dianettiaxe-blog · 5 years
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girlfriends have life styles
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jackalopegothic · 5 years
dianetti and taakitz... same energy
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tvfordessert · 7 years
*when gina gets back from maternity leave*
gina: okay, i love my baby and all but can one of you idiots PLEASE watch her tonight cause her mom needs to get laid.
rosa:…fine I’ll do it.
gina: anyone else?
rosa: I said I’d do it!
gina: And I said I need to get laid, so I don’t know why you think you’d be available.
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keepitdreamin · 6 years
I love how Gina and Rosa just confirmed every GinaxRosa AU
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santiagostyle · 7 years
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freewillandphysics · 7 years
okay, but you know when Terry said “The 99th Precinct is officially all back together”, Rosa thought “but Gina’s not here...”
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disregardcanon · 7 years
i think that what bugs me so much about rosa and pimento’s relationship is that it’s just a gag half the time. (which is so unfair to both characters i ADORE rosa and when pimento isn’t macking on rosa, i enjoy him. he’s a funny unhinged guy that’s fun to watch and i wouldn’t mind watching show up and fuck up their lives every once in a while) 
the relationship isn’t treated with the emotional weight that the good relationships on the show are. it doesn’t facilitate emotional growth for rosa the way that amy and jake do for each other, or genevieve does for charles or kevin for holt or any of the love interests that i do enjoy do. he’s being touted as an almost soulmate like figure and definitely endgame someday and they’re just not good for each other. 
beyond the fact that they’re both bad with feelings, are both violent and have this “primal sexual attraction” or whatever, there just isn’t anything to them. 
i’m not saying that rosa has to have a love interest, but if she does have to have one, then it should be someone like marcus who’s actually good for her and helps her grow emotionally okay. (or gina because they just function on the same wavelength and are so fun to watch together and work so well together, but this isn’t a ginarosa post so i didn’t want to derail it) 
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ginaqueenetti · 7 years
Cop/Criminal au
Where Gina is a well known criminal who always gets away with it. Rosa’s been following the case for a few months but never has enough evidence to lock her up so she keeps bringing her in for interrogation at any oportunity she has.
On one occation Gina decides to rob the bar/bussiness place of a local mafia and she gets away with a few millions but has to hide for a while due to hitmans looking for her. Rosa gets worried from the moment she doesn’t sees Gina in her usual bar spot, she knows something is wrong so instead of letting the case go she uses all her time to track her down.
Jake Peralta, her partner and close friend suspects that this chase became something else than just a cop catching a bad guy but Rosa denids it completely, arguing that she wants to put Gina behind bars and bring down a mafia on the way. Deep down Rosa is indeed concerned about Gina’s safety and she misses the long chats they had durning the times she brought Gina for interrogation but had nothing to ask, she also misses the lustful look on Gina’s eyes every time Rosa got violent or physical trying to scare her (which never happened, Gina was like a rock).
One night Rosa gets a quick bang on her front door at the middle of the night, she wakes up, gun on hand and opens the door. She finds Gina, smiling at her, wearing a pink dress that Rosa thought was more Amy’s style and her hair was completely black which made the green of her eyes pop. Gina said nothing and just came in as if it was a friends’s house and not the cop’s house, she went straight to the mini bar, took a wine bottle and then threw the black wig to the floor. Rosa’s eyes widened to what Gina giggled and said:
-You really thought I was going to paint my hair?-
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all I’m saying is...that Brooklyn Nine Nine would double its viewership if Gina and Rosa were girlfriends....the sapphics would flock....and be loyal....and B99 would be good to them....everybody wins....including the actresses who already ship it...
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starburns · 3 years
ginarosa posting a few weeks before the finale who
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ginarmoncada · 7 years
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#drawing #draw #artschool #colombianillustrator #hamburg #haw #kunst  #gold #bunt #ginarosas #paper #cutandpaste #collage #ink #papercut #abstract 
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dianettiaxe-blog · 5 years
Gina : They shouldn’t understand our relationship.
*after 10 minutes*
Gina : And this was the 100th reason why i love you.
Rosa : They will never understand babe.
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jackalopegothic · 7 years
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R O S E S - a dianetti mix
SIDE A -” I’m the Nostradamus of your shame.“ - Gina
A Million Ways - OK Go // B-Team - Mariana’s Trench // Pork Soda - Glass Animals // Better Than That - Cyberbully Mom Club // Secretary - Charming Disaster // Greek Tragedy - The Wombats // Anything I Want You Too - The Rizzos // Stupid - Brendan Maclean // I’ll Be Alright - Passion Pit // The Chain - Ingrid Michaelson
SIDE B - ”So, what is this? Casual, serious? I need to know how to make fun of you?” - Rosa
Boyfriend - Marika Hackman // From Eden - Hozier // Cameo Lover - Kimbra // Cocoon - Catfish and the Bottlemen // Stabler - The Prettiots // Venice - The Lighthouse and the Whaler // O Valencia! - The Decemberists // Samson - Regina Spektor // I Love You Oddly - Rebecca Angel // Bloom - The Paper Kites
Spotify Link: (via https://open.spotify.com/user/mads.014/playlist/5OkkPgZ1neLnd889LpC6Ui) 
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tvfordessert · 7 years
Rosa Diaz missing her girlfriend so much that she spends an entire day engaged in a sitting-contest with Hitchcock and Scully to attempt to keep herself entertained.
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phantomqueen · 7 years
"I bet you look good on the dance floor" ginarosa :3c
rosa tries more fruity cocktails at the bar, after her good time at her botched wedding planning, after gina smiles at her a certain way. rosa downs them quickly, irritated at the shade of bubblegum pink– 
(”alcohol should Not look like this,” she grumbles, her voice not yet beginning to slur. gina leans against her and says, “well alcohol shouldn’t taste like thousand-year cat pee either,” and very subtly knocks rosa’s original bottle of beer into the trash can)
–and after about five of them, she starts dancing. 
rosa on the dance floor is a revelation.
gina’s first instinct is to tweet or record, but then rosa is pulling her to her feet and for the first time in her life gina thinks, hey maybe this is better than any potential future blackmail schemes.
((send me fic prompts i guess bc i hav nothing 2 do at work))
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freewillandphysics · 7 years
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This is 1000% Gina and Rosa interviewing at a bougie-ass preschool they’re trying to get their unborn child into at Terry’s recommendation. 
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