#gilli merlin
genderfunky-lesbian · 29 days
im starting a “your comfort character died or fucked off in the episode theyre introduced” club
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vampyreblogger · 1 year
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mischiefandspirits · 1 year
“You… assisted me in my fight against the bandits. For that, you have my thanks. I’m an honorable man and I repay my debts. Leave now and I will not hunt you.”
“Assisted? I’m pretty sure I saved your life.”
“I had the situation perfec- Are you trying to make me reconsider letting you go?”
It was supposed to be a one time thing. Arthur let the sorcerer run off with his life in return for him saving Arthur’s. He had never expected to see the boy again, especially not only two days later in Gaius’s chambers.
Chapter 42: The Sorcerer's Shadow
“Well, thanks again. I’m -”
“Merlin. That’s me,” he chuckled, gesturing towards the door.
“I’m Gilli.”
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xviruserrorx · 9 months
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nimrism · 3 months
i still can't believe merlin chose to reveal he had magic to the most random person on the planet who he had only known for a day (gilli in "the sorcerer's shadow") but NOT to morgana when she needed it most... by the time morgana figured out she had magic, her and merlin's friendship was already at a point where he could trust her with something like this, and he had already seen her stance on magic through the way she risked everything for mordred (a DRUID, aka a magical being). hell, she straight up said "what if [magic] chooses you?" to his FACE. he really had nothing to lose and morgana had everything to gain by him telling her he had magic too, and being there for her when she needed it. but nOoOoo merlin just HAD to listen to the overgrown basement gecko and keep it a secret. which i wouldn't really mind had he not gone and revealed that very same secret to a perfect stranger a season later. it just makes no sense whatsoever that he'd keep his magic a secret from morgana and refrain from helping her then turn around and show GILLI of all people that he had magic.
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BBC Merlin is a tragedy in that Merlin's choices that were all to save Arthur's life led to Arthur's death, but that doesn't mean it was all for nothing!! The events across their 10 years together led to a new world order which eventually brought about everything they had worked towards!! PLUS THEIR RELATIONSHIP BROUGHT JOY AND MEANING TO BOTH OF THEIR LIVES!! That means something!! GUYS!! listen guys that MEANS SOMETHING!!
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poisonedfate · 1 month
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bbc merlin - 03x11 The Sorcerer's Shadow
you're special
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cabbageheadss · 1 year
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"Then you understand why I have to fight. If Uther is killed, so what? How many of our kind have died at his hands? How many more will? It's time those with magic fought back!"
MERLIN BINGO 2023 @merlinbingo​ prompt: Gilli
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punkxcalibur · 9 months
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muchmossymess · 4 months
Merlin: It's... lonely... to.. be more powerful than any man you know and have to live like a shadow, to be special and have to pretend you're a fool. I know how it feels. I understand
Gilli: The you understand why I have to fight. If Uther is killed, so what? How many of our kind have died at his hands? How many more will? It's time those with magic fought back.
Merlin: Gilli-
Gilli: You can't tell me what to do!
Merlin: You need to learn to use your magic for good. That is its true purpose. It's not meant for your own vanity.
Gilli: I'm not gonna apologise for who I am! You can be a servant and pretend you're less than them, but I'm not-
Merlin: No that's not what I do!
Gilli: No? You're defending the king, protecting a man that would have you dead
Merlin: I'm protecting you!
Gilli: You've been pretending for so long now that youce actually forgotten who you are
Merlin: That's not true
Gilli: Isn't it?
Merlin: No.
Gilli: It's time someone struck a blow for the likes of you and me. And if you're too weak, then I will.
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centurieslove · 7 months
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the mutuals have spoken I've finally crossed a line
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xviruserrorx · 6 months
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- Devil's Spoke by Laura Marling | For Day 3 of @merlinrarepairfest
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
You know what I wish we'd seen?
More positive actively involved magic users.
Like, we know the Druids support Emrys, though they seem more like a pacifist, non-combatant party (aside from some outliers like Kara, Mordred, Alvarr), and other magic users/beings like Anhora, Grettir, Mab, they all seem to be neutral. They acknowledge Emrys as a superior power, but they don't seem to actively participate for better or worse. And all other sorcerers are usually antagonistic. But why can't we have the other side? I'm sure there has to be some who decide to take Merlin's side. Maybe they don't entirely trust Arthur, maybe they aren't too certain of a Pendragon, but dude, it's fucking Emrys. If Emrys is supporting him, there's gotta be something to him, right?
Let Merlin have people helping him, other sorcerers who slip him spells that are too powerful for them, maybe he can do something with it, passing him information about plots they've heard through the sorcerers' grapevine, even helping him thwart some of the ambushes and traps. Maybe they aren't brave enough to live in Camelot 24/7 like Merlin, but they take turns bringing him messages and supplies, and to get their "marching orders," such as they are.
Also, imagine the look on Arthur's face when he finds out he has a magic Praetorian Guard that answers to his manservant.
yeah see, that's one of the big issues that's always bothered me. like we (the audience) are told that magic is not evil but rather is something as integral as nature. but more often than not, a lot of the antagonist we meet are magic users and most of the time they are power hungry people. i mean, i totally understand the sorcerers who seek out revenge for Uther and by proxy Camelot, but we only either get these types of sorcerers or the sorcerers whom the show portrays as only evil.
it is, frankly, impossible for the magic community to be full of only evil and vengeful sorcerers. there's got to be more diversity than that, bbc 🙄 you're telling me that there are no somewhat powerful magic users living in Albion helping others anyway they can and don't seek to help aid Merlin in anyway. and i mean aid him since s1. by s5 it looked like he was actually getting some help, but they were still sorcerers who fell a little bit in the gray area or just never interacted with anyone other than Merlin.
maybe have Lancelot befriend another sorcerer while he was away from Camelot and sort of sneak him in to help save the kingdom from Morgana and Morgause in s3. maybe Elyan, who had left Camelot pre-s1, have some magic friends that we meet in s4.
tbh, my big issue is that with how much the show tells us, the audience, that magic does have positive impacts and isn't evil, none of the characters besides Gaius, Merlin, and Lancelot actually know that (as far as i'm aware). literally any time Arthur considers that maybe magic isn't what his father claimed it to be, he ends up going back to those prejudices and ideas Uther propagated because "magic killed my father," "magic killed my mother" (still super salty), "magic corrupted morgana," "magic wants me dead." when in reality, that's far from the truth, and Merlin then has to continue to hide a part of himself from people he cares for and loves dearly because all they've ever known and seen is "evil magic people."
just....bbc, explain to me how Arthur was supposed to bring the so-called "Golden Age" to Albion where there's peace between magic users and non-magic users alike if he, himself, believed magic was inherently evil???? how is Arthur the Once and Future King if he never repealed the ban on magic or began working with sorcerers? and i'm saying this as someone who loves the character, but why did we, the audience, not get a chance to really see Arthur break away from his father's prejudices on magic until the series finale?
it just bugs me. there are so many moments where it looks like maybe Merlin has an ally that's pro-magic and pro-unity and wants to help fulfill the prophecy, but then they either become one-time side characters or fucking die. never seen or heard from again. maybe i just want a character or two to stick and maybe give Merlin the support group he needs?
por favor, bbc
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seeing Merlin act like an older brother to Mordred (in s1 ep8), Gilli and Daegal is beautiful
I officially induct him into the older sibling hall of fame 🏅 😌🦋
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genderfunky-lesbian · 2 years
take my quiz or no strawberries for freya /j
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chaos-has-theories · 2 years
Yesterday my roommate said that Arthur talks like he's constantly picking the wrong option in a dating sim
and I don't think I'll ever stop thinking about that
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