#gsd head tilt
dornish-queen · 10 months
Yes. I'll give him everything
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zinoriental · 2 years
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CAMARAS https://www.webcamtaxi.com/en/ https://www.skylinewebcams.com/ https://worldcam.eu/ https://www.earthcam.com/
OSINT tools Open-source intelligence
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https://ourworldindata.org/ http://www.citypopulation.de/ https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/ https://www.worldbank.org/en/where-we-work
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4shortleggies · 4 years
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Brownie? Let's go?
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pawsitivelypowerful · 6 years
Where are my head tilt lovers at?
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newenglandpups · 7 years
Omg thank u timehop for this nothing makes me smile like a German shepherd head tilt, but especially this specific German shepherd’s head tilting. I miss this big ol’ doofus.
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sassymajesty · 3 years
If you like cute animal head tilts, look up gsd head tilts, you're in for a treat..
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oh my god oh my gOD oh my god the little ones with their ears still a little wonky have my heart but everyone in this google search (and now in my happy folder) is so cute i'm gonna i'll just lie down on the floor for a minute
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Black Widow Thoughts and Spoilers
🔹Why don't they have Russian accents?
🔹Natasha never had a Russian accent
🔹why does SHIELD want them?!
🔹 God why do all the best superheroes have an extensive amount of trauma?
🔹ok now they're russian
🔹Wait they were just undercover
🔹Not even 10 minutes in and I'm already sobbing. TY
🔹She went to Norway
🔹*Sees dude sleeping in her bed* No no no no no no no no. Why why why why why why why? You you you you you
🔹So Budapest was a safehouse
🔹The Budapest pronunciation thing is literally the best thing I've seen in my entire life
🔹Natasha reciting James Bond is just *chefs kiss*
🔹Well I guess we'll never find out about Budapest
🔹Well Taskmaster came earlier than I expected 🔥💥
🔹Does Sokovian head tilt
🔹It's the flip for me!
🔹This girl fight is too dramatic 😅
🔹Nat speaking russian is just 👌🏻
🔹"What bullet does that?" "Not bullets. Arrows." 🏹 CLINT
🔹Maybe in English next time. Speaks in Russian
🔹Yelena says Tony Stark. Me: "Don't speak his name!"
🔹Roof scene!!
🔹Hits multiple things, still nails the superhero landing
🔹She's still wearing Clint's necklace 😭
🔹my plan was to drive us away. That's a shit plan
🔹Ok here comes the human battering ram
🔹Oh shit he's back 😂
🔹Ok Cap
🔹Now he's going to track her like a wounded deer
🔹Tik tac toe lmao
🔹it's like fighting a mirror
🔹 Well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details
🔹The braided pig tails 😭😭😭
🔹Ha bullshit
🔹Did you ever wish for kids? I want a dog. Same Yelena, same
🔹Yelena's "Ha" is hysterical
🔹Me thinking tab means life. "You know, you're getting dangerously close to running out your tab." Me: "Nah, she's got two more movies before that happens."
🔹Ursa coming in clutch like the fandom does when we run theories
🔹Those white suits came faster than I had plans for holy shit 😍😍
🔹 it's okay, the girls won't make a scene but the men will
🔹Oh wait she was talking to Alexei 😂
🔹Superhero landing!!
🔹Yel you look like you're from star wars
🔹Yelena sees avalanche: "That would be a cool way to die."
🔹Save the GSD!
🔹Farewell douchebags!!
🔹Alexei trying to talk but the girls have their headphones on is basically every adult ever
🔹A: "What's with the aggression, huh? Is it your time of the month?" Y: "I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus." N: "Or ovaries."
🔹A: "Whoa look at you all business." N: "Trust me this isn't pleasure."
🔹Y: Can we throw him out the window now?" N: I think we should wait till we get to a higher altitude."
🔹I'm not crying you're crying 😭
🔹Y: Crimson Dynamo. A: It's the Red Guardian. Y: Get out!
🔹Fires dart. A: "They think...." Fires 7 more 😂
🔹Melina is such a traitor
🔹The Red Room isn't down, it's up
🔹Y: " this is a much cool less way to die."
🔹PLOT TWIST!! I did not see Natasha using the camouflage to pretend to be Melina
🔹The ear piece debacle 😂
🔹The fact that all of Nat's earrings are real because Scarlett has those same piercings
🔹Taskmaster is Dreykov's daughter!!
🔹 They took phenomenal care in making Taskmaster look as masculine as possible
🔹Wakanda Forever! 😂
🔹*Uses hands* Damn it
🔹Superhero landing! Y:"That was disgusting." 😂
🔹Babe stop letting yourself get hit
🔹Damn girl you smart but OUCH
🔹She did the cap shield thing
🔹I didn't realize you could unbreak your nose like that
🔹The music during this air fight is amazing
🔹Character arc redemption: BW leaving Antonia the first time but not the second
🔹You can't kill off Yelena, I saw the trailers B
🔹When Natasha saves Yelena but then Taskmaster comes to fuck up a cute moment
🔹I KNEW she was going to let her go
🔹ok, let's go
🔹Okay, but her pulling TaskMaster's sword was hot
🔹It was real to me too... I'm sorry I'm sobbing 😭
🔹N: "Everybody good?" M: "I am clearly injured."
🔹 "Besides, if it can work out for the four of us, you know, there may be some hope for the Avengers. Little bit." 🖤
🔹Y passing down the vest like I read that she was going to 😭
🔹N: Don't worry I got this. Me: Not in two movies you won't
🔹The whistle 🗣
🔹she died her hair and I'm sobbing 😭
🔹She's in Yelena's vest too omg
🔹If no one gets off that jet to greet her then it's not worth it
🔹So she did help Steve break everyone out of prison
🔹 if the post credit scene isn't Yelena finding out that Nat's gone was the movie really worth it?
🔹Yelena is at her grave and I'm sobbing
🔹Go away Val you aren't even supposed to be here
🔹Now she wants Yelena to go after Clint.. He didn't kill her, he didn't have a choice 😭😭
🔹Omg killing Dreykov's daughter was the red in her ledger
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doberbutts · 3 years
Stacking is so weird/interesting. Her topline looks so different in these photos
This is why people who show dogs will warn non-confo people not to take a photo out of context for judging that dog’s structure. The angle of the camera and the exact placement of the feet can provide radically different views of the same dog. Sushi’s back feet are further apart but not quite out behind her far enough, and her head is tilted back too far, which changes her topline dramatically compared to when her back feet are closer together, she’s posting with her front legs, and her head is in a natural placement as in the photos I took of her in my job’s parking lot as she watched the truck guys.
This is also why a lot of people emphasize setting a dog up with freestacking- telling a dog to pose with their feet balanced under them in the most natural way possible is probably the best way to get a truly accurate look at that dog’s structure, because if it is not comfortable for a dog to get into an extreme stack naturally then the dog is not going to do it by themselves and will need to be manipulated into place. This is why, for example, the subtle differences in the GSD stacks produce such dramatically different results, and why various breeds require a dog to walk into a freestack so the judge can see what is actually comfortable for the dog vs what a skilled handler can manipulate a tolerant dog into.
We are practicing walking into a freestack and also being manipulated, and because she is very sensitive a lot of the way I push and pull her into place is simply luring her into moving one leg at a time. I’ve seen confo dobe people use vocal commands for this too! We only attended a single session so far so we are very new to this and definitely not that advanced.
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awwflycat · 2 years
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GSD Head Tilt
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She has the head tilt™ down
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"If people had hearts like German Shepherds, the world would be full of love, loyalty, and head tilting….lots of head tilting" #gsd #gsdlover #gsdofinstagram #germanshepherd #germanshepherdonline #ilovemydog #ilovemygsd #gsdpics #gsdphotos https://www.instagram.com/p/BxzrCxSCO96/?igshid=1avn4tsrg4l5s
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4shortleggies · 4 years
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This man: *lol wut*
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pawsitivelypowerful · 7 years
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She is so adorable, I made a little squeak similar to the pups and she was quite confused.
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nabsthevulture · 6 years
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Bull Terrier (Canis Familiaris)
Bull Terriers are a medium sized working terrier breed that Originates from Great Britain. It came from combining Bulldogs and an extinct breed, the Olde English Terrier. They were bred for bull baiting, and are now commonly bred as companions and for potential guard work. They’re an easily identifiable canine, both in life and death, and should be easy to spot.
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BT’s generally weigh 50-70 pounds, with some change on either end. This can affect the size of the skull, at least slightly. They’ve got large heads, though a lot of that bulk is muscle. The skull itself is going to be dense and heavy. While measuring them is awkward, the sixty pound example skull measures 9 inches long. You’ll see a difference of a few inches depending on the weight differences.
The most prominent, obvious feature you’re going to come across is the incredible roman nose that these dogs have. The degree will vary depending on the dog and the lineage, but the roman nosed feature will be present in any bull terrier you come across.
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With such an intense roman nose, these dogs tend to not have ‘traditional’ stops. Showline dogs will have less of a stop, as the roman nose is a breed standard and is bred for. Working line dogs will potentially have more of a stop, since it’s not necessarily what the focus of the lineage is. Regardless, you’ll see the roman to some degree.
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Another big difference between working and showline is their body build. Showline dogs seem to be smaller and heavier, where the working line will be slimmer and taller. This won’t lend to identifying the skull, but it’s interesting to think about.
From above, BT’s are tapered from the muzzle to the back of the arches. They aren’t excessively blocky, despite their body build. Their cranium is narrow and rectangular in shape, much like their muzzles. The widest part of their head is going to be the back of the arches.
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The eyes are another clue, beyond the roman nose. They’ve got small, oval shaped eyes that are set wide apart on their face. The small eyes are made to look even smaller, as their zygomatic arches are very broad.
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The nasal opening will be flattened against the end of the muzzle because of the degree of the face tilting. The incisor beds may stretch out a little further than the tops of the nasal bridge, but it’ll be nearly flat if not totally flat. They’ve got relatively small noses in life, so the opening itself won’t be as large as say a GSD’s.
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From below, the muzzle will form a round triangle, though the canines and incisors are going to widen out the top. The cranium will still appear thin from the bottom, and will form a big rectangle with the arches.
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The lower jaws are also very broad and stay consistently shaped up until the incisor sockets. It’s interesting to see that they don’t taper to a sharp and sudden point. It’s typical of ‘bully’/molosser breeds, but are more likely the heavier the dog may be. A 70 lb Bull terrier may have a thicker lower jaw than a 50 lb Bull Terrier.
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Another interesting trait to look at is their teeth. Like many bulky terriers, they have large teeth; And like with many shorter or strangely faced dogs, there can be a bit of teeth crowding. Teeth can be slightly turned and overlap due to the short, slanted muzzle. Their incisors are unlike the molars and are actually slightly spaced out.
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So all in all, you’re not going to need much beyond the roman nose to really identify these dogs, but the extra traits are good to look at just in case you’re confused. Small eyes, wide jaws, big teeth, and so on. There are plenty of references available online to look at, so make sure to use them!
Good luck and happy identifying!
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theosymphany · 6 years
Under the sun’s warmth
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Piers came to slowly, being very aware of a warm body beside him and a pair of beefy arms that held him close from behind. He smiled a little, taking a deep breath and taking in the warmth and the pleasant scent of his partner. Chris was quiet, which meant that he must have been awake.
He turned, trying to get a glimpse of Chris but it was hard without straining himself.
“Morning.” He said, lazily twisting himself slowly to face Chris.
“Morning.” Warm brown eyes greeted him with a small smile.
“You’ve been up long?”
“A little. It’s cute to watch your sleep. And wake.”
“Creep. Your arm must be sore.”
“Well actually it’s quite dead.” Chris squirmed as Piers moved to let him retrieve his arm. “Ow, ow ow!” The pain was evident on his face as blood rushed back in.
“Sorry.” Piers said, rubbing along Chris’s arm to get the blood back in.
“Hurts like hell, but it’s ok, all worth it.” Chris winced, then smiled again. “Or is that an excuse to feel me up?”
Piers withdrew his hands sharply. “Excuse me, who had his hands inside my shirt while I slept?”
“You’d complain it’s cold otherwise.” Chris said, with heavy lidded eyes.
“It is kinda cold. What time is it?” Piers glanced over at their alarm clock.
“Hmph, still early, and oh.”
Chris must have felt him go stiff because he held his wrist. “It’s OK babe.”
Piers shook his head, as if trying to forget. “July first…. It’s hmm, six years now.”
“Well I remember it for a different reason. It’s six years after our reunion six year ago!”
“Ha. That was sweet too, even though I didn’t’ realize it at the time. We should celebrate with, uhh, a big bottle of Rakija and the scent of cheap hooker’s perfume.”
“You know, for a big dumb American you blended in pretty well to Edonia.”
“Yeah well, guess all that training is muscle memory now. As I recall you guys stood out like sore appendages. Guess who’s the sniper?”
Piers was suddenly wide awake. “We were not running intel Chris. We wanted to be visible and we wanted to find you!”
Chris grinned in apology. “Well well. That always gets a rise out of you.”
Piers sighed softly. “It was really stupid what Command did to us. Forcing you back in the outfit on a mission doomed from the beginning.”
“Like you said at the time, the world was going to hell in handbasket and the mission didn’t have a sliver of a chance if you all went without me.
“I said that?”
“Yep. Turns out you were truly capable enough on your own, Acting Team Leader Nivans.”
Piers was quiet for a moment. “I know that I wouldn’t have done half the stuff I did if you weren’t there beside me. You fight for the ideal. I fight for the personal.”
“Give yourself more credit than that. You did right with Jake and Sherry, and all the other decisions you made there.”
Chris cut him off and put an arm around Piers’ back. “There is great strength that comes from protecting those you love. You made the sacrifices and you made it happen. I can’t ask for more than that. Well, except spend the rest of our lives together, and some secret room service couple of times a week.”
Piers face planted on Chris’ chest. “Here we are all serious and you let your other head do the talking.”
“Oh hell no. He does all the talking where you’re involved.” Chris said with a wink.
“So it’s a Sunday, what are we gonna do today?” Piers said, resolved to change the subject.
“Hmm, easy morning, take Ruff out, food, some woof time and whatever else?”
“That’s like most of our weekends.”
“That’s good right? Or you want more adventure? White water rafting with zombies?” Chris’s eyes sparkled with mischief.
“I want as few reminders of nasties as possible. No humidity, no water and no tentacles. Something American, homey…. Hmm I know. That Southern BBQ place that has the massive meat platters that has way too much food for two people. I want that.”
“Ha. Always planning his food first. That’s my Piers. I’m in hungry mood today and don’t fancy cooking so hell yes! And it’s too much food for two people, but not two people and a four-legged black hole when meat is concerned.”
“Oh yes! We have to bring Ruff along, you’ve got the rug and picnic set in the car. There’s a nice trail up nearby on the hill. He can run off lead and we can enjoy the sun.”
“Sounds like a date.” Chris kissed Piers on the top of his head.
“Thanks for buying lunch.” Piers kissed the crook of Chris’s neck.
“I am?” Chris asked, then shrugged. “I am.”
The little hill was windier even on a warm summer’s day. The wandered along, Chris holding Ruff’s lead while the GSD went exploring and working off those wings and brisket and pulled pork and hot links.
“One good thing about all that distant control is we don’t really need this anymore.” Chris said, gesturing to Ruff’s lead.
“More us time.” Piers grinned.
“Hey look, there’s a swing near the trees over there. You thinking what I’m thinking?”
Piers looked around. “No tangos in sight Captain.”
“Good boy.” Chris said. Ruff yelped happily somewhere and Piers shook his head.
“There’s only one seat.” Piers said as they got to the swing.
Chris tested it for his weight then nodded in approval. “It’ll take.”
He sat first, then motioned for Piers to join him.
“If you insist.” Piers said cheekily as he straddled and sat himself on Chris’s lap.
The warm rays of the afternoon sun shone through the west and Piers can see it had bleached some of Chris’s hair. His face took on a softer glow, though he can see a few new lines on his face. If anything, they added to his confidence, his authority.
“What are you thinking?” Chris swayed gently on his feet.
“Of how beautiful you are with the sun on your face.”
“Thinking just the same thing.” Chris said, leaning in. “You still take my breath away every day.”
They danced their lips around each other, gently savouring each touch, planting kisses light as a dragonfly skimming across water.
Piers nuzzled his face next to Chris, feeling the little pricks from his stubble. Chris held him in his arms as they swayed gently in the breeze.
Piers could feel Chris’s heartbeat, and the warmth from his arms joined with the warmth of the sun. The hold was solid and he hugged Chris back, thinking of nothing else but to be in the moment, desperately drowning out everything else.
Slow sniper breaths. The sky was blue, the clouds tinged with orange. The grass was more green than yellow, but only just so. There’s the call of birds, rustles of insects in the grass, the odd creak and groan from the swing as they swayed in time to his breaths. Chris was rubbing his back soothingly and he realised he was squeezing a bit too tightly.
This is real. All of it, and he is here. All of him.
Ruff watched from a distance his daddies locked in love. He tilted his head, half expecting the whistle for him to come but knows that he’s probably got more time freedom to roam still. He found a warm spot in the sun and sat low, keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. His favourite humans are going to have all the time and peace in the world.
Another year another July 1st Tribute. Thanks for the rest of the fandom for their works and support. I based the final scene on @daemoncollection‘s gorgeous work Under The Sun’s Warmth - http://fav.me/dcfwyal which is reblogged above. Shoutout to @nimrod262 as without his encouragement this work wouldn’t have happened.
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teacupdogsworld · 6 years
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Gotta love the GSD head tilt
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