fireolin · 5 years
Heya! don't know if you remember me but OOHHH THE ANGST!!!!! Finally I reached your “The Sea Torn Hearts” in my list! I like me some angst with sweet moments but WOAAH!! What did I just dive into?!! You hit me with that angst-loving moments, then that frustrating situation and desperate moments Killua had to do. Hhhnngg! It’s just PURE GOOD ANGST! I love every details you’ve written. Some made me blush so hard. Thank you for writing this! my feels is actually alot I'll just put in ao3 comments.
Oh! Of course I remember you, and you’ve totally made my day! I’m thrilled that you’re reading my fic! Lolol, yeah there is some angst in this story - I never thought I wrote much angst, and then I wrote this. It couldn’t exist without it. I’m so happy you’re loving the details and i admit i’m pleased to make you blush.
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hxhdowntimezine · 5 years
Following!! I'm interested in this zine, some of my fave artist are participating and my ultimate fave writer dc is applying too! When will be the possible pre-order? Are you posting it only here in tumblr? I hope I dont jinx my fave artist and writer in joining you so just maybe message me, I don't mind DMs
We are aiming to have pre-orders open in mid-July! And this will be a physical zine with a PDF option.
We also have a twitter!
-Mod Bitty
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hxhadventures · 5 years
It's finally here!!! Thank you! Freshly received it. So excited to open it at home. I feel that it's totally worth the wait 💕♥️ Thank you for your hard work!
Hey! I hope you enjoy the zine, thank you a lot for ordering!
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tagged by @gintokillua thank you so much, dear! :3
Rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname(s): syd, squid... that’s about it
Zodiac: libra; rat
Height: 6′1″
Time: 9:32pm
Favorite band/artist: either Bastille or Franz Ferdinand
Song stuck in my head: Icarus by Bastille
Last movie I saw: Honestly might have been Incredibles 2 (I don’t watch many movies...)
Last thing I googled: ichor
Other blogs: sweetautumnwine (writing), starrific-nonbinary (aesthetic), and three RP blogs lol
Do I get asks: occasionally!! i adore when i get notifications like that
Why’d I choose my username?: I’d finished rewatching Kuragehime and determined that I, too, love jellyfish and at the time I was a freshman in college so i was sUPER young and wanted to feel superior, I suppose lol
Following: 912 which is fewer than i thought. i need to go through the blogs i follow and unfollow some lmfao
Average amount of sleep: 7 probably
Lucky number: not really lucky but i love 7 and 13
What I’m wearing: black yoga pants and a shirt that says “whatever floats your boat” above an image of three boats xD
Dream job: travel writer
Dream trip: Japan probably but also Europe (generally... i wanna go everywhere)
Favorite food: sushi, salad, pickles
Play any instruments?: long ago I used to play the guitar! but as of right now, not at all
Eye color: hazel (green/brown)
Hair color: mousy brown
Languages you can speak: english and that’s all bc america and i’m lazy >.>
Most iconic song?: Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons was what first came to mind
Random fact: I have a few “odd” collections including animal bones, music boxes, and paint samples. My bone collection is currently just deer bones, but I’m hoping to add to it iN A NOT CREEPY WAY I SWEAR.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: oh god okay. campfires (especially cinders floating in the air), fireflies, sunflowers, night sky, scent of vanilla, piano music, empty theaters, barren trees in winter, & rose wine in tinted glasses.
I’m tagging: @inkspillsnotebook @kimievii @lena-bean & anyone else who would like to do it (tag me!) and also if i’ve 1. done this before and 2. tagged you in this before i apologize xD
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Heya DC! Colour ask: red, yellow, blue, violet, turquoise, mint, tangerine, gold. If they are not yet answered. Hope you don't mind >w
I don’t mind at all, thank you for all the asks
red and gold are already answered here!
yellow - what’s your happy place? real or fictional?
The beach, with my family. I just………….love the beach. It is heaven to me.
blue - which is your favourite mode of long distance transport? have you ever been on a plane? - if so, where?
I like car, I’ve been on a ton of car trips and I love being able to listen to music and see the world pass you as you go~And oh yeah I’ve been on a plane lots of times. I’ve flown into/from Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Florida, Utah, California, Ohio and of course New York.
violet - what’s your favourite cake flavour? are you any good at baking?
Plain ol vanilla ^-^And kind of? If you count baking stuff directly from a box lol
turquoise - do you like being in the sea? which is your favourite sea side town to visit?
YES.And probably the Hamtons/Montauk??? They’re both beautiful and I’ve been there many times.
mint - do you like astrology? do you consider pluto a ‘real’ planet?
I do! I’ve never been taught a lot about it, but I’ve been watching this Sci-Fy show called ‘Beyond the Planets’ lately and it’s made me so happy.   And I was taught Pluto was a planet when I was a kid so I am sticking to my education lol XD
tangerine - how tall are you? do you ever wish you were any taller/shorter?
………………………..I’m 5ft tall ^^; I’m a smolI wouldn’t mind being average height, I’m not gonna lie XDDD I’d love to be able to reach shelves and not have my friends bend down to hug me lol
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mortalvirus · 6 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
ice cream
cold side of the pillow
that feeling when you drive down a road at 2am and you’re the only car
sound of rain
a good pen
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pemprika · 7 years
I've been luring in your tumblr for a few months now. I would like to directly say I LOVE YOU and YOUR ART STYLE (specially killugon). How you draw them or generally your arts are really pretty, cute and full of expression which makes me fall in love. I notice they have this blushing effects and blushing Killua is my weakness. I will always love your style 💗
GAH thank you so much!!! This is super nice of you!!! I love an embarrassed Killua it’s the best
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driftingglass · 6 years
IT'S COMPLETE!!! I'm really sad it took me so long to check if it's completed already, your wayward soul. Just checked it's finally done. I'm gonna binge read it, like right now!! I'm so HAPPY so so HAPPY! and then I saw your new fic of a wealthy survivor Killua and adrenaline junkie Gon my heart sang!!! Another fanfic worth waiting. Sorry I'm not the 'oh its updated, gonna read' type, hehehe, I just like reading it straight until the end. I just can't get enough of your writing, I love it!!!
Ah I just read your other message too! Thank you so much, @gintokillua, for reading and being such a wonderful and invested reader! This just brought so much joy to this dreary day, and it means so much. Ah. Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuu.
People like you are too nice and make me all red and fuzzy on the inside. :) You’re so sweet and I’m so happy that you read Wayward Souls and that you’re going to start In This Eternal Reverie! They are my fic babies. :D 
You are so sweet. Thank you. :)
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zoldyxcks · 6 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
hello and thank you so much!! positivity is always so nice :’)
1. hunter x hunter! (i mean is it obvious or is it obvious)2. my dogs who are always so happy to see me like ??? pure3. when someone tags or sends me something that reminds them of me4. spending time with people i love5. also being alone and having time to myself (i know, i know, i’m so contradicting)
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I really love your works! Wishing you a Happy Birthday!!
Thank you!!! im really happy you like my stuff hbfdb
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handgunz · 7 years
Heya! I only saw some anons ask dc about the space au you wrote...but i don't see it. But i'm dying to read it. Is there a chance you'll write something like that again? (TT^TT) sorry for asking too much? Am i?
No no it’s fine, but uhmm I’m not sure why you can’t find it...? Here is the Tumblr link and here is the AO3 link bc I just reposted it yesterday.
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fireolin · 6 years
Heya fireolin!! I SOOO HAPPY!! You wrote a killugon again! I'm so looking forward reading them! Probably able to read your 'The Sea Torn Hearts' after I've finish rereading my ao3 killugon master list. too bad I can't read it rn. Just dropped by to say that I'm so glad you added I new killugon fic on you ao3. I'm always checking you bc your writings are wonderful *your one of my fave author* ! :3 Wish you a pleasant day ahead!
Hi!!! alfdgkhafegohaerg -- you’ve made my WEEK!!! I’m honoured and thrilled this makes you happy, and to be one of your fave writers! And that you even check to see if i’ve written anything! Thanks for sticking with me so patiently - i know it’s been a long time since i’ve published anything, and i just feel blessed that you still remember me!
I had the idea for this when I was in the middle of my Edwardian fic draft, and i took a break from that to write it for the Big Bang, because the story came to life in my head so fully, I had to write it. I love the AU!So when you’re able to read it, I hope it’s worth the wait! By the time you get to it, you might be able to read a whole lot in one go - which should be fun. I think this is my best fic so far!Thank you, thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to send me this! 
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xyliane · 7 years
Killugon - frog
notes: tried to actually stick to 5 paragraphs on this one. boys being kids, during their first trip to whale island. 200 words.
“Gon, look!”
He has just enough time to look up from the stream, boots back on the blanket with their socks and Killua’s shoes and the remnants of Aunt Mito’s lunch, before there’s a big croaking frog tossed into his face. It slides down his cheeks and into his hands, where he tries his best to soothe it. “That wasn’t very nice, Killua!”
“It’s just a frog.” Killua drops into a crouch on the riverbank, pale feet sandy and blue eyes laughing. He puffs out his cheeks and bulges his eyes, knees splayed out and elbows askew. Killua’s too knobbly to be a frog, and he has hair and ears. “A frog like me, look!”
Gon takes one look and falls over laughing, stream water soaking through his clothes and going up his nose.
“Ribbit,” Killua says. The frog (the real one, not the Killua frog) hops away into the water, only barely avoiding Killua’s pounce onto Gon’s stomach. Between his best friend’s weight and the gentle flow of water, it’s hard to find room to breathe. “Ribbit!” he says insistently, and his tongue darts out at Gon’s nose.
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feriowind · 7 years
I admire your artworks, love your fanfics and how you answer asks about hxh. Idk if you had answer this but, what would you think leorio's emprovements to his nen or something in DC arc? I would like to hear your thoughts about him :)
aww thanks!! and i have not gotten this question before!
okay so leorio’s base ability is turning his nen into ultrasound, and being able to manifest his nen again at a designated point from his waves, which honestly sounds quite powerful so long as people aren’t expecting it
if he can improve upon them in a similar fashion to what ging did, leorio can use his ability in replacement of En and possibly be able to cover a very wide area and scan everyone within it AND be able to attack anyone within that range!
but leorio’s focus is being a doctor, so he may refine his ability to scan to detect much more minute details so that he can see things within the body that you normally wouldnt be able to find without cutting a person open, and being able to destroy diseases without harming anything else in the body which would require a very delicate hand
still if he could master this ability and beef it up, he could possibly destroy specific internal organs with just a few taps which is very 80;;; DANGEROUS!! but leorio would unlikely ever use such vicious attacks....
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killushawn · 7 years
Heya! I would like to say YOU REALLY DID A GREAT JOB in your DNA fic. Even tho you mentioned it's not you're best? BUT it's really good. When Killua mentioned discord and said, people in Gon's server were good people, I laughed thinking about hisoka hahaha, Anyway, I love ep. 47! bc it's amazing! Hearing your voice's transition from low (Killua) to high (Gon) then back to low again. I just finished listening this morning, it's a good way to end/start my day? hahaha. This was fun! Thank you!
Wow, I’ve never gotten such positive feedback on episode 47 LOL. But thank you so much for this review, and the one on ao3. They both really, truly made my day. It’s been so wonderful watching your reactions and stuff to the episodes for the last few days, so yeah...thank you x)
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DC! DC! Running start's part 2 is soooooo hhnnnnggghh! IT'S SOOO GOOD! I live for soulmate au and I specially love it when it comes to your works. It's such a delight to read. I've read the first part twice now, still can't help smiling. Then when I got to the second part I had to force my mouth shut bc all of those flooof and innocent love overflowing makes me want to giggle so loud!! >w
AAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH KIND PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^////////^
I live for soulmate au’s too, and this one was so fluffy and good and happy–it makes me happy even to know it made you happy, haha XD I can’t tell you how hard I’m smiling right now just reading your message, getting your asks never fail to make my day 10x brighter
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