#gregory's parents
gooeyslime · 2 years
Idea 7: Gregory did not have abusive parents.
A lot of fanfics I've read about the 3-star ending all seem to have one thing in common, Gregory having at least one bad parent. Most have Gregory's father being terrible or just having left the family. Some of them have both mother and father be horribly abusive.
I had a different idea: what if instead of abusive parents, Gregory had the opposite: 2 parents who loved him more than anything else. 
That does leave us with a troublesome question: If that's the case, then why does Gregory evidently live in a box?
Let us create a timeline of possible events:
Gregory is born.
At around age 2 or something, Gregory's father is now out of the picture. This isn't because he abandons his family, no.
It is because he dies.
It is quick and unexpected, there is no warning. The reason can be whatever you want. (The more tragic the better.)
So now Gregory's mother (M from here on out) now has to single-handedly take care of toddler Gregory.
She does an amazing job! Her normal profession as a therapist (wink) helps her a lot with making sure Gregory behaves.
It also helps M explain to him where his father is, and helps him grasp the dark concept of death at an early age.
M also makes certain that Gregory knows just how much his father loved him, even if he can't remember him. She makes sure to let him know he is loved by her every day.
M also teaches him some basic housekeeping tasks, so that Gregory can take care of himself when she has late nights at work.
Then one day at work, when Gregory is around 8 or 9, M gets a new patient at work. Some blonde beta tester, the only thing of note is her inconsistent childhood memories and the fact her 4 previous therapists have gone missing. 
It's a bit weird and slightly concerning, but what is the worst that can happen?
… I think we all know what happened next. 
Gregory wouldn't suspect anything was wrong, thinking his mom is just having another late night at work.
Then some people show up, they say that his mother has, *ahem* "gone missing" and that they have to take him to an orphanage for the time being.
Gregory immediately knows that his mother is dead. He can hear it when they stutter just before saying "gone missing." Ironically, his mother did the same thing when she first explained where his father went.
Before he gets a chance to properly grieve, Gregory gets put in an orphanage with about a dozen other children. This is because he doesn't have any relatives.
Most of the caretakers there seem apathetic. Some care a bit more, but it is leagues away from how much his mother cares-... cared for him.
One of the caretakers seems to actively hurt him whenever they can. They hate kids (like Vanessa in the game, but without the valid excuse of being possessed by a British furry) and seemingly only took the job either as a way to get some easy money or as a chance to hurt kids.
When Gregory finally gets a chance to cry over his mother's death, that "caretaker" is there yelling at him to "stop whining and get over it"
This is too much for him, so he decides to run away. He finds living in a box in an alley to be difficult, but at least no one can hurt him now.
Then the games events happen.
I think that this idea could work. The sudden shift between having a loving home and then being thrown into a harsher environment would make Gregory distrustful of adult strangers.
After everything though, things would get better. Gregory gets the father figure he never really had in the form of a robot bear (wow this series has gotten weird) and a loving… mother? Sister? Aunt figure? in Vanessa.
            Also if you're wondering how Gregory would react to learning who killed his mother, I think he would understand that it was Vanny’s doing, not Vanessa's, and be quick to reassure her that he doesn't blame her. Vanessa would likely hate herself just that little bit more, knowing that it was her (noitwasvannys) who orphaned a child.
As a show of forgiveness though, maybe Gregorys mother could come back as a ghost and continue to be Vanessas therapist, since she doesn't trust herself around living therapists because of previous experience.
Honestly that is such an interesting idea, and making his mom be one of Vanessa's therapists is great, imagine him finding the tapes with Freddy and listening to them as he pieces together that something is up with Vanessa and then he hears his mom's voice, then it hits him and for the first time while being stuck in the Pizzaplex Gregory cries, not because he's scared for his life but because he heard his mom's voice after so long and because he knows what happened to her... Luckily for him Freddy's with him and he's comforting him but also lets him cry and mourn because it's ok to let his feelings out. After that he's even more determined to get to the bottom of this, he's gonna end this nightmare for real.
Post freeing Vanessa I think Gregory would wait to tell her what she did, just bc he sees how badly she thinks of herself for getting tricked and ending up killing so many people, Freddy being the one to convince him to tell her because she might find out sooner or later and would either assume he didn't know and dealing with having to tell a kid she killed his mom or that he knows and isn't telling her bc he doesn't trust her or whatever...
When she hears what she has done she's a mess, pretty much how she was right after she was freed, sobbing and apologising to Gregory over and over as him and Freddy reassure her it's not her fault bc she was being controlled by Afton... I do like the idea of the therapists or at least Gregory's mom staying behind to help Vanessa because she's gonna need some therapy and honestly Gregory needs it too despite his attitude in Security Breach I'm sure he's got issues too...
Also about Gregory's dad, wouldn't it be messed up if his dad was Jeremy, the guy who cut his face off in Help Wanted? Not only Afton killed his mom through Vanny but he also killed his dad too...
I also imagine Afton knows exactly who Gregory is and as he's watching him wreck Roxy, Chica and Monty he can practically feel the karma about to hit him like a truck, a truck shaped like a very angry child who's ready to throw hands with robots more than twice his size. (I know in the 3 star ending we just free Vanessa but honestly I feel like she would tell Gregory about Afton and he immediately charges towards the elevator to beat up the real bad guy)
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candykidney · 1 year
(OC) Greg finally coming out to his parents on video call once he's comfortably settled in Germany.
I like to think of two paths where he does it alone and they're just so, so disappointed in him. They're sad and weep about never getting grandchildren again. He's struggling to keep himself together so he just sits there dead silent as they bitch and moan at him for what feels like an eternity.
The other being that Sam is there so Greg can show off his love and appreciation towards him! Holding his hand and being sure to keep their rings on screen 💕. They still bitch at him but I would think they're more aggressive now that the guy that gave their son the gay disease is present. Greg starts shaking and crumbling but Sam just pushes himself onto Gregory and they just make out or something in front of his parents just because I think it would be funny. 😋
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juniperarts · 1 month
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Don't worry Freddy, he's just taking a nap 😴
Part 2
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ruubesz-draws · 10 months
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Monty would be the feral uncle
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starsforlimbs · 10 months
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bxnnie-bxwl · 7 months
"Too dangerous for Gregory"
That child would commit arson over a bowl of Lucky Charms. I believe that Bonnie is actually too safe for Gregory to be around
KSDGFSD YEAHH gregory is a menace...a true troublemaker...BONNIE is not safe around gregory-
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chipistrate · 10 months
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Scared and Alone
(Click for better quality) Dr. Rabbit is officially my second favorite fnaf character(right next to Gregory) He's just such a little shit I love him<3
Anyway- me when I'm luring me and my coworkers therapists to their death and my coworker is annoyed at how much cleaning she's going to have to do afterwards
No text version below cut(has silly dialogue):
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Screen transcript:
(Dr. Rabbit) >Girl I stg why are all our therapists soooo ass
(Vanny) >You're like >10 >Can you say that
(Dr. Rabbit) >Not like my "parents" can stop me
(Vanny) >Jesus Christ dude
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spaghettiandart · 10 months
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I have no idea how to feel about how this turned out to be honest
Anyways movie night! Movie night! Movie night!
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thankstothe · 10 months
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papertowness · 4 months
admittedly one of my favorite things about house ( that also drives me up a wall ) is that something Really Big happens and then the next episode they like loosely mention it like wow wasn’t it crazy that that happened . anyway haha
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legaylos · 1 year
Wilson climbing out of a window to avoid Cuddy is so other woman of him
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sholmeser · 8 months
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the crime scene photo for gregorys death is just so chilling to me because its such a stark contrast to everything else we get in aa1. we witness cindy and mia’s deaths in full color, almost like we’re watching a movie. jack hammer’s death doesn’t quite look real; the expression on his face is quite unnerving, but the impact of it goes away when you notice his costume and how the unrealistic piercing wound in his chest just makes him look hollow inside. it’s leaning more towards what you visualize when you think of a murder scene, but falls short because of the stylization applied.
and i think this was deliberate because when you get to turnabout goodbyes and you see this photo. man. it hits. the way gregory’s eyes are hidden from view. the way he’s slumped over. the way we can’t quite see the wound but blood soaks his entire chest. how the illustration is framed, him in the corner, almost like an afterthought. the way he’s presented as such a normal person, looking just like any other businessman you could run into on the street. it rips ace attorney away from its largely-unbelievable themes—spirit mediums, three-day-long trials, witnesses whose last names are puns—and sends it hurtling back into our world. it’s just so striking and sticks with you for so long after you finish turnabout goodbyes
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juniperarts · 1 month
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Even Glamrock Freddy has his irrational moments 😂
Part 1
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I'll be posting one more part after this. If the first goal on my Patreon is met I can continue! Otherwise this will have to go on the back burner.
My Patreon
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just-call-me-moran · 7 days
I am so normal about these two men. Like completely normal.
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seeker-of-stories19 · 12 days
One I thing I have personally really appreciated about Bridgerton is seeing Violet interacting with her children in different ways and being portrayed differently in each season. I don’t mean for this to be a super negative post about her just that I think people tend to ignore the real disparities in how parents treat different children and usually when it is brought up it’s minimized to ‘having a favorite.’
But there’s so much depth in Bridgertons portrayal of Violets relationships with her individual children and how much they are affected deeply by society, trauma, her personal feelings etc. Parents are genuinely influenced by these things and it is unfortunately projected differently onto different kids, whether that is because of outside forces or clashing personalities or something else entirely it’s often glossed over or handled poorly in media.
Coming from a loving family doesn’t necessarily say much about what someone went through growing up and often love is only a small part of the equation. Despite Violet loving all her children they have had very different lives and experiences related to her parenting and you can clearly see that with each one of them.
First you have Daphne who is generally taken with the whole idea of being a debutante and the idea of romance which is very relatable to Violets character and their relationship (from what I remember) paints a generally idyllic picture of the family.
Then you have Anthony who is at the other end of the spectrum entirely, he has gone through extreme trauma and been neglected, abandoned, and parentified to an intense degree. We see him struggle with poor self esteem, anxiety, and imposter syndrome as he tries to step up during the worst time of his life. He has to bear the weight of Violets grief as well as his own and raise his siblings and handle the estate meaning that he has had an incredibly different parental relationship with her.
Benedict and Colin both seem to receive some light chastisement and a bit of meddling from Violet about their choices and finding a match but are generally not bothered by it and both seem to be relatively content in their relationships with her which again is very different to what some of the siblings experience.
Eloise also struggles with her relationship with Violet, albeit in a very different way to Anthony and for very different reasons, but it’s coming from a place of not wanting to disappoint Violet while also not wanting to be someone she’s not. I think Violet generally handles this as well as she’s able within the confines of the time period and despite hurting Eloise she seems to be coming from a place of trying to help her find her place within a framework that already exists but still in a way that’s authentic.
Francesca also seems to have a primarily positive relationship with Violet but there is some pain surrounding their differences and how Violet and her siblings fail to understand her or meet her where she is at, leaving her as the outlier of her family and struggling with loneliness because of it.
I don’t think I’ve seen enough with Gregory and Hyacinth to see get a very good idea of those relationships but they seem happy and content, they also haven’t really gone through the trauma of losing a parent the way their siblings have which was a very pivotal moment for the rest of the family. Whereas Violet and Anthony are the only parents they ever really know.
The point of all of this is just that I think this is so important to the storylines and really lends the Bridgerton family a lot of depth that makes them much more realistic together and individually compared to how families usually work. The siblings are different people who all have very different relationships with their mother and are treated in observably different ways, for better or for worse, and from my personal experience this is much more realistic than the average dynamics portrayed on TV.
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oldmanffucker · 3 months
I think that the most bald faced, closeted lie that Wilson tells it that he doesn't like opera. he names La Boheme then backtracks and goes "and I don't even like opera!!" but I don't believe that!!!!!! have you seen that man??? he loves opera!!!
and i believe the same of House!!! I even think that he would canonically, explicitly like opera. I say this bc even tho some people might argue that opera is soft (not me but some people), we know that he cultivates a very holier than thou untouchable persona in public, and i think he would use to his advantage the fact that many lay people find opera to be inaccessible and out of touch. but i also think that as a skilled musician (and composer!), House would have a huge appreciation for the technicality and beauty of opera (very much I am imagining that Loustat scene where they're at the opera and lestat is grinding his teeth at the flat tenor). plus he speaks like a million languages and would be able to appreciate the original translation of the libretto in real time. also there are soo many silly dumb overly confident men who House would love in a very dudes rock way. Wilson would like this too but as he's less of a musician and more of a pisces, i think he'd love the drama, the beauty, the humanity, and the grandiose nature of opera. and and House would love opera for different reasons but i think nonetheless they'd have a stellar time at the opera and probably also fuck nasty about it when they get home
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