#glad i went in for a follow up
alsojnpie · 2 months
good news: i found a four leaf clover in my yard!
bad news: i did break a bone after all! IT HURTS!!!!
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welcome home
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qroier · 10 months
What was Spreen and Roier’s betrayal? I only started QSMP during the Felps rescue mission and the lore recap videos didn’t cover that
okay first I want to preface this by saying you get a very very very different perspective depending on what pov you approach it by, especially because of how different the hispanic streamers' approach to lore is, so the focus is on cc!roier's pov because he's the one that chose to take it most seriously and actually incorporate it into his cubito's lore
anyway with that out of the way have some babooshka roier propaganda and go watch this animatic it's The roier cubito lore animatic and sums it all up pretty well
there's also this really good thread on twitter by @mmyashas that includes clips and screenshots, here's the link: https://twitter.com/mmyashas/status/1652070589882925056
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if for some reason you can't access the thread the short but not that short version summary is that roier learned how difficult it is to make tacos after spending like an entire stream just trying to find the ingredients and ultimately had to enlist osito bimbo's help, so he made a bet with spreen that spreen wouldn't be able to make a taco in 10 minutes.
spreen then made a deal with rubius devil to get tacos in exchange for killing roier's dog and missa's cat. when spreen showed up with the taco roier got quackity to be his lawyer against having to fulfill the terms of the bet (like 100 subs) knowing spreen had to have gotten the ingredients from someone else. quackity sided with spreen and roier refused to give up his dog so he ran away until spreen managed to kill him and his dog (and missa's cat). that's when roier decided to enact and start planning revenge against both spreen and quackity.
there's more stuff that's happened since that the twitter thread mentions, but this pretty much sums up the basic foundation of the actual betrayal.
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kyurochurro · 1 year
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aastarions · 5 months
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headofocs-inklesspen · 3 months
Finally reading The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White and I Was Not prepared for the little character reveal in chap 9
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flock-talk · 1 year
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Two days in a row of no abnormal sneezing!
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thyandrawrites · 6 months
I know you dont go here anymore but i just wanted to say that hawks is helping defeat afo in the funniest way by being a charismatic and sexy fake bih gssfshhsfhdfgf
Charismatic??? Hawks?????
Fhdhhdjdh my inner Dabi just went, "did you read that in a self help book?" @ him
The fakeness factor checks out at least
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
Steven Universe.. hit different and I don’t really understand why? Thinking about any of my other old hypefixations, I smile. But Steven Universe just makes me a deeply uncomfortable kind of sad that latches onto my brain like a leech and doesn’t let go for many hours. And I have no idea what it did to deserve that lmao
#I guess this show was a much more massive part of my life than I realized?#it's not my favourite show but I think it's. part of me now#if I'd watched it all in one hit for the first time now I'd think ''woag that was awesome'' and proceed to be normal about it#I had a hard time being normal about things I really liked as a kid and 'cause this show went on for so long and I followed it religiously-#for the ENTIRE time it was airing-#I think it became a permanent resident in my brain along with the emotional state I was in when I started watching it#when I think of Steven Universe I'm flooded with all the ways my childhood self took it way too seriously#I think about things I just MADE UP about the show through theories and implied backstory- all the deeper things that never even happened#and it gives me this unscratchable itch. this weird sense of longing#wughfgdh anyways#my ears ache from getting weirdly choked up about this lmao#just did a shortened rewatch of the whole show through watching Scoot's reaction videos#and like#bruh#the show is y'know. REALLY GOOD. But not THAT good jesus christ#nothing is THAT good#it's kinda cool that I used to have such deep emotions about literally everything but man I'm glad I'm not 13 anymore bahah#mannnnnn I really set this show up for failure by expecting it to reach this impossible unachievable level of depth#and then being kinda bummed when it didn't#it's a CARTOON Cas. a reallly fucking good one just the way it is. calm down child#anyways might draw Greg because he's the goat#steven universe#rant#(?)
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whenthegoldrays · 21 days
#pondering#I can’t believe it’s been a year since I gave up on my last crush#it seems like so long ago I feel like I’ve lived eight lifetimes since then#but it also feels like just yesterday#and yet I feel so…. distant from him#I mean I also never see him anymore#the only reason I did then is because I’d seek him out#and even then….#idk what I’m trying to say#just that things change#and myself of two years ago would be amazed#that I’m able to have a normal life and think about him minimally and painlessly#because two years ago I was in the DUMPS#I went through this intense phase where I just felt like I *had* to be with him and got to the point where I’d just cry out of fear that#that I’d die before I got a chance to make him fall in love with me#it was so bad I was so paranoid and lovesick and and and.. ough#I still remember that night so well#it was also a Wednesday like today and it had been an awful day and I had a headache#and I just thought. I can’t take this anymore. where are we even going. he’s never going to notice me never#i GIVE UP#it was mostly an impulse but looking back I’m so glad I followed that particular impulse#it’s like when Edmund walked out of Mary’s house not because he was super resolved but more on an impulse of the moment#just felt like the thing to do. and I may have regretted it once or twice afterwards but in the end it absolutely WAS the right call#and a couple months later YOU-KNOW-WHO showed up#absolutely insane events happening to me last year.#but now ​I feel like the girl from that one video#“girl who is going to be okay” djdjdhdh#but really! I will be!#and I am even! just taking it one day at a time#elly's posts
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aropride · 10 months
when i got my wisdom teeth out when i was 17 all i did was watch documentaries on youtube about quantum physics and take painkillers and cry for like a week. i also rewatched the first season of h2o just add water. awesome experience aside from the pain
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
i actually love the comeback of bucket hats and mom jeans and big glasses and fanny packs and clunky shoes personally. i was born to dress like a dorky tourist from the 90s
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leonardburton · 11 months
the cool thing about getting news about people you got along with in school but didn't keep in touch with is that you'll be shown pictures of them on instagram or smth and they've grown into such beautiful adults like. i haven't really talked in you in ten years and you were such an uncomfortable and sad kid but you have a really nice smile and a cool sense of style and im glad you're studying something you love. nice autism awareness posts btw i knew we had something in common when we were 4 and you bit my arm so hard i had your teeth marks for days. could have been me. sorry my mum threw a fit
#i've kept in touch with 2 (two) people i was friends with in middle and high school#cos we were a trio and barely had any other friends#but one of them has kept in touch with Lots of people who also kept in touch with other people#so this summer i saw people i was friends with in middle school then barely ever talked to in high school and didn't keep in contact with#it was so nice to see them again!#plus one of them brought her bunny to the picnic and it really liked me so. fuck yeah#anyway we all started talking about people we went to school with#and they went from instagram account to instagram account to find people in follower lists#so i saw pictures of lots of people i straight up forgot about#including that guy who bit me when we were 4#he was visibly and undeniably disabled so everyone was super cruel to him#i was Weird™ but not in an understandable way so people were also mean but like . more low key#anyway he and i talked and hung out a few times in primary but we lost touch completely afterwards#waved hello every other month when we crossed paths in hs#but i didn't have any way to keep in touch after that#he's quite the handsome young man now#good for him#he got his bachelor's degree this year#got a gf and everything#im glad#im still not gonna talk to him because i cant exactly go hii remember the girl you talked to briefly every other month several years ago?#well he's a guy now hi i am autistic also turns out how have you been doinng#i don't do conversations like that#anyway#lots of other people have grown up also#horsegirl who had a crush on my friend when we were 13 is still a horse girl. nurse in training. soo fucking hot like 😳
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jarvis-cockhead · 3 months
#found out last night someone i knew at uni died and its odd. really odd#didnt know them well enough to really feel grief but always intended to hang out with them more#follow each other on spotify & their last listened to artist is one of my favourite bands#i would have liked to have known them better. yeah#really feel for the ppl who were closest to them like im sad but as i said its not like. actual grief#we hear abt other students dying every now and then but its never someone you knew personally or someone whos house you went to#& you meowed at them and they got scared because they said theyre a barking household. and they showed you the dead buzzard in their garden#from which you stole some feathers. and then you went in their fucked up shed that apparently had asbestos#yeah. i just wish id had more opportunities to know them. me and another friend always said we should hang out with them more#man it sucks. which is an understatement rlly but u know#and now its kind of just like. this is a thing that has happened#and i probably wont rlly feel the impact until coming off placement year next year because then ill actually notice that theyre not there#never had anyone in my peer group die before. really fucking weird#really hope theyre at peace now and all. and im glad one of my friends who knew them more i checked in on is doing alright#i mean i say im not grieving but i have cried and am crying but i also cry easily or when i hear people i dont even know have died#but also i do miss them and i wish i could see them again
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thanks! I guess my main question is; how can I be secure in my faith?
I was raised in the faith and I wish I could believe firmly with all my heart, but university (I study biomed) and the world's view of religion make it so hard. I've seen others say that genesis is allegory, which brings into question the historicity of the Bible and Jesus, and I don't know how that can reconcile with faith
Ooh! This is my favorite question :)
So I too was raised in the faith and I too study biology (microbiology in my case, with an emphasis on microbial ecology and evolution). I am firmly convinced that one should hold both Scriptural and scientific truth in high regard; when undertaken with a spirit of curiosity and humility, science and faith pose no threat to one another. In fact, I think understanding one bolsters an understanding of the other.
I'd start with this: I don't believe that Genesis is an allegory, nor do any of the theistic evolution proponents I've read and spoken to. Rather, Genesis uses figurative language to communicate creation and the fall from the perspective of a God who transcends time. Figurative language is innate in Scripture, and I think it's erroneous to take the most literalistic possible meaning for every line of the creation account. For what other part of Scripture do we do this?
I think we need to take it seriously; everything in Scripture is true. But I think when the creation account says, "And God separated the light from the darkness. He called the light Day and the darkness Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day," that's more similar to "I have been crucified with Christ" than "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord." From a heavenly perspective, that's what happened, but just as I haven't literally had nails driven into my hands in order to be saved, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that God divided Day from Night in the space of one 24-hour day. It's a spiritual account, not a scientific account. That doesn't make the words of Scripture any less true.
But! I also think that when Christians discuss evolution, we tend to get far, far too hung up on Genesis and we end up missing some of the deeper implications of the conversation. Evolutionary biology pushes us to think about our embodiment and how deeply interconnected we are with the rest of creation. Likewise, a theistic framework narrows the odds when we talk about the organic origin of life, protein sequence space, etc. If a sovereign God was behind every movement of every atom, then we can see grace where an atheistic scientist sees only coincidence.
Don't ignore your scientific and historical questions, my friend. Ask them all. Chase them to the ends of the earth. All truth is God's truth, and behind each answer I believe you will find the glory of God.
Some reading to get you started:
Finding Darwin's God, Kenneth R. Miller
The Selfless Gene: Living with God and Darwin, Charles Foster
Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, Elizabeth Johnson
The Age of Wonder, Richard Holmes
(Note: I don't agree with every word in all these books, but I find them all generally good and useful)
Just in general, I really recommend reading up on all those great Christians who were also scientists and great scientists who were also Christians. Don't take my word for it, take theirs! Read the books I recommended. Read Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Louis Pastuer! Augustine and C.S. Lewis! Stop centering the conversation on Darwin (who was a Christian, but who was just one guy). For goodness sake, don't listen to Richard Dawkins and Ken Ham. Throughout history, greater thinkers than you or me have reconciled faith and science. Thus, there's hope for us too :)
I'll leave you with this quote from Augustine's exhortation to humility from "The Literal Meaning of Genesis":
"In matters that are so obscure and far beyond our vision, we find in Holy Scripture passages which can be interpreted in very different ways without prejudice to the faith we have received. In such cases, we should not rush in headlong and so firmly take our stand that, if further progress in the search of truth justly undermines this position, we too fall with it. That would be to battle not for the teaching of Holy Scripture but for our own, wishing its teaching to conform to ours, whereas we ought to wish ours to conform to that of Sacred Scripture."
All truth is God's truth.
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sirenspells · 5 months
Suggested posts from the tags I follow were just suddenly not showing up on my dash for a bit and I thought it was yet another weird glitch with my tumblr account that seems to just happen but as it turns out at some point I just stopped following those tags??
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