to call attention yet again to Fall Fest is smart. Cranberries are in season in the fall, scorched implies burned... it's a fun little detail that I don't see mentioned enough!
Why Fall Fest?
This is all well and good. Sure, they've been talking about this thing in the past recently, and it might be in reference to a future game, but why this? It's not like Fall Fest is the Bite of '87. It's not some event in the timeline that we've known about forever. But here's the thing. A lot of the tragedy and death in FNAF has happened with intention. Sure, Circus Baby was never meant to hurt Elizabeth. Michael was just trying to scare his younger brother. But Charlie? The Missing Children? And, in more modern FNAF, the therapists? The missing people? The all-staff meeting? It's everywhere.
And arson? I feel like it's just as much of a given as Afton coming back at this point. So taking a look back to the early days, before many of the events in the timeline happen, and giving us an accidental tragedy? Perhaps this is shortly after the bite of '83, and another one of their projects, this time a carnival game, malfunctions. That wouldn't feel super good! Or maybe, somehow, it's before the bite, and it's a hint of the disaster to come.
Help Wanted 2 DLC?
I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility for "Carnival" to be in reference to DLC, instead of it being its own game. For one, it suits the play style of Help Wanted games! They already did some carnival games. Imagine hay rides and bobbing for apples or something. Carnival DLC would also potentially fit well with the themes introduced in HW2. The mask coming into play could show the carnival before and after it burned down, similar to how it showed FFPP before and after its ruination. In addition, depending on what we do and who we play as, memories might come back into focus, bringing a theme of the base game full circle. Just a thought!
Anyways I've been at this for literal hours, spent my whole Saturday evening/night ranting about festivals, I'm calling it here!
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acuaticamber06 · 1 year
-> Matpat just casually drops a Tumblr reference in his GTLive reaction to the FNAF VR2 trailer
-> My head whips around so fast I nearly break my neck
B’scuse me? 🤣
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world-of-ezraprisc · 1 year
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I posted 1.252 times in 2022
That's 9 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (6%)
1.176 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 110 of my posts in 2022
#matpat - 48 posts
#markiplier - 29 posts
#in space with markiplier - 29 posts
#game theory - 22 posts
#fanart - 19 posts
#iswm mack - 17 posts
#digital art - 17 posts
#iswm - 16 posts
#gtlive - 15 posts
#matthew patrick - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#i drew this on my samsung tablet that's why it looks different than my usual artworks
My Top Posts in 2022:
U Want Mack? I Give u Mack.
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The Dictator kind of Mack.
Look at 'em looking down at his glory.
Took some inspiration from @insane4fandoms and @echoirl (and a touch of Star Trek-Inspired uniforms) for Mack's Dictator Uniform design
go wild with ur imagination.
Behind the scenes:
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NOTE: this drawing is Based on Mark's commentary about Mack's casting in stream where Jack was supposed to be on the Mack role
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gtliveoutofcontext · 12 days
I hate my special three dots.
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
Can I SAVE Markiplier? Notes
You can find the vid in GTLive
I’ll be writing down stuff I found interesting. Also he should read up some theories on tumblr, 
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Right off the gates he uses the darkiplier tag and I- you made me look Theory Crew. You got me smiling good from behind the screen with that.
It’s already been speculated but he confirms he’ll have more scenes in part 2. Also even if fans joked about there being a possible 3rd part, looks like we really will only have 2.
He likens his experience to the marvel actors where he’s a part of it but doesn’t really know much outside his role (don’t worry, we don’t blame ya)
The theorist brain is hard at work! He immediately took notice of the Invincible II
Being amazed at how smart Mark was in making sure they could cut on the cgi bits by closing the blast doors and laughs at the next line.
No Mat, the M2702 is just a reference to the tesla video. We also see that as his inmate number in heist. I’d be surprised if there was heavy lore implications.
Pam being a recurring character. Is going to take note of her. As he should honestly. Kinda surprised he didn’t make a wkm connection already from Mark and Celci’s first interaction.
Chica appreciation
He had to be in one of the cryopods for a while. Cozy and lots of smoke.
He thought Mick’s outfit was one of the coolest.
Cameraman appreciation! FUCK YEAH! More preesh! There was apparently a point where they had to use their teeth to carry it. God damn. Hmmm, are the head tilts or shakes done with the teeth cam?
He liked the lore door~ y’know with the whole don’t wake the captain notes. lmao he went the long route when he could’ve gotten there much faster. First routes truly are special. Timeline merging seems to be the most logical conclusion, he and I can agree on this.
Dang you lore enthusiast you missed it. Well, when theory crew makes his video I am so sure he’ll go through it again because you can’t just not talk about Dorene when talking about lore in part 1
Man I really didn’t watch everything because all these send Mark in options are so new to me and it makes me feel bad :) I am not going to send him in. Head engineer Mark is my cute puppy 🥺
Pam apparently had to have ice packs in her suit.
I can’t believe he paused and missed the Warfstache was here
Hey, he’s right in his assumption! It is like the box from Heist. More like it’s the same crystal
Do most people really do the jump in again option first time through? I’ve seen a lot of reactions to iswm where they do that.
Mat thinking that there's more to the loop reminded me of the tweet Mark did. Oh no he's fallen prey to it and he doesn't even know it!
He thinks Gunther is right in how someone may have tampered with the Invincible. You are correct sir. Old Man Mark has a few things to say about that
He thought Dorene looked like Future Pam :D That’s a score for you Pam=Dorene theorists because you got him on your side
Yeah Dark is reserved for part 2
He picked up on the “you always were stubborn” line. Good on you~
Actually if he's working on his theory right after there are a few things he has things he has to keep in mind. WKM AHWM Dorene route, the website, and Mark's latest videos. A few posts like the character dossiers too. Maybe even WMLW and Stan the water man if you want to stretch it out further. ADWM doesn’t have that much connection to part 1 for now outside of the date line and what we assume, Stan holding the romance and horror book (but that’s a part 2 spoiler).
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mostleemorethansmut · 7 years
Best of Wives, Best of Women
(Inspiration, sort of)
Stephanie tiptoed down the stairs. Why wasn’t Matthew in bed? He wasn’t using their private bathroom. As the woman crawled through the house at the wee hours of the morning, she heard the faint noises. Scratching. A pen on paper. A hum. A distant light. On.
Turning through their building, she found him. There he was again. Working on something. Another letter. Stephanie was tired and exhausted. “Matthew, come back to sleep,” she softly complained, walking up behind him.
“I have an early meeting out of town,” he explained back,  turning back to her. Stephanie walked up to him and brushed her hand against his face.
“It’s still dark outside,” she stated, a bit confused. Steph leaned into his touch as he held her cheek.  She reached up and took his arm in her hands.
“I know,” he quickly confirmed. “I just need to write something down.” Matt slowly turned back to the table. However, Steph pulled on his arm and dragged him from his work once more.
“Why do you write like you’re running out of time?” she pressured, sliding up close to him. She looked into his dimly shadowed eyes. They were tired. Stressed. Afraid.
MatPat slid down to his knee and placed a finger over her mouth. “Shh,” he calmed. His finger drifted down, tugging at her bottom lip a bit, before falling off her face.
“Come back to bed,” she encouraged, her best puppy dog eyes on display, “that would be enough.” She rubbed the top of his hand.
Matt was conflicted. It visibly rolled across his face. He wanted to go to bed with his wife, but something was holding him back. “I’ll be back before you know I’m gone.”
“Come back to sleep,” Stephanie pleaded once more, hoping to break him. She gave his hand a quick squeeze
“This meeting’s at dawn,” he bartered, unfazed. He slid back up to his chair.
“Well I’m going back to sleep,” she stated quietly, standing up. She turned around and began walking away, hoping to force him away.
Matthew stared at his death note lying on the table. His mind screamed for him to not leave his wife like this. “Hey,” he softly called, standing up.
Stephanie turned around in time to receive a gentle peck on the lips. He stared down at her, his eyes sparkling in the little light there was. “Best of wives,” he admitted, “best of women.” Matthew held her head in his hands for a moment before dropping them completely.
Steph blushed and smiled as she walked away. Matt gazed on his wife as she glided away. When the last of her figure disappeared behind a corner, his heart broke. It would be the last time he saw her, and deep down, he knew that.
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