#gods they're just diabetic disasters
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Okay but that makes me think of a scenario where blake jokingly calls Yang her hubbie and yang calls her her wifey and it annoys the hell out of everyone everytime they do it
Good, Gods, this is amazing! Let's fricken go!
Ruby: Thanks again for inviting us over for dinner, Blake!
Weiss: Yes, thank you so much for the invitation.
Blake: (from the kitchen) You're welcome. It's the least we can do after you guys helped Yang and I get our stuff moved in.
Ruby: It was no problem! What're teammates and sisters for?! But, where is Yang?
Blake: (placing serving dishes filled with food on the table) She should be here soon, but I can give her a call. She had to make a quick run. (pulls out her scroll and dials Yang's number)
Yang: (answers her scroll on her headset as she's driving Bumblebee 2.0 home) Hey, babe! I'm on my way home now. I should be there in about five minutes.
Blake: (rolls her eyes with a smile before teasing with a shit-eating grin) Well, hurry up. We have company, and they're beginning to wonder where my wonderful hubby is.
Yang: (loosens her grip on the throttle momentarily before picking up speed) Maybe they're just wondering how long they'll get to have my beautiful, amazing, totally sexy wifey to themselves before I get home.
Blake: (blushes with a smirk) Oh, please. As if anyone could compare to you, my blazing fireball of love. They're just counting the seconds until you grace them with your presence.
Yang: (snickers) Save some compliments for when I get there, babe. I might need a little extra sweetness tonight.
Blake: (playfully) Sweetness? I thought you liked it when things got a little spicy.
Yang: (full blown flirting) Only in combat, my gorgeous goddess. When it comes to you, it's all about the sweetness mixed with the spice.
Blake: (twirling her hair around her finger) Well, I'll make sure to have a dessert that matches your taste—sweet and just a hint of mischief.
Yang: (laughing giddily) Deal! I'll see you in a few!
Blake: (stares at her scroll with a dumb smile on her face before turning back to the table) Uh...
Ruby & Weiss: (looks of pure disgust and diabetic illness spread across their faces)
Ruby: The dessert is right there, Blake!!! (points to the cherry pie on the table)
Blake: (blushes awkwardly) Ummmmm...
Weiss: Good, Gods! Control yourself, you bisexual biohazard! We're about to eat!
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mmtions · 2 years
re: your reply to schrödinger’s love confession: YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! THAT IS IT EXACTLY!!!! 2/3 of the fic are Eddie and the readers slowly descending into madness, and Linda finding the whole thing extremely entertaining. and yes, whether they were or weren't together the whole time is left unclear, because who cares right, at until the epilogue when their one year anniversary is coming up and eddie realises he can't be sure when it is.
btw, i told myself i wouldn't do this today that id wait a few days but then i got another idea halp me the buddie mania has taken me
however, with the texas madness I got another fun working theory I’m going to call: FOOD IS THE FOOD OF LOVE! (because taking Shakespearean quotes and using them for my evil headcanon purposes gives me great pleasure)
basically, now after Texas, the floodgates are really truly open and eddie needs to cook for the ones he loves. so, does he go a little overboard, perhaps. but does he get a little over ambitious, going around and spouting his new personal motto “hey, if you can read the recipe, you can make the recipe” , maybe. look, eddie is an intense guy and if he's going to do something, he's gonna go all in. plus, you know what, when it comes to cooking, a little confidence and some trial and error go a long way and soon, he can use a pressure-cooker and a oven thermometer with the best of them.
and then christopher discovers the chocolate guy videos.
and then buck’s birthday is coming up.
and look, eddie isn’t an idiot. he knows that he isn’t anywhere near the level of skill of the chocolate guy. but it gives him an idea. it inspires him, ok. because surely, he should be able to make a birthday cake for buck from scratch. you know, as a thank you for all the times buck’s been there for him in the past year. not as a declaration of love or anything. there’s totally not a lot riding on the success of this. 
and after all, he is a firefighter, he works in extreme conditions every day of the week. how difficult can it really be to make gooey salted caramel for the filling, anyway.
okay listen thATs tHe ThING i'm SENSITIVE ABOUT. did you see that post like eddie cooking for his sisters aged 12 and then never again. god. everytime i think i'm over like five minutes of eddie content from yesterday it turns out i'm absolutely not. the tamales!!!
anyway yes. i absolutely believe eddie is a rigid recipe follower and does not trust his instincts at all. which actually makes him a better baker than cook technically, though he's getting better at both. it's maybe time to admit he's a control freak when he suddenly has thirteen different ways of checking the temperature of his oven. (I was going to list out the different treats he makes each of the 118 - AND CARLA HE MAKES LOTS OF GOODIES FOR CARLA because she deserves it i stg s6 better bring some appreciation for carla - but i hate baking with a passion and i'm in the uk so even if i could name some baked treats i bet they'll all be called different things anyway).
anyway yes he tries to bake for buck but like it's his narrative so in his head they're disasters. and he keeps foisting them off on various people (christopher's class has diabetes now after the fourth attempt) because they're terrible and not good enough. and literally everyone responds to him like "um eddie these were delicious what are u talking about" and he's like no not good enough. eddie control freak my beloved.
anyway eddie is still trying to perfect the recipe when Buck literally just finds some leftovers in the fridge and scarfs them down with absolutely no discrimination. and he's says they're delicious, with caramel stuck to his bottom lip, and eddie just has to kiss him - mostly because buck looks delicious, but also partly out of relief that he doesn't have to bake that recipe anymore.
(later eddie claims he successfully courted buck - buck privately thinks courting should involve a bit more than launching oneself around the kitchen table for a searing kiss, but he's not complaining)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
For Yang’s birthday…
Tiger yang and panther blake first kiss?
Nose kisses or Licks? How did they finally get together?
Hey! I apologize for the late response. I'm sure it's already past Yang's birthday for some folks. I had to drive across state for work today. Let's see... How would they have had their first kitty kiss? .....GOT IT!!! Let's go!
Tiger!Yang: (peers at the walkway above the 12 foot wall separating her from the rest of the zoo. She takes a few steps back before bounding forward, jumping and running up the wall onto the walkway. She prowls through the decorative foliage towards the aquatic cove)
Blake: Yang, have you seen...Yang?
Yang: (locking the keeper door to the rainforest exhibit) Have I seen myself?
Blake: The tiger you.
Yang: No, I can't say I have. I thought she was just being quiet. Doing that big cat thing where they chill somewhere they can't be seen.
-Loud Alarm Sounds From Their Radios-
Jaune: Code Black! Code Black! We've got a loose predator in the aqua-aaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Yang: Thaaaaaaat didn't sound good....
Blake & Yang: (rush up to the walkway just in time to see a soaked T!Y dropping into P!B's enclosure)
Blake: Yang! You get back up here right now! You know you're not supposed...to....
Tiger!Yang: (sopping wet and carrying a 1.5 meter, 130 lb salmon in her jaws proudly as she trots up to P!B)
Yang: (whistles and shouts into the enclosure) Why don't you just propose to her at this rate?!
Blake: What?
Yang: Your cat's trying to woo my cat. (whispers) But between you and me, my cat's been crushing on yours for weeks now.
Blake: Oh! So, basically, this is gonna be good.
Yang: Oh, yeah! (breaks out camera)
Panther!Blake: (tilts head in confusion)
Tiger!Yang: (sits awkwardly, ears twitching, and gently sets the salmon in front of P!B; nuzzling the fish closer nervously)
Panther!Blake: (stares at salmon in surprise)
Tiger!Yang: (grumbles awkwardly)
Panther!Blake: (stands up and reaches up to T!Y's face)
Tiger!Yang: (leans back in feline disaster lesbian panic)
Panther!Blake: (presses their noses together)
Tiger!Yang: (tail does the cartoon thing where it corkscrews and springs out like a spring, snapping ramrod straight - fur puffs up)
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Yang: Awwwwww! They're kissin'! (snaps pictures)
Panther!Blake: (pulls away and looks away bashfully)
Tiger!Yang: (licks P!B's cheek tentatively)
Blake: Oh, my God! This is giving me diabetes!
Panther!Blake and Tiger!Yang share the salmon in a "first date" not set up by their keepers. Full Lady and the Tramp style. Just minus the spaghetti scene.
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