#graphic warning
black-suns-rim · 15 days
Shattered Cyrstal - The shattering
Short story. This may become a series, so let's say this is part 1.
Warning: death, graphic imagery
Everything's a blur...
"Ugh.. everything hurts... what happened?" The large figure tried to get up. He winced in pain and held his side as he slowly sat on his knees. He held his head as his ears rang loudly through his head. He looked up to see the quart room, once white and gold, now in a red light. The stone pillars that were once decorated now were broken, chipped and cracked. Stone fragments laid on the ground along with the statues of past Light Priests.
His eyes slowly began to focus and the ringing in his ears ceased. "No... no, no, no..." Stone shards rained down from the sky as he got up, grunting in pain, ducking for safety. "The crystal..." He didn't believe what he saw. He had to look again. He had to see if his eyes were telling the truth. Peeking out from his safe cover, he saw it; red, violently spinning and shooting out shards. The same shards that were falling from the sky. The crystal that once was made of pure light, it was no more.
He leaned his back up against the pillar he was hiding behind, "this can't be... how?.." He noticed something odd amongst the broken stone as he was trying to recall the events that happened before this. He squinted his eyes to try and see more clear. His heart sank as he realized what he was staring at and then all his memories came flooding back to him. The events became clear in his mind before he was knocked out.
The screaming, he heard it now, all around him. His senses were heighted as his heart began to thump within his chest. A Light Priest was crawling on the floor, injured serverly, trying to get to cover when a shard fell from the sky and hit them. He witness the Light Preist get Impaled and turn to stone. He gasped as he looked around in panic. Remembering everyone who was in the quart room with him before the crystal shattered.
"Alef! ALEF!?" He left his safety as he desperately called out, "ALEF! MY SON! WHERE ARE YOU!?" He winced and limped, taking cover when he needed to. The shards were shooting out of the reddened and broken crystal in timed periods. "ALEF!" He called out once more. He traveld closer to the crystal where the shards became more frequent, "ALEF! AL- Alef...? Alef!" He ran to the stone body that bore his son's clothing.
"No, no, no, NO, NO!" His voice cracked and shook as he fell to his knees at the small cold stone statue body. He picked it up, "No! My Alef! This can't be! My boy..? No... my Alef..." He held the stiff body in his hands as he began to weep. His son was small enough to fit in his hands, but was larger than any other child of the kingdom since he was of royal blood.
He was out in the open and the shards fell on him, but he ignored the pain. The adrenaline was high and he didn't believe what he was holding to be his son, "This can't be you?... no, you were here! You were here..."
He held the stone body close to his chest, not wanting to believe it was him. But he still weped. The shards pelted him for a while before someone began to shout for him.
"MY KING? MY KING!" He didn't hear the strained small voice over his weeping and the sound of the shards hitting the ground, the pillars, the statues and so on.
"Oh my Alef, my sweet Alef..." He kept repeating.
"MY KING!" The small voice became louder as it came closer. He heard the voice and recognized who it was.
"He's dead..." He choked back tears, his voice not loud enough for them to hear.
"My king?..."
"HE'S DEAD! My little boy! My Alef, he's gone!" He cried out.
The small figure stood behind the hunched over king. They stammered, trying to speak and hearing how heartbroken he was, "King Resh, we need to get out of here. It's not safe."
Another figure appeared behind him, limping with a large battle spear in his hands, using it as a crutch, "My King, Lamed is right. It's not safe here, we need to get out."
"Tsadi... Lamed... where are the others?..." He turned to face them. He saw the both were injured, Tsadi more than Lamed.
"They are out of the storm and safe. We tried to rescue as many as we could while you were knocked out. We didn't know if you would even wake up..." Tsadi hesitated, "Alef... he refused to go to safety... He... He saved as many as he could. Your son was brave... and a true leader."
"My king, you're injured, we need to leave before it gets any worse." Lamed pleaded. Resh was silent as he held onto the stone body of his son. The giant king stood up to his full height, gripping his side under his cloak as he did so. He looked down at his two friends. The shards came down again, hitting his back. This time he felt it and grunted in pain.
"With the rest of my strength, I will get us out of here." Resh tucked away the small stone body of his son into one of the many pockets. He picked up Lamed and Tsadi as if they were just toddlers, and with what little light magic he had left, the king charge up his cape. As if his cape were a pair of wings, he used it to shoot up into the air like a bird.
The light magic he had left was enough to keep them in flight until they were able to reach safety, where the other injured were taken. King Resh landed, stumbling before letting go of Lamed and Tsadi. He felt light headed and his vision faded to black before he fell over. When his body hit the floor, the ground beneath everyone shook.
"MY KING!" Tsadi yelled, "GET A HEALER OVER HERE, NOW!" Tsadi went up to Resh. He noticed strange dark shards coming out from the king. He didn't like the look of them. At least 3 healers ran over to the king to come to his aid.
Tsadi backed away as the healers began their work. He sat down on a stone bench and held his head. Lamed sat right next to him and placed a hand on his arm, "you should get looked at, you are far worse than the others."
"I won't be looked at until everyone else has been taken care of. Including you." His tone was soft but stern.
"As you wish..." She left and went to any available healer. Tsadi watched as the many healers frantically went forth and back to as many as they could. People were howling from sorrow and loss, others cried from pain. It heart is heart to hear all the pain. He spotted the other Realm Elders being treated which somewhat put him at ease.
Tsadi stood up and limped his way to a healer to be looked at. Daleth had watched Tsadi arrive with Lamed and the King before he had fainted from the injuries he obtained. Daleth's arm was broken and placed into a sling that hung from his back. The old Realm Elder slowly made his way to Tsadi and sat right next to him as he was being treated. Tsadi took notice of Daleth but didn't say a word. They sat together in silence as they watched the healers bring in an extremely large transportation boat for the king.
"Who knew this would happen..." Daleth broke the silence.
"Yeah... How are the twins, Teth and Ayin doing? Any bad injuries?"
"Broken arms, legs, ribs and concussions. The twins had to be sedated because they wouldn't stop moving while the healers tried to work on them." Daleth coughed and winced.
"Figures. They are young and don't know how to deal with pain like we do." Tsadi glanced at the old man while a healer was stitching his arm up.
"They could learn a lesson from you about dealing with physical pain." Daleth stood up.
"They could. But they wouldn't have the patience like I did when I went through my training."
"True. Take care, Tsadi. I'm going to aid the healers." Tsadi nodded as Daleth left. He looked up to the mountain the crystal was kept on. A violent storm was forming around it and he had a horrible feeling this was only the beginning of something far worse.
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driver270 · 6 months
Today I learned that graphic warning labels on cigarette packs are not exclusive to Canada. These German(?) ones go MUCH harder! 😳
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Here's an example of Canadian ones.
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tallbluelady · 2 years
"drastic" for the prompts ^^
owan gave one last huff and leaned on her spear for support. She bent down and grabbed her magic focus from the flowers of the Menagerie.
Thank you, X'rhun.
A'quexta rushed over and started channeling aether into her, despite being winded herself. Rowan was too tired to stop her from doing so and accepted the magic. Khaliun, Thorsthal, and Lyse just sat stupefied at the events that had unfolded in front of them.
"He just... after all that effort, he just..." Thorsthal couldn't even finish his thought.
"I can't either," Lyse said, "But it's over now. Ala Mhigo is free."
"Is there a spare spear we can spit his head on?" Rowan asked coldly.
There had been a quiet after the group of them watched Zenos slit his own throat, but the new silence that took over the Menagerie was the sharpest Rowan had ever encountered.
Rowan looked to each of her friends. "Too drastic?"
"Too grisly," Khaliun shook her head, "Even for him."
"Rowan, you know we can't do that, right?" Lyse asked.
"Let the Thaumaturge's Guild take care of the body," A'quexta gave a look of concern.
"Right, right, I merely jest..." Rowan pulled herself up from the flower bed and turned away from the Garlean man's body. Mayhap it would be for the best that the disposal wasn't left to her.
Thanks for the prompt! It kinda got dark though!
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orihong · 2 years
i simply think it would be so sexy if y’all made tvd/flf verses because it takes place in the early to late 20s, includes gangs, spies, assassins, political groups, and other organizations and arts - and with some sci-fi aspects ( bugs that cause people to kill themselves into graphic, violent manners such as ripping their own throats out and chemical killings that ***FLF SPOILERS: turn people into mindless, controllable weapons)
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fandom-trash-goblin · 2 months
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like matryoshka, one inside another inside another inside another.
Birthright, George Abraham // tumblr user dogsmouth // The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova: White Flock //Anne Carson, Nox // A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails, Halyna Kruk // Herman Melville, from a letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne //tumblr user eridan-amporna // tumblr user boyflesher(deactivated) // For Your Own Good, Leah Horlick // Elizabeth Robinson, Brothers
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cheezitofthevalley · 2 months
MORE ocean/fish graphics
because why not.
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let me know if you made any of these and want credit/removal.
animated fish divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more!
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Rainbow Blinkies, GIFs, & Stamps!
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angelfiresworld · 10 months
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implalazz · 1 year
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Fun fact I was listening to prison song while I made the Rainbow Dash one, original under cut. HAD NO IDEA but turns out the originals were made using a template from blinkies cafe SO GO CHECK OUT SITE N USE IT!!!!
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graphic--horde · 5 months
music blinkies !!
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 2 months
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transbro · 1 year
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more blinkies saved from the feed!
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lavendergalactic · 1 month
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☆  mesmerizer rentry graphics!
self indulgent ! PSD by @pinkmiku f2u, reblog appreciated!
i actually hated these until i put on this amazing ass PSD and now i love them, everyone thank tumblr user pinkmiku
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the-scrying-game · 2 years
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enjoy these sick wizard graphics
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gentil-minou · 11 months
had a conversation with a client today and apparently i'm weird sooooo it's time for a poll
I LOVE getting my blood drawn or donating partly because I like helping people but mostly cause capillary action is cool and it makes me think of vampires
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torisastrangeone · 2 years
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Two characters from the same mini game I play
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