#gonna go lie down now methinks
theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
I also watched the anime first and then read the manga and I was shocked how much Pierrot ruined Sakura in Anime. All this from exaggerating beating and aggression towards Naruto...
If I remember correctly, there's even a scene in manga when Sakura saves Naruto from some shuriken or sth by pushing him down and in anime Kakashi does that. And I'm like, whaaaaaat? It's no longer just exaggerating, they're literally changing stuff!
Oh they came for her. From character assassination to drawing her to look more boyish, they attacked our girl and were not subtle about it.
See I, at 10/11 mind you, was able to accept that Sakura became nicer as the series went on. And I also understood why she wasn't Naruto's biggest fan.
I love the boy but he is annoying and at 12 you're not gonna be as understanding as you might be at even 15.
But the way they made her act towards him. The meanness, the callousness, the overwhelming increase in violence ... they decimated Sakura's character for no reason.
They removed as much of Sakura's positive traits that they could without making her an entirely different character.
And on the violence thing antis sling at her? They seem to forget that the punching a dude for being creepy as a female character has been a running gag for fucking DECADES.
It's slapstick comedy in it's purest form, but Sakura does it? And boom instant abusive bitch. And yet, any other anime character? Oh it's funny. Hypocrites.
Kishimoto is stated to be surprised at the negative reactions to Sakura, methinks Masashi could have done with watching the anime a little more closely.
Cos I'm not bloody surprised after what SP did to her.
Seriously, you come across someone properly ragging on Sakura? Ask them, as neutrally as possible cos they'll immediately get defensive and lie, whether they've read the early chapters of the manga or went straight into the anime.
It's a very telling trend.
Let's also not talk about how SP shoehorned Hinata in a lot sooner and most disturbingly, added boobs to a 12 year old girl who just got her shit kicked in, and is being carried away on a stretcher.
Seriously, go look at the scene again, and look at the sizeable chest they've given a fucking child. It's not there in the fucking manga, I goddamn checked.
Ugh, I'm angry now lol.
This is why I try to stay positive on here mostly, but this shit ... oh it gets me.
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wolfsplosion · 1 year
Do u have any specific things ud like to see n the new stranger things? :>c
Mike and Max friendship; I KNOW it's probably not gonna happen bc there is Shit Going On and they are probably not going to have time for slice of life interactions (this is going to be a reoccurring theme on this list methinks) but the little crumbs of madwheeler bestieism we get make me CRAZY like they are so similar in a lot of ways but also the opposite sides of a coin (e.g. uncaring family situation, Mike coming from wealth and Max from poverty) and every time we see a flashback of the events directly prior to s4 they're next to each other and it only makes me crazier .. I just want like ONE scene of them being platonic best friends PLEASE
Will happy ending; this can mean a lot of different things tbh I just cannot have him die or end unhappy .. this also means that anyone he cares about has to be safe too like Joyce and Jonathan and El and the rest of his friends!! if he's not unequivocally happy in the final episode I will change the trajectory of the Duffer Brothers lives
Eddie flashbacks; like how we see the aftermath of Max's brother's death effecting her, I want to see Dustin mourn too (I mean, I don't Want to see it, I want him to be happy, but like. I want to see it. you know what I mean.) also the rest of Hellfire, especially Lucas and Mike and Erica .. show their reactions too I'm begging . my little pet headcanon is that Eddie made Mike realize some things about himself (🤨🏳️‍🌈❓) (not in a ship way I'm not a freak I just think he had an Awakening) so like seeing him process Eddie's death would be so. it'd be so
Byers-Hopper found family; I think I am almost guaranteed this in some way but I'm still crossing my fingers for it! show me WillEl twin behavior or ELSE
more siblingism in general; I appreciate s4 for giving me more Lucas and Erica screentime crumbs bc they are so sweet and I love their sibling dynamic sm, I wish we got more of that with Mike and Nancy as well like remember in s1 when they were like "no more secrets between us!" and then didn't fucking do anything with that. let them be siblings please
Byl3r (<- censoring for superstitious reasons a.k.a. I do not want to invoke ship discourse here); I have extremely controversial thoughts abt this ship, like as in I don't . I don't really think the writers are gonna . no I shan't say for fear of my life . but it'd be nice if it did!!!! Will deserves to get what he wants all the time always
Steve surviving; I am so fucking scared
parallels between Will and Henry; weird little boys with strange(!!) powers and trauma....... I think they're probably going to do this at least subtly considering the lines are already there in s4 but if they were more direct I'd be happy, I'd probably care a lot more about Henry's whole thing if Will was involved I'm not gonna lie to you
Max getting out of That Whole Situation; I'm not saying what exactly happens at the end of s4 because Ro might be reading this and we haven't watched the end together yet & I don't think he knows what happens . Ro if you are reading this it's fine everything is fine but also it's so not fine and I'm so scared and afraid. Max bestie we gotta get you out of there
more Argyle; speaks for itself, I'm obsessed w that funky lil stoner & I need him to give Jonathan more terrible therapy it's awesome
El autism diagnosis; this one is a joke. or is it. no it is. or is it
time travel; I'll get a little more into this down there ↓ but I think it's likely to be an element of s5 .. we'll see
now hear me out. here's some things I either do Not want or would be very nervous if they included:
Eddie coming back; WAIT STOP HEAR ME OUT PLEASE .. I want him to not be dead as much as the next Eddie fan and I think the ending they gave him was complete horse shit awful. but I also do NOT have any faith that they'd do a bringing-him-back storyline properly . I've read some good fanfic about it which only would make the reality of whatever they'd do more disappointing ! BUT the exception to this is if they pull some time travel bs, which I think is a good possibility tbh, like with the upside down being stuck in the day Will went missing and stuff, and then they could prevent all that from happening in the first place. I'd still be nervous about the quality of the writing but I'm on board w this conclusion nonetheless! but Eddie coming back as Kas or whatever.. well. I'd just be nervous putting that in the hands of the stranger writers I'm sorry
M!leven endgame (<- censoring for superstitious reasons a.k.a. I do not want to invoke ship discourse here); I just don't know how anyone likes them romantically I'm ngl . it's fine if you do please do not come for me I just don't get it . I fear they will end up together anyway but I don't like it . I'm a Mike apologist but El deserves better than a guy that can't even physically say that he loves her
Will with a gun; this sounds like a joke but I'm so serious hglkjfdgk, I know a lot of people want him having a badass moment with a gun mirroring the shot in s1 where he's taken by the demogorgon and that sounds cool but I just. don't think it suits his character I'M SORRYYY I love that he's a protagonist who's gentle and sensitive, there are other characters who can kick ass violent style rather than my special little dude
anyway that's just off the top of my head, I have so many thoughts swirling around in there so I might be back to add more thank you so much
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hella1975 · 2 years
had a horrible time tonight 😭😭😭 it was "mandatory family dinner" night where I'm forced to go out to a restaurant w my family, I'm autistic (wow guess why "mandatory" became a part of the name) so during those times I can barely talk (best case scenario. Sometimes I'm completely mute) and I have to wear headphones while I keep my head down. My family are ASSHOLES to servers like their motto is "well its their job to get it down exactly how we like" so they're always asking for specifics or stuff like that. I don't like fruit or pulp in my drinks, I got that without knowing but if it's already done then you're just going to make it more of a problem than it is if you try to fix it for me, so I dealt w it, but my family just woULD NOT let it GO. They asked the server for a fruitless drink, a drink meant for fruit in it 😭😭😭 now I can't lie so when my family asked if that was good it was just THE MOST painful and awkward scene of me bluntly saying "I don't know. I don't care." I know I came off so rude and hostile towards the girl like I hadn't meant to so I just put my fidget cube on the table to try to clear things up NFJSJSMSKW people just automatically put it in their heads not to be bothered if I'm strange as soon as I show the fidget cube and honestly it's how I solve all my problems. anyways I'm sharing this because I only made it through that night because I was mentally thinking about how I was gonna tell you this
oh that's so shit that you had a stressful night love and im glad i could help in some way, i actually find myself doing that a lot when i have shit experiences i immediately start going 'okay but how am i gonna tell the cult about this' and it surprisingly really helps lmao. something about actually making you parse through it and communicate it methinks
can i just say that as a waitress and as someone who has worked in the catering industry since i was a mardy sixteen year old, the staff aren't evil. sure you'll get some waitresses that are bitchy and don't want to be there, but most of the time, they're actually very nice. floor work (so what this girl was doing in serving you guys and working a section) is the work every waitress wants to be doing. i know i myself actually - believe it or not - really enjoy working a section. other options are shit like running food or polishing cutlery or clearing tables etc etc, it's much less fun than generally interacting with other people. and if you had a waitress who knew anything about anything, i can guarantee you she wasn't bothered. you get rude customers. it happens. for me, i always have more sympathy for younger people clearly out with their family, MORE SO if their family are the rude kind. you can always always tell when they dont want to be there and are embarrassed by their family's behaviour, and i promise you that girl wouldn't have been cross.
but on the other end, if you did have a shitty waitress or she was just having a bad day and this tipped the scale, one thing about working in the catering industry is you genuinely stop seeing people as people. it sounds awful but a customer is not a person to me; they're their own thing. i will literally spend 5 minutes talking to one guy and turn around without even knowing what colour his hair was. it's actually uncanny how little i remember people's faces and if they came back again another time i would be none the wiser. so at least remember that. it probably wasn't as bad as it felt, and if it was, that waitress has already forgotten what any of you look like anyway lmao
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perexcri · 1 year
“Mike’s shoulders instinctively scrunch up to his ears, his posture curling over a little to try to bring himself down a few inches in height. He looks like he’s trying to fold himself up into some younger version of himself where these doubts lie, to make his eighteen year-old self fit properly with the insecurities he’s carried around for this entire decade.” This paragraph is a) Very in character (u continue to have characterization in a chokehold), and b) a extremely big and painful mood that stabbed me in the throat.
The tiger !!!
Us 🤝 Mike wheeler: knowing Will deserves a stuffed tiger rheikedidj
(Tbh cheating at a fair game is Well deserved lol bc those games cheat so.)
also lmaooo at the matching rings of power, Mike is such a nerd I’d die for him.
Mike being afraid of heights!! Leah u are 1000% correct and also Ow😭
“You two have very bright futures ahead of you. Only lightness–no more shadows from other worlds around us.” 🤔 their history teacher tapped into some magic methinks. Maybe some latent power from byler’s previous life? i wonder what Mike was hoping for from her that he didn’t get?
Tbh this is Very realistic of a first date w the awkwardness between them—even if it’s someone you know as well as these two know each other (aka literal reincarnated soulmates) it would be unrealistic for it to go perfect for them. Esp since they can’t fully relax since theyre in public and it’s the 80s. Is the night over tho? 🤔
Also just wanted to say your friend’s binding of THABA is Literallt So cool and it’s awesome that you have a physical copy now!!
I hope you are doing exceptionally well!!💐
Vee!! i'm glad i could get his character down well (something that i am often Very Worried i am not doing for ANY of these characters), but ACK sorry for stabbing you in the throat (metaphorically, of course). i think Mike is relatable to a lot of us for lots of reasons like this, unfortunately :')
Will deserves all of the stuffed tigers!! and honestly after his Vegas comments in the van, it only made sense that he and Mike cheat to get it. like you said, those games are rigged anyway, so who cares?
they are loser nerds, first and foremost. i wanted them to have matching necklaces like in aftry, but i thought the lotr spin would make it funnier. lol nerds
OH YEAHHH the heights thing!! the funny thing is i was originally gonna have them have their first kiss in that scene? the more i thought about it though the more i was like "eh this doesn't feel right," and then it occurred to me that after Mike. you know. willingly threw himself off the cliff at the quarry, that maybe he's a little scared of heights now. it makes sense to me :D and ahhh i'm glad you can appreciate some of the awkwardness of their first date!! again: they are loser nerds!! and it's basically both of their first official dates, so i felt like they'd be a little awkward about everything. to a certain extent, i think they're both trying to live up to their own expectations, but also the expectations that get put on first dates in general by *society* or whatever. *insert obligatory we live in a society meme here*
heheheh some of Mike's behavior is addressed in the rest of the fic (or at least i sure hope i managed to convey it - anyway that's going up right after i respond to this, so i guess we'll know soon, right?). i've been dissecting his character with a spoon lately and it unfortunately bled into this fic. oops
AHHHH i'm glad you liked my friend's fic binding!! T_T they're such a lovely and talented friend, and they do all kinds of cool stuff!! it made me so happy to get, but it also made me happy seeing other people talk about how impressed they were with their handiwork. they deserve so much heheheh 💜
i am wishing you all the best as well, Vee!! i hope you're having a good weekend :] 💜💜💜
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sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 241
O Brother Where Art Thou?
“O Brother Where Art Thou?”
Plot Description: Amara unleashes a brutal attack on preachers to get God’s attention. Meanwhile, Sam decides to set up a meeting in Lucifer’s cage
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: you wouldn’t catch me near a gathering like this. People with “the end is near” and “repent sinners” signs evangelizing, so I’m so good
Oof…the burning bush after Sam asks if this whole Cage deal is what is necessary is not a great sign
Ugh, here they go bickering again about if Sam is gonna go to the Cage
Pfffffffffft, I love when villains get to smirk at the camera. And Lucifer’s is no different
(Omg I hate how many times I have to rewind because I’d just rather be watching One Piece…so I allow myself to be distracted)
Of course they need the Book of the Damned back. Why wouldn’t they??
That priest does not know that he may as well have signed his own death warrant…telling Amara that god is the light that vanquishes the darkness. She’s speaking so literally that she wants a face to face meeting with her brother and he does not get it
I love seeing Rowena back.
Well, I guess peace in heaven will always be short lived on this show. There’s a small faction of angels that want to take down Amara themselves
Man, no one looped Rowena in on this situation…but her reaction is interesting. Very much feels like she was trying to cover up laughing by pretending to cry. Methinks she has a bit more loyalty to Lucifer than anyone else in this room…
Did Amara kill all those people to try to see god?? Ok, it was more of a try to bait god into coming to see her. She could be so interesting if she weren’t on this show. If she were given proper depth of character
I DO NOT LIKE this eerie quiet that’s surrounding Dean in this town…because Amara is close
Man, I want her to be double crossing them so badly. Please double cross them, Rowena
I wish the Dean and Amara stuff was half as exciting as what’s happening in hell, Lucifer coming face to face with what should have been his vessel, his usurper, and the usurper’s witch mother…and I think this show does follow the “witches have made a pact with the devil” line, so this is such a fun bunch!!
The way Rowena’s looking at Lucifer…like she wants him…biblically (sorry, couldn’t help it. It was right there. Low hanging fruit, it was too tempting)
Hahaha!! SHE DOES!!! Crowley, let your mom fantasize about the devil in peace. (Ok but she’s also very correct. He has a certain charisma but he’s not relationship material)
I wish the Dean and Amara conversation would cut to the chase already
On the flip side, I am dying over Rowena and Crowley just listening in on Sam and Lucifer’s conversation, with very different temperaments about it
I won’t lie, were I in Sam’s shoes, that proposal to be Lucifer’s vessel would be difficult to pass up. A vessel that’s strong enough to hold him? And is available right now?? I…….
Can…can Amara NOT take Dean’s soul? Or did she CHOOSE not to?
The thing is…Lucifer’s not wrong. Like…Sam’s not above working with whomever is ruling hell.
This is so fucking funny. These primordial beings trying to tempt the Winchester brothers AT THE SAME DAMN TIME
Coolcoolcool she’s very good at killing angels. She’s just gonna keep ramping it up til she gets the attention she’s looking for…and honestly, I’m not mad at her for it
Oh shit oh shit oh shit…hahahahaha, whoopsie, Sam. All that praying Sam did…and the person who heard it and answered? Come on, it was Lucifer
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semimedieval · 10 months
picking up the reread happy birthday to me the ildaan epub project is a whore for distracting me
Obsidian woke up unusually early and got dressed, then softly tiptoed outside. The light was dim, and he could see a figure in the darkness. "Hello?" Lupus turned around, "I'm feeding the unicorns." "I see," said Obsidian.
Least aggressive interaction between Lupus and Obsidian in a hot minute. They've been down the plot device journey and have to character develop now, and by character develop i mean develop back into the people they were before they arbitrarily disliked each other. I pull the "my two male rpg characters hate each other" thing off marginally better between Coran and Fornax because (as he points out multiple times) Coran has a deeply valid reason to dislike Fornax, which is "he tried to eat me and Holt." Actually that's a little too far in the other direction given that Fornax is largely supposed to be a sympathetic character (sighs a long sigh), so maybe never mind all that.
I don't know why I had such a penchant for writing male-male rivalries that I insisted were not homoerotic. Coran and Fornax really are refined versions of Obsidian and Lupus, just class-swapped so nobody will notice. Well, I'm wise to your tricks, Katia.
Max and Twink have made friends, which is awesome and I have no notes. Lupus says he "doesn't like horses but likes horses with something stuck onto them" which is incredibly goofy and also a baldfaced lie. Methinks the horseboy doth protest too much.
Inexplicably alan is there and he gets comedically thrown into a stream by lupus and ky, which he thoroughly deserves. The plot then moves on, as it rightfully should. We were in a silly goofy mood, I guess.
Obsidian not riding a unicorn with Chuji is soooo profoundly lame of my 12-year-old self. Number one rule of RP is YOU HAVE TO PLAY BALL! I was a pretty good rper overall, but not submitting to the rules of Yes And over things that are super arbitrary like obsidian riding a unicorn or fornax's eye color was for sure my biggest flaw. And also obsidian using darkness to make a magic carpet is distractingly fucking silly.
That said, Obsidian and Chuji having silly banter about riding unicorns and Tozi responding by being like UGH obsidian is so CRUEL to CHUJI is really fucking funny. fucking teens.
spark's unicorn ditches her and -
"Want to get on with me?" Quartz asked. "Sure." she climbed onto the Unicorn. "Stupid Bananacake. Who's names a Unicorn Bananacake anyways?" she laughed.
what if we rode a unicorn together. and we were both girls. this is just the yuri version of draco and endey riding draco's dragon together.
JACK: I'll introduce Charlie AUGUSTINE: okay! remeber counter1 JACK: (Rass I'll introduce him then you talk about the clothing. From that point on we can both control him.) KATIA: (I'm gonna chill now cause it seems like you planned it out in microscopic detail)
The Charlie Scene is coming and probably needs its own post that i probably need to make while i'm not on the clock. probably. but love this charming mix of bitchiness and affection from me, katia. deeply on brand. "i love you guys. i wept profoundly when i couldn't go to rhode island with you. now get on with it already." 12 year old katia i would venmo you seven hundred dollars if i could
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Thoughts on each TDI Reboot episode, number 5. SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
Millie fake besties with Priya, lying about her votes methinks.
Damien making an anti-Damien fanclub for himself, I'm crying.
How did Damien even make buttons?
Zee is a vacuum with his soda. Respect.
The little bits of 3D and how well it fits the art style is so impressive.
Oh no it's the writers poorly concealed fetish episode :(
"Raptors are extinct." Once again, did you not watch this show? They had dinosaur beavers in season 1.
Chase begging for help to get Emma back LMAOOO
Zee: "I love girls, I love cars, and I love breaks." MEN ONLY WANT THREE THINGS
Ripper (derogatory)
Raj go save your boyfriend pleaseee
Zee gay af for admiring Chase's ass. If it weren't for the fact that Chase continues to be a piece of shit I'd wanna ship them.
Wayne also said bi!! Not a dirty word!! YAAAAAAYAYAYAYYY
Wayne that is a raptor, not a dragon. Don't you dare compare the two >:(
Also Emma and Bowie really do be besties 🥺
MK tea spilling timeee
Ahhh Millie did lie and Julia is actually an asshole, what a shock.
Chase (derogatory)
Someone please help Damien, my man is dying.
"Raptors can't open doors." Did no one here watch Jurassic Park? Even I've seen that scene smh.
Ngl I really want Damien to win. He's gaining confidence!! But he's probably gonna be gone bc of the anti-Damien fanclub.
Bowie and Raj sunset lovers ahhhhhh
I'm realizing Zee's color palette is kinda all over the place. Mood.
I was right, Damien gone. Bye bye bookworm.
Also Julia is DOWN to 3K followers and she's considered a nobody? I get 3K isn't a lot in the widder scope of the internet, but I still feel like that's worthy of at least SOME bragging rights.
Another good episode. And we got the start of a potential plot between MK, Julia and Bowie. Although I'm a bit suspicious about Bowie and Raj now. With how much they seem to try to push Bowie and Raj, maybe they're trying to subvert expectations and make it so Raj is going to Bowie for advice how to ask Wayne out? Or maybe my Rayne shipping is just clouding my initial analysis. Idk, kinda want it to be an OT3 now lol.
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wortverlust · 2 years
uh, first thing's fucking first; your pfp... i'm like, trying to breathe over here can you like, stop stealing it? my air pls? like i need that shit. stop taking my breath please i would like to keep it in my LUNGS
second things second, my knowledge of dragons is anything BUT cool. pls, the fucking drawings on my wall are a testament to that, which will NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY EVER AGAIN pls don't go looking i don't think i could ever live that down–
if you sketched a dragon i think i would like, idk, simply game over. like i would just stop working. i think.
...WAIT IS THE RECURRING DREAM THAT YOU HAVE PICKLES FOR LEGS???? it could be that moving forward in a certain aspect of your life was difficult for you, and it was going to be a slow learning process. don't ask me wtf the pickles mean, maybe you just had a really specific craving???? but it also depends like, which way you were trying to walk, whether you were trying to support yourself by holding onto like, idk a banister or some shit, if anyone was with you at the time, whether they were dill pickles or sour pickles or pickled gherkins idk why i have such expansive knowledge on PICKLES–
i mean, personally, methinks you should take care of your good leg whether your dreams are telling you to or not. ngl if a dream was telling my to cut off my good shoulder... i'm probably not gonna do that or maybe i would just to see what would happen...
i'm curious now–
i understand the struggle, many a time have i been tempted by the squirrels of tinder, but you must say NAY, NAY SQUIRRELS, YOU SHALL NOT TEMPT ME THIS DAY
that film was horrifying the music to the boat sequence is now stuck in my head thank you -_- (but you could never be a bad nut <3)
also moj says to look after yourself so now you have to
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ESSA!!! YOU IMPRESS ME WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIFFERENT KIND OF PICKLES!!! A- AND WHAAAT?! PLEASE NOOO!!! IT'S FREAKIN' COOL!!! I MEAN DRAGONS?! HELLO?! D-DRAGONS ON YOUR WALL!!! DRAGON DRAWINGS!!! EHFOWHFOEHOFHEH wanna.see.them.so.badly…efhwehhie (I once painted a dragon on my wall. like a BIG one…so I just could finish his head O_o)
A-A-AND MOOJOO!!! HIII!!! G O D… I want to pat him so badly?! Like SERIOUSLY!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
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Yeah, It's a dream I get once in a while -the pickle leg dream. So definitely recurring and a dream where I lose all my teeth (NOT IN A COOL OR GOOD WAY SO I WON'T GET INTO DETAIL ...not gonna lie, I have a lot of fucked up dreams ^^;;) AND NO!!! YA HAVE TO KEEP YOUR SHOULDER… AND ARM…AND HAND!!!! Ya need them, for typing (:
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noireovertures · 2 years
detective soot au notes
okay so!!! as previously mentioned, wilbur in this au is a detective for hire in a city full of humans and hybrids. the real story starts with tommy stopping by wilbur's office one afternoon and asking wilbur to help him prove his innocence and find the person responsible for the murder he's been accused of committing. needless to say, wilbur's interest is peaked.
see the home distress call au post as well.
cw: mentions of discrimination and dehumanization, violence, death, and implied child neglect.
- wilbur became a private detective after quitting his prior job in law enforcement because of the way he saw hybrids treated by his peers. he believes everyone deserves equitable treatment and strives to give that to all his clients. - he has a reputation for being fair to hybrids, that's what leads tommy to go to him. if the police won't put in the effort to solve the case properly, tommy thinks that wilbur will. - the victim of the murder tommy has been accused of is a hybrid named henry. he was an older man who was often kind to the kids from the orphanage, so tommy was fond of him. the only things linking tommy to the murder are the fact he found the body and had blood on him when the police finally arrived. - hybrids often have unfair rules imposed on them by governments, especially hybrids that are considered "dangerous" - people are separated by arbitrary categories by the percentage of hybrid dna in their blood. for instance: both wilbur and phil have avian dna, but only phil is legally considered a hybrid. wilbur didn't even know he had hybrid dna until it was revealed to him during a case. - legal hybrids include: phil (avian), techno (pig), schlatt (ram), tubbo (ram), quackity (duck), niki (axolotl), ranboo (enderman and ???), sneeg (moth), fundy (fox), sam (creeper), and puffy (ram) [for now] - both wilbur and tommy are considered humans, but they both have minor hybrid traits - tommy doesn't know he even has hybrid traits - wilbur lives with phil, because phil took him in when he was younger and struggling. wilbur helps phil with the bills even though he insists he doesn't have to. - phil works as an architect - jack manifold is wilbur's begrudging secretary. he pretends he hates his job, but wilbur pays pretty well tbh - quackity owns the most popular casino in town - schlatt and tubbo are cousins, schlatt took tubbo in because the rest of their family wouldn't - schlatt works as a bartender at quackity's casino - sam works at quackity's casino, he's in charge of security - purpled also works as security at the casino - niki owns a cafe next-door to wilbur's office; he and jack get food there a lot - connor works at the library where phil, techno, niki, and ranboo have their book club, he's sometimes invited to join their meetings - connor is also a part time pizza delivery guy - ranboo lives with sneeg and calls him uncle, but they aren't blood related in the slightest - the only reason ranboo knows he has a bit of enderman in him is because sometimes he teleports across the room when he sneezes - fundy is a paper boy! wilbur gives him tips for creatively getting the paper into his hands. fundy hit wil in the face with a paper once. - eret is a fortune teller who owns a magic shop :) - tubbo and tommy are best friends, but wilbur doesn't realize this until he takes tommy with him to see schlatt - techno is the groundskeeper at the local park. he's also friends with phil and has heard of wilbur, but doesn't know he's a detective - tommy is an orphan living at an orphanage in the city. at least, well, until he gets kicked out due to being a murder suspect - wilbur insists on taking tommy home with him when tommy shows up at his office right as he's leaving. he can't just let the kid sleep on the street and he doesn't feel right leaving him alone to stay in the office. - wilbur often dresses like a gothic teacher while working (long dark coat, dark outfits, boots), but his off-duty style is a lot softer, even if it isn't much more casual, with lots of sweaters and brighter colors - he also rides a motorcycle that may or may not be named after a certain hybrid he used to fancy no he doesn't miss her what are you talking about - to note on some of the magical aspects: tommy may or may not know a few spells that helped him and some of the other kids get out of trouble... one of which makes him small and able to hide (much to wilbur and phil's chagrin and delight - depends on the day) - certain hybrids have innate abilities, ex: for insect based hybrids, they can sizeshift - speaking of which, ranboo once came home to less than a foot tall sneeg face-down on a slice of pizza. ranboo didn't ask questions.
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Episode 6 thoughts!
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Is this why the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan were always so disappointed when Red Son failed or was “weak”? He was so powerful with the Samadhi fire, surely he could be powerful without it if they pushed him- but that just turned into biting comments and tearing him down. And they kept the knowledge of the fire from him because they knew he would try to retrieve it to be powerful and win their approval.
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Even without the risk of him attacking them out of resentment should he manage to succeed, it’s clear that he’s willing to hurt himself for power. (Apparently punching yourself in the face is a requirement to activate the Samadhi fire. Methinks that’s how he got his scar.) Wouldn’t he be so determined to get the fire that he would act recklessly, then? Couldn’t he very well get hurt or killed? Better to just keep it a secret.
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Since it seems like the Bodhisattva Guanyin was only involved in the first part of the fight versus Red Son (using the water in her vase to extinguish the fire), but not the second part (actually removing and splitting the fire), I’m assuming he never became her disciple in this version. Which isn’t surprising; Journey to the West is meant to be read allegorically and a lot of that meaning isn’t going to make it into this silly Lego cartoon. And if you don’t read JttW allegorically, a lot of parts seem really fucked up. The Bodhisattva stabbed this kid with, like, a lot of swords, y’all.
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As the amnesic Sun Wukong said last episode, the Samadhi fire split into four pieces.
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Ao Lie is in dragon form in the flashback, placed much more prominently than he would be if he were in horse form.
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Long Xiaojiao is aflame in a vision here and in episode 2.
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LXJ outright refers to herself as Bai Longma, in a way!
Did Ao Lie absorb the last piece of the Samadhi fire?! Was it accidental, or a deliberate grasp at more power? Did SWK know at the time? If so, did he tell anyone or try to do anything about it? Or was he too afraid to square up against even a fragment of the fire that nearly killed him? Does he still know now, or did White Bone Sprit mess with that memory? Did others know, and WBS also messed with their memories?
...If the fire was meant to be lost forever, then who made the map? It had to be someone present at the separation, someone who would know or be able to reasonably guess the location of the other three pieces.
Was Ao Lie not satisfied with having only one piece? Did he plan to get the other three? Clearly he failed, was he found out and stopped by the others? Or did he perish against WBS and the Not-Mayor, passing on the fragment within him to his next incarnation?
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The whole reason Ao Lie went on the Journey was to repent for accidentally setting fire to his father’s palace and pearls. To parallel this, LXJ is gonna light Megapolis UP.
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(*Steve Harvey voice* YES! KILL!)
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I’m curious if a piece of the Samadhi fire can be activated independently, and under what circumstances... perhaps LXJ will connect the dots once she learns about there being four pieces and then she’ll get fire breath or something?
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Side note: he actually went to get the blanket and milk. And he’s definitely going to keep LXJ’s dragon plushie safe for her. Spicynoodles and Dragonfruit shippers are having a field day with this aren’t they.
(Screenshots and subtitles courtesy of colesmonkies on twitter.)
(Opening) (Ep.1) (Ep. 2) (Ep. 3) (Ep. 4) (Ep. 5)
(Ep. 6: You Are Here) (Ep. 7) (Ep. 8) (Ep. 9) (Ep. 10)
66 notes · View notes
loserchildhotpants · 3 years
Destiel prompt from Twitter; kissing each other to prove there’s nothing there, even though, it’s a lie, and the kiss proves it (from this prompt list)
“I’m just saying that I don’t think you’d get this defensive if there really wasn’t anything between you two -”
“There isn’t, and I’m not getting defensive!” Dean argues, decidedly defensively.
“Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Sam offers with a shrug and a smirk.
Staring down into the open grave the boys are in, Castiel glances between the brothers and tilts his head, wondering if perhaps by a different angle, he may better understand what their expressions mean.
“We’re bonded or whatever - that’s it, man! There’s nothing else going on!”
“I’m not even saying there is anything ‘going on,’ I’m just saying there could be, and if that were something you wanted -”
“I’m not qu -”
“I know, I get it, I hear you, humor me for a second, okay? All I’m saying is just - if there were something between you two, and you wanted there to be something ‘going on,’ where there is currently nothing ‘going on,’ I just think you should, hypothetically go for something rather than settling for the nothing, because, personally, I think there is something there, and you could have a great thing going if that were what you wanted.”
“Even if - which I don’t - I’m not - listen, though, okay? I’m not, and I don’t want that - not that there’s anything wrong with it, or something, just - even if that were the case, Cas isn’t like that. He’s not a being that experiences shit like that -”
“I’m telling you you’re wrong, Dean! The way he stares at you -”
“He stares at everyone!”
“Do I?”
The Winchesters jump in unison, both with hands on their guns faster than should be possible. They both visibly relax again, though, when they realize it’s only Castiel interrupting.
“Oh, hey, Cas,” Dean greets, his voice markedly more gentle than it was with Sam only a moment before.
Castiel appreciates it.
“Hello, Dean.”
With a cheeky grin, Sam clears his throat, and says to Cas, “your timing couldn’t be better, actually, Cas - Dean and I have some questions -”
“No, no, we do not have questions,” Dean growls at Sam, eyes blazing dangerously.
“I am always available to you boys for whatever inquiries I can assist in. Is this pertaining to my staring? It’s academic in nature, I assure you - frankly, I am used to having a form that hosts many more eyes; being in this Earthly form can present obstacles, as my perceptions are more limited than I can remember them ever being. I promise I do not mean to insult anyone.”
“Oh, I don’t think anyone’s thinking of it as an insult,” Sam intones; Dean shoves his elbow into Sam’s kidney to shut him up.
“This is you being defensive, by the way,” Sam wheezes, doubled over, but still smirking at Dean, “What’s the big deal if there’s nothing going on?”
Flushed, Dean scowls at Sam, drops his shovel, and tells him, “I’m not being defensive! There’s nothing to be defensive about! And I’ll prove it!”
Clambering out of the grave, Dean brushes the soil from his hands onto his dirtier jeans, and stomps more than walks up to Castiel.
“You’ve a cut,” Cas murmurs worriedly, spotting a knick Dean got on his cheek earlier in the day.
“It’s nothing. Listen, Cas -”
Before Dean can get anymore out, Castiel reaches for his left-side cheek, cups that side of his face, and spreads a cooling sensation that knits the skin back together neatly and cleanly.
“Uh - thanks, Cas,” Dean mutters gruffly as Cas takes his hand back.
“My pleasure, Dean.”
Uncharacteristically nervous, Dean glances down at the ground, his hands shoved in his jean pockets, then his eyes skim the ground until they happen upon Sam’s again, and whatever silent exchange they have works Dean up again.
“Cas,” Dean begins, looking into his eyes with determination, “We’re friends, you ‘n me, right?”
“Yes, Dean. You are my most cherished friend,” Castiel answers.
That gives Dean a moment’s pause where he seems to be searching Castiel’s face for some sign of sarcasm or deceit; there is none to be detected, of course.
“I - thanks, man. Uhm. Now - this is gonna sound like a weird question, but bear with me, ‘cause I’m not about to assume consent or something.”
“Okay,” Castiel says in confusion, tilting his head again.
“I’m tryin’a prove a point here to Sam, and to get it across - just - would you be okay with me kissing you? Like, just this once - I promise I won’t make it weird or anything, but I gotta ask, you know? I know you’re not into physical stuff like -”
“You’d like my permission to kiss?” Castiel intercepts neutrally, “Like people do?”
Something about that is funny - or startling? - to both Sam and Dean, and Castiel can’t tell which or for what reasons.
“Yeah. Just this one time,” Dean repeats.
Though he takes a respectable count of four seconds to seem as though he needs to consider his options, Castiel nods, and replies, “of course, Dean. Of all the favors you’ve asked of me before, I assure this is certainly the most convenient and pleasant of them.”
Sam snorts a laugh, Dean tosses a glare at him, and then settles gentle, if a little nervous, eyes back on Castiel.
Dean steps closer into Cas’ space, bringing them toe-to-toe and he finds himself staring down; he’d not realized Cas was shorter than him. It’s not by much, not really enough to be remarked upon, even, but it means that Cas winds up looking up at him from under the cover of long, dark lashes, and even in the dark of the night, his eyes shine like twinkling gems.
Swallowing with some difficulty, Dean holds loosely onto the lapels of Cas’ trench coat, and he means to go in chaste, he really does, it’s just that he’s actually struggling to breathe a little, so his lips are just barely parted, and Cas - as far as Dean can tell, Cas takes that as a cue.
Because Cas’ full lips press in, but so does his tongue; before Dean can even secure his footing, Cas makes his loose hold on the lapels go tight, licking up into Dean’s mouth without hesitation or mercy.
Praying his shocked gasp wasn’t audible to Sam, Dean just tries to hold on while Cas turns his head, bites Dean’s heavy bottom lip, and then pushes Dean’s mouth more open with his own, and then he drags his hot tongue against Dean’s, coming in broad, and soft.
Dean hears himself make some kind of noise - he can’t tell what it is, because there’s too much blood rushing in his skull - there’s stubble. Stubble. There is stubble in this equation other than his own, and that’s new, and terrifying, and should be wholly unwelcome, but every synapse in his brain dedicated to pleasure is telling him otherwise.
One wide hand insinuates itself under the hem of Dean’s weathered flannel, calloused fingers pressing into his left hip possessively while the other hand glides over his pec, and shoulder to the back of his neck, pinky finger teasing the sensitive skin just under the back of his cotton collar, and thumb brushing the fine hairs at the base of Dean’s skull.
Dean thinks he may be swaying - he’s dizzy.
Cas is dragging him closer, pressing their hips and abdomens together, and Dean’s hands have somehow found better purchase on the front of Cas’ button-down dress shirt than his lapels.
Dean thinks he hears one of the buttons pop off with the strain of his hold, but neither of them seem inclined to do anything about it, so he figures it doesn’t matter; he tries to establish himself as a bit more dominant, thrown off his usual groove by the absolutely sinful way Cas apparently kisses.
To Dean’s simultaneous horror and delight, Cas doesn’t relinquish any control; he won’t be moved, his hands get tighter and hotter where they touch Dean’s skin, he only presses them harder together, and he kisses Dean like he wants to eat him alive.
He kisses Dean like he wants to crawl inside him, like he’s hungry - starved - like kissing is an act of carnage just as much as an act of love, like those things aren’t mutually exclusive.
He’d rather die than admit it to anyone, but Dean’s knees get a little weak, and Cas basically holds up his entire weight by just the grip he’s got on Dean’s waist.
Before he knows it’s happened, Dean’s hard enough to carve stone, and Cas readjusts how they’re slotted against one another to better accommodate Dean’s failing balance, and Cas feels it - he must. Even if he doesn’t feel how hard Dean is against him right away, the guttural moan Dean will deny having made til his dying breath clues him in.
What sounds like hundreds of cherry bombs going off has them stumbling away from each other, and frantically looking about.
The streetlights have exploded. There’s glass everywhere, and based on the echoes of car alarms and distant voices, it’s becoming more and more possible that Cas destroyed the windows and lights of several cars and nearby homes.
Even he and Sam’s flashlights are busted.
In the blanket of darkness that’s settled over the graveyard, Dean can still see clearly, because Cas’ eyes are high beams cutting through the fog of the night.
They’re both panting, Dean’s pretty certain that a resting heart rate isn’t meant to feel like this, and Cas is looking positively feral.
“Jesus fuck!” Sam curses, his arms crossed over his head where he still plucks a shard of glass from his hair.
Reminded of Sam’s presence, Castiel’s head swivels to him, the glow of his eyes dims down, and then he looks back at Dean, visibly frightened.
Dean takes no pleasure in Cas ever being scared, so he reaches out, takes a step back into Cas’ space, but that spooks him more, and in less than a blink of an eye, he’s gone.
Not cool, Cas, Dean thinks loudly, hoping it counts as a prayer that Cas will hear.
Reaching into the front of his jeans, Dean uses the near blackness of the power outage to his advantage, and readjusts himself to the best of his abilities.
It really doesn’t do much.
“Well,” Sam starts pointedly.
Dean, weak at the knees, lips criminally swollen, face flushed, hair mussed and harder than he’s ever been in his life, turns slowly to scowl at Sam.
“That was not nothing.”
Dean doesn’t see a way of winning the argument, so he kicks dirt into Sam’s hair, and leaves him to finish burying.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
He rather liked that part in a story – when the hero fell, and everything seemed bleak. It always meant that hope was just around the corner. Because darkness never lasted. It was always followed by light. There was nothing more beautiful than that kind of sunrise.
I literally live my life by this analogy
well i can't scream because my mom is sitting right there and I have class in 4 minutes so imma smile really wide
“Are you planning to read the entire library during your travel year?” Max chuckled.
“Of course not,” David replied. “I will need longer than a year to accomplish that goal.”
does max not being able to make portals have something to do with his lineage?
demon parent
ok so my programming class started 2 minutes early but screw programming I'm gonna be studying minds not this shit
ok that's a very bad attitude for someone who needs good grades in this year
Max was always hungry.
this is so me
also if David doesn't become an institute head in the future THEN WHAT'S THE POINT
“Where is the kitchen?” Max interrupted.
max is such a mood
He had told Max that he had centuries to perfect his magic, that there was no need to rush it. Max had given him a noncommittal nod and nothing more.
“I won’t tell the Consul,” Kit winked.
At the mention of the Consul, David straightened up. He had been trying to get into Alec Lightwood’s good graces for years now. He didn’t think sharing a room with his son would do him any favors.
oh my god
Word was that Mr. Herondale had gone back to his obsession with brewing tea.
I have so many emotions right now but all I'm gonna say is that I'm so so proud of Rafael
“Do you not want to sleep with me?” Max asked.
takes a deep breath don't scream. everyone outside this door thinks you're taking programming class
The one of Will Herondale and Tessa Gray – A love that had transcended reality and lasted a lifetime.
The one of James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs – A love that had started with a lie and then blossomed into nothing but happiness and devotion.
The one of Lucie Herondale and Jesse Blackthorn – A love that had been so powerful that it rewrote the past.
The one of Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild – A love that had walked through hell and shaken up the heavens.
And then there the final one. The one of Kit Herondale and Tiberius Blackthorn – A love that had survived distance and darkness and doom.
This omg...
He wanted a love story. The kind he read in the books. The kind he saw in these portraits.
But he wasn’t a Herondale. He wasn’t sure if he was destined for that kind of love.
The first part though
He might have been a little too excited. It was biologically impossible to control yourself when you find a stranger reading your favorite book in the whole world.
“I see you already made a new friend,” Max said.
He sounded a little…odd. As if he was not pleased that David had made a new friend.
take a guess
can I jump in and bash their heads together?
“You are thinking of conjuring chocolate syrup, aren’t you?” David chuckled.
“How do you always know what’s on my mind?” Max chuckled back.
Because I know you, David wanted to say. I just wish I knew what’s in your heart too.
“You get chocolate syrup! You get chocolate syrup! You get chocolate syrup!” Max was yelling, standing on the chair.
They residents laughed harder, and David shook his head fondly. He hoped one day Max would pursue a career in theatre. He was a born showman.
can I have chocolate syrup?
also, the way David is just so fond of him like DYUSDGYJCDYUJM
“By the angel, do you have to be a drama queen about everything?” the boy next to them muttered – not so quietly.
David blinked. That was uncalled for.
But Max being Max was completely unfazed. “Of course I do. My Bapa would be personally offended otherwise.”
exactly you rude little shit
Max often pretended like people’s words didn’t hurt him - just as he pretend that fire doesn’t burn or wounds don’t bleed.
wow ok stop calling me out
Is max jealous??????
is he??????
how are people so good at languages like damn
“Oh my god,” Max groaned. “Is he already telling people to check on me?”
using mundane medicine...
that's risky
but it's also something that WILL help
can't warlocks tamper with the blood samples?
A part of him wondered if that’s why he had agreed to send Max away to London – at least for a week. Because sometimes you didn’t want other people to see you were hurting.
alec I really goddamn hope you're dealing with this well
some of whom had even decided to die than get help from a warlock.
alright then gets my knives but you chose this :D
Nobody brought a book down for breakfast if they didn't like to read.
yes but sometimes also to seem busy so people won't bother you or you won't look alone.
“I know,” the boy said as he walked past them to the gate. “I sat on the stairs and thought about life for a few good minutes.”
his family is the one who took over David's previous institute (i can't spell that. marse- marselli- wat??) methinks.
The gang always visited whenever all of them were in the city together. They would have so much fun! Of course, the 'fun' mostly entailed Rafael stopping Georgia from drinking random potions she found in the stalls, Selena stopping Lexi from opening a psychic booth to help people talk to Raziel and of course David stopping Max from running to the gambling booths.
Rafe: I am anxiety.
me at any given moment
ok maybe I'm the only person who's really picky when it comes to food and doesn't eat the majority of things
“Anything on Magnus Bane?” Max asked.
“No,” the woman snapped and shoved some of the letters into a bag and hide it under the table. “Leave Magnus Bane alone!”
“Appreciate your loyalty,” Max winked at her and started examining a diary.
I like her.
"Everyone should be participating in this" -my programming teacher
me, an intellectual: participating in what?? goes to the class web THE FUCK IS THAT
“Something for the shadowhunter?” the woman smiled. “Perhaps an unpublished snippet from the Beautiful Cordelia?”
“Do you have any love letters?” David asked.
“Hmmm,” the woman went through the pages. “I do have a correspondence between an Iblis demon and Christopher Lightwood? Would you be interested in that?”
if u don't mind I would love to see both of those-
you know I just remembered I have a computer assignment I need to submit by the end of this week fml
“Never fall in love with an immortal,” she giggled again. “We don’t like staying in one place.”
why are we using x and 3 in programming class what the heck is going on
“I’m not just some warlock,” Max said, his voice low. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
we usually have programming once a week on our physical school days and those are fun because my and my friend are continuously passing notes and talking to each other through writing
The scene where Max fought off all the evil people who tried to steal his valuable belonging. He would fight without breaking a sweat and throw magic fireballs at everyone and then get his necklace back. And then he would kiss David in front of everyone and it would somehow rain all of a sudden.
But life wasn’t a movie or a book. Life was just life.
life's boring
fuck life
I just heard a student ask "why are we not taking out the values of b and c" BESTIE I THOUGHT WE WERE DOING PROGRAMMING AND NOT ALGEBRA?????
“I know there wasn’t anyone to protect you before,” Magnus Bane had said. “But we are here now. We will protect you. This will protect you.”
He hadn’t wanted it back then. He didn't even want it even now.
He didn’t want something to protect him. Most importantly, he didn’t want to cover his scar. He didn’t want to hide it. He wasn’t ashamed of it. It wasn’t a mark of a victim. It was the mark of a survivor.
So, David had smiled and given the bracelet back.
“I never wanted to be protected,” David had replied. “I only ever wanted to be loved.”
The warlock had smiled at that and given David a hug. It had felt different than other hugs he had experienced since he had come to New York.
It wasn’t just the magic. Magnus Bane carried so much love inside himself you could literally feel it through him.
I'm gonna cry during my programming class (where we're doing variables apparently all of a sudden??)
this is so beautiful
“I wasn’t talking about Bapa,” Max said now. “I was talking about the other one.”
David chuckled at that. “Oh, yeah. He is definitely going to kill you.”
what flowers would you like at your funeral?
so Jackson has family troubles
I've definitely got that
yeah I know what it's like to be jealous of someone else's perfect family
Is he trying to ruin max's relationship with his family???
oh hell no
“One stolen necklace, One broken nose and One bruised cheek,” he said. “And you’ve been in London for less than a day.”
kit seriously? but is he wrong though?
“This is what I get for falling for a Lightwood-Bane,” David sighed and walked through the portal.
in some ways, I can empathize with him. my younger self anyway. but Jackson this is not how you do things
There was a moment of silence and then Magnus Bane giggled.
“I do love it when the quiet ones go feral,” the warlock grinned.
(me too)
“David!” Mr Herondale gasped. “Is your hand okay?”
yup that's Jace y'all
David hated violence. He hated fighting – which he was often not allowed to say out loud considering he was a shadowhunter.
But it was the truth. He hated hurting people – or even things. It made him feel sick.
“It’s alright, Chouchou,” Mr Herondale ran a hand through David’s hair. “Next time, just-”
“Use my words?” David asked.
“Just don’t get caught,” the man winked.
and that is why I would never want to be a shadowhunter.
I know saying that doesn't do anything but when I first read tsc I wanted to be a shadowhunter really badly and damn that was some time ago but now...violence of any kind is my biggest trigger idek why. and I hate that so much because what kind of a person gets triggered by loud voices and fighting EVEN ON SCREEN??? I usually just push myself to watch stuff because it's dumb. I refuse to see trigger warnings before reading a book or watching a show because damn it, I should be able to stand those things I'm, not a child. and it may be doing me more harm than good but I shouldn't feel like this in the first place
okay...that was long
“David, I appreciate you standing up for Max,” the Consul said. “But next time, please try not to punch anyone in the face.”
“Yes, sir,” David nodded. “Because it’s wrong.”
“Because it means more paperwork for me,” the Consul groaned and then straightened up. “But yes. Absolutely. Very wrong. No punching people!”
I was wrong then
He was grinning. Magnus Bane must have raised hell in the shadow market.
that must have been fun
Max was doing that thing where he was not trying to pout but he was mostly definitely pouting. It made David want to kiss him. But then the Consul spoke, and David reminded himself he didn’t want to be the third person to get punched in the face this evening.
“I understand that Jackson has been through a lot. But that’s not an excuse for him to hurt those around him. I learned that lesson the hard way. So, you shouldn’t excuse his behaviour.”
someone's trauma and pain is never an excuse to hurt others
but that doesn't mean we should invalidate their trauma either
“You can stay back and try to help him. I won’t stop you,” the man got up now. “But if he tries to hurt you-”
“You will unleash hell?” David chuckled.
“Worse,” the other man grinned. “I will unleash Lexi.”
that is much much worse
Books brought him comfort in so many ways. Just holding one in his hands automatically made him feel better.
oh my god
he gets it
I always have a book with me when I'm out even if I'm not gonna get the time to read it because just the weight and comfort of it in my hands or in my backpack brings me so much comfort and helps with my social anxiety so much
no one understands when I try to tell them that
you get it...
someone gets it finally
“David, it’s very sweet that you want to protect Jackson,” Kit pointed out. “But literally no one is buying that. Not even Irene.”
The lynx purred on his lap as if she agreed with Kit.
“I could break into a liquor cabinet,” David said a little indignantly.
David is the nicest you can get
David wouldn’t. Apparently, everyone already seemed to know that - even the lynx he had met five minutes ago.
we are solving something in class and it's really quiet because we're all doing our work (I'm reading the fic so-) and this one person had their mic open and they kept on whispering their steps and it was so weird I cant-
“We were talking about shitty fathers,” Jackson pointed out. “You’re welcome to stay.”
“I’m gonna need something stronger than red wine for this conversation,” Kit chuckled.
I remember that bitch
David used to do it when he was a child. He used to pretend his life was a story. He used to pretend everything that happened to him was happening to some other boy – a boy who wasn’t real. A boy who lived inside a book. Because it hurt a little less when you pretend like it wasn’t happening to you.
But the pain was still very real.
“I fucking hate ogres,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Was your father an ogre too?” Jackson asked.
“He was more like a harpy,” Kit snorted. “He was always flying and fleeing. I didn’t know how deep his talons were in my head until it was too late.”
you really like traumatizing all your characters, don't you?
I really fucking hope the ogre got what he deserved
and if the angel is dead then fuck everyone
“I mean, there was that time when Sebastian Morgenstern turned my father into the endarkened, and then he went around killing people. So, I would say he was more like a zombie,” the man was explaining now. “The zombie father tried to kill me but my brother killed him first.”
“Good lord!” Jackson said in shock.
Kit chuckled softly. “Boy do shadowhunters need therapy.”
they really do
He knew about those from New York. He knew Mr Herondale and Miss Fairchild went for one together.
“Yikes,” Kit chuckled. “I’d prefer something classier. How about London Boys?”
“None of us are from London though,” Tiberius pointed out.
“The Beatles are not actually beetles, Ty,” Kit chuckled. “It’s just for pizazz.”
damn guys
Then the idea of a band turned into a possible YouTube channel where they would react to cute animal videos.
“When people do awful things, really awful things, at one point we stop being surprised. Like what Valentine did to his children or what our fathers did to us or what those women did to Rafael. We might have been shocked or disgusted. But it wasn’t unrealistic, was it?”
“I guess not,” the boy said.
“Even when they did the most unimaginable acts of cruelty, it somehow managed to fit into our imagination. We accepted that the world can be unrealistically cruel. The kind of cruelty we will never understand. But why isn’t it the same for kindness? Why is that when someone is too kind, we automatically feel uncomfortable? We judge their intensions or think they are just pretending to be nice. We think they are being unrealistic. Why is that?”
we get so used to cruelty that kindness feels weird
“But that’s how our life works, doesn’t it? It’s a giant ball of what ifs and could have beens and if nots. What if my father had loved me instead of hurt me? Could I have been kinder if I was hugged instead of being abused? Would have I been a different person if not for my trauma? Our lives are an endless collection of theories about our real selves. The one didn’t we never had the chance to become.”
I used to spend a bunch of time on the what-ifs but those are useless. so screw the what-ifs and live in the present
“I guess we’ll never know, Jackson. None of us will never know how we would have turned out if things had been different for us. We never got the chance to be who were meant to be. Instead, we became who we had to become to survive what we went through. We will never know our true selves. We only know the version of us that made it through all the trauma.”
“Christ, that’s depressing,” Jackson said.
“It is,” David nodded. “But we made it through. We survived. I think we should focus on that.”
you survived. that's what matters
“There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rescued,” David smiled.
I wish I had heard this before...
maybe I don't always have to be strong. maybe it's ok sometimes just want to be saved.
I'm so happy that both Jackson and David found each other
David had learned Gaelic. Jackson had learned how to play the piano.
They had laughed and lived and loved and learned.
And they had survived – one day at a time. The London Boys.
they survived.
I know I'm always key smashing and screaming but these words, these lines, all these chapters mean so so much to me.
“You’ll write to me, won’t you?” David asked, hugging Jackson closely.
“No,” Jackson replied. “I will FaceTime you like a normal person, you weirdo!”
David laughed at that. “I prefer letters. They are more emotional.”
“I’ll text you,” Jackson countered. “With emojis.”
oh to have someone write me letters.
I love writing letters
once at the end of a school year, I wrote little letters to everyone in my class anonymously. even the people who had been mean to me. that was like 1-2 years after my transfer to that school and everyone practically hated me but I wanted to do something nice because who knows what someone is going through. I ended up not putting them in people's desks...
I threw them all away :)
but writing letters is superior
I often write my feelings down and give the letter to someone rather than talk to someone
if you receive a letter from me or a custom-made gift...you have reached my ultimate friendship
It's kind of been a mess between us and I want to talk to her but I didn't know how to.
this is why i shouldn't send asks-
“You know what it means,” Jackson grinned harder. “Also, if that wanker tries to break your heart, I will break his face.”
“You know he is the Consul’s son?” David giggled.
“I’ve done it once and I will do it again,” Jackson shrugged. “He better treat you right.”
Lexi had cut her hair even shorter. Her girlfriend apparently got something called an undercut.
“Just in case someone dared to assume we were straight,” she had winked at him.
how many years has this fake dating been going on...
fterA the twins went to bed, David stepped out of the institute and went looking for his heart.
"went looking for his heart"
And then somewhere along the way, Max’s heartbeat had become the steadiest thing in David’s life.
Max, with all his chaos and drama and danger, had become the steadiest thing in David’s life.
oh my god that's a parallel from canon
“Tell me why.”
“Ain't nothing but a heart break!!"
Max could make fireballs that killed demons on the spot. He could summon things from anywhere. He could heal people with his eyes closed. He was one of the youngest warlocks allowed to visit the spiral labyrinth.
Max was a warlock in every sense. A good one. A great one even.
he is so talented...
Only idiots would underestimate Magnus Bane’s power.
He is probably going to be Consul like next week.”
David chuckled. “Next week?”
next week????
“Yeah, his smoking habits,” Max rolled his eyes.
Rafael wasn’t the smoker in the family. He knew who it was, but David would never open his mouth. It wasn’t his secret to tell.
this keeps on getting better
“It’s my hair!” David laughed.
“And you’re my David!” Max argued. “I say you are not allowed to grow your hair.”
“I don’t want to downworld-splain it to you.”
Max blinked and then laughed. “You don’t want to what?”
“Downworld-splain,” David mumbled. “It’s when shadowhunters explain downworlders how to be downworlders.”
they were SO close to kissing
I'm gonna get in there and lock them in a closet together and tell them to FUCKING GET WITH IT
Remember who you are. Remember where you stand.
remember who you are. remember where you stand...
I know this is supposed to be about portals.
reminds me of when alec fell down the stairs-
ok, I have a computer assignment to get to and tests to study for. BUT I LOVED THIS CHAPTER SO SO MUCH!! THEY FINALLY KISSED I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!
Also I know I tend to go off track and you can totally ignore that. i just go crazy. BYEE
This live blog gives me so much life you don't even know. I am go glad you enjoyed the chapter. I love hearing you rant about it. It's refreshing lol.
And I looooooove the lil anecdotes you share in between. Also wtf is a programming class like nobody wants to learn programme what kind of hetero nonsense I-
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kaidans-alenko · 3 years
“You’ll always be safe with me.” ...i'm curious after you mentioned azalea and kaidan's first meeting, so for them?
I’m gonna have to add them to list of couples I write for now methinks lol also I made a playlist because of course I did 
“Why did you leave?” Azalea asked, her voice devoid of the strong, commanding tone it always had and instead it was soft and quiet, she sounded like the gentle girl he knew on Earth all those years ago. 
“I didn’t want to.” He told her.
“That’s not what I asked.” she snapped “all I want is a reason.” 
Kaidan sighed “I was taken to a biotic training facility, they showed up at my door while I was helping my mom with dinner and before I even knew what was happening I was on a shuttle with a bunch of other kids like me...like us.” he didn’t even know Azalea was a biotic at the time and neither did she or if she did she had just been exceptionally talented at hiding it. 
“You at least could’ve messaged me.” She told him, feeling a tad less angry than she was before.
Kaidan shook his head “Lea they didn’t even let me contact my own parents, they completely cut us off from everyone.”  he looked over his shoulder “but I thought about you the entire time I was there, what you were doing, if you were happy, I couldn’t get you off my mind no matter what I did.” he looked back down at the floor “I missed you like crazy.” he admitted. 
“Do you remember what you said to me when we were kids? We were at the park after I had a bad fight with my mother and you were comforting me.” 
“You’ll always be safe with me…”
Azalea nodded “And I believed you because…”she sniffed “because you were the only person who gave a damn about me, without you had no one.” 
“Lea I...god Lea i’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” he sat with his face in his hands “I really didn’t.” 
“It doesn't matter, you could’ve contacted me when you came back, but you didn’t, I was all alone.” she buried her face into her mattress “whenever I didn’t want to go to school out of fear of being bullied all I had to do was think of you and it gave me enough motivation to drag myself out of bed each morning.” she wasn’t trying to hurt him with her words, her tone wasn’t malicious but the guilt was there and that was enough.
“I…” he hesitated “after Jump zero I was a mess, I didn’t want you seeing me like that.” 
“What happened?” 
“I accidentally killed my instructor.” 
Azalea turned around “That doesn’t sound like you.” Kaidan was the kindest, most gentle person she’d ever met, it didn’t sound like something he’d do but he also wouldn’t make something like that up just to garner sympathy, he couldn’t lie to save his life.
“I said it was an accident, remember?” he shook his head “all my classmates...my friends thought I was some kind of monster and...I couldn’t bear it if you thought the same thing, so I hid.”
“That’s the last word I would use to describe you Kai.” she told him honestly, for as hurt as she had been she never once thought he was a bad person, because the Kaidan she knew, the one she was left with nothing but memories of was sweet and compassionate not a monster or a cold blooded killer. He always kept his biotics in check, if he said it was an accident then he had to be. 
Kaidan nodded “And I knew that but there was still that part of me that couldn’t help but think I was wrong in believing that.” 
“Well you weren’t, you were always there for me, I would’ve been there for you.” She told him. 
They sat in silence for a moment, neither of them moving, Kaidan could’ve left and Azalea could’ve kicked him out but they didn’t make a move to do either. “I loved you, you know.” she told him. 
“I loved you too.” 
“At first I wasn’t sure, you were older than me so I thought it was just some silly crush i’d get over one day but I didn’t….I still haven’t I guess.” 
She shook her head “I understand if you no longer feel the same way, it’s been years after all.” 
“I tried to move on, I'm sure you did too.” he said, Azalea only nodded in return. 
“But I had too many what ifs, you know?” 
“Yeah, so did I.” She admitted. 
“Eventually I gave up and just focused on work.” he chuckled “I sure hadn’t expected us to meet again this way.”
Azalea laughed “Can’t say I did either.” 
“Hey Lea?” 
“Can I do something I should’ve done a long time ago?” 
She rolled over on her back “What’s that?” 
Kaidan leaned over her, stroking her cheek gently, as if he’d break her if he was too rough and he kissed her and it was better than either of them imagined, it had a salty taste to it and they weren’t sure who the tears belonged to. They pulled away, breathless, their foreheads resting against each other, tearful smiles plastered on their faces. 
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered to her. 
“Show me.” Azalea cupped his face with her hands “show me how much you’ve missed me.” she said, looking into his eyes. 
Kaidan’s eyes widened and his hands hovered over her hips “Aye aye ma’am.” he said, grabbing them and pulling her close as he went in for another kiss, seeing her again after all these years felt like a damn miracle and he certainly wasn’t about to waste it, no matter what happened he’d never abandon her again, it was going to take more than reapers to tear them apart this time. 
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iximaz · 4 years
Doctor Who s12 finale thoughts
Chibnall. What the fuck. I liked the Doctor as just some rando who stole a TARDIS and ran away. She’s not special because of her birth, she’s special because she chooses time and time again to be a hero. That being said, if you had to go down that route, thank you for making it so his childhood growing up with the Master wasn’t all a lie and that really did happen. So I’m honestly not as upset about this as I otherwise would be.
Speaking of the Master, Dhawan’s performance was just *chef’s kiss* Absolutely delightful to watch, even if the Cyber Lords made me crack up at how absurd they were.
Jodie’s performance was also just spot on and left me wanting to give the poor Doctor a hug. Dammit, just let Yaz kiss her already or something! Miss me with that queerbating shit holy fuck
And Gallifrey’s just... a barren rock now. All that work the Doctors went through to bring it back and it’s just gone. I know, it was blown up in the season opener, and I was *not* happy about that, but now even the plants and animals are gone. The rovies, the vortisaurs, the star lillies, all of that wiped out in an instant. Some future writer’d better find a way to fix this or I’m gonna riot. As for our new timeline, I'm honestly wondering if the sequence of events went like this: Ruth Doctor -> ??? Did what? Worked for the Division? -> Had a TARDIS that looked like and likely was the same as our Doctor's -> Ruth Doctor got caught by the agency and wiped -> TARDIS confiscated -> Ruth Doctor regenerates into child again  -> Child either grows up to be the First Doctor, or there's a chunk of time in-between, whatever -> One goes to steal a TARDIS, and Time Lord Clara points him back at the one the Time Lords took from him -> And the faintest echo of memory of a police box comes to him, urging him to take Susan to land in 1950s Earth Also Missy's line about the Doctor leaving her for dead? That was this episode Missy's line about the Doctor as a little girl? This episode Why Missy was so connected to the Cybermen? Again—this episode. I think this pretty firmly places Dhawan Master before Gomez Master It also does leave open the possibility that we weren't entirely mislead about the Time Lords coming into existence through exposure to the Time Vortex, because I maintain that "the Barrier" looks like the Untempered Schism Methinks the Doctor just fell straight through the Vortex unprotected and it mutated her—which would explain why River was born with regenerative abilities as well. The original Gallifreyans just weren't crazy enough to go into the Vortex without a ship XD If that’s Stormcage at the end, we’d better get Thirteen and River staging a breakout while Jack reunites with the fam and takes them on a rescue. In the process, River could even acquire Jack’s vortex manipulator like she mentioned during Eleven’s run.
Basically I need the Christmas special and I need it now.
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gotarcher94 · 4 years
The Witcher
So I’ve watched the first season of the Witcher on Netflix and all I can say is holy motherfucking shit. That was a good season. 
I wanted to jot down a few things that I liked about the season, bearing in mind that I haven’t yet read the books and have only played the Witcher 2 and 3. I will be using spoilers so consider this a spoiler warning.
(Also this will be a long post)
Henry Cavill
When Henry was announced I gotta admit I had some doubts over the casting. Not because I don’t rate him as an actor but I just couldn't picture him as Geralt. My personal pick was Zach McGowan, known for playing Charles Vane in Black Sails. He had the gruff voice, he looked like the game version of Geralt, and he even had similar hair. Just dye it white and he was good. 
But having seen the show... I recant every syllable of my foolishness.  
Henry Cavill is perfect as Geralt. He perfectly embodies the White Wolf. From his sarcastic sense of humour, to the subtle emotion on his face to the conflict he has while making the decisions he does. Absolutely perfect casting.
Anya Chalotra
Speaking of perfect casting, Anya is an incredible Yennefer of Vengerberg. Like Henry she perfectly embodies Yennefer. Anya plays the evolution of Yen superbly, from her beaten down and almost broken early days to the immensely powerful and confident sorceress she becomes later, she performs both absolutely perfectly.
And to all those who say that Anya is wrong to play Yennefer because she doesn’t “look like her”.... I cannot say shut the hell up loud enough. She was incredible and deserves all the accolades that should be sent her way.
Freya Allan
And rounding out the three main characters, the show is three for three in terms of perfect casting. I loved her independent and driven nature, continuing to keep going on despite all the trouble going her way despite only been about 11 or 12 (i think, not 100%). Her strong bond with both Queen Calanthe and Mousesack is evident, despite the relative lack of screentime devoted to it. I can’t wait to see how both the character and actress evolves over the (hopefully) seasons to come.
Geralt and Ciri
I loved the “the girl in the woods will be with you always” transition in the first episode, that eventually came full circle in the finale with the two finally meeting (with the run and hug scene!). Having seen their bond fully established in the games (I know they aren’t canon) I cant wait to see it develop on screen
Queen Calanthe
Is a badass. End of story. Ruling a kingdom, fighting at the front of every battle, effectively flipping off destiny and law of Surprise and being an incredible role model for Ciri. Absolute awesome character and Jodhi May did such an incredible job playing her.
Yennefer’s backstory
As a game only fan in terms of knowing much about the characters when I went into this season, my knowledge of Yen’s backstory was pretty much nonexistent, as I can’t remember it even being mentioned in the two games I played (of which Yen was only physically present for one). However, the show delved deep into it, and I’m glad they did. It simultaneously made us empathise fully with Yennefer but also established the basis for her desire to grow stronger and be in control of her own destiny and future, and why she was then so frustrated being in the mire of courtly intrigue, not able to grow higher.
The Yennefer and Tissaia dynamic
One of the most unexpected but welcome events of the show was the dynamic that they two shared. It was not the typical mentor and apprentice relationship and I appreciated the change from the norm. From Tissaia’s initial attempts to bring Yennefer to heel before eventually being the one to tell Yennefer to unleash her chaos during the battle at Sodden was great. 
The striga episode
I mean..... just wow. As soon as they mentioned Temeria I had a feeling that it would be the striga, as it was one of the few things that I knew about from the books. And holy shit they did not disappoint. From the investigation aspect, to the fight scene, to the music. It was incredible episode and one that I cannot wait to get back to when I re-watch the series
Battle of Sodden
The main focus of the incredible finale. I had heard of the Battle of Sodden during the games but to see it was something else. A great battle scene combined great fights, solid battle plans and incredibly cool magical skills. And also,during the night scenes, you could actually see what the fuck was happening. See GoT! It isn't hard!!
As soon as his name was revealed in the episode, I’m not gonna lie but i may have gone full fanboy. I know a little from what was mentioned in the books and have read a little from other sources about his story in the books and was immensely excited when he showed up. And I cannot wait to see his story unfold on the show and see him interact more with Yennefer and meet Geralt and Ciri.
From what I know, calling him Jaskier (his original name in the Polish stories) instead of the English name of Dandelion was one of the problems people had with the show. And I have to ask... does it really matter? He still acts like him, talks like him, annoys Geralt like him. He is the same character, the showrunners are just honouring his roots. 
And he brought some comic relief to the series in just the right ways, especially in the djinn and dragon hunt episodes. Joey Batey was great.
Music and Cinematography 
Both of them were absolutely fantastic. Every episode looked and sounded phenomenal. I’ve been listening to a few tracks from the soundtrack that have made it onto YouTube on repeat for a while, most notably “Toss a Coin to your Witcher”. However, one track that I really liked but haven't been able to find is the battle theme from the striga fight. If anyone could send me a link to it, I would be incredibly grateful
Fight choreography 
All of the fights this season were absolutely fantastic. Both the human fights and the monster battles. Geralt and Duny vs the Cintrian soldiers, Vilgevortz vs Cahir and (my personal favourites) Geralt vs Renfri and her gang from episode 1. All of them superb and I couldn't have asked for more from the fight scenes. 
I really like the magic system they set up in this series. Not only is it incredibly diverse (with the finale alone showing us Vilgevortz constantly creating swords, Triss making poison mushrooms grow beneath the feet of the army and Coral wiping out a whole section of the Nilgaardian army) but I really like the idea that it isn't just them tapping into a great power, that there can be a great cost to performing these spells. Not something that a lot of fantasy series do.
He was a great antagonist throughout the season and again I know little in specifics about him but I know that he is important to Ciri’s story, so I am looking forward to seeing that develop further.
Geralt and Visenna
I loved the scene of the two of them in the finale, even if it proved to only be a dream/hallucination. The “How do you like my eyes?” line legit gave me chills. Incredible acting by Henry there
Geralt and Yennefer (Yenneralt?, I think certain parts of the fandom have settled upon)
Now, as a game only fan prior to this, my exposure to the relationship between the two of them was limited, as the games only touched upon it in the Witcher 3. Before then it was told that Geralt and Yennefer had an epic love but it was very much tell and don’t show, as Yennefer didn't appear in person until the Witcher 3 and by then CDPR had developed the Geralt and Triss romance story in the Witcher 2. And I’m not gonna lie, I was fully into their romance during my playthroughs. Not that I didn't like Yennefer but I just didn't have the same basis into their bond that the book fans did. 
After Season 1, however, I am fully onto the Geralt and Yennefer ship, having seen it develop as it did.
Methinks it may be time for another playthrough, as well as buying the books.
Things I’m looking forward to seeing on the show in the future 
1. Yennefer and Ciri meeting
2. Seeing Geralt and Ciri bonding more, with some time together at Kaer Morhen
3. Thanedd Island (eventually)
4. Zoltan! 
5. Regis!
6. Vesemir!
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carfuckerlynch · 5 years
i wrote this is one sitting fueled by mitski and sleep deprived yearning. i hope u like it. shoutout to @farmcorelynch for introducing me to czeng bc its all i’ve thought about since like monday. its also on ao3 here
Noah was staring at the ceiling. It used to be, before they came back, that they could see the grain clearly, their ghostly eyes ungoverned by the laws of nature. They’d lie on their bed and trace the whorls of the wood, gaze traveling the length of each board. Now, though, with their limited, living eyes, the ceiling was too high to see in any detail. They flicked their thumbnail against the pad of their fingers, one two three four four three two one.
Sometime in the intervening seven years, they had forgotten how confining it was to be alive. Or, they supposed, they had never realized until they had been free to skip around in time. Now they were stuck, here, in this moment, and they had to take of their binder after ten hours.
They were bored.
That was unfamiliar.
They picked up their phone, the new one they’d bought after they came back. It didn’t have many numbers in it.
Gansey and Blue were probably off doing something disgustingly sappy and hetero, so that was out. Noah didn’t, particularly want, in that moment, Ronan’s particular brand of rough affection. Noah knew they could talk to Ronan if they wanted, but they were after a different brand of comfort. Something softer. They didn’t actually know what they wanted. They couldn’t quite pinpoint toward what their brand new heart was pulling.
They called Henry.
Henry picked up. “Good evening, my resurrected friend! How are you? What are you calling yourself today?”
Noah shrugged, then remembered Henry couldn’t see it. “Noah is fine. Neutral though. What about you?”
“I am excellent. Having a masculine day, methinks. How are you?”
“I’m not sure. Bored, mostly, I think.”
“Well, we can’t have that! What are you thinking? Hooliganism? Arcane rituals? Pizza?”
A smile curled Noah’s lips before they could stop it. “I think I've had enough of arcane rituals for now, and I’m not really that hungry, so, hooliganism, I guess.” “We could watch a movie!”
“A movie sounds nice. I’m just stuck in my room right now, I guess. I don’t even know why. It’s not like I'm grounded.”
Henry’s voice was quiet. “Sometimes, you just get stuck.”
Warmth spread through Noah’s fingers. This was two novel sensations; being known, and being warm.
Henry hung up the phone. He had moved from Litchfield after graduation, and now he lived in a little apartment a few blocks away. He lived alone. He loved it, not least because he could have people over at any hour he liked.
It was a short drive to Monmouth. Ten minutes after hanging up, Henry knocked on the door to Noah’s room.
It opened. Noah stood, eye to eye with Henry, blond hair mussed, wearing a gigantic t shirt tucked into expensively destroyed jeans. There seemed to be glitter smudged across their cheekbone, on top of their old mark. Henry was seized by the unaccountable desire to touch their face. Noah’s eyes had been colorless and dark when they were dead, but now they were clear grey. They were slightly flushed.
Pulling himself awake, Henry produced a smile. “Hello! Shall we escape this hell of industrial vintage aesthetic?”
Eyes crinkling a little, Noah nodded, and followed Henry down to the weedy driveway.
As soon as the car door shut, Noah took possession of Henry’s phone, scrolling through his music. They couldn’t decide, so the two of them drove in silence. Henry kept stealing glances at Noah out of the corner of his eye. Their tousled hair, the long fair eyelashes that brushed the skin under their eye when they blinked.
Eyes on the road, Henry.
Noah wasn’t watching the movie. In theory, they wanted to. But much as they were interested in watching Kiera Knightly curse out whoeverthefuck played Mr. Darcy, their eyes kept escaping the screen, settling on the curve of Henry’s throat, the creases at the corners of his eyes when he laughed. Noah’s new heart squeezed in their chest when Henry turned to them, a smile still scrunching his nose, and asked “Say, are you going to hog all that glitter, or do you have any to spare?”
Grinning, Noah produced a vial of pink heart-shaped glitter from their pocket. “Are you sure you’re prepared for the power bestowed by this?”
Henry gasped. “I wouldn't want you to spend your best sparkles on me.” Reaching for Noah’s cheekbone, he braced his thumb on the turn of their jaw, and smeared some off onto his finger. “I’ll just borrow some of this.”
Noah’s lungs felt suddenly uncooperative. They felt color rising in their face, their ears heating. Shit. Feeling rather daring, Noah said, “You know, that’s not enough for someone as cute as you.” They unscrewed the jar’s lid and applied the flakes one by one over Henry’s nose and cheeks. They tried to ignore just how close they were to Henry.
Henry’s face was as red as Noah’s. He blinked, looking like a deer in headlights. A very pretty deer. At that thought, Noah spluttered and began to laugh. Henry’s brow creased, and then he joined in. They laughed so hard they couldn’t hear the movie, and tears sprang to Noah’s eyes.
When they were done laughing, Henry paused the movie. He pulled out his phone and a bluetooth speaker, and, as soon as the music began to play, he grabbed Noah by both hands and pulled them off the couch, and the two of them danced, swirling around the darkened room, laughing and tripping over furniture and their discarded shoes.
The song changed.
I love everybody because I love you/when you stood up, walked away barefoot/and the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape/I looked over it and I ached.
Suddenly, Henry was intensely aware of Noah’s smooth fingers pressed against the skin of his palm. Henry twirled them around and around, giggling when Noah tripped over their own feet, staggering until Henry pulled them upright.
All I need, darling/is a life in your shape/I picture it, soft, and I ache.
Noah’s face seemed very close, their light eyes bright with mirth, their lips parted in a helpless grin, hair falling over their eyes. They looked like they might speak.
Look at you, strawberry blond.
Before Noah could say anything, before he could second-guess himself, Henry said, very quietly, “I think I’d like to kiss you now, if you don’t mind.”
Noah blushed a brilliant pink, and then they leaned forward, very gently, and pressed their lips to Henry’s.
Henry felt like he was blooming. Petals, soft as Noah’s lips, unfurled inside his heart, stretching toward the sun. Cautious, he curled one hand over Noah’s jaw, where he had placed his thumb earlier. Noah’s fingers tangled with his by their side, their free hand resting softly against the bottom of Henry’s ribcage.
When they separated, foreheads touching, Noah said quietly, “I have wanted to do that since the day I met you.”
Henry’s breath caught, and it was a moment before he could say, “Me too.”
Noah pressed another kiss against the corner of Henry’s mouth, and Henry could feel them smiling against his skin.
“Wanna finish the movie?”
Henry nodded, and the two of them returned to the couch, this time with Noah’s head in Henry’s lap, Henry carding his fingers through Noah’s soft curls. Once, Noah grabbed his hand and Henry was afraid he had annoyed them, but they simply kissed his palm and stuck his hand back in their hair.
“You’re a flirt,” He accused.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
Henry made a mock-pensive face. “Given my options, I think that I will date you.”
Noah’s mouth popped open like a nutcracker. Then they turned pink (again) and grinned foolishly. Henry couldn’t help himself, he kissed them on the end of their nose, then on their lips, upside-down. Noah sat up and turned so Henry could kiss them properly.
So Henry did.
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