#geological feature
giaffa · 1 year
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friulian legend of the karst // limestones around Trieste // Torrioni di Monrupino // Rosandra Valley Reserve
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alluneedissunshine · 2 years
Huangshan : Early spring morning . . . 黃山早春 by Clement Tang Via Flickr: This image is included in a gallery "Landscapes" curated by Dave Williams (imageryaspects). Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) is a jagged range of more than 70 knifelike peaks in eastern China’s Anhui province. The region's low-hanging clouds, distinctively shaped granite rocks and twisted pine trees have been subjects of numerous classical paintings and poems. Cable cars provide access to several peaks, and steep paved trails with thousands of stone steps snake past many of the range's famous viewpoints. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of China's major tourist destinations. This is a hand-held HDR image taken near Yungu Ropeway on a gloomy spring morning. There is still ice on the cliff face. The whole area is very picturesque - like scenes in a classical Chinese painting. In addition, the pale yellow-orange colour in the distant sky is surrealistically beautiful. 黃山位於中國安徽省南部黃山市境內。黃山古稱黟山,南北長約40���米,東西寬約30千米。黃山素以「奇松、怪石、雲海、溫泉」四絕聞名天下。那72峰、24溪、2湖、3瀑,峰峰奇特,溪溪曲折、極盡天下山水之美,更聚名山大川之勝。黃山最高峰是蓮花峰,海拔1860米 ,位 於黃山中部、站在玉屏樓向前望去, 猶如一朵含苞初放的蓮花, 峻峭高聳, 仰天怒放。晴天從蓮花峰頂可遙見江西的廬山和似帶的長江。黃山三大主峰之一的天都峰,與蓮花峰爭雄對峙。它位於黃山東南部,人稱無上之都會, 海拔1829米、從玉屏樓至天都峰約15千米,其間有黃山最險峻的峰嶺,峰上的石樓,坡度都在70度以上;尤以中途的鯽魚背最險。 此圖攝於雲谷索道站附近, 請問有人知道景點名稱是甚麽? (Explored: Jul 15, 2022 #32)
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spotforme · 1 month
okay so in better than life i think Rimmer says "How on Titan are you gonna pay for that" and i find it pretty interesting, Titan is one of Saturn's moons, now maybe Titan was the last place they stopped at before everyone died so that's why he uses that version of the expression, the place is fresh on his mind and all that, or maybe he ended up on Titan sometime after his divorse and that's why he thinks of it like Earth (in saying the expression like that)
before this continues i'm just gonna say that i will be rambling and nothing else
this is quite early in the show so it hasn't had much time to contredict itsef yet so i'm thinking i can think anything i want about the timeline at the moment. so i'm thinking, remember this is all just bonkers speculation that i find fun that makes about as much sence as the show itself, that Rimmer lived on Titan for a while, not a long while because he doesn't have much time between the devorce and joining JMC, and i know he got previleges to the family dog which means he should've been able to visit Jupiter on regular basis but let's just say he got bored or his family drove him off even further or whatever. point is he made a little life for himself on Titan, maybe a few months, maybe three years, it doesn't matter, but i think it would be interesting what could happen when Rimmer with his peculiarities runs off to another planet's moon and has to adjust to a new society. i have seen a lit of fics where Io is just this 300 years late to modern norms homophobic untrusting society with girls' home strictness levels, and it's pretty funny that so many people have come to that same conclusion even though i've hardly seen any discussion about it (Rimsy's piece of shit family's out there inventing stereotypes for all Ioians lol) back to the point. knowing Rimmer he'd likely feel superior for the upbringing he had and be pompous using his family's achievements as his own, so even if Titan had a chill athmosphere he would likely not get on there either because he just has to be him, and any culture differences might feel like super big deals to him which doesn't help him get comfortable much, probably just fuels his 'out of place' 'never belonging' thing he has made for himself. i'm kindof in a battle with myself now about if he would even get a job, if he would apply for one, like would he go to a coffe parlour and ask for a job where he has to clean the dishes and whatnot when there's no chanse of becoming an officer? maybe if he needed money, i wish i knew how much he had to spare for monthly spending. if he had no need for money then what could he be doing all day, he had to stumble into JMC's workforce sometime. i still believe it most likely that he went straight to them from Io and has been in space sence (except for what little leave they're allowed) but this is a though and i'm skipping with is, okay. another interesting thing about Titan is that it's orbiting the same planet as Mimas, and we all know how gruffy Mimas is. anyway that knowlege just makes my brain bloom with hideous ideas. more likely i think is that he just went there on shore leave and it was a memorable place, it seems pretty from the pictures i've seen so maybe it's just one of the only calming places for him that he yearns to know the tranquility of again, but i've got no bases for that except that it's got a pretty atmosphere.
right-o this end my pointless rant brought on by one singular line, for now at least
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iamthepulta · 2 days
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Caving went great! It was so much fun to rappel down and immediately get a glimpse of fantastic (if often broken) features. The rest of the cave was more fault-based and maze-like. Most of our time was spent moving diagonally on fault scarp clay (slipperiest shit I have EVER been on) and rappelling out (possibly the hardest climb up a fault scarp I have ever made lol).
Bottom left pic was taken three inches away on my belly in the entrance crawlspace. I was so happy to see little active formations so close.
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vounoura · 2 months
I love placing fantasy worlds in completely different time periods bc a lot of things that are cool get incredibly funny in a modern context
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aldieb · 11 months
accidentally went to moraine ohio today. she was not there
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zillyeh · 8 months
do u ever thibk about volcanoes
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unopenablebox · 1 year
ive decided to have a new autoblock criterion and it’s talking about a natural geological or biological process as though it in some way involves “an elder god”
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bitchfitch · 1 year
I feel like once everything is said and done and Arlo and Conall have moved out of the hill, Haze is going to need to be physically stopped from Immediately telling Arlo what influencers are, and also what apology videos are. Bc like, those 2 do not get a long 80% of the time, but in this, they would be united on the sheer amount of chaos that could be caused by Arlo coming clean about what the actual fuck was going on with the hill.
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seekerstone · 1 year
who wants to go to the grand canyon w/ me so i can gush abt all the rocks 🥺🥺 i’ll recite the wikipedia page for it SO well you don’t even understand
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newmic · 1 year
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niamnomas · 2 years
My island is called Lil’ Peach I’ve spent like 500 hrs on it I’m pretty proud of it 🥹
My dream code is DA-3941-9336-9100 shoot me a message if u ever visit!
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whales-are-gay · 2 years
wow. volcanic geologic features are so cool
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climbingbitch · 16 days
what's your favorite geologic feature
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i just love dykes <3
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overlanderafrica999 · 7 months
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iamthepulta · 7 months
I discovered offhandedly that there's a city called Ellenville, New York. But there's no mining town name I could possibly come up with that hasn't already been created, so c'est la vie, lol.
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