#gen swan
kabishkat19 · 29 days
Barbie NextGen🦢
(Swan Lake)
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Amelia (13)
Grace (9)
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girlkisser25 · 2 days
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girls when they turn 13
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dustbon · 2 months
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The Proposal 1/2 💍
No, not the movie. Alban decided to take out Maira into another date to pop the big question, but a sudden belly growth set a different tone for the night. Maira outshined the event of the night by breaking out the big news to Al, and he's not mad at all. Nooboo on the way!
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psychogirly · 2 years
my girls♡
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Hello! Been reading your twilight posts recentlt and was wondering what you think might have happened if James had killed Emmett in the ballet studio, particularly how it would have affected Rosalie/her dynamic with the Cullens?
Bella feels horribly guilty to learn that her stupid plan to save her mother (who had not been kidnapped) as well as the fact that she drew James's attention in the first place (which would not have happened had she not intruded in the Cullen's world where she feels she doesn't belong) got someone killed. Not just someone, either, but one of the Cullens, Edward's beloved brother, and Emmett who seemed so nice for all she didn't know him that well.
Bella is devastated and feels increadibly guilty and horrible.
This is made worse by Rosalie's (understandable if not ideal) reaction where I imagine she blames Bella to her face. This never would have happened if Bella had not been involved in their lives, not come to that baseball game, or if they hadn't saved her from that stupid van/killed her the night after like Rosalie wanted to. Rosalie feels as if she's traded Emmett for Bella and she hates that.
Edward of course blames Rosalie for having the worst reaction possible and actively driving Bella into a depression.
I imagine Rosalie leaves, Edward clearly isn't leaving Bella (as I imagine he'd want to hold on a little longer/this wouldn't be the New Moon wakeup call for him) and she wants time on her own to grieve/not get into fights with Edward over whose fault it is that Emmett died. No doubt Rosalie also blames the family somewhat as if they had sided with her and chosen not to protect Bella, Emmett would be alive. It's understandable why they wanted to protect Bella but it also was dangerous and risked someone dying for what. Rosalie needs some time to process alone.
Bella now feels she's driven Rosalie out of the family, this makes her guilt even worse.
I imagine Bella actively tries to avoid the Cullen household that summer (unlike canon) as being there reminds Bella of what happened/she believes it reminds the Cullens of what happened...
Honestly, I think Bella dumps Edward. She tries to hang on to him but as the weeks go by and his family is clearly falling apart, and it's all her fault, and he's sitting there being so sweet when she just effectively murdered his brother...
I don't think Bella could do it, it'd be too much and she'd double down on "Edward deserves better than me". Especially when she can justify that Edward can't read her thoughts, he's clearly too good to ever blame her when she deserves it, and she can say to herself "Edward doesn't realize how awful of a person I am."
So, Bella breaks up with him so that he can have someone better, his family can move, and they can heal. Edward is shocked and horrified but in the midst of his despair and depression remembers that this was what he wanted, he wanted to leave Bella eventually and her doing it versus him might be better. So, Edward leaves immediately and steals all her pictures/every gift he ever gave her.
Bella sinks into her New Moon depression immediately (made worse by Emmett's death and the fact that Bella did this herself and now is weak for wanting to take back her decision and oh god she's the worst person on the planet).
The Hallucination Edward times are even more fraught as Bella feels doubly guilty in that she shouldn't want to summon Edward and yet she can't live without him. I imagine this results in even riskier behavior as Bella genuinely thinks she should die and gets closer and closer to actively wanting it.
Bella probably succeeds in killing herself.
(The Jacob thing here... I don't know if he could help because the thing is Bella despises herself so much/feels so guilty and Jacob has no context for understanding this even if he becomes a wolf (added that Bella now is responsible for people dying because Victoria is actively hunting her) that I don't think Bella can use her friendship with him to claw her way out of depression.
He'd probably just make her feel worse given he shifted because of Victoria which is because of her and have we mentioned Emmett is dead?)
I imagine Alice does not tell Rosalie in part because Rosalie's not near her when it happens also because... well... bad history and Alice blames Rosalie for this mess.
This means no one tells Edward.
Edward's suicide is thus put off for as long as he feels he can live without Bella. When he breaks and goes to check on her, he discovers she's died and goes to Volterra to kill himself where no one is able to stop him from breaking the law.
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but you see, it’s like, nobody’s fucking business
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princess-ibri · 9 months
Since I already did a practice comic based on Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, (well Maleficent) I figured I'd round it out and do one for Snow White this time :)
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Still getting a feel for typography/speech bubbles but we'll get there 👍
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keithsandwich · 19 days
Btw, yesterday I had a dream and now Aster's crest is a white dragon.
Enabled by @olivermorningstar and @bicayaya
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kabishkat19 · 10 months
Daughters of Snow White🖤
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Apple : You’re saying your mothers don’t mind you not following her destiny?
Summer (Oc) : My mother says as long as I’m happy, she’s very supportive
Emma : she’s made some mistakes but she wants what’s best for me… even if that’s marrying a pirate
Snow Jr : My mother was sacred that I would follow her destiny
References :
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Ouat Next Gen (Part 1);
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Henry Mills.
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Jacinda Vidrio (also known as Jacinda Mills, Ella Mills, Cinderella, etc).
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Lucy Mills.
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Grace Hightop.
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Violet Morgan.
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Gretel Ava Zimmer.
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Hansel Nicholas Zimmer.
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Wendy Darling.
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Alice Jones || (but as a Captain Swan baby).
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Hope Swan Jones.
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Neal 'Leo' Nolan.
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Gideon Gold.
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Margot Hood-Mills.
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Roland Hood.
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Prince Philip || (aka P.J).
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Alexandra Boyd.
Look, I'm not the biggest fan of season 7 but I am a fan of a couple of the characters. So. Here we are. This is canon divergent because in this version of adult Henry is main Henry and Lucy is his daughter. Alice is Hope's twin here. Robin didn't die. And the descendants characters may or may not exist in this world (I haven't decided yet). Inspired by @ouatnextgen .
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wqangel6 · 2 years
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hot girls do collages when they feel like shit
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dustbon · 2 months
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At this point it's only them in the world
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cigaretteaddictdiaries · 10 months
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heroin chique.
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girlkisser25 · 2 days
hi ! im moth
airbuds ⋆ pinterest ⋆ spotify
- fourteen, black latina
- i reallyyy like the l word, the last of us, arcane and american horror story
- fav artists chappell roan, taylor swift, ethel cain, adrienne lenker, mitski, fiona apple
- fav bands deftones, fleetwood mac, the cranberries
- fav movies/series donnie darko, bones and all, the l word, american horror story, hilda furacão(hilda hurricane)
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your-blorbos-are-queer · 11 months
character pride icons pt. 34: monster high + ever after high (again!)
queer headcanons
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monster high: neighthan rot - pansexual | clawdeen wolf - lesbian
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ever after high: duchess swan - bisexual | crystal winter - sapphic | humphrey dumpty - gay
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raven queen + briar beauty - bisexual | faybelle thorn - sapphic
bonus! pride flags color-picked from the characters
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feel free to use these for any non-commercial purpose, as long as proper credit is given!
if you'd like to see a different combination of character + flag, my ask box is always open for requests
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sarcasticthot-blog · 2 years
As a gen-zer it’s so funny how smeyer wrote a book literally encapsulating gen-z before we had evolved as a generation. She wrote ab a teenage girl who has no respect for her life, has para-suicidal tendencies, and obsessively falls in love w a guy who initially seems repulsed by her then saves her life and constantly has the urge to kill her. We hate on Bella, but we are her.
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