#grand spear of justice
ariesbilly · 2 months
For all the people who have spoken out for that Nickelodeon documentary there are a LOT of big name celebrities who were kids in that era with those men who have not spoken out and honestly? Outside of drake bell I think they hold the worst of the stories. The way they don’t want to associate with it at all feels very telling to me in a dark, sad way and I don’t think those stories will ever be told I don’t think we’ll ever know the true extent of what was going on back then
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Blog Post #3 - The Child Star Fate
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Think about how many child celebrities you know. Now think about how many have had “successful” careers (at least by today’s standards). How many did you count?
Bella Thorne—an ex-child star—launched her career on Disney Channel, akin to many other child stars, but these days most of her fame comes from being featured in articles headlined “List of Child Stars Turned Bad.”
During Thorne’s time at Disney, she was adored by little girls. People loved her spunky character, Cece, and loved Thorne just as much because of it. Thorne even released music with Disney and got several songs onto the Billboard Hot 100. She ended up becoming an advocate for children with dyslexia. She did it all, and people thought she was going places. People saw her potential.
When Shake It Up was canceled, Bella Thorne was coming into her late teen years and started appearing in media that was more age-appropriate. She played roles in The Duff, a teen romcom, and The Babysitter, a teen comedy. As she was growing older, her roles were too.
After some roles in films and small parts in TV shows, she had her directorial debut with PornHub, created an OnlyFans account, and began dating/hanging out with problematic celebrities like Tana Mongeau.
How many other celebrities can you think of with a similar path as Thorne? Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, and Demi Lovato just to name a few. As these child stars grew older, they began to make risque, oftentimes illegal choices, that brought them lots of attention in the media.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with Bella Thorne pursuing pornography as a career, however, this is clearly some sort of pattern where these child stars feel a need to embrace their sexuality as they grow older. Everyone goes through some sort of stage in which they embrace their sexuality, but child stars tend to do so in a very overt and often problematic way.
There are lots of reasons why this happens. One major reason can be a traumatic childhood, which Bella Thorne had as she was a victim of sexual abuse and began her acting career to help her family with money. Many other child stars have spoken about eerily similar childhoods. Trauma at a young age, obviously, impacts decision-making and human development in general. This among many other factors can lead to the “child star path,” however, I believe that the MWD is one of the greatest contributors.
When child stars are children, they are treated as Madonnas. It’s completely sick and pedophilic, but people often think of and will treat these children as untouched and therefore “pure” girls. They are innocent and are therefore clean and worthy of respect. They’re young and all potential—and therefore are treated as Madonnas. However, as these girls grow older, they may realize that they don’t want to be treated as Madonnas—which, again, is completely fine—and would rather be seen as sexy and adult. They may look up to celebrities such as Kim Kardashian who is seen by the media to be sexy and beautiful while simultaneously maintaining a level of respect in the media, despite her career having been started by a sex tape. These child stars may want to be wanted; to have people falling at their feet the way Kim Kardashian does.
To be clear, child stars, just like anyone else, don’t necessarily want to be the Wh*re in the MWD; they still want to be treated as humane and may even want to have families in the future. They just want to be simultaneously sexy, famous, and respected—respected in the same way any other human deserves.
However, they’ve maintained a certain image for a very long time—that is, the image of being the innocent, childlike Madonna. However, they are now adults and don’t want to be seen that way. This is where they begin to become overtly sexual to overcome being viewed as a Madonna. This may be because the star wishes to do so, the star’s manager’s wishes, the record label, etc., or a combination. Nevertheless, the outcome is almost always the same.
This is how we get videos such as Wrecking Ball. Not to say that Miley Cyrus created this video purely to overcome being seen as a Madonna—there are many reasons why she would make that video. However, there is little doubt in my mind that the MWD plays a large role in the purpose of the video.
By no means did the public respond positively to Wrecking Ball. It sparked immense controversy in the media due to its highly sexual nature—leading people to call Cyrus “crazy” among many other, oftentimes nastier names. Cyrus’ intention was more likely to be viewed as sexy, but the media began to treat her as a Wh*re. People wanted her to be banned from YouTube. People thought that her embracing her sexuality was disgusting. She was ostracized and lost a great level of respect—something that, in many ways, she is still trying to overcome despite her complete change in style, music, and general character. 
This happens to most, if not all, people who go down the “child star path.” They are told they’re “washed-up” and “child stars gone wrong.” These women make these choices due to the massive influence of society that leads to their desire to be perceived as sexy, yet society criticizes these women for doing so.
After that stage, these child celebrities often end up having drug and alcohol abuse issues, mental health struggles, and other problems. This will often lead to the destruction of their careers. I certainly can’t remember the last time I heard Amanda Bynes’ name in the media.
Not all child celebrities have this path, though. Zendaya is a prime example of a child celebrity who continues to have an excellent career in adulthood. However, she’s one of few and far between. Even Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez, two child celebrities now with highly successful careers, have struggled greatly with mental health issues, Ariana Grande struggling with alcohol abuse as well. 
The MWD is directly affecting the course of many people’s lives, specifically child celebrities who often fall fate to the “child star path” in life, and end up becoming “washed-up.” Society turns on these women, going from treating them with a great level of respect as Madonnas, to treating them as Wh*res, after being the ones to put pressure on these women to become sexier in the first place. If society can change this line of reasoning, then other child stars can be saved from falling to the same fate.
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ipearstore · 9 months
day 10
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jamie, victoria, and erin bts of chase's grandma
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jasmyluv · 2 years
runaway, baby
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cyno, kazuha, scaramouche x gn!fugitive!reader | wc: 1483 | reader as a fugitive :)
~ fugitive ; a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid arrest or persecution.
~ in cyno's, it happens before the 3.2 archon quest
~ in kazuha's, it happens before the vision hunt decree is stopped
~ in scaramouche's, 3.1 archon quest spoilers (kind of), killing, betrayal, and abandonment is metioned. use of his real name.
cyno ♡
much like tighnari, you were a forest ranger, serving the avidya forest with collei, tighnari, and all of the other forest rangers. you were in the same ranks as tighnari, so people are always coming to you for aid and advice. unlike tighnari, you were but a normal person, you didn’t study at the akademiya, but you did, however, have a vision. a pyro vision. 
you’ve found out about them tracking you down, so you try to flee from gandharva ville, fighting down every guard and fungi you see with your sword.
it wasn’t long before you got caught and were sent to the akademiya.
most, if not all, know about your intimate relationship with the general mahamatra of the akademiya, cyno. so it was quite a surprise when you helped tighnari with the training courses of trainee forest rangers, considering it was considered as "dissemination of information" by the akademiya. cyno, being the former general of the akademiya, still had a burning passion for justice, so he would beat up and lock up anyone he finds unjustified. 
once the akademiya knew about your courses without their permission or supervision, they only wanted to lock you up because tighnari is a well-known figure in the akademiya and they wanted to get him to work for them, he said no, if that wasn’t already obvious. so, the best they could do was put you in confinement instead. when cyno heard of this, the first thought in his mind was, “how the fuck did you get in confinement?”
cyno sees you as an angel of sorts. you’re kind to everyone to see, always willing to lend a hand. so, to say he’s shocked is an understatement. once he’s heard of it, he rushes to the confinement. he’s reached the akademiya, going over to the room where you’re locked up, supposedly until the grand sage steps out of his position. damn, they didn’t even give you food.
when he’s finally in the room, he finds you, sleeping? on a branch? were you so apathetic you decided to sleep in an almost abandoned part of the akademiya, most especially high up on a piece of bark? sometimes, cyno couldn’t understand you, and this was one of those times. 
“[name]...?” he called out your name. to his surprise, you didn’t respond.
“[name]...” he says louder. this time, he heard rustling of leaves from high up. he looks over to see you sleep peacefully on a big bark, he must say, he’s impressed you managed to sleep on an uncomfortable surface.
“hmm… hm? oh, hi, cyno.” you lazily wave while yawning, still very tired.
“why are you here?” he asks straightforwardly. geez, if he could kill people with just his aura alone, play criminal by britney spears. (this was so random lmao)
“i was helping tighnari with training courses for trainee forest rangers, we got caught by some guards and since they wanted tighnari to be part of their operation, they only locked me up. so, it’s just me, myself, and i.” you say composed, as if you’re not locked up. maybe your mind hasn’t processed it yet.
“ah, so it’s tighnari’s fault.” you were flabbergasted.
“what!? no! i offered to help, he’s got nothing to do with this!!” contrary to popular belief, you and tighnari had a close relationship, almost as if you were siblings. so when your lover accuses him of putting you into confinement, you immediately defend him.
“well, ok then. come on, i’ll just bail you out.” you jumped down and hugged him, shocking the general in the process. he freezes on the spot, not knowing what to do.
“what was that for?” he says in a hushed tone, too embarrassed to say anything else. 
“hm~, can’t i just hug my lover?” you smile so innocently as if you didn’t plan on flustering him.
also, after bailing you out, cyno scolds you and tighnari because who in their idiotic mind would risk themselves for others?
“lummoxes, that’s who.” you sigh, you and tighnari can’t really get a break, can you?
kaedehara kazuha ♡
to see a fugitive from inazuma is a rare sight to see, especially in liyue. when he first met you, you reminded him of himself.
longing the feeling to be free, to be free of the past and his mistakes.
“kaedehara…?” you recognize him from wanted posters around the city. well, there’s one thing you have in common, your faces are on the streets of inazuma city, your bounty getting higher and higher as each month comes. 
“oh? how do you know me?” he asks with genuine curiosity. 
“your wanted posters are all over the city, it would be surprising if i didn’t know you.” you explain calmly.
“ah, alright. say, do you know captain beidou by any chance?” he asks, expecting your answer to be-
“yes, i do. she’s the one who helped me escape the tri-commission’s reach.” oh, now that was unexpected. why didn’t he know you? “ i still haven’t gotten the chance to thank her personally. a shame, really.” you continue. 
you glance at him, only to find kazuha staring at you.
“...did i say something i shouldn’t have…?” you have to admit, you felt like you’d just done a heinous crime because he’s staring so deep into your soul.
“no, it’s nothing. it came as a surprise to me that you know her.” he chuckles, closing his eyes and smiling until you could see his dimples.
“i forgot to ask, what’s your name?” he asks. hm, you forgot to tell him your name.
“you have a lovely name.” he compliments you, quickly growing flustered as your face blooms a cherry red.
after a few moments in comfortable silence, you ask him, “kazuha?” 
“has anyone ever told you how cute you look when you laugh?” he’s left speechless while you avoid his gaze, leaning on the railing of the bridge on the harbour.
“uhm- no. no one has ever told me that, [name].” he manages to spurt out.
“well, i’m glad to be the first one to do so.”
you both continue talking until the sun is long gone and moon, along with the many stars of teyvat’s sky is visible.
“ah, so you’ve already met each other?” 
“good evening, captain beidou.” you wave to her, giving her a tired smile.
“hm, i thought i was going to be your cupid, but i guess fate beat me to it.” she laughs.
scaramouche ♡
scaramouche hates people with all his being. it was painfully obvious because of the way he wouldn’t hesitate to kill off an eremite or a treasure hoarder.
he was three betrayals too late to realize that people can’t be trusted. or, he couldn’t trust them. it was the same case for you, it took quite a while for him to finally accept that you will always be there to love him when no one else could. be with him when no one else would. he didn’t want to lose you, you were precious to him.
“stop, [name]. where are you going?” he asks in a sullen tone. one he would use on a fatui agent if it weren’t for him leaving the organization. 
what. were you going to leave him? did you finally have enough of his inadequate attitude and just step out of his life? he knew it. he knew you were just like the others. how could some lowly person like you make him believe that you would stay? how could-
“come on, we need to get moving before they catch me and put me in that disgusting jail cell.” you say, quickly collecting all essentials you needed to survive.
“huh? where are you going?” he asks yet another question, this time with a tone that made you think of him saying “don’t leave me”.
“where we are going is not important as of now. let’s just say i might have angered her excellency. they want me decapitated, haha.” you awkwardly laugh as scaramouche stares in horror. how in the world did you anger his mother, especially with the vision hunt decree gone?
“...we?” he questions.
“yes, we. unless you don’t want to leave. it’s fine if you don’t, i’ll just leave by mysel- woah!” before you could even finish your sentence, scaramouche pulled you into an embrace.
“please, don’t leave me like all the others.” his voice, barely a whisper.
“of course, i won’t, kuni. know that i’ll always be here for you.” you returned the hug, knowing how much he needed it.
“then, why’d you say that?” he says, his eyes brimming with tears. 
“well, i didn’t know if you wanted to go or not. i’d love to go every part of teyvat with you, kuni.” 
in this moment, he wasn’t scaramouche or the wanderer. he was kunikuzushi, a boy who just wants to be loved. he didn’t care where the both of you would go, he just wanted to be with you.
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ahintofblue · 5 days
To New Beginnings
Ship: Antares/Sung Jin-Woo Rating: T Chapter: 1/? Summary: Jin-Woo is thrown into a timeline where he is bound to the Monarch of Destruction as his husband and an army of dragons are now his to care for. Antares has no memories of their previous fights, the desire to destroy and ruin is entirely gone, so a new challenge awaits for Jin-Woo instead.
It is not what Jin-Woo expects his new life to be. Perhaps a change of heart is required? Tags: Alternate Timeline, Fluff, Romance, Family, Bond, Interspecies Relationship, No Beta We Die Like Antares Notes:
After finishing the comic, I wanted to write something about these two. There's not enough of them so I had to try despite my shortcomings. I wish I can do some kind of slow burn, multichapter with justice but due to irl, I can only write my ideas in bullet points because I don't have energy/time. You can think of each part is its own drabble because I wrote whatever came to mind.
Now on AO3!
Maybe it’s a joke. Certainly not what he expects when Jin-Woo requests to use the Cup of Reincarnation and ends up in an unfamiliar vast land and blue skies stretching over the horizon. A grand stone-walled castle a short distance away, the roar of dragons echoes in the air, and Jin-Woo spots the dark figures flying about, large wings flapping with grace as they soar proudly.
Was this a mistake? It can’t be. Did the Rulers decided to fuck with him? He remembers the cup having enough for one last rewind but he’s thrown into what seems to be a different timeline altogether. Is he even on Earth or is this a new world? How many years did he venture back? Too many questions come at him, so he continues on for answers.
Jin-Woo walks through the field of flowers, his army awaits his command in his shadow if necessary. He doesn’t sense any looming threats but he’s careful, wondering what is the meaning in all of this. Of course he receives no answer. He sees nothing but an endless green, no villages around but a castle home to the dragons and admits this kind of peace is breathtaking.
He then notices a man at a well. A startling revelation comes to him. The familiar crimson hair tied in a ponytail and beard, a handsome face reflects a gentle look, the sun paints his skin in a faint ethereal glow, and Jin-Woo finds himself stunned at the sight. The King of Dragons stands without his armor, wearing a comfortable attire of a loose shirt and pants instead. How entirely human that it has Jin-Woo questioning the possibility of Antares’ memories already. If he remembers him or not.
Who is the Antares he’s looking at now?
Jin-Woo stops in his tracks as Antares looks up from his work. He makes no attempt to run and heads to Antares with calm strides. As he stops in front of the taller man, he traces the faint red mana around Antares and discovers it mingling with his own as it is meant to be, a warm welcome serves as a protective shield over him. It’s surprising. How it easily curls around him. Safe.
Above, Kamish flies over them and lands on a patch of flowers nearby, white petals disperse as he lands with a careful thump, watching them, while the other smaller-sized dragons settle around, their heads raise with anticipation. Freedom. Knowing Kamish isn’t behind metal walls as a preserved corpse gives Jin-Woo an air of relief.  
“You are home.” Antares’ smile is sweet, endearing. No longer plagued by the instincts to kill him. “I pray your trip was eventful?” He pulls the bucket of water up by the rope and sets it down. “Come and regale me with your tales. It has been long since the day you left.” Left for what exactly?
Jin-Woo doesn’t know what Antares means. He still recalls the immense battle as they clashed, then Antares’ body pierced from multiple spears by Rulers above, signaling his defeat and an end to everything. Jin-Woo was tired and on the ground, panting to regain his breath. His muscles ached but victory belonged to him. His world was saved. And there we shall meet again. Antares disappeared.
“What do you—” Jin-Woo pauses. Antares isn’t one without affection as he presses a kiss on Jin-Woo’s forehead in greeting. Eyes wide open. A hand cups Jin-Woo’s cheek next, and the memories of war wash away from his mind and in return, a box of unexplained emotions Jin-Woo experiences opens up.  Jin-Woo’s face heats up. “Wait…” He tries pulling back to give himself space but Antares has an arm around his waist. He feels the stubble rubbing against his skin, sensing a smile across his cheek, and when he looks Antares in the eyes, a brilliant red shines like a jewel, and no words come out. Jin-Woo feels he has stumbled upon something dangerous, Antares’ claws gently brush along his face, memorizing every single detail worth his attention. Even a few more dragons land around them, excited to see Jin-Woo’s return but remain ever watchful. “What is it?” Antares asks, curious and amused with a teasing smirk. “You are… Ah, is my husband suddenly shy now? Do you want me to send them away?” In the background, one hears Kamish snorting.
Jin-Woo’s heart stops as if his soul retreats from his body and never returns. How does one respond to this? It’s not as if he’s not into men but rather the idea of romance catches him off guard when it is your ex-enemy he has to deal with. There are still questions looming over his head but if he wants the answers, then maybe the first step is to play the game without getting caught. But Antares isn’t an ordinary man, he will figure it out. Antares wears a patient face and a deep laugh comes out of his mouth. “I understand. You do prefer your privacy, after all.” “It has been a while,” Jin-Woo manages to lie, his heart still beating fast. He’s not even sure anymore. How did he even end up as Antares’ husband? This has to be some kind of trick for someone’s entertainment but it seems Antares isn’t aware of their past history. That this current Antares is very much in love with him and nothing more. Antares hums. “I sense your hesitance.” He bumps their foreheads together in a light manner. “But our bond is still strong. Did something happen during your travels?” He shows a slight bit of teeth as if ready to hunt down the person who dares hurt Jin-Woo in any way. At least, that’s what Jin-Woo is able to tell through their connection, the flame burns bright and wraps around him in an almost possessive state. “All is well. You have nothing to worry about. There were… minor issues but nothing I can’t handle.”
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Jean x Dark Knight!S/O MegaPost
This is a reupload from the original Genshingorls, many thanks to the og anon who asked for this, and the others who were interested in it!
It's every post I've made for this AU put under one roof, so be warned before pressing Keep Reading, this is a VERY long post!)
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S/O loved Jean, that much was clear just by looking at their interactions with her.
They respected her position as Acting Grand Master and what she was doing for the knights.
As much as S/O respected Jean and the Knights of Favonius, there was something Diluc was right about.
At times, they were too inefficient to be relied on.
S/O takes a note from the Darknight Hero's page, and decides to take matter into their own hands when the Knights are too slow, when a situation demanded action now.
S/O dons a caped black armor, a spear, and a helmet that completely covers their face.
Since S/O was very close with Jean and the other Knights, they knew if they ever uttered a single word, they would instantly figure out who they were.
To avoid that complication, S/O vows never to utter a word as long as they wear the armor.
Many Abyss Mage and Hilichurl attacks were halted by S/O, saving many lives in the process.
At first, the Knights mistook S/O's activities as the work of the Darknight Hero before realizing a third party was at play.
(Jean) sigh "As if one vigilante wasn't enough…"
(S/O) "There's a second one? I thought it was the Darknight Hero's work."
(Jean) "That's what we assumed too, but we've had reports from many citizens and knights that this second one fights completely different, not to mention ever uttering a word."
(S/O) "Well, I'm sure they have Mondstadt's best interest at heart."
(Jean) "I do not doubt that, but…I'm afraid that the people might begin losing faith in us…"
It hurt S/O knowing they were directly causing Jean pain like this. But who knew what would happen if S/O ever told her the truth?
As far as Jean and the rest of Mondstadt was aware, S/O was a gentle person who was sweet enough to not even hurt a fly.
S/O managed to hide a sigh themselves and held Jean's hand gently.
(S/O) "The people will never lose faith in you, or the Knights, Jean."
Jean smiled before standing up from the chair and kissed S/O's cheek.
(Jean) "Thank you, S/O. I have return to my duties, but thank you for this break."
(S/O) "Of course. Stay safe, Jean!"
She smiled and walked back to the Knights' Headquarters. S/O watched her leave, their smile slowly fading as she went out of sight.
(S/O) "Jean…"
(Diluc) "She'll be fine."
S/O didn't turn to face Diluc as he approached them. (Diluc) "Jean's resilient. Maybe too much for her own good."
(S/O) "I know, but I still can't help but worry about her…"
(Diluc) "It'll take a lot more than two vigilantes to break the Knights under her watch."
(S/O) "…Right."
S/O nodded and followed Diluc to Angel's Share. They were going to have some work to do tonight.
Jean and S/O had been together for 3 months when S/O took up the mantle as the second vigilante of Mondstadt.
While they greatly respected the Knights of Favonius and Jean, sometimes justice was too slow in their eyes.
S/O decided to speed it up a few times when nothing could be done, and tried to keep interactions with the Knights to an absolute minimum so they couldn't be discovered.
That was easier said than done, considering at this point, Jean and S/O lived together.
Luckily, Jean's tendency to overwork herself gave some time for S/O to return after a night and hide their gear.
No matter what though, they ALWAYS had to arrive home before Jean since officially S/O worked at Angel's Share under Diluc.
S/O had to keep everything locked up in a box and hide it out of sight by hiding it underneath their bed at first.
There was a point where S/O was in the middle of undressing and covered in bruises when they heard Jean come through the door.
They had just enough time to hide everything, but not enough to cover their bruises.
(S/O) Alright time to improvise. Guess it can't hurt anymore than the Abyss Mages did…!
(Jean) "Why is it so dark? S/O, are you home?"
(S/O's voice) "Jean, you're home!"
Jean went to light a candle, and S/O took a deep breath as they looked at her from on top of the stairs. (S/O) "WOAH!"
S/O pretended to trip down the stairs, though in reality they flung themselves off.
Jean quickly spun around as their body fumbled down the stairs, landing awkwardly at her feet.
(S/O) "…Hi, sweetie."
(Jean) "S/O!"
Concerned she immediately raised them up, seeing the bruises on them. (S/O) "Ow ow ow ow!"
(Jean) "I'm sorry, are you okay, is anything broken?!"
(S/O) "I-I think I bruised myself."
(Jean) "You'd be correct. Archons above, you need to be careful, your body's absolutely covered in bruises!"
(S/O) "Guess our stairs are harder than they look."
(Jean) "S/O, I'm being serious, what if it was worse?!"
(S/O) "Well, I can have you to kiss them better?"
Jean shot them a glare that told S/O she was obviously unamused. (S/O) "…So uh, how was work today?"
Sighing, she helped S/O up and they had a relatively light dinner before they slept, covering S/O's true cause of the bruise.
That would not be the first or the last time S/O would have to improvise like that, only a few weeks later asking the Honorary Knight to smash a door into their face to cover a black eye.
In other words, it was a chaotic beginning, which S/O had plenty of time to refine.
S/O winced in pain as Diluc sighed. Diluc was cleaning glasses at Angel's Share while S/O sat in the stool across from him.
The two had saved a group of Knights from an ambush but they didn't get away unscathed.
Even though S/O wore a mask, that didn't stop them from getting a massive bruise on their face.
(Diluc) "I told you to watch out for the explosive barrels, didn't I?"
(S/O) "Yeah yeah, I know…Ugh, this isn't good. I've been trying to make Jean take a little time off so she can take care of herself, and she wanted to get lunch with me today!"
(Diluc) "Isn't that a good thing, and what does that have to do with anything?"
(S/O) "Getting there. Now, normally it would, but I told her I work at the tavern. She would think something's up if a server just got punched and no knights made an arrest for assault!"
(Diluc) "Hm…I can't really think of anything that could help."
(S/O) "…Wait a second, the Traveler and Paimon are back in Mondstadt, right?"
(Diluc) "…Yes?"
(S/O) "I got an idea!"
Aether and Paimon looked at each other, extremely confused.
(Aether) "I'm sorry, what?"
(S/O) "When I get near the door, I need you to swing it and hit me in the face really really hard."
(Paimon) "And…there's no downside to this?"
(S/O) "You have my word Jean will not kill you."
(Aether) "Uh….Sure?"
(S/O) "Sweet! You guys are lifesavers!"
Jean came through the door and looked around.
She saw Diluc, Aether and Paimon, but no sign of S/O.
(Jean) "Oh, good afternoon."
(Aether) "Hey, Jean."
(Paimon) "Hiya, Master Jean!"
(Diluc) "Looking for S/O?"
(Jean) "Yes, I was told to meet them at the tavern before we went off. I figured that they were already here…"
Diluc cleared his throat, giving the indication that S/O was coming to the door.
(Patton's voice) "Oh, hey S/O. Jean just walked in."
(S/O) "Thanks."
(Paimon) "Oh, we can go find him if you'd like! Come on, Aether!"
(Aether) "Right."
The two got off their seat and hurried to the door.
(Jean) "O-Oh, no you don't have to-"
Aether grabbed the door handle and shoved it forward, Paimon helping as well and-
(Patton) "WOAH!"
(Jean) "S/O!"
(Paimon) "O-Oh, S/O? How clumsy of us!"
(S/O) "Ack, my god! I think you actually broke something!"
(Aether) "Huh. Must've swung harder than I thought…"
Diluc facepalmed, he was getting second-hand embarrassment from S/O's plan.
Jean rushed over to S/O pushing aside Aether and Paimon.
(Jean) "S/O, are you alright?!"
(S/O) "O-Ow. Jean? Y-Yeah I'm alright."
Jean gasped.
(Jean) "Y-Your eye!…And nose?"
(Patton) "Er, I think the eye thing was-"
(Paimon) "-AETHER, do you not know how to control your strength you brute?!"
(Aether) "What?! You helped me push it!"
Jean was about to open their mouth before S/O waved it off by laughing. It was extremely awkward since everyone could tell they were in pain, but still they laughed.
(S/O) "Don't worry about it, it was just an accident. Let's go ahead to Good Hunter, okay?"
(Jean) "B-But…"
S/O kissed Jean, making her blush.
(Paimon) "Eyuck, PDA you guys!"
(Patton) "Not to make a fuss Honorary knight, but uh…you're kinda standing in the doorway."
(Aether) "Oh, sorry. To both of you, Jean, Patton."
(Paimon) "Enjoy your date you guys!"
(Jean) "Thank you…?"
S/O held Jean's hand and they walked out of sight together, leaving Aether and Paimon sighing.
(Paimon) "Thank goodness that's over with."
(Aether) "Sorry 'bout the commotion. See ya later."
Aether and Paimon walked off, making Patton open the door and look at Diluc. He still had a hand in his face.
(Patton) "So…what was that about?"
(Diluc) sigh "Don't ask…"
S/O ran to a corner with the Darknight Hero, the Knights of Favonius hot on their trail.
(Knight) "Freeze!"
(Diluc) "Damn, they're catching up to us."
S/O silently motioned for them to continue on without them.
(Diluc) "What? But-"
A squad of knights rounded the corner, weapons drawn. Knowing there was no time, the Darknight Hero to leave, him climbing the wall and escaping while S/O stood their ground.
S/O was prepared to knock out of a few of the knights and improvise from there. Until they saw Jean walk in, sword drawn.
(Jean) "You are under arrest for disrupting the Knights of Favonius from upholding the law. Surrender now, and you will not be harmed.
S/O couldn't say anything, the moment they did, Jean would instantly know it was them. So, there was only one option left.
S/O drew out their spear and pointed it at Jean. She responded by motioning the knights behind her, weapons at the ready.
Jean's Anemo vision was going to be extremely difficult for S/O to counter.
They had no vision of their own and had to rely on gadgets. All of which were designed to kill or seriously wound.
S/O did not ever anticipate having to fight Jean, let alone any Knight, so they had no non-lethal tools to use.
They kept their spear pointed at her, waiting to see who made the first move.
The knights had their weapons drawn out too. The last thing S/O needed was to be fighting a group, with Jean leading the front.
S/O decided to take their chances and try to escape, or at the very least, force Jean to fight them one on one.
S/O jumped onto the walls and ran up to the roof, making their escape from there.
Jean quickly managed to catch up while the Knights remained on the floor.
S/O saw the gate and tried to make a run for it there, only for Jean to jump up and block their path.
(Jean) "You're not getting away that easy."
(S/O) Hard way it is…Sorry, Jean.
S/O said this to themselves as they got into a battle stance, charging forward.
Their spear thrusted forward, Jean sidestepping to the left and narrowly dodging the attack.
Her arm thrusted upwards, the rapier sliding across the shaft of S/O's spear and forcing them back.
As S/O was going backwards, they felt the air pulling them towards her.
(S/O) Damn it, she's going to-!
(Jean) "GO AS ONE!"
S/O knew what she was capable of with her Anemo vision, and had seen it in action before.
What they didn't expect was to be on the receiving end of it.
They were violently blasted back and rolled across the rooftop, stabbing their spear onto the roof so they can stop rolling like a ragdoll.
Looking up, Jean was already running towards them.
If S/O remembered how she fought, then she was about to swing the rapier to her right, then thrust upwards.
Sure enough, S/O saw her arm about to swing right.
S/O brought the spear upwards, the pole blocking the attack.
They moved forward before she had time to make the next move and headbutted her, making her stagger back.
S/O used this chance to start making their escape to the gate, Jean finally recovering to get back on their heel.
S/O knew it wasn't going to be long before she could use her Vision again.
-They had 2 choices. Either stay and stagger Jean one more time, or take their chances and keep running.
S/O Winning
S/O suddenly stopped and turned around, with Jean about to use her vision once again.
S/O had the blunt end of the pole strike her stomach, knocking the air out of her before swinging up and hitting the bottom of her jaw, making her fly upwards.
Before she could fall, S/O kicked Jean's head, making her body go onto the roof, and knocking her out.
S/O took the sword and holstered it and carried Jean in their arms. They were half tempted to say sorry, but didn't know if she could still hear anything.
Not taking the chance, S/O hopped down from the roof with Jean in tow, gently setting her against the side of a wall, with her sword nearby.
S/O sprinted out of sight before they could be tempted to look back and waste precious escape time.
Jean was angry at herself as she was returning to her home.
The fact a non-vision user was able to escape her was beyond embarrassing as the Acting Grand Master.
Not only that, it seemed that vigilante knew every move she made and countered perfectly.
…Now that she thought about it, that was a little too perfect.
How would a non-vision user, one she hadn't even seen before, know her moves and react in time to her Anemo abilities?
When she opened the door, she heard a warm voice call out to her.
(S/O) "Jean!"
They ran over to her and hugged her tightly.
(S/O) "I heard you guys were fighting the Vigilantes, is that true?!"
(Jean) "Y-…Yes it was. I was unable to capture them."
Jean wasn't able to look at them in the eye.
(S/O) "You're hurt…!"
(Jean) "It's nothing that can't be heal-"
S/O silenced her by holding her face, she winced in pain by their touch.
(S/O) "Oh, I-I'm so sorry!"
(Jean) "It's…" sigh "It's fine. Thank you for worrying, S/O."
Jean tried to calm them down by wrapping her arms around them, finally feeling them relax.
She kissed them, and when she pulled away, she noticed S/O had a bruise on their arm.
Not just one, but several.
(S/O) "…Jean?"
(Jean) "It's nothing. I'm just tired is all."
(S/O) "Then let's go to bed, alright?"
(Jean) "Of course, I will meet you up there when I finish getting dressed."
S/O nodded and went into the other room.
(Jean) S/O works at the Tavern. Why do they have bruises? …Actually, what are they doing this late up at night?
Jean made a mental note to herself to ask S/O about it.
She had a sinking feeling, but tried to ignore it.
- There's no way…
Jean Winning
S/O didn't want to take that gamble to see if they could stop her vision in time, so they kept running.
Jean concentrated her power, knowing what they were trying to do.
They were NOT going to get away.
(Jean) "Barbatos, guide us!"
The wind around them picked up violently, blasting the Dark Knight into the air, flailing helplessly.
Jean leapt forth and struck them down, shattering pieces of their mask as they fell onto the ground, knocking them out.
She landed gently on the ground and sheathed her weapon.
The Knights caught up and surrounded the area, ready to fight again at a moment's notice.
Jean frowned as she saw part of the face from the broken mask.
It looked a lot like…
Jean reached for the helmet and took it off, her blood going cold once she saw who it was.
S/O was battered, bruises everywhere and a bit of blood coming from their mouth.
But the fact S/O was under the mask.
(Jean) "W-…What…?!"
(Knight) "By the Archon…is that?!"
(Knight 1) "Quit gawking, cuff them!"
They locked S/O's hands tight and moved them away, with Jean still staring in complete shock.
(Knight) "Ma'am…your orders?"
Jean had to push that to the side for now. What matters is bringing back order.
(Jean) "Take them to the cell. We will question them once they reawaken."
(Knight) "At once."
Jean was left alone, her body going completely numb.
When was S/O this viglante?
…No, why?
Why did they not tell her this?
Why did they even go against the Knights in the first place? Against her?
She fought back the tears forming in her eyes and had to take a deep breath.
S/O had always said the silent vigilante had Mondstadt's best interest at heart. That was true, judging from their actions.
But…they still kept this a secret from Jean.
They did love her…or was that a lie told to her as well…?
She eventually snapped out of it and went down to the cell.
Kaeya was looking through the cell, his usual smirk gone.
(Kaeya) "S/O as the second vigilante…That's some sick sense of humor fate has."
Jean didn't respond as her hand slowly slid down the bar, staring at S/O's battered body.
(Jean) "S/O…"
Kaeya remained quiet as Jean's tears streamed down her face.
She had no idea what things S/O told her was true and what wasn't anymore.
- Jean looked up from her stacks of paper and sighed.
- It's been nearly a month since S/O had left Mondstadt, though it wasn't to evade the law.
- An Abyss Mage had broken into Mondstadt and sent Ruin Guards after the townspeople the night they were arrested.
- Jean and S/O fought alongside each other, saving several Knights and Civilians.
- Some of the people called S/O a hero, even including some knights, but when it was over...
(S/O) "Jean. I'm leaving Mondstadt."
(Jean) "What? But-"
(S/O) "The people and Knights know my identity now...Worst of all, you do now."
(Jean) "..."
(S/O) "If the Dark Knight Hero hasn't gotten a pardon, then neither should I. I'm a criminal, but I won't be imprisoned just yet, not when I have so much to do."
(Jean) "But you could join the Knights, S/O! You could-"
- S/O put a finger on her lips and sighed.
(S/O) "I have to do this. I'm sorry, Jean."
(Jean) "Then...I will not stop you."
- She was about to walk away before she felt her hand wrapped into theirs.
- Jean was slowly turned around as S/O gently put their lips onto hers.
(S/O) "I'll always need you, Jean. But the people of Mondstadt come first. And they need their Grand Master. I promise, this blade will not break before I return to you."
(Jean) "And I will make sure Mondstadt has a home for you when you do return."
- They held each other for the last time before S/O quietly left Mondstadt, putting on their mask and leaving.
- Jean returned to an empty home, late at night.
- She went to the kitchen to fix herself something to eat before realizing something was wrong.
- She could smell fresh food on the table, but no one should have been home.
- Jean reached for her rapier before she turned on a light, and saw what it was.
- It was a pizza, with a vase of dandelions sitting next to it.
- Jean teared up as she smiled, knowing where it came from.
- She slowly picked up one of the dandelions and walked over to a window.
- Blowing gently on it, the seeds from the dandelion were floating away on the night's breeze.
(Jean) "I know our paths will cross again one day S/O...But...Hah, perhaps I'm a little selfish for wishing we could be together now..."
- Jean stared at the night sky, not saying another word.
A/N: Slight error here. From this point on the pronouns became male, but just pretend I meant for it to be gender neutral.
S/O was in self-exile after his identity was discovered.
It had been at least half a year since he left the city, wandering and helping those in need in the outskirts of Mondstadt.
He was certain that none of the Knights, not even Jean, could figure out where they were staying, until he saw a letter at their hideout.
S/O drew his polearm and looked around. After investigating the area, they checked the envelope and opened it.
"I have Jean. Come to these islands to save her, hero."
S/O didn't care if it was a trap, whoever sent this message knew how to get his attention.
They donned their mask and set off immediately for Mondstadt, but how would they even get there?
(S/O) Come to think of it, didn't Jean mention once that bard Venti being able to fly that dragon…?
S/O entered Mondstadt undetected and tried to keep that hidden as long as they could.
S/O walked to the tavern and sighed, knowing that Patton would be the first person to see him.
Bracing himself, S/O walked towards the door.
(Patton) "Uh-" !!! "S/O?!"
S/O held up a hand to silence Patton, and immediately showed him the letter.
He did feel a little awkward by the fact he still didn't talk, even though the people know who he was under the mask.
(Patton) "…Jeez, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Though, I don't know if going in there's a good idea-"
S/O slightly bowed to say thanks, and went inside anyway, hearing the familiar tune of a lyre being played.
The tavern went completely quiet, with the exception of Venti's song, when S/O entered.
He patiently waited for Venti to finish, ignoring everyone's stares and whispers.
(Venti) "Thank you for waiting, and you must be…Ah, Jean's lover!"
S/O was glad he had a mask on, he felt his cheeks heating up when Venti just called it out in front of the entirety of Angel's Share.
S/O was about to show Venti the letter before he was interrupted.
(Venti) "No need, I know where she went. Right this way, please!"
S/O was about to move before being interrupted, again.
(Venti) "Ah, but it's not free. Mind if you can get a drink for the road?"
The sound of his mask covered his sigh, S/O awkwardly reaching into his pockets and pulling out the remaining Mora he had.
(S/O) …I guess this is a small price to pay for Jean. Wait a second, why do I even have this on me when I'm fighting?!
S/O handed Venti a bottle, and THEN he followed Venti out of the city.
Dropping off Stormterror's back onto one of the many Islands, S/O had their weapon drawn.
He had no idea where Jean was being kept, but the longer he kept her waiting…
Landing on the sand, S/O twirled around and had their cape go against the wind, brushing off the debris on it and looking heroic, though no one was there to see.
(S/O) "Jean…I'll get you out of here."
S/O took their first step on the shore and realized the first of many problems.
He didn't have a vision so he couldn't skim across the water or build any kind of bridge.
And the island he landed on was barren.
He decided to examine the rest of the island and took his next step.
And saw a cute little red sphere hop into the air.
And immediately went flying backwards from the explosion.
S/O landed on his back, sand getting everywhere on his mask and outfit.
(Klee's Voice) "Oooh, I think I got some fish with that!"
(Barbara's Voice) "Huh? But I thought that bomb was a little too close to shore-O-OH MY GOODNESS!"
(Klee's Voice) "Hey, it's mister S/O!"
S/O could hear Klee's heart drop.
(Klee's Voice) "OH NO, DID I HIT HIM?!"
Barbara and Klee ran over to S/O who was still in the sand unmoving.
While there wasn't any serious injury, he just felt extremely stupid not seeing that bomb, and was taking a moment for his pride to recover.
(Barbara) "S/O, are you alright?!"
He slowly got up, nodding his head yes. (Klee) "Um, you aren't saying anything though…"
(Paimon's Voice) "Is everything okay?"
(Aether's Voice) "We heard an explosion and-….Oh."
(Jean's Voice) "S/O?!"
He immediately spun around, seeing Aether, Paimon, and Jean not too far away.
And Jean was completely unharmed.
S/O took off their mask, and his confusion was very apparent.
(S/O) "Jean, you're okay! And…Nice outfit."
(Jean) "O-Oh um…Thank you."
Jean awkwardly rubbed the back of her head before snapping back to it.
(Jean) "What are you doing here?"
(S/O) "Me? I thought you were kidnapped!"
(Paimon) "OOOOOOH! Paimon knows the issue! You probably got a letter right?"
(S/O) "You know something about it?"
(Klee) "Yeah, my mom did that!"
(S/O) "…Alice kidnapped Jean?"
(Jean) "N-No! Allow me to explain!"
(S/O) "So we're all here cause Alice wanted us to have a vacation?"
(Aether) "Pretty much. We actually got done with the whole investigation an hour ago, actually."
(Barbara) "Yes, it was quite an adventure!"
Now he felt a little jealous.
(S/O) "Hmph. Alice couldn't have gotten that letter to me faster? Actually, how did she even know where I was?"
(Klee) "Cause my mom's the coolest and the smartest!"
(S/O) "So it would seem."
Barbara slowly inched her way to Jean and nudged her with her arm.
Realizing why Barbara did that, Jean cleared her throat loudly.
(Jean) "Well, seeing as you're here, would you like to join us on the main island for the festivities? We were here to let Klee fish blast."
(S/O) "S-Sure, seeing as I'm here."
(Klee) "Are you gonna go swimming in that, Mister S/O?"
S/O looked down awkwardly at his outfit.
(S/O) "…Do we have a change of clothes there? I was under the impression I'd be going into battle."
Jean couldn't help but chuckle, seeing how flustered S/O was, and in turn finally making him lighten up. …
When they got to the island, Jean and S/O spent time catching up, calmly watching Klee send a congregation of fish to meet god with her explosives.
After a little while longer, everyone left Jean and S/O alone on the far side of the island.
They both sat down next to each other on the sand, feeling the ocean's breeze on them and the moon rise.
(S/O) "-…And that's how I got here, after getting Venti that bottle of wine."
(Jean) "If I may ask, why did you have Mora on you? Would anyone even let you buy supplies?"
(S/O) "Yeah, I was wondering that myself…"
Jean laughed again, S/O turning to face her.
Jean's smile was something he had missed dearly these past months.
Being able to see it again was all he could ask for.
(S/O) "By the way, who got you that outfit? It looks great on you."
Jean began blushing as she shyly looked away.
(Jean) "Oh, you think so? Hah, well Barbara and Lisa helped me pick it. In all honesty, I was wondering how you'd think of it when I put it on the first time."
Jean leaned onto his shoulder and spoke softly.
(Jean) "I'm glad you like it…"
S/O's hands wrapped around Jean's, both of them quietly enjoying each other's warmth.
(Jean) "…I've missed you, S/O."
(S/O) "…I've missed you too, Jean."
Jean raised her head and gently put her hand on his face, slowly turning it to face her.
Their lips connected as they closed their eyes. There was no telling when they could be able to do this again.
(Klee's Voice) "Yuck!"
(Barbara's Voice) "Aw!"
(Aether's Voice) "No, I think you just did…"
(Jean) "HUH?!"
Both Jean and S/O quickly stood up, seeing the four of them on the hill watching.
(Jean) "Barbara!"
Jean began pouting as she marched straight for them, S/O just stood and smiled.
(Aether) "RUN FOR IT!"
(Barbara) "GO, BARBARA, GO!"
The four of them sprinted away with Jean hot on their trail.
S/O smiled as he took a deep breath.
(S/O) "This as entertaining for you as it is for me?"
(Diluc's Voice) "Apologies, I did not mean to eavesdrop."
Diluc stepped out into sight and stood next to S/O.
(S/O) "Kinda hard not to with a small island like this."
(Diluc) "Indeed. It's good to see you well, S/O."
(S/O) "Likewise. Thanks for looking out for her while I've been gone."
(Diluc) "She's been worried sick for you, you know. Plan on coming back anytime soon?"
(S/O) "I'm not sure, I've been hesitant to…I guess I can't believe she still loves me after what I put her through."
(Diluc) "If you can't believe it, then go see for yourself. Sounds like she needs you, anyway."
S/O began to walk after Jean, still being able to hear her chase the four of them.
At the very least, S/O would get to enjoy a few days with Jean again.
Though what Diluc said stuck with him for the rest of the time.
S/O smiled.
Maybe, he'd be able to come back, and enjoy days like these with her again.
Before identity reveal
(Jean) "S/O and I are in a relationship. Hah, I think all of Mondstadt knows with how much they talk about me. They're the sweetest person I've met, and I'm truly blessed to be with him."
(Kaeya) "Ah, the only other person besides Barbara that can talk some sense into the Acting Grand Master. He seems to be…hiding something."
(Diluc) "S/O works for me at Angel's Share as a server. They're a little clumsy, but their drive to work is second to none. I know that for a fact. Well, the only thing that tops that is their worrying for Jean."
(Amber) "Yeah, I've met S/O. He seems like a pretty cool guy. I can see why Jean fell for him!"
(Barbara) "Jean seems so happy with them! And S/O is truly a kind person as well!"
(Rosaria) "S/O? I've seen them a few times here and there. Don't let that ditzy look of his fool you. He leads an…interesting life."
(Lisa) "Jean's sweetheart? What a kind young man. However, he seems to be on edge talking to the other Knights, from what I've noticed. Maybe its because he feels intimidated, since he's just a civilian dating the Acting Grand Master?"
(Klee) "Mister S/O is the best! He helps me get out of trouble by talking to Master Jean. He helps me make bombs all the time!"
(Venti) "The plucky young man in Angel's Share? He helps me out whenever I perform there! I'm also aware of his budding romance with the Acting Grand Master, it's quite adorable isn't it?"
After Identity Reveal
(Jean) "Ah…S/O…We do not speak much anymore but, I know he still loves me. Although he's acting as a vigilante, I know he has the best interests for Mondstadt at heart. So I'll make sure this city is still standing by the time he returns. I…still miss him terribly. And he must feel the same…"
(Kaeya) "To think he was the second vigilante helping the Dark Knight hero. Personally, I think he should've worked for us to begin with so he could stay in Mondstadt."
(Diluc) "So you heard about that? He only got discovered so I couldn't. I owe him a debt. If anything, I think his conviction has become stronger than ever. Though, his love for Jean remains thankfully unchanged."
(Amber) "I totally didn't see that coming, S/O being a vigilante! I think I sometimes see him when I'm out scouting. I try to talk to him, but he always disappears when I try to approach."
(Barbara) "Jean has been worried for him ever since he left Mondstadt. To be honest, I am too. I get letters from him, asking if me and Jean are alright…It's sweet, but he needs to come back so we can be reassured, you know?"
(Rosaria) "Figured there was more to him than meets the eye. It's always the ones you don't expect that can fight well. Honestly, its pretty impressive how well he can fight without a vision."
(Lisa) "Poor Jean was heartbroken to find out S/O was a vigilante. But, it looks like we don't hsve to worry about them hurting us, he seems to fight to protect the city. Especially Jean."
(Klee) "People say that Mister S/O is a bad guy, but thats not true at all! He may dress a little funny, but he beats up the bad guys! How can he be one of those jerks?"
(Venti) "Ah, love has no bounds. The law nor evil can separate S/O from his dear Jean! I should write a song in his honor, and I will be certain to play it for him upon his return."
S/O's thoughts
"Jean…I can only imagine how much I hurt her when she saw me under the mask. But even so, I put it on so I can protect her, and the city she loves.
And I'll be damned if my identity being revealed is gonna stop me from doing that. Anything for the one you love, right?"
"Kaeya honestly scares the hell outta me. Feel like he knew who I was the moment we spoke. He's got that…I don't know, feeling to him?"
"Diluc is a good boss. Pretty nice guy too, except when he speaks about the Knights and especially Kaeya. Oh, he gets pretty pouty around Venti too, heh.
Still, sometimes he should stop being so…approachable? Mostly cause every girl he speaks to immediately goes weak in the knees upon sight."
"Amber's pretty damn fast. I'm always sure when I try to escape her she's just going to perfectly land in front of me. Nice enough from what I heard from Jean about her."
"Barbara is a sweetheart. Me and her always made sure Jean wasn't overworking herself. Though she's a bit of a hypocrite, working herself to the bone in the church. Honestly, sometimes it's a handful making sure they're both okay.
…What? She'd be my sister-in-law once I marry Jean? L-Let's not get THAT far just yet."
"Rosaria…I've seen what she does at night, and I'm damn sure she's seen me. Good fighter, and seems to have the same idea as Diluc and I, she's a lot better at hiding it though.
But whatever the case, she's earned my trust, despite the fact we've never really spoken directly."
"Lisa, man oh man. She used to tease the hell out of Jean and I. Real nice lady, though I wouldn't piss her off. Especially if you touch her books.
I've seen it only once, and I swore to NEVER rent a book in Mondstadt ever. I'm pretty sure not even my armor would save me from her wrath."
"Klee was a sweet kid with a love for explosions. Normally that'd be pretty bad, but its thanks to her that I know how to make my utility bombs. I helped her and she helped me.
Hah, Jean and I are practically second parents for Klee considering how much trouble she gets herself into, and how we've had to step in."
"Oh yeah, Venti's that bard who drops by the bar all the time. I don't see him drink often but damn, I ended up serving at least 10 drinks to him!
As for his musical skills, not my preference. I don't tell him that, considering the tips he gives me."
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WIP Sketch: Original Character Reference Sheet V.1
Murakami Momoko
When she* was born, her mother, a grand and powerful kitsune well-known for her kind and beneficent demeanor, seemingly went mad and viciously ravaged a town. A Daimyō of the region and his soldiers engaged her in battle, slaying her. The man, finding the newborn kitsune, almost slew the kit as well, but was stopped by his own daughter, who had covertly accompanied him and took pity on the helpless kitsune
Murakami Sadayoshi Daimyō, knowing he'd never hear the end of it if he killed the kit, took the kitsune into his family. His daughter, Yuzuki, was ecstatic to have a little sibling and named her after the peaches the little fox enjoyed: Momotarō*
When she was a child, she struggled mightily with her destructive impulses and understanding how her behavior impacts others. Sadayoshi worked heavily with her, pushing to instill in her a moral code that would compensate for her shortcomings. As part of this, he set her to work on a farm, to teach her responsibility and to care for the less fortunate
Momoko became interested in her father and his soldier's work, resolving to become a samurai in his employ
She found many weapons to not agree with her in those early days, breaking too easily or being too large for a child. She ultimately found the spear to her liking, appreciating its versatility
Magic: - Natural proficiency with fire, illusions, and transformation -- Can temporarily store objects, like her spear, inside of her soul --- Ultimately, comes into possession of a demon-slaying spear --- 悪薙桃花槍 (Akunagitōka-no-yari)** --- [Evil-Cutting Peach Blossom Spear] ---- Her magical, soulbound spear is notably lethal to evil entities and spells
Traits: - Cheerful - Impulsive - Loud - Outspoken - Antisocial Personality Disorder -- No empathy -- Vindictive -- Destructive -- Compensates with a strict moral code that her father taught her, emphasizing justice, equity, and minimizing pain
* In her late teens, Momoko determined that she was female and transitioned, using her kitsune magic to change her body
** Is this right? Is this how Kanji works??
Consider my Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/sadayoshientertainment And my Art on your Things at Redbubble - https://redbubble.com/people/sada-tainment
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lutethebodies · 20 days
LTB Tav Tuesdays: Olinitza Cuel, the Silent Sentinel
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My fourth Tav is one of two rangers, and a fave among faves in both 5e and BG3. Olini is my current tabletop character, stomping all over my brother's unique homebrew game (Magic as deteriorated AI! Perma-storms hiding secret islands! Mad underground bioengineers! Dragons on the moon!) as a half-drow planar-warrior-wielding Horizon Walker ranger who was (unwittingly at first) working for a patron that once helped cause an apocalypse.
Her name is a very loose translation of (as I understand it) "she who moves quickly" from Nahuatl. In 5e she has the Investigator background, and was sent by her superiors in the big city to investigate war crimes (and their cover-up) committed by commanders of the same unit she used to scout for in the wilderness. Discovered, she was run off the frontier as a traitor and, at the game's start, was back in the city taking up the righteous yet thankless task of petitioning bureaucratic authority for justice.
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Olini is a natural explorer annoyed by civilization's limits and rules, driven to seek justice on her own terms, and will push any boundary to do so. Her ideals are 1) freedom; she relishes her self-appointed role as the spear-tip protecting innocents from abuses of authority; and 2) people; she respects like-minded friends more than powerful titles. When not seeking righteous retribution against the war criminals who cast her out, she is sentimentally attached to her spyglass and scimitar, mementos of her childhood and long-lost ranger father.
Her flaw is an insufficient patience with nuance or the gray realities of life; she is quick to react and judge if it confirms her priors. This can curdle into selfish denial if unchecked, and earned her the ironic moniker of "silent" after frequent outbursts as she raged against incessantly-postponed audiences with corrupt power brokers. That temper caught her future patron's attention, who promised her help in exchange for temporary silence and other vague "services yet to be named." Eager to clear her name, Olini readily agreed.
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In BG3 Olini is translated to a Gloom Stalker with the Soldier background, which in addition to being insanely overpowered, fits a bit better with her backstory and half-drow lineage. An ex-Fist who witnessed first-hand that unit's incompetence in Chult, she was in Baldur's Gate seeking an audience with Ulder Ravengard, but missed him by a few days when the Grand Duke left for Elturel (and his subsequent fate). Put off by Blaze Portyr and ignored by Gortash, she was back in the wilderness seeking Ravengard's party when captured by the Nautiloid.
I've played her for years as a belligerent force of chaotic good, with many sources of inspiration but most recently the character of Evangeline Navarro from True Detective 4. Navarro fits Olini to a T, complete with the "haunted by her dead mother" bit. She fights hard (she nearly killed Absolutist-Minthara on the spot for calling her "half-breed") and loves harder, which got awkward with Karlach (who's unrequitedly down bad for her) and got her into bed with Shadowheart (who did indeed become her romance).
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Metagame tidbit 1: I haven't explored their romance yet beyond superficial commonalities (shadow magic, caring for animals, half-elven lineage), but I like the idea of Olini learning subtlety and tact from Shadowheart, and our favorite cleric learning self-assurance by example from someone like Olini, who's so comfortable in her own skin. Metagame tidbit 2: Olini is also the first character for whom I've kept track of long rests; she defeated the goblins and hit Level 5 within 8 in-game days (which has pretty much become my standard for subsequent runs).
Tune in next week for another ranger-ific Tav!
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scotianostra · 7 months
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November 13th 1850 saw the birth of Robert Louis Stevenson in Edinburgh.
As the author of such classics as Treasure Island, Kidnapped and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Stevenson is known the world over, instead of reeling off the usual facts about the life of the man I thought I would dig up some facts that are not so well known.
When Stevenson first wrote Treasure Island, he submitted his stories under nom-de-plume of Captain George North to a children's periodical called Young Folks.
He may have invented the sleeping bag; according to the Stevenson House website: "R.L.S. has a good claim to be the inventor of the Sleeping Bag, taking a large fleece-lined sack with him to sleep in on the journey through France described in his book Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes." For the record, his six-foot square sleeping sack was made of "green waterproof cart-cloth without and blue sheep's fur within".
Stevenson collected corselets (a sort of protective girdle) and was particularly proud of his ones from the Gilbert Island, which were designed to offer effective protection against sharks’ teeth weapons, throwing spears and European knives and bayonets. They were made of coconut fibre and decorated with human hair. They were given to him by King Tembinoka, the Tyrant of the Island of Apemama.
He had wooden teeth, when he was living in America in 1878 and pursuing the unhappily married Fanny Vandegrift Osbourne - a woman 11 years his senior - Stevenson lived in San Francisco's Chinatown. He was lonely and in poor health and while in Tubbs Hotel he had trouble with a bleeding mouth and rotten teeth. A local dentist removed all his teeth and fitted him with false wooden replacements. He married Fanny shortly afterwards.
As well as a writer, he was also a keen musician and composer, Stevenson played the piano and flageolet and wrote more than 100 original musical compositions and arrangements, including solos, duets, trios and quartet. His works include ten songs written to his own poetry.
He burnt the first draft of Jekyll & Hyde, the story was promoted by a dream he had while in Bournemouth of a "fine bogey tale", was written around the same time as Kidnapped and was partly based on Deacon Brodie, the 18th-century Edinburgh cabinetmaker. His wife Fanny complained that he had not made the allegory strong enough and he tossed the 30,000 word manuscript into the fire. Then in "a white heat", using a quill pen and ink pot, he stayed in bed for three days and wrote a new version. He would later claim that it was the worst thing he ever wrote but The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sold 40,000 copies in its first six months on sale in 1886.
Long John Silver stayed at the Royal Infirmary. Treasure Island character Long John Silver was based on poet WE Henley, who RLS frequently visited at the Royal Infirmary. Henley suffered from tuberculosis of the bone and acquired a wooden leg after having his left leg amputated in 1868.
He left a number of books unfinished before his untimely death in Samoa on December 3rd 1894. Reports at the time said he had died of "apoplexy" due to the heat. It was also described as a stroke and a cerebral haemorrhage brought on by straining to opening a jar of mayonnaise. Or a bottle of wine. No one is sure. He was only 44.
Stevenson was buried in a grand ceremony on Mount Vaea, Upolu and his tomb is inscribed with the words: “Home is the sailor, home from the sea,/And the hunter home from the hill.” On the day he died he had been dictating words for his unfinished novel The Chief Justice's Clerk. He also left behind an uncompleted novel called St Ives (the story of a French prisoner who made his escape from Edinburgh Castle), The Young Chevalier, Heathercat and Weir of Hermiston.
Stevenson wrote his own inscription on his grave, the full verse reads...
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die
,And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
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gbavian · 8 months
The Democratic State of Grand Bavia has been rejected GUN membership. In response the President, Kuzi of Grand Bavia, made this statement.
People of Grand Bavia, people of the galaxy. The Democratic State of Grand Bavia was the first iteration of the Bavian States to join the Galactic United Nations, under my leadership.
Today, however, the GUN shows it is nothing more than an ideological junta of nations that banishes those that do not bend to its will. Grand Bavia simply wanted to maintain national security by implementing temporary policies that have since be rescinded. The BIIS has cooperated with the Galactic Community throughout, despite their first wishes not to to show Bavia's commitment to the GC.
However we have been paid back with nothing but hostilities, spear headed by the Revolutionary Republics and their curropted ideology. The Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Defence has agreed there is state involvement in the attacks against our nation that consistute an act of war.
The GUN was made to prevent nations resorting to such issues and to allow for dialog to take place, however now we are free from their regulations and their oppression.
I recommend all Bavians return to the Democratic State, the Galactic Community has slowly started to act against us when we needed them most. As President I will ensure that all of us are protected, regardless of our species and with or without GUN support, I am your president of your Democratic State of Grand Bavia, I serve you.
Thank you.
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rambird12 · 9 months
Tips for Making an One Piece ordinal  Character 
So you want to make OC, Great here are some tips
Name : a given, what do they call themselves , should some what reflect their personality  
Gender : Male, female, non binary etc
Race : There are so many different races living in the grand line and with home islands ; each with their own culture and abilities 
Three eyed tribe
Job: We got the classic pirates and Marines but don’t be afraid to make your character some else besides these. You char  chould be a bounty hunter, a traveling Marchant , wandering chef, martial artist , ninja these are just some possibletys!
Goal : What is their dream , what movatves them? To be strong?, revenge, justice, finding something that others day doesn’t exist?
Personality : What are they like? Happy, gullible , angry at the in justice of the world nobles or pirates?  Curious about something in the world and find about it?
Backstory: what happened to them that makes them the way they are. Did pirates attack their village and now want to make sure it does happen to others. Do they see how awful the world nobles are and joined the revolutionary army to over throw them, or after seeing the in justice of the marines quit and decided to seek justice on their own terms ie. Batman.
Devil fruit : do they have a fruit power ? What is it loggia, zoan, paramecia . How do they use it ? How is it used in fighting
Fighting style: Does your char like to fight? Do they known a certain type of mortal art? Fishmen karate , Judo,tai chi . Do they fight with a weapon like swords or spears or are they a marksman and perfer firearms.
Empathy : Is there tragic things in their past they don’t want to talk about or have happened to them? Ex A Dog mink went su long but couldn’t control it and attacked and hurt someone he cared about. Now they’re afraid to  use it again. 
These are just some tips to make  an OC 
Have FUN!
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housedeaubemarle · 1 month
The Grand Hunt - Part 3: The Hunt
Part 1: The Call
Part 2: The Tracking
Part 4: The Trophy
(written with @escherstrange-ffxiv who's gamely joined this adventure that's gone so far beyond my expectations, and I wouldn't have it any other way)
Rewelle looks out to the highlands beyond Falcon's Nest. Black Iron Bridge stands out in the frozen wasteland, the path littered with slimes and beasts. She takes a deep breath, then pulls her hood over her head as she walks down the steps leading out.
“You're leaving at first light.”
The adrenaline and fear running through her body make her colder than before. The soft light of dawn, just beginning to bloom above the horizon, is a small comfort.
“Don't sprint – you’ll draw the beasts’ attention.”
She’s lived in this place her entire life. Ishgardian born and bred, and proud of it.
But right now as Rewelle clutches the straps of the satchel she’s carrying, as if she had taken minimal belongings from the house, she has never wanted anything less than to be here.
“But don't go too slow either; they may smell a rat. Hurry like you want to meet your cousin.”
Her grip tightens as she makes herself walk, one foot in front of the other. Soon the cobblestones of Ishgard proper are left behind, making way for frozen soil and thick snow.
Fury send me where I must, with courage and discipline, in the light of the divine. Let me not quail in the wake of this calamity; here is your spear, here is your helm, here is your righteous justice, O Fury of the Gods…
Hymn after hymn, prayer upon prayer, and step by step, Rewelle pushes forward, trying to keep on the worn, iced-over path without slipping. The wind’s howling accompanies her, along with the muffled sounds of snuffling beasts, scratching claws and the strange squelches of other things she would rather not meet face to face. 
“You will be followed. They'll probably try something before the sentries can spot you. Be on your guard as soon as you see the huge chains of the Bridge.”
Rewelle pushes a lock of hair out of her face, gulping in icy air as her boots crunch the snow beneath. When prayers to the Fury come to their end, she tries to imagine her friends back at Aubemarle, tries to hear their voices and see their faces. There’s Aeda’s cheerful optimism, there’s Yisa’s light-filled eyes, there’s Denisot’s reassuring tones, there’s Bremmant’s easy grin, there’s Lamb’s overbearing, overprotective, underappreciated face.
“Last thing, Miss Rewelle: when the time comes, shield your head and run.”
Rewelle takes in one more deep breath, and plunges forward.
Some way behind her, buoyed by the expectation of success, three shadows follow. Behind snow-covered outcrops and taller snowdrifts, they maintain a safe distance, watching the lone figure trudge through the brilliant white terrain of Ishgard’s outskirts. 
They watch her walk determinedly, and think: Not long now. Not long. Before the bridge, we’ll jump and finally get our damned wages.
Joshua picks up the gadget and observes the numbers click upwards. "Half a malm to Black Iron Bridge."
"Good, now take the aether counter and point it to the base of the tower and tell me how much is the highest aspected aether." Escher leans against the buttress of the top of the tower tapping a pencil on a notepad.
"Don't let him know what we're doing."
Joshua squints at the counter. "Ice aether, 9900."
"Of course ice aether is over 9000," Escher grumbles, "Fire? Lightning?"
Escher gets up. "Good enough for a control." A wave of his hand raises the nouliths to his height, aiming at least 6 fulms from the bridge. Fire aspected aether streams into his nouliths, glowing hotter with each mote.
"He needs plausible deniability. We need plausible deniability."
The nouliths converge into a single point, firing a stream of fire akin to a serpent rushing to the bridge. Joshua's breath catches in his throat, immediately bringing up the first gadget to see where Rewelle - and his brother - is. His heart thumps rapidly, hoping it doesn't hit Rewelle - or Isillud.
"Bit weird for your brother to suddenly have plans when he told me to come here ASAP."
Isillud pulls his snow-white hood lower as he crouches against a rock, trying to blend against the background as he trails Rewelle. 
His ears perk: the soft crunch of snow a constant rhythm. He turns behind and sees three heads bobbing behind a snow drift. 
Good, they came.
None of the three men notice anything extraordinary as they go past a camouflaged Isillud. Their full concentration is on Rewelle, controlling their movement in case she takes fright prematurely. Overpowering her would be only too easy, but the day has decided to begin especially cold, and the wind turns biting.
“Let's get on with it,” growls Andreau. 
Hourlinet looks to Padiloux who's peering forward, calculating how long more before they can pounce - far enough from the city so there are no witnesses, not near enough to the bridge for help. When he nods, only then do they pick up speed, making a beeline for the girl.
Ahead of them by several crucial fulms, Rewelle has just seen the gigantic, jutting points of the Bridge, piercing upwards like the Spear itself. Then, right before the wind picks up again, she hears them: pounding footsteps that belong to no creature of the land. She throws a glance over her shoulder, sees the speeding figures and with an involuntary cry, picks up speed to flee. The wind makes hee veer more towards the left even though she's doing her best to reach the Bridge straight on.
She runs, and runs, and runs, but the crunching behind her gets ever closer.
And then, right before a gloved hand can make contact with her person, the ground about four fulms away inexplicably explodes in a violent blast of… flame. 
The impact throws her off her feet, flinging her like a ragdoll into the snow. There is a deep ringing in her head as she crashlands into the frozen ground. She can only gasp through the pain stabbing into every muscle of her body. Stinging heat radiates far across the area, even managing to steal over towards her.
The Warden? Here?
Her spinning, confused thoughts almost blur together, but when she picks up her head, she can see her pursuers too haven't been spared. All three are struggling to rise. 
Run while they can't. Now.
Rewelle gathers every ounce of strength she can muster and forces herself upwards, rapidly following the force of the icy wind. Her satchel, stained with blood she hasn't noticed yet, lies crushed in the snow.
Padiloux is the first to heave himself to his feet, despite the aches shrieking their way through his burly body, specially in his ribs. When he can finally see straight, Rewelle has regained the lead she'd had before the explosion. He roars in rage, taking after her.
Behind him, staggering upwards, Hourlinet is swearing up a storm. “Gods fucking dammit,” he spits as a rivulet of blood flows down his face. There had been a rock at exactly the right place when he’d hit the ground.
Andreau, bruised and shaken, is not helpful as he stares at the impossibly scorched earth. “Fire? Fire, here?! What the fuck-”
The explosion, the blood, the pain - it is all too much. Hourlinet grabs Andreau by the collar.
“Get the girl, NOW,” he growls, shoving Andreau in the direction Rewelle and Padiloux have already flown in. The order shakes the man out of his bewildered horror; he starts running.
Hourlinet takes another minute to swear again before he wipes the blood from one eye, and sprints in the same direction.
"Eh, could be better." Escher scribbles in his notepad. "Can you check how much aether is concentrated in the spot? Want to check if there's any dispersion."
Joshua picks up the aether counter when he sees a cluster of shapes around the explosion area. They are still, but one moves. One looks confused, standing still but looks around. Another runs away towards the bridge. Joshua doesn't need a spyglass to confirm who it is. He points at the bridge to Escher, "Professor! Someone's in trouble at the bridge! We have to help!"
"Huh, wha?" The pink hyur squints through the cold and frost. "How? We can't fly fast enough from here."
"The nouliths!" Joshua points, "Do the same thing you did earlier!"
"What, with fire? There's not enough ambient fire aether here for a shot that big." Escher explains without any urgency.
He thinks of dragonfire. "Yes, yes it has to be fire! Just make it big enough to stop them!"
"Hang on, I think I have an idea." Escher flips the nouliths upright, whirring to life. Below them the bonfire at the base of the watchtower flickers and dies out to the faint cries of the guards below. He directs the nouliths to the bridge, arcing through the currents, gradually lighting up a bright orange until it hits an invisible barrier. He looks at Joshua, "What's the reading on my nouliths?"
"Uh….four thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine."
"...fuck's sake. It'll do." The nouliths have no convergence point unlike earlier: they aim at the ground six fulms from the cliff between Black Iron Bridge. Joshua can hear the sound of aether charging up to a shrill peak. It fires just as another thought crosses Joshua's mind. "Wait, I don't mean ALL of them-!" He immediately slaps Escher's hand but it only breaks his concentration just enough to veer the nouliths' aim deep into the cliffside. "Hey-!"
The explosion is massive. 
White snow and black soil spray to the heavens like a geyser laying dormant for millennia. Rocks arc to the ground and down the ravine. The shrieks of various beastkin are faint but audible. When the sounds fade and the smoke thins there is a loud CRACK, and part of the cliff tumbles down to crash into the frozen river below, creating another explosion.
The pair can only watch, as does everyone in every watchtower all the way to Falcon's Nest (and perhaps even the Convictory).
Escher speaks first: "You did this," he says, weakly pointing at the carnage.
Joshua looks like he's been slapped with another heresy charge. "What?!"
Isillud raises his bow to aim for Padiloux when the first explosion hits, throwing him face-first into the snow. He shakes his head counting to 10, keeping low to steady himself. Frantic shouts pick him back up in time to see Rewelle sprinting towards the bridge.
Unlike them, he sees the aether aimed at the ground.
There is no time to shoot; he sprints away and in a wide arc around what he thinks to be the centre of the oncoming attack to get to Rewelle. It hits the edge of the cliff instead; he frowns at the discrepancy but there is no time for calculations as the ground gives way, pulling everything down with it like crockery on a falling tablecloth.
He pulls his hood back - to hells with identity, she needs to know she can trust him - and stretches his arm out, calling her at the top of his lungs. "REWELLE!"
Whatever expression is on her face makes him frown hard. More gently than he’s ever done in the years they’ve known each other, he raises his hand to brush his knuckles against her cheek. 
“You can do this. You're as stubborn as they come and as brave as they make.” Lamb's dark eyes bore right into hers. “Give them hell. Then come home.”
Her lungs are on fire. So is her heart, and her stomach. Everything within burns and singes, and her feet are beginning to become leaden. The last vestiges of her strength are fading, but the bridge with its potential of safety is still so, so far away. Breathing becomes so hard.
Rewelle wheezes and gasps, as the shooting pains that had been dulled by the shock are coming back at the most inconvenient times. She has no idea that there is blood seeping and soaking through her black uniform, ragged and singed by the blast she endured. All she cares about now is how much slower she has become, how unable her body is to keep up with her will.
Please. Please, she begs, tears streaming down her face as she feels herself slow down. She can’t hear the ensuing boots coming closer, can’t feel the growing pressure in the atmosphere as something larger and fiercer than anything she’s ever known or imagined approaches with growing speed. Please help me, Fury please-
Time slows. Exactly three seconds before the echoes of the splitting cliff face boom across the tundra, a voice – the whisper of a young girl – speaks right into her ear.
That one sound apparently shoots straight into her central nervous system, as Rewelle instinctively flings herself down. She lands with a muffled thump, and the pain of it nearly knocks her unconscious. 
Around her, the world shakes, as if Hydaelyn itself is ending. The deafening groans and crashes of falling rocks and stones drown out the screaming of those caught in its wake. Unlike her, two of her pursuers, fuelled by adrenaline and inertia, hadn’t managed to stop before the very edges of the crumbling rocks.
Somehow, the sound of her name cuts past all the chaotic noise of the world smashing apart, through all the conflicting temperatures of ice and fire. She knows that voice. She heard it thank her in her ladyship’s drawing room, albeit softer and smoother. She's always had a knack with voices.
She chokes on a reply. She can’t speak, suffocating as blood enters her lungs.
Breathe, goes the same soft, child’s voice in her ear.
Like this.
From nowhere, fresh, cooling air suddenly floods her lungs, rushes up through her throat, and expels from her mouth in a loud, sharp gasp. Blood sprays onto the ice. But that one breath gives her just enough time, just enough will, to find Isillud's glowing green eyes, and grab hold of his forearm. He yanks her further backwards, safely away from the unsteady ground.
“Be… careful-” is all Rewelle can manage, before everything - finally - goes black. 
Hourlinet's groans alert Isillud to the thug's presence. Placing Rewelle's head gently on the snow, he steps cautiously to Hourlinet, removing the katana from the belt behind him and slamming the scabbard vertically in front of the man's face.
"And how much will it take you to leave Ishgard on your own volition - without a trace?"
Hourlinet's thoughts have been whirling like the snow around him as he tries to catch up to his companions. The gash in his head doesn't do him any favours, though he persists in keeping his knees up as far as he can. There have been worse injuries in his past but this was supposed to be an easy job.
The sudden boom - another thrice-damned hellsent explosion - and what sounds like a shattering of godly proportions, answers his thoughts with thundering irony, shaking him off balance. He staggers, but still stays upright. One hand goes up to swipe more blood from his face while, groaning and swearing, he tries to see ahead.
By the gods–
Hourlinet has never seen the like. There in the distance, the sun has risen high enough to show all the world what has happened: a huge portion of the cliff near the bridge has fallen dangerously away. Echoes of great amounts of earth and rocks crashing into ice and water are still resounding through the air. The last few sprays of soil and debris keep falling as if there were no end. Crucially, he can feel the edges of a great and powerful heat, emanating in all directions.
Then here, right before his nose, the end of a scabbard being held by the idiot noble from last night. He's standing in front of Rewelle, lying unconscious on the ground.
Hourlinet's eyes widen in shock, staring back at the glare of unnatural emerald. His thoughts slam into place - they’d been bloody well tricked. Isillud's question goes unheard as a more important idea takes hold: what else could explain such disastrous firepower in this place?
“You called them here! You damn well called the bloody Horde down on us, you heretic!” Hourlinet's outrage at being outmanoeuvred drives him to snatch the blade strapped to his thigh. “Just for the sake of that wench!”
Normally the word would have Isillud seize up, the fear of fates worse than death pinning his bones to the ground till he struggles for breath.
Now fury burns his lungs.
One swing of the scabbard swats Hourlinet's hand away, knocking the blade into the snow. "The wench has family and friends and likes and dislikes! She has brains and sense and courage unlike you and your shitestain of a so-called lord!"
The second swing clocks him in the jaw, slamming into his stomach and making sure the man stays down. "And you dare to put her beneath you, damned cretin! Did nothing I say yesterday register in your thick skull?!"
The blade sings when Isillud unsheathes it, hovering dangerously close to Hourlinet's jugular, "I'll not repeat myself, Hourlinet: will you quietly leave Ishgard of your own accord, or shall I help you with it?"
Winded, pained and now horrified that this twig of an Elezen does in fact have the ability to wield the long foreign sword in his hand, Hourlinet’s mind supplies the following equations: resist any further, and having his throat slit may even be the soft option. The hard option is getting sawed into pieces by inescapable draconic fangs (apparently some of the rumours, and a small amount of Ajax’s blabbering had been true). Do as the madman says, escape, get on that ship to Thavnair which had been originally meant for the girl, and he might survive long enough to bring back the claim of heresy against the Losstarots. Ajax would probably still pay good money for this little tidbit, at least, once the blithering idiot got done with the inevitable temper tantrum over losing Rewelle. 
How exactly all that might be accomplished will have to be left to the future. Right now, Hourlinet’s concern is survival. Either Padiloux brother would have ripped out a second or third or even fourth knife if they were here, but Hourlinet had been in charge of talking for a reason. 
Besides, they aren’t here right now, and in his gut, Hourlinet knows they’re never going to provide their protection or backup ever again. All the more reason to leave as quickly as he can, while he still can. The Gaussain brat would just have to find someone else to shove around.
These mental calculations are completed in a matter of seconds. “I yield,” he wheezes. “Swear it: you’ll not see my face here again.”
The grey Elezen extends a gloved hand to Hourlinet; if he thinks Isillud is going to help him up he's sorely mistaken. "Your earring. You'll have no use for it once Ajax de Gaussain is informed of your incompetence." Even when he's threatening to lop an ear off his fingers look they're beckoning him over.
In spite of everything, including that blasted finger that utterly mocks him in its temptations, Hourlinet is sorely tempted to spit a choice swear at the nobleman. However, for once, he keeps his thoughts to himself. There’ll be other ways for him to get aboard the ship - word won’t reach his soon-to-be-previous-employer in time for him to be barred.
Hand shaking, he grabs the clasp from his ear and spitefully flings it at Isillud’s feet instead. 
Isillud steps on the clasp, throwing a pouch at Hourlinet’s stomach. Inside is a one-way airship ticket to Radz-at-han with 500 gil - enough for a snack during the trip.
"Never let it be said House Losstarot isn't gracious." The blade inches away from his neck yet remains close enough to strike should he get any funny ideas. "Now go before I change my mind," Isillud snarls.
"So we both agree dragonfire caused the thing?"
"Nidhogg's brood seeking revenge, blah blah blah, and all that."
"And we absolutely weren't doing distance versus potency testing, just gauging ambient aether for science."
"Yes, that's right."
"And you'll help me convince Aymeric it's safe to let me enter Ishgard?"
Joshua pinches the bridge of his nose, "I'll try, no guarantees but it should be doable."
"Cool, cool, cool. Glad we could come to an agreement. Better pack these up so nobody suspects anything." He packs his nouliths and apparatuses back into the padded case he brought along. "Thank you for your help."
"Gods, I can't imagine how Izzy could bring himself to sleep with you."
Escher nearly slams the suitcase on his fingers. "What?! No, no! We never slept together. Who the hells told you that?!"
Joshua is doubtful. He crosses his arms, "How did you meet then?"
"I paid him to pay someone for me."
"He said he met you at a pleasure house."
Escher is doubtful. "I think I would remember if I banged someone like him."
"Hard to say. You're quite the madman."
Escher gives the younger elezen two finger-guns. "You got that right."
A cold wind blows between the thick silence around them.
"...That wasn't a compliment, was it."
Back in Ishgard, within Aubemarle manor, the door to the Dowager Viscountess’ drawing room opens. The mid-morning sun streams in through a window, falling on the Dowager and Nisette sitting nearby.
“Milady,” says Marceaux, with an actual tremor in his words. “There are reports of major dragonfire at Black Iron Bridge. I was just told the Temple Knights are on their way to investigate.”
The Dowager, who had instantly looked up at the sound of her butler’s voice, frowns. “Dragons? There hasn’t been any sort of attack for months–” Then she sees how the colour has drained from Nisette’s face and the worry in Marceaux’s eyes. 
She has been very careful not to see all that goes on in her house ever since her request of the Losstarots. It isn't lying if she has no idea of what's going on. Besides, it's already enough to fib about getting their distant relatives involved - something the Viscount would never have agreed with. Considering how she’s due home this very evening, it's vital the Dowager keep up any kind of purposeful ignorance she can. 
In this instant though, she can't help knowing just who the butler and lady’s maid would be concerned about.
Her eyes narrow. “They're there then. All three of them.”
Marceaux and Nisette both nod, silently pleading with their mistress for… something. Anything. 
She thinks a moment, then speaks. “Send Cillien to the Nest; give him supplies and our crest for good measure. Make haste, but be cautious. Tell him to send word on the situation as soon as possible.”
Marceaux bows and almost runs out of the room. His training is the only thing that makes him shut the door quietly before he sprints for the stables. 
The thundering of Escher's handiwork is beginning to fade, replaced by the unmistakable sound of fast marching across the snow. It's coming from the direction of Ishgard, which means the Holy See is going to get involved in just a few minutes. There are shouts coming from the Bridge as well; people are coming from Falcon's Nest to see what's going on, since the explosions seem to have stopped.
Isillud, carrying Rewelle's body gingerly, has been watching a figure get progressively smaller in the distance. Hourlinet's knife and earring are already safely pocketed in his coat.
He draws in a deep, tired, icy breath. The day has only just begun.
Joshua slips out of the highlands with Escher (in a hood) in the midst of the chaos of both garrison and Temple Knights both rushing to the location. The Convictory will soon join the fray eager to earn their title, for surely only a large dragon or a horde enough for everyone can only inflict damage of such magnitude. He dares not inform anyone of his brother's impending arrival - not even the innkeep for if anyone knew they’d seen it, they would be questioned. 
When Isillud carries Rewelle in, there are no soldiers to question them - they have all gone to Black Iron Bridge. He keeps the story short: She paid him to escort her to her cousin's house when they are beset by an explosion, and another. The staff nod sympathetically; who hasn't lost kin to the horde? They take her away to be cleaned and treated, leaving him in another room.
It is only when the body knows there is respite that Isillud crumples. His ears ring from the explosion. His eyes water from the debris. He coughs like an old man from the dust choking his lungs as his vision darkens, curling into a fetal position, a spiral of limbs and torso, until sleep claims him.
To be continued
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prtector · 4 months
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[ bullet ] sender takes a bullet for receiver - @veiled-lady
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throned  with  an  aspect’s  lineage &  the  stellar  might  of  beings  beyond  that  his  mind  at  a  point  could  not  once  ever  conjure  the  comprehension  to  a  logical  sense  or  physical  matter  ;  he  wouldn’t  have  ever  deliberate  the  idea  of  another  host  protecting  another  .  what  taric  thought  was  resilience  from  his  own  laudable  ability  to  climb  mount  targon  &  his  accrued  strengths  as  given  to  him  by  the  protector  ,  felt  like  a  broken  record  to  him  now  ;  it  shattered  almost  instantaneously  .  while  taric  knew  at  heart  his  body  was  beyond  a  stage  of  mortal  weakness  ,  tailored  to  that  of  aging  &  succumbing  to  flesh  wounds  . 
      〝  the  judicator  ,  you  protect  an  oathbreaker  ?  〞  it  felt  like  venom  was  being  spilt  from  his  mouth  uttering  the  name  :  ‘  oathbreaker  ‘  .  a  kin  name  he  had  hoped  to  forget  .  a  name  given  to  him  by  his  own  countrymen  .  while  the  aspect  was  resilient  in  ways  that  secured  the  necessities  of  protecting  what  he  so  cherished  ,  he  ,  taric  luminshield  ,  was  not  immune  to  human  disparity  .  the  guilt  clung  to  him  as  his  body  trudged  into  the  open  fields  of  demacian  territory  . 
his  magic  twinged  with  exhaustion  ,  &  he  knew  it  was  the  petricite  that  this  city  so  preciously  cultivated  ,  a  city  that  was  so  proud  of  lofty  ideals  &  tradition  ,  would  discourage  the  very  idea  of  magic  .  taric  no  longer  followed  or  bent  knee  to  one  declared  king  ,  a  responsibility  he  wouldn’t  have  dreamt  of  ever  shirking  in  his  youth  .  news  came  fast  about  the  king’s  death  ,  in  which  ,  taric  decided  it  was  time  to  travel  the  way  men  do  . 
      taric  blinks  the  blur  from  his  eyes  ,  seemingly  hypnotized  by  his  agitation  &  evident  distress  .  he  could  only  make  out  an  appendage  of  dark  feathers  gilded  before  him  ,  stitched  to  the  follicles  of  her  grand  decorum  of  wings  chained  down  .  wings  that  she  ignores  given  to  her  by  the  aspect  of  justice  &  forsakes  it  .
  〝  why  do  you  keep  me  from  reaching  the  inevitable  ?  i  am  an  oathbreaker  ,  &  it’s  something  i  will  never  take  from  the  soldiers  slain  because  of  my  mistakes  .  〞 
it  felt  like  child’s  play  ,  being  shielded  by  prejudice  hate  against  those  who  bear  a  semblance  of  power  ,  lest  a  soldier  of  exile  .  &  yet  morgana  ,  the  judicator  of  morality  ,  would  yield  him  sympathy  in  spite  of  his  history  .  the  enemies  taric  may  still  bear  within  the  walls  .  〝  you  mustn’t  taint  your  own  name  because  of  me  .  protecting  another  aspect  host  …  that  would  be  the  folly  you  fall  on  ,  the  tip  of  the  spear  -  〞
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nappyheadeddummy · 1 year
Songs on my playlist that remind me of my favorite ships
Electric Love-BØRNS
My Oh My-Camila Cabello(bc I love overprotective Bruce)
Hoodie-Hey Violet(bc angst)
Rolling In The Deep-Adele(mmm angst)
The Hills-The Weeknd
Talking To The Moon-Bruno Mars(angst.)
Young,Wild & Free-Snoop Dogg
Arcade-Duncan Laurence(you already know.)
Attention-Todrick Hall(bc like imagine Dick being hella flexible and surprising Wally with it)
Don’t Blame Me-Taylor Swift
Chicago-Micheal Jackson
Party In The U.S.A-Miley Cyrus(for memes)
Wrecking Ball-Miley Cyrus
Hot In Herre-Nelly(no I will not explain.)
Dark Horse-Katy Perry
Play With Fire-Sam Tinnesz
Light Em Up-Felax
Blood // Water-grandson
Judas-Lady Gaga
Before He Cheats-Carrie Underwood(no clue,just getting the vibes)
Freak Show-Sub Urban
Poker Face-Lady Gaga
Heathens-Twenty One Pilots
Treasure-Bruno Mars
Sweet but Psycho-Ava Max
Feeling Good-Micheal Bublé
Me and Your Mama-Childish Gambino
I Knew You Were Trouble-Taylor Swift
Careless Whisper-George Micheal
Sexy Bitch-David Guetta
Grenade-Bruno Mars(not angst,just Benn’s devotion to Shanks)
Infinity-Jaymes Young
Dream On-Aerosmith
Super Freak-Rick James
One Last Time-Arianna Grande
Hotel Room Service-Pitbull
The One That Got Away-Katy Perry
Don’t Let Me Down-Chainsmokers
Just The Way You Are-Bruno Mars
Criminal-Britney Spears(bc I find that funny like,”Garp I’m in love with a criminal..” lmaoo)
Still Into You-Paramore
Smooth Criminal-Micheal Jackson
Government Hooker-Lady Gaga(I find this funny too,get it? Smoker is a marine so therefore and part of the government lmao)
Side To Side-Arianna Grande(Once again,I will not explain.)
God Is A Woman-Arianna Grande(Again.)
Dangerous Woman-Arianna Grande
Girlfriend-Avril Lavigne
That’s My Girl-Fifth Harmony(imagine Hina being proud of Tashigi omgg)
Not a ship but Zoro and Luffy
Once again not a ship but Teenagers by My Chemical Romance matches Young Justice so much
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r-rook-studio · 2 years
The Sherwood Tour: Character Creation
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Found out this morning that Sherwood has sold 72 copies over the three weeks it's been live on DTRPG and Itch. With physical copies arriving at Spear Witch this week, I figured this would be a good day for a Sherwood tour while also admiring Eric Swanson's work on these chapter headers. Today, we'll focus on character creation.
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As I was winding down work on Enoch's Wake, I wanted to get a chance to reconsider and rethink how that attempt to do my own version of the core rules of Traveller. It seemed a good fit for my love of the Robin Hood legend, which I'd revisited during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns. As omicron threw the world back into partial lockdown, it gave me an excuse to immerse myself in movies, novels, Middle English balladry, medieval and Victorian romances, and even a few scholarly works.
Sherwood keeps the lightweight Traveller-inspired 2d6 mechanics I'd used for EW, but adjusts the four attributes and works with them in new ways. Before we start with character creation, though, lets look at the principles:
Be an outlaw! Even if a sheriff never declared your character a wolf’s head, you do not need to worry about what a typical medieval villager or aristocrat would do or think. The forest is too grand a place to for polite society’s petty anxieties about sexuality, gender, and propriety. Make your character whomever you want them to be.
Fight for something! Struggle for justice, scheme for revenge, plot for personal gain. Set some goals for your outlaw and your band that are bigger, wilder, and more wonderful than your character’s former, respectable world allowed.
Dabble with magic! While the traditional Robin Hood ballads do not foreground the magical and mysterious, plenty of Robin Hood novels, movies, and television shows have, and many other medieval outlaws stories included curses, prophecies, spellcraft, fey spirits, and even dragons.
Ditch the ethnic conflicts! The Saxon-Norman conflict was tacked on to the Robin Hood legend and outlaw tradition in the 19th century.
Fuck the true king! Waiting for King Richard to return was a very late addition to the Robin Hood legend. In the original ballads, kings were occasionally useful tools if the outlaws could get their help against officials and aristocrats.
Embrace diversity! While bigots who know little of history will complain, avoid confining yourselves to the biased and discredited accounts of historians from well over a century ago. Go into the forest and find the range of people living free of white supremacy, religious bigotry, and cis-gender heterosexuality.
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People laugh about dying in character creation now, but Traveller was the first time we saw character creation as a stand-alone mini-game with push-your-luck mechanics. If you died, you could try to make the same decisions again but weren't likely to get the same outcome. In EW, I'd toyed with an option I borrowed from several versions of Cepheus, a family of Traveller retroclones and near clones: if things went badly, you were thrown out of your chosen job.
In Sherwood, though, all lifepaths and careers you can choose from are heading to the same place: outlaw life in the Greenwood. The push-your-luck element here is how long you could stay in the wide world before scandal, misdemeanors, or being officially declared an outlaw (and thus having no legal existence).
Like EW, Sherwood uses four attributes: Endurance, Luck, Willpower, and Wits. Like Traveller, they can take damage and like Traveller's psi attribute, can be spent down for various effects, but they aren't used to directly modify most rolls. (And be careful how you spend them: while Skill Checks are 2d6 aiming at the magic target 8, Saving Throws are 2d6 equal or under an attribute's current value.) They're rolled 2d6 straight down, though you also roll one wildcard. You can replace any attribute with the wildcard number (if you want to) and then swap any two attribute scores.
Background Abilities
As in EW, everyone gets two Background Abilities. They can increase your ability scores, give you a small collection of starting skills, designate your character an aristocrat, or give you access to sorcery and arcane talents.
Like Traveller, Enoch's Wake, Cepheus, and similar games, your character has a career. Sherwood gives you five choices that will ultimately lead to the woods:
Hermits might be Christians or just living in the hermitages for seclusion and study (until the hermitages were disbanded and integrated into traditional religious communities). If you didn't take arcane talents as Background Abilities, this is your one chance to learn them. Inspired by Friar Tuck, anyone can become a Hermit.
Traders require a quick test to join, and then decide whether they did their mercantile travels on land or sea (and if they made any secret studies while traveling). Inspired by the traders and merchants who work with the outlaws in the Hannah Weinstein-produced, CPUSA-funded, and Richard Greene-lead Adventures of Robin Hood TV series.
Performer, a background I keep coming back to for fantasy or medieval games, learn a bit from their time traveling, a bit from their time playing in inns across the land, and a bit from studying old stories. Obviously inspired by various versions of Alan-A-Dale, but also by some versions of Little John that had him living as a festival wrestling performer before joining Robin.
Laborer is a background anyone can take as long as they aren't aristocrats. They learn their skills from their farm and/or town trades as well as by spending their evenings in roadside taverns and inns. Inspired by Robin's peasant, yeoman, and commoner followers in numerous sources.
Cavaliers is a background anyone can try to get into (though those born as aristocrats are never refused). Inspired by the later ballads and novels in which Robin Hood and many of his followers were aristocrats, field sports, jousting, and time in various courts provide most of their skills.
There's two other backgrounds that always start as condemned outlaws who eventually join Robin's bands. The Young Outlaw starts the game as an 18 year old with few skills (a simple character creation option) and the Notorious Criminal who chooses their skills based on the criminal profession they once pursued. These were inspired by the ITV Robin of Sherwood versions of Much the Miller's Son and Will Scarlet as well as the versions of both characters in Jennifer Roberson's Marian novels, as well as other Medieval ballads such as Adam Bell.
Finally, once the career is fleshed out, there's
Equipment and the Band
While everyone has some personal equipment (like a weapon), most other items are held in common. Rather than keep an extensive inventory of what members of the band are carrying on an adventure, characters predetermine their encumbrance or load and roll against their group's two shared stats: Resources (to determine what they have) and Legend (to determine who they know and who'd want to help them). The clever group can figure out how to get what they want or need with either.
Next up: Rules and Arcana (coming sometime before Pax U next weekend).
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candyland-xblade · 1 year
My ranking of the different renditions of Beauty and the Beast:
6: Beauty and the Beast; sung by Ariana Grande ft. John Legend
This song is in no way bad. I personally love this rendition of the classic song, John on the piano with Ariana’s rifts makes this song one to remember.
5: Beauty and The Beast; sung by H.E.R. and Josh Groban
I love that they got Josh Groban to come back and actually play The Beast this time. I also love the electric guitar. When I think Beauty and the Beast, I don’t think electric guitar, but it was a nice touch.
4: Britney and the Beast; made by Todrick Hall
I found this during a dark time of my internet exploration. It’s a smart mix of the two very different styles, Disney’s fairy tale story and Britney Spears pop music. It’s very dirty, tho, and should not be shown to the younger kids unless they can handle it.
3: Beauty and the Beast; sung by Shania Twain
Shania Twain as Mrs. Potts was a surprise to be, but she did that role justice. Her version of Beauty and the Beast is a little different, but she did beautifully. Also, the end with the dedication to Angela Lansbury was a beautiful touch.
2: Beauty and the Beast; sung by Angela Lansbury
Angela was a freaking saint for playing Mrs. Potts in the original 1992 movie and giving us this gorgeous song. No one can outdo the original. Well, maybe…
1: Beauty and the Beast; sung by Céline Dion and Pablo Bryson
When I think songs from 90’s Disney, this version of Beauty and the Beast will be one of the top runners. Céline and Pablo are musical geniuses and absolute godsends for this beautiful track.
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