#give info pls :|
twiggyrogue · 4 months
If it wasn't for the TMAGP ARG snippets I probably wouldn't be as obsessed about Sam but oh my goddd with what tiny we know about him I'm not over it. He's got a canon birthday (!!! He's 33 at the start of the show! It's p cool to know that tbh!) so we know when the Institute burned down, he was 9 year old. So at nine, maximum, he went through the Institute's child experiment. That's age he went through potentially a version of the Milgrim experiment! Mr. Spider whom, this child might have actively tortured someone because he was told to?? And that's probably the terrible event that was brought up in the interview but maybe it wasn't! Maybe it's something worse!! Oh no!!!
The guy scored the highest in empathy in the entire test group at 98% and now his job is experiencing other people's horrors like of course he can't help but look into them, of course he can't help but internalize them when Alice has warned him of what can happen, I'm so worried about this man!!!
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portsandstars · 3 months
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Very spur of the moment predictions before RSS might drop more of these graphs :3
Thought process below!
Kuras: ok, I feel like kuras is the biggest heavy hitter stat wise. Given that he's literally an angel, my guess is that he is very very strong. He also is hundreds of years old and is experienced with healing and .. politics? Certainly knowledge about Eridia. That means that he gets high wisdom too. Moderate useless facts because I'm sure that he's picked up plenty of info during his years in the mortal realm, but he also doesn't care about a lot of things so it can't be higher. Self loathing to the max bc he either hates what he did to get him trapped on Earth, or hates that he got caught. Obviously things didn't go according to plan for him, so luck is moderate.
Vere: he's a bit harder bc he's chained, so that limits him. I debated putting his strength at a three, as he's pretty limited, but he's also a very impressive killer - possibly more so than a regular "human" killer- or else the Senobium wouldn't find him as useful. He's afraid of Kuras's true form, and so to me that says he's weaker. Despite all of his teasing and jokes, he knows a lot of things and has a good read on the world, so his wisdom should be pretty high imo. Useless facts are moderate because he has very narrow things that he enjoys learning about (sex, music, tea..). He loves himself but I also think bitterly rues the day that he was caught, so moderate self loathing. He strikes me as fairly lucky inherently- he just pushes things further and further because of his personality, which overwhelms his natural luck.
Ais: TBH I feel like vere and Ais are comparable strength, and Ais and Leander are comparable strength, so .. they all end up at 4?^^; as they're all weaker than Kuras but stronger than Mhin. For luck- it's honestly a gamble about whether Ais made a huge mistake and doomed his gang (unlucky) OR - Sacrificed them somehow, landed a deal with a God, and now has a lot of cult followers(more lucky). Wisdom- pretty low. Ais seems to have some intuition but seems more focused on fighting first and asking questions later. Self loathing is low-i feel like he's accepted himself and the choices he's made, though in the past he may have deeply regretted them. Facts- he finds it endearing when others tell him about facts, but doesn't care about them himself and even when others tell him, he enjoys how animated they get, rather than the actual facts.
Leander: without his magic, I'd place his strength at a three. But given that his magic allows him to withstand MC's curse (and make flowers !!woot) it brings his strength up to a four^^. I feel like he is SO LUCKY because 1) he was born into wealth and power, and got a good education 2) due to his scars and rebirth icons, may have survived death, which is prettty lucky if you ask me. Wisdom- he has a good sense of how people think and act, but not that much wisdom past that. Self loathing- I think Leander thinks he's hot shit LOL Useless facts - Leander strikes me as the type of person who's always remembering details other people tell him (and seeking out more info) so that he can form connections, get to know people and get more power. He's also formally educated and probably had rich people tutoring growing up. So, useless facts is pretty high!
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honeynclove · 5 months
twst fans send me an ask w ur ocs and I’ll draw em 😊😊😊
It’ll probs be in my silly guy art style (seen below) but maybe you’ll get a serious sketch (also seen below) depends on my mood
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sunlit-mess · 14 days
i’m obsessed with the way u draw vox, what do u think about the headcanon that he’s a trans guy?
thank u! And I'm not sure what to think about that, enlighten me how?
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
hold on, hold on im losing my mind a little over that information. you’re saying ivan is basically the scumbag gong in chinese novels who dates people bc he’s bored and spends a majority of his time just thinking about his white moonlight till lmaoo
I mean, I'm not sure if scumbag gong is the right term (absolutely hilarious though) but Ivan was definitely one hell of a guy. Q and V call him prince charming for a reason (Mizi does too). Them specifically stating "if he was bored enough"... what kind of shit are you doing while bored my guy 😭
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lee-minhoe · 5 months
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jongup for @babytunninjadrac 🎁 💗
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withoutzeuzey · 4 months
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Fem!Chisei sketch cuz people need to see my vision
Another sketch under the cut! There's nudity
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darling-zain · 4 months
guys I am having. ideas
yan Dr ratio x spoiled brat royalty reader,,,,,
predator x prey,,,,,,,
chase scene through the woods,,,,,
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imma bully you and remind you of the architect bones >:3c
Lumi, my friend, my fellow beast among men, you know exactly what you bring.
It is at long last time to “Discuss” this wretched thing
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Let’s start from the bottom and work our way up, cause I wanna get the worst of it out of the way. The fucking,.. Legs. Here’s what we see in-game;
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Technical flaws aside, this is pretty normal and reasonable. Three main segments per leg, articulated toes on the front, hoof foot in the back, an almost standard digitigrade setup. This would be fine, if not for the fact that half of those joints don’t actually exist
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There are two segments excluding foot bones
I’m assuming that ball in the front legs is a knee
Solid bones in the toes
So uhm,… yeah basically;
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And this is before I mention that these aren’t actually connected to the body! THAT’S RIGHT BABY!! THESE THANGS FLOATIN!!!
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So, when Al-an says “primitive ball and socket joints”, I must ask him back! Compared to what, buddy? Miss me with that whale vestigial hind leg bones shit. Your hips are useless and your weight is supported by nothing. Also why so many holes. I hope that’s for like, internal wiring or whatever.
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The lower back is all one solid bone
That is just a human spine. We know personally how bad this shit is at supporting vertical weight. I’m experiencing those effects right now.
Is this ribs anymore? I’ll call it frame. The chest frame is, again, solid. A very rigid structure, there’s no movement in there. Not quite as bad, considering they don’t have lungs (at least not in the same way we do) but still bad for mobility. Looks cool tho, I guess
Back to something worse now, arms! Hands!! Shoulder blades!!
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Not the worst elbow joint tbh
Forearm bones are fused. Again, no movement. They cannot twist their arms
No wrist bones. The hand is a single solid bone. The thumb/claw is also one bone
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Now what’s going on back here? Is that a collarbone? Connected to the neck and fused with the shoulder blade?? What is that spike?? I have no idea what this would do to the movement range of the arms and shoulders. Presumably bad things. Also that big bit coming off the top is the shoulder… handles?
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And finally, the skull. It’s easily the least egregious part of it all, honestly I like it a lot, save for the thick as hell neck bones. Why are they… So Large. No idea what’s going on with the skull-neck joint tho, cannot tell if it’s good or bad. Definitely weird to me at least.
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Skull pretty cool. I’d hazard a guess and say the main brain isn’t up there and it’s all sensory stuff so a lot of holes is fine (also they put armour on top of the head), and the ‘face’ is very interesting. Makes me wonder if they had vertical jaws. Of all the things to be solid bone, the horns were the last thing I’d expect (they are semi hollow tho), and the prongs give me moose vibes. Also the whole thing sits farther back in the head than I thought.
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So yeah that basically sums it up. Their legs fucking suck and the rest is anywhere from ‘why tho’ to ‘sure I guess’. The way Al-an moves ingame should be impossible for him and if this skeleton is actually cannon in its entirety then man must have some extra Secrets. And if there’s any architect skeleton defenders in existence I would love to hear from you.
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non-un-topo · 2 years
I love you wired headphones I love you non-touch screens I love you thick laptops I love you devices with buttons I love you phones with non-glass edges I love you usb ports I love you dvd and blu-ray players I love you discs I love you cars that don’t have screens I love you menus you don’t need wifi to read I love you mp3 files
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aemondsbabygirl · 6 months
That’s going to be me watching Ewan talk about Aemond
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god-u · 10 days
fandom drama on reddit??!!
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jennycalendar · 8 months
hearing bits and pieces abt the audio drama (so don’t take this as an actual opinion) and IS it an insane take that i so badly want olivia’s ending to stay the one we got for her in canon??? i just personally loved the energy of a woman of color who gets in, fucks giles, looks around at his life, goes “yikes,” and leaves. any timeline where they actually get together is such a bummer to me bc she could do sooooo much better & in my heart post canon giles is literally trying to find out if there’s anything lower than rock bottom.
i do however think any timeline where post canon giles decides to say “fuck it” and casually marry ethan is god tier. bc that does fit with the energy of him slowly but surely losing it.
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teenytinycoffeebean · 2 months
Apparently, it's a text post sorta day for me when I actually should be working BUT
straight up, gotta say that, overall, the Warframe community (particularly artists [artists meaning like artists, sure, but also writers and captura and tennogen and content creators and all of that]) has been one of the nicest and most welcoming communities I've had the pleasure of being involved with.
The last time I was readily accepted into a community like this was with Bloodborne, back in 2018. It's incredibly tricky to find good communities like Warframe's. And like, yeah, sure, it's not PERFECT, but perfection is a myth anyway.
Anyway, thanks 💖
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kindaaaverage · 1 year
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pollyannawog · 1 year
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It’s never really acknowledged, but I often wonder what GC/SOFDTI’s thoughts were throughout much of the story…
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