#gillovny trash
txcb1013 · 11 months
So I made an MSR vid for the first time in forever! I would love for y’all to check it out and let me know what you think ❤️
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maryflowerw · 1 year
2023 is definitely the year of Gillovny. LoL 😂
You can laugh, mock and trash me all you want but the fact is it's D and G who keep mocking, lying and using fans, including you.
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wexler · 8 years
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Her face tho
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A closer look at the end of the Kimmel interview
Although the middle segment has been a fan favorite since it aired...the last section gets far less attention. Over a year ago, I was rewatching it (you know, again), and was focusing on the section where David tells the “Poo Man” story. This is when Gillian gets into a second, though restrained, laughing fit.
You can read my analysis (simply for fun!) below the cut..
Right before she stifles a laugh and David says "have you heard this before?" She looks at him and her eyes drift to his lips. 
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She swallows and looks away and you can tell her mind starts to wander. Then she stifles a laugh.
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What if she wasn’t laughing at David's story, but at whatever dirty thing had been running through her mind? As the segment goes on and David's adorably blathering away, she starts breathing heavily with her mouth open and hard core staring at him. 
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Right after the punchline (before he acknowledges her), she stares at him very hard, not responding to the joke at all, then licks her lips. 
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Then they have eye sex for a moment before she finally manages to get some words out in a weird tone...
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So basically, my conclusion is she wasn't trying not to laugh, she was getting, well, turned on, uncomfortable...and fast. #Moistintheanteroom
You can watch the full thing for yourself here on Youtube
Happy Kimmel-versary! ♥
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sembell · 6 years
Moving Forward - Chapter 54
It’s been some time, but the longer the wait the longer the chapter, I guess?! Thank you guys so much for your patience, your encouraging words and your constructive feedback! I still love writing this story as a way to escape into an alternate reality that, as of now, makes me feel so much better than the actual reality (whatever that is :P) The title of this chapter is based on my very first encounter with Gillian at the Toulouse Game Show in 2015, when I was standing in front of her, ready to get my poster signed. Her phone buzzed, she looked at it and went “Oh shit! Just a second, sorry!” and then typed something. Who knows what happened there, but this is what I made out of it for the MF-universe :)
NC-17 warning!
“Oh shit! Just a second, sorry!” Gillian Anderson
September, and with it the end of filming, came around much faster than expected.
Parting ways had always been difficult, but incredibly hard after spending three and a half months together - as a family.
A few days after wrapping, David and Gillian found themselves, once again, on completely different continents, thousands of miles apart from each other. When he’d started to film the second season of Aquarius in Los Angeles, Gillian had flown out to Nepal with Piper and her sister to shed Aaron’s ashes. Right after their short and highly emotional trip, she traveled to India to shoot her new movie Viceroy’s House.
The weeks went by excruciatingly slow, even though their days were always busy and packed with an enormous workload.
By the middle of October, she was still shooting the movie in Jodhpur while David found himself at the New York Comic Con with Mitch and Chris, starting the promotion of their six-episode-event-series.
Although she couldn’t be with them, she had sent a video of her sitting by the pool, sounding somewhat like Lady Mountbatten and making a teasing comment about one of the pool boys. David grinned to himself as the audience cheered, remembering all those hours they’d watched documentaries and recorded her voice during breaks, and how much they’d laughed over her weird accent.
They’d started the panel with screening the first episode, and the rest of it went smooth and enjoyable, mostly due to Kumail, whose love and excitement for the show was basically endless.
At some point, right in the middle of an audience’s question, David’s phone buzzed on his upper thigh. With a quick glance down, he saw that Gillian had tweeted something.
Lying in bed in Jodhpur watching live NYCC panel. Miss you guys. Especially one of you.
He pursed his lips and read it again.
Especially one of you.
And then again.
Suddenly, Chris had started to talk again, and David raised his head abruptly, his eyes wandering over the audience. He had no idea what the question was, but it was answered quickly, and Mitch was talking again. And that was basically the rest of the panel for David. He just wasn’t able to concentrate anymore, especially since his phone kept on buzzing with new messages coming from his little tease over in India.
“She just texted me about my flow,” David said bashfully as he followed Mitch off the stage. The panel had just ended, and they were already on their way back to the media area where they were supposed to give a couple of interviews.
Mitch chuckled, turned around and gave David a pat on the back. “Did she watch us live?”
“Yeah, she did.”
“What does she think about your flow?”
“She says it’s flowing just fine, she’s still turned on by the way I handle my chunky monologues,” David answered, and they both fell into hearty laughter.
There was another message that he’d received during the panel, which he didn’t show Mitch, that said:
> Is that handsome dude on my screen really my boyfriend? I miss him terribly <
She knew exactly how to sweeten him up.
> I thought he’s right there with you, providing cold drinks and fresh fruit? <
A couple of seconds later, she started to type, and it didn’t take long for another text to pop up:
> :P - I wish! Y’all looked fantastic though. I’m so sad I couldn’t be there and watch the episode! Is it any good? <
> It’s good, the audience liked it. <, he replied and began to chew on the inside of his cheek as a new wave of longing came over him.
Right then, he couldn’t have cared less about the episode. All he could think of was kissing her in that pool by her hotel, running his nose over her cute little freckles and smelling her delicious, sunkissed skin.
Yes, he was desperate. And who could really blame him after all those weeks without her? Though admittedly, it had started to become fun to play with all the possibilities they had nowadays to stay in contact and feel somewhat close. David especially had become a big fan of those little sexting games she would constantly come up with. He certainly couldn’t imagine his life without being able to play “Queen of the day” with her anymore.
Unfortunately, nothing was even remotely close to what it felt like to have her in his arms, kiss her beautiful lips and tell her he loved her while looking into her deep blue eyes.
A couple of weeks later, David landed at London Heathrow Airport on a gloomy Friday afternoon, tired to the bones and aching from a long week on set.
He had been looking forward to their first weekend together in what felt like forever, at least up until last Tuesday, when he received a call from a very angry, but also abashed Gillian, telling him that the convention she would attend this weekend wasn’t actually taking place in Paris, as she assumed it would, but in a little French town called Toulouse, which was basically in the middle of nowhere.
All their plans for a nice, long weekend together with the kids, visiting the Eiffel Tower, climbing the stairs of the Basilica du Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre up to the top, or eating years worth of crêpes and baguettes had died in a matter of seconds.
Instead, David decided to spend the weekend at home with the kids, not really keen to drag them out to a cold, snowy Toulouse, no matter how nice and interesting it might’ve been. With so many geeks in one small city, chances were they wouldn’t be able to have a very good time after all.
It was already dark when he arrived at Gillian’s house, and Erin, the kids’ nanny, was all set to leave for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend in a nice little cabin somewhere on the coast. David couldn’t possibly envy her more, even though he was starting to look forward to having some fun with the kids alone.
Over the last couple of months, it had become somewhat of a tradition that whenever he had Gillian’s kids for himself, he’d take them to places that served American food. The good, greasy and overly sweet stuff that the boys didn’t get too often, but of course loved tremendously. He’d lie if he said that he didn’t enjoy spoiling them - they were awesome boys, and they had a good relationship even without buffalo wings, chicken with waffles or s’mores, but he loved having a good time with them and seeing them happy and relaxed around him. And whenever he’d been away for a longer period of time, it was an easy way to skip the awkward first couple of hours to warm up to each other again.
They took the tube to a nice little place near St. Paul’s Cathedral and had a wonderful dinner before driving back home and taking Nelson for a long walk around the neighborhood.
The dog had become everything David had hoped he would when he gave him to Gillian - a wonderful, beloved buddy for her active young boys. Both Oscar and Felix were very dedicated to Nelson, and it was a delight to watch how much fun they were having together, but also seeing how much responsibility the boys had taken for the little guy.
When David had settled Eaden for the night, the boys showed him their new sports game on the Nintendo Wii, and they ended up playing tennis and golf way past midnight, having so much fun that David even forgot to call Gillian before she fell asleep in her hotel in Toulouse.
On Saturday, the four of them went to an indoor playground right after breakfast, and David spent the better part of his day counting heads, carrying Eaden back to the toddler area, which she was constantly sneaking away from to jump around with the big kids, and handing out snacks and drinks.
Around midday, he started to receive some hilarious text messages from an incredulous Gillian, asking him how anyone in their right mind could possibly confuse Toulouse with Paris and complain that she was freezing her ass off in the hall she was sitting in before she eventually sent him a picture of a squat toilet, labeling it “Welcome in Europe 2015”.
While David had a good laugh over it, he also felt for her. She deserved a weekend to relax, yet she was out there making other people’s dreams come true. He couldn’t admire her more right now.
Gillian was back at her signing table after the first round of photo op’s around 2 pm, frozen to the bone and overwhelmed by the number of people still waiting in line to see her.
It was fun though, really. She’d grown to like these conventions despite her fear of crowds and her aversion to public speaking.
Her fans were crazy, but most of them were very nice, lovely people, and knowing she could make them very happy by just being there and taking a moment to talk to them was bringing her an immense amount of joy as well.
Her phone buzzed beside her, and she only meant to take a quick glance at it, but the first three words immediately caught her full attention and set her on alert. It was a message from David, one that didn’t start very good.
“Oh shit,” Gillian exclaimed, taking her phone and looking at the young woman standing in front of her. “Just a second, sorry!” Gillian said with an apologetic smile and unlocked the screen before reading the entire text:
> Rufus is missing. I can’t find him anywhere. Erin said Eadie didn’t have him for her nap either. Do you remember seeing him around somewhere? <
And that was when the nightmare started.
Gillian hopped into the waiting limousine to leave the convention center by 7:30 pm, much later than she’d anticipated since she spent another hour at her table, meeting even the last person who hadn't gotten the chance to see her earlier today.
The rest of the day had been so busy that she didn’t get the chance to write David anymore, and his messages had piled up by now.
His immediate reply to her suggestions where the bunny might’ve been was:
> No, he’s not in the car and not under our bed, or any bed for that matter. Please come up with something a little bit more helpful. I’m running out of options here. <
There were four more rather desperate ones before she reached the last one:
> I can’t find it. I looked absolutely EVERYWHERE! <
Gillian inhaled sharply and turned her head to look out of the window as they were passing the crowds on their way home, or to the next bar.
It was raining again, or snowing, she couldn’t really tell. The cold and cloudy weather in the past couple of weeks was starting to get to her mood and overall well-being. As if only the sun could recharge her batteries. Maybe a nice long bubble bath back at the hotel and a decent sized burger with fries and a milkshake on the side would do the trick, too, Gillian thought, smiling to herself. Boy, she really wasn’t looking forward to making a call home and face the reality that her one-year-old’s heart was probably broken into a million pieces.
With an exasperated sigh, Gillian dialed David’s number and raised her phone to her ear. Better get it over with right away, she thought.
He picked up on the fourth ring.
“Hey, stranger. You're done with your day?”
Gillian smiled. “Hello, yourself. Yep, I'm completely done. Done, done, done in every possible way. My brain is just… mush.”
“I bet it is,” David said with a chuckle. “Lots of people, huh?”
“You have no idea. But now tell me what’s going on! How is she?”
“A-s-l-e-e-p,” he spelled, especially emphasizing the ‘p’ at the end, sounding both relieved and tired.
“Oh, wow,” Gillian said in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Yeah, me neither. But she basically cried herself to sleep on the couch while I was trying to make dinner. I guess it was an exhausting day for all of us, and now she’s lying half on top of Nelson - who’s also on the couch, I’m very sorry - clutching one of your hoodies to her face.”
“Oh no, poor girl,” Gillian said ruefully. The bunny had been on top of her mind since David’s first message, and she couldn’t really remember when she’d seen him the last time. On Friday morning when she’d gotten the baby ready for the day? Did Eaden have him in the car during their school run? Or… did they bring him to get a couple of groceries and actually lost him while strolling through Brick Lane Market? Which was, undoubtedly, the worst case scenario.
“Yeah, it’s sad,” David said, pulling her out of her thoughts. “She just doesn’t understand it.”
“Fuck, David. I feel so guilty. It’s all my fault.”
“No, Gillian. Things like that just happen.”
“Have you ever lost the favorite stuffed animal?”
“Well, no. But we’ve lost a bunch over the years…”
“Yeah, the ones that are forgotten the next day. But you usually don’t lose the favorite one because you never bring it with you when you leave the house. That’s the number one rule every parent knows… and usually follows.”
“Maybe we’ll find him again. I will keep looking, okay? Don’t lose any sleep over it, babe.”
“Maybe I should go out for a drink with David and Nicholas after all,” Gillian mused, referring to the American actors that had also attended the convention with her.
“Yeah, at least one of us should have fun,” he said with a light chuckle.
“I’m so sorry, David. I know this wasn’t what you were expecting from this weekend. Are the boys good for you at least?”
“They’re awesome. One of them was always with Eaden or looking for the bunny. They took off to play upstairs an hour ago when the crying got really bad, which I can’t blame them for, to be honest. I think they’re hungry and waiting for dinner now, so…”
“Oh, okay. What are you making?”
“Baked mashed potatoes.”
“Um, okay. Sounds… interesting.”
“Easy and… basically ready to serve. I gotta go, babe. I love you, you know?”
Gillian smiled as heat rose to her cheeks. “I love you, too. Very much.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, finally. Good night, Gillian.’
“Good night, David. Please give the kids a kiss from me, okay?”
Rufus hadn't miraculously resurfaced by the next day, which pretty much sealed the deal for David that Eaden’s favorite stuffed bunny had in fact gotten lost in the streets.
After lunch, which the baby had refused to eat even though it had been pizza, David found her in the library rummaging through one of the bookshelves.
She didn’t even look up when he kneeled down beside her. “What are you doing, slugger? Are you redecorating Mommy’s books?” he asked, running his hand over her back.
It was only when she turned her head that he saw the tears running down her cheeks again.
“Ufus!” Eaden sobbed, her bottom lip stuck out so far that a bird could have perched on it.
“Oh honey,” David sighed. How often could his heart actually break for this little girl? She was looking at him as though he was the only one who’d be able to make everything okay again. There were so much hope and expectation in those piercing blue eyes. How he wished he could take away her pain. Or at least be able to explain what was going on.
Thankfully, she fell asleep in his arms after he’d picked her up and laid down on the couch with her.
But it was barely an hour later that Eaden couldn’t be soothed anymore.
David was leaning against the kitchen island with a screaming, wiggling Eaden in his arms when he heard the front door being closed and someone in heels walking through the hallway.
He had a tight hold on Eaden’s little feet as Oscar was standing right in front of him, looking up at his sister with worried eyes while he was gently stroking her arm.
Felix was sitting on the couch, holding his ears while staring at David’s iPad.
Oh boy, Gillian thought as she caught the first sight of them. It was worse than she’d expected.
Putting her bags down, she gave David a weary look as she approached them, but could see a hint of relief crossing his own features.
“Hey, you guys. What’s the matter here?”
“Mum!” Oscar exclaimed and ran into her arms, embracing her waist. “We weren’t able to find the bunny.”
“Mummy, she won’t stop screaming and we looked everywhere!” Felix complained from his position on the couch, not even attempting to get up and give her a hug.
“Yeah, we did! We thought Nelson might have taken it, but it’s nowhere in the house! She must’ve lost it somewhere outside.”
“Oh dear,” Gillian sighed and ran her fingers through Oscars hair before leaning over to give him a kiss. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“Nope,” Felix stated, cringing as Eaden let out another loud wail and plugging his fingers back into his ears.
“Hey, baby girl,” Gillian cooed and walked towards David and Eaden with Oscar following her closely. With four fingers of her right hand stuck in her mouth, she was clutching David’s neck with the other, and her head was resting against his shoulder as though she’d literally no energy left in her to hold it up herself.
“Look! Mommy’s home, baby. Everything’s alright now,” David whispered, gently bouncing her up and down.
Gillian snorted and started to rub Eaden’s back to get her attention. She seemed to be completely out of things, and her whole body heaved with convulsive sobs, each one wracking her harder than the last. It sounded pretty much like she was choking.
Her normally bright, sparkling blue eyes looked glassy, and the white in them had turned into a bright pink. Only her cheeks were redder than her eyes.
Gillian felt her daughter’s forehead with the back of her hand, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“She’s hot.”
“Yeah, she’s been crying and screaming on and off for hours now. She didn’t eat anything at all and only managed to take a couple of sips of tea here and there,” David said, worry and remorse evident in his voice.
“M-hm, it’s hard to make her drink anything when she’s so upset,” Gillian squeezed his arm reassuringly.
He managed a weak smile before asking, “You want to hold her for a bit?”
“Yes. Just let me change into something clean and comfy, okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and put his hand on her upper arm as she was attempting to walk away, pulling gently. “Hey,” he whispered, his smile soft but tired.
She raised her arm and stroked his stubbled cheek before putting her fingers around his neck and pulling him down for a chaste kiss. “Hey,” she whispered as she pulled back. She’d pictured their first kiss after weeks a little bit differently. “Hang in there, I’ll be right back.”
The crying got worse again once she’d left the room to head upstairs, and it resonated even up to her bedroom. Gillian could count on ten fingers the times she’d heard one of her kids crying like this, and it had mostly been Eaden with her newborn colics. The memories of spending hours walking around and bouncing her to ease the physical pain were still very vivid. But how on earth was she supposed to help her one-year-old with her emotional struggles?
Gillian sighed as she quickly undressed and walked into the bathroom to wash her face. No matter how many kids one had, parenthood would always be a challenge, and it would never be simple.
She came back to David pouring what she guessed was fennel tea, Eaden’s favorite, into a sippy cup while their daughter was now sobbing directly into his shoulder. They always made a whole can in the mornings and let it cool down. Gillian hated it, couldn’t even stand the smell anymore, but Eaden was chugging it down like crazy. On a normal day, at least. She really hoped Eaden would take it.
She went over to Felix first, who had been joined on the couch by Oscar, to make a point and give him a kiss hello. He smiled at her bashfully when she ruffled his hair before finally pulling her down for a bear hug. No matter if she was gone for a weekend or a couple of weeks, they always seemed happy and grateful when they had her back, and in need of a lot of cuddles. She hoped she’d get the chance to spend some quality time with both of them before she had to fly out to Belfast on Tuesday.
“Hey sweetheart, look what Daddy made you! Your favorite tea!” Gillian tried to sound as excited as possible when she stepped beside David, who let out a frustrated sigh while trying to screw the lid with one hand.
She gently put her hand over his, gave it a reassuring squeeze and took the cup to close it.
“Eaden, Mommy is here now. Have you seen her?” David murmured, gently trying to loosen her tight grip on him so she would at least take a look. He still couldn’t believe how hard it actually was to peel a tiny, clinging toddler off of you. “Eaden, please,” he begged, and Gillian could tell that he was giving everything not to sound annoyed or harsh. It must’ve been a horrible weekend for him, especially after not seeing them for such a long time.
“Okay,” Gillian nodded, put the cup on the counter and started to take the baby away from him.
She was holding on for dear life, pulling at his shirt and stretching it as far as possible before he finally got to open her fingers around the fabric, and she let go.
Gillian had just turned her around and settled her on her hip to take a look at her when Eaden broke into full-blown bawl, arched her back and suddenly threw herself backward so forcefully that if David hadn’t been there to catch her, Gillian would’ve dropped her.
“Jesus Christ,” Gillian breathed in utter shock, her heart now beating rapidly in her chest. Eaden’s cries once again intensifying.
David nodded, running his large hand over Eaden’s small back while Gillian was holding her tightly, even though she was squirming in her mother’s arms.
“It’s alright baby,” Gillian tearfully choked out. She felt horrible. Eaden had never resented her like that before, and it stung.
If she only had been there for her over the last two days.
She looked up to meet David’s eyes. “Do you think it might help if I retreat into the library and lay down with her?” Gillian asked, cradling her daughter’s head in her palm and bouncing her gently.
“Yeah, you do that,” David said softly and leaned forward to kiss her forehead before handing her the sippy cup. “I’ll be out here if you need me, okay?”
“Yeah. Thank you,” she whispered, hoping he knew how grateful she was for everything he was doing for her. Flying over for the weekend to watch her two boys, their daughter and the dog all by himself was more than she was expecting from him, especially since she didn’t even have to ask.
He found them peacefully lying in the raffia glider a while later. The library was one of his favorite rooms in her house. It was peaceful and comfortable, and he loved to come in here, browse her bookshelves and lay down with a book that caught his interest. David even had a shelf for his own books in here, and sometimes, he’d find a book in it that she’d bought him, one she thought he would like, or one she just really wanted him to read.
Eaden was slumped against Gillian with her head resting on her mother's chest, her little body still shaking with an occasional sob. With one hand, she was fingering a few tendrils of her mother’s hair that had escaped out of her ponytail. The other one was holding onto Gillian’s shirt.
“Hey, it’s so quiet in here,” he said with a soft smile and let himself slump down onto the blue sofa beside them.
“Yeah, finally,” Gillian said, her voice just above a whisper, and looked at her little girl.
Eaden had stopped drinking, but Gillian was pleased that she’d managed to drink at least half of the cup. Her eyes were still open, but she was staring at nothing in particular, her little fingers absently playing with the collar of her black shirt before disappearing underneath it again.
Gillian sighed. It was so tempting to give in, to go 10 steps back, ruin everything they’d worked for over the last eight weeks and just let her nurse, even if it was just for comfort’s sake.
“Babe, don’t,” David said quietly as if he’d read her mind, his eyes warm and full of affection. “I know what you’re thinking, but it won’t help her, or you, in any way.”
Gillian nodded and buried her nose in her daughter’s soft blonde hair. He was right, of course; the whole process was a nightmare she didn’t want to start over again. She couldn’t do that to Eaden, or to herself.
For Gillian, it was an emotional rollercoaster of unknown dimensions. Some days, she thought she was experiencing something similar to postpartum depression. She had to excuse herself from meetings or during filming to cry in private multiple times in the last couple of weeks. Had found herself on the verge of a panic attack every Monday morning when she was about to leave for Belfast, or felt completely unable to get up in the mornings and go to set.
On other days, she was incredibly relieved that she didn’t have to offer her body to a little person every waking hour of the day, or night, anymore. While she loved being close to the kids and loved providing the physical comfort each child needed, there was definitely a certain point when she started to feel very anxious, claustrophobic and protective of her own body.
One night back in the beginning of September, she’d broken down into tears after another day of tugging, fumbling, holding, carrying and rocking a cranky toddler, just to be used as a human pacifier at bedtime, and hours beyond.
Just the thought of having to hug or kiss David, or give herself out to anyone else on top of that made her heart race and her stomach clench. She was feeling incredibly overwhelmed and irritable pretty much all the time. Touched out, as some were calling it. And she found that this description was pretty fitting to what she had been feeling over weeks.
When Gillian had finally come to the conclusion that she couldn’t carry on like this, David met her with an immense amount of sympathy and appreciation. He’d been the one encouraging her to make whatever changes she had to in order for her to be able to take and do whatever she needed to remain happy and healthy. In the end, Gillian was quite surprised to find out just how invaluable her intimacy with David and the sheer feeling of being a desirable human being was to her sanity after all. And that by regaining some of her emotional and personal space, she quickly became much more relaxed and approachable again.
For Eaden, it seemed to have similar effects. She appeared to be much more independent and mature all of a sudden, boldly exploring her surroundings without looking back in search for Gillian quite that often anymore. But she was struggling to accept all the other ways to be close to her mother as the new and sole sources for comfort and security, and that nursing wasn’t one of them anymore.
She simply didn’t understand what was going on, and her coping strategies varied from crying for Gillian at night, throwing tantrums and downright begging to very creative attempts to change her mother’s mind, like pulling coy and funny faces, or even offering Rufus Gillian’s ‘na-na’s’. “Omise na-na Ufus, Mommy,” she would say, probably thinking that her mother was too polite to say no to Rufus when he’d already been promised something.
The look of rejection on her child’s face was unbearable though, as was having to say “No” over and over again, no matter how sweetly Eaden was looking at her. Or how heartbroken she was over the loss of her favorite stuffed animal.
“She probably thinks we keep punishing her, David. And of course, she has no idea why we’d do that.”
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t argue with that. It did indeed feel like they were pulling the safe ground they’d tried to build over the last two years right from underneath their child's’ little feet.
Nothing had ever been really easy with Eaden. Maybe it was because of their own, rather advanced age for being the parents of a baby, or the fact that she was definitely their last child, but both him and Gillian were incredibly attached to this kid.
David only knew that guilt was playing a big part for himself. Not only that they weren’t living together and working all over the world, therefore dragging the little one from one place to another, but because their daughter had two parents who would probably not be able to be by her side for the bigger part of her life. He could be extremely grateful if he’d make it to her thirties. And that… didn’t feel really good.
Being aware of that, they were working hard on providing her with a secure, nurturing environment and making sure she always felt safe and loved.
Right now though, it seemed like they were failing miserably. Or maybe, he thought as he was looking at them, it was just him who was failing his daughter, and Gillian, by constantly being away from them.
“You’re a terrific mother, Gillian. I know I don’t say it enough, but I’m constantly amazed how you handle all of this; four kids with completely different needs and expectations. Mostly by yourself.”
Gillian gave him a warm, lopsided smile and shook her head slowly. “I’m not by myself.”
“I-, I know you don’t see it that way… with Erin being around and the boys spending half the time with Mark. But when it comes down to it, it’s your opinion and your decision that counts. You are the mother and you know all of them better than anyone else.”
“David,” she said and held out her hand. He reached up immediately and took it in his. “I couldn’t be the mother I am, or trying to be, without you. I’m thankful every day that the three of you are the best father’s I could’ve possibly chosen. But this,” she made a circle like motion with her head, “is only possible because of you and me together. We haven’t seen each other in what, six weeks? And you come here, all the way from LA, knowing I won’t be here most of the time, just to watch the kids. Not just our kid, but mine as well.”
“That’s the least I could do after you’ve watched them for six weeks,” he stated.
“It’s only about being able to rely on each other. I have your back and you have mine, right?”
Right, he thought. Just sometimes, he felt like it wasn’t enough.
Eaden let out a soft whimper and turned her head, searching for David. “Daddy,” she murmured, extending her left arm towards him.
“Yeah, baby,” he said and let her wrap her tiny hand around his thumb before he closed his fingers completely around it. “Daddy’s here.”
The tiniest hint of a smile played on her lips as she borrowed her face deep between Gillian’s breasts and let out a content sigh.
“Come here,” David said softly, holding Gillian’s hand while she was climbing into the tub to join him, hissing when her heel met the water. “Careful.”
“It’s hot,” she said, squeezing his hand tighter.
He raised his right eyebrow and gave her an amused smile. “Hot? I’m sitting in here, it can’t be that hot for you.”
“I told you, I’m frozen to the bones. It probably feels hotter than it actually is.”
“Alright, take your time,” David nodded, putting his hands on her hips as she slowly climbed in.
When she was finally standing between his legs, he let his hands fall down to her upper thighs and leaned forward, placing soft a kiss against the mole on her right butt cheek before gently biting into her flesh, just where her ass met her thigh.
Gillian giggled and braced her arms on the edges of the tub to ease her body into the warm water. Once the bubbles had covered her breasts and his arms had come around her middle, she let out a satisfied moan and leaned back against his chest.
It was almost 8 pm now and all three kids were asleep. After getting Eaden to eat a couple of bites of the leftover mashed potatoes for dinner, Gillian gave her daughter a quick bath and rocked her to sleep before tucking her into her crib, not leaving until she was sure the little one wouldn’t wake the second she left the room.
The boys had been patiently waiting for her on Oscar’s bunk bed to tell her everything about their weekend with David. There was a brand new Star Wars Lego-set they’d started to build in the middle of the room, and they proudly showed her the letters they’d received from their teachers to inform their parents about their impeccable behavior in class in the last couple of weeks. The Lego-set, so they explained, was David’s reward for them. Gillian could barely contain the amused grin the entire time they were talking. David really was… something else. The relationship he had built with Oscar and Felix was a fascinating one. There was a great deal of respect, curiosity, friendship and lately, probably since Vancouver, she really thought she could see love between them, too. Something very similar to the love between a parent and a child, still developing its roots, but very beautiful to witness. Something Gillian had never dared to hope for it to happen.
She laid with the boys for a while, listening and cuddling before giving them both kisses and hugs good night, turning off the lights and leaving their room to search for David.
She found him in the master bathroom, already sitting in a bubble bath between a sea of lit candles. She felt like crying of gratitude for this sweet man.
“Feels good?” David asked softly.
“Hmm, feels like heaven. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yes, me too.”
“By the way, I stumbled upon that… huuuge Lego walker-thingy in the boys’ room.”
“Oh?” David chuckled almost nervously. “Am I in trouble?”
Gillian laughed. “No, of course not. It looks extremely expensive, though.”
David shrugged, cupped a handful of water in his palm and let it run down her upper arm. She smiled and leaned further back, resting her head beside his.
“Boy, I need a vacation. A very long one.”
“Hmm,” he nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “What are you thinking of?”
“I think of multiple things.”
“Of course you do,” David chuckled and brought his index finger up to her nose, placing a tiny bubble of soap on its tip.
“Hey!" she giggled girlishly and wiped her nose before giving him a chaste kiss.
"What are you thinking of?" he eventually asked, absently caressing her forearms with his thumbs.
"Hmm, a private rooftop or balcony pool from where you can see a beautiful, white beach.”
“Oh,” he nodded approvingly. “That sounds promising indeed.”
“A big bed.”
“One with enough space for all our children?”
“No!” she nudged him playfully in the side. “No kids.”
“No kids?”
“No. At least not the entire time. The big bed would be ours alone. Enough space to eat a big breakfast and read the papers in the mornings. Or for all the food I’d order from room service in the middle of the night while we’re all sprawled out, watching Trash TV. Or-”
“I don’t know… what else can you do in such a big bed with no kids around?”
David shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. It’s not like I’m used to having a big bed just for the two of us anymore.” God, he wasn’t even used to the way she felt in his arms anymore. Had she ever been this tiny?
“Yeah, true. Hmm, maybe we’ll think of something once we’re there.”
“So this is the beach vacation somewhere nice and warm?”
“It is, yes.”
“Maldives, maybe? One week with the kids and then another… for us? Just you and me, a private little house on the ocean with a balcony pool. You completely naked the majority of the time…” he said dreamily, and she started to giggle.
“Sounds so heavenly, can’t we go now?”
“That would be something, wouldn’t it?” he nodded.
“Seriously, David,” Gillian said and turned her head so that she could look into his eyes. “I can’t go that long without seeing you anymore. It’s… getting harder and harder every time. And it’s just that… sometimes, I feel like…” she paused, pondering her next words while stroking his forearm with her thumb absently, “...not that we’re neglecting our relationship per se, but that it… gets lost in the shuffle, sometimes. Often. You know, with work, and the kids, which is completely normal, but… I wish we’d have more time for ourselves. To do adult things…”
“Oh,” he said appreciatively and waggled his eyebrows, making her snort before she went serious again.
“Yes, those things, and just… explore places without pushing a stroller or without having to stop at every other ice cream stand. Go to museums, meditate together, spend a night in town, just,” she sighed, “we don’t necessarily have to do all those things, but it would be nice to at least have the time that we could if we wanted.”
“I know what you mean,” he nodded.
“But it’s mostly just the... mundane things that I miss the most. Like sharing a meal in the evenings, or going to bed together. Not having to sleep alone…”
“Yeah. I miss that, too,” he said with a sigh and rested his chin on her shoulder.
At least they were happy, that was what he was thinking when he was lying in bed alone on one of those many lonely nights these days. He felt whole knowing he was hers, and she was his, no matter where they were.
“So,” David said, “about the vacation…”
“Mh-hm,” Gillian hummed.
“Is it a good thing that I… booked us a weekend in Budapest in March? Just for the two of us?”
Gillian opened her eyes and blinked before looking back at him, surprise written all over her face. “What? Are you serious?”
David chuckled. “I am, yes. Being the only one who has full access to your schedule certainly has its perks when it comes to making a surprise perfect.”
“Oh my god, I love Budapest! I will show you all the beautiful sights! And I will give my friend Zoltan a call, who has a nice little restaurant there, and ask him if he cooks us the best Hungarian food you’ll find on this planet before we’ll head to the coolest bars you’ve ever been to! And because we also need some time to relax, we will go to one of their famous baths!”
“I love when you’re so excited. It’s adorable.”
“That’s really nice of you, David. I always wanted to do a city trip with you. And I would love to go on a nice shopping tour again. Budapest is great for shopping,” she nodded with enthusiasm, but then seemed to reconsider.”Although I can’t do that with you.”
“Why not? Didn’t you say that I’m a very patient shopping companion the last time we went together?”
“I did. But I can’t blink twice and the cashier already has your credit card in their hand,” she smirked at him.
“And? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you would’ve made it clear if you didn’t like a little bit of spoiling every now and then,” David winked and leaned in for a kiss.
“Hmm,” Gillian hummed approvingly.
“Am I right?” he prompted, his breath brushing against her neck.
“Mhh, yeah, you are. The apples don’t fall far from the tree, you know?” Gillian tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her skin.
“So I’ve heard,” he murmured, teasing her with delicate kisses so faint she didn’t dare to breathe, too afraid to miss a single one of them.His hands had started to roam over the flatness of her belly, fingertips tickling the sensitive skin between her breasts up her neck, and eventually drawing little circles right under her ear.
The simplest touches of his hands had the power to make her squirm like a cat in heat, unable to ignore her bodies basic needs. To be touched. To be loved.
They were lying there silently beside the occasional giggles while washing each other until the water started to turn too cold for her liking.
David knew that she could lie there for hours, refilling the tub with hot water every now and then, but he had something different in mind. It didn’t take a lot of convincing to make her get up and let him rinse both of them off before wrapping her in a big, fluffy towel.
He’d barely gotten a chance to dry himself off and she was impatiently pulling him back into the bedroom by his hand, her own towel left behind on the bathroom floor.
She fell back onto the mattress and pulled him on top of her, both giggling like two young people who’d just fallen in love with each other. Yet they were doing this for almost 25 years.
Languid kisses quickly turned into something more serious. Hands were roaming and hips grinding against each other for a little bit of relief. Their bodies were still warm and soft from their bath, and the sensation of skin to skin was unbelievably arousing.
Their breaths were coming in shorts pants when David broke away from Gillian and gently moved her into the middle of the bed, making sure that her head was comfortably propped up on a bunch of pillows before kissing his way down, caressing very scar and stretch mark on her perfect little body. There really wasn’t anything not beautiful about her.
He had just placed a couple of kisses on her pubis and outer lips when Gillian moaned out loud, and he quickly looked up from between her legs, surprised by her strong reaction. He hadn’t even come close her clit yet her back was arched and he already needed to shush her.
“Shh, not so loud,” he whispered, caressing her tummy with his flat palm, his smile giddy and reaching up to his eyes.
“David,” she said in a half warning, half desperate voice, glaring down at him. “It’s been six weeks with only my own fingers down there. I will scream this place down if you don’t continue, and nobody wants that to happen, right?”
“What about screaming it down because I’m continuing?” he teased, but earned nothing but a blank stare, telling him that she wasn’t in the mood for his jokes anymore.
He continued easy on her, his thumbs caressing her inner thighs, nuzzling her slit with his nose while kissing and licking the soft space between her pussy and her ass. She was dripping wet already, her hips softly rotating.
Her face was still relaxed, though. Eyes closed, cheeks flushed, bottom lip lightly tucked between her teeth. It was rare that she was so content and comfortable, only concentrating on the sensation of his touch, and he loved seeing her like that.
When she put her left foot flat on the mattress beside his shoulder, basically opening up for him, he knew the teasing was over, and she needed more.
The second loud moan didn’t come as unexpected as the first, but David had to retain himself from looking back and check if she’d closed the door earlier. She probably had. At least he hoped so.
As if she could read his mind, or maybe it was his slackened tongue that had given him away, she reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair.
“Relax. The door is locked,” she murmured, licking her lips in anticipation of what was coming next.
David rested his cheek against her inner thigh and glanced at her beautiful, open pussy right before him. It was sensory overload - the pink, glistening flesh with the perfect little nub poking out of the middle and that divine, feminine smell of hers.
She had never been shy about this particular part of her body, while there were others, much less private ones, that she didn’t feel entirely comfortable with, and wouldn’t let him look at for too long. It was a miracle that she’d let him get away with kissing her ass.
Her hand suddenly came in his vision, the index finger stroking his cheek a few times before she ran it through her folds.
“Whenever I did this, when I touched myself, and made myself come, I was thinking about you, and those long, skilled fingers of yours,” Gillian said, her voice low and sultry.
David swallowed, pressing his hips into the mattress. His cock was hard as a rock. Almost painfully so.
“About your lips on my clit. Or just about you… fucking me.”
“How?” David coaxed out, watching two of her fingers disappearing into her wetness. “How did I fuck you?”
“Hard. You fucked me hard, David. Like you did in that tent on the last day of shooting. You remember that, right?” she asked, pressing herself against her palm.
How could he possibly forget that? It had been a tent with no solid walls in the middle of the set. Everyone could’ve walked in at any given time.
“I remember,” David nodded thoughtfully. What a great memory it was. “You weren’t able to keep your voice down back then either.”
“Hmm. What can I say,” Gillian said, pulling her fingers out and resting them on his bottom lip. With a growl, he opened his mouth and welcomed them in. “You do this to me.”
“Hmm,” he hummed around her fingers, swirling his tongue around them.
“Were you planning on fucking me tonight?”
David huffed, pushed her hand aside and leaned down and sucked her clit between his lips.
“You bet I was,” he murmured against her hot flesh. “Fuck babe, when I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for the rest of the week,” David added and dove in for good, sucking as much of her tender flesh into his mouth as possible, rubbing her clit with the flat of his tongue.
She’d braced herself on her elbows, watching him with a smug expression on her flushed face, and it was the hottest thing on earth. She was a demanding lover with very high expectations; a woman who knew exactly what she needed, and how to get it. When you got her looking at you like that…
“Oh fuu-huck,” Gillian moaned and threw her head back, nails digging into the mattress, bunching the sheet between her fingers.
… or moaning for you like that, you could consider yourself the luckiest guy on earth. Because this was… mind altering. Unbelievably fucking sexy.
His erection felt hot and gigantic between his pelvis and the mattress, pulsating with each heartbeat. He couldn’t help himself but grind it against the soft sheet, again and again, probably leaving one hell of a wet spot there.
Her hips bucked up against him, and he felt a new rush of her hot wetness on his lips that he greedily lapped up.
“Hmm,” David hummed, watching her in wonder.
A single strand of hair was now sticking on one side of her face, and he could see a soft layer of sweat glistening on her forehead. She was licking her lips, biting them, pouting, opening her mouth only to press her lips together a couple of seconds later, then opening it again for a low moan. There was so much happening on her face at once, he just couldn’t look away. With every lick and every suck, her expression changed.
Eventually, she opened her eyes again and met his gaze.
“So close,” he whispered. It wasn’t a question. “So beautiful.”
At the same time as she reached down, David reached up and took her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze and put both of their hands down beside her hip.
His other hand snuck under her thigh and lifted her leg over his shoulder and onto his back, surrounding himself with her almost completely before putting his mouth back on her pussy, gently nibbling and licking, building the tension once again.
Her chest heaved as she struggled to control her breathing. She squeezed her thighs around his head and lifted her hips, hoping he would get the cue.
He didn’t disappoint. Of course not.
His free hand snuck between her legs, and she could feel his thumb entering her as the rest of his hand came to a rest between her butt cheeks.
“Oh god,” Gillian whimpered as he started to draw his middle finger around her anus with gentle pressure, spreading her wetness all over it. “David… fuck.”
“Yeah, you like that, huh?” he said softly, his eyes not leaving her face anymore. This was going to be so, so good.
“Ye-hes,” she whimpered and bucked into his face, inner muscles clenching around his digit.
His tongue sliced back and forth, up and down and in circles over her pulsing clit, lips sucking rough and relentless.
“Ahh,” Gillian cried out, and he knew her release was lingering so, so close now.
He pressed his finger a little firmly against her anus, and suddenly, she was grabbing a handful of his hair, twisting it between her fingers while she squeezed his other hand, her whole body jerking.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, Dave- fuuuck,” she screamed, and he couldn’t do anything about it but enjoy and watch in awe as she came... so fucking hard.
It lasted longer than ever before, and when she finally slumped back onto the mattress with an exhausted groan, he slowly removed his hand and kissed her inner thighs, staying with her while she was calming down.
“Oh my god, oh god,” she breathed after a while and put both of her hands over her face, letting her leg slide off his shoulder.
Gillian completely zoned out for a couple of moments, and when she finally opened her eyes again, he was lying beside her again, a lopsided grin on his beautiful, slick lips.
“David,” Gillian whispered and turned towards him. His arm came around her waist and pulled her close to his chest.
“That was incredible,” he said and stroked the small of her back, feeling goosebumps rising underneath his fingertips. She was still incredibly warm, and so soft.
“That was loud,” she corrected and looked at him sheepishly, her forehead bumping against his'.
“Yeah,” he nodded, gently thrusting his erection against the soft skin of her belly. “We better save that for our vacation next time, huh?” David whispered and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
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thecomedicpenguin · 7 years
Reblog if you love and support Brickson
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Song recs needed, specifications in tags ✌🏼
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lucifer-hot-as-hell · 7 years
Dear lucifans, I apologize in advance that I might post a bit more about X-Files and gillovny trash in the future. I will keep the drama out… but I think I can’t help reblog some sweet things. Alien baby baby mama 😍😍😍
Let me tell you one thing: Gillian Anderson is the most underestimated goofball in the industry.
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justholdinghandsok · 6 years
Hello! I' new to Tumblr and frankly, to the David & Gillian thing even though I've been a fan for of the show and both foryears. I didn't realise anyone thought they were a couple until Tumblr so I'm genuinely curious - what do you base your theory on? I've never seen any photos, heard them say anything about it and no other forum I've been on talks about it like it's a thing etc., so I'm wondering where this came from? Am I missing something? x
Hey anon!, Welcome! First of all, it seems like you’re missing a whole section of the fandom and if you ask me, it’s the best one! Just check the Gillovny tag here, be careful to avoid the mean anti-Gillovny bloggers and the mentally unstable shippers who are going way too far, and I promise you’ll find a lot of informations on what you’re searching for and a safe place to discuss theories.
I could probably explain to you what lead me to believe they were a couple, but somehow, I feel like that’s a personal journey. I don’t feel like doing proselytism would be fair, and I don’t even think it would convince you anyway. You will have to be on the same page as everyone, watch the videos, read the interviews, and make your own opinion. 
So when you have a few hours (days!) to kill, there’s some youtube homework waiting for you. Here are some classics in no particular order:
Paley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Lc5OJJqT0
Paley BTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYVLKZQobTc
NYCC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tojlsX9DZck&t=3s
IBG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-cR_52vESw
SDCC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scnPMpDHmrM
Huffpost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXs9HNCxSqw
The sexual tension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmS8Y7fC2C0
The 1997 Golden Globes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PewAN7-hZ4
Basically all the interviews from the season 10 premiere red carpet : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N2MXijQd94&list=PL-seka_ePuHdlStWluPgldI_kOcd7y8J4&index=1
The infamous Kimmel: https://vimeo.com/157757734
The infamous Cutting Room concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wtBqWesrC8
There’s so many more that this list could be 10 times longer but I think that’s a good start. 
There’s also many interviews out there that you have to read, either they’re talking about their chemistry or they’re denying their relationship.Maybe their denials will convince you, but “I see Gillian, I kiss her hello. She’s my friend. ” or “Does David live in London? Does he live in London?” or “there’s more than an attraction but it’s not gonna happen” didn’t convince me.Just google “Gillovny interviews” or “Gillovny quotes” and you’ll find some interesting stuff.
Social media are a go to, too.
If that helps, I keep a timeline updated since 2016: http://justholdinghands.com/tagged/gillovny-timeline
There’s a Gillovny beginner guide: http://sunshine-today.com/post/140528528322/gillovny-a-beginners-guide
Read the Reddit AMa they did for the 20th anniversary of the Xfiles:  https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1oad13/gillian_anderson_here_ive_brought_david_duchovny/
Gillian’s Twitter is also very interesting. or at least it was between 2014 and 2016. I’m sure there’s a post with all their banters during this period, but I can’t put my hand on it, so here’s my three favorites :
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Okay, somebody stop me from spiraling and making this post longer than it already is!!!!!!!
Good luck anon!
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missezramay · 6 years
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just when I’m trying to get over them, they pull me back in.
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feuerkindjana · 6 years
I miss the good old times of nevergonnagetit and flatsorheels in the comment section of online tabloid trash. It was a ray of light and and a beacon of hope (also fun) to read their hints and insights (real or fake - I don't care). Right now I really could use some light as the dark times are threatening a come back. Or at least it seemed so for a moment. Anyways. I miss them. My stupid little heart enjoyed hunting down their comments.
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doctorscullbag · 6 years
I dreamt that my tumblr was flooded with pictures of Gillian and David on vacation on a small yacht. They were celebrating wrapping X files and they were in the water kissing. It was so nice and I’m a bit dissapointed it was just a dream.
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sembell · 6 years
I need MF so bad, let me tell you. Every single day I wish we could have it every day. Or that it was real. It's such a gift, and I can't thank you enough! Are you working on a new chapter? What are they up to? I was just watching David at Kimmel talking about The Bachlor. Do they have a show they like to watch together, too?
Ohh, I’m happy to hear that! I know how much it helps to flee into this tiny world, and yes, I’m working on the next chapter, and I hope I can finish it this week.A show they like to watch together? I’m not that familiar with US-shows, or GB-shows, but I just had to watch the first episode of the second season of “Mama June - From Not To Hot”, and I laughed my ass off. So that’s the trashy TV-show they loooove to watch to greasy take-out… but of course it’s a well kept secret :)
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thecomedicpenguin · 7 years
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alwaysforyouscully · 6 years
Since I was called out…
So let me start by saying I had no intent on offending anyone with my ‘behavior’ post but since it was called out (though not by name, only content) by a popular blogger in this fandom, a blogger I talked with many times while she was active on here, I would like to clarify a few things.
If you make even a cursory pass at my blog you’ll see not only am I Gillovny but I NEVER once said I believe Gillian is with Peter and I NEVER once said I believe David is with Monique. I think David and Gillian are a couple, never wavered. I have also been vocal on the fact that I believe both David and Gillian have made some mistakes in regards to their public images and how they interact with the fandom recently.
With that said, my post was directed at the constant wave of anons set on reminding me that Gillovny is dead, D & G are with other people and that I’m being disrespectful. So part of my post (the part called facts by the blogger) was sarcastic or 'tongue in cheek’, really just reflecting their words back on the anons.
Anons claim G is with PM, if she is why post like she does. To me posts about a co-star “eating my muffin” is disrespectful to her partner. Just remember, I think she is with DD so that 'fact’ should put this part of the post in context. She posts like she does because she IS with David and not disrespecting anyone.
This same argument applies my comments about MP being DD girlfriend. Not only do I not believe they are a couple, I actually think they are related. Many bloggers here can vouch for this since I have had multiple conversations about it via private message.
Finally, part of that post calls out D&G for their behavior. I do not support Gillian’s current PR. My comment about exposing herself was once again directed at the anons claiming she was on romantic holiday with her boyfriend, really? How can you not know what I wrote was sarcastic? But why she did it, is what bothers me.
Same for David, this whole MP business could have been stopped months ago. The blogger said D&G know what’s said on SM, so why not just tell MP not to post about Brick, parties at a house rented by DD, her trips to VC and not to accept follow requests. After all she’s not his GF. The 'Dirty old man’ comment seemed to strick a nerve with the blogger. Well anyone in the fandom as of late, even Gillovnys find his behavior suspect and many actually believe they are together. David is smart, sweet and kind but he can be an arrogant asshole when cornered (don’t send hate, he calls himself an asshole). He has worked really had to clean up his image and in Hollywood today ANY hint that his has influence over a young girl is bad for him. No matter how the pics and video got out there, he was actually in public with her multiple times and he chooses to continue to do so. He’s not going to comment because he’s done nothing wrong, he’ll stand his ground and basically flip us the bird. And if anyone that saw that video (and we saw it) didn’t cringe a little and think wtf, well they’re are probably not telling the truth.
Brick’s SM is wrong and there is not part of it that I agree with. If David wants to promote his projects then he should use his own account. Oh and Brick (and I mean whoever is running his account) did post about GAs Emmy look, that is a fact and MP does walk Brick, that is a fact. So to the anons, my post wanted to know why its okay for Brick to post that about G looking hot, if MP was indeed David’s GF.
I waited to post this to see if I felt the same way about the blogger’s post as when I first read it, well I do, of all the crap posted, my comments are suddenly that terrible? My post was harsh, crude and reflected my opinion on how I feel about what’s happening. I don’t apologize for that. To my mutuals (some have posted comments on this bloggers post, saying they agree with her) I meant no disrespect to you or your feelings towards David or Gillian.
We all just want the X-Files and S11 or at least that’s what I want. That’s what started this fandom in the first place. There would be no Gillovny without the X-Files. I made a comment on my original post, saying that D & G have something unique in that they still have fans after 24 yrs, that’s something to latch onto, not stomp on. I just wish they saw it that way.
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sunshinetoday · 7 years
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Some highlights of Orlando Jones’s Twitter
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