calder · 2 years
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covers for a canticle for leibowitz
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dougielombax · 1 year
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Oh for God’s sake!
Fucking godbotherers!
Can’t have SHIT in Detroit! (Sir this is Poland.)
For fuckness’ sake.
Don’t they have ANYTHING better to be doing? Like, at all?!
Fuck it.
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hockeyonlyspb · 1 year
There’s an Aussie phrase which summarises much of the rangers/flyers online discourse.
“Godbotherers” think being welcoming and allowing safe spaces for 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTIQA people is being intolerant of their hatred and discrimination. And they are being very fragile about it. They have never read Popper’s tolerance paradox. They remain very pseudo religious.
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frogbearwhatever · 2 years
Daily Drabble 167- Bloodlines
Lincoln gripped hia crucifix tighter when he saw my partner. Adam, with his occult tats was a nightmare for a godbotherer like Lincoln.
"I need some blood."
Lincoln looked about to explode, but his wife was already rolling up her sleeve.
"For a spell?"
"Dririmancy. Divination by body fluids. Blood of a relative works best." Adam smiled reassuringly. "Blood is life and bonds us, after all."
"I've never met a mage before." She said, fear making her chatty.
"I've never met an MP before." Adam smiled. "Now, let's find your boy shall we?"
She nodded.
And Andrew began his chant.
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neraiutsuze · 4 years
as funny as the ‘artagan didn’t know what the fuck he was doing when jester was casting Revivify and needed melora’s help’ posts are
raise dead is also on the bard spell list and bards do not require a deity, just their own force of personality. transmutation wizards can also cast it with their transmuter’s stone at level 14. both are explicitly arcane casters.
hell, true resurrection is on the druid spell list and while they’re grouped under ‘divine casters’, they’re just pulling from nature itself rather than a god (not to mention that they have exclusive access to reincarnate)
like, let’s be real, artagan - archfey so powerful he could control the flow of time between the feywild and the material plane - would probably not have struggled to power what the cast has repeatedly referred to as ‘a magical defibrillator’
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brimstone-cowboy · 3 years
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Local Godbotherer can’t stop accidentally walking in on gay hookups
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Title: St. Demetrius' Sister
Author: Ruppert
Rating: 4/5 stars
A religious novel set in a religious milieu. Is this what religious novels should be? Well, as I wrote in my review of another Christian novel, "they've proven very successful so far. I'm only kind of curious if they will actually turn out to be any good." More fun than your standard science fiction satire, I'd say. So many Jesus scenes, and they're so well-written I don't even know why I'm reading this. I wonder why any religious novel does this, except for something called the Bible.
Ruppert's prose is anything but boring. There's a kind of never-let-up intensity in his sentences that gives them a quaint kind of energy. And then they produce equally sort of rambling incoherence at times. It's the human quality of the prose that makes me think this is a product that needs to be thoroughly evaluated, and fully enjoyed, before being recommended to the sort of reader who would be put off by most religious fiction.
It's possible that it is indeed a "good" novel, with its intermittently appealing twists and frictions, and with its plausibly simple premise. It's possible it's only good because the religious sentiment that motivates the plot makes it "reliably" good literature (what kind of a book is it if it isn't "reliably" good). In one or other of these senses, the book doesn't really work except as some sort of diachronic uncertainty indicator that signals to a human being how they're doing in his own feelings of uncertainty. It would be enough if it had no effect on the narrator. But it does, because it's a god who's at best inscrutable, and at worst evil and the wanton destroyer of words. What's more, what some people even make sense of in a lighthearted materialized novel that's full of cosmic humor, their ideas are rejected as religious heresy and incomprehensible heretics by the robot. If you like unreliable narrators who are kind of great in your stories, give this book a try, but it would be a really bad reading experience for me, if for no other reason than that I just can't get to it on an emotional level.
Incidentally, the "St. Demetrius' Sister" title is clearly a reference to the books of the Catholic sci-fi novel series, the plot-structure-structure becoming those of its characters, and the character "The Godbotherer" being the Godbotherer of its universe. If you're thinking "yeah, that totally makes sense," well, then, it might be worth getting into.
Reading Ruppert's wordy prose
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calder · 1 year
Mormoms in real life are usually really nasty people but New Vegas portrays them in a really good light and not even Caesar will openly say anything bad about them but the one character who will say anything bad is the insane drug addicted ncr terrorist Utah golfer Driver Nephi and he will straight up call the Mormom church a cult and while many may protest that he is a bad and evil character keep in mind that he will warn a female character to stay away from Cook Cook lest Cook Cook rape and eat them and while he takes no pleasure in talking to the player character he will nonetheless call them "friend." I think he's on to something.
i hadnt appreciated all this about nephi. thank you for the insight!
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iamanathemadevice · 5 years
A friend mentioned being woken up by godbotherers this morning. We used to get a *lot* of annoying visitors of many kinds. 
But not since we put this sign on our front door:
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Feel free to pinch, if you think it would be useful!
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dougielombax · 1 year
A lot of the idiotic human cattle in my country seem to think that queer folks have what they call “too much equality.”.
Saying that queers are far too represented just about everywhere (we aren’t!) and that we need to make more room to accommodate for heterosexuals.
I disagree. They’ve had more than enough room for centuries.
It’s almost like they’re scared.
Bunch of stupid, brainless, beady-eyed, virginal godbotherers!
For fuckness’ sake!
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the-working-man · 7 years
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Massive god botherer. #priest #preacher #christian #religion #religious #church #god #jesus #robe #godbotherer #docs #theworkingman #holytrinity #rock #alternative #grunge #unsigned #metal #punk #underground #blackburn #lancashire #england #uk #pose (at Holy Trinity Church, Blackburn)
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chris--low · 7 years
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✝️#biblebasher ✝️@ #speakerscorner #chrislowphotography #nofilter #londonlife #londonsights #londonpeople #londonstreets #religious #evangelist #godbotherer
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omarandjohnny · 5 years
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I try very hard to ignore the ‘news’ but are the Xenu leghumpers and the youth pastor godbotherers holding their own Summer Slam this year? 
I mean, it wouldn’t be the most surprising thing to happen in 2019, but yeah...
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teratoscope · 6 years
( @chicken-tamer requested a monster that explains why her chickens seem to accumulate phantom quantum chickens in excess of the original headcount between when they’re let out and when they’re put to bed )
The barn doors slam shut. In the half-light, you can make out four human shapes crouched in the back. Their eyes shine in the dark, and they creep in pack formation towards you, bodies low, arms held in front of them, raptorial. One of them opens his jaw wide, wider, wider still; you hear tendons in his face strain and snap, and a creature four times his size issues from his throat. It glows virulently green; its flesh is a glutinous mass slopped over burning bones. Each tooth is like a dagger that’s been pulled fresh from the surface of the sun. Hooked claws paw the air, greedy for you. HD 12 MV 150’, phasing AC leather & shield AT bite (6d4 necrotic), claw x2 (d4 necrotic, if both hit deal automatic bite damage) Special ectoplasmic body, possession, lifesense, mass-summoned
ectoplasmic body—an ectosaurus takes 1/2 damage from mundane corporeal weapons, and will regenerate from death, recovering 1d8 hp/round and manifesting from their ectoplasmic remains once they reach half their maximum hp unless the killing blow comes from a strong energy source or magic weapon. possession—anything brought to 0 hp by an ectosaurus must save or be possessed. An ectosaur can possess and direct a number of victims of combined HD equal to its own, and can act through any creature it is possessing. Possessed creatures gain a 3d4-damage bite attack. lifesense—lacking proper sensory organs, an ectosaurus hunts through the eyes of its original summoners and its possessed proxies. It can only see what they see. mass-summoned—if all of an ectosaurus’ proxies, as well as the original summoners (there is always one summoner per hit die) are exorcised or killed, it immediately discorporates.
It is common knowledge that chickens are a sort of low-caliber spiritual ammunition. Hedge mages swear up and down by the million and one minor curative, protective, and placatory powers of the chicken, when employed with the appropriate ritual. Given how straightforward they are to feed, breed, and kill without getting worked up about it compared to most other forms of meat on legs, they’re also everyone’s favorite way to satisfy the flesh-hungers of assorted small and cranky gods. It is slightly less common knowledge that chickens, like most other forms of earthly life, have their own small magics. We tend not to notice, largely because they operate at a scale that isn’t relevant to us or are largely invisible. Charms for fertility and coming and going are common among their kind. Eccentric chickens may know a few charms for speaking with insects and small mammals, which they use to (for the most part ineffectually) cajole prey. Distinguished and gallant chickens, especially those raised around godbotherers, sometimes work guarding and warding magics that prevent minor forms of astral interference. And then there is chicken necromancy. These magics are usually very subtle, until they explosively aren’t. Even most chickens don’t notice it; it’s the sort of thing that happens when you get a bunch of them together in a group and they start getting antsy on just the right wavelength. Most of the time all this does is beckon the spirits of dead chickens to meander among the living, largely unnoticed by anyone except the most watchful, until they get bored and wander back to whatever realm they go to. But necromancy is tricky. Sometimes you go digging and find something cool, and sometimes you open a forty-foot wide astral sinkhole and a fully-fledged allosaur ghost comes screaming out, hungry for mammal essence. Ectosauruses are deeply distraught but fundamentally strategic creatures. They are each drawn back to the world apocalyptically alone, but their souls are huge, and in this form can be spread quite thin and still function. They build packs for themselves, and then do what comes naturally.
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duncanswallow1 · 3 years
How to become a godbotherer
How to become a godbotherer
Sunday shortie, as usual. Might be more accurate to call  this, ‘How to be stunned at godbotherers’. It’s a Sunday, so natch if you punt about on obscure television channels, you find some evangelical Biblepunchers. They’re brilliant watching. All barking mad. They do have some great backing singers, though. It’s like a 1930s Busby Berkely musical. Those evangelicals can belt out a tune, they…
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pazuzutits-up · 7 years
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St Thomas à Becket supposedly gave some sermon on this spot, but it was surely much less interesting than the splendid yew tree under which he stood whilst blathering on about sin and that. #yew #tree #gnarly #arthurrackham #spookytree #churchyard #thomasàbecket #history #englishhistory #cofe #churchesconservationtrust #thomasbecket #anglican #nationaltrust #norman #iliketrees #kent #england #godbotherers #poisonoustohorses #capel (at Church of St Thomas à Becket, Capel)
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