#goddess blackpink rose
luxora · 1 year
Blackpink -> {Goddess AU} -> Meeting their demigod child
Requested: No
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff.
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There was hardly anything that could instill fear in a god since they are the most powerful beings in the world, or rather, through all the combined worlds and universes. They were capable of taking out mortal civilizations with nothing more than a flick of the finger or a gust of air, mortals unable to fight against them simply because of their lack of power in comparison to the gods.
Jisoo was a goddess worth being feared of, mostly due to her disdain for mortals. While she was known as being a very reclusive goddess, her power was not to be underestimated, especially when she believed that you have committed a wrongful act in her realm. She was responsible for everything connected to nature; therefore, she perceived anything that tended to try destroy it being an enemy; human mortals being the primary enemy in her realm.
And yet despite her obvious disdain for humans, she fell in love with one, and to make matters worse (or better), she had conceived a child with them.
Jisoo was at a loss of what to do. While she has obviously seen offspring being produced between two mates, human and nonhuman, Jisoo never perceived herself as being one of the gods or goddess that decidedly fall in love with a mortal due to the obvious difference in power. In all, honestly, it never was supposed to happen and yet it did, and Jisoo had to endure nine months of pregnancy until you finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
A demigod baby girl, to be more exact.
Jisoo didn’t quite know what to do, she was hardly the motherly types, especially since her reputation precedes her as a cold goddess with a hatred for humans. And yet here she sat on a bed, you in it as you cradled the newborn babe in your arms, a tired smile on your face as you gently hummed a tune which was foreign to Jisoo but familiar to you. Jisoo just watched in silence, her dark eyes fixed on the blanketed figure on your arms until your finally raised your head to look at her.
“Do you want to hold her?” You asked, stunning Jisoo with the question.
“Oh...I...I couldn’t.” She refused, shaking her head as she glanced back down at the sleeping babe in your arms. But you were not accepting her answer.
“Come sit next to me.” You said, shuffling in the bed to provide a sitting space for her next to you. Jisoo obeyed immediately, slowly moving from her seat on the foot of the bed to sit next to you, her back pressed against the headboard. You then began to move the babe towards her, and embarrassingly, Jisoo panicked.
“Y/N, it is not a good idea!’
“Jisoo, she is your daughter. Hold her. She isn’t going to bite.”
The goddess floundered at the statement, it not quite sinking in that she was a mother, especially to a demigod child. She recalled once in the past that she stated to all of her siblings and fellow gods and goddesses that she never intends to become romantically involved with a mortal, much less have a child with one. But it seemed that she went back on her word as she found herself nervously cradling a baby, its head pressed against her chest as it continued to slumber.
Jisoo couldn’t help but stare down at the babe in memorization. Despite it being born a few hours ago, she could already see features that belonged to both herself and you. The babe had her black hair, dark as a Winter’s night during the full moon, as well as her perfectly angular nose, while from your side, the babe had your adorable cheeks, slightly red and plump, almost charming her to give them a soft squeeze. The babe was so tiny in her arms, and yet was not light. Jisoo felt her arm sinking at it supported the babe’s weight, its head nested in her elbow.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” You cooed, resting your head on Jisoo’s shoulder as you smiled down at the babe in Jisoo’s arms. The goddess couldn’t help but nod in agreement.
“She the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Jisoo confessed, gingerly moving her other arm to slowly trail a finger tip along that adorable cheek that was calling for her to pinch it. She instead gently poked it, reveling in its supple skin. She felt you press a kiss to her cheek.
“She’s our daughter Jisoo.” You breathed, returning your head to its previous position on her shoulder. Jisoo nodded again.
Jisoo was a mother, a mother and partner to a pair of humans. It was you who truly desired a child from Jisoo, and despite her previous misconceptions regarding mortals and their continuous need of expanding their numbers, she gave in to your desire and now she had a daughter in her hands. A daughter which was the mixed creation of a goddess and a human. Despite the newness of the whole situation, a span of warmth filled Jisoo until she could feel nothing else but the one emotion that entered the realm of her younger sister.
“I love her.” Jisoo confessed, which in turn made you smile as she gently brought your hand to your daughter’s head, gently stroking its black locks as it continued to sleep.
“I love her too. Thank you for giving her to me.”
“No.” Jisoo suddenly said, turning around to look at your confused eyes, shaking her head gently before leaning in to press a kiss to your lips, whispering against them as she uttered the words ingrained in her heart. “Thank you for asking for her.”
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Jennie was quite used to figuring out the unusual and discovering the solutions to all problems, hence her title as the goddess of wisdom; therefore, nerves was not a concept she had a firm grasp on. But it was all that Jennie could feel as she appeared in the middle of her temple, like all the times she had before, only this time there was more than just you that she was meeting. There was no one to greet her as she arrived, but she heard movements at the front of the temple, so she slowly walked down the steps and head in the direction of the temple entrance, the movements becoming more prominent until she finally heard the tinkling laugh of a young girl.
Suddenly her heart was in her throat.
Jennie slowly stepped out from the shadows of her temple to see a beautiful girl with chocolate brown locks dancing about on the pathway that led to her temple, small arms reaching above her head as she attempted to catch the fireflies that were flying about in the night sky. Jennie couldn’t help but become transfixed at the sight of the girl, a familiar gummy smile on her face as she giggled at the glowing bugs as she continued to try catch them but to no avail. However, despite the lack of success, she continued to try catch one, a slightly determined glint in her eye as she continued running about which was also very familiar to the goddess.
Movement from the side caught Jennie’s attention, causing her to turn and lock eyes with the very same eyes that were reflected on the little girl’s face, the crooked smile that sent her heart asunder flashed in her direction as its owner stepped towards Jennie, hand reached out to the little girl.
“Ana love, our guest has arrived.”
The little girl immediately turned to you before looking at Jennie, a stunned look on her face as she took  in Jennie’s ethereal beauty before flashing her a gummy smile, hurrying over to Jennie before you could say or do anything to stop her. Jennie couldn’t help but immediately kneel down at the girl’s small height, a soft smile on her face as she allowed the girl to invade her space.
“Mama?” She asked, eyes filled with wonderment as she continued to stare at Jennie with memorization.
The very sound of the title sent Jennie’s chest into a flourish of butterflies, filling her up with so much warmth. Jennie nodded and flashed her signature gummy smile at the little girl before holding out her hand to her, the girl’s small hand immediately placing itself in Jennie’s larger one, allowing the goddess to enclose her hand with her own.
“Yes little one, it’s so lovely to finally meet you.”
An adorable squeal left Ana’s lips before she all but dived into Jennie, wrapping her arms around her neck as she squeezed her tightly, Jennie’s arms immediately wrapping around her waist in a tight hug, her own nose nuzzled into Ana’s neck as she rebelled in the first hug given to her by her very own daughter.
“Mama...mama...” Ana continued to whisper, nuzzling her own nose into Jennie’s hair, inhaling her natural scent of roses and vanilla.
Footsteps caught Jennie’s attention once again, prompting her to lift her head away from Ana’s neck to look at you walking closer to them, your signature smile on your face as you took in the sight of the two of them finally meeting one another. Jennie stood up from her kneeling position with Ana in tow, her arms still tightly wrapped around the little girl while she wrapped her legs around Jennie’s abdomen so that she would not fall. Jennie smiled softly as you once you eventually reached them.
“You came.” You smiled back.
“Of course, Ana has been wanting to meet you for so long.”
Guilt flashed through Jennie as she glanced at the back of Ana’s head before looking back at you, her grip on Ana tightening ever so slightly.
“I would have come sooner if-”
“Jennie, it’s okay. I understand.”
“But I-”
“You gave me your blessing remember? No harm will come to us when I know you are watching over us. I know it isn’t easy, but we will make it work.”
“I...She...is not going to have an easy life Y/N. A demigod...there are so many dangers that are posed on her.”
“Well, its a good thing that you’re her mother, because she will certainly know how to protect herself since she is a lot more like you than me.”
Jennie chuckled at your words and shook her head, stepping towards you and leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to your lips, pulling away from a few seconds for leaning in for a more fiery one, one hand removing itself from Ana to cradle the side of your neck, keeping you in place as she took her fill of you after being separated for a long while.
“I dare to disagree. I see you in her.”
“Looks and personality are two different things, my goddess.”
Your name for her sent another flurry of butterflies within Jennie, causing her to pull you in for another kiss before leaning away to press her forehead against yours.
“Not to me. You both are perfect.”
“Mama?” Ana’s voice called out, prompting Jennie to pull away from you to give her daughter her undivided attention, smiling serenely at her as she pulled back from her spot at her hair to look at the goddess with wide eyes.
“Yes little one?”
“Are you going to stay with us?”
Jennie glanced over at you before locking eyes with her daughter, a soft smile in place as she nodded and leaned in to press a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead.
“I will for a little while, my love. I promise.”
The both of you flashed her large smiles as her words, clearly both ecstatic at the prospect of her staying with the two of you, and quite honestly, Jennie was ecstatic at the idea too. She has missed you a lot, and she has missed the first few years of her daughter, she wanted to make up for it and she intended to do so.
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Chaeyoung did not flinch as you continued to squeeze her hand in a death grip, she instead cooed and gently dabbed at your sweaty forehead as you panted heavily, your swollen belly being the primary focus of everyone in the room, mainly of Chaeyoung’s brother as he continued to hum charms under his breath to try ease your pan levels.
“You are doing so well my love, so well.” She cooed, pressing a kiss to your temple as you continued with your labored breaths.
Another wave of pain washed over you and your already impossibly tight grip tightened even more but Chaeyoung showed no sign of any pain as she continued to allow you to use her to ground yourself in the situation. You whimpered from the pain and turned to look at Chaeyoung, sheer pain and fear in your eyes.
“Chaeyoung, I don’t know if I can do this.” Chaeyoung immediately shook her head and gave your hand a comforting squeeze.
“Don’t say that my love, you can.”
“But I-”
“You can do this my love, I know that you can. Just keep breathing.” Chaeyoung leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips before whipping her head around to look at her brother, flashing him a glare. “What is taking so long?”
“I am trying Chae, but things like this can’t be rushed.”
“She is in pain, do something about it!”
“What do you think I have been doing?!”
Both gods glared at one another, Chaeyoung glaring with protective rage in her eyes while her brother glared at her with frustration and exhaustion. Chaeyoung growled and looked back to stare at you, her eyes softened for a moment until you let out another whimper of pain, prompting her to turn back to her brother with a harsher glare than before.
“Will you make this easier for her already?!”
“Childbirth isn’t something which is supposed to be easy Chaeyoung, especially not when it involves your child.”
Chaeyoung gritted her teeth before turning back to you, placing the damp rag down to instead cradle your cheek, tenderly stroking your cheekbone with her thumb as you continued to groan and whimper in pain.
“It will all be worth it in the end my love, just a little bit longer.”
Despite the obvious pain you were in, you simply nodded at the Goddess of Love and Chaeyoung responded with a tender kiss to your lips, trying her best to take your mind off the obvious pain you were experiencing. She wishes that she could take your place to elevate your pain, but she was unfortunately not in the position to do so, and so she had no choice but to remain by your side during your labor as your body prepped itself to give birth to her and your first child.
While she knows that her brother is the God of Medicine and Healing, she fully wanted to throttle him because she felt that he was not doing his job, especially since you were still in pain despite the many charms he was uttering for you. Chaeyoung saw no reason of why you had to suffer so much, but according to her brother, it was impossible for a human not to experience pain during childbirth because it was literally their body which was going through painful changes to accommodate the newborn babe.
It was a fact that Chaeyoung had to accept, but that didn’t mean she liked it. In fact, she hated it, but she could only hold your hand and continue to spout tender words to you as your body was eventually ready to push, her brother talking you through the entire process while Chaeyoung remained by your side, waiting anxiously for the infamous cry of your and her child.
/ - /
Chaeyoung couldn’t take her eyes off him, her arms cradling him in a protective hold as his makeshift blanket ruffled against her arms as he moved his arms about, clearly adjusting himself to the new world he has been born into. Despite the heated glares and shouts they had shared, Chaeyoung’s brother gave her a smile as she handed off her newborn son.
“Congratulations sis, its a boy.”
Chaeyoung didn’t acknowledge his words as she continued to stare down at the beautiful sight in her arms. While Chaeyoung was the very representation and essence of beauty in this world and all its many other realms, she couldn’t help but bow in submission to the little babe in her arms. Despite his eyes still being tightly closed shut, she couldn’t help but feel she was staring into the eyes of the very universe, before even the creation of the gods that held the answers to everything from the beginning.
“Chaeyoung?” Your voice called out, tired and fatigued but also happy, prompting Chaeyoung to turn around and face you as you continued to lay in bed.
You looked exhausted and pale, most definitely due to the intensive hours of labor you were forced to endure, but you had a glow around you which made you look ethereal to Chaeyoung. The Goddess of love suddenly smiled at you, stepping forward and taking a seat beside you before looking down at the newborn babe in her arms.
“We have a son love.” She whispered, still mesmerized by the fact that she was holding her son in her arms. You hummed and reached out to trace a finger along his forehead, a tired smile on your face.
“Yes...a son.” You repeated, turning to glance at Chaeyoung only for her not to pay too much mind to it because her focus was entirely fixed on the babe. You chuckled. “Am I allowed to hold him?”
“Huh? Oh...Oh! Yes, of course my love!”
Chaeyoung couldn’t help but flush in embarrassment at being caught completely unaware of her selfish actions despite it being you who had delivered your and her son in the first place. Chaeyoung heard her brother snicker at her expense but decided to ignore it as she slowly shifted her son into your arms, wrapping her arm around your shoulder and she pressed herself against your side, not wanting to be separated from you or her son for even a moment. She pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Well done, my love.” She cooed, which prompted a giggle out of you.
“I wouldn’t have gotten through it without you.” Chaeyoung pressed another kiss to your temple.
“I’m just glad you are okay now. I hate seeing you in pain.”
“After seeing this treasure...it was worth it.”
Both you and Chaeyoung smiled down at your son, mesmerized at the very sight of him and allowing each other to revel in each other’s presence with the promise that you and the babe are safe from any possible dangers. Chaeyoung’s brother murmured his departure to the two of them, but Chaeyoung stopped him with a look.
“Thank you.” She uttered, which he answered back with a smile.
“It was a pleasure sis. I am honored to be the first one to meet my nephew.”
And then he vanished, leaving Chaeyoung and her small family behind in your bedroom, enveloped in a haze of warmth and happiness.
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Gods and goddesses are renowned for their reputations of being bad parents, courtesy of their inability of being there fore their children when they needed it the most. Being the Goddess of War, almost nothing terrified Lisa, and yet it came to meeting you to figure out she did have a fear after all and that was to be a terrible parent like her parents were to her.
At the beginning, she never wanted a child, especially not with you because then it would put you at risk. Demigod children were notoriously known for being difficult births and after everything you have lived through, she did not want you life line to be cut all because you wanted a child with Lisa. But like the warships in a war, you eventually wore down her walls and she gave in, but now a whole new level of fear was created because she wondered about her possible future with you and her child.
It is almost embarrassing with how much time she spent with her older sister Jennie to try prepare herself for parenthood, especially since her sister had recently become a parent herself. But unlike Jennie, Lisa never really was the favorite because of her more...rebellious nature, but it did not phase Jennie much as she was more than happy to impart her words of wisdom to her younger sister, her partner even informing Lisa of how to care for you before and after the birth of the child.
When the due date already came, Lisa was scared to her wits end. She could face the battle of war, the corpses that were the results of the bloody battle, but nothing could ever prepare her for the fear she felt when she watched you scream in pain as you gave birth to the child. It almost didn’t seem worth it, no pain could be worth anything, especially not when Lisa could not do much about it. She eventually got so panicked and terrified that you all but ordered her out the room, unable to focus on the process when she was pulling daggers to the healers throats as they tried to help her during the birth.
It was almost as if Jennie sensed her panic because while Lisa was pacing outside of the healer tent, Jennie appeared beside her and grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to look at her.
“You need to breathe.”
“But Y/N is-”
“Lisa. Breathe.”
Despite her desire to shove her sister away from her, she instead obeyed and matched the slow, heavy breathing pace that her sister was instigating to try calm her raging heart, eventually getting it under control. Jennie remained by her side for a small while until the sound of a baby crying caught both of their attention, Lisa’s head snapping in the direction of the tent. Jennie smiled and nudged Lisa in the back.
Lisa did not need to be told twice. The goddess all but sprinted to the healers camp and pushed herself inside, eyes immediately going to your bed with your body laying in it. You were holding a small bundle in your arms and had the most serene smile on your face as you softly cooed at the bundle and slowly rocked your arms. A lump formed in Lisa’s throat and she didn’t even realize she was walking towards you until she was finally at the foot of your bed, your head raising to lock your eyes with hers. You smiled at her.
“Come meet your son Lisa.”
Her son.
Lisa’s lips parted at the information, her eyes widening before she slowly made her way to stand by her side and peer down at the very carbon copy of you. Even though it was a newborn babe, Lisa couldn’t already tell it had your nose and mouth shape, your adorable plump cheeks staring up at her, as well as your signature dark locks. You beamed up at Lisa before removing one arm from under the babe to pat the space next to you.
“Sit with me.”
Lisa hesitated for a moment before obeying, taking a seat next to you with her eyes still transfixed on the babe in your arms. And then you were suddenly handing it to her.
“Wha- Y/N!!”
“It’s a baby Lisa, not a bomb.”
Lisa suddenly became panicked at the idea of holding the babe, it hardly being something she was used to holding, but then she found herself cradling her son, him being surprisingly heavy despite being so small. Lisa just stared wide-eyed at the babe, glancing between you and him before trembling from the weight of him in her arms. You huffed a taught and then moved a pillow under arms to help give her and him some support.
“That better?”
Lisa shifted on the bed so that she was now laying more comfortably beside you with her back pressed against the headboard and her legs laid out in front of her. She kept a firm hold on the babe, warily eyeing him before looking at you, an uncharacteristic nervous look on her face.
“Are...are you okay?” You smiled at her.
“Of course Lisa, I’m still here.”
“Yes but...you...he...” Lisa was unsure on what to say, a mixture of emotions boiling up within her, but then panic set in when the babe began to wiggle and cry in her arms, making the goddess want to bolt from the bed but she was rooted on the spot due to your hand placed on her arm.
“He is okay Lisa. Just rock him a little bit. Yes, just like that.”
Lisa felt so awkward doing such subtle movements in an attempt to appease her crying son, to the extent that the healers in the tent chuckled at the sight of the Goddess of War becoming terrified at the aspect of a crying child. But they immediately paled when Lisa flashed them a fiery glare.
“I don’t know how to do this Y/N.” She eventually confessed, her glares forcing the healers to flee from the tent. She expected anger or annoyance, but instead you smiled and leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek.
“It’s okay. You’ll learn, just like me. We’ll learn together.”
Lisa fixed you with a disbelieving look but then snapped her head at her son as she realized that he was questioning down, her awkward rocks being enough to seduce him back to sleep. Lisa stared wide eyed at her achievement and felt you kiss her cheek again.
“See? Fast learner.”
And Lisa couldn’t help but smile her first smile ever since you got pregnant, nodding before resettling herself on the bed, being sure to support her son properly as he continued to sleep in her arms.
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elficsartle · 11 months
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sashayed · 4 months
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CRIMINAL INTENT // more heist jams (SPOTIFY)
♠♥♣♦ 1. also sprach zarathustra / shawn lee's ping pong orchestra 2. big booty ft. megan thee stallion / gucci mane 3. bubblin / anderson .paak 4. next big thing / west rose 5. iconic ft. rapsody / femme it forward 6. sway with me ft. galxara / saweetie 7. nitty gritty / skeewiff 8. come live with me / dorothy ashby 9. tapwe / boogey the beat, young spirit, drezus & pj vegas 10. crash course ft. biig piig / blu detiger 11. first i look at the purse / the contours 12. broke ft. thomas rhett / teddy swims 13. pink venom / blackpink 14. spooky / dusty springfield 15. goddess / pvris 16. monaco / bad bunny 17. paint the town red / doja cat 18. we are going to rob it / daniel pemberton 19. big girls / masego 20. testify / davie 21. kelen ati leen / orchestra baobab 22. more life ft. tinie tempah & l devine / torren foot 23. mojo / claire laffut 24. girls / the dare 25. welcome to jamrock / damian marley 26. obxessed / fire choir 27. it's a man's, man's, man's world ft. brittany spencer / jason isbell & the 400 unit 28. ratata / skrillex, missy elliott, mr. oizo 29. hit & run / ralph dollimore 30. e-pro (capelion v2 remix) / beck ♠♥♣♦
vol 1 | vol 2 | vol 3 | vol 4 | all (cover: tura satana in "faster pussycat kill kill"/paper textures from unsplash/font)
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smuttysabina · 1 year
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(Jennie x Male Reader 1300 words) Forceful sex, 69ing, doggy style, creampie eating, some derogatory language
To experience Jennie's love life, is to experience an endless expanse of banal disappointment. Her lovers far too often prove to be insufficient to fulfill her needs, even when she takes them in pairs, by the dozen, even in their hundreds. They are never enough to satisfy the ceaseless burning of lust within Jennie. Her curse is hardly unique amongst idols, but it manifests itself most strongly in the girls of Blackpink. Lisa manages it by giving in fully to her depraved desires, there is no limit that she is unwilling to gleefully break to achieve orgasm; though she has grown canny in her treatment of her sex pets, the longer they last the better they get. Jisoo hides her frustrations behind a cracking façade of mindless kindness, treating her lovers with such attention that they become addicted to her soothing, forgiving touches... All lies, internally she is screaming just as much as the others when her lovers falter and fail all too early once more. Rose though, no longer even bothers hiding her fury at her slaves uselessness, snarling as she abuses them with an alarming sadism that they learn to adore. And Jennie, is simply distant. She moves through her sex with annoyed indifference, unable to comprehend her fans' eternal inability to please her. Why are they unable to continue after orgasming several times? The limitations of mortal flesh are simply baffling to Jennie.
Which is not to say Jennie does not achieve orgasm, she does, many times a night as she works her way through her nightly line of fans, eager to get destroyed. But every climax only builds up the last, instead of satiating her they only cause her lust to grow to ever greater heights. Until at the end Jennie is left surrounded by exhausted bodies, while hers still shrieks with unquenched desire. So Jennie has grown cold, tainting her interactions with fans with a sickly undercurrent of disgust; none of them will ever truly satisfy her. It does no stop her from trying though, her sexual addiction remains undiminished even in the face of continuous disappointment; driving her to continue fucking even if she knows it will never be sated. But this story is not about Jennie encountering her magical, fated lover, the one who can fulfill her every need. Unless you can fuck her for a month straight then its unlikely you would fit the requirements. No, this story is about you getting fucked senseless by a sex goddess, who has really tipped past the point where she even bothers to care about your wellbeing. May God have mercy upon your cock, because Jennie certainly won't.
And Jennie absolutely isn't, slamming her petite ass back against your crotch with mechanical fervor, her pussy gripping you tightly as it drags along your shaft. Her divine cunt has already devoured countless cocks this night, at times even getting stuffed by two or more; yet you would not know if from the strength at which it clenches around your manhood. The perfect combination of lubrication, speed, texture and tightness, already has you shuddering in ecstasy, on the verge of a supreme eruption. Your groans grow ever louder as you try to hold on, but Jennie is relentless, uncaring of such petty concerns like your growing orgasm. She is too busy trying to enjoy herself. With a tormented groan your balls empty themselves, spewing vast quantities of semen into Jennie's merciless cunt. Who continues fucking you, even as your cock quivers with sensation overload from being pleasured so soon after release. Jennie only pauses in her efforts when she notices your cock soften enough to plop out of her as she pulls back. A thin trickle of seed escapes from her pussy as she looks back at you, irritated that you would falter so soon. Get it back up. Now.
Of course, you knew what you were getting into when you joined the others inside of Jennie's room; you all did. Every Blink knows of their idols' voracious desires; and are often all too willing to sacrifice themselves for even an hour of pure bliss that comes from mating with the divine. So when Jennie descended upon you to defile your cock after destroying an entire room full of men, you were ready. Well at least you thought you were, until you had a sex goddess furiously glaring at you, demanding that you get hard for her again.
Stammering, you beg Jennie to use her mouth to get help revive you already battered manhood. She pauses for a moment, before nodding, and with one hand she shoves you onto your back; twisting her body so that the only thing you see is her ass plummeting towards your face. Jennie adroitly parks her creampied pussy atop your mouth, trusting that you would figure out what she wanted you to do. Lisa or Rose would revel in this, thoroughly enjoying the delicious punishment of making you lick you own seed out of their cunts. But Jennie simply doesn't care, you are going to pleasure her pussy, while she sucks you off, such depraved ideas are alien to her. So you are treated to the wonderful taste of an idol's soaking pussy, hot, wet, salty, with a tang of piss and semen. Meanwhile your dick is in rapture, as Jennie's warm tongue skillfully coaxes it back to its full length. She doesn't stop sucking you though, continuing to bob her head atop your cock, her lips sealing tight against your shaft as she suckles on it. Her gag reflex in nonexistent taking your entire length from tip to base without a sound of complaint. It is obvious Jennie is enjoying it however, as her pussy begins to drip and spasm against your mouth, as she grinds against you as if you were a pillow. Lost in heady pleasure, your climax hits you suddenly, and you moan into Jennie's pussy as your seed is sucked out of your trembling balls.
Your relief is short-lived however, as Jennie clambers off of your now filthy face, shifting back to position herself about your cock. Looking up at Jennie's callous face, you realize that not a single drop of your cum escaped her mouth. Breathless, you force out an apology, for not lasting long enough to cum inside of her pussy once more. A bemused smile crosses Jennie's lips, she truly does not care where you spill your seed, starting to slowly stroke your cock into usability once more. She is not sickeningly obsessed with semen, like that perverse matriarch Jihyo is; who is so obsessed with the primal act of reproduction she has become addicted to breeding. Nor does she yearn for all those other mushy aspects of sex; she is hardly desperate for grotesque adoration like that needy bitch-princess Yuna. No, you are all just meat to Jennie; how often, or where, you choose to waste your cum is immaterial to her, so long as it doesn't inhibit your lovemaking abilities. Her audible introspection ends however as she notices you stiff in her hand once more, and she smoothly mounts you. The barest hint of teasing indulgence shows as she reassures you that your next loads will not be "wasted" anywhere but inside of her pussy. You've already given Jennie your best, now all that's left is for her to wring out what further pleasure she can from your body. Do try to last, she does so hate to be disappointed...
An exhausted haze fills your mind as you float upon the edges of unconsciousness, your crotch a void of soreness and pain. Jennie looks down at you musing, why must you all be so weak? She sighs, groping for something out of vision before bringing a phone to her ears.
"Bring in the next hundred, this batch proved to be mostly... mediocre." Jennie idly pats you on the chest, "You were... less disappointing than most, enjoy your recovery fuck-meat." She then stalks off, already focused upon the next roomful of fans she will be fucking her way through.
It is curse, to be a sex goddess
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asianhaven4u · 13 days
KPOP FAVourite👸
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jentledaisies · 1 year
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
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→ ❝in which i introduce the daughters of aphrodite, the goddesses of love❞
disclaimer: This is not in any way shape or form a representation of Jisoo, Jennie, Rosè, Lisa, or Blackpink as a whole. All reactions, actions, thoughts, words, and general emotions are fiction and created by me. The behavior shown in these reactions is toxic and unhealthy, but fantasized in a romantic way for simply that, fantasy. None of this should be taken seriously or sought after in real life, or performed. please do not romanticize this behavior/mindset in real life as it is unhealthy and toxic, and if you or anyone you know is in such an environment, should be taken out of immediately. Again, this blog is purely fiction, and all acts taken place in this blog should remain so.
↳ None of my characters, yandere or otherwise, will ever nor would ever perform, act, or consider sexual activities of any sort without consent. full stop. Any and all sexual acts are done with the full consent of all parties taking place. i will never, ever, ever write otherwise or even consider writing otherwise.
The four Daughters of Aphrodite, born from the goddess's tears and desperation for her own mortal lover. Tears of ichor mixed with falling stardust to create the four sisters, created to walk amongst the mortals and gods, carrying the power of such devastating love that it could bring even the gods to their knees.
Four daughters, seeing over their realm, growing bored of only ever allowing others to love, never themselves, at least, never for long. Their own soulmate, crafted with a thread from the moon's core, linking them to their lover.
Given their born power and personification of love, the girls were always kept hidden and restricted from finding their lover, a mortal reflecting the humanity of the mortal their mother wept over, giving birth to them. But Zeus could only hold on for so long, for denying the love goddess's love, would never turn out well. It was like denying the sons of death their sweet sins, eventually, Tarturas would be raised and Zeus would cry his ichor.
Therefore Zeus allowed the fates to break the chains of destiny he had wrapped around their hearts, allowing them to find their true love, even if that true love didn't know it.
None could stand in the goddess's way, for they could rival Thanatos himself if anyone stood in the way of love.
Kim Jisoo
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⤜♡→ Kim Jisoo ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Possesive Love and Longing ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Bunnies ⤜♡→ Has claimed her territory deep in the forest, where the fae and fauna live and the sun shines onto the nymphs in the streams ⤜♡→ Enjoys strolling through Seoul in her day-to-day life, going to cafes, sitting in bookstores, and collecting rare but gorgeous antiques. Doesn't have a passive way to make money like her sisters as she resembles her core power ⤜♡→ Has her doorway to her realm hidden in an apartment above a flower shop ⤜♡→ Personally grows a large field of flowers and trees, simply from the ethereal magic that exudes off of her ⤜♡→ Jisoo's core element is earth, given that Aphrodite laid her, the oldest, to lay in a cradle of roses and gold when she was born
Kim Jennie
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⤜♡→ Kim Jennie ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Pleasure and Sensuality ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Moon Jellyfish ⤜♡→ Claimed her territory in the deep, dark. sea where the jellyfish swim in glowing groups, the sharks hide in the long seaweed, and the sun shines like stars through the waves ⤜♡→ Goes to Seoul to spend time shopping and eating with her friends, some of who are even big names in the fashion community ⤜♡→ The doorway to her true home under the waves is hidden through the door to a luxury apartment ⤜♡→ Has even modeled in her free time, just for fun. But also likes to spend her time exploring the oceans between gigs. ⤜♡→ Water is her core element as when she was born, Aphrodite created her within the sea foam and shells that resembled her own birth
Park Chaeyoung|Rosé
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⤜♡→ Park Chaeyoung|Rosé ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Desire and Seduction ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Hummingbirds ⤜♡→ Claimed her territory in the bright, fluffy clouds high in the sky. The birds fly near, the sun always shines and when a rainbow arcs, she can almost touch it ⤜♡→ When she's in Seoul she actually runs her coffee shop. All her friends come through there and it's a genuine business with friendly staff and clientele ⤜♡→ Other than that she allows herself to fly through the sky every now and then. She enjoys having the aurae breeze through with the breezes of the Anemoi ⤜♡→ The doorway to her home is hidden in the apartment above the café she owns, much like her sister Jisoo ⤜♡→ Her core element is Air given that Aphrodite crafted her cradle with the early dawn clouds when the light has only just first hit it and the early morning fog that drifted up to Olympus
Lalisa Manobal|Lisa
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⤜♡→ Lalisa Manobal|Lisa ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Obsession and Sweet Love ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Wolves ⤜♡→ Claimed her territory within a boiling volcano, filled with molten lava and volcanic ash flowers. Her home is built of flame and ash and smells of burning amber ⤜♡→ When in Seoul she enjoys taking dance classes with her friends. Much like her core element she's always going and active so she owns her own studio as well as trains idol trainees ⤜♡→ As well as that she enjoys experimenting with her element, given that she's restricted from testing her powers. But when she does test her powers she's usually with Chaeyoung and walking around Seoul ⤜♡→ The doorway to her fiery home is hidden within a luxury penthouse, coincidentally next to her sister's as they enjoy going to each other's home
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rsieqwrpivate1 · 28 days
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Stage Name: Rosé (로제)
Birth Name: Roseanne Park
Korean Name: Park Chaeyoung (박채영)
Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, “Pasta”
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthday: February 11, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Height: 168.7 cm (5’6”)
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Representative Animal: Squirrel 🐿️
Instagram: roses_are_rosie
Weibo: roses_are_rosie
TikTok: roses_are_rosie
Youtube: ROSÉ
Spotify: ROSÉ’s Playlist
Rosé Facts:
– She is Korean, but she was born in Auckland, New Zealand and raised in Melbourne, Box Hill (Australia), where she attended Canterbury Girls Secondary College.
– She has an older sister, named Alice.
– She moved to Korea back in 2012. (according to Rose during Weekly Idol)
– Rosé has adopted a dog Hank: @hank_says_hank.
– Rosé was the last member to be revealed.
– Rosé placed first in YG auditions in Australia.
– She can speak Korean, English, Japanese.
– Her Chinese zodiac sign is Ox.
– She trained for 4 years 2 months (2012 May).
– Rosé is known as “Blackpink’s Goddess”. (Vlive Start Road from Jennie ep 2-3)
– Pre-debut, Rosé used to be a cheerleader in Australia.
– She’s known for her unique voice and slim waist (24 inches (60,96cm) wide).
– She can play the piano and the guitar.
– Rosé is left-handed (according to Jisoo during Channel+ Vapp)
– She really likes Kimchi stew.
– Rosé doesn’t like jokbal.
– Her ‘My Sweet Home’ Merch character is a cat, named ROSIE.
– Her shoe size is 240mm.
– Rosé’s favorite number is 5.
– Rosé loves mangoes.
– Her hobbies are playing guitar, drawing, and riding the bicycle.
– Rosé prefers to be called by her real name.
– Chaeyoung (Rosé) is close to Twice’s Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, with Red Velvet’s Joy and Yeri, and with Ladies Code‘s Ashley Choi.
– She collaborated with G-Dragon for the song ‘Without You’.
– Rosé appeared on the King Of Masked Singer. (Passed the first round)
– Rosé ranked 66th on TC Candler “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2019”.
– Rosé ranked 17th on TC Candler’s “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2021”.
– Rosé, Jisoo, and Lisa all prefer cute guys over sexy ones. (Blackpink Live Radio Interview)
– Rosé said if she was a guy, she would date Jennie because she can cook well. (AIIYL v-live)
– Rosé doesn’t like avocados.
– Rosé debuted as a soloist on March 12, 2021, with first single album ‘-R-‘.
– Rosé’s ideal type: Someone nice and genuine, with a good/ unique voice. She said there are many sunbaenims with great voices, but among them, Big Bang stand out.
Show more fun facts about Rosé…
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vesora · 2 years
heyyyy how are you?? not really loa question but kinda related
what some songs that make you feel powerful- im making a self concept playlist :P
AAA i love questions like these <33
i have so many omg ok SO
genetics - pssycat dolls & meg trainor
so hot - blackpink cover
looking at me - sabrina carpenter
7 rings - ari
2 - h.e.r.
goddess - jaira burns
iconic - madison rose
literal legend - ayesha erotica
post that - leikeli47
hot in it- tiestio and charli xcx
successful - ari
booty - c tangana and becky g
oops i did it again - britney
whatever lola wants, lola gets - whatever rendition u like
100% that boss - alexis johnson
divine feminine - eimizah
manifestations remix -peachkka, kierra
im great - chris-n-teeb
god is a woman - ari
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stardust-swan · 2 years
I still have $700 leftover in Amazon money. Which sounds like a lot. But it's difficult when I'm trying to decide between spending it on a:
Swarovski ballerina ornament (I've been dreaming of one, but I'm also worried it will get smashed during shipping so idk)
IPL Epilator
Loungefly gingham Bambi backpack and clutch
Loungefly storybook bags
Dior lip oil
Dipthyque candle set
A bunch of Pandora charms to finally finish my bracelet
Hot Chocolate Marie Antoinette shoes
Cardcaptor Sakura Manga box set
A new phone (mine is only two years old and mostly still works fine, but I dropped it on the floor a couple of months ago and ever since it's started flashing green across the screen in bright light. It's okay apart from that, but it's a bit annoying trying to use it on a sunny day sometimes)
Some collector barbies to add to my (admittedly small) collection
Pink Phillips Sonicare toothbrush
Some pretty hardback versions of classic novels
More Red Velvet albums (maybe Sunmi, Twice, or Blackpink albums too)
Sailor Moon figures
Chanel Coco Rouge Lipstick
More Switch games
Tarot Nefertari
Pink Coach bag
More Switch games (I only have ACNH and Stardew Valley)
Sakura Miku figure
Fresh Sugar lip treatment gift set
Plush velvety jewellery box
More Ghibli art books (I only have The Tale of the Princess Kaguya one)
Non-fictional books on fashion, historical women, or goddesses from ancient societies
Swarovski swan necklace
I've already ordered: a Mona Lisa Barbie, cherry blossom bonsai lego set, Sailor Moon manga box set, heart shaped Kate Spade bag in pink, a rose gold fitbit, and a PMD Smart Facial Cleansing Device in berry.
Do I need any of this stuff? No. Would it make me happy? Yes. Would it be better to buy one or two expensive items with the money like the Swarovski ballerina, the Coach bag, or the Cardcaptor Sakura box set, or a lot of cheaper items like the books, along with the lipsticks and a Pandora charm or two? Who knows.
Do I have to make up my mind soon because I don't want to order stuff at various points later on and be waiting for packages throughout the entire first half of 2023? Yes
One thing getting 1500 in Amazon money has thought me is that there's a lot of stuff I want. I already knew that, but not that there's so much stuff I like on Amazon specifically.
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chaotic-rxses-zee-01 · 11 months
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Melhon, little sister (PT.I) - Short.
From my book “FINDING MY HOWL.” Felix of Stray Kids as Suran. Rosé of BLACKPINK as Ríya. Jisoo of BLACKPINK as Jehtûkahn, Jennie of BLACKPINK as Jehanah, and Lisa of BLACKPINK as Lehsān.
Mo’atiekahn is the youngest of the siblings, being 6 years younger than Suran.
Ebū translations // Iu’ne - look, Auwe ne - She will/She will be called, Kah-kahn pehm - silly/stupid (in a teasing way), ‘Da - showing love and endearment when saying ones name, mostly directed at younger siblings.
Evaanian soldiers were told to bring a child to us, a young girl, six years of age. Her Evaan features stuck out. Dark skin, long tail, curly hair in a sea of fair skinned straight haired wolves. No one knew what do to with her.
She always was close to Suran. Her birth name was Çin’awe, an Evaanese name meaning “The Bravest Heart.” We gave her the Ebūnese name, Mo’atiekahn Te’atylu. “The bravest of hearts will not fail” it means.
As she grew she knew she was different than her sisters and brother. From the time she was four she could recite the Sacred Eyel’atylu Texts, Fivah’s prophecies. Including the extinction of any enemy of her children. Lehsān knew she was smart. One thing the little wolf did know well, was her heritage. The Evaan clans are war clans who only fight each other.
“Suran? What am I? Why am I different?”
“You are you Mo’at. But you are not Ebūnese. Your Evaan. That curly hair and skin aren’t from around here. But you are you ma wae’noq, you are perfect.”
She was only twelve, an arrow to the heart took her away from them. She was theirs, their sister. Then she was gone like, poof, that. She was The Goddesses blessing that was taken from them too soon. They now have a city named Mo’atiekahn in the heart of Ebū. It’s covered in her favorite flower, the white rose.
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blinks4life16 · 2 years
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(Pics used aren't owned by me, credits to respective owner/owners)
Stage Name: ROSÉ (from kprofiles) 
Birth Name: Roseanne Park 
Korean Name: Park Chae Young (박채영) 
Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, “Pasta” 
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer 
Birthday: February 11, 1997, 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius 
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand 
Height: 168.7 cm (5’6”) 
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs) 
Blood Type: B 
Instagram: @roses_are_rosie 
Weibo: roses_are_rosie 
TikTok: @roses_are_rosie 
Youtube: ROSÉ 
Rose Factzzz
 – She is Korean, but she was born in Auckland, New Zealand (according to Rose during V Line; and according to Rosé during Radio star), and raised in Melbourne, Box Hill (Australia), where she attended Canterbury Girls Secondary College.
 – She has an older sister, named Alice. – She moved to Korea back in 2012. (according to Rosé during Weekly Idol)
 – Rosé placed first in YG auditions in Australia.
 – Rosé has adopted a dog Hank: @hank_says_hank. 
– Her Chinese zodiac sign is Ox. 
– She trained for 4 years and 2 months (2012 May). 
– Pre-debut, Rosé used to be a cheerleader in Australia. – When she was younger, Rosé joined a choir, singing in churches in Australia. – She’s known for her unique voice and slim waist. Her stylist said that her pants size is 24 (size 0) and she confirmed that her waist is 24 inches (60,96cm) wide. 
– Rosé is known as “Blackpink’s Goddess”. (Vlive Start Road from Jennie ep 2-3) 
– Rosé joined the group on May 7th and Lisa’s first thought of her when they met on the elevator was “Oh! I got a special vibe from her! Australia!” (13th of April,2017 on V Live). 
– She can speak Korean, English, and Japanese. 
– She collaborated with G-Dragon for the song ‘Without You. 
– G-Dragon said that he likes Rosé's voice when he did a collaboration with her back in 2012 and said that her voice is unique. 
– She can play the piano. 
 Alongside being in BLACKPINK, like Jennie, Rosé also made a solo comeback in June 2020, with her debut Album R with the 2 hit singles Gone and On the ground, which reached 10 million views.
Now that's all and bye, I'll see you in the next post.
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luxora · 2 years
Blackpink -> {Goddess AU} -> Falling for a mortal
Requested: Yes
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff. Angst.
Warning: Mention of poisoning. Some violence. Mention of nsfw.
A/N: Goddess Blackpink. First Goddess Au! Let me know what you think!
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Jisoo cocked her head as she watched you celebrate over the deer you had managed to successfully hunt, your body dancing around its body while you arms were in the air in celebrating, a wide smile on your face as you turned to look at Jisoo.
“Did you see that? I did it! I really did it!”
She only hummed in response, her eyes flinting to the dead dear before glancing back at you, a look of pride on your face as you looked down at your prize. When she had first met you at her temple, you could hardly be classified a hunter. You were all but a traveler by trade trying to live off the land, considerably terribly at first as you were not one who knew much about nature.
You were a child of a noble who escaped an arranged marriage and became an unknown face to others as you traveled from city to city, trying to adapt to your new way of life which was not surrounded by luxury and servants whom were at your beck and call. Jisoo usually did not go to the mortal realm, but being the Goddess of the Hunt, she did like to envelop herself in nature and so she decided to visit simply to enjoy the pleasure of the natural landscape.
And then she came across you nearly dying from poisonous berries.
Usually she did not become involved with mortals due to their constant disrespect of nature and destruction of it, but something moved within her when she locked eyes with you, your face going an unnatural shade of red while you clutched at your throat, eyes wide and reddening as you just managed to make out her figure standing above you. Believing that you had reached the end, you had reached out to Jisoo.
“Angel...” You rasped, making Jisoo cock her head at you while you arm trembled with effort.
“...Not quite.” She has said, deliberating if she should save you or not, since she did have the power to do so.
Perhaps it was because you seemed so helpless and had managed to tug at her heartstrings for a moment, or it was the fact that you were had mistaken her for an angel, but she decided to ease your pain, removing the poison from your body with her powers. She watched you with silent deliberation as you sat back up, rubbing your throat which you could now easily breathe through and no longer swollen to suffocate you. You had then turned to face her, her appearance now more distinguished due to your eyesight returning to normal, and you immediately threw yourself to the floor in a deep grovelling bow.
“I owe you my life. Thank you so much!”
Jisoo did not say a word before she all but vanished, leaving you behind in confusion and shock. But she did not stay away for too long, instead she found herself observing you from afar as you tried to navigate your way through the landscape, tripping all over yourself most of the time but demonstrating your resilience as you tried to learn through your experiences. Eventually Jisoo could not observe from afar anymore, deciding to become involved in your life and becoming a guidance of sorts to you, much to your surprise.
She taught you the ways of the forest, the way of survival, training you to become a hunter like her, albeit a mortal one, and becoming one with the forest. And today you had managed to kill your first animal without any of her aid, which was a remarkable achievement on your behalf.
“Jisoo I did it! I did it!”
Seeing your mortal delight of something so simple made Jisoo smile, prompting her to walk towards you and to cup your jaw, halting your from your celebration as you stared at her in confusion. Without saying a word, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, lingering for a few moments before pulling away to see your face becoming completely flushed.
“Well done.” She said, tracing your cheek for a second before pulling away and walking in direction of the camp you had set up, not looking back at you as you watched her retreating  figure in shock and embarrassment, unaware of the smile and slightly pink cheeks on Jisoo’s face.
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Mortals have always been fascinating creatures as they always came up with the strangest of things and always sought to make things better and easier for themselves, something which Jennie could respect as she herself understood the feeling of wishing to improve things, given her status as the Goddess of Wisdom. While most gods and goddesses tended to avoid the mortal realm, Jennie was often a frequent visitor due to her fondness of mortals, being one of the few gods that freely interacted with them.
Jennie was naturally very curious and with creatures like mortals, Jennie always strives to learn more about them, which is why she frequently visited her many temples in order to interact with her worshipers and to cement her status as a true being. It was always considered a blessing to be able to witness a god or goddess appearing in a temple, especially considering they were the most powerful beings in the world and way more superior than mortals, and Jennie often blessed most of her worshipers whenever she would appear at the alter at one of her temples, gracing everyone with her presence.
However as of late, she does not appear as frequently in public as she did before, as she now only appears at the later hours in the evening where she knew most worshipers were asleep, aside from one.
Jennie smiled when you stumbled over yourself to reach the alter, holding your hand out to help her down with a bright smile on your face. As always, you looked at her with complete and utter devotion, and it prompted her to cup your cheek and lean in for a kiss, a greeting that was often exchanged between the two of you.
“My goddess...” You breathed, never quite getting used to Jennie’s sudden entrances at the temple despite often being a witness to many of them. Although her visits to the temple were now very different, because instead of visiting for the sake of her many worshipers and granting them their fortunes and blessings, she visits the temple for the sole purpose of seeing you. Her precious mortal lover.
“Y/N.” She uttered your name, making it sound as sweet as honey as it left Jennie’s lips before she smiled and gathered you into her arms, hugging you tightly as she has reunited with you after a week of separation. You hugged her back just as tightly and nuzzled your face into her shoulder, smelling her sweet scent while she pressed a kiss to your head. “It has been too long.”
Her voice was lower than usual and it made you shudder, Jennie have such an effect on your that it was almost extraordinary. although it was not quite a secret as Jennie chuckled as she pressed another kiss to your head and moved to cup the back of it, holding you close to her. “Did you miss me my darling?”
“You know that I do.” You said, pulling away so that you could look at her.
Jennie’s smile was radiant, almost as bright as the sun but shining like the moonlight, and she cooed softly at you as she moved to cup your cheek again, stroking it tenderly with her thumb.
“The feeling is mutual, my darling. You have no idea how I wished to see you.”
“You could have come...” You started, but a click of Jennie’s tongue silenced you as moved to tangle her hand in your head instead.
“While I would love nothing more to spend all hours of the day and night with you, my darling, I do have other duties to fulfill. Every one is as deserving of a blessing, I must not show favoritism, unless you want a riot on your hands.”
She gave you a pointed look, making you duck your head in slight shame. While you were not as accomplished as the temple priests were in Jennie’s temple, you were working your way up. You were all but a worshiper who had somehow managed to capture the goddess’s heart, and you had to make sure to not be greedy about your spiritual prestige. No one should know of you connection to Jennie, because others will either see it as a threat or a blessing that can be used, and neither you or Jennie wanted that to happen.
Jennie tucked her fingers under you chin and tilted your head up to look at her, a slight frown on her face as she gazed at you.
“Do not hide your face from me. I have yearned to see it for a while.”
“I’m sorry.” You immediately apologized, not wanting to upset her since she had taken the time to visit you despite it being so late. Although unlike her, you were the only one between the two of you that needed sleep but you always stayed up as late as you could cleaning up the temple for a possible chance of being visited by your lover.
“You are forgiven. Let’s not fight my darling, we can do much better things than that.”
Noting the hint of desire in Jennie’s voice, you only smiled and titled your face up to her to prompt her to lean in and kiss you, overpowering you in the best way possible in the middle of the temple which was constructed in her honour. It was somewhat symbolic and sentimental in some kind of way, not that you or Jennie were complaining.
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The sheets of the bed shifted and you mumbled something unintelligible as you began to return to the waking world, courtesy of the feathering kisses which were being pressed against your bare shoulder while an arm tightened around your waist as it pulled you back against the equally naked body behind you, the curves easily encompassing yours like a two perfect puzzle pieces.
Chaeyoung smiled against your shoulder, gently sucking at it as you uttered her name, a bit roughly due to just waking up, as well as the passionate night that the two of you had before. You finally turned in her arms to face you, and smiled sleepily at her as you nestled yourself in her embrace, the two of you only being breaths apart while your legs were entangled with one another.
“Good morning.” You mumbled, which earned you a soft giggle from Chaeyoung and a delicate kiss on your nose.
“Good morning my love.”
It was quite rare for you to wake up with Chaeyoung right by your side, because usually she was gone the day afterwards due to her duties as a goddess. However, whenever the two of you were intimate, she always remained because it was against her nature to leave you entirely after spending so many hours worshiping each other’s bodies. For the Goddess of Love to leave her lover after sex, it would be shameful on so many levels, and she could never do that to you.
You were not some harlot which she had decided to humor herself with. You were her love, her favorite mortal, and she was going to treat you as you deserved.
A hand crawled along her side and shoulder before finally cupping her cheek, tenderly stroking it and causing her to look into the eyes of its owner, meeting your loving gaze with one of her own while you smiled lazily at her.
“You are so beautiful.” You whispered, completely mesmerized by her appearance.
Being astoundingly beautiful was one of the many aspects of being a goddess, but Chaeyoung’s looks were far more astounded than all the other gods and goddesses. She was the Goddess of love and beauty, so of course her looks would be the most superior among the gods; however in comparison to you, she believed was undeserving of the title, because you were the most beautiful person between the two of you in her eyes.
“So are you.” She whispered back, pressing herself closer to you so that your foreheads were pressed against one another and so that she could give you a small Eskimo kiss, rubbing your nose with her own. You couldn’t help but softly scoff.
“Not like you.” You downplayed, not believing that you could be as beautiful as the goddess of love and beauty herself. But Chaeyoung quickly kissed you, molding her lips with your own and surging all of her love for you in the single action before pulling away, the two of you breathless despite the kiss being small.
“To me you are. You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on.” She confessed, moving to cup the side of your neck to pull you closer to her, resting her forehead against yours once again. Your cheeks were slightly flushed but you giggled at her passionate words.
“I’m sure it is no surprise that I think the same of you as well?” Chaeyoung smile and pressed a light kiss to your lips again, rubbing her nose against yours again when she pulled away.
“I still enjoy hearing it from you.”
“I think you’re beautiful. The most beautiful women in all the worlds.”
And Chaeyoung thanked you with a kiss, only separating when air became necessary and when her body began to spark in desire, mirroring yours as you hands began to explore her naked body, taking the similar journey that they did the previous night as you worshipped her body as if it was one of her many temples in the city.
Although there was a vast difference between worshiping her name in a building and worshiping her as a woman in your bed.
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It was the dead of night when Lisa appeared in the medic bay where all the injured were, all battling for their own lives while the war plotted and brooded during the darkest hours of the day. Being the Goddess of War, Lisa knew the inner workings of war and she knew that night time was the most dangerous time during a war, because while most armies and their soldiers rested after a whole day of fighting, they are always caught off guard whenever the other side decides to strike in the middle of the night.
She has seen it many times before, participated in it even, but there was only so much she could do for the mortals who were at each other’s throats. She can only cast the battle inspiration and will to live through her presence in the mortals, but aside from that, there was nothing more that she can do. She was a Goddess, not a soldier, and she could only implement her powers in spirit, and on the odd occasion, she would get get directly involved in a battle but only occasionally because it was against the rules for all gods and goddesses to interfere with mortal activities.
But it is different when it comes to a mortal that affects a goddess and god so, and that is precisely the reasoning behind Lisa’s visitation in the middle of the night in a medic bay.
She silently walk through through the tent, eyeing the makeshift beds until she finally found you, your lower torso bandaged tightly with red stained cloths while your chest rose and fell unevenly, breathing apparently being a mission of its own. Seeing you in this state infuriated her immediately, and she felt herself pulse with power with the thoughts in her mind which involved exacting vengeance on the side that caused you this harm.
At that moment, you had shifted in your bed and Lisa watched as you opened your eyes and squinted at her, eyes still adjusting to the dark until finally you recognized her. A small smile crawled along your face.
“Lisa...” You breathed, lifting a hand and reaching out to her, relief and joy in your voice but mixed with pain. Lisa immediately grabbed your hand and moved to knell beside your makeshift bed.
“Don’t move unnecessarily. You are hurt.”
“Tis...but a scratch.”
Your attempt of humor was not appreciated, and Lisa gave you a hard stare in response before she glanced at your torso, the cloth stained with your blood. She looked back at you, noticing your eyes not leaving her for even a second. Despite being in obvious pain, you held a soft expression as you gazed at the goddess, a small smile on your face as you gripped her hand tightly.
“How did it happen?” She demanded, squeezing your hand back tightly as she stared at your face for an answer. You winced as you tried to move to sit up, Lisa immediately pressing you back down by the shoulder with a scolding look, which made you sigh.
“We were busy pushing them back, but then one of them got lucky with their sword. I didn’t see it coming, I was trying to fight off another one of them. They had snuck up on me from the side and I didn’t have time to dodge.”
Lisa pulsed in power again, her anger often being the cause of it because she was truly ready to travel to the other army to slaughter them all just to end this war, just so she could you out of risking your life any further. But by the Elder Laws, she could not do that, nor would you forgive her if she decided to end it for you and your army because then it would be an empty victory because you and the others did not earn it yourselves.
“You are an imbecile.” Lisa scolded, but her sharp words did not match her soft touch as she tucked your hair behind your ears and out of your face, gently tracing her fingertips along your skin. You flashed her another smile and moved to grab her lingering hand, pressing it to your cheek.
“But you love me regardless.”
It was quite arrogant of you to say that so easily, especially since gods were higher deities than mortals. But it was not unheard of gods and goddesses falling in love with mortals, and Lisa was not an exception because she did fall for you despite your reckless nature. But she did not correct you because then she would be implemented a lie, and she has always been bluntly honest.
“Its very stupid of me, but I do.” She confessed, which resulted in you flashing her a bright smile before moving to press a kiss to her palm, making her smile at you in return.
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chris-sissylover · 3 years
Worship Jennie. OBEY JENNIE
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ohhhharu · 4 years
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♡ reblog/like if u use or save ♡ ...
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chanhunist · 3 years
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Rosé is absolutely stunning
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mazer17 · 4 years
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