#glatt imagines
hey bestie I mean they (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
ummmmmm how do you get Wilbur to take a bath :/
he is being a MENACE this is not fun help pls 🙏🙏 (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Bribery <3
She doesn’t like being surrounded by water because it feels like it muffles her movements and makes them slow :/ so you have to bribe it with treats or kisses or prizes or whatever.
He also REALLY hates water in his ears, so if you have silicone earplugs or something? Put those in.
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almostdeath · 4 months
Thinking about how powerful Quackity would be...if he would have Glatt on his side.
In "Haunted Mansion" episode we saw the power that Glatt has. Just imagine him being able to control everything in the casino. They would be an actual power couple.
At the same time. Glatt, in comparison to Schlatt, seemed to be way more open about his feelings and seemed to show interest in Quackity and remember their relationship. So even if at first Quackity would keep him on a short leash, it would be interesting to see the development of that relationship.
(Plus...Dream would be kinda fucked...like...Quackity has a spirit on his side. And Glatt seems to not be as naive as Ghostbur despite having the same vibe of only good memories.)
Imagine the first kiss in those conditions though. A few months passing, Quackity having some new grand opening and Glatt giving him a toothed smile, asking if he wants a good luck kiss. The duck rolling his eyes, adjusting his beanie, saying a confident "I don't need luck." Before stepping towards the ghost, grabbing him by the turtleneck of the sweater beneath the blazer and pulling him into a kiss before pushing him back and walking off...
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ltransburgseulogy · 20 days
Hello hellooooo I was just wondering & curious: do you perhaps have any headcanons for Ghostbur? 👀
ooooooooo! dont feel like i came up with many good ones, but i tried! sorry if they’re not great because i know you understand the character quite well aha!
• he’s soooo autistic to me. please. anyone. and the way he gets infantilized makes me rage but that’s irrelevant
• physically glitches out sometimes, but in a way where it looks like the wind is blowing him away. Scares the life out of phil. Also more common when he’s dealing with strong emotions.
• so we all know he’s a musician. (HE FINISHED THE ANTHEM BABY L’MANBURG STRONG 💪) but i imagine he’s very slow with it. Like one of those musicians who get out 3 songs in their life but they’re so proud of it because they put so much love into it. You know??
• favorite flower is forget me nots :3
• during the glatt possession (yk what im talking about) they became almost like conjoined twins in a way instead of just ghostbur with horns
• has a big banner that he sewed together with all the flags on it, one from every country. He tries to collect ones from important moments/people to that place, but sometimes he has to make them himself.
• his hands don’t appear that way, but everything he touches ends up with blue on it. even if its just very mild, like a tint almost. Sometimes you can only see it in the sun. Depends on how long it’s been since he held blue
• because of that during exile tommy always had blue on him.
• and let’s be real. he eats paper when no one’s looking
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three-heart-trio · 5 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Quackity and Schlatt have a bowling night
top tier bowling (1077 words) read on ao3
This is such a bad idea. Such a fucking bad idea.
Quackity is pacing around Schlatt's grave, mind running a million miles per hour, filled with all the horrible, terrible things that could happen if he goes through with this shit.
What-fucking-ever. It's not like this is the first bad idea he's executed, and it sure as hell won't be the last.
Which brings him to his next problem: How does one summon a ghost?
Maybe he should've asked somebody, but he would rather take his final life than seek assistance. Call him dramatic, but relying on anyone hasn't gotten him anywhere.
So Quackity, not thinking anything through, takes a deep breath, and shouts, "Schlatt- or Glatt, whatever the hell you go by now, Quackity from Las Nevadas wants to have a fucking talk. I wanna fucking talk."
Quackity doesn't know what he was expecting. He probably thought Schlatt was going to descend down from the heavens, if that's even a thing; or maybe up from hell (where he deserves to fucking rot). Maybe Schlatt was going to just fade in in front of him. 
He sure as hell wasn't expecting the guy to just wake up behind the grave, eyes blinking awake, a hand wrapped tightly around an empty glass bottle.
Quackity doesn't even need to think to know what was in that bottle.
Schlatt stretches, bones cracking from neglect of god knows how many weeks, before registering Quackity's presence. 
"Ay! Quackity, what'dya wake me up for? I was having a damn good nap, asshole!" He yawns, extending his limbs, "Better be a damn good reason."
Quackity plasters on a smile, clearly pleased to be annoying him, "Wanna go bowling?"
Schlatt blinks. "Excuse me?'
"You. Me. Las Nevadas. Just recently opened up a bowling alley," Quackity says, like that explains anything, "Wanna go bowling?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? This is what you fucking woke me up for-"
Quackity pinches his nose and sighs, putting all his cards on the table, "There'll be drinks."
Schlatt looks unfazed, before his mouth spreads into a wide, toothy grin, "Well, why didn't you say so sooner? Lead the way, my friend!" He throws his free hand around Quackity's shoulders, which gets shrugged off immediately.
Las Nevadas is a lot bigger than Schlatt remembers.
There's a lot more lights as well, he notes as he looks around the bustling city. The night is young, so the billboards and signs aren't in full effect yet. He wonders what it'll be like in the dark.
He really needs to wake up more.
Quackity leads them into a stubby building around the corner, appropriately named the "Las Nevadas Bowling Alley", down a few flights of stairs. It opens up to a massive space, lined with bowling lanes, lavish sofas, and those flashy rip-off stores that provide the bowling shoes and overpriced food.
Schlatt is guided to sit on a sofa, as Quackity goes to, presumably, get the alcohol. With a place like this, Schlatt can't imagine the quality of liquor he'll be receiving.
With two bottles in one hand, laced inbetween his fingers, and a stack of cups in the other, Quackity returns and places all the items on the glass cocktail table in the center of the seats, before going to configure the game on the screen.
"Usual settings?" Without turning from the screen, Quackity asks, before snickering, "You don't need the bumpers, do you? 
Schlatt scoffs, "No! I don't need the fucking handrails." 
Quackity rolls his eyes and laugh, clearly unconvinced, but hey, it'll be entertaining either way.
He clicks a few more buttons that Schlatt just, does not understandm and will not question, and the pins are lined up, the bowling balls rolling and thunking onto the rack neatly, all the reds and blacks and golds of Las Nevadas.
The host waves a hand for Schlatt, signalling for him to go first, "Guests first."
"Too pussy to go first, huh?" Schlatt sneers as he slots his fingers into the bowling ball, "Yeah, watch the master at work."
Schlatt rolls his ball straight into the gutter, much to the pleasure of Quackity and his shit-eating smile.
He glares at the man on the couch, before going a second time. It hits one pin.
Quackity lets out a guffaw. "The 'master at work', huh? Fucking hell, that was sad!" He says, as he pours out the drinks, nearly spilling it from laughing.
Schlatt sits on the sofa angrily, grabbing a cup, "Yeah? The only sad thing is you being on your final fucking life, asshole," He takes a sip of the alcohol, eyes sparkling as he tastes the liquid, "Oh shit, this is good! You are loaded ," tongue rolling at the 'L'.
"First of all, not taking comments about my life from a goddamn ghost; Secondly, yeah this shit is good! Gotta live up to the name, y'know," Quackity stands up and grabs a bowling ball, "Now, watch this ."
Quackity throws the ball into the air, landing with a bang on the lane before rolling into the gutter.
Clearly, neither of them know how bowling works.
Quackity laughs nervously, "Second time- Second time's the charm! That was a warmup-" He rolls the ball softly, going about a meter before slowly rolling into the gutter.
"You have weak ass arms, my fucking god!" Schlatt gets up to survey the area where the bowling ball landed the first time, "This is a strong floor, by the way, how did it even survive that throw?"
That comment is met with a glare. The screen above flashes "Turn 2" in bright letters.
Schlatt take a ball, holding up to eye level (That's what the professionals do, right?) before sliding the ball towards the pins. It hits 4 of them.
"Yeah! Look at that, bitch!" Schlatt exclaims, as Quackity rolls his eyes and groans in annoyance.
"It's fucking- beginner's luck, asshat." Quackity goes, as Schlatt scores a 1 on his second turn. 
Schlatt cackles, "Beat that ! Bet your weak-ass arms can't." 
Quackity laughs, full-chest and holding nothing back. "I am going to bash your head in with this god damn bowling ball." He rolls, scoring a total of 6. Quackity's lips stretches into wide beam of pride as Schlatt splutters in bewilderment, mouth agape.
"Fucking did beat you."
Quackity's chest feels a lot lighter as he laughs at both of their terrible behavior, the night passing like wind. Maybe it was worth going along with stupid ideas.
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ryemackerel · 1 year
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“straight to hell”
some goofy ass glatt design i made, aka c!schlatt’s afterlife form. i love love imagining that in death, people’s ghost forms take on a much more *symbolic* form. ghostbur represented the lost childlike nature of wilbur.
for schlatt, his ghost is the demonization of his personality, a caricature of who he even used to be, a consequence of his wrongdoings.
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jay-lied · 8 months
I didn't have the energy to work it into my rewrite fanfic but I'll always want to see the Glatt Las Nevadas lore. I want the flipping of the power dynamics with him and Quackity. I want confrontations with Tubbo and Fundy. I want him to see the remains of NLM. I want the schlonnor reunion
dude i had a fic like this that i gave up on, but i do think it would've been such a good arc, especially for giving schlatt a redemption. like he's so powerless as glatt, he can't even go out in the sun without burning up
imagine how much fun q would have making fun of him and pushing him around
i just think we deserved to see schlatt powerless and not a tyrant, and i would've liked for people to see more of glatt :(
also schlonnor reunion (i'm a big fan of the idea that connor revives schlatt)
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Folllowing the headcanon that Glatt starts hauting Las Nevadas after his bet with Quackity-
(In case it isn’t obvious, im talking about the characters here, okay)
I just love picturing him becoming super into Quackity and following him around like a dog with a bone.
I mean, Quackity has changed a lot from the man Glatt remembers. Now he sports an ugly scar and carries a big, bloody ax around (a weapon he is not at all hesitant to use anymore). He takes shit from no one and does not hesitate to fight for what he wants. Now, Quackity has the aura of a powerful, feared man and certainly carries himself like so.
Needless to say, Glatt is 100% fascinated with him.
With the memories from his past life pretty skewed and his common sense thrown out the window (since he’s a ghost and all), it’s really easy for Glatt to just start following Quackity everywhere, acting like a weird fusion between a dedicated housewife, a crazy fangirl and a dog.
Offers to help Quackity with his morning routine, to dress him, make him breakfast (even though he doesn’t know how to cook), bring him things, relay any messages Quackity might have to other Las Nevadas members, go perform espionage whenever and wherever the duck might want (even though he can’t really go many places, because sun).
All the while, of course, singing praises about his sugar pumpkin, his big strong husband.
How amazing Quackity is, how cool and calculating he is, how he’s such a competent leader, and Las Nevadas is too lucky to have him.
(There are also a bunch of suggestive innuendos shamelessly thrown around at all times, because it's still Schlatt, but I’m not too good with those so I’ll just let you imagine them.)
Basically, just throw your view of Schlatt in a romantic relationship out the window and imagine he's a glorified puppy, or a housewife from the 60's (except from the, ya know, being cute or actually taking care of the house parts)
And, to shorten Quackity’s reactions to all this crap (otherwise I’d never finish this post), let’s just say, as I’m sure you can imagine, the duck man is very, very much, unamused.
(Although I do like to imagine that sometimes he does let Glatt do certain things for him, if just for the rush of power he gets over having Schlatt (technically Glatt, but you know what I mean) of all people obeying his orders and serving him.)
Quackity tries to force the ghost to leave him alone for some time but Glatt is just really persistent
So eventually he just accepts the ghost isn't going away and tries to make use of him instead
It's pretty hard, because Glatt's memory is as volatile and his personality and so it's really hard for Glatt to learn anything that sticks but they make due
Whatever solutions Quackity finds for Glatt, I don't know about them
But imagining Glatt working under Quackity as the duck's well-behaved guard dog and prrsonal servant is really entertaining to me
Kinda like karma, ya know?
TL;DR: Glatt becomes Las Nevadas's resident (un)friendly ghost and makes Quackity rethink his life choices for the 3064th time :D
(these headcanons have definitely been discussed before. Im not saying anything new, but i needed to write it down somewhere.)
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elmhat · 8 months
I had this really cool idea for an AU but I have no idea how to write it. Sorry this is really scuffed since I just copy/pasted the ruff concept I wrote in Google docs. There's more to it but I don't even know how to put that into words. Hoping for suggestions as I've never written anything before.
Idea for an AU made from a dream I had (This takes place before the prison arc I think). So Quackity has admin on the server and is abusing that access to add a bunch of people. All the people wear animal masks and are really cryptic. Kinda like a cult or a gang?
Also Quackity had a thing that I think is a gas(?) or sound(?) that kinda makes people insentient, like a statue but not, also it doesn’t work on people who have/are dead so maybe it kinda also makes them zombies(?) They don't move though.
Oh and the dream starts in first person which ends when the ?thing? is set off and it changes to third person. So maybe the people/statues are completely aware, maybe their conscious was just cast out of their bodies. Wandering.
Also Quackity and the masked people weren't affected along with Dream, Punz, Glatt, and Ghostbur.
And since it was in my dream, just to get a point across about this AU’s Quackity personality, if he's walking around and sees a “statue” of someone that a person he doesn’t like is fond of or if one of the “statues” is in the way then he will kill them. Their bodies are still alive, just unaware and unable to move (also I imagine Quackity would knock over “statues” just for fun lol). He’s probably more cannibalistic in this AU too.
Anyway the first person Quackity runs into is Dream, I mean besides for Glatt since in this au he hangs around in Las Nevadas. And that’s as far as my dream got.
I can't believe I procrastinated about submitting this ask for three days and all I concluded in those days was "well it's probably a sound not a gas" :( Also i'm very sorry for how long this is.
Oooh I love how creative this sounds! Very original, a lot of horror vibes. You have some cool dreams shhsghfh.
I'm not really sure what suggestions you're looking for—is this something you'd want to write as a fic, or just to plan out in more detail? Usually, when I'm trying to write/plan an AU, I ask myself some questions:
How is this world different from canon?
Why is this world different from canon?
Why is this world being different from canon important to the new story I'm trying to tell?
Personally, I think it could be awesome if the statue thing was the centerpiece of the story, since it's so unique. The question then becomes: what IS the story? It sounds like you've got c!Dream and c!Quackity set up as the hero and villain here, which has some cool directions you can take it.
I guess what I'm saying is that I have some questions for you! (This is under the assumption that c!Dream is your main character, if that's not the case then just insert someone else lol.)
How did c!Quackity get admin powers? Did c!Dream know about this? Is this a betrayal of his trust?
What does c!Quackity gain from turning people into “statues”? Satisfaction? Or something more? Does this benefit his businesses in some way?
What's c!Dream’s goal? If it's to stop c!Quackity, is there some deeper reason why he feels compelled to do this?
Do we ever find out what it's like to become a "statue"? Does it happen to c!Dream? How does it affect his thinking going forward?
How is c!Quackity’s “gang” involved? Who’s part of it? How do they feel about what c!Quackity is doing?
Of course you don't actually have to answer these lmao, I just thought it might be interesting for developing the world? Maybe? Basically, feel free to ignore anything I’ve said.
If you wanted actual writing advice then I could give it a try—just let me know! And good luck with your AU! Interested to see where you’ll take it :)
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lunelicmoone · 2 years
listen i know its just from nightmare before christmas but imagine an au where glatt just stumbled upon las nevadas and found out that cquackity was running the place
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booooooooo cringe losers 👎👎👎👎👎👎 I would never gex tbh ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ imagine. cringe. imagine being a sub. cringe. loser (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
You’re not fooling anyone Glatt 🙄🙄🙄 we know what you and Q are 🫵
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almondmilks-posts · 2 years
Jschlatt- executed pt3
It's been like a year and a half since I wrote this story but got damn am I bringing it back because it has so much potential plus I just wanna write an actual story again plus I wanna see the difference in my writing because damn I re read it and it's pretty terrible
Recap: schlatt your husband murdered you in a drunken rage and has a heart attack but you both meet in your Ghost forms leaving you following ranboo in his ender walking state
I wote the first halves almost two years ago so lore has pretty much evolved and we know what happens so I don't think this follows much of the actual lore anymore
Warnings: angst, uhhh yea dissociation and derealization PTSD symptoms almost....
After meeting glatt you felt weird. Weird as in you felt more disconnected to the server? To your self? Your ghost hands would go numb, your eyes would go blurry and vivid colourful memories of your past life would play into your imagination. The feeling of a netherite sword through your heart is very difficult to forget even in ghost form. You confided your struggles to your favourite ghost pal Wilbur onky to find out that he feels the same way.
You- and it's like I feel human again and I'm in the moment again and again but I never know who's stabbing me it's as if I'm dreaming and not supposed to know
Ghostbur- i feel the same n/n I wake up and boom my ears are ringing hands are burning and someone's standing above me stabbing a blade through me
You- bur life doesn't feel the same anymore and I'm not sure why.
Both of you were feeling pretty down in the dumps, sitting on a few blocks of grass in the middle of a wheat field not to far from the community House. like always ghostbur had friend in a leash as the blue sheep was munching away at some blades of grass. Both you and ghostbur recently have been grumpy and even lashing out at people on the server. Just the other day you yelled at ponk for almost hitting you with an arrow when usually you would just laugh and ghostbur for example would be when he pushed Phil of a podeom because he was taking too long to water bucket almost killing him. Ghost life felt different for the both of you right now but what you didn't know is that outside forces were causing you both to feel like this.
In his dreamwalking state, ranboo had been secretly breaking into the prison telling dream all the drama and tea of the server including the ghost drama of you, ghostbur, glatt meeting on occasions. He absolutely fucking hates schlatt more than Tommy, he was the only person he could not manipulate even shit faced schlatt was like a tank you on the other hand was pretty easy to manipulate but he never got the chance. You were always attached to your husband at the hip even up to your death and it seems to dream that even in death you and schlatt gravitate towards eachother. So he decided to have some fun with the help of ender walking ranboo to constantly pull the three ghosts together forcing you guys to hang out so dream could use his revivebook. That's how it worked, get you all together do the spell and over a period of time you all should wake up where you died.
You were walking to hang out with Hannah and puffy to go on a jungle trip when suddenly the server started spinning. Your eyes got super blurry, hands numb oh no your remembering but this time it felt more intense your head pounded as the scene of you being stabbed played out in your mind.
* a stabbing sharp pain was felt just above your heart, you looked down to see a black blade plunged deep into your chest, blood seaping out of you wound. You grabbed the wrist of your murder and weakly pulled the sword out.*
In your memory you finally looked up at the asailent to be met with black horns and browns eyes. It was Schlatt? Why why would he do that? You thought than everything went black.
He was sitting inside Phil's chest room looking for some more blue when he felt pins and needles all up his arms and lound painful banging in his head oh no he's remembering
* a grey button in a small dark damp room was pressed. Loud tnt exploding could be heard than a loud ringing in his ears. Phil? That's when Phil jumped down anger in his eyes " kill me Phill kill me" that's when a black blade plunged its way into his heart blood seaping down his clothes Tommy screaming could be heard than darkness.
He sat in his home made gym he bullied quackity into making. Practicing his squats like he always did when his leg felt like jelly and gave way. He feel to the ground with blurry eyes and no feeling in his body oh not this again he's remembering.
* he drunkenly stumbled down the prime path no idea what his intentions was or where he was going. Yelling something at quackity along the lines of "flatty patty" or calling him a "dumb broad" when pain shot up his left arm, clutching his chest with one hand and a bottle of jack in his other his legs gave way and helfeel to the ground the last thing he saw was quackity looking over at him wearing your diamond boots than everything went dark*
You woke up in a plot of land. An empty plot of land with some uneavn parts of dirt almost as if a building was blown up by tnt. " What the fuck what is this place how did I get here?" You placed your hands on the ground to get up when you looked down and... Omg skin? You pulled your skin at the back of your hand and low and behold it was skin. You were human again. You rubbed your hands all over your body because you could actually feel it before your hands would just go through. You eventually got up really slowly still super confused how did you become human? Where were you? How to get back! You had been to many many places on the server but you didn't nit recognise the land you were looking out into.
Turning around to see what direction you would walk to get back to the main hub your froze. Hold up, you recognised that tree because it grew in a perfect square. And the recognised that flower patch because you had planted it and you recognised the area except the house you lived and loved and was murdered in had gone. Must have blown it up when schlatt died. That basterd. You thought about killing him again than you thought about ghostbur. Was what you both had been feeling a sign that your were shifting into your human form? Does that mean Wilbur was human aswell? You pulled out your campus (kinda like cords) and sprinted in the general direction of the main smp. The while way you couldn't stop the hatred you felt for schlatt for killing you like he had.
To get to the main smp you had to unfortunately run through lmanburg know covered in glass otherwise you would have to go round adding extra time onto your journey when a brown blob moved in the distance, you ran towards it hoping it was a player and it was.
You- bur? Is that you? Omg your human too
Bur- omg I'm what- I'm human haha I'm human omg this is I'm what?
You- this shit is wild, we felt this happening remember well I think that's what this is? I'm not sure how or why but I think we have another chance
Revivebur- well reviven/n I guess we better get heading to the SMp
You- let's go I wanna have a word with mister glatt the cunt has some explaining to do
Revivebur- oh so you know about what happened?
You- yea I finally saw who stabbed me I still don't know why he did but he brutally murdered me and acted like nothing happened when I became a ghost oh and did you find out who stabbed you? Was it glatt aswell?
Reviverb- oh uh it was Phill but I begged him to don't worry I understand now
You- well I don't so you explain it to me while we walk to the SMp
Ugh a nice ish ending? Villan arc shit. This was so much fun to write.
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I will be spinning a wheel with all the DSMP characters and making up HCs for them/connecting them to each other even if they've never met, wishing future me luck :,)
Attempt #1: Tubbo and Wilbur
Tubbo looked up to Wilbur, not as strongly as Tommy, but still as a leader and an older brother figure
Attempt #2: Fundy and Sam
Sam sort of knows what Dream and Wilbur did to Tommy and immediately became protective of him, imagine what'll happen when Sam finds out what Schlatt and Wilbur did to Fundy
I didn't watch Quackity's lore stream (again smh) but did I predict this? perhaps, I have no idea other than these two were in there
Attempt #3: Wilbur and Schlatt
literally how me and one of my friends act with each other; hate you but also lowkey flirt with each other, platonically, you know
You think they remember SMPLive? Do they remember it as past history, another life?
Wilbur recalls meeting Tommy in his personal hell, but what of Schlatt? Has Glatt ever mentioned Wilbur?
Attempt #4: Techno and Bad
technically antagonists but believe what they're doing is for the greater good and are kind of similar
both plan to get rid of sides, but Bad's way was through subtle takeover and Techno's way was through the forceful deconstruction of all government
They butt heads through their differing ideas to get rid of sides (and of course, the Egg)
Attempt #5: Sapnap and Tommy
know nothing other than fighting; The Soldier, The Right Hand
were/are hurt by their best friend, but Tommy and Tubbo were able to reconcile when Sapnap and Dream were not
It's kind of funny; two teenagers were able to succeed where their enemies were not.
Tommy and Tubbo may have lost many things, but at least they've never truly lost each other. Even through the Disc Saga, through every war, through both of Tommy's exiles, through Tubbo's fake siding with Schlatt, through all of their fights, through all their deaths, they've never lost each other. And while Dream and Sapnap haven't lost as much as them, perhaps they're the more pitiful ones.
why,, why do I run off on tangents instead of staying true? I-
edit: it’s cause youre a stupid bitch past me smh
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almostdeath · 2 years
Honestly. After the "Haunted Mansion" episode...I actually would find it interesting for Glatt to tell Quackity that he doesnt want to get revived anymore.
Like "I am literally invincible as a ghost! I can do whatever I want and nobody would be able to stop me...can you even imagine all the opportunities that I got because I am dead, sugar?~"
This is just a random thought though.
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gabysartsandtoons · 2 years
Dcmk x Dsmp crossover AU
These are based on a chat @essempi and I had on Discord where we imagine Shinichi is C! Tommy, Ran is C! Tubbo, and Kogoro is C! Jschlatt or Glatt. But since I ship ShinRan but not Tommy and Tubbo so this is kinda a problem but it's just some fun stuff I drew I don't really take this thing too seriously and seeing Kogoro tell Technoblade to execute his daughter doesn't sound like the Kogoro we know. I choose revived Tommy cuz that's who C! Tommy is now.
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belanova · 2 years
i still think about the post that said "QuackityFantasma" mean Glatt and like That is the equivalent of kicking every vegan and even vegetarians out of your restaurant, just BANNING everyone who is slightly associated... only for months later to start advertising "Selling vegan food now!" CAN YOU IMAGINE?
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shtetlkosherestaurant · 6 months
Unveiling the Culinary Wonders: The Best Places for Dinner in Philadelphia
When the sun sets over the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia comes alive with a myriad of dining options that cater to every palate. Amidst the gastronomic landscape, one standout destination beckons to those seeking a blend of European flair and exquisite Glatt Kosher offerings – best dinner at Shtetl kosher restaurant . In this exploration of the best places for dinner in Philadelphia, let's embark on a journey through the culinary treasures that make this city a haven for food enthusiasts.
The Allure of Shtetl Kosher Restaurant
Unraveling the European Charm
Nestled in the heart of Philadelphia, Shtetl Kosher Restaurant exudes an undeniable European charm. From the moment you step inside, the ambiance transports you to a world where culinary artistry meets tradition. The warm hues, elegant decor, and welcoming staff create an atmosphere that sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience.
Glatt Kosher Delights
At the core of Shtetl's allure is its commitment to Glatt Kosher cuisine. Every dish is a masterpiece, prepared with meticulous attention to detail and adherence to the highest standards of kosher dietary laws. The result is a menu that showcases the rich tapestry of flavors from various European regions while maintaining the authenticity of kosher traditions.
Catering Extravaganza
Shtetl Kosher Restaurant isn't just a place for intimate dinners; it's a culinary maestro when it comes to hosting large events. Picture your dream wedding, milestone birthday, or corporate gathering – now imagine it infused with the delectable offerings from Shtetl's banquet menus. The fusion of impeccable service, diverse menu options, and live music transforms any occasion into a feast for the senses.
The Gastronomic Landscape of Philadelphia
Diversity on the Plate
Philadelphia's culinary scene is a vibrant mosaic of flavors, and Shtetl Kosher Restaurant proudly adds its unique brushstroke to the best places for dinner in Philadelphia. However, for those seeking diverse dining experiences beyond the Glatt Kosher realm, the city offers an array of options. From trendy bistros serving avant-garde dishes to historic establishments preserving age-old recipes, Philadelphia caters to every taste bud.
Fusion of Cultures
One cannot talk about the best places for dinner in Philadelphia without acknowledging the city's fusion of cultures. The diverse neighborhoods contribute to a culinary tapestry where Italian, Mexican, Asian, and Middle Eastern influences seamlessly blend. Exploring the various districts reveals hidden gems that promise a gastronomic journey unlike any other.
Navigating the Culinary Landscape
Proximity to Attractions
One of the factors that elevate Shtetl Kosher Restaurant to the zenith of dining in Philadelphia is its strategic location. Situated in proximity to iconic landmarks and attractions, patrons can seamlessly integrate a memorable meal into their exploration of the city. It's not just dinner; it's an integral part of the best places for dinner in Philadelphia experience.
Culinary Exploration Beyond Shtetl
While Shtetl stands as a culinary beacon, adventurous diners may want to expand their horizons. The city's diverse neighborhoods house culinary gems waiting to be discovered within the best places for dinner in Philadelphia. Whether it's the historic charm of Old City or the trendy vibes of Fishtown, each district offers a unique gastronomic adventure.
Savoring the Culinary Symphony
Conclusion: A Feast for the Senses
In the realm of the best places for dinner in Philadelphia, Shtetl Kosher Restaurant emerges as a gastronomic symphony, harmonizing European elegance with Glatt Kosher excellence. Beyond its doors, Philadelphia unfolds as a culinary mosaic, inviting exploration and promising a feast for every discerning palate. As the sun sets on the City of Brotherly Love, the culinary journey continues, with Shtetl Kosher Restaurant standing tall as a testament to the city's rich and diverse dining landscape.
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